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Sediment cores containing different densities of Chironomus plumosus, ranging from 0 to 12 000 ind. m–2, were incubated in the laboratory, with 100 and 39% O2 saturation in the overlying water. Rates of O2 uptake, and fluxes of the various inorganic N species were measured after addition of 15NO inf3 su– to the overlying water. The animals enhanced O2 and NO inf3 su– uptake, due to irrigation. Denitrification of NO inf3 su– coming from the overlying water (Dw) and dissimilatory NO inf3 su– reduction to NH inf4 sup+ (DNRA) represented 20–30 and 4–10% of the NO inf3 su– uptake, respectively. Only 20–40% of the measured NH inf4 sup+ effluxes corresponded to DNRA, the rest was probably due to animal excretion. Nitrite production, mostly from dissimilatory NO inf3 sup– reduction, was detected at both 39 and 100% oxygen saturation. Higher rates of NO inf2 su– production at the lower oxygen concentrations, were probably due to a thinner oxic layer, compared to fully oxygenated waters. The presence of Chironomus plumosus increased nitrification rates, relative to non-inhabited microcosms. However, nitrification rates were low compared to Dw, probably due to low numbers of nitrifiers in the sediment. At 39% oxygen saturation, rates of nitrification and denitrification of NO inf3 su– generated within the sediment were not measurable.  相似文献   

The importance of Chironomus plumosus larvae onbenthic metabolism and nutrient exchange across thesediment–water interface was evaluated in a shalloweutrophic lake (Lake Arreskov, Denmark) following aphytoplankton sedimentation. Chironomus plumosuslarvae were added to laboratory sediment microcosms,corresponding to a density of 2825 larvae m−2.Non-inhabited microcosms served as controls. Asedimentation pulse of organic matter was simulated byadding fresh algal material (Chlamydomonasreinhardii) to sediment cores (36 g dryweight m−2). The mineralization was followed bymeasuring fluxes of O2, CO2, dissolvedinorganic nitrogen and phosphate. A rapid clearance ofalgae from the water column in faunated microcosmssuggested that chironomids may be of major importancein controlling phytoplankton concentrations in shalloweutrophic lakes. Chironomids increased the sedimentO2 uptake ≈ 3 times more than what wouldbe expected from their own respiration, indicating astimulation of microbial activity and decomposition oforganic matter in the sediment. Addition of algaeenhanced the release of CO2, NH+ 4 ando-P. The excess inorganic C, N and P released inamended non-inhabited sediment after 36 dayscorresponded to 65, 31 and 58% of the C, N and P inthe added algae. In sediment inhabited by Chironomus plumosus the corresponding numbers were147, 45 and 73%, indicating that mineralization oforganic matter also from the indigenous sediment poolwas stimulated by chironomids. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Svensson  Jonas M. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,361(1-3):157-168
Bythotrephes invaded Harp Lake, Ontario, Canada, in the early 1990s. Here we describe seasonal changes in the size, abundance and life history of the invader. The weight of Bythotrephes could be accurately estimated (r2 =0.90) from the length of its body and the state of development of its brood, but substantial (22%) corrections for shrinkage in sugarformalin were required. The seasonality of the size and abundance of Bythotrephes was apparently regulated by the interaction of fish predation, temperature-mediated growth, the availability of the invader's prey, and switches in its reproductive biology. The vernal increase in the growth of the Bythotrephes population lagged behind increases in water temperature and abundances of preferred prey, most probably because of predation by lake herring (Coregonus artedi). Bythotrephes abundance increased rapidly in early July; however, the population maximum was brief. After the abundance of their preferred prey crashed in mid-July, Bythotrephes body size declined, and adult females switched from parthenogenic to resting egg production. Population size declined in consequence. In the summer, female Bythotrephes committed most of their energy to growth between instar I and II, but to egg production for instars II and III. The biology of the Harp Lake population differed from that observed in other recently invaded lakes in several ways – the lag in population growth in the spring, the small change in body size between instars II and III, the decline in body size in August, and the co-incident switch by mature females to resting egg production. These inter-lake differences in biology indicate we have more to learn about Bythotrephes before we can predict its influence on the inland lakes of North America.  相似文献   


