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Summary We have studied the layers of the muscular coat of the guinea-pig small intestine after enzymatic and chemical removal of extracellular connective tissue. The cells of the longitudinal muscle layer are wider, have rougher surfaces, more finger-like processes and more complex terminations, but fewer intercellular junctions than cells in the circular muscle layer. A special layer of wide, flat cells with a dense innervation exists at the inner margin of the circular muscle layer, facing the submucosa. The ganglia of the myenteric and submucosal plexuses are covered by a smooth basal lamina, a delicate feltwork of collagen fibrils, and innumerable connective tissue cells. The neuronal and glial cell processes at the surface of ganglia form an interlocking mosaic, which is loosely packed in newborn and young animals, but becomes tightly packed in adults. The arrangement of glial cells becomes progressively looser along finer nerve bundles. Single varicose nerve fibres are rarely exposed, but multiaxonal bundles are common. Fibroblast-like cells of characteristic shape and orientation are found in the serosa; around nerve ganglia; in the intermuscular connective tissue layer and in the circular muscle, where they bridge nerve bundles and muscle cells; at the submucosal face of the special, flattened inner circular muscle layer; and in the submucosa. Some of these fibroblast like cells correspond to interstitial cells of Cajal. Other structures readily visualized by scanning electron microscopy are blood and lymphatic vessels and their periendothelial cells. The relationship of cellular elements to connective tissue was studied with three different preparative procedures: (1) freeze-cracked specimens of intact, undigested intestine; (2) stretch preparations of longitudinal muscle with adhering myenteric plexus; (3) sheets of submucosal collagen bundles from which all cellular elements had been removed by prolonged detergent extraction.  相似文献   

Summary Immunoreactivity for calretinin, a calcium-binding protein, was studied in neurones in the guinea-pig small intestine. 26±1% of myenteric neurones and 12±3% of submucous neurones were immunoreactive for calretinin. All calretinin-immunoreactive neurones were also immunoreactive for choline acetyltransferase and hence are likely to be cholinergic. In the myenteric plexus, two subtypes of Dogiel type-I calretinin-immunoreactive neurones could be distinguished from their projections and neurochemical coding. Some calretinin-immunoreactive myenteric neurones had short projections to the tertiary plexus, and hence are likely to be cholinergic motor neurones to the longitudinal muscle. Some of these cells were also immunoreactive for substance P. The remaining myenteric neurones, immunoreactive for calretinin, enkephalin, neurofilament protein triplet and substance P, are likely to be orad-projecting, cholinergic interneurones. Calretinin immunoreactivity was also found in cholinergic neurones in the submucosa, which project to the submucosal vasculature and mucosal glands, and which are likely to mediate vasodilation. Thus, calretinin immunoreactivity in the guinea-pig small intestine is confined to three functional classes of cholinergic neurones. It is possible, for the first time, to distinguish these classes of cells from other enteric neurones.  相似文献   

Light- and electron-microscopic studies were used to investigate connections between specific subgroups of neurons in the myenteric plexus of the guineapig small intestine. Inputs to two classes of calretinin-immunoreactive (IR) nerve cells, longitudinal muscle motor neurons and ascending interneurons, were examined. Inputs from calbindin-IR primary sensory neurons and from three classes of descending interneurons were studied. Electron-microscopic analysis showed that calbindin-IR axons formed two types of inputs, synapses and close contacts, on calretinin-IR neurons. About 40% of inputs to the longitudinal muscle motor neurons and 70% to ascending interneurons were calbindin-IR. Approximately 50% of longitudinal muscle motor neurons were surrounded by bombesin-IR dense pericellular baskets and 40% by closely apposed varicosities. At the electron-microscope level, the bombesin-IR varicosities were found to form synapses and close contacts with the motor neurons. Dense pericellular baskets with bombesin-IR surrounded 36% of all ascending interneurons, and a further 17% had closely apposed varicosities. Somatostatin-and 5-HT-IR descending interneurons provided no dense pericellular baskets to calretinin-IR nerve cells. Thus, calretinin-IR, longitudinal muscle motor neurons and ascending interneurons receive direct synaptic inputs from intrinsic primary sensory neurons and from non-cholinergic, bombesin-IR, descending interneurons.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of nerve cells with immunoreactivity for the calcium-binding protein, calbindin, has been studied in the small intestine of the guinea-pig, and the projections of these neurons have been analysed by tracing their processes and by examining the consequences of nerve lesions. The immunoreactive neurons were numerous in the myenteric ganglia; there were 3500±100 reactive nerve cells per cm2 of undistended intestine, which is 30% of all nerve cells. In contrast, reactive nerve cells were extremely rare in submucous ganglia. The myenteric nerve cells were oval in outline and gave rise to several long processes; this morphology corresponds to Dogiel's type-II classification. Processes from the cell bodies were traced through the circular muscle in perforating nerve fibre bundles. Other processes ran circumferentially in the myenteric plexus. Removal of the myenteric plexus, allowing time for subsequent fibre degeneration, showed that reactive nerve fibres in the submucous ganglia and mucosa came from the myenteric cell bodies. Operations to sever longitudinal or circumferential pathways in the myenteric plexus indicated that most reactive nerve terminals in myenteric ganglia arise from myenteric cell bodies whose processes run circumferentially for 1.5 mm, on average. It is deduced that the calbindin-reactive neurons are multipolar sensory neurons, with the sensitive processes in the mucosa and with other processes innervating neurons of the myenteric plexus.  相似文献   

