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Tissue penetration of neutrophils is a key process in many inflammatory diseases. In response to inflammatory stimuli such as N-formyl-methionine-leucine-phenylalanine (fMLP), neutrophils polarize and migrate towards the chemotactic gradient of the stimulus. Elevated intracellular Ca2+ concentration is known to play a critical role in neutrophil polarization and migration; however, the exact mechanism remains elusive. Here, we demonstrated that fMLP stimulation caused not only store-operated calcium entry (SOCE), but also receptor-operated calcium entry (ROCE) in neutrophils by using both pharmacological and neutralizing monoclonal antibody approaches. We also investigated neither Rac2 nor Cdc42 activation could take place if either SOCE or ROCE was inhibited. This study thus provides the first evidence for coordination of Ca2+ influx by SOCE and ROCE to regulate neutrophil polarization.  相似文献   

Phagocytosis is important during development and in the immune response for the removal of apoptotic cells and pathogens, yet its molecular mechanisms are poorly understood. In Caenorhabditis elegans, the CED2/5/10/12 pathway regulates actin during phagocytosis of apoptotic cells, whereas the role of the CED1/6/7 pathway in phagocytosis is unclear. We report that Undertaker (UTA), a Drosophila Junctophilin protein, is required for Draper (CED-1 homolog)-mediated phagocytosis. Junctophilins couple Ca2+ channels at the plasma membrane to those of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), the Ryanodine receptors. We place Draper, its adaptor drCed-6, UTA, the Ryanodine receptor Rya-r44F, the ER Ca2+ sensor dSTIM, and the Ca2+-release-activated Ca2+ channel dOrai in the same pathway that promotes calcium homeostasis and phagocytosis. Thus, our results implicate a Junctophilin in phagocytosis and link Draper-mediated phagocytosis to Ca2+ homeostasis, highlighting a previously uncharacterized role for the CED1/6/7 pathway.  相似文献   

Summary The process of phagocytosis in Amoeba proteus was examined by following the uptake of Tetrahymena pyriformis and agarose beads. The ciliates are taken up in a time dependent and saturable manner. T. pyriformis apparently emits a water-soluble substance that acts as a chemoattractant to the amoebae. Plain agarose beads are not engulfed by A. proteus, but those beads having reducedglutathione with the -SH group exposed are taken up almost to the same extent as T. pyriformis. Phagocytosis of the glutathione beads is calcium-dependent with maximum bead uptake at 10-4M Ca++. Glutathione applied to A. proteus brings about pseudopod formation, increased phagocytosis and displacement of surface-associated calcium.  相似文献   

The addition of low concentrations (less than 10(-7) M) of the calcium ionophore A23187 to rabbit neutrophils releases the intracellular pool of calcium previously shown in radioactive steady-state and chlortetracycline fluorescence studies to be mobilized by chemotactic factors. A23187 at these concentrations elicits no functional responses from these cells. However, A23187, added before chemotactic factors such as fMet-Leu-Phe and leukotriene B4, inhibits the ability of the latter stimuli to induce, in the presence of cytochalasin B, an exocytotic release of the neutrophil's cytoplasmic granules. These results imply that the chemotactic-factor-induced release of intracellular calcium is a necessary event for the optimal activation of the neutrophils. Phorbol ester-induced neutrophil degranulation on the other hand is unaffected by exposure to A23187, thereby completely dissociating its mechanism of action from rises in cytoplasmic free calcium.  相似文献   

