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The effect of ischemia on the properties of 5-hydroxytryptamine1A + B (5-HT1A+B) and 5-hydroxytryptamine1B (5-HT1B) binding sites, physical-state "fluidity" of the membrane, and its susceptibility to peroxidation in vitro was investigated in the cerebral cortex of gerbils. Ischemia was induced by bilateral carotid artery occlusion for 15 min alone or with release for 1 h. Ischemia both with and without reflow decreased the number of 5-HT1A + B and 5-HT1B binding sites, whereas ischemia and reflow altered the affinity for 5-HT1B binding sites. Resistance to the temperature-dependent increase in "fluidity" of the membrane was detected (by fluorescence anisotropy using 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene as a probe) after ischemia and reflow but not in ischemia alone. Susceptibility of the membranes to Fe2+- and ascorbic acid-stimulated lipid peroxidation in vitro was decreased following ischemia and recirculation only. These findings strongly suggest that the composition and the function of the membrane are markedly disturbed during recirculation after ischemia.  相似文献   

Preexisting magnesium deficiency may alter the susceptibility of rat hearts to postischemic oxidative injury (free radicals). This was examined in rats maintained for 3 weeks on a magnesium-deficient (Mg-D) diet with or without concurrent vitamin E treatment (1.2 mg/day, SC). Magnesium-sufficient (Mg-S) rats received the same diet supplemented with 100 mmol Mg/kg feed. Following sacrifice, isolated working hearts were subjected to 30-, 40-, or 60-min global ischemia and 30-min reperfusion. Postischemic production of free radicals was monitored using electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy and spin trapping with -phenyl-N-tert butylnitrone (PBN, 3 mM final); preischemic and postischemic effluent samples were collected and then extracted with toluene. PBN/alkoxyl adduct(s) (PBN/RO·; H = 1.93 G,N = 13.63 G) were the dominant signals detected in untreated Mg-S and Mg-D postischemic hearts, with comparably higher signal intensities observed for the Mg-D group following any ischemic duration. Time courses of postischemic PBN/RO· detection were biphasic for both groups (maxima: 2–4 and 8.5–12.5 min), and linear relationships between the extent of PBN/RO· production and the severity of both mechanical dysfunction and tissue injury were determined. Following each duration of ischemia, Mg-D hearts displayed greater levels of total PBN adduct production (1.7 –2.0 times higher) and lower recovery of cardiac function (42–48% less) than Mg-S hearts. Pretreating Mg-D rats with vitamin E prior to imposing 40-min ischemia/reperfusion, led to a 49% reduction in total PBN/RO· production, a 55% lower LDH release and a 2.2-fold improvement in functional recovery, compared to untreated Mg-D hearts. These data suggest that magnesium deficiency predisposes postischemic hearts to enhanced oxidative injury and functional loss, and that antioxidants may offer significant protection against pro-oxidant influence(s) of magnesium deficiency.  相似文献   

Pesticides cause oxidative stress and adversely influence Na+‐K+‐ATPase activity in animals. Since impact of carbofuran has not been properly studied in the mammalian brain, the ability of carbofuran to induce oxidative stress and modulation in Na+‐K+‐ATPase activity and its amelioration by vitamin E was performed. The rats divided into six groups received two different doses of carbofuran (15% and 30% LD50) for 15 days. The results suggested that the carbofuran treatment caused a significant elevation in levels of malonaldehyde and reduced glutathione and sharp inhibition in the activities of super oxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione‐S‐transferase; the effect being dose dependent. Carbofuran at different doses also caused sharp reduction in the activity of Na+‐K+‐ATPase. The pretreatment of vitamin E, however, showed a significant recovery in these indices. The pretreatment of rats with vitamin E offered protection from carbofuran‐induced oxidative stress.  相似文献   

The release of endogenous noradrenaline was measured in the cerebral cortex of the halothane-anesthetized rat by using the technique of brain dialysis coupled to a radioenzymatic assay. A thin dialysis tube was inserted transversally in the cerebral cortex (transcortical dialysis) and perfused with Ringer medium (2 microliter min-1). Under basal conditions, the cortical output of noradrenaline was stable over a period of at least 6 h and amounted to 8.7 pg/20 min (not corrected for recovery). Histological control of the perfused area revealed very little damage and normal morphology in the vicinity of the dialysis tube. Omission of calcium from the perfusion medium caused a marked drop in cortical noradrenaline output. Bilateral electrical stimulation (for 10 min) of the ascending noradrenergic pathways in the medial forebrain bundle caused a frequency-dependent increase in cortical noradrenaline output over the range 5-20 Hz. Stimulation at a higher frequency (50 Hz) resulted in a levelling off of the increase in cortical noradrenaline release. Systemic administration of the dopamine-beta-hydroxylase inhibitor bis-(4-methyl-1-homopiperazinylthiocarbonyl) disulfide (FLA 63) (25 mg/kg i.p.) markedly reduced, whereas injection of the monoamine oxidase inhibitor pargyline (75 mg/kg i.p.) resulted in a progressive increase in, cortical noradrenaline output. d-Amphetamine (2 mg/kg i.p.) provoked a sharp increase in cortical noradrenaline release (+450% over basal values within 40 min). Desmethylimipramine (10 mg/kg i.p.) produced a twofold increase of cortical noradrenaline release. Finally, idazoxan (20 mg/kg i.p.) and clonidine (0.3 mg/kg i.p.), respectively, increased and decreased the release of noradrenaline from the cerebral cortex.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Abstract: GSH, GSSG, vitamin E, and ascorbate were measured in 14-day cultures of chick astrocytes and neurons and compared with levels in the forebrains of chick embryos of comparable age. Activities of enzymes involved in GSH metabolism were also measured. These included -γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase, GSH synthetase, γ-glutamyl cyclotransferase, γ-glutamyltranspeptidase, glutathione transferase (GST), GSH peroxidase, and GSSG reductase. The concentration of lipid-soluble vitamin E in the cultured neurons was found to be comparable with that in the forebrain. On the other hand, the concentration of vitamin E in the astrocytes was significantly greater in the cultured astrocytes than in the neurons, suggesting that the astrocytes are able to accumulate exogenous vitamin E more extensively than neurons. The concentrations of major fatty acids were higher in the cell membranes of cultured neurons than those in the astrocytes. Ascorbate was not detected in cultured cells although the chick forebrains contained appreciable levels of this antioxidant. GSH, total glutathione (i.e., GSH and GSSG), and GST activity were much higher in cultured astrocytes than in neurons. γ-Glutamylcysteine synthetase activity was higher in the cultured astrocytes than in the cultured neurons. GSH reductase and GSH peroxidase activities were roughly comparable in cultured astrocytes and neurons. The high levels of GSH and GST in cultured astrocytes appears to reflect the situation in vivo. The data suggest that astrocytes are resistant to reactive oxygen species (and potentially toxic xenobiotics) and may play a protective role in the brain. Because enzymes of GSH metabolism are generally well represented in cultured astrocytes and neurons these cells may be ideally suited as probes for manipulating GSH levels in neural tissues in vitro. Cultured astrocytes and neurons should be amenable to the study of the effects of various metabolic insults on the GSH system. Such studies may provide insights into the design of therapeutic strategies to combat oxidative and xenobiotic stresses.  相似文献   

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