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Summary The lexA41 allele of Escherichia coli encodes a semidefective mutant repressor that is also resistant to RecA facilitated cleavage. Cells harboring the lexA41 allele were found previously to repress only a subset of operons in the SOS regulon. lexA41 cells cannot promote SOS mutagenesis, presumably because one or more operons required for mutagenesis are repressed by this mutant repressor. Using the lac regulatory system to increase the expression of the umuDC operon, we were able to restore mutagenesis in the lexA41 mutant. We conclude that the products of the umuDC operon appear to be uniquely limiting in this mutant.  相似文献   

Summary The host-controlled EcoK-restriction of unmodified phage .O is alleviated in dam mutants of Escherichia coli by 100- to 300-fold. In addition, the EcoK modification activity is substantially decreased in dam - strains. We show that type I restriction (EcoB, EcoD and EcoK) is detectably alleviated in dam mutants. However, no relief of EcoRI restriction (Type II) occurs in dam - strains and only a slight effect of dam mutation on EcoP1 restriction (Type III) is observed. We interpret the alleviation of the type I restriction in dam - strains to be a consequence of induction of the function which interferes with type I restriction systems.  相似文献   

Summary The products of the chromosomally encoded umuDC genes are directly required for mutagenesis in Escherichia coli. Strains with either umuD or umuC mutations are rendered phenotypically non-mutable. To ascertain the molecular basis of this non-mutability, we determined the DNA sequence alterations of seven chromosomal umuDC mutants. Six mutants (umuD1, umuD44, umuD77, umuC36, umuC25, and umuC104) were found to be single base-pair substitutions that resulted in missense mutations. The Tn5 transposon insertion mutation (umuC122) resulted in a missense mutation followed immediately by a termination codon, producing a truncated UmuC protein lacking 102 carboxyl-terminal amino acids. All of the mutations were found to reside in regions of the UmuD and UmuC proteins that share high homology with analogous proteins. Chemiluminescent immunoassays revealed that the umuD1, umuD44, and umuD77 mutations all resulted in a non-cleavable UmuD protein. Because UmuD cleavage is a prerequisite for mutagenesis, the lack of UmuD processing appears to be the molecular basis for the non-mutable phenotype in these strains. These studies re-emphasize the critical nature of the RecA-mediated cleavage of UmuD for inducible mutagenesis and provide insights into the functional domains of the UmuC protein.  相似文献   

Summary We introduced the dnaE486 and polC74 mutations (which are associated with decreased DNA polymerase III replication fidelity) into excision defective Escherichia coli strains with varying SOS responses. These mutations increased the UV-induced frequency of base pair substitution mutations in all strains tested, except recA430 and umuC122 derivatives. This UV mutator effect therefore requires expression of the SOS error-prone repair system. In recA441 lexA51 strains where the SOS system is constitutively expressed, the UV mutator effect of the dnaE alleles was similar in relative terms (though greater in absolute terms). Since these dnaE alleles decrease rather than increase survival after UV it is argued that they promote a burst of untargeted mutations close to UV photoproducts (hitch-hiking mutations) rather than increase the number of translesion synthesis events. The fact that there was no UV mutagenesis in dnaE486 umuC122 or polC74 umuC122 strains indicates that infidelity associated with these dnaE alleles did not of itself enable translesion synthesis to occur. The spontaneous mutator effect conferred by dnaE486 and polC74 was not affected by umuC122 or recA430 indicating that it is not dependent upon error-prone repair ability. In recA441 lexA51 bacteria, where SOS error-prone repair is constitutively induced, the mutator effect of dnaE486 was greater and was largely blocked by umuC122. It is suggested that spontaneously occurring cryptic lesions that are themselves unable to induce the SOS system are subject to translesion synthesis under these conditions and trigger a burst of hitch-hiking mutations that are therefore effectively umuC dependent.  相似文献   