Surface sediments drawn from 10 shallow bays have been subjected to selective extraction in order to sub-divide the total P content into sub-categories such as water soluble P, Ca-P, Al-P and Fe-P. The reagents selected were similar to systems used in soil analysis, but evaluation of the procedures showed that the species values varied with time of extraction, weight of sediment taken, volume of extradant and chemical nature of the sediment. In water extractions, the P levels appeared to be determined by saturation with a sparingly soluble salt, while in acidic media P extract levels peaked (using different experimental conditions) due to loss of extracted P as a new phase (e.g. CaHPO4) or through re-adsorption on other components.

The optimum conditions for P speciation in sediments must be determined from a series of preliminary studies because each of the five sediments studied in detail displayed individual characteristic behaviour.  相似文献   

4th instar Chironomus plumosus larvae (about 1000·m–2) were added to tubes containing sediment and overlying water. At a temperature of 20°C the larvae greatly increased the trasnport of silica, phosphorus and iron from the sediment to the water. Oxygen concentrations did not influence the exchange of silica. For two non-calcareous sediments the exchange of phosphorus and iron was much higher under anaerobic than under aerobic conditions while the difference was small for sediment from a hardwater lake. Exchange of inorganic nitrogen was little influenced by added chironomid larvae.  相似文献   

After a reduction of the external phosphorus loading to a lake, an internal loading from the sediments may delay the improvement of the water quality. The accepted method to combat internal loading is careful dredging of the upper sediment layers (Cooke et al., 1986), but this method is costly and time consuming. Addition of phosphorus binding agents to the sediments might offer an alternative. In the Netherlands the use of aluminum compounds, the most common phosphorus binding agent, for water quality improvement purposes is not favoured. Therefore a sediment treatment with a solution of iron(III)chloride was tested. Iron was chosen because it is considered to be a natural binder of phosphate. 100 g m–2 of Fe3+ were added to the sediments of the shallow (1.75 m average depth) and eutrophic Lake Groot Vogelenzang (The Netherlands) in October and November 1989. The iron(III)chloride solution was diluted 100 times with lake water and mixed with the surface sediments with a water jet.Following the addition the concentrations of total phosphorus (Fig. 1), chlorophyll-a and suspended solids decreased. This improvement of the water quality lasted for three months. After this time the total phosphorus concentration increased again, but remained at a lower level than in spring and summer of 1989. The phosphorus release rate from the sediments as measured from intact sediment cores decreased from 4 to 1.2 mg P m–2 d–1 (n = 5), and the bioavailability of the sediment phosphorus, as measured with bioassays, decreased from 34 to 23% (n = 5) shortly after the treatment. One year after the treatment the release rate was increased to 3 mg P m–2 d–1 (n = 5). Before treatment, the lake was thought to have a residence time of over one year. However, the chloride added to the lake disappeared according to a dilution rate of 0.03 d–1 or a retention time of about 35 days. A high external loading due to rapid flushing with phosphorus-rich water from surrounding lakes possibly prevented a more durable improvement in water quality. Another possibility is that the iron addition has lost its phosphate binding capacity due to reduction or binding with other anions like carbonate or sulphide. Therefore the suitability of the method to reduce internal loading and especially the long term availability of added iron to bind phosphorus needs additional proof.The treatment of the 18 ha area of Lake Groot Vogelenzang took three weeks. The operational costs were about US$ 125000. This is fast and cheap compared to dredging. Application of the technique is limited to those cases where the sediments are not polluted with micro-pollutants and the water depth need not be increased.  相似文献   

