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Abstract. The application of molecular approaches such as mutant analysis and recombinant DNA technology, in conjunction with immunology, are set to revolutionize our understanding of the nitrate assimilation pathway. Mutant analysis has already led to the identification of genetic loci encoding a functional nitrate reduction step and is expected to lead ultimately to the identification of genes encoding nitrate uptake and nitrite reduction. Of particular significance would be identification of genes whose products contribute to regulatory networks controlling nitrogen metabolism. Recombinant DNA techniques are particularly powerful and have already allowed the molecular cloning of the genes encoding the apoprotein of nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase. These successes allow for the first lime the possibility to study directly the role of environmental factors such as type of nitrogen source (NO3 or NH4+) available to the plant, light, temperature water potential and CO2 and O2 tensions on nitrate assimilation gene expression and its regulation at the molecular level. This is an important advance since our current understanding of the regulation of nitrate assimilation is based largely on changes of activity of the component steps. The availability of mutants, cloned genes, and gene transfer systems will permit attempts to manipulate the nitrate assimilation pathway.  相似文献   

Ammonium assimilation in cyanobacteria   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Nitrate reductase and its role in nitrate assimilation in plants   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Nitrate reductase (EC is an enzyme found in most higher plants and appears to be a key regulator of nitrate assimilation as a result of enzyme induction by nitrate. The biochemistry of nitrate reductase has been elucidated to a great extent and the role that nitrate reductase plays in regulation of nitrate assimilation is becoming understood.  相似文献   

Filaments of Anabaena variabilis Kütz strain ATCC 29413 grown in the absence of nitrate contain nitrate reductase that is active in permeabilized filaments, but not in intact, living filaments until they have been incubated for about 40 min in the presence of nitrate. The delayed acquisition of the ability to reduce nitrate is insensitive to chloramphenicol. Thus, switching on of enzyme activity in the presence of nitrate does not involve protein synthesis and nitrate reductase activity is not regulated by the amount of enzyme present.  相似文献   

Abstract The effect of the nitrogen source on the cellular activity level of assimilatory nitrate reductase in the cyanobacteria Anabaena variabilis (ATCC29413) and Synechocystis sp. (PCC6714) has been examined. In the filamentous N2-fixing A. variabilis , nitrate behaved as a nutritional inducer of nitrate reductase, with ammonium acting (via products of its assimilation) as an antagonist with regard to nitrate. Ammonium-promoted repression of nitrate reductase was also evident in the unicellular non-nitrogen fixer Synechocystis , but in this strain nitrate was not required as an obligatory inducer.  相似文献   

Azolla caroliniana was exposed to 5 °C in darkness for 1, 2, 3, 5 or 7 d and then recovered for 7 d. Plants previously chilled for 2 or 3 d exhibited higher growth rates when transferred to normal temperature than either the control plants or those previously chilled for 5 or 7 d. Increased plant growth may be related to increased contents of chlorophyll, sucrose, and reducing sugars, due to increased photosynthetic capacity. In another experiment Azolla plants were chilled at 5 °C for 7 d and then transferred for 0, 4, 8, 12, or 16 d recovery to the N-free Hoagland solution or Hoagland solution containing 5 mM KNO3. In previously chilled plants, the growth rate was decreased. In the medium supplemented with nitrogen, the growth rate was greater than in the N-free medium in both chilled and nonchilled plants. In chilled plants the decrease in growth rate may be related to the disturbance of Anabaena azollae cells where the protecting envelope of the heterocysts was deorganized. During the recovery the rate of N2-fixation increased in both chilled and nonchilled plants up to 12 d after which both rates were similar. However, during the first 4 d the rate of the nonchilled plants was approximately 4-fold that of the previously chilled plants. Nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase activities in control plants were higher than in those previously chilled for 7 d. Both activities increased in nonchilled and previously chilled plants up to 12 d then decreased. The total protein content increased up to 12 d in chilled and nonchilled plants after which it decreased. Under all treatments, the values were higher in nonchilled plants than in those previously chilled ones and were also higher in presence of N than in its absence. Thus the presence of N-source in the medium counteracts the effect of chilling injury particularly during prolonged recovery.  相似文献   

