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We reported that rabbit anti-idiotypic antibody (Ab2) against mAb, termed 1-5 (Ab1) and reactive with human type II collagen (CII) induced antibody response to CII in DBA/1J mice susceptible to collagen-induced arthritis. In the present study, we further characterized the anti-CII antibody response elicited by Ab2 with respect to epitope specificity, putative genetic background, and IgG subclass. Most of anti-CII antibodies (polyclonal Ab3) derived from Ab2-immunized mice were of the IgG1 subclass. We purified polyclonal Ab3, using a CII-coupled immunoadsorbent column and we developed monoclonal Ab3 from Ab2-immunized mice. Both purified polyclonal Ab3 and two monoclonal Ab3s specifically reacted with a selected epitope on CII, recognized by Ab1. The anti-CII antibody response stimulated by Ab2 was observed in DBA/1J (H-2q, Igh-1c) and DBA/2 (H-2q, Igh-1c) mice, but not in the BALB/c (H-2d, Igh-1a) and C57BL/6 (H-2b, Igh-1b) strains, thereby suggesting that the anti-CII antibody response elicited by Ab2 is controlled by the Igh gene.  相似文献   

Syngeneic monoclonal anti-idiotope antibody Ab2,2-17C3SCC was raised against an idiotope on a protective monoclonal antibody with specificity for poliovirus type II. Ab2,2-17C3SCC detects a paratope-related interspecies IdX. Ab2,2-17C3SCC purified from supernatant fluids of hybridoma cells by protein A-Sepharose was injected into 4- to 6-wk-old BALB/c mice. The sera of the mice were screened for the expression of antibodies bearing the corresponding idiotope. Immunization of mice with Ab2,2-17C3SCC induced antibodies of complementary specificity. Furthermore, micro VN tests suggest that Ab2,2-17C3SCC can substitute for antigen in the induction of anti-polio neutralizing antibodies, and hence can function as a monoclonal anti-idiotypic vaccine.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibody designated 1B10 (Mab 1B10) has been shown to be highly specific for the beta-chain of human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG). We used this antibody to investigate its paratope using anti-idiotypic antibodies. Purified Mab 1B10 has been used to immunize syngeneic BALB/c mice to produce anti-idiotypic monoclonal antibodies. An enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) on Mab 1B10 coated plate was employed to screen the supernatants of growing hybridomas. The specificity of each antibody selected was assessed using an inhibition ELISA and immunoblotting. Monoclonal antibodies belonging to two categories were selected. (a) Those (designated Mab 4F8 and Mab 7G9) recognizing epitopes of the Ig molecule located in/or near the antigen-binding site of Mab 1B10. In ELISA these antibodies were shown to inhibit in a dose-dependent manner, the reaction of Mab 1B10 with its specific antigen; (b) those (Mab 2B8, Mab 3B8) reacting with epitopes located outside of the antigen binding site of the antiHCG antibody molecule and did not influence the reactions of Mab 1B10 and its antigen. Following immunization of syngeneic BALB/c mice monoclonal antibodies (Mab 4F8, Mab 7G9) were produced which recognized epitopes located on the variable region of Mab 1B10 since they did not react with other marine monoclonal antibodies of the same isotype. These antibodies inhibited the binding of Mab 1B10 to its corresponding epitope on the molecule of HCG and they can be defined as syngeneic anti-idiotypic antibodies.  相似文献   

We reported the presence of three distinct epitopes commonly present on murine and human type II collagen (CII), observed using mAb. To investigate the possible involvement of these epitopes in collagen-induced arthritis, we raised rabbit anti-idiotypic antibodies that may bear the internal image of these epitopes. Anti-idiotypic antibodies developed against three anti-CII mAb designated as 1-5, 2-14, and 2-15 were demonstrated to recognize idiotype expressed on Ag-binding site (paratope) of their related mAb. Anti-CII antibody response specific for a given epitope could be induced in DBA/1J mice upon immunization with anti-idiotypic antibodies coupled to keyhole limpet hemocyanin. Anti-idiotypic antibody to 1-5 antibody in particular could stimulate all DBA/1J mice for production of anti-CII antibody possessing Ag specificity and idiotype similar to those of 1-5 antibody. Although the mice immunized with anti-1-5 antibody alone did not develop arthritis, they did show a much more enhanced antibody response against a given epitope than did control mice non-treated with anti-idiotypic antibody upon the subsequent immunization with human CII. Some of the mice immunized with anti-1-5 antibody and challenged with human CII developed arthritis, whereas the control mice did not. These findings strongly suggest that a common epitope recognized by 1-5 antibody might be involved in the induction of arthritis.  相似文献   

