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To predict future changes in forest ecosystems, it is crucial to understand the complex processes involved in decline of tree species populations and to evaluate the implications for potential vegetation shifts. Here, we study patterns of decline (canopy defoliation and mortality of adults) of four Scots pine populations at the southern edge of its distribution and characterized by different combinations of climate dryness and intensity of past management. General linear and structural equation modeling were used to assess how biotic, abiotic, and management components interacted to explain the spatial variability of Scots pine decline across and within populations. Regeneration patterns of Scots pine and co-occurring oak species were analyzed to assess potential vegetation shifts. Decline trends were related to climatic dryness at the regional scale, but, ultimately, within-population forest structure, local site conditions, and past human legacies could be the main underlying drivers of Scots pine decline. Overall, Scots pine regeneration was negatively related to decline both within and between populations, whereas oak species responded to decline idiosyncratically across populations. Taken together, our results suggest that (1) patterns of decline are the result of processes acting at the plot level that modulate forest responses to local environmental stress and (2) decline of adult Scots pine trees seems not to be compensated by self-recruitment so that the future dynamics of these forest ecosystems are uncertain.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the relationship between the seasonality of vegetation cover and that of fine root processes in a man-made forest in northern Belgium. Due to their contrasting foliar development, we expected different seasonal patterns of fine root growth and standing biomass between Pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.), and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Biomass and necromass of fine and small roots were estimated by repeated core sampling in February, April, June, August and October 2003. Measurements showed that Pedunculate oaks maintained more live fine roots in winter than Scots pines. However, Scots pines produced more than twice as much fine roots in spring, such that in summer both species had similar root mass. Scots pine root production started before-, but declined during leaf unfolding. Pedunculate oak roots, in contrast, started elongating only after bud break. For both species, fine root production peaked in JuneJuly, but was more than offset by drought-induced mortality at the end of July and early August. Summer drought in 2003 was exceptionally long and intense, significantly reducing leaf area, killing most new roots, and inhibiting root decomposition, such that the obtained results cannot be typical for this forest.  相似文献   

Seasonality of Glutathione Dynamics in Scots Pine and Bilberry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract: Seasonal changes in the glutathione status of Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris L .) needles and bilberry ( Vaccinium myrtillus L.) stems and leaves were investigated during 1995 and 1997–1998, respectively. The glutathione concentration, the proportion of reduced glutathione (GSH%) and glutathione reductase (GR) activity were measured at monthly intervals throughout one year. The glutathione concentration and GSH% in current year's Scots pine needles were highest during late summer, but decreased during autumn. It is suggested that exchange reactions between free and protein-bound glutathione may be involved in this reduction. Both metabolites decreased towards summer in the previous year's needles. GR activity exhibited the lowest values in summer and the highest values in winter in both needle generations. In bilberry stems, glutathione peaked during midwinter, while GSH% remained high and relatively constant throughout the year. GR activity was highest in August, after which it gradually declined. In bilberry leaves, the total glutathione concentration was high in early summer. This peak was followed by a sharp decrease during midsummer. GR activity in the leaves was very low, but showed a clear increase towards autumn. Obviously, glutathione metabolism showed considerable seasonal variation in Scots pine needles and in bilberry leaves and stems, but the pattern of variation differed between the studied species and organs.  相似文献   

为揭示秦岭南坡植物群落演替与物种多样性之间的复杂关系,采用空间代替时间的方法在秦岭南坡油松林、松栎混交林和锐齿栎林群落典型分布区域设置45个样地进行了群落学调查,统计分析了油松林→松栎混交林→锐齿栎林这一演替序列过程中草、灌、乔3层的物种组成和α物种多样性动态。结果表明:(1)秦岭南坡油松林、松栎混交林和锐齿栎林3种群落共有维管植物312种,隶属于73科183属,其中草本植物136种,灌木(含木质藤本)98种,乔木78种;油松林群落包含52科117属190种,松栎混交林群落含有60科95属129种,锐齿栎林群落则为50科109属178种。(2)沿油松林→松栎混交林→锐齿栎林群落演替序列,草本层物种均匀度和物种多样性显著降低,物种丰富度呈"V"形变化趋势;灌木层物种丰富度、均匀度以及物种多样性均无显著差异;乔木层物种多样性呈明显的单峰型变化,其中松栎混交林群落物种多样性指数最高。研究表明,秦岭南坡松栎林群落物种多样性随演替进展总体上呈现单峰型变化,与中期物种多样性假说一致;物种多样性可能仅仅是群落稳定的一个基础或前提条件。  相似文献   