Pituitary adenylyl cyclase activating peptide (PACAP) is a novel hypothalamic peptide that is widely distributed in neurons, including those of the gastrointestinal tract. In this study, a polyclonal antiserum directed against PACAP-27 was used to investigate the localisation of PACAP throughout the gut and to determine the projections of PACAP-immunoreactive (IR) neurons in the guinea-pig small and large intestines. PACAP-IR fibres were seen in the myenteric and submucous plexuses, in the longitudinal and circular muscle layers and around blood vessels of the submucosa throughout the gut. In both the small and large intestine, PACAP-IR cell bodies, most with Dogiel type-I morphology, were seen in the myenteric ganglia following colchicine treatment. Lesion studies (myotomy and myectomy operations) revealed that PACAP-IR interneurons projected anally in the ileum and colon. Myectomy operations resulted in a loss of PACAP-IR fibres in the circular muscle under the operation, whereas PACAP-IR fibres remained in the submucosa and around blood vessels. Following extrinsic denervation of the ileum, the number of PACAP-IR fibres in the submucosal ganglia and around blood vessels decreased. This suggests that a portion of PACAP-IR fibres supplying the submucosal ganglia and blood vessels have an extrinsic source. To investigate this, immunohistochemical studies were performed on sympathetic and dorsal root ganglia. Numerous reactive cells were seen in the dorsal root ganglia, but none was seen in sympathetic pre- or paravertebral ganglia.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of gap junctions (nexuses) in various parts of the small and large intestines of the guinea-pig was studied using the freeze-fracture technique and in thin sections. The percentage area of smooth muscle cell surface occupied by gap junctions varies from 0.50% in the circular muscle of the duodenum to zero in the longitudinal muscle of the ileum. In the circular muscle of the jejunum and ileum the area occupied by nexuses is 0.22% (or about 11 m2 per cell). The sizes of junctions range from less than 0.01 m2 to 0.20 m2, with two-thirds of them being smaller than 0.05 m2. In the colon, gap junctions are rare, very small and confined to the circular muscle layer. Even the smallest aggregates of intramembrane particles correspond to areas of close apposition between the membranes of adjacent cells; it is therefore justified to interpret them as being gap junctions. Some gap junctions are formed between a smooth muscle cell and an interstitial cell. Gap junctions are not found in the longitudinal muscle of the small intestine; this is in sharp contrast to the abundance of gap junctions in the adjacent circular layer.In the small intestine of cats and rabbits, gap junctions are abundant in the circular muscle layer, whereas they are very small in size and very few in number in the longitudinal muscle layer.The authors wish to thank Mr Peter Trigg and Miss Eva Franke for help and support. This work was supported by grants from the Medical Research Council and the Central Research Fund of the University of London  相似文献   

