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Cycling of stomatal conductance in three hybrid poplar ( Populus sp.) cultivars was observed under a variety of conditions. Illumination of plants kept previously in the dark induced very large oscillations with a period of about 40 min and large oscillations with a shorter period (< 10 min) were superimposed on the longer cycles. During these oscillations, large changes in conductance could occur very rapidly (1.0 cm s−1 in 3 min). Plants in constant light also displayed both long and short term cycles in conductance, but these were smaller in amplitude than those induced by sudden illumination. Stomatal oscillations were also observed in darkness and after darkening of previously illuminated plants. These oscillations had shorter (< 30 min) and less regular periods than those observed in the light. Such cycling in the dark is rare. Cycling of the two leaf surfaces was sometimes in synchrony in the light, and more so after a perturbation. Little synchrony between the two surfaces was observed in the dark. Stomatal movements of different leaves on a plant were usually relatively independent. Transient stomatal opening occurred following leaf excision in the light or dark, and often after sudden darkening of intact leaves. Also, stomata of intact leaves sometimes transiently closed following illumination.  相似文献   

Leaf age effects on the leaf conductance to water vapour diffusionof the adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces were measured in themorning and in the afternoon on 17 different plantain and banana(Musa spp.) genotypes. The irradiance levels increased three-foldwhile leaf to air vapour pressure deficit levels increased two-to four-fold from morning to afternoon during the sampling periodin a field site located in the humid forest-moist savanna transitionzone of Nigeria. Conductance values were reduced in older, andsenescing leaves relative to the young and mature leaves bothin the morning and in the afternoon. Conductances were higherfor the abaxial leaf surfaces than the adaxial surface and higherin the afternoon than in the morning, with some genotypic differences.Lower values of leaf conductance to water vapour in the afternoonunder a short dry spell was sufficiently variable (P 0·05)among the test genotypes to indicate potential adaptation totransient dry conditions. Differential and relative leaf conductanceadjustments were noted among genotypes experiencing a shortdry spell versus non-limiting soil moisture conditions. Significantgenotypic differences were observed for leaf conductance amongthe 17 genotypes during the afternoon on the lower leaf surfaceof younger leaves. ABB cooking banana cultivars 'Fougamou' and'Bluggoe' might be potentially promising cultivars for transientdry conditions while AAB plantain 'Bobby Tannap' and one ofits hybrids TMPx 582-4 could be very sensitive to short dryspells according to this evaluation.Copyright 1994, 1999 AcademicPress Musa spp., Musa hybrids, adaxial leaf surface, abaxial leaf surface, stomatal response  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to evaluate phenotypic interactionin reciprocal grafts between wilty (w-1) sunflower mutant andnormal (W-1) plants. The w-1 genotype is a ‘leaky’ABA-deficient mutant, characterized by high stomatal conductance,in both light and dark conditions, and high transpiration rate. In well-watered conditions, mutant scions grafted on to normalrootstock (w-1/W-1) showed higher leaf relative water content,leaf water potential and ABA levels than those of control grafts(w-1/w-1). In addition, detached leaves of w-1/W-1 exhibitedlower water loss than w-1/w-1 grafts, while mutant rootstockdid not affect the transpiration rate of detached W-1 leaves.When drought stress was imposed to potted plants by withholdingwater, the mutant scions grafted on to normal roots showed apartial phenotypic reversion. A rapid stomatal closure and arise in ABA levels in response to a small decrease in leaf waterpotential was observed. By contrast, in w-1/w-1 grafts significantreductions in stomatal conductance and ABA accumulation weredetected only in conjunction with a severe water deficit. W-1scions on mutant stocks (W-1/w-1) maintained the normal phenotypeof control wild-type grafts (W1/W-1). Key words: ABA, grafting, Helianthus annuus, stomatal conductance, water relations, wilty mutant  相似文献   