Summary The ruv operon of Escherichia coli consists of two genes, orfl1 and ruv, which encode 22 and 37 kilodalton proteins, respectively, and are regulated by the SOS system. Although the distal gene, ruv, is known to be involved in DNA repair, the function of orf1 has not been studied. To examine whether orf1 is also involved in DNA repair, we constructed a strain with a deletion of the entire ruv operon. The strain was sensitive to UV even after introduction of low copy number plasmids carrying either orf1 or ruv, but UV resistance was restored by introduction of a plasmid carrying both orfl and ruv. These results suggest that orf1 as well as ruv is involved in DNA repair. Therefore, orf1 and ruv should be renamed ruvA and ruvB, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary Two multicopy plasmids carrying either the umuDC or the mucAB operon were used to compare the efficiency of UmuDC and MucAB proteins in UV mutagenesis of Escherichia coli K12. It was found that in recA + uvr +bacteria, plasmid pIC80, mucAB +mediated UV mutagenesis more efficiently than did plasmid pSE117, umuDC +. A similar result was obtained in lexA51(Def) cells, excluding the possibility that this was due to a differential regulation by LexA of the umuDC and mucAB operons. We conclude that some structural characteristic of the UmuDC and MucAB proteins determines their different efficiency in UV mutagenesis. This characteristic could be also responsible for the observation that in the recA430 mutant, pIC80 but no pSE117 can mediate UV mutagenesis. In the recA142 mutant, pIC80 also promoted UV mutagenesis more efficiently than pSE117. In this mutant, the recombination proficiency, the protease activity toward LexA and the mutation frequency were increased by the presence of adenine in the medium. In recA + uvrB5 bacteria, plasmid pSE117,umuDC caused both an increase in UV sensitivity as well as a reduction in the mutation frequency. These nagative effects resulting from the overproduction of UmuDC proteins were higher in recA142 uvrB5 than in recA + uvrB5 cells. In contrast, overproduction of MucAB proteins in excision-deficient bacteria containing pIC80 led to a large increase in the mutation frequency. We suggest that the functional differences between UmuDC and MucAB proteins might be due to their different dependence on the direct role of RecA protease in UV mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Taq I restriction endonuclease gene of the thermophilic eubacterium Thermus aquaticus YT-1 (ATCC 25104) was successfully cloned and expressed in recombinant Escherichia coli cells under the control of the lac promoter/operator system. Higher Taq I endonuclease specific activities and biomass yields were obtained from E. coli ER2508(pUCTaq) cells when they were induced at the late-exponential phase of their growth. Taq I endonuclease expression was found to be host strain-dependent such that, among the three different strains examined, E. coli XL1(pUCTaq) produced the highest specific Taq I endonuclease activities for longer induction periods. Decreasing the inducer concentration from 1 to 0.1 mM not only improved the specific enzyme activity yields but also is more economical, considering the high cost of isopropyl--D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG). The optimum culture temperature was found to be 37 °C. Taq I endonuclease specific activity recovered from E. coli XL1(pUCTaq) cells was 935 U/mg under optimum conditions.  相似文献   

Summary To measure the degree of phr gene induction by DNA-damaging agents, the promoter region was fused to the coding region of the lacZ gene in plasmid pMC1403. The new plasmids were introduced into Escherichia coli cells having different repair capabilities. More efficient induction of phr gene expression was detected in a uvrA strain as compared with the wild-type strain. In addition, obvious induction was detected in uvrA cells treated by 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide and mitomycin C. Nalidixic acid, an inhibitor of DNA gyrase, also induced phr gene expression. In contrast, little induced gene expression was noted in UV-irradiated lexA and recA strains. It is suggested from these results that induction of the phr gene is one of the SOS responses. Possible nucleotide sequences which could be considered to constitute an SOS box were found at the regulator region of the phr gene.Abbreviations phr photoreactivation - UV ultraviolet light - 4NQO 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide - MMC mitomycin C - PRE photoreactivating enzyme - E. coli Escherichia coli  相似文献   