A panel of mAb (IgG1, IgG3, IgM) against Legionella pneumophila cytolysin (CL)-protease of 37 kDa was obtained. Subtyping of L. pneumophila strains of serogroup 1 by using mAb against CL (mAb-CL) was carried out. The results of comparative analysis of the specificity of mAb-CL and the panel of mAb kindly provided by Dr. J. M. Barbaree (Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA) allowed us to recommend mAb-CL to be used as a diagnostic tool to reveal the pathogenicity of L. pneumophila strains of serogroup 1. Hybridomas were also raised in a syngenic system which produced anti-idiotypic mAb (mAb2) against anti-CL mAb B6/1. The Ab2 belonged to Ab2 gamma type: 1) Ab2 reacted with B6/1 Id only, 2) Ab2 inhibited the interaction of B6/1 Ab1 with CL, and 3) CL inhibited the reaction of Ab2 with Ab1. The use of Ab2 allowed us to show that B6/1 Id is expressed in 4 to 32% of serum antibodies during the primary and secondary immune responses of BALB/c mice to CL. Ab2 induced the production of anti-anti-idiotypic antibodies (Ab3) in BALB/c mice, and some of them reacted with CL. Thus, we have demonstrated the possibility of inducing an antibody response to CL (one of the main L. pneumophila pathogenic factors) in intact syngenic mice with anti-idiotypic antibodies.  相似文献   

The product of a hybrid cell clone, P3W80, obtained as ascites fluid from mouse peritoneal cavity had high titres of anti-human chorionic gonadotropin antibodies e.g. 30 to 40% binding of125I-human chorionic gonadotropin at 107 dilution in a radioimmunoassay. The antiserum SB6 (raised against Β-human chorionic gonadotropin distributed by National Institutes of Health, USA gave similar binding at 5000 dilution in parallel runs. The monoclonal antibody recognized best human chorionic gonadotropin (0.3 mlU of hormone/tube withB/B 0 75%), but also bound Β and a subunits of human chorionic gonadotropin, 12 and 800 folds lower than human chorionic gonadotropin respectively No binding was observed with carboxy terminal peptides of Β-human chorionic gonadotropin ranging from 93 to 145 amino acid residues, indicating the lack of recognition of the C-terminal region. No cross-reaction with human leutinizing hormone was obtained at the physiological surge levels, a significant competition (B/B 075 %. obtainable only at 60 mlU of LER 960 human leutinizing hormone/ tube. The antibody had heavy chain of IgG1 and light chain of kappa type. It neutralized the bio-activity of human chorionic gonadotropin bothin vitro and invivo.  相似文献   