Background. Protein aggregation is a major contributor to the pathogenic mechanisms of human neurodegenerative diseases. Mutations in the CSTB (cystatin B) gene [StB (stefin B)] cause EPM1 (progressive myoclonus epilepsy of type 1), an epilepsy syndrome with features of neurodegeneration and increased oxidative stress. Oligomerization and aggregation of StB in mammalian cells have recently been reported. It has also been observed that StB is overexpressed after seizures and in certain neurodegenerative conditions, which could potentially lead to its aggregation. Human StB proved to be a good model system to study amyloid fibril formation in vitro and, as we show here, to study protein aggregation in cells. Results. Endogenous human StB formed smaller, occasional cytoplasmic aggregates and chemical inhibition of the UPS (ubiquitin–proteasome system) led to an increase in the amount of the endogenous protein and also increased its aggregation. Further, we characterized both the untagged and T‐Sapphire‐tagged StB on overexpression in mammalian cells. Compared with wild‐type StB, the EPM1 missense mutant (G4R), the aggregate‐prone EPM1 mutant (R68X) and the Y31 StB variant (both tagged and untagged) formed larger cytosolic and often perinuclear aggregates accompanied by cytoskeletal reorganization. Non‐homogeneous morphology of these large aggregates was revealed using TEM (transmission electron microscopy) with StB detected by immunogold labelling. StB‐positive cytoplasmic aggregates were partially co‐localized with ubiquitin, proteasome subunits S20 and S26 and components of microfilament and microtubular cytoskeleton using confocal microscopy. StB aggregates also co‐localized with LC3 and the protein adaptor p62, markers of autophagy. Flow cytometry showed that protein aggregation was associated with reduced cell viability. Conclusions. We have shown that endogenous StB aggregates within cells, and that aggregation is increased upon protein overexpression or proteasome inhibition. From confocal and TEM analyses, we conclude that aggregates of StB show some of the molecular characteristics of aggresomes and may be eliminated from the cell by autophagy. Intracellular StB aggregation shows a negative correlation with cell survival.  相似文献   

The relationship between cytosolic free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) and human neutrophil motility was studied by video microscopy. Neutrophils stimulated by a uniform concentration of an N-formylated peptide chemoattractant (f-Met-Leu-Phe) were tracked during chemokinetic migration on albumin, fibronectin, and vitronectin. [Ca2+]i buffering with quin2 resulted in significant decreases in mean speed on albumin. To further characterize the relationship between [Ca2+]i changes and motility we carried out a cross-correlation analysis of [Ca2+]i with several motility parameters. Cross-correlations between [Ca2+]i and each cell's speed, angle changes, turn strength, and persistent forward motion revealed (i) a positive correlation between [Ca2+]i and cell speed (p < 0.05), (ii) no significant correlation between turns and calcium spikes, and (iii) the occurrence of turns during periods of low speed. Significant negative correlations between [Ca2+]i and angle change were noted on the high adhesion substrates vitronectin and fibronectin but not on the low adhesion substrate albumin. These data imply that there is a general temporal relationship between [Ca2+]i, speed, and persistent motion. However, the correlations are not sufficiently strong to imply that changes in [Ca2+]i are required proximal signals for velocity changes.  相似文献   

We have shown that human neutrophils develop dynamic thin and very long tubulovesicular extensions (cytonemes) upon adhesion to fibronectin, if cell spreading was blocked by Na(+)-free medium or by 4-bromophenacyl bromide, N-ethylmaleimide, 7-chloro-4-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazole and cytochalasin D (S. I. Galkina, G. F. Sud'ina and V. Ullrich, (2001). Exp. Cell Res. 266, 222-228). In the present work we found that similar in size and behavior tubulovesicular extensions were formed on the neutrophil cell bodies upon adhesion to fibronectin-coated substrata in the presence of the nitric oxide donor diethylamine NONOate. In the presence of the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor N-omega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester, neutrophils were well spread and had no microextensions. Using scanning electron microscopy, we demonstrated that tubulovesicular extensions of neutrophils executed long-range adhesion and binding objects for phagocytosis, such as serum-opsonized zymosan particles and erythrocytes. Tubulovesicular extensions anchored neutrophils to substrata in a beta1 and beta2 integrin-independent, but L-selectin-dependent manner. BODIPY-sphingomyelin impaired development of tubulovesicular extension, and heparitinase 1 played a role in their destruction. Membrane tubulovesicular extensions are supposed to represent protrusions of an intracellular exocytotic traffic and serve as cellular sensory and adhesive organelles. Nitric oxide seems to play a role in regulation of tubulovesicular extensions formation, thus affecting neutrophil adhesive interactions and phagocytosis.  相似文献   

In the article by M.B. Sikkel et al. (doi: 10.1002/jbio.201500193), published in J. Biophotonics 9 , 311–323 (2016), an error occurred in the computer code that was used to generate Figure 3. This erratum is published to correct Figure 3, the calculated value of tgeom and the experimentally determined value of toptics in the text of the article.  相似文献   