Hansen  Jonas  Reitzel  Kasper  Jensen  Henning S.  Andersen  Frede Ø. 《Hydrobiologia》2003,492(1-3):139-149
The effects of oxygen, aluminum, iron and nitrate additions on phosphate release from the sediment were evaluated in the softwater Lake Vedsted, Denmark, by a 34-day experiment with undisturbed sediment cores. Six treatments were applied: (1) Control - O2 (0–20% saturation), (2) O2 (100% saturation) (3) Al3+ – O2, (4) Fe3+ + O2, (5) Fe3+ – O2, and (6) NO3 – O2. Al2(SO4)3*18 H2O and FeCl3*4H2O were added in amounts that theoretically should immobilize the exchangeable P-pool in the top 5 cm of the sediment, while sodium nitrate concentrations were increased to 5 mg N l–1. The four treatments with metals or NO3 reduced the P efflux from the sediment significantly as compared to the suboxic control treatment. Mean accumulated P-release rates for suboxic treatments with Al3+, Fe3+, and NO3 were: –0.27 mmol m–2 (st. dev = 0.02 mmol m–2, N = 5), 0.58 mmol m–2 (st. dev = 0.30 mmol m–2, N = 5) and 1.40 mmol m–2 (st. dev = 0.14 mmol m–2, N = 5), respectively. The oxic treatment with Fe3+ had a P efflux of 0.36 mmol m–2 (st. dev = 0.08 mmol m–2, N = 5). The two highest P-release rates were observed in the control treatment and the treatment with O2 (14.50 mmol m–2 (st. dev = 3.90 mmol m–2, N = 5) and 2.31 mmol m–2 (st. dev = 0.80 mmol m–2, N = 5), respectively). In order to identify changes in the P and Fe binding sites in the sediment as caused by the treatments, a sequential P extraction procedure was applied on the sediment before and after the efflux experiment. Addition of O2, Fe3+ and NO3 to the sediment increased the amounts of oxidized Fe3+ and PBD. Al3+ addition resulted in a lower fraction of PBD but a correspondingly higher fraction of Al-bound P. Addition of Al3+ decreased the Fe-efflux from the suboxic sediment as well as the amount of oxidized Fe3+ in the sediment. This questions the use of Al compounds that contain sulfate because of the possible formation of FeS, which will restrict upward migration of Fe2+ and the formation of new Fe-oxides in the surface sediment. Instead, we suggest the use of AlCl3 for lake restoration purposes.  相似文献   

Doremus  Craig  Clesceri  Lenore S. 《Hydrobiologia》1982,91(1):261-268
Rapid microbial metabolism and a large phosphorus uptake potential were observed in surface sediments of Lake George, New York. This sediment (termed the flocculent layer) also exhibited a phosphorus limited condition and a large reservoir of inorganic phosphorus associated with humic substances. These observations suggest that the empirically observed phosphorus retention in oligotrophic lake sediments may be promoted by a rapid cycling of phosphorus between microflora and its associated organic matter.  相似文献   

Cerbin  S.  Balayla  D. J.  Van de Bund  W. J. 《Hydrobiologia》2003,494(1-3):111-117
Groundwater is a major influence on the hydrological, chemical and thermal regime of chalk streams in the southern U.K. However, little is currently known about the nature of the sediment delivery system within these chalk stream systems, even though sediment-related problems have been increasingly cited as a cause of habitat degradation and of declining salmonid stocks. To address this knowledge gap, suspended sediment fluxes were monitored at 4 sites within the Hampshire Avon catchment between February 1999 and August 2000. Maximum suspended sediment concentrations ranged from nearly 45 mg l–1 to 260 mg l–1. Over the study period, annual suspended sediment loads ranged from 644 to 6215 t yr–1 and annual specific sediment yields ranged from 1.4 to 12.5 t km–2 yr–1. The results show that, relative to other U.K. rivers, the study chalk streams are characterised by low suspended sediment concentrations and loads and less episodic behaviour.  相似文献   