The characteristics of ABA-induced changes in the fluxes ofCO2 and water vapour from whole leaves of spring wheat (Triticumaestivum cv. Wembley) were examined. Aqueous solutions of ABAwere supplied via the transpiration stream to intact leavesof different ages mounted within a gas exchange cuvette. ABA caused a reduction in stomatal conductance (g) that wasproportional to the concentration in the solution fed to theleaf. For the maintenance of a reduction in g there was a requirementfor a continual supply of ABA. At concentrations greater than10–2 mol m–3 ABA reduced g by at least 50% of thecontrol value, while 1.0 mol m–3 closed stomata within2 h. Concentrations as low as 10–3 mol m–3 produceda 20% reduction in g. As leaves aged they became less responsiveto applied ABA. The possibility that the stomatal response may change aftera leaf has previously experienced a pulse of ABA was exploredby repeating the exposure of a leaf to 10–2 mol m–3ABA. The first pulse of ABA produced a greater reduction ing than a subsequent exposure the following day. This declinein response of g to ABA on repeated exposure was maintainedwith leaves of different ages. The characteristics of the stomatal response to ABA are discussedin the context of what is known about the location of receptorsfor the hormone. It seems likely that a failure to respond toABA that has previously accumulated in the guard cells shouldbe viewed by means of maximizing the sensitivity to the currentsupply of ABA. It is suggested that the smaller response ofthe stomata of older leaves to ABA makes them more susceptibleto water stress, so that they can act as sensors for decliningwater potentials to give early protection to younger, metabolicallyactive leaves. Key words: Abscisic acid, leaf age, stomatal conductance, Triticum aestivum  相似文献   

Abstract Young, amphistomatous hybrid poplar (Populus deltoides x trichocarpa) plants were exposed daily to either background (0.025 cm3 m-3) or elevated (0.125 cm3 m-3) concentrations of O3. Levels of abaxial and adaxial leaf conductance were affected interactively by pollutant treatment, leaf age, and photon fluence rate. Consequently, conductance in O3-treated leaves was sometimes higher and sometimes lower than in comparable control leaves, depending on leaf age or level of photon fluence rate. For example, at low photon fluence rate or in the dark, conductance was greater in O3-treated than in control plants, while at high photon fluence rate that relationship was reversed. Exposure to O3 also reduced the water-use efficiency and range of leaf conductance of individual leaves, and altered the relationship between the conductances of the two leaf surfaces (the ratio of abaxial to adaxial leaf conductance was increased). Furthermore, O3 treatment resulted in diminished stomatal control of water loss; excised O3-treated leaves had higher conductances and wilted sooner than excised control leaves of identical ages. Overall, the data indicate that exposure to O3 resulted in impaired stomatal function.  相似文献   

Diurnal pattern of acetaldehyde emission by flooded poplar trees   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The emission of the tropospheric trace gas acetaldehyde was determined in leaves of 4-month-old poplar trees ( Populus tremula × P. alba ) grown under controlled environmental conditions in a greenhouse. Using a dynamic cuvette system together with a high sensitivity laser-based photoacoustic detection unit, rates of acetaldehyde emission were measured with the high time resolution of about 15 min. Submergence of the roots resulted in the emission of acetaldehyde by the leaves. The emission increased linearly before reaching more or less steady-state values (ca 350 nmol m−2 min−1; ca 470 ng g−1 dry weight min−1) after approximately 6 h. Prolonged flooding of poplar trees resulted in a clear diurnal rhythm of acetaldehyde emission. The emission rates decreased when the light was switched off in the evening and peaked in the morning after the light was turned on again. This pattern significantly correlated with diurnal rhythms of stomatal conductance, photosynthesis, transpiration and with the concentrations of ethanol, the assumed precursor of acetaldehyde, in the xylem sap of flooded poplar trees. It may be concluded that under conditions of diminished stomatal conductance, acetaldehyde emission declines because its diffusive flux is reduced. Alternatively, reduced transpiration may decrease ethanol transport from the roots to the shoots and appreciable amounts of the acetaldehyde precursor ethanol are lacking in the leaves. The present results support the view that acetaldehyde emitted by the leaves of plants is derived from ethanol produced by alcoholic fermentation in submerged roots and transported to the leaves with the transpiration stream.  相似文献   

