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Lau WL  Scholnick SB 《Genomics》2003,82(3):412-415
CSMD1 is a putative suppressor of squamous cell carcinomas mapping to human chromosomal region 8p23. We have cloned two new members of this gene family, CSMD2 and CSMD3. The three CSMD proteins have very similar structures, each consisting of 14 CUB domains separated from one another by a sushi domain, an additional uninterrupted array of sushi domains, a single transmembrane domain, and a short cytoplasmic tail. CUB and sushi domains are thought to be sites of protein-protein or protein-ligand interactions, suggesting that CSMD proteins are either transmembrane receptors or adhesion proteins. The cytoplasmic tail sequences are highly conserved within the vertebrate lineage. CSMD2 maps to a chromosomal region that may contain a suppressor of oligodendrogliomas, yet its expression is elevated in some head and neck cancer cell lines. Functional overlap between the CSMD1 and the CSMD2 proteins may modify the phenotype resulting from the loss of either protein in tumors.  相似文献   

Amino acid homology searches of the human genome revealed three members of the metallocarboxypeptidase (metallo-CP) family that had not been described in the literature in addition to the 14 known genes. One of these three, named CPA5, is present in a gene cluster with CPA1, CPA2, and CPA4 on chromosome 7. The cDNA encoding a mouse homolog of human CPA5 was isolated from a testis library and sequenced. The deduced amino acid sequence of human CPA5 has highest amino acid sequence identity (60%) to CPA1. Modeling analysis shows the overall structure to be very similar to that of other members of the A/B subfamily of metallocarboxypeptidases. The active site of CPA5 is predicted to cleave substrates with C-terminal hydrophobic residues, as do CPA1, -2, and -3. Using Northern blot analysis, CPA5 mRNA is detected in testis but not in kidney, liver, brain, or lung. In situ hybridization analysis shows that CPA5 is localized to testis germ cells. Mouse pro-CPA5 protein expressed in Sf9 cells using the baculovirus system was retained in the particulate fraction of the cells and was not secreted into the media. Pro-CPA5 was not enzymatically active toward standard CPA substrates, but after incubation with prohormone convertase 4 the resulting protein was able to cleave furylacryloyl-Gly-Leu, with 3-4-fold greater activity at pH 7.4 than at 5.6. Two additional members of the human CP gene family were also studied. Modeling analysis indicates that both contain the necessary amino acids required for enzymatic activity. The CP on chromosome 8 is predicted to have a CPA-like specificity for C-terminal hydrophobic residues and was named CPA6. The CP on chromosome 2 is predicted to cleave substrates with C-terminal acidic residues and was named CPO.  相似文献   

Phospholipid scramblase 1 (PLSCR1) is a member of PLSCR gene family that has been implicated in multiple cellular processes including movement of phospholipids, gene regulation, immuno-activation, and cell proliferation/apoptosis. In the present study, we identified PLSCR1 as a positive intracellular acute phase protein that is upregulated by LPS in liver, heart, and adipose tissue, but not skeletal muscle. LPS administration resulted in a marked increase in PLSCR1 mRNA and protein levels in the liver. This stimulation occurred rapidly (within 2 h), and was very sensitive to LPS (half-maximal response at 0.1 microg/mouse). Moreover, two other APR-inducers, zymosan and turpentine, also produced significant increases in PLSCR1 mRNA and protein levels, indicating that PLSCR1 was stimulated in a number of models of the APR. To determine signaling pathways by which LPS stimulated PLSCR1, we examined the effect of proinflammatory cytokines in vitro and in vivo. TNFalpha, IL-1beta, and IL-6 all stimulated PLSCR1 in cultured Hep B3 hepatocytes, whereas only TNFalpha stimulated PLSCR1 in cultured 3T3-L1 adipocytes, suggesting cell type-specific effects of cytokines. Furthermore, the LPS-stimulated increase in liver PLSCR1 mRNA was greatly attenuated by 80% in TNFalpha and IL-1beta receptor null mice as compared to wild-type controls. In contrast, PLSCR1 levels in adipose tissue were induced to a similar extent in TNFalpha and IL-1beta receptor null mice and controls. These results indicate that maximal stimulation of PLSCR1 by LPS in liver required TNFalpha and/or IL-1beta, whereas the stimulation of PLSCR1 in adipose tissue is not dependent on TNFalpha and/or IL-1beta. These data provide evidence that PLSCR1 is a positive intracellular acute phase protein with a tissue-specific mechanism for up-regulation.  相似文献   

