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Regulation of naphthalene catabolic genes of plasmid NAH7.   总被引:9,自引:8,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
Tn5 insertion mutations defining a regulatory gene, nahR, of the naphthalene catabolic pathway encoded by the NAH7 plasmid were mapped within a small NAH7 region only a few hundred bases upstream of the nahG gene, the most promoter-proximal gene of the nahGHIJK operon. The nahR mutations blocked the induction of both the nahABCDEF and nahGHIJK operons, and the defect was completely corrected in the presence of the wild-type allele in a trans position. The pleiotropic, recessive, and negative nature of these mutations indicates that the nahR gene specifies a regulatory element which is required to activate both nah operons.  相似文献   

In this work, we explore the potential use of the Pseudomonas putida KT2440 strain for bioremediation of naphthalene-polluted soils. Pseudomonas putida strain KT2440 thrives in naphthalene-saturated medium, establishing a complex response that activates genes coding for extrusion pumps and cellular damage repair enzymes, as well as genes involved in the oxidative stress response. The transfer of the NAH7 plasmid enables naphthalene degradation by P. putida KT2440 while alleviating the cellular stress brought about by this toxic compound, without affecting key functions necessary for survival and colonization of the rhizosphere. Pseudomonas putida KT2440(NAH7) efficiently expresses the Nah catabolic pathway in vitro and in situ, leading to the complete mineralization of [(14)C]naphthalene, measured as the evolution of (14)CO(2), while the rate of mineralization was at least 2-fold higher in the rhizosphere than in bulk soil.  相似文献   

The nah and sal operons of the 80-kilobase-pair (kb) NAH7 plasmid specify catabolism of naphthalene and salicylate under positive regulation by gene nahR. A 1.75-kb fragment (PstI-HindIII) cloned into the pCP13 derivative of vector RK2 complemented in trans five nahR mutations. The fragment sequence contained a 1,122-base-pair open reading frame with a predicted sequence of 374 residues that was rich in basic amino acids with regions similar to known DNA-binding proteins. Clones from the nahR gene region were expressed in mexicells. Plasmid pY1923, carrying the 1.75-kb PstI-HindIII fragment, expressed a protein of Mr ca. 35,000 which bound to the upstream region of gene nahR in a gel electrophoresis DNA-binding assay. Other clones expressed proteins of currently unknown function; pY1311, with the 1.1-kb HindIII fragment, produced a polypeptide with an Mr of 23,000, and pY1812, with the 1.2-kb PstI-SphI fragment, produced a polypeptide (Mr 41,000) which appeared to be a fused nahR-lacZ product.  相似文献   

The genes encoding the enzymes responsible for conversion of naphthalene to 2-hydroxymuconic acid (nahA through nahI) are contained on a 25-kilobase EcoRI fragment of an 85-kilobase NAH plasmid of Pseudomonas putida. These genes were cloned into the plasmid vectors pBR322 and RSF1010 to obtain the recombinant plasmids pKGX505 and pKGX511, respectively. To facilitate cloning and analysis, an NAH7 plasmid containing a Tn5 transposon in the salicylate hydroxylase gene (nahG) was used to derive the EcoRI fragment. The genes for naphthalene degradation were expressed at a low level in Escherichia coli strains containing the fragment on the recombinant plasmids pKGX505 or pKGX511. This was shown by the ability of whole cells to convert naphthalene to salicylic acid and by in vitro enzyme assays. The expression of at least two of these genes in E. coli appeared to be regulated by the presence of the inducer salicylic acid. In addition, high-level expression and induction appear to be mediated by an NAH plasmid promoter and a regulatory gene located on the fragment. A restriction endonuclease cleavage map of the cloned fragment was generated, and the map positions of several nah genes were determined by analysis of various subcloned DNA fragments.  相似文献   