The surficial sediment (0–10 cm) of shallow eutrophic Lake Võrtsjärv (Estonia) was characterized by an acid insoluble residue of 50% dry weight and low nutrient, Fe and Mn content. Among phosphorus (P) fractions (Hieltjes and Lijklema , 1980), NaOH-NRP amounted on an average to 50%, HCl-RP to 30%, NaOH-RP to 16%, and NH4Cl-RP to 4% of their sum. Seasonal changes in sediment P content were inconsistent with mass balance calculations and could be attributed to sediment redistribution caused by decreasing water level. High Fe/P ratio (26–30) and the aeration of surficial sediment by frequent resuspension kept phosphate adsorbed. Low pore-water SRP (commonly <10 μg l−1) usually prevented phosphate release from surficial sediment. However, a storm in September 1996 (max. wind speed 16 m s−1) which coincided with the extremely low water level in the lake (mean depth 1.44 m), denuded deeper anoxic sediment layers and caused a SRP release of 193 mg P m−2 d−1.  相似文献   

Release of phosphate from, and adsorption ontosediments is calculated as a chemical equilibriumbetween dissolved o-phosphate and two solidphosphates, i.e. iron- and calcium-bound phosphate.Organic phosphates play a minor role, if any at all.Using chemical equilibrium equations, the distributionof the two solid inorganic phosphates is calculatedfrom the accumulated phosphate quantity as function oftime and depth in sediment layers of shallow lakes orwetlands. It is shown that this distribution dependson water depth, pH, Ca2+ concentration in thewater, Fe(OOH) concentration in the sediments andmaximal binding capacity of the sediments. Bycomparing values of dissolved phosphate at differentpH values, it is shown that acidification, whichusually takes place in hypolimnia, will cause releaseof phosphate, which is not necessarily dependent onthe redox potential. The release does depend on pH,Ca2+ concentration in the water, CaCO3concentration in the sediments and the saturationstage of the two P-pools in the surface layers ofthese sediments. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Addition of nitrate to an oxygen depleted sediment leads to a stimulation of the mineralization process if a major part of the nitrate is dissimilatorily reduced. This may cause an increased release of phosphate from some sediments. Nitrate, however, maintains a high redox potential at the sediment surface and thus prevents a release of iron-bound phosphorus. These two counteracting effects of nitrate addition to sediment-water systems were demonstrated in laboratory experiments. A high supply of nitrate to a phosphorus-saturated sediment caused an increased release of phosphate and ammonium once the nitrate had been used up. However, from other sediments there was no or very little release of phosphate but an increased release of ammonium caused by high nitrate dissimilation, probably due to the very high capacity of these sediments to bind liberated phosphate or due to storage of phosphorus in an increased bacterial biomass. Phosphorus fractionation, before and after the experiments with the sediments, provided information on transfers to, from and within the sediments.  相似文献   

A. J. Twinch 《Hydrobiologia》1986,135(1-2):23-34
The phosphorus status and distribution of sediments in a hypertrophic water supply reservoir (Hartbeespoort Dam) were investigated, with a view to assessing the role of sediments in counteracting the effects of reduced external phosphorus loading as a restoration measure. In comparison with similar water bodies in South Africa, the sediments in Hartbeespoort Dam contained high levels of both total and potentially mobile phosphorus. The potentially mobile fraction constituted about 60% of the total phosphorus content of the sediments, compared with about 11% in other reservoirs. The excessive eutrophication of Hartbeespoort Dam is clearly reflected in the phosphorus status of the sediments. Sediment distribution in the impoundment was found to be extremely heterogeneous, due to the combined influences of morphometry, hydrology and an imbalance in the nutrient loads entering via rivers at remote points in the water body. It is concluded that sufficient mobile phosphorus has accumulated in the sediments to prolong the response time of the impoundment to phosphorus load reductions. Since phosphorus release from sediments is dependent on dynamic processes not addressed in this study, the extent of the delays in trophic response to load reduction cannot be estimated.  相似文献   

