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Despite the global importance of phytoplankton primary production, the ecological role of cell death as an important loss process in phytoplankton is poorly understood. To assess the significance of cell death in phytoplankton, we studied cell viability of dominant species in the canyon-shaped eutrophic ?ímov Reservoir (Czech Republic) at weekly and biweekly intervals from April to October 2011. Surface samples were taken from the lacustrine zone (near the dam, low nutrient level) and transition zone (near the river inflow, high nutrient level) of the reservoir. Moreover, samples from euphotic depth (1% of surface irradiance) were taken from the lacustrine zone. We used the membrane-impermeant nucleic acid dye SYTOX Green to examine seasonal and spatial differences in phytoplankton cell viability. Three species (diatoms Asterionella formosa, Fragilaria crotonensis, and cyanobacterium Aphanizomenon flos-aquae) were studied in detail. There was no difference in Asterionella cell viability among sampling sites. In the lacustrine zone, Fragilaria and Aphanizomenon exhibited lower viability than in the transition zone. In addition, Aphanizomenon viability was significantly lower at the euphotic depth. Nutrient levels were revealed as a factor influencing Fragilaria viability, while light availability was more important for Aphanizomenon. Our results evidenced that the importance of cell death, in particular phytoplankton taxa, varies both spatially and temporally. Moreover, our study indicates that coexisting taxa may differ in their capacity to cope with different environmental stressors.  相似文献   

B L Roth  M Poot  S T Yue    P J Millard 《Applied microbiology》1997,63(6):2421-2431
A fluorescent nucleic acid stain that does not penetrate living cells was used to assess the integrity of the plasma membranes of bacteria. SYTOX Green nucleic acid stain is an unsymmetrical cyanine dye with three positive charges that is completely excluded from live eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. Binding of SYTOX Green stain to nucleic acids resulted in a > 500-fold enhancement in fluorescence emission (absorption and emission maxima at 502 and 523 nm, respectively), rendering bacteria with compromised plasma membranes brightly green fluorescent. SYTOX Green stain is readily excited by the 488-nm line of the argon ion laser. The fluorescence signal from membrane-compromised bacteria labeled with SYTOX Green stain was typically > 10-fold brighter than that from intact organisms. Bacterial suspensions labeled with SYTOX Green stain emitted green fluorescence in proportion to the fraction of permeabilized cells in the population, which was quantified by microscopy, fluorometry, or flow cytometry. Flow cytometric and fluorometric approaches were used to quantify the effect of beta-lactam antibiotics on the cell membrane integrity of Escherichia coli. Detection and discrimination of live and permeabilized cells labeled with SYTOX Green stain by flow cytometry were markedly improved over those by propidium iodide-based tests. These studies showed that bacterial labeling with SYTOX Green stain is an effective alternative to conventional methods for measuring bacterial viability and antibiotic susceptibility.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa obtained from fish (Clarias gariepinus), human (Homo sapiens), turkeys (Meleagris gallapova), rats (Rattus norvegicus), hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus), and monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) were stained with acridine orange before measuring fluorescence by flow cytometry. These mature sperm from various species produced different intensities of fluorescence while displaying similar ratios of red/green fluorescence. Comparison of the green fluorescence values for the various species showed the sequence (descending order of fluorescence values) human, turkey, monkey, hamster, rat and fish. The DNA complement (as base pairs in the haploid genome) of the various species did not increase in direct proportion to the fluorescence values. This suggests that the DNA was not equally accessible to the dye in the different species tested. The similarity in ratios of red/green fluorescence suggests that the structure of DNA in the chromatin is similar in the different species but abnormal 'satellite' populations of cells that show higher red/green fluorescence ratios than the parent population have been found in sperm samples from monkeys and from some infertile men. Their high red fluorescence intensities were not caused by RNA because treatment with RNAse did not alter the red fluorescence. It is possible that these cells contain larger amounts of denatured (single stranded) DNA.  相似文献   

We developed a fast and simple protocol for accurate quantification of small freshwater ciliates by flow cytometry (FCM). The ciliates were stained with several nucleic acid stains such as TO-PRO-1, YO-YO-1 and PicoGreen, and analysed by a commercially available flow cytometer. The method was tested with cultures of the prostomatid species Urotricha farcta and Balanion planctonicum, including the small cryptophyte Cryptomonas sp. as food. Of the dyes tested, TO-PRO-1 gave the best results. Flow cytometric results agreed well with microscopic counts. Due to its greater speed and accuracy, FCM was superior to light microscopy. FCM was also superior to electronical particle counting and sizing (EPCS). Of particular importance, FCM in combination with TO-PRO-1 staining allowed unequivocal discrimination in cases of overlapping size distributions between the target population (i.e., the ciliate predators) and other particles (the cryptophyte prey, detritus).  相似文献   