Summary The umuDC operons of Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium and the analogous plasmid operons mucAB and impCAB have been previously characterized in terms of their roles in DNA repair and induced mutagenesis by radiation and many chemicals. The interrelationships of these mutagenic DNA repair operons were examined in vivo in functional tests of interchangeability of operon subunits in conferring UV resistance and UV mutability phenotypes to wild-type S. typhimurium and umu mutants of E. coli. This approach was combined with DNA and protein sequence comparisons between the four operons and a fifth operon, samAB, from the S. typhimurium LT2 cryptic plasmid. Components of the E. coli and S. typhimurium umu operons were reciprocally interchangeable whereas impCA and mucA could not function with umuC in either of these species. mucA and impB could also combine to give a mutagenic response to UV. These active combinations were associated with higher degrees of conservation of protein sequence than in other heterologous gene combinations and related to specific regions of sequence that may specify subunit interactions. The dominance of the E. coli umuD44 mutation over umuD was revealed in both wild-type E. coli and S. typhimurium and also demonstrated against impCAB. Finally interspecies transfer showed that the apparently poor activity of the S. typhimurium umuD gene in situ is not the result of an inherent defect in umuD but is due to the simultaneous presence of the S. typhimurium umuC sequence. It is suggested that the limitation of umuD activity by umuC in S. typhimurium is the basis of the poor induced mutability of this organism.  相似文献   

Mutations to streptomycin resistance induced by ultraviolet light in Escherichia coli can lose their susceptibility to photoreversing light during excision repair and in the absence of chromosomal replication and protein synthesis, i.e., under conditions where SOS induction cannot occur. Using fusions of lac with sulA and umuC we have shown that after excision of UV damage in the presence of chloramphenicol there is a persisting, relatively stable signal capable of inducing SOS genes when protein sysnthesis is subsequently permitted. The persisting signal is formed roughly in proportion to the square of the UV dose and is about 30% photoreversible. It is suggested that the persisting SOS-inducing signal comprises a UV photoproduct (the target lesion) opposite a gap in the opposing DNA strand, and is formed by excision of one (the ancillary lesion) of a pair of closely opposed photoproducts. Calculations suggest that as few as two or three such configurations in a cell can lead to induction a sulA when protein synthesis is permitted. It is not clear whether these configurations can directly induce the SOS system because of their region of single-stranded DNA or whether the ultimate SOS-inducing signal is a more extensive single-stranded region formed when such configurations encounter a replication fork. Photoproduct/gap configurations have been previously suggested to be potentially mutagenic. UV-induced mutations to streptomycin resistance are mostly at A:T sites and are not photoreversible in fully SOS-induced bacteria in the absence of excision repair, indicating that they are not targeted at cyclobutane-type pyrimidine dimers. In SOS-induced excision-proficient bacteria there is about 39% photoreversibility which is rapidly lost after UV. This photoreversibility is attributed to many ancillary lesions being cyclobutane-type pyrimidine dimers which are excised leading to the exposure of target lesions on the opposing strand which, at these particular sites, are mostly non-photoreversible photoproducts.  相似文献   

An inexpensive procedure that uses small volumes (5–10 ml) of cell culture for the rapid isolation of restriction enzymes, sufficiently pure to allow preliminary characterisation, is presented. The method was designed initially to screen for Type II restriction enzymes, but different assays can be devised to screen for other types of restriction enzymes. Although initially optimised in Lacotococcus lactis subsp. cremoris LC17-1, this method potentially holds wider applications in other lactococcal species as was shown by its successful application to Lactococcus lactis subp. lactis. Without the necessity for chromatographic techniques that are often expensive and time consuming, the convenience of the technique makes it suitable for rapid, routine screening of a large number of lactic acid bacterial strains, or restriction and modification systems cloned into them, for restriction enzyme activity.  相似文献   