We devised a set-up in which microsensors can be used for characterising the gut microenvironment of aquatic macrofauna. In a small flow cell, we measured microscale gradients through dissected guts (O2, pH, redox potential [E h ]), in the haemolymph (O2), and towards the body surface (O2) of Chironomus plumosus larvae. The gut microenvironment was compared with the chemical conditions in the lake sediment in which the animals reside and feed. When the dissected guts were incubated at the same nominal O2 concentration as in haemolymph, the gut content was completely anoxic and had pH and E h values slightly lower than in the ambient sediment. When the dissected guts were artificially oxygenated, the volumetric O2-consumption rates of the gut content were at least 10× higher than in the sediment. Using these potential O2-consumption rates in a cylindrical diffusion–reaction model, it was predicted that diffusion of O2 from the haemolymph to the gut could not oxygenate the gut content under in vivo conditions. Additionally, the potential O2-consumption rates were so high that the intake of dissolved O2 along with feeding could be ruled out to oxygenate the gut content. We conclude that microorganisms present in the gut of C. plumosus cannot exhibit an aerobic metabolism. The presented microsensor technique and the data analysis are applicable to guts of other macrofauna species with cutaneous respiration.  相似文献   

Heavy metal contamination in lake sediments is a serious problem, particularly in developing countries such as China. To evaluate heavy metal pollution and risk of contamination in lake sediments on a national scale in China, we collated available data in the literature of the last 10 years on lake sediments polluted with heavy metals from 24 provinces in China. Based on these data, we used sediment quality guidelines, geoaccumulation index, and potential ecological risk index to assess potential ecological risk levels. The results showed that approximately 20.6% of the lakes studied exceeded grade II level in Chinese soil quality standards for As, 31.3% for Cd, 4.6% for Cu, 20.8% for Ni, 2.8% for Zn, and 11.1% for Hg, respectively. Besides, the mean concentrations for As in 10.3% of lakes, Hg in 11.9% of lakes, and Ni in 31.3% of lakes surpassed the probable effect level. The potential ecological risk for toxic metals decreased in the order of Cd > Hg > As > Cu > Pb > Ni > Cr > Zn, and there were 21.8% of the lakes studied in the state of moderate risk, 10.9% in high risk, and 12.7% in very high risk. It can be concluded that Chinese lake sediments are polluted by heavy metals to varying degrees. In order to provide key management targets for relevant administrative agencies, based on the results of the pollution and ecological risk assessments, Cd, Hg, As, Cu, and Ni were selected as the priority control heavy metals, and the eastern coastal provinces and Hunan province were selected as the priority control provinces. This article, therefore, provides a comprehensive assessment of heavy metal pollution in lake sediments in China, while providing a reference for the development of lake sediment quality standards.  相似文献   

Ham's Lake was destratified in the summers of 1977 and 1978 by pumping surface water to the bottom. However, an arm was prevented from mixing by a submerged dam of a former farm pond and remained stratified. The concentration of manganese in the water increased to over 5 000 µg 1–1 in the hypolimnion of the anoxic arm in summer. Soluble manganese averaged 28% of total concentration. Total iron concentrations were relatively high in the water and sorbed iron values were extremely low in the sediments. Soluble iron averaged 12% of total concentration. Zinc values were low in the water and sediments. Chaoborus punctipennis and Chironomus riparius concentrated iron and zinc and discriminated against manganese. Concentration factors were unaffected by mixing.  相似文献   