A novel approach which enables direct assessment of the differential expression of cellular antigens in noncycling (G0) and cycling cell subpopulations is presented. The method involves flow cytometric analysis and sorting of cells stained by use of indirect immunofluorescence, followed by restaining using acid acridine orange, to relate the immunofluorescence of sorted lymphoid subpopulation(s) to cell proliferation status (i.e., G0 vs. G1 vs. S vs. G2 and M). In the present study, this technique successfully identifies the proliferation-associated modulation of a heterochromatin-associated antigen in pokeweed mitogen-stimulated human lymphoid cultures. The potential utility of this method for documenting early antigenic changes associated with the G0-G1 transition is discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although the infection of Theileria sergenti is demonstrated by intraerythrocytic localization of this parasite, much time and labor are necessary in order to determine this. We applied flow cytometry to evaluate T. sergenti parasitemia using the fluorescent nucleic acid stain method. METHODS: Peripheral blood samples from cattle infected with T. sergenti were stained with a membrane-permeable fluorescent nucleic acid stain, SYTO16, and hydroethidine (HE). Stained parasitized erythrocytes were measured by a flow cytometer equipped with a single argon laser operating at 488 nm. RESULTS: SYTO16-stained intraerythrocytic parasites were detected on the FL1 (525 nm) and parasitized cells were separated completely from unparasitized cells. However, HE-stained erythrocytes could not be divided clearly into parasitized and unparasitized cells. SYTO16-stained parasites were reproducibly detected at a percentage above 0.1%. Contaminating leukocytes, which were indicated by CD18-positive cells, were eliminated from the analysis by narrowing the light scatter gate of the erythrocyte fraction. A correlation (r = 0.983) between the percentage of SYTO16-positive cells and parasitemia in grazing cattle was observed. CONCLUSIONS: Flow cytometric detection using SYTO16 is a rapid and reliable method of monitoring parasitemia in T. sergenti-infected cattle.  相似文献   

S E Petersen 《Cytometry》1986,7(4):301-306
Sources of variation and error were investigated for a simple flow cytometric analysis of DNA content of detergent-isolated nuclei stained with ethidium bromide. Using the ploidy classes of mouse liver nuclei, deviations from linearity were assessed for three different instruments. In more extreme settings, the maximum deviations for a FACS instrument were up to 6 to 9%, but in general deviations were around 1% or lower for all instruments. As biological DNA standards, human peripheral lymphocytes and trout erythrocytes appeared to be suitable and easy to store frozen. The erythrocytes had dye-binding characteristics similar to those of human lymphocytes and a 20% lower fluorescence, thus being well suited as an internal standard, as was demonstrated in tumor ploidy analyses performed with varied tissue concentration. Staining homogeneity was improved when staining time was extended to 24 h, at which time male and female lymphocytes were completely separated with an average difference in DNA content of 1.9%. A small difference in fluorescence between mitogen-stimulated and unstimulated lymphocytes was reduced to less than 1% after 24 h of staining. In general, the manipulations of the conditions for the analysis resulted in maximum variations of around 1%, indicating the robustness and reliability of the technique.  相似文献   

New methods for automated, direct nucleic acid purification and detection are required for the next generation of unattended environmental monitoring devices. In this study we investigated whether tunable-surface bead chemistry and peptide nucleic acids (PNA) could enhance the recovery and detection of intact rRNA in both test tube and automated suspension array hybridization formats. Intact rRNA was easily captured and detected on PNA-coated Lumavidin beads from 0.1 ng total RNA with a 15-min hybridization in pH 7 buffer, representing 1.7 x 10(3) cell equivalents of total RNA. DNA-conjugated beads in pH 5 hybridization buffer required an overnight hybridization to achieve a detectable signal at 0.1 ng target RNA. Standard DNA hybridization conditions (pH 7) were one order of magnitude less sensitive than the tunable-surface (pH 5) condition. The PNA-conjugated particles were 100x more sensitive than the tunable-surface DNA particles in the automated format, with a detection limit of 0.1 ng total RNA. The detection limits for total RNA on PNA-conjugated microparticles is immediately conducive to the detection and characterization of microorganisms in low-biomass environments or to the identification of rare sequences in a complex sample mixture, without using PCR.  相似文献   

Requirements for flow cytometry of metaphase chromosomes stained with three deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)-specific fluorescent dyes--Hoechst 33258, Chromomycin A3, and ethidium bromide--are reviewed. Fluorescence properties of these three stains when bound to mitotic cells or to chromosomes in suspension are measured and compared with fluorescence properties when bound to DNA in solution. Conditions are given for high resolution flow cytometry of Chinese hamster chromosomes stained with each of the fluorophors, and histograms are presented that exhibit differences in relative peak position and area. Energy transfer fluorescence between two DNA stains is presented as a potentially useful new parameter for flow cytometry of chromosomes and is illustrated by fluorescence energy transfer from Chromomycin A3 to ethidium bromide when simultaneously bound to hamster mitotic cells.  相似文献   

Large, fluorescently stained restriction fragments of lambda phage DNA are sized by passing individual fragments through a focused continuous wave laser beam in an ultrasensitive flow cytometer at a rate of 60 fragments per second. The size of the fluorescence burst emitted by each stained DNA fragment, as it passes through the laser beam, is measured in one millisecond. One hundred sixty four seconds of fluorescence burst data allow linear sizing of DNA with an accuracy of better than two percent over a range of 10 to 50 kbp. This corresponds to analyzing less than 1 pg of DNA. Sizing of DNA fragments by this approach is much faster, requires much less DNA, and can potentially analyze large fragments with better resolution and accuracy than with gel-based electrophoresis.  相似文献   