The vulnerability of xylem vessels to water stress-induced cavitationwas studied by measuring hydraulic conductivity and ultrasoundacoustic emissions (AEs) in Fagus sylvatica L. f. purpurea (Ait.)Schneid. and Populus balsamifera L. The occurrence of xylemembolism in summer was investigated in relation to leaf waterpotential and stomatal conductance. Populus was extremely vulnerableto cavitation, losing functional vessels due to embolism atwater potentials lower than –0.7 MPa. Fagus experiencedembolism when water potential fell below –1.9 MPa. Middaywater potentials often approached these threshold values. Whenevaporative demand increased rapidly on sunny days, water lossbecame limited by low stomatal conductance. Thus water potentialsfell only slightly below the threshold values inducing cavitation.Despite the differences in vulnerability, both species tolerateda similar embolism rate of about 10% in the summer. There wasno embolism reversal during prolonged periods of rain. AEs werepredictive of loss in hydraulic conductivity, indicating thatAEs were mainly confined to vessels. Finally, vessel lengthdistribution, vessel diameter (tangential axis), vessel density,and vessel wall thickness had been determined for both speciesinvestigated. Populus had longer and wider vessels than Fagus,whereas vessel wall thickness was similar in both species. Key words: Acoustic emissions, Fagus, Populus, stomatal closure, xylem embolism  相似文献   

We have examined the hypothesis that cytokinins transportedfrom roots to shoots affects leaf growth, stomatal conductance,and cytokinin concentration of leaves of Phaseolus and a hybridpoplar (Populus trichocarpa x Populus deltoides) with hypoxicroots. Because cytokinins may interact with other substances,potassium and calcium concentrations were determined in xylemsap of Populus plants with hypoxic and aerated roots while gibberellin(GA) concentrations were measured in shoot tissues. Root hypoxiadecreased leaf growth and closed stomata in both species. Inboth species, fluxes of cytokinins out of the roots were reduced,but no differences in bulk leaf concentrations were measuredbetween the hypoxic and aerated plants. Shoots with aeratedroots contained slightly higher concentrations of GA1 and GA3than shoots from hypoxic plants. There were no differences incalcium or potassium concentrations in xylem sap between aerationtreatments. Exogenously applied cytokinins did not alleviatethe growth or stomatal responses caused by root hypoxia. Informationon the site(s) and mechanism(s) of cytokinin action and theways in which cytokinins are compartmentalized within plantcells will be required to understand the physiological significanceof cytokinin transport in the transpirational stream. Key words: Cytokinins, hypoxia, Populus, Phaseolus  相似文献   

CO2 uptake and diffusion conductance of Valencia orange fruits(Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) were measured in the field duringthe growing season of 1977/78 to ascertain if, as in the leaf,stomata control photosynthesis and transpiration under changingenvironmental conditions. Measurements were made on 15 yearold trees grown in a sandy loam soil and receiving either adry or a wet treatment. Fruit diffusive conductance was measuredwith a modified water vapour diffusion conductance meter andgross photosynthesis was measured with a 14CO2 uptake meter.Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) was measured witha quantum sensor. Fruits exposed to light assimilated CO2 ata rate which was 25–50% of that assimilated by leaves.The uptake was dependent on fruit size, PAR, chlorophyll content,and on diffusive conductance of the fruit epidermis. Epidermalconductance showed a diurnal trend which was similar in shapeto that of the leaf except in the late afternoon. Cuticularconductance of the fruit was calculated and ranged between 0.22and 0.30 mm s–1. It was speculated that the CO2 uptakeby the fruit could support the growth of flavedo cell layerswhen exposed to light. Dry soil caused an increase in the 14CO2uptake by fruit possibly caused by the increased potential areaof the stomatal opening per unit of fruit surface area.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that stomata respond directly to light,but it was not clear whether the only additional response isthrough CO2, or whether some other metabolite is involved inthis response. Gas exchange experiments were done with normallypositioned and inverted leaves of Hedera helix to investigatethis problem. The macroscopic optical properties of the leavesand their anatomical structure were also studied. These experimentssnowed that there is no need to postulate the existence of amessenger other than CO2 to explain the indirect response ofstomata to light. The experiments also showed that leaf inversionaffects both stomatal conductance and photosynthesis, and highlightthe difficulties involved in the interpretation of the effectof leaf inversion on stomata when stomatal conductance measurementsare not done concurrently with measurements of CO2 flux densityand intercellular CO2 molar fraction Key words: Hedera helix, ivy, gas exchange, leaf inversion, stomatal conductance, light, CO2 flux density, photosynthesis  相似文献   