The rodent prolactin (PRL)/growth hormone (GH) gene family currently consists of at least 14 distinct genes that are expressed mainly in pituitary, uterus, and/or placenta. We report here the identification of novel four members from rat with significant homology to PRL. The encoding proteins are not homologs of other known members of this hormone family. The four new cDNAs were assigned to PRL family based on sequence homology and were referred to as PRL-like protein-I (PLP-I), PLP-J, PLP-K, and PLP-L, following the current naming order of rodent PLP family, where PLP-H is the most recent gene. They encode amino acids with 211-228 amino acids, and 34-38% identity with PRL. All have one or two N-linked glycosylation sites. Among the examined rat tissues by Northern blot analysis, only PLP-I was expressed in testis. Our results indicate that the rodent PRL/GH gene family is large with at least 18 distinct genes.  相似文献   

Members of the IL-1 family of cytokines are important in mediating inflammatory responses. The genes encoding IL-1alpha, IL-beta, and the IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) are clustered within 450 kb on human chromosome 2q. By searching the EST databases and sequencing this region of chromosome 2, we have identified three novel genes that show homology to the IL-1 family, which we have named IL-1-related protein 1, 2, and 3 (IL-1RP1, IL-1RP2, and IL-1RP3). All three genes contain a signature motif common to the IL-1 family and appear to be more closely related to IL-1Ra. Similar to the intracellular form of IL-1Ra, these genes lack conventional hydrophobic signal sequences. The expression of these genes appears to be highly restricted to various epithelial cell populations. Our results demonstrate the existence of additional IL-1 gene family members within the previously defined IL-1 cluster and point to this region of chromosome 2 as an evolutionary hotspot for IL-1 gene duplication. These genes may prove to have an important role in inflammatory responses.  相似文献   

We recently reported the discovery of a homeobox gene cluster on the mouse X chromosome, Rhox, whose 12 members are selectively expressed in specific cell types in reproductive organs. Here we report the existence of 20 additional Rhox homeobox genes in this gene cluster. Most of the newly identified Rhox paralogs retain the same order and relative orientation as three of the originally described Rhox genes, suggesting that they arose from recent duplications of this trimer unit. Many of these new Rhox family members are expressed in the testis and placenta. Analysis of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions in their homeodomain region suggests that these new Rhox paralogs duplicated so recently that their encoded proteins have not yet acquired distinct DNA-binding specificities. The existence of these new Rhox genes provides an opportunity to examine the initial stages of gene cluster evolution.  相似文献   

Apidermin (APD)蛋白家族是一个新的昆虫结构性表皮蛋白家族。本研究结合生物信息学和RT-PCR扩增, 对意大利蜜蜂Apis mellifera ligustica(简称“意蜂”)的apd-1-like, apd-3-like和中华蜜蜂Apis cerena cerena(简称“中蜂”)的apd-2 等3个新的apd基因的结构特征和表达进行了分析, 并分析了昆虫APD蛋白家族的序列特征。结果显示, 在西方蜜蜂Apis mellifera(简称“西蜂”)中, apd基因家族的6个成员串联排列在基因组序列第4号连锁群上, 它们在A. m. ligustica雄蜂头部中的转录水平差异明显, 且其启动子序列所含顺式元件也不同。中蜂apd-2和意蜂apd-1-like都含有3个外显子和2个内含子, 而意蜂apd-3-like则由4个外显子和3个内含子组成。蛋白序列分析结果显示, 目前已知的10条APD蛋白序列N末端均具有相似的信号肽序列, 其成熟蛋白分子量为6.0~37.0 kD, pI为6.2~10.8。其中西蜂的APD1-3、APD-like和东方蜜蜂Apis cerena的APD-2等5条较短的多肽中疏水氨基酸残基达52%~67%, 且Ala含量最为丰富(占25%~34%); 而丽蝇蛹集金小蜂Nasonia vitripennis的APD 1-3和西蜂APD-1-like, APD-3-like等另外5条APD多肽富含Gly(21%~30%), 其序列中疏水氨基酸残基含量为35%~41%。多肽序列多重比对和系统进化分析结果显示, APD家族可划分为2个亚家族。亚家族Ⅰ含有西蜂APD 1-3和东方蜜蜂APD-2等4条较短的多肽序列, 其N末端为一个长33 aa的保守基序; 亚家族Ⅱ由另外6条相对较长的多肽序列组成, 其N末端保守基序长50 aa, C末端保守基序长16 aa。本文所描述的APD蛋白家族序列特征有助于以后从其他昆虫中鉴定新的apd基因。  相似文献   

