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We conducted a field study of diets of three sympatric large carnivores, the tiger Panthera tigris , the leopard Panthera pardus and the dhole Cuon alpinus in Bandipur Tiger Reserve, India, based on analyses of 381, 111 and 181 scats, respectively. The frequency of occurrence of prey items in scats was converted to relative biomass and number of prey consumed using regression equations based on earlier feeding trials. The results showed that although these predators kill ∼11–15 species of vertebrate prey, relatively abundant ungulate species provide 88–97% of biomass consumed by them. Although the dietary niche overlap among the three species was high (Pianka's index of 0.75–0.93), some specialized predation was observed. The largest ungulates, gaur Bos gaurus and sambar Cervus unicolor , provided 73% of biomass consumed by tigers, whereas medium-sized chital Axis axis and wild pig Sus scrofa formed 65 and 83% of the biomass intake of leopards and dholes, respectively. In terms of the relative numbers of prey animals killed by the three predators, chital, which is the most abundant prey species, dominated their diets (tiger=33%, leopard=39% and dhole=73%). The results of the study, in conjunction with earlier work, support the prediction that abundance of ungulate prey species, as well as their availability in different size classes, are both critical factors that facilitate sympatry among the three predators.  相似文献   

Sabre-like canines clearly have the potential to inflict grievous wounds leading to massive blood loss and rapid death. Hypotheses concerning sabretooth killing modes include attack to soft parts such as the belly or throat, where biting deep is essential to generate strikes reaching major blood vessels. Sabretoothed carnivorans are widely interpreted as hunters of larger and more powerful prey than that of their present-day nonsabretoothed relatives. However, the precise functional advantage of the sabretooth bite, particularly in relation to prey size, is unknown. Here, we present a new point-to-point bite model and show that, for sabretooths, depth of the killing bite decreases dramatically with increasing prey size. The extended gape of sabretooths only results in considerable increase in bite depth when biting into prey with a radius of less than ~10 cm. For sabretooths, this size-reversed functional advantage suggests predation on species within a similar size range to those attacked by present-day carnivorans, rather than "megaherbivores" as previously believed. The development of the sabretooth condition appears to represent a shift in function and killing behaviour, rather than one in predator-prey relations. Furthermore, our results demonstrate how sabretoothed carnivorans are likely to have evolved along a functionally continuous trajectory: beginning as an extension of a jaw-powered killing bite, as adopted by present-day pantherine cats, followed by neck-powered biting and thereafter shifting to neck-powered shear-biting. We anticipate this new insight to be a starting point for detailed study of the evolution of pathways that encompass extreme specialisation, for example, understanding how neck-powered biting shifts into shear-biting and its significance for predator-prey interactions. We also expect that our model for point-to-point biting and bite depth estimations will yield new insights into the behaviours of a broad range of extinct predators including therocephalians (gorgonopsian + cynodont, sabretoothed mammal-like reptiles), sauropterygians (marine reptiles) and theropod dinosaurs.  相似文献   

Variation in bird morphology (notably sex size dimorphism) has been suggested to contribute to differences in food use between individuals. We explore the hypothesis of food partitioning (diet overlap and prey size selection) in two sympatric subspecies of the Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo with respect to bird morphology (subspecies and sex) in inland French waters. These areas represent a recent and increasing contact zone used as a common non-territorial winter feeding area by the continental P. c. sinensis and the marine P. c. carbo subspecies. A high dietary overlap between subspecies and sexes was found at the major sites studied. Prey size selection was found to be site-specific and generally related to a gradient of structural size and body mass (male P. c. carbo  > male P. c. sinensis  > female P. c. carbo  > female P. c. sinensis ). With respect to bird morphology, differences in prey size consumed by Great Cormorants were more pronounced between sexes in freshwater habitats than between subspecies. This was reinforced by the fact that P. c. carbo birds entering inland areas were smaller than birds on the coast. These results also suggest that bird morphology is an important determinant of dietary differences. Our study demonstrated that P. c. carbo is an efficient generalist forager in continental areas, and food partitioning in type and size of prey between the two subspecies is low.  相似文献   

Most skinks are opportunistic predators, taking available prey from the environment as it is encountered. Variation in their diet composition is thought to reflect differences in prey abundance in the environment. We studied diet composition and prey selection in a community of three sympatric skink species (genus Carlia) in northern Australia by comparing contents of skink stomachs with arthropod prey available in their habitat. Carlia were entirely carnivorous and fed on a range of arthropod prey. We found high overlap in diet and prey size among the three species and between the wet and dry seasons, but found that skinks generally focused their foraging efforts on prey types and prey sizes that were not abundant in the habitat. Spiders (Aranea), orthopterans, blattarians, isopods and termites (Isoptera) were important prey of skinks, but these arthropods were rarely trapped in the environment. Skinks also frequently consumed large‐bodied prey, despite the higher relative abundance of small prey in the environment. Skinks were more selective in their foraging and diet than previously assumed. Selection of prey by consumers is a fundamental ecological process, important to consumers for maintaining energy requirements to grow and reproduce, but equally important to the community dynamics of the prey consumed.  相似文献   