Nitrite reductase (NiR) is the second enzyme in the nitrate assimilatory pathway reducing nitrite to ammonium. The expression of the NiR gene is induced upon the addition of nitrate. In an earlier study, a 130 bp upstream region of the spinach NiR gene promoter, located between –330 to –200, was shown to be necessary for nitrate induction of -glucuronidase (GUS) expression in tissue-specific manner in transgenic tobacco plant [28]. To further delineate the cis-acting elements involved in nitrate regulation of NiR gene expression, transgenic tobacco plants were generated with 5 deletions in the–330 to –200 region of the spinach NiR gene promoter fused to the GUS gene. Plants with the NiR promoter deleted to –230 showed a considerable increase in GUS activity in the presence of nitrate, indicating that the 30 bp region between –230 to –200 is crucial for nitrate-regulated expression of NiR. In vivo DMS footprinting of the –300 to –130 region of the NiR promoter in leaf tissues from two independent transgenic lines revealed several nitrate-inducible footprints. Footprinting within the –230 to –181 region revealed factor binding to two adjacent GATA elements separated by 24 bp. This arrangement of GATA elements is analogous to cis-regulatory sequences found in the promoters of nitrate-inducible genes of Neurospora crassa, regulated by the NIT2 Zn-finger protein. The –240 to –110 fragment of the NiR promoter, which contains two NIT2 consensus core elements, bound in vitro to a fusion protein comprising the zinc finger domain of the N. crassa NIT2 protein. The data presented here show that nitrate-inducible expression of the NiR gene is mediated by nitrate-specific binding of trans-acting factors to sequences preserved between fungi and higher plants.  相似文献   

Plants of lucerne ( Medicago sativa L. cv. Aragón) inoculated with several strains of Rhizobium meliloti were supplied with a low level of nitrate (5 m M ). After 1 week, normalised nodule mass, obtained by dividing nodule weight by shoot weight, was decreased by one-fourth. This result closely paralleled the bacteroid protein content of nodules, whereas the cytosolic content remained constant. Nitrate reductase activity (NRA, EC of bacteroids increased rapidly after nitrate supply, with actual rates being highly dependent on the Rhizobium strain. The expression of cytosolic NR (EC also varied depending on the bacterial strain but was largely insensitive to nitrate feeding. Nitrite reductase activity (NiRA, EC of either bacteroid or plant origin was independent of the R. meliloti strain. Activation occurred after 3 and 7 days, respectively, of nitrate feeding. Significant amounts of nitrite were obtained throughout the experimental period from buffered extracts of both bacteroids and cytosol of nodules. However, when these nodules were ground in the presence of inhibitors of enzyme activity, nitrite was only found in nodules containing strain 102-F-51 after 1 week of treatment. These results agree with the recent hypothesis that nitrite plays a role in a secondary stage of nodule damage by nitrate. We propose that NiRA rather than NRA can be used as an internal probe of nitrate access to the infected region of nodules.  相似文献   

The interaction of sulfate assimilation with nitrate assimilation inBrassica juncea roots was analyzed by monitoring the regulation of ATP sulfurylase (AS), adenosine-5’-phosphosulfate reductase (AR), sulfite reductase (SiR), and nitrite reductase (NiR). Depending on the status of sulfur and nitrogen nutrition, AS and AR activities and mRNA levels were increased by sulfate starvation but decreased by nitrate starvation. The activation of AS and AR by sulfate starvation was inhibited by sulfate/nitrate starvation. However, the rise in steady-state mRNA levels for AS and AR by sulfate starvation was not affected by sulfate/nitrate starvation. SiR gene expression was slightly activated by both sulfate starvation and sulfate/nitrate starvation, but was decreased by nitrate starvation. Although NiR gene expression was little affected by sulfate starvation, it was diminished significantly by either nitrate or nitrate/sulfate starvation. Cysteine (Cys) also decreased AS and AR activities and mRNA levels even when plants were simultaneously starved for sulfate; in contrast, both SiR and NiR gene expressions were only slightly, if at all, affected under the same conditions. This supports our conclusion that Cys, the end-product of sulfate assimilation, is the key regulatory signal. Moreover, SiR and NiR apparently are not the linking step in the co-regulation of sulfate and nitrate assimilation in plants.  相似文献   