Summary An electron microscopic, histoand biochemical study was carried out on the adrenal medulla of newborn and adult guinea-pigs giving special emphasis to small granule-containing (SGC) cells. Adrenaline (A) was the predominating catecholamine (CA) both in newborn (70–90 % of total CA) and adult (85–90%) guinea-pig adrenals. In analogy to the biochemical findings electron microscopy revealed a high predominance of A cells, which contained large granular vesicles with an average diameter of 180 nm. Most noradrenaline (NA) storing cells showed granular vesicles of a considerably smaller average diameter (80 nm) and had a higher nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio. These cells were termed SGC-NA cells. NA cells with large granular vesicles (average diameter 170 nm) were extremely rare. Another type of SGC cells contained granular vesicles with cores of low to medium electron-density (SGC-NA-negative cells). Biochemical determinations made it unlikely that these cells contained predominantly dopamine (DA). SGC cells were scarcely innervated by cholinergic nerves. They formed processes, which were found both in the adrenal cortex and medulla contacting blood vessels including sinusoid capillaries, steroid producing cells of the reticularis and fasciculata zone and processes, which were interpreted to belong to medullary nerve cells.Two types of neurons were present in the guinea-pig adrenal medulla, one resembling the principal neurons in sympathetic ganglia, the other, which, according to its morphology, occupied an intermediate position between principal neurons and SGC cells.In adrenomedullary grafts under the kidney capsule, which were studied three weeks after transplantation, ordinary A cells resembled SGC-NA negative cells with respect to their ultramorphology. Processes of transplanted principal neurons showed uptake of 5-hydroxydopamine and, hence, were considered to be adrenergic. Despite the lack of extrinsic nerves to the transplants, few principal neurons received cholinergic synapses, the origin of which is uncertain to date.Supported by a grant from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Un 34/4)Dedicated to Professor H. Leonhardt in honor of his 60th birthday.  相似文献   

Summary In the external layers of human small and large intestine macrophage-like cells were characterized by immunohistochemical, histochemical and electronmicroscopical methods. Using immunohistochemistry and a number of monoclonal antibodies, the presence and distribution of phenotypic subpopulations of macrophages were evaluated. In all locations macrophage-like cells were identified with antibody EBM11, which recognizes CD68 antigen, C3bi which recognizes CD11b, and partly with an antibody which recognizes protein 150,95 (CD11c). Macrophage-like cells in the external muscle layer were HLA-DR-positive (expressing the MHC class-II antigen), in contrast to macrophage-like cells in the subserosa and submucosa. Macrophage-like cells in the external muscle layer were mostly acid phosphatase-negative, and at the electron-microscopic level they were found to have features of macrophages: primary lysosomes, coated vesicles and pits. However, very few secondary lysosomes were present. Birbeck granules were not observed. It is concluded that in the external muscle layer of human small and large intestine numerous macrophages of a special type are present. It is discussed whether this cell type plays a role in gastrointestinal motility and/or has an immunological function.  相似文献   

Summary The lymphatic organization and its relationship to the vascular system in the rat small intestine was studied by scanning electron microscopy of corrosion casts and freeze-fractured tissues, and by light microscopy of injected preparations. The villus possessed 3–10 or more central lacteals depending upon the villous width. The lacteals in each villus possessed interconnections between adjacent ones and were surrounded externally by the villous capillary network. At the villous base, the lacteals fused and formed a wide sinus, from which 2 or 3 lymphatics descended and led into the submucosal ones. In the muscularis externa there was a coarse lymphatic network which, together with the submucosal one, drained into collecting lymphatics continuous with the mesenteric ones. The central lacteals and the sinus were lined with thin endothelial cells with cytoplasmic leaves interdigitating with those of adjacent ones. There were tissue channels in the villous interstitial space, which opened through the gaps between the lymphatic endothelial cells into the central lacteals.The voluminous lacteals in the villi suggest their great potential for lymph formation. The existence of collecting lymphatics with valves in the muscularis externa suggests that contraction of the layer is involved in transporting lymph towards the efferent lymphatics.  相似文献   

Summary A quantitative ultrastructural study was made of the neuntes forming the deep muscular and circular muscle plexuses of the guinea-pig small intestine following microsurgical lesions designed to interrupt intrinsic and extrinsic nerve pathways within the intestinal wall. Removal of a collar of longitudinal muscle with attached myenteric plexus from the circumference of a segment of small intestine resulted in the subsequent disappearance of 99.3% of neurites in the underlying circular muscle. The few surviving neurites in the deep muscular plexus and circular muscle disappeared completely from lesioned segments that were, in addition, extrinsically denervated surgically. These results indicate that the majority of nerve fibres in the deep muscular and circular muscle plexuses of the guinea-pig small intestine is intrinsic to the intestine and originates from nerve cell bodies located in the overlying myenteric plexus. At the light-microscopic level, nerve bundles were traced from the myenteric plexus to the circular muscle.  相似文献   