Theory on density-dependent habitat selection predicts that as population density of a species increases, use of higher quality (primary) habitat by individuals declines while use of lower quality (secondary) habitat rises. Habitat partitioning is often considered the primary mechanism for coexistence between similar species, but how this process evolves with changes in population density remains to be empirically tested for free-ranging ungulates. We used resource-selection functions to quantify density effects on landscape-scale habitat selection of two sympatric species of ungulates [moose (Alces alces) and elk (Cervus canadensis manitobensis)] in Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba, Canada (2000–2011). The density of elk was actively reduced from 1.2 to 0.4 elk km?2 through increased hunting effort during the period of study, while moose density decreased without additional human influence from 1.6–0.7 moose km?2. Patterns of habitat selection during winter by both species changed in accordance to expectations from density-dependent habitat-selection theory. At low intraspecific density, moose and elk did not partition habitat, as both species selected strongly for mixed forest (primary habitat providing both food and cover), but did so in different areas segregated across an elevational gradient. As intraspecific density increased, selection for primary habitat by both species decreased, while selection for secondary, lower quality habitat such as agricultural fields (for elk) and built-up areas (for moose) increased. We show that habitat-selection strategies during winter for moose and elk, and subsequent effects on habitat partitioning, depend heavily on the position in state space (density) of both species.  相似文献   

The diet of four sympatric carnivore species was established by analyzing scats collected during 1978-1980, a period of increasing drought in the Namib Desert. Termites were especially important in the diet of Aardwolves and Bat-eared foxes and the food spectrum was not broadened in response to increased aridity. Black-backed jackals utilized a wide range of prey items, especially rodents and lagomorphs, while the Cape fox largely depended on murid rodents, but also took lagomorphs and insects. Separation in use of space and times of activity between the four species also occurred.  相似文献   

Synopsis The foraging ecology of two temperate marine gobies (Pisces: Gobiidae) was studied in rocky subtidal habitats off Santa Catalina Island, California. The bluebanded goby, Lythrypnus dalli, foraged from exposed ledges and fed on planktonic and benthic prey, although planktonic prey were more important in diets by number and weight. The more cryptic zebra goby, Lythrypnus zebra, remained hidden under rocks and in crevices feeding on benthic prey almost exclusively. The active selection of particular prey taxa from the two prey sources (water column and substratum), mediated by species-specific differences in foraging behavior, resulted in interspecific differences in type, number, size and weight of prey consumed. Interspecific differences in foraging ecology reflect the selection of prey most readily available to these fishes that occupy specific and fixed microhabitats within rocky reefs.  相似文献   

Prey selection and the feeding habits of tiger Panthera tigris, leopard Panthera pardus and Asiatic wild dog Cuon alpinus were investigated from June 2009 to December 2011 in Pakke Tiger Reserve, Arunachal Pradesh. A total of 422 scats were analyzed of which, 109 scats were of tigers, 150 were of leopard and 163 scats were of dholes. Multinomial Likelihood ratio test was used to estimate the prey selectivity of predators and Ivlev index, Pianka index were used to estimate prey preference and overlap respectively. Biomass consumption for three sympatric predators varied from 254.3 kg for dholes to 599.1 kg for tigers. Sambar, barking deer, wild pig were preyed more than their availability by all the predators. Ivlev index shows barking deer and sambar were preferred more than available prey for tiger where as leopard preferred sambar more than available and avoided barking deer. Dhole preferred more than available wild pig and barking deer. There was a high overlap between tiger–leopard (85.3%) and tiger–dhole (77.5%). To the best of our understanding, this study provides the first reliable information on prey selection and food habits of sympatric large carnivores in a protected area of Eastern Himalayan tropical rainforest.  相似文献   

Prey occurrence from stomach and fecal samples were compared in American martenMartes americana Turton, 1806, and fisherM. pennanti Erxleben, 1777. Diets were analyzed from stomach and fecal contents in four sex-age marten groups and four fisher groups, and dietary differences tested between species, sex, age and sample sources. Prey richness was compared between the two sample sources. Relative occurrence of dominant or co-dominant prey items did not differ between stomach and fecal samples in any of the groups. However, both series revealed inter-specific contrasts. Binomial correlations of prey occurrence between sample sources were significantly negative for most prey items. Correlations of prey richness between samples sources were not significant except in larger marten sample. Our results failed to reveal a bias in using fecal sample source. Thus we suggest that diet analyses using either sample source are valid when diets are assessed in a relatively large number of animals.  相似文献   