The stomatal distribution, non-uniform stomatal closure, stomatal conductance, and gas-exchange of several hybrid poplar clones under light stress were studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and gas-exchange. Non-uniform stomatal closure was found under natural light stress by SEM, and there was a linear relationship between the stomatal aperture and stomatal conductance. We suggest a formula for modification of intercellular CO2 concentration, which can restore consideration of stomatal factors leading to midday depression of photosynthesis in some cases. Received: 11 January 1999 / Accepted: 6 April 2000  相似文献   

Physiological responses to water stress (drought) have beeninvestigated in Umbilicus rupestris (wall pennywort) by comparingcontrol (well-watered) and draughted plants with respect to(i) diurnal fluctuations in the acid content of the leaves,(ii) CO2 exchange patterns and (iii) stomatal conductance. Controlplants show no diurnal fluctuations in acid content, whereasafter 6 d of drought a clear CAM-type pattern (nocturnal acidificationfollowed by deacidification in the light) is observed. In controlplants, the CO2 exchange pattern over a 24 h period is of atypical C-3 ‘square-wave’ type, with extensive CO2uptake in the light and CO2 output in the dark. In droughtedplants the day-time CO2 uptake is confined to a morning ‘burst’,whilst night-time CO2 output is markedly reduced. There is howeverno net noctural uptake of CO2. In control plants, stomatal conductanceis high during the day (especially in the first half of theday) falling to a low level at the onset of darkness, and thenrising slowly through the remainder of the night. In droughtedplants, stomatal conductance is very low, except that thereis morning ‘burst’ of high conductance and a periodduring the night when conductance is higher than in controlplants. These results are discussed in relation to the response of U.rupestris to drought both in laboratory and in field conditions. Umbilicus rupestris, wall pennywort, CO2 exchange, Crassulacean acid metabolism, drought, stomatal conductance, water stress  相似文献   

Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth. is an obligate hemiparasiticangiosperm which can cause severe losses of yield in cerealcrops in the semi-arid tropics. The effects of this parasiteon the growth and stomatal conductance of three varieties ofmaize (Zea mays L.) during the first 6 weeks of the associationhave been studied. From 24 d after planting (DAP), infectedplants were significantly shorter than uninfected controls.When the plants were harvested 45 DAP, infected plants had fewerfully expanded leaves, less leaf biomass and less pseudo-stembiomass than uninfected controls. However, the parasitized plantshad more root biomass and hence a higher root:shoot ratio thanuninfected controls. The stomatal conductance of infected hostswas severely inhibited by comparison with that in uninfectedplants. The possibility that abscisic acid (ABA) may be involved inthe regulation of the parasitic association was investigated.ABA concentrations in leaf tissue of maize (cv. Cargimontana)and S. hermonthica were determined by radioimmunoassay. Whilethere was a difference between cultivars in the extent of theresponse, the concentrations of ABA were significantly higherin infected maize plants than in the uninfected controls. InS. hermonthica, leaf tissue ABA concentration was found to bean order of magnitude higher than in the host leaf tissue. Detachedleaves of S. hermonthica which were dehydrated at room temperatureuntil they had lost 10–20% of their fresh weight containedthree times the ABA concentration of control leaves. This suggeststhat leaves of S. hermonthica can synthesize or re-mobilizeABA in response to water deficit. It is not yet known whetherthis contributes to the higher concentration in infected hosts,but the results suggest that ABA has a role in this parasiticassociation. Key words: Striga hermonthica, abscisic acid, growth, parasitic angiosperm, stomatal conductance  相似文献   