Retrograde tracing, using Fast Blue dye, was employed to determine the distribution of enteric nerve cells that project to the superior mesenteric and inferior mesenteric ganglia of the guinea-pig. Retrogradely labelled neurons were found in the myenteric but not submucous ganglia. When the superior mesenteric ganglion was injected, labelled neurons were found in low frequencies (less than 5 nerve cell bodies/cm2) in the duodenum, jejunum, ileum, caecum and proximal colon. The distal colon was analysed in five segments of equal length (1–5; oral to anal). Segment 1 had about 4 labelled nerve cells/cm2, whereas segments 2 to 5 displayed an average of about 25 nerve cells/cm2. The rectum contained about 36 labelled neurons/cm2. After injection of the inferior mesenteric ganglia with Fast Blue, no labelled neurons were found in the duodenum, jejunum, ileum or caecum. No labelled cells were observed in the gallbladder. A small number of labelled cells occurred in the proximal colon and in segment 1 of the distal colon. The frequency of labelled cells increased markedly in the more anal regions of the distal colon, and reached a peak in the rectum (138 cells/cm2). Both nerve lesions and immersion of the cut nerve in Fast Blue solution showed that the superior mesenteric nerve carries the axons of neurons located in the middle distal colon to the superior mesenteric ganglion. Almost half of the neurons in the rectum that project to the inferior mesenteric ganglia do so via the hypogastric nerves. Of neurons that projected to the inferior or superior mesenteric ganglia from the colon or rectum, similar proportions (about 75–80%) showed immunoreactivity for calbindin or VIP. For each of the prevertebral ganglia (coeliac, superior mesenteric and inferior mesenteric) the great majority of peripheral inputs arise from the large intestine.  相似文献   

Summary In order to study the establishment of regional differences in brush border enzymic activities during the development of fetal mouse small intestine we have followed (1) the differentiation of microvilli by morphometry, and (2) the developmental pattern of three brush border enzymes (lactase, glucoamylase and alkaline phosphatase). From day 16 to day 19 of gestation, the height of duodenal microvilli increases 2.4 times on the absorptive cells located near the tip of the villi. During the same period in the upper half of the duodenal villi, the number of microvilli per square m rises by a factor of 2.4 and the microvillous surface area increases by a factor of 5.2. The differentiation of ileal microvilli follows a similar pattern but they are always shorter and less numerous than those of the duodenum. Lactase activity appears at 18 days of gestation; the other two brush border enzymes are first detected at 16 days of gestation. Afterwards all three enzyme activities increase rapidly and a decreasing gradient of activity is established from the proximal to the distal segment of the small intestine. Hence, the structural development of the microvilli and the appearance of brush border enzyme activities occur simultaneously and a proximo-distal gradient is already established at 16 days of gestation.Supported by MRC of Canada research grant MA-6069Mr. D. Malka was supported by a studentship from the F.C.A.C.Dr. D. Ménard is a chercheur boursier du Conseil de la Recherche en Santé du Québec  相似文献   

Summary In the small intestine of the pig, neuromedin U (NMU)-immunoreactivity was mainly confined to the nerve plexus of the inner submucosal and mucosal regions. After colchicine treatment, a high number of immunoreactive nerve cell bodies was observed in the plexus submucosus internus (Meissner), whereas only a low number was found in the plexus submucosus externus (Schabadasch). The plexus myentericus as well as the aganglionic nerve meshworks in the circular and longitudinal smooth muscle layers almost completely lacked NMU-immunoreactivity. Double-labeling experiments demonstrated the occurrence of distinct NMU-containing neuron populations in the plexus submucosus internus: (1) relatively large type-II neurons revealing immunoreactivity for NMU and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and/or substance P (SP); (2) a group of small NMU- and SP-immunoreactive neurons; (3) a relatively low number of small neurons displaying immunoreactivity for NMU but not for SP. Based on its distributional pattern, it is concluded that NMU plays an important role in the regulation and control of mucosal functions.  相似文献   