From a soil isolate, Pseudomonas strain C18, we cloned and sequenced a 9.8-kb DNA fragment that encodes dibenzothiophene-degrading enzymes. Nine open reading frames were identified and designated doxABDEFGHIJ. Collectively, we refer to these genes as the DOX pathway. At the nucleotide level, doxABD are identical to the ndoABC genes that encode naphthalene dioxygenase of Pseudomonas putida. The DoxG protein is 97% identical to NahC (1,2-dihydroxynaphthalene dioxygenase) of P. putida. DoxE has 37% identity with cis-toluene dihydrodiol dehydrogenase. DoxF is similar to the aldehyde dehydrogenases of many organisms. The predicted DoxHIJ proteins have no obvious sequence similarities to known proteins. Gas chromatography with a flame ionization detector and mass spectroscopy confirmed that the DOX proteins convert naphthalene to salicylate and converting phenanthrene to 1-hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid. doxI mutants convert naphthalene to trans-o-hydroxybenzylidenepyruvate, indicating that the DoxI protein is similar to NahE (trans-o-hydroxybenzylidenepyruvate hydratase-aldolase). Comparison of the DOX sequence with restriction maps of cloned naphthalene catabolic pathway (NAH) genes revealed many conserved restriction sites. The DOX gene arrangement is identical to that proposed for NAH, except that the NAH equivalent of doxH has not been recognized. DoxH may be involved in the conversion of 2-hydroxy-4-(2'-oxo-3,5-cyclohexadienyl)-buta-2,4-dienoat e to cis-o-hydroxybenzylidenepyruvate. doxJ encodes an enzyme similar to NahD (isomerase). Our findings indicate that a single genetic pathway controls the metabolism of dibenzothiophene, naphthalene, and phenanthrene in strain C18 and that the DOX sequence encodes a complete upper naphthalene catabolic pathway similar to NAH.  相似文献   

Naphthalene-degradingPseudomonas stutzeri NA1 was found to harbour the NAH plasmid, which contains the classical upper and lower catabolic genes required for naphthalene mineralization. The lower pathway inP. stutzeri NA1 was found to proceedviameta-ring cleavage of catechol due to the presence of thenahH gene encoding extradiol catechol 2,3-dioxygenase. Naphthalene-induced cells were able to mineralise both salicylate and catechol. Absorption spectra and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis ofritermediate metabolites of salicylate or catechol degradation by a crude extract ofP. stutzeri NA1 revealed the presence of themeta-ring cleavage product 2-hydroxymuconate semialdehyde as a major constituent. The extradiol ring cleavage genenahH was amplified successfully from the NAH plasmid ofP. stutzeri NA1 with catechol 2,3-dioxygenase-specific primers and cloned inEscherichia coli JM109 The complete nucleotide sequence of cloned PCR fragment was determined. Sequence analysis of cloned PCR fragment revealed an open reading frame with similarity to other extradiol dioxygenases. The deduced amino acid sequence ofnahH fromP. stutzeri NA1 showed 96% sequence identity with the catechol 2,3-dioxygenase gene fromPseudomonas putida strain H. However, when compared to othernahH genes from different pseudomonads, it was in a separate phylogenetic branch, indicating a degree of speciation among the extradiol dioxygenase family.  相似文献   

A basic replicon of the naphthalene degradation plasmid pFME5 (80 kb, IncP-7) has been constructed and sequenced. The nucleotide sequence of pFME5mini is almost identical to replicons of the pND6-1 subgroup, which was separated based on the repA-oriV homology in our previous work. The basic replicon of pFME5 is capable of replication and stable maintenance exclusively in Pseudomonas species. An analysis of the deletion mutation indicated that, in contrast to the parWAB region, the parC gene is not essential for the stability of pFME5mini and this can be a common feature of IncP-7 replicons. We revealed that par-defective mutants of pFME5mini were slowly eliminated from the bacterial population in a nonselective medium compared to their pCAR1-based counterparts. Designed primers specific to the repA and parC genes can be used to detect IncP-7 plasmids, while primers specific to two variants of parA can be used for intragroup classification.  相似文献   