Interactions between intraguild species that act as both competitors and predator–prey can be especially complex. We studied patterns of space use by the black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes), a prairie dog (Cynomys spp.) specialist, and the American badger (Taxidea taxus), a larger generalist carnivore that competes for prairie dogs and is known to kill ferrets. We expected that ferrets would spatially avoid badgers because of the risk of predation, that these patterns of avoidance might differ between sexes and age classes, and that the availability of food and space might influence these relationships. We used location data from 60 ferrets and 15 badgers to model the influence of extrinsic factors (prairie dog density and colony size) and intrinsic factors (sex, age) on patterns of space use by ferrets in relation to space use by different sex and age categories of badgers. We documented asymmetric patterns of avoidance of badgers by ferrets based on the sex of both species. Female ferrets avoided adult female badgers, but not male badgers, and male ferrets exhibited less avoidance than female ferrets. Additionally, avoidance decreased with increasing densities of prairie dogs. We suggest that intersexual differences in space use by badgers create varying distributions of predation risk that are perceived by the smaller carnivore (ferrets) and that females respond more sensitively than males to that risk. This work advances understanding about how competing species coexist and suggests that including information on both intrinsic and extrinsic factors might improve our understanding of behavioral interactions between sympatric species.  相似文献   

Details are presented relating to chimpanzees' choices between two sympatric species of termites,Macrotermes lillijeborgi andM. vitrialatus, as food in the Campo Animal Reserve, southwest Cameroon, West Africa. An attempt was made to determine the various factors that affected such choices. The two species of termites seemed to have almost the same value in terms of ecological factors. However, chimpanzees fed almost exclusivelyonM. lillijeborgi, using digging sticks and fisching probes, during the study period which extended from the end of August to the middle of January, with their feeding activity showing peak at the beginning of the rainy season. By contrast,M. vitrialatus was rarely eaten in spite of the ease with which such prey could be obtained, namely, by desctruction of termite mounds by hand, without the need for tools. The reason that the chimpanzees discriminated between the two species of termite cannot be explained in terms of ecological factors such as size of prey, seasonal differences in termite activity, etc. Sticks used as tools were fairly uniform in size and character, mainly because of physical constraints related to the structure of termite mounds, and the brush-like ends of sticks seemed to be incidentaly byproducts of the chimpanzee's choice of plant species. Ecological factors could provide chimpanzees with a basis for the use of some kind of tool and help them modify it, while other factors, for example, something akin to leisure or the chimpanzee's interest in use of a tool, could provide an opportunity for inventing some tool-using behavior or for maintaining such behavior. These different factors, not being exclusive of one another, might affect the invention and maintenance of tool using-behavior at different phases. It is possible that chimpanzee's choice of prey may not always be the most efficient or appropriate in a given ecological situation.  相似文献   

Natural hybrids between rare and common sympatric species are commonly eradicated to avoid the potential extinction of the rare species, although there is currently no clear predictive framework to quantify this risk. As hybrids can have intrinsic value as new evolutionary pathways, further knowledge on the factors controlling hybridization is needed. In this study we evaluated the role of pollination patterns in hybridization events in two sympatric populations of Narcissus cavanillesii and N. serotinus in Portugal. Narcissus cavanillesii is a rare species, while N. serotinus is widely distributed across the Mediterranean. The hybrid, N. ×perezlarae, is quite frequent in southeastern Spain but is scarce in Portugal. Reciprocal manual crossings confirmed compatibility between the two species, although hybridization was more successful when N. cavanillesii participated as female. Narcissus cavanillesii and N. serotinus only shared one pollinator, Megachile sp. (Hymenoptera), which had low visitation rates and high flower constancy. No single isolation mechanism was fully effective in preventing hybridization. Temporal displacement of flowering peaks, strong pollinator specificity, and high flower constancy in the shared pollinator all contributed to limiting hybridization in this site. In other sympatric occurrences, different phenological windows and pollination assemblages may allow greater frequency of the hybrid.  相似文献   

<正>群落内多物种如何共存是群落生态学和生物多样性研究的核心内容之一。经典物种共存理论强调物种之间的生态位分化,侧重于物种对环境的需求,Hutchinson (1957)提出超体积生态位概念,认为物种适合度是由多个因素共同决定,即物种只有在满足其生态位需求的多维空间,  相似文献   