We have isolated an anti-idiotypic mAb (RS1.1.3), which recognizes an idiotope present on several IgM mAb specific for Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV)-determined cell surface Ag. The binding of RS1.1.3 to idiotypic antibody could be inhibited by specific Ag. Intraperitoneal immunization of mice with purified RS1.1.3 antibody-induced effective immunity against Moloney murine sarcoma virus challenge. A single injection of RS1.1.3 7 days before virus challenge resulted in a 27% reduction in tumor load compared to non-immune control mice challenged with the same dose of virus, whereas multiple injections of RS1.1.3 before virus challenge resulted in a 75% reduction in tumor load. The protective effect of anti-idiotype immunization appeared to be T dependent, because immunization of athymic mice had no effect on their susceptibility to tumor virus challenge. Administration of the anti-idiotypic antibody after virus inoculation caused an increase in tumor load of nearly 50% compared to non-immune controls. BALB/c mice immunized with RS1.1.3 developed anti-anti-idiotypic antibodies, as well as M-MuLV Ag-specific antibodies. Analysis of sera from RS1.1.3-immune mice subsequently challenged with Moloney murine sarcoma virus indicated an inverse relationship between tumor load and M-MuLV-specific serum IgG titers induced by the RS1.1.3 immunization. These results indicate that anti-idiotypic mAb may be used as immunogen to induce Ag-specific antibody responses, and to cause effective immunity to a retro-virus-induced tumor.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (MAb) anti-human growth hormone (hGH) termed MAb AE5, AC8 and F11 recognize a cluster of epitopes left exposed after hormone binding to receptors. Since these MAb were able to produce either positive (MAb AE5) or negative (MAb AC8 and F11) allosteric effects on hGH binding, the purpose of this work was to further characterize MAb behavior. Results indicated a straight correlation between MAb allosteric effects and affinity constant values for binding of different hGH:MAb complexes to lactogenic receptors from rat liver. Affinity of hGH:MAb AE5 as well as hGH:Fab AE5 complexes enhanced proportionally to the fraction of occupied receptors and Hill coefficients higher than 1 were obtained, suggesting the induction of positive cooperative effects between membrane-bound receptors. On the other hand, hGH:MAb AC8 and hGH:MAb F11 complexes binding affinity to lactogenic sites could not be related to receptor occupancy degree. It is proposed that binding of hGH:MAb AE5 complexes to receptors would elicit a conformational change on adjacent receptor molecules leading to an increase of their affinity to bind subsequent hGH:MAb AE5 complexes.  相似文献   

Sixty-one human myeloma proteins (HMP) from patients with multiple myeloma and Waldenstr?m macroglobulinemia were tested for anti-idiotypic (Id) activity against autoantibodies to double-stranded DNA, small nuclear ribonucleoproteins, and human thyroglobulin (HTg), by competitive radioimmunoassays and enzyme immunoassays. An IgG1, lambda HMP from patient BEN with anti-Id activity against antibodies to HTg is reported. IgG1 BEN was not directed toward human Fc fragments and its activity was not related to allotypic determinants. IgG1 BEN molecules recognized Id determinants (idiotopes) on F(ab')2 anti-HTg fragments, but not idiotopes of F(ab')2 fragments of antibodies of other specificities. This observation supports the general significance of Id network interactions in regulation and diversification of immune responses in man.  相似文献   

A murine IgG3 mAb, clone 6-19, derived from non-manipulated autoimmune MRL/MpJ-lpr/lpr mice is a rheumatoid factor specific for IgG2a and is able to generate cryoglobulins via nonspecific IgG3 Fc-Fc interaction. Intraperitoneal passive transfer of ascites containing the 6-19 mAb into BALB/c mice induces, within 18 h, remarkable pathology characterized by skin vasculitis and acute glomerulonephritis associated with cryoglobulinemia. In order to evaluate the possibility of modulating the development of tissue lesions by an anti-Id antibody, we have raised an IgG2b anti-Id mAb specific to the 6-19 mAb. The cryoprecipitation of 6-19 mAb was completely inhibited in the presence of excess amounts of anti-Id mAb in vitro. In vivo, pretreatment of BALB/c mice with anti-6-19 anti-Id mAb inhibited development of skin vasculitis and glomerulonephritis induced by the 6-19 mAb. The cryoglobulin formation was markedly diminished due to enhanced elimination of the 6-19 mAb from the circulation. In contrast, pretreatment with an IgM anti-IgG3 rheumatoid factor mAb neither protected nor aggravated the development of tissue lesions. These results suggest possible implications in the anti-Id treatment of similar vascular diseases in man.  相似文献   

We report here the three-dimensional structure of human ephrin type A receptor 2 (EphA2) bound to the Fab (fragment antigen binding) of an agonistic human antibody (1C1; IgG1/κ). The structure of the corresponding complex was solved at a resolution of 2.5 Å using molecular replacement and constitutes the first reported structure of a human ephrin receptor bound to an antibody. We have also defined the corresponding functional epitope using a mutagenesis-based approach. This study revealed discrete structural features that determine the fine specificity of 1C1 to EphA2. Our data also provided a molecular basis for 1C1 mechanism of action. More precisely, we propose that its agonistic, internalizing properties are the result of ligand mimicry by the third heavy-chain complementarity-determining region of 1C1. Because EphA2 is an important contributor to cancer formation and progression, these findings may have implications for designing the next generation of anti-tumor therapies.  相似文献   

