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The gene encoding xylanase activity in the ruminal bacteriumBacteroides ruminicola D31d was cloned and expressed inEscherichia coli with the plasmid vector pUC18. The gene was isolated on a 4.7-kilobase pair partialPstI genomic DNA fragment. The xylanase activity expressed inE. coli was cell associated and could degrade both oatspelt xylan and Remazol Brilliant Blue-xylan. The xylanase did not have detectable activity against carboxymethylcellulose. Utilization of an endogenous promoter byE. coli was indicated by expression of xylanase activity after subcloning of the insert into pBR322 in opposite orientations. TheB. ruminicola D31d xylanase gene was compared by Southern hybridization analyses with xylanase genes cloned fromB. ruminocola 23 andB. ovatus V975, a human intestinal isolate. The D31d xylanase gene did not cross-hybridize with either of the other two genes. In addition, the 23 xylanase gene did not cross-hybridize with the other two genes according to the same technique. These results indicate that the three cloned genes do not share a high degree of genetic similarity, despite the similar enzymatic activities. This is the first study to compare cloned genes from ruminal and colonicBacteroides species.The mention of firm names or trade products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the U.S. Department of Agriculture over other firms or similar products not mentioned.  相似文献   

Effect of ultraviolet irradiation on bacteriophage lambda immunity   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  

In a previous study (Chen and Porter, 1988), we isolated spontaneous mutations in a test plasmid that had occurred under non-selective conditions and assigned them to 1 of 6 different categories or groups. The test plasmid, pRPZ126, is a pBR322 derivative containing the bacteriophage lambda immunity region with the cI857 allele so that plasmid-containing cells shifted to 42 degrees C survive only if the expression of the lambda kil gene is prevented by mutation. 75% of the total spontaneous mutations obtained fall into two of these groups where there is no readily detectable change in plasmid size. The two groups differ in that the plasmids from the group 4 mutations are missing a specific HincII site while the plasmids from the group 5 mutations had no detectable plasmid change whatsoever. In this study, we randomly selected ten group 4 mutants and ten group 5 mutants and sequenced the lambda pL/oL region of the mutant plasmid. Of the ten group 4 mutants (HincII site missing), five involved a 24- or 44-basepair deletion in the pL/oL region of the plasmid. The other five group 4 mutants and four of the ten group 5 mutants were A-T to G-C transitions in the pL/oL region. The remaining six group 5 mutants did not demonstrate any sequence change in the pL/oL region of the plasmids. 8 out of 9 of these transition mutations occurred next to the 3' end of 3 different 5'-PyGGNPuNTG-3' sequences in the lambda operator region, and this same sequence is found adjacent to the A-T to G-C transition hotspot in the lac operator region (Schaaper et al., 1986). The 9th mutation, where the A-T to G-C transition occurred one basepair away from the lambda operator, was adjacent to a very similar sequence.  相似文献   

A Bernardi  F Bernardi 《Gene》1981,13(1):103-109
Large deletions occur in the hybrid plasmid formed by pSC101 and the EcoRI fragment f2 of phage lambda (redB-ori region) under well defined growth conditions (Bernardi and Bernardi, 1980). We have sequenced the novel joints of the four deletions so obtained and shown that they have one endpoint in pSC101, identical in all four cases, the other endpoint being located in four different lambda sequences. Furthermore, the nucleotide sequences of the novel joints show homologies between the conserved pSC101 sequence and the lambda sequences both conserved and deleted. The presence of an IS-type element in pSC101 is postulated; however, this element is unrelated to the 200 bp element already described in pSC101 (Ravetch et al., 1976).  相似文献   

A plaque-forming lambdaimm434 bacteriophage carrying the entire genome of colicinogenic factor E1 has been isolated and characterized. This phage, lambdaimm434ColE1, can lysogenize as a stable plasmid within a recombination-deficient Escherichia coli cell that lacks the normal attachment site for lambda phage. Furthermore, it has been found that lambdaimm434ColE1 phage carrying amber mutations in the O and P genes of the lambda genome, i.e., lambdaimm434OamPamColE1, behaves as a plaque-forming phage, and this finding suggests that the ColE1 factor DNA permits replication of the DNA of the plaque-forming phage.  相似文献   

A chimeric plasmid was constructed that contains a tandem duplication of the bacteriophage f1 origin of DNA replication. This plasmid replicates stably in the absence of phage. When cells carrying this plasmid are infected with f1, two new plasmid-derived DNA species are generated: a smaller, chimeric plasmid containing only one f1 origin of replication, and a miniphage, the genome of which consists of the f1 fragment that was located between the two f1 origins of the original plasmid. These data support the hypothesis (Horiuchi, 1980) that the nucleotide sequence recognized for initiation of plus strand synthesis in f1 DNA replication is also the signal for its termination.  相似文献   

A biologically active hybrid DNA molecule was constructed from plasmid Col E1 and the Eco R1 fragment of lambda DNA containing the gene for lambda repressor. The presence of this gene in the hybrid molecule was demonstrated genetically. The hybrid plasmid contains two closely located targets for restriction endonuclease Hind 111 in the integrated fragment. Thus, the plasmid may be used as a vector not only for Eco R1 fragments but also for Hind 111 fragments.  相似文献   