Growth rates of seasonal leaf flushes of ‘Valencia’orange [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck] were measured and waterrelations characteristics of young (new) and over-wintered (old)citrus leaves were compared. New flush leaves had lower specificleaf weights and lower midday leaf water potentials than comparablyexposed old leaves. Spring and summer flush new leaves had higherosmotic potentials than old leaves. These differences becamenon-significant as the new leaves matured. During summer conditions,water-stressed new leaves reached zero turgor and stomatal conductancealso began to decrease in them at higher leaf water potentialsthan in old leaves. Old leaves were capable of maintaining openstomata at lower leaf water potentials. Opened flowers and newflush leaves lost more water, on a dry weight basis, than flowerbuds, fruit or mature leaves. The results illustrate differencesin leaf water potential and stomatal conductance which can beattributed to the maintenance of leaf turgor by decreases inleaf osmotic potentials as leaves mature. These changes in citrusleaf water relations are especially important since water stressresulting from high water loss rates of new tissues could reduceflowering and fruit set. Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck, orange, Citrus paradisi Macf., grapefruit, growth rate, leaf water relations, osmotic potential, water potential, stomatal conductance  相似文献   

NAGARAJAH  S. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(5):1141-1147
Some differences in the responses of the upper and lower stomatain cotton (Gossypium hirsutuni) are presented. These differenceswere observed in the course of some studies in which the transpirationof the two leaf surfaces was measured under controlled environmentconditions and the transpiration data used as an estimate ofstomatal response. In darkness the upper stomata were more or less effectivelyclosed while the lower stomata were partially open. Upon illuminationof the leaf with non-saturation or saturation radiation theupper stomata were slower to open than the lower stomata. Thereductions in stomatal aperture which occurs with the increasein age of leaves commenced earlier in the upper stomata andproceeded at a faster rate than the lower stomata. Sudden exposureto saturation radiation caused the stomata of the two leaf surfacesto oscillate. These oscillations were not observed in youngleaves but in older leaves. During ageing of leaves oscillationsof the upper stomata commenced earlier than oscillations ofthe lower stomata. When the petiole was excised in darknessor light the upper stomata showed a transient increase but notthe lower stomata. Gossypium hirsutum, stomatal responses, transpiration  相似文献   

Thirty-six F2 hybrid poplar (Populus trichocarpa × P. deltoides) clones were fumigated with ozone to record its effects on growth, correlate them with stomatal response and screen for ozone sensitivity. Fumigation was applied for 6 to 9 h each day for approximately 3 months at ozone concentrations of 85 to 128 μg g−1 using open-top chambers. Height, diameter, number of leaves, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate, total biomass, biomass components and root/shoot ratios were reduced by ozone stress. Percent of leaf fall in ozone-treated plants was nearly three times higher than in control plants exposed to charcoal-filtered air. Leaf senescence, because of ozone exposure, did not appear to be associated with reduced biomass production. Some clones had a high percentage of leaf-fall with ozone exposure, but were able to maintain total biomass production near that of the control. Their response may be an example of an ability to adjust or compensate for ozone damage. There was no significant or consistent relationship between stomatal conductance and total biomass or the change in stomatal conductance as a result of ozone exposure and the change in total biomass. Taken together, these results suggest that effects of ozone on poplar growth cannot be solely correlated to changes in stomatal conductance, more physiological and biochemical parameters should be examined.  相似文献   

Leaves from Paphiopedilum sp. (Orchidaceae) having achlorophyllous stomata, show reduced levels of stomatal conductance when irradiated with red light, as compared with either the related, chlorophyllous genus Phragmipedium or with their response to blue light. These reduced levels of stomatal conductance, and the failure of isolated Paphiopedilum stomata to open under red irradiation indicates that the small stomatal response measured in the intact leaf under red light is indirect.

The overall low levels of stomatal conductance observed in Paphiopedilum leaves under most growing conditions and their capacity to increase stomatal conductance in response to blue light suggested that growth and carbon gain in Paphiopedilum could be enhanced in a blue light-enriched environment. To test that hypothesis, plants of Paphiopedilum acmodontum were grown in controlled growth chambers under daylight fluorescent light, with or without blue light supplementation. Total photosynthetic photon flux density was kept constant in both conditions. Blue light enrichment resulted in significantly higher growth rates—of up to 77%—over a 3 to 4 week growing period, with all evidence indicating that the blue light effect was a stomatal response. Manipulations of stomatal properties aimed at long-term carbon gains could have agronomic applications.