Variations in microbial biomass and activity in the sediments of hypereutrophic Lake Vallentunasjön were followed during a period of 5 years. The data were compared to the calculated release of phosphorus from the sediments during the same period. A strong co-variation was found between biomass of Microcystis, heterotrophic bacterial activity in the sediments and internal phosphorus loading. These parameters exhibited mainly a declining trend during the investigation period. A pronounced stability of the sediment chemistry, including the fractional composition of the sediment phosphorus, during the studied period indicates that microbial activity affected the phosphorus release from the sediments. Calculations of the percentage of sediment bacteria that was associated to the mucilage of Microcystis colonies imply, together with the specific bacterial production, that Microcystis in the sediment stimulates bacterial production. In the highly phosphorus-saturated sediments of Lake Vallentunasjön this would ultimately lead to an increased release of phosphorus from the sediment. Lake Vallentunasjön does not follow the common pattern of recovery after reduction of external phosphorus loading. The large biomasses and long survival of Microcystis in the sediment are probably important reasons for the delayed recovery of the lake.  相似文献   

Total oxygen deficit occurred regularly during stagnation periods in the deepest part of Lake Kallavesi in the period 1973–1986. The sediment was black and anaerobic during the first sampling in 1987. After beginning of artificial lake oxygenation and efficient purification of waste waters of a paper board mill in 1986 the oxygen deficit decreased gradually and a light brown oxidized uppermost sediment layer appeared and began to thicken. The following changes in the sediment composition were observed during 1987–1996: loss on ignition, total nitrogen and BOD7 concentrations decreased in the uppermost sediment layer (0–2 cm) and BOD7 concentration increased in the next sediment layer beneath (2–10 cm). There were no significant change in phosphorus and iron concentrations.Lake oxygen, total phosphorus and suspended solids concentrations fluctuated in a noticeable degree in Lake Huruslahti depending on waste water input and artificial oxygenation during the years 1980–1993. Oxygen condition was good at times of successful waste water elimination and lake oxygenation while deterioration of either resulted oxygen deficiency as well as increase of total phosphorus and suspended solids concentration. Most of the internal load entered with suspended solids during periods of total oxygen deficiency.An explanation for the findings in Lake Huruslahti could be microbiological. Gas formation inside sediment lift organic material towards top of the sediment and into the water, but after the lake recovery the material retain in the sediment. Also in Lake Kallavesi microbiological gas formation resuspended sediment particles with phosphorus into the overlaying water prior to oxygenation. During oxygenation microbiological processes in uppermost sediment utilize the anaerobic metabolic products, organic acids and methane, and block gas formation. Organic substances remain in the top sediment decomposing gradually in the uppermost layer.  相似文献   

A popular sequential extraction procedure (Tessier et al. 1979) designed t o extract metals partitioned in various sediment phases, was evaluated for its selectivity. Amorphous FeOOH, FeS, and FeS2 were added separately to natural lake sediments and sequentially extracted. The selectivity of the sequential procedure for the added solid phases was evaluated by determining the difference in the mass of Fe extracted from treated and control sediments. In the experiments where sulfide minerals were added, total S was measured in the residual solids in order to confirm selectivity of the method. Concentrations of total carbon remaining in the solid phase after each extraction step were also measured to determine the selectivity of the sequential procedure for carbon. The procedure was moderately selective for Fe added as FeOOH; a mean of 77 ± 12% (p < 0.05) of the Fe added was extracted in the step designed to reduce Fe-Mn oxyhydroxides. In experiments where FeS was added, a mean of 69 ± 11% (p < 0.05) of the Fe added as FeS was extracted in the fraction designed to oxidize sulfides and organic matter. Approximately 25% of the Fe added as FeS may have been extracted prematurely. Although less precise, total S analyses confirmed that much of the FeS was extracted in the oxidation step, yielding 104 ± 87% (p < 0.05) of the S added as FeS. The procedure was highly selective for FeS2; 92 ± 14% (p < 0.05) of the Fe added as pyrite was extracted in the sulfide extraction step. Extraction of 80 ± 54% (p < 0.05) of S added as pyrite confirmed that FeS2 were selectively extracted in the sulfide extraction step. Carbon in the sediments was also selectively extracted in the oxidation step (77 ± 2.4% of total C; p < 0.05). The applications and limitations of sequential extraction procedures as limnological research tools are discussed in light of our results. Request for offprints  相似文献   

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