Poaching of wildlife presents one of the biggest conservation challenges in the 21st century. Snaring is one of the primary means of capturing target animals. To prioritise interventions intending to reduce snaring, we describe an approach for quantifying the configuration and lethality of snares. We conducted transect surveys in Murchison Falls National Park. All the snares that we recovered were made of wire with the majority (81.0%, n = 546 of 674) deriving from vehicle tire wire. The density of snares ranged from 0.08 to 4.58 snares/km2, which is the highest known density in sub‐Saharan Africa. The majority (63%) of the animals caught in wire snares were unrecovered and wasted. We found that noose width, vertical drop, wire circumference, anchor height, proportion of un‐thicketed area, grass height, distance to river and village had a significant positive relationships to lethality, while snare thickness, charms, tree DBH, thicket diameter, distance to nearest road negatively affected lethality. We recommend adopting wholistic anti‐snare countermeasures such as the human heritage‐centred conservation to empower local people. Our method illustrates the opportunity to standardise temporal and spatial measurements of snare density and configuration necessary to stop illegal wildlife poaching.  相似文献   

One mechanism for morphologically similar and sympatric species to avoid competition and facilitate coexistence is to feed on different prey items within different microhabitats. In the current study, we investigated and compared the diet of the two most common and similar‐sized bat species in Japan—Murina ussuriensis (Ognev, 1913) and Myotis ikonnikovi (Ognev, 1912)—to gain more knowledge about the degree of overlap in their diet and their foraging behavior. We found that both bat species consumed prey from the orders of Lepidoptera and Diptera most frequently, while the proportion of Dipterans was higher in the diet of M. ikonnikovi. Furthermore, we found a higher prey diversity in the diet of M. ikonnikovi compared to that of M. ussuriensis that might indicate that the former is a more generalist predator than the latter. In contrast, the diet of M. ussuriensis contained many Lepidopteran families. The higher probability of prey items likely captured via gleaning to occur in the diet of M. ussuriensis in contrast to M. ikonnikovi indicates that M. ussuriensis might switch between aerial‐hawking and gleaning modes of foraging behavior. We encourage further studies across various types of habitats and seasons to investigate the flexibility of the diet composition and foraging behavior of these two bat species.  相似文献   

Summary Preliminary results from a large number of reciprocal crosses between the closely related sympatric species S. gourlayi Hawkes (2n=4x=48) and S. oplocense Hawkes (2n=6x=72) indicated that they are difficult to hybridize. Pollen-pistil incompatibility barriers were detected via fluorescent microscopy. The cross incompatibility reaction occurred at three sites in 6x×4x crosses; on the stigma, in the first one-third of the style, and in the first two-thirds of the style. In the reciprocal 4x×6x crosses the incompatibility reaction invariably occurred in the ovary. Backcrosses of interspecific pentaploid hybrids (that were occasionally formed) to both parental populations were fully compatible, partially compatible, and fully incompatible with three sites of cross-incompatibility reaction similar to those observed in 6x×4x crosses, respectively. Both polyploid species were found to be selfcompatible, whereas their F1 hybrids were found to be self-incompatible. An hypothesis based on interactions of dominant cross-incompatibility (CI) genes in pistils and dominant specific complementary genes in pollen grains is postulated to explain these observations. The cross-incompatibility system that appears to be operating in nature between 4x S. gourlayi and 6x S. oplocense provides a way for gene exchange between sympatric populations without threatening the identity of either species.  相似文献   

We derived a model to predict site selection by drifting prey in streams. This model considers the conflicting demands between feeding and avoiding both benthic and drift predators. Our analysis suggests a ranking of site qualities based on the ratio of food acquisition rate to benthic predation risk (termed site value). Drifting organisms should accept a given site type when its site value exceeds the expected value of drifting, which is the average site value prey are likely to encounter adjusted for the costs of drifting. These costs are represented as drift predation risk and time that is lost from foraging as prey search for a better site. We contend that prey should rank site types in descending order based on site value and sequentially add site types to the acceptable category in order of highest rank until the addition of the next lowest ranked site decreases rather than increases the expected value of drifting. The best sites should be those with high food availability and low benthic predation risk. Prey should reject a site when drift predation risk is low, the proportion of acceptable site types is high, and the rate that prey settle from the drift is high. Interestingly, prey with the greatest locomotory ability should have the greatest propensity to drift because these individuals spend less time drifting, making them less susceptible to drift predators. Our model provides a framework to simultaneously integrate the effects of food availability, benthic predation risk, and drift predation risk on site selection of actively drifting prey.  相似文献   

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