Neutrophils expend large amounts of energy to perform demanding cell functions. To better understand energy production and flow during cell activation, immunofluorescence microscopy was employed to determine the location of the key metabolic enzyme hexokinase during various conditions. Hexokinase is translocated from the neutrophil's cytosol to its periphery in response to N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMLP) and other activating stimuli, but not during exposure to the formyl peptide receptor antagonist N-tert-BOC-phe-leu-phe-leu-phe (Boc-PLPLP). Translocation was observed from 10(-6) to 10(-9)M fMLP. However, fMLP did not affect the intracellular distribution of lactate dehydrogenase. Hexokinase accumulated at the lamellipodium of cells exposured to an fMLP gradient whereas it localized to the phagosome after latex bead uptake. Thus, hexokinase is differentially translocated within cells depending upon the prevailing physiological conditions. Further studies noted that cytochalasin D, dexamethasone, and indomethacin blocked hexokinase translocation. Parallel regulation of reactive oxygen metabolite (ROM) production was shown. We speculate that hexokinase translocation participates in neutrophil activation.  相似文献   

Bone is the most widespread mineralized tissue in vertebrates and its formation is orchestrated by specialized cells - the osteoblasts. Crystalline carbonated hydroxyapatite, an inorganic calcium phosphate mineral, constitutes a substantial fraction of mature bone tissue. Yet key aspects of the mineral formation mechanism, transport pathways and deposition in the extracellular matrix remain unidentified. Using cryo-electron microscopy on native frozen-hydrated tissues we show that during mineralization of developing mouse calvaria and long bones, bone-lining cells concentrate membrane-bound mineral granules within intracellular vesicles. Elemental analysis and electron diffraction show that the intracellular mineral granules consist of disordered calcium phosphate, a highly metastable phase and a potential precursor of carbonated hydroxyapatite. The intracellular mineral contains considerably less calcium than expected for synthetic amorphous calcium phosphate, suggesting the presence of a cellular mechanism by which phosphate entities are first formed and thereafter gradually sequester calcium within the vesicles. We thus demonstrate that in vivo osteoblasts actively produce disordered mineral packets within intracellular vesicles for mineralization of the extracellular developing bone tissue. The use of a highly disordered precursor mineral phase that later crystallizes within an extracellular matrix is a strategy employed in the formation of fish fin bones and by various invertebrate phyla. This therefore appears to be a widespread strategy used by many animal phyla, including vertebrates.  相似文献   

We have developed techniques for studying patch-clamped membranes inside glass pipettes using high voltage electron microscopy (HVEM). To preserve the patch structure with the least possible distortion, we rapidly froze and freeze dried the pipette tip. The pipette is transparent for more than 50 microns from the tip. HVEM images of patches confirm light microscopy observations that the patch is not a bare bilayer, but a membrane-covered bleb of cytoplasm that may include organelles and cytoskeleton. The membrane that spans the pipette is commonly tens of micrometers from the tip of the pipette and occasionally as far as 100 microns. The structure of patches taken from a single cell type is variable but there are consistent differences between patches made from different cell types. With suction applied to the pipette before seal formation, we have seen in the light microscope vesicles swept from the plasmalemma up the pipette. These vesicles are visible in electron micrographs, particularly those made from chick cardiac muscle. Colloidal gold labeling of the patch permitted identification of lectin-binding sites and acetylcholine receptors. In young cultures of Xenopus myocytes, the receptors were diffuse. In 1-wk-old cultures, the receptors formed densely packed arrays. The patch pipette can serve, not only as a recording device, but as a tool for sampling discrete regions of the cell surface. Because the pipette has a constant path length for axial rotation, it is a unique specimen holder for microtomography. We have made preliminary tomographic reconstructions of a patch from Xenopus oocyte.  相似文献   

The effect of a lipopeptide antifungal agent, cilofungin, on serum opsonization and phagocytosis of Candida albicans yeast phase cells in human neutrophil monolayer assays was investigated. Simultaneous addition of fungicidal concentrations of cilofungin did not enhance or inhibit phagocytosis of C. albicans. Pretreatment of Candida blastospores with cilofungin in the absence of serum complement for 1 h did not affect phagocytosis. However, pretreatment of blastospores with cilofungin and complement promoted a significant increase in ingestion. Pretreatment of neutrophils with cilofungin in serum-free media did not affect neutrophil viability. In contrast, pre-exposure of neutrophils to cilofungin in the presence of complement inhibited ingestion of blastospores.  相似文献   