The major DNA constituent of primate centromeres is alpha satellite DNA. As much as 2%–5% of sequence generated as part of primate genome sequencing projects consists of this material, which is fragmented or not assembled as part of published genome sequences due to its highly repetitive nature. Here, we develop computational methods to rapidly recover and categorize alpha-satellite sequences from previously uncharacterized whole-genome shotgun sequence data. We present an algorithm to computationally predict potential higher-order array structure based on paired-end sequence data and then experimentally validate its organization and distribution by experimental analyses. Using whole-genome shotgun data from the human, chimpanzee, and macaque genomes, we examine the phylogenetic relationship of these sequences and provide further support for a model for their evolution and mutation over the last 25 million years. Our results confirm fundamental differences in the dispersal and evolution of centromeric satellites in the Old World monkey and ape lineages of evolution.  相似文献   

Detailed restriction and nucleotide sequence analysis of the Pseudomonas putida TOL plasmid pDK1 xylE gene revealed significant homology with isofunctional xylE (81.5%) and nahH (78.0%) genes from the TOL pWW0 and NAH7 plasmids. The highest degrees of nucleotide and apparent amino acid conservation (82.2 and 86.4%, respectively) among all three genes were found to exist within a region comprising 264 nucleotides encoding the C terminus. A comparison of localized regions revealed significantly greater homology between xylEpWW0 and xylEpDK1 within the C-terminal region, whereas xylEpWW0 and nahH showed greater similarity at the N terminus. The possibility that xylEpWW0 may represent a genetic hybrid of xylEpDK1 and nahH is discussed.  相似文献   

The naphthalene-catabolic (nah) genes on the incompatibility group P-9 (IncP-9) self-transmissible plasmid NAH7 from Pseudomonas putida G7 are some of the most extensively characterized genetic determinants for bacterial aerobic catabolism of aromatic hydrocarbons. In contrast to the detailed studies of its catabolic cascade and enzymatic functions, the biological characteristics of plasmid NAH7 have remained unclear. Our sequence determination in this study together with the previously deposited sequences revealed the entire structure of NAH7 (82,232 bp). Comparison of NAH7 with two other completely sequenced IncP-9 catabolic plasmids, pDTG1 and pWW0, revealed that the three plasmids share very high nucleotide similarities in a 39-kb region encoding the basic plasmid functions (the IncP-9 backbone). The backbone of NAH7 is phylogenetically more related to that of pDTG1 than that of pWW0. These three plasmids carry their catabolic gene clusters at different positions on the IncP-9 backbone. All of the NAH7-specified nah genes are located on a class II transposon, Tn4655. Our analysis of the Tn4655-encoded site-specific recombination system revealed that (i) a novel tyrosine recombinase, TnpI, catalyzed both the intra- and intermolecular recombination between two copies of the attI site, (ii) the functional attI site was located within a 119-bp segment, and (iii) the site-specific strand exchange occurred within a 30-bp segment in the 41-bp CORE site. Our results and the sequence data of other naphthalene-catabolic plasmids, pDTG1 and pND6-1, suggest a potential role of the TnpI-attI recombination system in the establishment of these catabolic plasmids.  相似文献   

Genes for the degradation of organic pollutants have usually been allocated to plasmid DNAs in bacteria or considered non-mobile when detected in the chromosome. New discoveries have shown that catabolic genes can also be part of so-called integrative and conjugative elements (ICElands), a group of mobile DNA elements also known as genomic islands and conjugative transposons. One such ICEland is the clc element for chlorobenzoate and chlorocatechol degradation in Pseudomonas sp. strain B13. Genome comparisons and genetic data on integrase functioning reveal that the clc element and several other unclassified ICElands belong to a group of elements with conserved features. The clc element is unique among them in carrying the genetic information for several degradation pathways, whereas the others give evidence for pathogenicity functions. Many more such elements may exist, bridging the gap between pathogenicity and degradation functions.  相似文献   