DNA was prepared from cyanobacteria freshly isolated from coralloid roots of natural populations of five cycad species: Ceratozamia mexicana mexicana (Mexico), C. mexicana robusta (Mexico), Dioon spinulosum (Mexico), Zamia furfuraceae (Mexico) and Z. skinneri (Costa Rica). Using the Southern blot technique and cloned Anabaena PCC 7120 nifK and glnA genes as probes, restriction fragment length polymorphisms of these cyanobacterial symbionts were compared. The five cyanobacterial preparations showed differences in the sizes of their DNA fragments hybridizing with both probes, indicating that different cyanobacterial species and/or strains were in the symbiotic associations. On the other hand, a similar comparison of cyanobacteria freshly collected from a single Encephalartos altensteinii coralloid root and from three independently subcultured isolates from the same coralloid root revealed that these were likely to be one and the same organism. Moreover, the complexity of restriction patterns shows that a mixture of Nostoc strains can associate with a single cycad species although a single cyanobacterial strain can predominate in the root of a single cycad plant. Thus, a wide range of Nostoc strains appear to associate with the coralloid roots of cycads.Non-standard abbreviations bp base pairs - kbp kilobase pairs - RFLP's restriction fragment length polymorphisms  相似文献   

Summary Induction of the SOS response in Escherichia coli results in an increase in the relative rate of synthesis of single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB). In contrast to RecA protein, this increase is slow and does not lead to higher SSB levels. The significance of ssb induction to SOS repair is discussed.  相似文献   

The EcoRV restriction endonuclease recognises palindromic GATATC sequences and cuts between the central T and dA bases in a reaction that has an absolute requirement for a divalent metal ion, physiologically Mg(2+). Use has been made of base analogues, which delete hydrogen bonds between the protein and DNA (or hydrophobic interactions in the case of the 5-CH(3) group of thymine), to evaluate the roles of the outer two base-pairs (GATATC) in DNA recognition. Selectivity arises at both the binding steps leading to the formation of the enzyme-DNA-metal ion ternary complex (assayed by measuring the dissociation constant in the presence of the non-reactive metal Ca(2+)) and the catalytic step (evaluated using single-turnover hydrolysis in the presence of Mg(2+)), with each protein-DNA contact contributing to recognition. With the A:T base-pair, binding was reduced by the amount expected for the simple loss of a single contact; much more severe effects were observed with the G:C base-pair, suggesting additional conformational perturbation. Most of the modified bases lowered the rate of hydrolysis; furthermore, the presence of an analogue in one strand of the duplex diminished cutting at the second, unmodified strand, indicative of communication between DNA binding and the active site. The essential metal ion Mg(2+) plays a key role in mediating interactions between the DNA binding site and active centre and in many instances rescue of hydrolysis was seen with Mn(2+). It is suggested that contacts between the GATATC site are required for tight binding and for the correct assembly of metal ions and bound water at the catalytic site, functions important in providing acid/base catalysis and transition state stabilisation.  相似文献   

Summary It has been established that very short patch (VSP) mismatch repair, depending inEscherichia coli on MutL, MutS and Dcm functions, is responsible for the hyper-recombinogenic effect of a class of genetic markers. We show that VSP repair requires the presence of the complete DNA polymerase I enzyme. The absence of endonuclease activities involved in the repair of base-loss sites, Nth, Nfo and Xth, does not affect VSP repair. Implications for the mechanism of the VSP repair are discussed.  相似文献   