Intercellular Ca2+ signaling in primary cultures of glial cells was investigated with digital fluorescence video imaging. Mechanical stimulation of a single cell induced a wave of increased [Ca2+]i that was communicated to surrounding cells. This was followed by asynchronous Ca2+ oscillations in some cells. Similar communicated Ca2+ responses occurred in the absence of extracellular Ca2+, despite an initial decrease in [Ca2+]i in the stimulated cell. Mechanical stimulation in the presence of glutamate induced a typical communicated Ca2+ wave through cells undergoing asynchronous Ca2+ oscillations in response to glutamate. The coexistence of communicated Ca2+ waves and asynchronous Ca2+ oscillations suggests distinct mechanisms for intra- and intercellular Ca2+ signaling. This intercellular signaling may coordinate cooperative glial function.  相似文献   

Intracellular Ca2+ concentration (Cai) in the dark and during light stimulation, was measured in Balanus photoreceptors with Ca2+ ion-selective electrodes (Ca-ISE) and Arsenazo III absorbance changes (AIII). The average basal Cai of 17 photoreceptors in darkness was 300 +/- 160 nM determined with liquid ion-exchanger (t-HDOPP) Ca-ISE. Ca-ISE measurements indicated that light increased Cai by 700 nM (average), whereas AIII indicated an average change of 450 nM. The time course of AIII absorbance changes matched the time course of changes in the receptor potential more closely than did the Ca-ISE. Changes in Cai were graded with light intensity but the change in Cai was much greater for a decade change in intensity at high light intensity than at low intensity. The peak light induced conductance change of voltage clamped cells had a relationship to light intensity similar to that of the change in Cai. The peak Cai level measured with Ca-ISE was in good agreement with the free Ca2+ concentration of injected buffer solutions. Control Cai levels were usually restored within 5 min following injection of Ca2+ buffers. Injection of Ca2+ buffers with free Ca2+ of 0.6 microM produced a membrane depolarization. Larger increases in Cai (greater than microM) produced by injection of CaCl2 or release of Ca2+ from injected buffers by acidifying the cell, produced a pronounced membrane hyperpolarization. Increasing Cai with all of these techniques reduced the amplitude of the receptor potential. The time course of the receptor potential recovery was usually similar to that of Cai recovery.  相似文献   

Calcium ions are an important second messenger in living cells. Indeed calcium signals in the form of waves have been the subject of much recent experimental interest. It is now well established that these waves are composed of elementary stochastic release events (calcium puffs or sparks) from spatially localised calcium stores. The aim of this paper is to analyse how the stochastic nature of individual receptors within these stores combines to create stochastic behaviour on long time-scales that may ultimately lead to waves of activity in a spatially extended cell model. Techniques from asymptotic analysis and stochastic phase–plane analysis are used to show that a large cluster of receptor channels leads to a release probability with a sigmoidal dependence on calcium density. This release probability is incorporated into a computationally inexpensive model of calcium release based upon a stochastic generalisation of the fire-diffuse-fire (FDF) threshold model. Numerical simulations of the model in one and two dimensions (with stores arranged on both regular and disordered lattices) illustrate that stochastic calcium release leads to the spontaneous production of calcium sparks that may merge to form saltatory waves. Illustrations of spreading circular waves, spirals and more irregular waves are presented. Furthermore, receptor noise is shown to generate a form of array enhanced coherence resonance whereby all calcium stores release periodically and simultaneously.  相似文献   

Stimulation of neutrophils by chemoattractants is followed by a rapid, transient rise in cytosolic calcium concentration. The role of calcium in activation of cell movement and related responses was examined by selectively chelating extracellular or both extra- and intracellular calcium. Removal of calcium from the extracellular medium did not alter the cytosolic calcium concentration (Quin 2 fluorescence, 110 to 120 nM) of unstimulated neutrophils and did not dramatically affect the rise induced by formyl peptide. Despite the intact Quin 2 response, depletion of extracellular calcium partially inhibited chemotaxis, adherence to substrate, and polarization (increased forward light scatter) in response to formyl peptide. Loading neutrophils with Quin 2 in the absence of calcium depressed cytosolic Ca2+ to 10 to 20 nM and abrogated a detectable rise with formyl peptide stimulation. Depletion of intracellular calcium further inhibited chemotaxis and polarization, although neutrophils still demonstrated significant directed migration and shape change to formyl peptide (30 to 40% of control) without an increase in Quin 2 fluorescence. Other neutrophil responses related to chemotaxis (decreased right-angle light scatter, actin polymerization) were minimally affected by depletion of calcium from either site. The data indicate that neutrophil chemotaxis and related responses to formyl peptide may be activated by intracellular signals not detectable with Quin 2.  相似文献   