When bacteriophage T1 was grown on bacteriophage lambda-lysogenic cells, phenotypically mixed particles were formed which had the serum sensitivity, host range, and density of T1 but which gave rise to lambda phage. T1 packaged lambda genomes more efficiently both when the length of the prophage was less than that of wild-type lambda and when the host cell was polylysogenic. Expression of the red genes of lambda or the recE system of Escherichia coli during T1 growth enhanced pickup of lambda by T1, whereas packaging was reduced in recB cells. If donors were singly lysogenic, the expression of transduced lambda genomes as a PFU required lambda-specified excisive recombination, whereas lambda genomes transduced from polylysogens required only lambda- or E. coli-specified general recombination to give a productive infection.  相似文献   

F Brunel  J Davison  M Merchez 《Gene》1979,8(1):53-68
Bacteriophage T5 was digested with the restriction endonucleases HindIII and EcoRI and the resulting fragments were inserted into the plasmid pBR322 and the bacteriophage lambda gtWES as vectors. Approx. 15% of the phage genome was recovered in recombinant clones. The recombinants were characterized by restriction analysis, DNA/DNA hybridization employing Southern blots, and ability to complement or recombine with amber mutants of T5. The results obtained allow revisions of the physical map of the T5 genome and partial correlation of the physical map with the genetic map.  相似文献   

Recombinant lambda phages were isolated that resulted from recombination between the lambda genome and plasmid pBR322 in Escherichia coli, even though these deoxyribonucleic acids (DNAs) did not share extensive regions of homology. The characterization of these recombinant DNAs by heteroduplex analysis and restriction endonucleases is described. All but one of the recombinants appeared to have resulted from reciprocal recombination between a site on lambda DNA and a site on the plasmid. In general, there were two classes of recombinants. One class appeared to have resulted from recombination at the phage attachment site that probably resulted from lambda integration into secondary attachment sites on the plasmid. Seven different secondary attachment sites on pBR322 were found. The other class resulted from plasmid integration at other sites that were widely scattered on the lambda genome. For this second class of recombinants, more than one site on the plasmid could recombine with lambda DNA. Thus, the recombination did not appear to be site specific with respect to lambda or the plasmid. Possible mechanisms for generating these recombinants are discussed.  相似文献   

A new mutagenesis assay system based on the phage lambda cro repressor gene residing on a plasmid was developed. The assay detects mutations in cro that decrease the binding of the repressor to the OR operator in an OR PR-lacZ fusion present in a lambda prophage. Mutations arose spontaneously during growth of E. coli cells harboring cro plasmids at a frequency of 3-6 x 10(-6). Analysis of some 200 cro mutants from several 'wild-type' strains revealed a substantial fraction of 25-70% insertion events caused by transposition of IS elements. Most of the insertions were caused by IS1, but IS5 insertions were observed too. In strains harboring Tn10, IS10 was responsible for most insertions. Restriction nuclease digestion analysis revealed a preference for insertion of IS10 into the C-terminal half of cro, despite the absence of sequences which are known hot spots for Tn10 insertions. The frequency of IS1 insertions into cro decreased 25-60-fold and that of IS10 insertions decreased 200-fold in cells carrying the recA56 mutation, suggesting that RecA is involved in transposition of these elements. During the logarithmic phase of growth, the mutation frequency was constant for at least 22 generations; however, upon continuous incubation at the stationary phase, the mutation frequency gradually increased, yielding a 3-fold increase in the frequency of insertion and a 4-5-fold increase in point mutation. Genomic Southern analysis of chromosomal IS elements in cells which underwent a transposition from the chromosome into the cro plasmid revealed that the number and distribution of IS1 and IS5 were usually unaltered compared to cells which did not undergo a transposition event. In contrast, essentially each IS10 transposition was accompanied by multiple events which led to changes in the number and distribution of chromosomal IS10 elements.  相似文献   

Summary A fine structure map of theEcoRI fragment containing the lambda attachment-site region has been constructed. 38 different restriction endonucleases have been employed and 170 sites located in this fragment. In addition, sites in adjacent regions have been determined for several enzymes. Complete cleavage maps of the entire lambda genome have been obtained for endonucleasesBglII,BluI,KpnI,SacI,SacII,SalI andXbaI. The strategy employed for mapping included comparison of deletion and substitution mutants, analysis of mixed digests, and detailed analysis of subfragments.  相似文献   

A chain of interlinked genes in the ninR region of bacteriophage lambda   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Manfred Kroger  Gerd Hobom 《Gene》1982,20(1):25-38
The 3612-bp DNA sequence of the phage lambda P-Q (ninR) region contains a series of nine open reading frames in a distinctly overlapping pattern: ATGA sequence modules occur at the boundaries of consecutive genes and are able to serve both as terminator (TGA) and (re)initiator (ATG) codons for most of the adjacent frames. Together with genes O, P, and Q, the newly detected ren and ninA through ninH constitute a series of twelve closely linked genes in the pR operon. Based upon the available evidence for several of the nin proteins, and on plasmid expression data, we conclude that at least the larger nin genes, and probably all of the newly detected open reading frames code for proteins. The nin5 deletion of 2803 bp is a frame-to-frame fusion of ren and ninH, and covers the t R2 termination signal located near its left boundary, immediately behind the ren gene. The possible significance of the observed chain of closely interlinked genes for the regulation of Q expression is discussed.  相似文献   

T Chiang  G Ihler 《Gene》1980,10(2):167-175
Seven ribosome-binding sites on DNA have been located within the region defined by the nin5 deletion as well as several ribosome-binding sites on each side of the nin5 region. These were mapped by electron microscopy relative to the end points of the nin5 deletion and two Tn903 transposons, one inserted into gene Rz and another inserted near gene Q. These ribosomes binding sites within the nin5 region may correspond to polypeptide initiation sites for up to seven new dispensible lambda genes.  相似文献   

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