Calcium-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs) belong to a unique family of enzymes containing a single polypeptide chain with a kinase domain at the amino terminus and a putative calcium-binding EF hands structure at the carboxyl terminus. From Arabidopsis thaliana, we have cloned three distinct cDNA sequences encoding CDPKs, which were designated as atcdpk6, atcdpk9 and atcdpk19. The full-length cDNA sequences for atcdpk6, atcdpk9 and atcdpk19 encode proteins with a molecular weight of 59343, 55376 and 59947, respectively. Recombinant atCDPK6 and atCDPK9 proteins were fully active as kinases whose activities were induced by Ca2+. Biochemical studies suggested the presence of an autoinhibitory domain in the junction between the kinase domain and the EF hands structure. Serial deletion of the four EF hands of atCDPK6 demonstrated that the integrity of the four EF hands was crucial to the Ca2+ response. All the three atcdpk genes were ubiquitously expressed in the plant as demonstrated by RNA gel blot experiments. Comparison of the genomic sequences suggested that the three cdpk genes have evolved differently. Using antibodies against atCDPK6 and atCDPK9 for immunohistochemical experiments, CDPKs were found to be expressed in specific cell types in a temporally and developmentally regulated manner.  相似文献   

To identify new effectors of IgE receptor (FcepsilonRI) signaling, we purified proteins from FcepsilonRI-stimulated RBL-2H3 rat mast cells on anti-phosphotyrosine beads and generated mouse monoclonal antibodies (mAb) against these proteins. Two mAbs bound to a protein that was identified as a new isoform of phospholipid scramblase (PLSCR) after screening an RBL-2H3 cDNA expression library. This isoform differed from PLSCR1 by the absence of an exon 3-encoded sequence and by an insert coding six QGPY(P/A)GP repeats. The PLSCR family of proteins is responsible for a redistribution of phospholipids across the plasma membrane. Although rat PLSCR is a 37-kDa protein, anti-phosphotyrosine immunoblots revealed the presence of 37-49 kDa phosphoproteins in the material immunoprecipitated with either anti-PLSCR mAb but not with unrelated monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies. Depletion of PLSCR resulted in the absence of these phosphoproteins. Additional experiments led to the identification of these phosphoproteins as phospho-PLSCR itself. Stimulation of RBL-2H3 cells upon FcepsilonRI engagement resulted in a dramatic increase in PLSCR tyrosine phosphorylation. A comparison of the relative amounts of phospho-PLSCR and nonphosphorylated PLSCR demonstrated that only a tiny fraction was thus modified, indicating a finely targeted involvement of PLSCR in FcepsilonRI signaling. Thus, this study reports the cloning of a new isoform of PLSCR, as well as the first observation that a member of the PLSCR family is a target for tyrosine kinases and is involved in signaling by an immune receptor. These findings open new perspectives on the role of phospholipid scramblases and to the mechanisms involved in their regulation.  相似文献   



Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase (MAPK) signaling is of critical importance in plants and other eukaryotic organisms. The MAPK cascade plays an indispensible role in the growth and development of plants, as well as in biotic and abiotic stress responses. The MAPKs are constitute the most downstream module of the three tier MAPK cascade and are phosphorylated by upstream MAP kinase kinases (MAPKK), which are in turn are phosphorylated by MAP kinase kinase kinase (MAPKKK). The MAPKs play pivotal roles in regulation of many cytoplasmic and nuclear substrates, thus regulating several biological processes.


A total of 589 MAPKs genes were identified from the genome wide analysis of 40 species. The sequence analysis has revealed the presence of several N- and C-terminal conserved domains. The MAPKs were previously believed to be characterized by the presence of TEY/TDY activation loop motifs. The present study showed that, in addition to presence of activation loop TEY/TDY motifs, MAPKs are also contain MEY, TEM, TQM, TRM, TVY, TSY, TEC and TQY activation loop motifs. Phylogenetic analysis of all predicted MAPKs were clustered into six different groups (group A, B, C, D, E and F), and all predicted MAPKs were assigned with specific names based on their orthology based evolutionary relationships with Arabidopsis or Oryza MAPKs.