Tritordeum is a fertile amphiploid derived from durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. conv. durum) × a wild barley (Hordeum chilense Roem. et Schultz.). The organic nitrogen content of tritordeum grain (34 mg g-1 DW) was significantly higher than that of its wheat parent (25 mg g-1 DW). Leaf and root nitrogen content became higher in tritordeum than in wheat after four weeks of growth, independently of the nitrogen source (either NO3 - or NH4 +). Under NO3 - nutrition, tritordeum generally exhibited higher levels of nitrate reductase (NR) activity than wheat. Nitrite reductase (NiR) levels were however lower in tritordeum than in its wheat parent. In NH4 +-grown plants, both NR and NiR activities progressively decreased in the two species, becoming imperceptible after 3 to 5 weeks of growth. Results indicate that, in addition to a higher rate of NO3 - reduction, other physiological factors must be responsible for the greater accumulation of organic nitrogen in tritordeum grain.  相似文献   

Native prairie and grassland soils are known to accumulate little inorganic N; however, N03 is constantly being formed and re-immobilized. This suggests that microorganisms in prairie soils would be highly efficient in the assimilation of N03 and would regularly have the assimilatory N03 reductase (ANR) enzyme in an induced and active state. Aerated slurries and static systems prepared from prairie and cultivated soils amended with glucose and N03 were observed for changes in N03 concentration with time. Nitrate assimilation in the presence of glucose occurred more rapidly in cultivated than in prairie soils from the same soil map unit. Nitrate assimilation rates were not affected by inoculation of prairie soil with cultivated soil. It has been reported that the addition of glucose and NO3 to soils results in increased peptidase activity and a release of free amino acids. Mixing, sieving, and slurrying of prairie soils followed by treatment with glucose and NO3 may release free amino acids and other ANR inhibitors into the prairie soil slurries. Prairie soils had higher concentrations of soluble amino-N than cultivated soils with or without glucose and N03 additions. Prairie soils also had greater concentrations of total Kjeldahl N and readily hydrolyzed amino acids than corresponding cultivated soils.  相似文献   

Nitrogen assimilation was studied in the deciduous, perennial climber Clematis vitalba. When solely supplied with NO3 in a hydroponic system, growth and N-assimilation characteristics were similar to those reported for a range of other species. When solely supplied with NH4+, however, nitrate reductase (NR) activity dramatically increased in shoot tissue, and particularly leaf tissue, to up to three times the maximum level achieved in NO3 supplied plants. NO3 was not detected in plant material that had been solely supplied with NH4+, there was no NO3 contamination of the hydroponic system, and the NH4+-induced activity did not occur in tobacco or barley grown under similar conditions. Western Blot analysis revealed that the induction of NR activity, either by NO3 or NH4+, was matched by NR and nitrite reductase protein synthesis, but this was not the case for the ammonium assimilation enzyme glutamine synthetase. Exposure of leaf disks to N revealed that NO3 assimilation was induced in leaves directly by NO3 and NH4+ but not glutamine. Our results suggest that the NH4+-induced potential for NO3 assimilation occurs when externally sourced NH4+ is assimilated in the absence of any NO3 assimilation. These data show that the potential for nitrate assimilation in C. vitalba is induced by a nitrogenous compound in the absence of its substrate and suggest that NO3 assimilation in C. vitalba may have a significant role beyond the supply of reduced N for growth.  相似文献   

Higher plant responses to environmental nitrate   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

Effects of artificial electron donors to deliver reducing power on enzymic denitrification were investigated using nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase obtained fromOchrobactrum antropi. The activity of nitrite reductase in the soluble portion was almost the same as that in the precipitated portion of the cell extract. Nitrate removal efficiency was higher with benzyl viologen than with methyl viologen or NADH as an artificial electron donor. The turn-over numbers of nitrate and nitrite reductase were 14.1 and 1.9 μmol of nitrogen reduced/min·mg cell extracts, respectively when benzyl viologen was used as an electron donor.  相似文献   

Regulation of the assimilation of nitrate in Chlamydomonas reinhardii   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In Chlamydomonas, The assimilation of ammonia proceeds through the glutamine synthetaseglutamate synthase pathway. The primary target in the regula  相似文献   

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