Micro- and nanospheres composed of biodegradable polymers show promise as versatile devices for the controlled delivery of biopharmaceuticals. Whereas important properties such as drug release profiles, biocompatibility, and (bio)degradability have been determined for many types of biodegradable particles, information about particle degradation inside phagocytic cells is usually lacking. Here, we report the use of confocal Raman microscopy to obtain chemical information about cross-linked dextran hydrogel microspheres and amphiphilic poly(ethylene glycol)-terephthalate/poly(butylene terephthalate) (PEGT/PBT) microspheres inside RAW 264.7 macrophage phagosomes. Using quantitative Raman microspectroscopy, we show that the dextran concentration inside phagocytosed dextran microspheres decreases with cell incubation time. In contrast to dextran microspheres, we did not observe PEGT/PBT microsphere degradation after 1 week of internalization by macrophages, confirming previous studies showing that dextran microsphere degradation proceeds faster than PEGT/PBT degradation. Raman microscopy further showed the conversion of macrophages to lipid-laden foam cells upon prolonged incubation with both types of microspheres, suggesting that a cellular inflammatory response is induced by these biomaterials in cell culture. Our results exemplify the power of Raman microscopy to characterize microsphere degradation in cells and offer exciting prospects for this technique as a noninvasive, label-free optical tool in biomaterials histology and tissue engineering.  相似文献   

Steady-state fluorescence polarization of the fluorescent probe 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene reported temperature-dependent lipid order in l-α-dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine, egg phosphatidylcholine and synaptosomal membranes. No change in lipid order was detected after depolarization of synaptosomes by veratridine (150 μM) even in the presence of 2 mM CaCl2. However, Ca2+ reduced the mobility of a second probe, dansylated dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine, in dispersions of synaptosomal lipids. This effect, which was seen at a Ca2+/total phospholipid ratio as low as 0.1, may represent an interaction between the cation and negatively-charged phospholipids. It is suggested that Ca2+ promotes a phase separation in synaptosomal lipids which may be relevant to the process of neurotransmitter release.  相似文献   

Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts and LLC-PK epithelial cells in prometaphase or metaphase were either injected with fura-2 or loaded with the acetoxymethyl ester derivative of fura-2 (fura-2 AM) and monitored by microspectrofluorimetry. With both methods of loading, we observed two aspects of intracellular free calcium (Cai) metabolism. (a) Most fibroblasts and epithelial cells exhibited a gradual rise from 75 nM in metaphase to 185 nM during cleavage, returning to baseline by early G1. (b) Mitotic Swiss 3T3 cells exhibited rapid transient Cai changes, similar to those previously reported [Poenie, M., J. Alderton, R. Y. Tsien, R. A. Steinhardt. 1985. Nature (Lond.). 315:147-149; Poenie, M., J. Alderton, R. Steinhardt, and R. Tsien. 1986. Science (Wash. DC). 233:886-889; Ratan, R., and M. L. Shelanski. 1988. J. Cell Biol. 107:993]. These Cai transients occurred repetitively, often beginning in metaphase and continuing long after daughter cell formation. Eliminating serum or calcium from the medium abolished the transients, but delayed neither the gradual Cai elevation nor anaphase onset. Co-injection of EGTA or 1,2-bis-(2-aminophenoxy)-ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (BAPTA) with fura-2 in calcium-free medium, but not in calcium containing medium, blocked both anaphase and the sustained Cai elevation in almost all cases. Blocked cells were rescued by returning calcium to the medium, whereupon Cai slowly but steadily rose as the cell entered anaphase. Spindle microtubules persisted through the EGTA block. Depolymerization of spindle microtubules by nocodazole also reversibly blocked anaphase onset and the sustained Cai elevation, but did not block transients. This study has revealed the following: (a) anaphase in mammalian fibroblasts and epithelial cells is not triggered by brief calcium transients; (b) anaphase is a calcium-modulated event, usually accompanied by a sustained elevation of Cai above 50 nM; (c) the elevation of Cai is dependent upon an intact spindle; and (d) fibroblasts progress through mitosis by drawing upon either intracellular or extracellular sources of calcium.  相似文献   

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