We conducted global analysis of the MAPK gene family of plants from lower eukaryotes to higher eukaryotes and analyzed their genomic and evolutionary aspects. Our study showed the presence of several new activation loop motifs and diverse conserved domains in MAPKs. Advance study of newly identified activation loop motifs can provide further information regarding the downstream signaling cascade activated in response to a wide array of stress conditions, as well as plant growth and development.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1244-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Human phospholipid scramblase 1 (SCR) consists of a large cytoplasmic domain and a small presumed transmembrane domain near the C-terminal end of the protein. Previous studies with the SCRΔ mutant lacking the C-terminal portion (last 28 aa) revealed the importance of this C-terminal moiety for protein function and calcium-binding affinity. The present contribution is intended to elucidate the effect of the transmembrane domain suppression on SCRΔ binding to model membranes (lipid monolayers and bilayers) and on SCRΔ reconstitution in proteoliposomes. In all cases the protein cytoplasmic domain showed a great affinity for lipid membranes, and behaved in most aspects as an intrinsic membrane protein. Assays have been performed in the presence of phosphatidylserine, presumably important for the SCR cytoplasmic domain to be electrostatically anchored to the plasma membrane inner surface. The fusion protein maltose binding protein-SCR has also been studied as an intermediate case of a molecule that can insert into the bilayer hydrophobic core, yet it is stable in detergent-free buffers. Although the intracellular location of SCR has been the object of debate, the present data support the view of SCR as an integral membrane protein, in which not only the transmembrane domain but also the cytoplasmic moiety play a role in membrane docking of the protein.  相似文献   

E Saitoh  H S Kim  O Smithies  N Maeda 《Gene》1987,61(3):329-338
Three genes from the human cystatin gene family of cysteine-proteinase inhibitors have been isolated from a bacteriophage lambda library containing HindIII digests of human genomic DNA. Two of the genes code for salivary cystatin SN and SA, the third is a pseudogene. The cloned genes were identified with a probe made from a salivary cystatin cDNA. The complete nucleotide sequence of the gene that codes for the precursor form of the neutral salivary protein, cystatin SN, was determined. The gene, which we name CST1, contains three exons and two intervening sequences. The expected CAT and ATA boxes are present in the 5'-flanking region of the gene. Partial nucleotide sequence determination of a second gene revealed that it codes for the precursor form of the acidic salivary protein, cystatin SA. This gene, which we name CST2, has the same gene organization as CST1. The complete nucleotide sequence of a third gene was determined. It does not contain a typical ATA box, and in addition, a premature stop codon and a frameshift deletion mutation occur within the gene. These inactivation mutations show that this gene, which we name CSTP1, is a cystatin pseudogene. These data combined with our genomic Southern-blot analyses show that the cystatin genes form a multigene family with at least seven members.  相似文献   

Sarcomeric myosin heavy chain (MyHC) is the major contractile protein of striated muscle. Six tandemly linked skeletal MyHC genes on chromosome 17 and two cardiac MyHC genes on chromosome 14 have been previously described in the human genome. We report the identification of three novel human sarcomeric MyHC genes on chromosomes 3, 7, and 20, which are notable for their atypical size and intron-exon structure. Two of the encoded proteins are structurally most like the slow-beta MyHC, whereas the third one is closest to the adult fast IIb isoform. Data from pairwise comparisons of aligned coding sequences imply the existence of ancestral genomes with four sarcomeric genes before the emergence of a dedicated smooth muscle MyHC gene. To further address the evolutionary relationships of the distinct sarcomeric and nonsarcomeric rod sequences, we have identified and further annotated human genomic DNA sequences corresponding to 14 class-II MyHCs. An extensive analysis provides a timeline for intron gain and loss, gene contraction and expansion, and gene conversion among genes encoding class-II myosins. One of the novel human genes is found to have introns at positions shared only with the molluscan catchin/MyHC gene, providing evidence for the structure of a pre-Cambrian ancestral gene.  相似文献   

SR proteins have a characteristic C-terminal Ser/Arg-rich repeat (RS domain) of variable length and constitute a family of highly conserved nuclear phosphoproteins that can function as both essential and alternative pre-mRNA splicing factors. We have cloned a cDNA encoding a novel human SR protein designated SRp30c, which has an unusually short RS domain. We also cloned cDNAs encoding the human homologues of Drosophila SRp55/B52 and rat SRp40/HRS. Recombinant proteins expressed from these cDNAs are active in constitutive splicing, as shown by their ability to complement a HeLa cell S100 extract deficient in SR proteins. Additional cDNA clones reflect extensive alternative splicing of SRp40 and SRp55 pre-mRNAs. The predicted protein isoforms lack the C-terminal RS domain and might be involved in feedback regulatory loops. The ability of human SRp30c, SRp40 and SRp55 to modulate alternative splicing in vivo was compared with that of other SR proteins using a transient contransfection assay. The overexpression of individual SR proteins in HeLa cells affected the choice of alternative 5' splice sites of adenovirus E1A and/or human beta-thalassemia reporters. The resulting splicing patterns were characteristic for each SR protein. Consistent with the postulated importance of SR proteins in alternative splicing in vivo, we demonstrate complex changes in the levels of mRNAs encoding the above SR proteins upon T cell activation, concomitant with changes in the expression of alternatively spliced isoforms of CD44 and CD45.  相似文献   

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