Mucosal dendritic cells (DCs) play a key role in discriminating between dietary antigens, commensal microflora and pathogens but little is known regarding age-related changes in mucosal DC populations. We analyzed lymphoid and myeloid populations within the epithelium and lamina propria (LP) of the ileum and jejunum of weaned calves (6 months old) and compared their frequency and distribution with newborn calves (3–5 weeks old). CD4, CD8 and γδ TcR T cells and CD11cHiMHC Class II+ myeloid cell frequency were significantly different when comparing ileum and jejunum of weaned calves. In particular, the number of CD8 and γδ TcR T cells, and CD11cHiCD14+ macrophages was significantly greater in the ileum but CD11c+ and CD11b+ myeloid cell distribution was similar throughout the mucosal epithelium of the small intestine. Furthermore, significant age-related changes were apparent when comparing the frequency and abundance of mucosal leukocyte subpopulations in newborn and weaned calves. Total mucosal leukocytes (CD45+) increased significantly with age in both ileum and jejunum and much of this increase was attributed to mucosal T cells (CD3+). In particular, CD4 T cells and NK cells increased significantly in the jejunum and CD8, and γδ TcR T cells increased significantly with age throughout the small intestine. In contrast, CD11cHiMHC Class II+ myeloid cells remained numerically unchanged with age but DCs (CD13+, CD26+, CD205+) were enriched and macrophages (CD14+, CD172a+) were depleted in older animals. Therefore, regional differences between ileal and jejunal mucosal leukocytes changed with age and there was also a marked age-dependent change in the composition of mucosal myeloid cells. These observations have significant implications for host responses to both pathogens and commensal microflora.  相似文献   

Background information. The TSPO (18 kDa translocator protein) is a mitochondrial transmembrane protein involved in cholesterol transport in organs that synthesize steroids and bile salts. Different natural and synthetic high‐affinity TSPO ligands have been characterized through their ability to stimulate cholesterol transport, but also to stimulate other physiological functions including cell proliferation, apoptosis and calcium‐dependent transepithelial ion secretion. Here, we investigate the localization and functions of TSPO in the small intestine. Results. TSPO was present in enterocyte mitochondria but not in rat intestinal goblet cells. Enterocyte cytoplasm also contained the endogenous TSPO ligand, polypeptide DBI (diazepam‐binding inhibitor). Whereas intestinal TSPO had high affinity for the synthetic ligand PK 11195, the pharmacological profile of TSPO in the duodenum was distinct from the jejunum and ileum. Specifically, benzodiazepine Ro5‐4864 and protoporphyrin IX showed 5–13‐fold lower affinity for duodenal TSPO. The mRNA and protein ratios of TSPO to other mitochondrial membrane proteins VDAC (voltage‐dependent anion channel) and ANT (adenine nucleotide transporter) were significantly different. PK 11195 stimulated calcium‐dependent chloride secretion in the duodenum and calcium‐dependent chloride absorption in the ileum, but did not affect jejunum ion transport. Conclusions. The functional differences in subpopulations of TSPO in different regions of the intestine could be related to structural organization of mitochondrial protein complexes that mediate the ability of TSPO to modulate either chloride secretion or absorption in the duodenum and ileum respectively.  相似文献   

Cryosections and whole-mount preparations of the guinea pig small intestine and colon were single or double immunolabeled using the anti-c-Kit and protein gene product 9.5 antibodies. Immunolabeled specimens were observed under a confocal laser scanning microscope. The main findings of the present study are: (1) the distribution and profiles of three-dimensional structures of c-Kit-positive cellular networks in the small intestine and colon, and (2) the anatomical relations of c-Kit-positive cells to the enteric nerves in the layers. In the small intestine, c-Kit-positive cellular networks were observed at levels of the deep muscular plexus and myenteric plexus. The c-Kit-positive cellular networks ran along or overlay the nerve fibers at the deep muscular plexus, while they showed the reticular structures intermingled with the nerve elements at the myenteric plexus. In the colon, c-Kit-positive cellular networks were observed at levels of the submuscular plexus and myenteric plexus, and were further identified within the circular and longitudinal muscle layers as well as in the subserosal layer. In the circular muscle layer, c-Kit-positive cells surrounded the associated nerve fibers and extended several long processes toward the adjacent c-Kit-positive cells. The c-Kit-positive cellular networks within the longitudinal muscle layer as well as in the subserosal layer were not associated with the nerve fibers. In the layers of the intestinal wall with c-Kit-positive cells, the cellular networks of the interstitial cells were identified in ultrastructure. The characteristic profiles of c-Kit-positive cellular networks provide a morphological basis upon which to investigate the mechanisms regulating intestinal movement. Received: 14 July 1998 / Accepted: 2 September 1998  相似文献   