秦岭南坡松栎林群落演替过程中种间联结性和相关性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了揭示秦岭南坡松栎林群落动态变化过程中物种间关系与群落演替的相互作用,基于2×2列联表,采用方差比率法、χ2检验、Jaccard指数和Spearman秩相关性系数探讨了油松林→松栎混交林→锐齿栎林演替序列过程中3个演替阶段群落优势种群的种间联结性和相关性。结果表明:(1)油松林、松栎混交林和锐齿栎林群落总体联结性均为显著正联结,各自具有相对的稳定性。(2)油松和松栎混交林群落正负联结性和相关性比例较小,群落稳定性均低于锐齿栎林群落。(3)先锋种间及其与前期过渡种间、顶级种间及其与后期过渡种间竞争较为激烈,过渡种间(包括前期过渡种间、前期过渡种与后期过渡种间、后期过渡种间)正联结占优势,较为稳定。(4)不同演替阶段群落可分别划分为4个、5个、4个生态种组。研究认为,秦岭南坡松栎混交林演替过程中种间关系逐渐趋于稳定共存,实践中及时调整种间关系可促使秦岭南坡松栎林群落趋于健康稳定,有效缩短演替的进程。  相似文献   

In this paper, the decomposition rates of the litter of Pinus tabulaefomis and Quercus variabilis placed in chinese pine plantation on Xi Shem in Beijing have been studied, the results showed that the differance between two kinds of litter was insignificant. The ratio of weight loss of litter placed in chinese pine plantation for 591 days was 24.2-28.06%. The exponential decay model has been used, the litter decomposition rates were estimated 0.190-4).210 g/g/year for Pinus tabulaeformis and 0.176-0.203 g/g/year for Quercus variabilis. The chemical component analysis of litter re- presented that the weight loss of litter was caused by losing gross fat, soluble sugar; tannin, organic carbon initially. The correlation coefficients between the weight loss rate and the net chemical component loss of Pinus tabulaeformis and Quercus variabilis were 0.970 (p<0.05) and 0.982 (p<0.05), respectively.  相似文献   

To conserve a declining species we first need to diagnose the causes of decline. This is one of the most challenging tasks faced by conservation practitioners. In this study, we used temporally explicit species distribution models (SDMs) to test whether shifting weather can explain the recent decline of a marsupial carnivore, the eastern quoll (Dasyurus viverrinus). We developed an SDM using weather variables matched to occurrence records of the eastern quoll over the last 60 years, and used the model to reconstruct variation through time in the distribution of climatically suitable range for the species. The weather model produced a meaningful prediction of the known distribution of the species. Abundance of quolls, indexed by transect counts, was positively related to the modelled area of suitable habitat between 1990 and 2004. In particular, a sharp decline in abundance from 2001 to 2003 coincided with a sustained period of unsuitable weather over much of the species’ distribution. Since 2004, abundance has not recovered despite a return to suitable weather conditions, and abundance and area of suitable habitat have been uncorrelated. We suggest that fluctuations in weather account for the species’ recent decline, but other unrelated factors have suppressed recovery.  相似文献   

The influence of mediterranean pine vole (Microtus (Terricola) duodecimcostatus) mound-building activity in two Western Spanish Pyrenees plant communities (Mesobromion erecti and Festucion eskiae-Nardion strictae) were studied. The plants colonizing the gaps in these areas are different in the two cases considered. The plant composition of surrounding plant communities seems to be the main factor in revegetation. Mound-building activity changes the species' relative frequency and life-form spectrum, decreases the monocytyledonous/dicotyledonous ratio and increases diversity by diminishing the presence of dominant plant species.Abbreviations ME Mesobromion erecti - FN Festucion eskiae-Nardion strictae - (monocots) Monocotyledonous - (dicots) Dicotyledonous  相似文献   