Antibodies to type II collagen (CII) cause articular damage in collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) in mice as judged by passive transfer to naive animals of mAb to CII. We tested the hypothesis that mAb degrade cartilage structure by reacting with functionally important regions of the collagen molecule by examining the effects of an arthritogenic mAb to CII, CII-C1, on cultured bovine chondrocytes at high density, at days 7 and 14. The effects were compared of CII-C1, an isotype-matched control mAb, or medium alone, on chondrocyte proliferation and viability, cell morphology, matrix structure by light and electron microscopy, and matrix synthesis by metabolic labelling with 3H-proline for collagen or 35SO4 for proteoglycans. Chondrocytes in culture remained viable, proliferated, and produced an extracellular matrix in which CII was the major collagen. The addition of CII-C1, but not a control mAb, increased the synthesis of CII and proteoglycan, and caused disorganization of the extracellular matrix and thin collagen fibrils ultrastructurally. Moreover, using a cell-free assay, CII-C1 inhibited the normal self-assembly of collagen fibrils from CII in solution. The finding that the mAb to CII, CII-C1 has striking degradative effects in vitro on cartilage synthesis suggests that antibodies to collagen perpetuate the chronic phase of CIA and that, in mice at least, such antibodies are an important component of pathogenesis.  相似文献   

We previously described the isolation and characterization of a human monoclonal anti-idiotypic antibody (Ab2) isolated from EBV-transformed human PBL after immunization with rabies vaccine. The present study concerns the molecular characteristics of the Ab2 and the germ-line elements that gave rise to it. The H chain of this antibody derives from the small VHV family of human V region gene segments. Parallel studies on the germ-line VHV gene isolated from the same individual revealed that the expressed molecule contains 19 nucleotide differences in the VH gene segment. The D segment of Ab2 could have arisen by a D to D fusion; the J segment is a JH6. Extensive somatic variation evident in the H chain variable region of this naturally arising monoclonal anti-idiotypic antibody suggests that this Ab2, the product of a CD5+ B cells, was the consequence of an Ag-driven immune response.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody against a pepsin-soluble mammalian type I collagen has been produced. This antibody, subclass IgG1, kappa, was specific for type I collagen and did not cross-react with a range of other collagen types or connective tissue proteins. The epitope recognized by the antibody was dependent upon an intact triple-helical structure for the collagen, and was shown by rotary shadowing and by immunoblotting of collagenase-derived fragments to be near the C-terminal of the pepsin-soluble collagen. Although the antibody had a low affinity, with Kd = 4 x 10(-7) M, it could be used for immunohistology of tissue sections and for studies of collagen produced by cells in culture. The antibody, which was raised against human collagen, also recognized type I collagens from certain other species, including calf, pig, sheep, goat and dog.  相似文献   

Attenuation of an adjuvant arthritis by type II collagen   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Subcutaneous injection of the nonimmunogenic synthetic alkyldiamine, N,N-diotadecyl-N',N'-bis(2-hydroxyethyl) propanediamine (CP-20961), which possesses potent adjuvant properties for cellular sensitization, can induce an inflammatory arthritis in rats. To study whether a host reaction to native type II collagen plays a role in the pathogenesis of the arthritis in this model, CP-20961-injected Lewis rats received i.v. on four occasions native type II collagen coupled to syngeneic spleen cells with ethylcarbodiimide (CDI), native type II collagen added to spleen cells without CDI, or native type II collagen coupled to rat red blood cells (RBC) with glutaraldehyde. There was a significant suppression of the severity of arthritis in all three groups compared with a control group injected with CP-20961 but not receiving cells. In addition, the prevalence of arthritis was decreased in the group receiving native type II collagen-coupled RBC. Injection of cells coupled to denatured type II collagen, native type I collagen, and ovalbumin did not affect significantly the morphologic aspects of this disease. These data provide evidence that material possessing the quaternary epitope(s) of type II collagen functions in an as yet unidentified effector pathway in this adjuvant arthritis.  相似文献   