Rates of net photosynthesis of the flag leaves of 15 genotypesof wheat and related species were measured throughout theirlife, using intact leaves on plants grown in the field. At thestage when rates were maximal, they were in general highestfor the diploid species, intermediate for the tetraploidspeciesand lowest for Triticum aestivum (means of 38, 32 and 28 mgCO2 dm–2 h–1 respectively). Rates were stronglynegatively correlated with leaf area, leaf width and the meanplan area per mesophyll cell and positvely correlated with stomatalfrequency and number of veins per mm of leaf width. The differencesamong species in these attributes were mainly related to ploidylevel. It was not possible to determine the relative importanceof each anatomical feature, though the changes in stomatal frequencyhad only slight effects on stomatal conductance and the observeddifferences in rates of photosynthesis were much greater thanwould be expected from those in stomatal conductance alone. There was genetic variation in rates of light dependent oxygenevolution of isolated protoplasts and intact chloroplasts butno difference attributable to ploidy. The mean rate, 91 µmolO2 mg–1 chlorophyll h–1, equivalent to 3.9 mg CO2mg-1chlorophyll h-1 was considerably less than the rate of photosynthesisin comparable intact leaves, which was 7.2 mg CO2 mg–1chlorophyll h–1. The total above-ground dry matter yields were least for thewild diploids T. urartu and T. thauodar and the wild tetraploidT. dicoccoides, but the other wild diploids produced as muchdry matter as the hexaploids. The prospects of exploiting differences in photosynthetic ratein the breeding of higher yielding varieties are discussed. Triticum aestivum L., wheat, Aegilops spp, photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, stomatal frequency, polyploidy  相似文献   

Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L., cv. Bintje) were grown in a naturally lit glasshouse. Laboratory measurements on leaves at three insertion levels showed a decline with leaf age in photosynthetic capacity and in stomatal conductance at near saturating irradiance. Conductance declined somewhat more with age than photosynthesis, resulting in a smaller internal CO2 concentration in older relative to younger leaves. Leaves with different insertion number behaved similarly. The changes in photosynthesis rate and in nitrogen content with leaf age were closely correlated. When PAR exceeded circa 100 W m–2 the rate of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance changed proportionally as indicated by a constant internal CO2 concentration. The photosynthesis-irradiance data were fitted to an asymptotic exponential model. The parameters of the model are AMAX, the rate of photosynthesis at infinite irradiance, and EFF, the slope at low light levels. AMAX declined strongly with leaf age, as did EFF, but to a smaller extent. During drought stress photosynthetic capacity declined directly with decreasing water potential (range –0.6 to –1.1 MPa). Initially, stomatal conductance declined faster than photosynthetic capacity.Abbreviations LNx leaf number x, counted in acropetal direction - DAP days after planting - DALA days after leaf appearance - Ci CO2 concentration in the leaf - Ca CO2 concentration in ambient air - LWP leaf water potential - OP osmotic potential - PAR photosynthetically active radiation  相似文献   

The water relations and stomatal behaviour of a wilty line ofpea (JI 1069) were investigated and compared with those of severalnon-wilty lines (JI 1180, JI 1194, and JI 74). The leaves ofthe wilty line were found to have a lower percent water content,water potential and diffusive resistance and the dimensionsof the stomatal cells were larger than those of the non-wiltytypes. The aperture of stomata on epidermal samples taken from plantsin the light or dark period of a diurnal rhythm was consistentlylarger for the wilty pea than for the non-wilty lines, however,their stomatal responses on detached epidermis to light, CO2and KC1 concentration were similar. There was no differencein response to ABA of stomata on detached epidermis of wiltyor non-wilty types of pea. Key words: Pisum sativum, Wilty mutant, Water relations, Stomatal behaviour  相似文献   

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