The realized species richness of tropical forests cannot yet be reliably mapped at a regional scale due to lack of systematically collected data. An estimate of the potential species richness (PSR), however, can be produced through the use of species distribution modelling. PSR is interpretable as a climatically determined upper limit to observed species richness. We mapped current PSR and future PSR under climate change scenarios for Mesoamerica by combining the spatial distributions of 2000 tree species as predicted by generalized additive models built from herbaria records and climate layers. An explanatory regression tree was used to extract conditional rules describing the relationship between PSR and climate. The results were summarized by country, ecoregion and protected area status in order to investigate current and possible future variability in PSR in the context of regional biodiversity conservation. Length of the dry season was found to be the key determinant of PSR. Protected areas were found to have higher median PSR values than unprotected areas in most of the countries within the study area. Areas with exceptionally high PSR, however, remain unprotected throughout the region. Neither changes in realized species richness nor extinctions will necessarily follow changes in modelled PSR under climate change. However model output suggests that an increase in temperature of around 3°C, combined with a 20 percent decrease in rainfall could lead to a widespread reduction of around 15 percent of current PSR, with values of up to 40 percent in some moist lower montane tropical forests. The modelled PSR of dry forest ecoregions was found to be relatively stable. Some cooler upper montane forests in northern Mesoamerica, where few species of tropical origin are currently found, may gain PSR if species are free to migrate.  相似文献   

Five experiments to investigate the water relationships of Scotspine and Norway spruce sapwood are described. Field exposureof stakes, and their moisture characteristic relating wood moisturecontent to the water potential of the surroundings showed thatspruce had a lower moisture content than pine under the sameconditions. A pore size distribution derived from the characteristicsshowed more large pores in spruce than in pine, but in sprucethere were also more small pores. The inference was that thelarge pores of spruce were readily accessible to water, allowinga fast rate of water uptake, as found in the wick action andswelling investigations, while the small pores were not accessible,resulting in a low rate of water uptake and a low rate of swelling.The possibility is briefly discussed that it is the pore sizedistribution of the two woods which determines their water relationships,and the difference in pore size which determines their treatability. Key words: Pinus sylvestris L, Picea abies (L) Karst, Pore size, Water uptake  相似文献   

Archaeal 16S rRNA gene sequences have been found in a variety of moderate-temperature habitats including soil and rhizospheres. In this study, the differences of archaeal communities associated with Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) short roots, different types of mycorrhizospheric compartments, and uncolonized boreal forest humus were tested by direct DNA extraction, polymerase chain reaction–denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR–DGGE), and sequencing. The results indicated that mycorrhizal colonization of Scots pine roots substantially influence the archaeal community of pine rhizospheres. Colonization of short roots by most mycorrhizal fungi tested increased both archaeal frequency and diversity. Most of the archaeal sequences encountered in mycorrhizas belonged to the phylum Euryarchaeota, order of Halobacteriales. The difference in archaeal diversity between the mycorrhizospheric compartments and humus was profound. Most compartments with fungal components contained euryarchaeotal 16S rRNA gene sequences, whereas a high diversity of crenarchaeotal sequences and no euryarchaeotal sequences were found in forest humus outside mycorrhizospheres.  相似文献   

Evapotranspiration (E) and CO2 flux (Fc) in the growing season of an unusual dry year were measured continuously over a Scots pine forest in eastern Finland, by eddy covariance techniques. The aims were to gain an understanding of their biological and environmental control processes. As a result, there were obvious diurnal and seasonal changes in E, Fc, surface conductance (gc), and decoupling coefficient (Ω), showing similar trends to those in radiation (PAR) and vapour pressure deficit (δ). The maximum mean daily values (24-h average) for E, Fc, gc, and Ω were 1.78 mmol m−2 s−1, −11.18 µmol m−2 s−1, 6.27 mm s−1, and 0.31, respectively, with seasonal averages of 0.71 mmol m−2 s−1, −4.61 µmol m−2 s−1, 3.3 mm s−1, and 0.16. E and Fc were controlled by combined biological and environmental variables. There was curvilinear dependence of E on gc and Fc on gc. Among the environmental variables, PAR was the most important factor having a positive linear relationship to E and curvilinear relationship to Fc, while vapour pressure deficit was the most important environmental factor affecting gc. Water use efficiency was slightly higher in the dry season, with mean monthly values ranging from 6.67 to 7.48 μmol CO2 (mmol H2O)−1 and a seasonal average of 7.06 μmol CO2 (μmol H2O)−1. Low Ω and its close positive relationship with gc indicate that evapotranspiration was sensitive to surface conductance. Mid summer drought reduced surface conductance and decoupling coefficient, suggesting a more biotic control of evapotranspiration and a physiological acclimation to dry air. Surface conductance remained low and constant under dry condition, supporting that a constant value of surface constant can be used for modelling transpiration under drought condition.  相似文献   