K M Yen  M Sullivan  I C Gunsalus 《Plasmid》1983,9(2):105-111
Introduction of the transposon Tn5 to serve as a marker allows electron microscope heteroduplex mapping of the naphthalene oxidation genes on the approximately 83-kb NAH7 and the related approximately 85-kb SAL1 plasmids. The electron microscope-mapped gene positions on the NAH7 plasmid are in close agreement with those mapped previously by restriction digestion. The SAL1 plasmid can be considered as a mutant NAH7 plasmid which fails to direct the conversion of naphthalene to salicylate because of a mutational block but retains intact coding sequences for salicylate oxidation. Analysis of heteroduplex molecules formed between the SAL1 and NAH7::Tn5 EcoRI fragments and the known NAH7/SAL1 homology strongly suggest that the SAL1 DNA is completely homologous to NAH7 DNA except that a approximately 2.5-kb DNA segment constituting most of the nahA gene is replaced by approximately 4.6-kb nonhomologous DNA.  相似文献   

Summary TOL plasmid pWW0 and plasmid NAH7 encode catabolic enzymes required for oxidative degradation of toluene and naphthalene, respectively. The gene order of the catabolic operon of NAH7 for salicylate oxidation was determined to be: promoter-nahG (the structural gene for salicylate hydroxylase)-nahH (catechol 2,3-dioxygenase)-nahI (hydroxymuconic semialdehyde dehydrogenase)-nahN (hydroxymuconic semialdehyde hydrolase)-nahL (2-oxopent-4-enoate hydratase). This order is identical to that of the isofunctional genes of TOL plasmid pWW0. The complete nucleotide sequence of nahH was determined and compared with that of xylE, the isofunctional gene of TOL plasmid pWW0. There were 20% and 16% differences in their nucleotide and amino acid sequences, respectively. The homology between the NAH7 and TOL pWW0 plasmids ends upstream of the Shine-Dalgarno sequences of nahH and xylE, but the homology continues downstream of these genes. This observation suggested that genes for the catechol oxidative enzymes of NAH7 and TOL pWW0 were derived from a common ancestral sequence which was transferred as a discrete segment of DNA between plasmids.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence of the gene encoding yeast C-8 sterol isomerase.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
B A Arthington  J Hoskins  P L Skatrud  M Bard 《Gene》1991,107(1):173-174
The ERG2 gene encoding the Saccharomyces cerevisiae C-8 sterol isomerase, an enzyme involved in plant, animal, and fungal sterol biosynthesis was sequenced. A large open reading frame comprising 222 amino acids was observed.  相似文献   

Organization and sequence of the human gene encoding cytokeratin 8.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
S Krauss  W W Franke 《Gene》1990,86(2):241-249

Two recombinant plasmids containing, respectively, three and eight tandem repeats of a 177 base-pair (bp) element from radish nuclear DNA have been isolated. These plasmids were used as probes to investigate the organization and the copy number of this element within the genome. This sequence is present in congruent to 0.6 million copies. Restriction analysis provides evidence for sequence heterogeneity and reveals the occurrence of non-overlapping subfamilies. Nine units were sequenced and found to be remarkably conserved. However, sequences in the two clones clearly belong to two distinct subgroups. Our data suggest that these sequences evolved in a concerted manner and that homogenization mechanisms such as gene conversions certainly took place. The 177 bp sequence is made from three 60 bp blocks that are derived from a common ancestor. Exchanges between the three blocks probably occurred before they became fixed as a patchwork of short sequences, the 177 bp element. This unit of 177 bp was then amplified in several steps. The presence of such a repeated sequence can be detected in other Cruciferae when hybridizations are carried out under low stringency conditions. Direct comparison with a previously published mustard satellite DNA sequence indicates a similar organization and a 75% homology. Homology was also found with shorter regions (congruent to 60 bp) of broad bean and corn satellite DNA. Finally, homology was also found with several animal alphoid sequences, suggesting that this family also occurs in the plant genomes.  相似文献   



Complete sequencing and annotation of the 96.2 kb Bacillus anthracis plasmid, pXO2, predicted 85 open reading frames (ORFs). Bacillus cereus and Bacillus thuringiensis isolates that ranged in genomic similarity to B. anthracis, as determined by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis, were examined by PCR for the presence of sequences similar to 47 pXO2 ORFs.  相似文献   

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