Summary The morphological and topographical features of the intramural enteric nervous system in the small intestine of the pig has been studied on whole mounts by means of neuron-specific enolase (NSE) and S-100 protein immu-nohistochemistry. A clear visualization of the myenteric plexus allows the recognition of its characteristic morphology, including the thin tertiary plexus coursing within the smooth muscle layers. In the tela submucosa two ganglionated plexuses, each with its own specific characteristics, can clearly be demonstrated: (1) the plexus submucosus externus (Schabadasch) located near the inner surface of the circular muscle layer at the abluminal side of the submucosal vascular arcades, and (2) the plexus submucosus internus (Meissner) close to the outer surface of the lamina muscularis mucosae at the luminal side of the submucosal vascular arcades. Due to the possibility to trace clearly the perivascular plexuses of these vascular arcades by use of immunohistochemical techniques with antibodies to NSE and S-100 protein, the two submucosal nerve plexuses can be demonstrated with exceptional clarity. This is the first report of an investigation of the intramural nerve plexuses of the small intestine of the pig using the NSE and S-100 immunostaining methods, which is sufficiently detailed to substantiate the characteristic topography and structure of the two submucosal plexuses and their relation to the smooth muscle layers and perivascular plexuses. The level of NSE immunoreactivity for enteric neurons displays great variation, a substantial proportion of the type-II neurons appearing strongly stained. Although little is known of the specific function of these enzymes, proposals are discussed.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-binding protein (LBP) is an acute-phase protein involved in the host’s response to endotoxin and mainly synthesized and secreted to the blood by the liver. But in addition, LBP is also made by extrahepatic cells, including the enterocyte-like cell line Caco-2. To study in closer detail the synthesis and storage of LBP in the intestinal mucosal epithelium, we performed an immunolocalization of LBP in mouse small intestine. By immunofluorescence microscopy, an antibody recognizing the 58–60 kDa protein of LBP distinctly labeled a small population of cells located deep into the crypts. This cell population was also positive for lysozyme and α-defensin 4, identifying Paneth cells as the main intestinal LBP-producing cells. By immunogold electron microscopy, intense labeling was observed in the secretory granules of these cells. We conclude that Paneth cells express LBP together with other proteins acting in the innate immune response of the gut, such as lysozyme, defensins and intelectin.  相似文献   

Summary The shapes of myenteric neurons in the guineapig small intestine were determined after injecting living neurons with the dye Lucifer yellow via a microelectrode. The cells were fixed and the distribution of Lucifer yellow rendered permanent by an immunohistochemical method. Each of 204 nerve cells was examined in whole-mount preparations of the myenteric plexus and drawn using a camera lucida at 1250 x magnification. Four cell shapes were distinguished: (1) neurons with several long processes corresponding to type II of Dogiel; (2) neurons with a single long process and lamellar dendrites corresponding to type I of Dogiel; (3) neurons with numerous filamentous dendrites; and (4) small neurons with few processes. About 15% of the neurons could not be placed into these classes or into any single class. The type II neurons (39% of the sample) had generally smooth somata and up to 7 (average 3.3) long processes, most of which ran circumferentially. Dogiel type I neurons (34% of sampled neurons) had characteristic lamellar dendrites, i.e., broad dendrites that were flattened in the plane of the plexus. The filamentous neurons (7% of the sample), had, on average, 14 fine processes up to about 50 m in length. Small neurons with smooth outlines and a few fine processes made up 5% of the neurons encountered. We conclude that myenteric neurons that have been injected with dye can be separated into morphologically distinct classes and that the different morphological classes probably correspond to different functional groupings of neurons.  相似文献   

Summary Inverted pyramidal neurons are very abundant in the cerebral cortex of the adult reeler mutant mouse. Two types of inverted pyramid are found in rapid Golgi impregnations. In the first type the axon starts from the base of the cell body and bends towards the white matter. In the second type, which is more common, the axon emerges from the apical dendritic tree and descends directly towards the white matter.Despite its abnormal topography, the site of origin of the axon in pyramids of the second type displays a normal differentiation, when analysed with the electron microscopic Golgi technique, suggesting that the ectopic initial axon segment is able to fulfil its normal functions.  相似文献   

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