According to the neutral theory of evolution, mutation and genetic drift are the only forces that shape unconstrained, neutral, gene evolution. Thus, pseudogenes (which often evolve neutrally) provide opportunities to obtain direct estimates of mutation rates that are not biased by selection, and gene families comprising functional and pseudogene members provide useful material for both estimating neutral mutation rates and identifying sites that appear to be under positive or negative selection pressures. Conifers could be very useful for such analyses since they have large and complex genomes. There is evidence that pseudogenes make significant contributions to the size and complexity of gene families in pines, although few studies have examined the composition and evolution of gene families in conifers. In this work, I examine the complexity and rates of mutation of the phytochrome gene family in Pinus sylvestris and show that it includes not only functional genes but also pseudogenes. As expected, the functional PHYO does not appear to have evolved neutrally, while phytochrome pseudogenes show signs of unconstrained evolution.  相似文献   

Potential changes in tree species richness and forest community types were evaluated for the eastern United States according to five scenarios of future climate change resulting from a doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). DISTRIB, an empirical model that uses a regression tree analysis approach, was used to generate suitable habitat, or potential future distributions, of 80 common tree species for each scenario. The model assumes that the vegetation and climate are in equilibrium with no barriers to species migration. Combinations of the individual species model outcomes allowed estimates of species richness (from among the 80 species) and forest type (from simple rules) for each of 2100 counties in the eastern United States. Average species richness across all counties may increase slightly with climatic change. This increase tends to be larger as the average temperature of the climate change scenario increases. Dramatic changes in the distribution of potential forest types were modeled. All five scenarios project the extirpation of the spruce–fir forest types from New England. Outputs from only the two least severe scenarios retain aspen–birch, and they are largely reduced. Maple–beech–birch also shows a large reduction in area under all scenarios. By contrast, oak–hickory and oak–pine types were modeled to increase by 34% and 290%, respectively, averaged over the five scenarios. Although many assumptions are made, these modeled outcomes substantially agree with a limited number of predictions from researchers using paleoecological data or other models. Received 12 May 2000; accepted 20 October 2000.  相似文献   

Strong evidence for a pan-Arctic expansion of upright shrubs comes from analysis of satellite imagery, historical photographs, vegetation plots, and growth rings. However, there are still uncertainties related to local-scale patterns of shrub growth, resulting interactions among vegetation functional groups, and the relative roles of disturbance and climate as drivers of observed change. Here, we present evidence that widespread and rapid shrub expansion and lichen declines over a 15,000 km2 area of the western Canadian Arctic have been driven by regional increases in temperature. Using 30 m resolution Landsat satellite imagery and high resolution repeat color-infrared aerial photographs, we show that 85% of the land surface has a positive 1985–2011 trend (P < 0.05) in NDVI, making this one of the most intensely greening regions in the Arctic. Strong positive trends (>0.03 NDVI/decade) occurred consistently across all landscape positions and most vegetation types. Comparison of 208, 1:2,000 scale vertical air photo pairs from 1980 and 2013 clearly shows that this greening was driven by increased canopy cover of erect dwarf and tall shrubs, with declines in terricolous lichen cover. Disturbances caused by wildfires, exploratory gas wells, and drained lakes all produced strong, yet localized increases in NDVI due to shrub growth. Our analysis also shows that a 4°C winter temperature increase over the past 30 years, leading to warmer soils and enhanced nutrient mineralization provides the best explanation for observed vegetation change. These observations thus provide early corroboration for modeling studies predicting large-scale vegetation shifts in low-Arctic ecosystems from climate change.  相似文献   

Methods were developed to determine proteinase activity in germinating seeds of Scots pine. The assays were based on the liberation of TCA-soluble peptides from haemoglobin at pH 3.7 and from casein at pH 5.4 and pH 7.0; the reaction products were determined by the Lowry method. — Endosperms separated from seeds at the time of rapid storage protein mobilization (seedling length between 20 and 50 mm) showed high proteinase activities in all three assays. Experiments with different inhibitors suggested that at least four enzymes were involved. One of the enzymes resembled mammalian and microbial pepsin-like acid proteinases: the pH optimum was 3.7 and the enzyme was inhibited by pepstatin.—The proteinase activities in the endosperms were high enough to account for the mobilization of the reserve proteins during germination. Moreover the activities at pH and 7.0 in the endosperms were 10-, 25-, and 50-fold the corresponding activities in the growing seedlings (a “reference” tissue). Consequently, it seems that both the acid and neutral proteinases take part in the mobilization of storage proteins in the germinating seed.  相似文献   

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