Mutations to streptomycin resistance induced by ultraviolet light in Escherichia coli can lose their susceptibility to photoreversing light during excision repair and in the absence of chromosomal replication and protein synthesis, i.e., under conditions where SOS induction cannot occur. Using fusions of lac with sulA and umuC we have shown that after excision of UV damage in the presence of chloramphenicol there is a persisting, relatively stable signal capable of inducing SOS genes when protein sysnthesis is subsequently permitted. The persisting signal is formed roughly in proportion to the square of the UV dose and is about 30% photoreversible. It is suggested that the persisting SOS-inducing signal comprises a UV photoproduct (the target lesion) opposite a gap in the opposing DNA strand, and is formed by excision of one (the ancillary lesion) of a pair of closely opposed photoproducts. Calculations suggest that as few as two or three such configurations in a cell can lead to induction a sulA when protein synthesis is permitted. It is not clear whether these configurations can directly induce the SOS system because of their region of single-stranded DNA or whether the ultimate SOS-inducing signal is a more extensive single-stranded region formed when such configurations encounter a replication fork. Photoproduct/gap configurations have been previously suggested to be potentially mutagenic. UV-induced mutations to streptomycin resistance are mostly at A:T sites and are not photoreversible in fully SOS-induced bacteria in the absence of excision repair, indicating that they are not targeted at cyclobutane-type pyrimidine dimers. In SOS-induced excision-proficient bacteria there is about 39% photoreversibility which is rapidly lost after UV. This photoreversibility is attributed to many ancillary lesions being cyclobutane-type pyrimidine dimers which are excised leading to the exposure of target lesions on the opposing strand which, at these particular sites, are mostly non-photoreversible photoproducts.  相似文献   

Abstract Streptococcus lactis subsp. cremoris W56 ( S. cremoris W56) is a strain partially resistant to phage attack. Derivatives which had lost either plasmid pJW563 or pJW566 no longer expressed the restriction and modification systems encoded by these plasmids. Genetic evidence for the correlation between the plasmids and the R/M systems was obtained by transformation. In addition, a third R/M system was discovered among the transformants and was shown to be encoded by pJW565. Thus, genetic evidence for at least 3 distinct R/M systems encoded by plasmids in S. cremoris W56 is presented. One of the R/M-systems showed stronger restriction of the isometric phage p2 than of the prolate phage c2. The other two systems restricted both classes of phages with equal efficiencies.  相似文献   

Summary The phr gene, which encodes protein of 472 amino acid residues, is required for light-dependent photoreactivation and enhances light-independent excision repair of ultraviolet light (UV)-induced DNA damage. In this study, dodecamer HindIII linker insertions were introduced into the cloned phr gene and the functional effects of the resulting mutations on photoreactivation and light-independent dark repair in vivo were studied. Among 22 mutants obtained, 7 showed no photoreactivation as well as no enhancement of light-independent repair. Four of these were located in amino acid residues between Gln333 and Leu371 near the 3 end of the gene, two were located in a small region at Glu275 to Glu280 near the middle of the gene and the remaining one was between Pro49 and Arg50. Three mutants that had insertions located in the 42 by segment from 399 to 441 by of the phr coding sequence (corresponding to amino acid residues Ile134 to Lys149) lost the light-independent repair effect but retained photoreactivation. These results suggest that (i) Escherichia coli DNA photolyase contains several critical sites that are distributed over much of the enzyme molecule, and (ii) a functional domain required for the effect on light-independent repair is at least in part distinct from that necessary for light-dependent photoreactivation.  相似文献   

Coding sequences for a hammerhead ribozyme designed to cleave lexA mRNA in a targeted manner was cloned under phage T7 promoter and expressed in E. coli strain BL-21 (DE3) expressing T7 RNA polymerase under the control of IPTG-inducible lac UV-5 promoter. Ribozyme expression in vivo was demonstrated by RNase protection assay. Also, total RNA extracted from these transformed cells following induction by IPTG, displays site-specific cleavage of labeled lexA RNA in an In vitro reaction. The result demonstrates the active ribozyme in extracts of cell transformed with a recombinant cassette and goes beyond the earlier demonstration of the stability of In vitro synthesized ribozyme in cell extracts. The observed rise in lexA mRNA rules out any role for protease activity or resulting fragments of lexA protein in de-repression of RNA. (Mol Cell Biochem 271: 197–203, 2005)  相似文献   

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