In this study, the mechanism of anti-Id vaccination was investigated by using cloned Th cells and an anti-idiotypic mAb. 2F10, an anti-idiotypic mAb derived from an Igh1-e allotype mouse strain, which induces protection against the L1210/GZL DBA/2 tumor, was used to prime DBA/2 mice. An Fc (Igh1-e)-specific syngeneic Th clone was cocultured in the presence of 2F10 anti-Id with 2F10-Fab-primed B cells. The Th clone responded with proliferation and also provided help for 2F10-Fab-primed B cells to produce antibodies that bind to L1210/GZL and not to P815 tumor cells. Intact 2F10 anti-Id was presented to Fc-specific Th cells by Fab (or Id) primed B cells more efficiently than the fragment mixture (Fab plus Fc) of 2F10 anti-Id, indicating that 2F10-Fab (or Id)-primed B cells capture 2F10 anti-Id through surface Ig receptors. Presenting B cells are sensitive to treatment with chloroquine and must come from H-2 matched mice, indicating that the Ag presentation by Fab-primed B cells to Fc-specific Th cells requires processing and is MHC restricted. Collectively these results outline a mechanism that may operate in anti-Id therapy of tumor-bearing animals by using tumor Ag mimicking anti-idiotypic antibodies. A similar mechanism could be effective in tumor patients immunized with xenogeneic anti-idiotypic antibodies operating under the "intra(Ag) molecular help."  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody, 12C9, an anti-idiotypic mimic of dothistromin, a toxin produced by Dothistroma pini, was found to label the cell wall of sieve elements in a number of different plant tissues and species. The antibody labeled apple leaf tissue, tobacco leaf mid vein, leaf and meristem, and Coprosma robusta leaf mid vein. Labeling was restricted to cell walls of sieve elements and did not label the companion cells or the lumen of the cells. The antibody labeled over a wide range of dilutions. This antibody could be used to differentiate sieve elements from other types of phloem. It could also be used to co-localize sieve elements and microorganisms such as phytoplasmas stained with DAPI.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody, 12C9, an anti-idiotypic mimic of dothistromin, a toxin produced by Dothistroma pini, was found to label the cell wall of sieve elements in a number of different plant tissues and species. The antibody labeled apple leaf tissue, tobacco leaf mid vein, leaf and meristem, and Coprosma robusta leaf mid vein. Labeling was restricted to cell walls of sieve elements and did not label the companion cells or the lumen of the cells. The antibody labeled over a wide range of dilutions. This antibody could be used to differentiate sieve elements from other types of phloem. It could also be used to co-localize sieve elements and microorganisms such as phytoplasmas stained with DAPI.  相似文献   

Antibody screening of phage-displayed random peptide libraries to identify mimotopes of conformational epitopes is promising. However, because interpretations can be difficult, an exemplary system has been used in the present study to investigate whether variation in the peptide sequences of selected phagotopes corresponded with variation in immunoreactivity. The phagotopes, derived using a well-characterized monoclonal antibody, CII-C1, to a known conformational epitope on type II collagen, C1, were tested by direct and inhibition ELISA for reactivity with CII-C1. A multiple sequence alignment algorithm, PILEUP, was used to sort the peptides expressed by the phagotopes into clusters. A model was prepared of the C1 epitope on type II collagen. The 12 selected phagotopes reacted with CII-C1 by both direct ELISA (titres from < 100-11 200) and inhibition ELISA (20-100% inhibition); the reactivity varied according to the peptide sequence and assay format. The differences in reactivity between the phagotopes were mostly in accord with the alignment, by PILEUP, of the peptide sequences. The finding that the phagotopes functionally mimicked the C1 epitope on collagen was validated in that amino acids RRL at the amino terminal of many of the peptides were topographically demonstrable on the model of the C1 epitope. Notably, one phagotope that expressed the widely divergent peptide C-IAPKRHNSA-C also mimicked the C1 epitope, as judged by reactivity in each of the assays used: these included cross-inhibition of CII-C1 reactivity with each of the other phagotopes and inhibition by a synthetic peptide corresponding to that expressed by the most frequently selected phagotope, RRLPFGSQM. Thus, it has been demonstrated that multiple phage-displayed peptides can mimic the same epitope and that observed immunoreactivity of selected phagotopes with the selecting mAb can depend on the primary sequence of the expressed peptide and also on the assay format used.  相似文献   

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