The membrane integrity of a cell is a well-accepted criterion for characterizing viable (active or inactive) cells and distinguishing them from damaged and membrane-compromised cells. This information is of major importance in studies of the function of microbial assemblages in natural environments, in order to assign bulk activities measured by various methods to the very active cells that are effectively responsible for the observations. To achieve this task for bacteria in freshwater and marine waters, we propose a nucleic acid double-staining assay based on analytical flow cytometry, which allows us to distinguish viable from damaged and membrane-compromised bacteria and to sort out noise and detritus. This method is derived from the work of S. Barbesti et al. (Cytometry 40:214-218, 2000) which was conducted on cultured bacteria. The principle of this approach is to use simultaneously a permeant (SYBR Green; Molecular Probes) and an impermeant (propidium iodide) probe and to take advantage of the energy transfer which occurs between them when both probes are staining nucleic acids. A full quenching of the permeant probe fluorescence by the impermeant probe will point to cells with a compromised membrane, a partial quenching will indicate cells with a slightly damaged membrane, and a lack of quenching will characterize intact membrane cells identified as viable. In the present study, this approach has been adapted to bacteria in freshwater and marine waters of the Mediterranean region. It is fast and easy to use and shows that a large fraction of bacteria with low DNA content can be composed of viable cells. Admittedly, limitations stem from the unknown behavior of unidentified species present in natural environments which may depart from the established permeability properties with respect to the fluorescing dyes.  相似文献   

Flow cytometric evaluation of reticulocytes has become a valuable and more precise alternative for the microscopically determined reticulocyte count. Until now, the most promising results are obtained with the "thiazole orange" (TO) nucleic acid dye. We report on the use of a "thiazole orange" analogue, 1,3'-diethyl-4,2'-quinolylthiacyanine iodide (DEQTC), which gives comparable results and is commercially available at low cost.  相似文献   

A flow cytometry-based, ultrasensitive fluorescence detection technique is used to size individual DNA fragments up to 167 kb in length. Application of this technology to the sizing of P1 artificial chromosomes (PACs) in both linear and supercoiled forms is described. It is demonstrated that this method is well suited to characterizing PAC/BAC clones and will be very useful for the analysis of large insert libraries. Fluorescence bursts are recorded as individual, dye stained DNA fragments pass through a low power, focused, continuous laser beam. The magnitudes of the fluorescence bursts are linearly proportional to the lengths of the DNA fragments. The histograms of the burst sizes are generated in <3 min with <1 pg of DNA. Results on linear fragments are consistent with those obtained by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. In comparison with pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, sizing of large DNA fragments by this approach is more accurate, much faster, requires much less DNA, and is independent of the DNA conformation.  相似文献   

Medwid RD  Krebs L  Welch S 《BioTechniques》2007,43(6):777-782
Many types of commercially valuable recombinant proteins produced by fermentation are expressed at high levels in Escherichia coli. Often, high-level expression in the host results in the formation of insoluble inclusion bodies. The release of these intracellular inclusion bodies from E. coli following cell disruption is a requirement for further downstream recovery. The ability to discern between intact unruptured cells and granules released from broken cells can provide valuable information for improving recovery yields in downstream purification. This paper describes a rapid and sensitive cytometry-based method that allows the simultaneous measurement of intact heat-killed E. coli and inclusion bodies using staining with nucleic acid binding fluorochromes.  相似文献   

The growth of Plasmodium falciparum in cultures of human red blood cells was studied using acridine orange to stain RNA and DNA, followed by flow cytometric analysis. The cycle of the parasite is characterized by a period of growth, prior to initiation of DNA synthesis, in which a significant increase in red fluorescence is observed, with only a small change in green fluorescence. Following this phase, which is formally similar to the G1 period in mammalian cells, initiation of DNA synthesis is characterized by increases in green fluorescence. Sorting of cells from several regions of the two-dimensional display shows that the distribution of morphological stages correlates with differences in red and green fluorescence. The effect of aphidicolin on the growth cycle of the parasite was also studied.  相似文献   

徐丽丽  王菲  胡春辉  郭立忠  于浩 《菌物学报》2020,39(7):1356-1367
本研究以卵孢小奥德蘑液体培养菌丝作为实验材料,利用单因子变量法探索研究了菌丝培养时间、酶浓度、酶解时间、酶解温度、稳渗剂类型对卵孢小奥德蘑原生质体制备的影响,并对原生质体再生培养基进行选择和优化。通过荧光染色,利用激光共聚焦显微镜和流式细胞仪对原生质体的制备过程、得率和活力进行研究。结果表明,将卵孢小奥德蘑菌丝在液体培养基中培养5d收集菌丝体,以甘露醇作为渗透压稳定剂,在溶壁酶浓度2%、30℃条件下酶解5h,获得的原生质体得率最高,达2.0×10 7个/mL;通过流式细胞仪分析,约57.69%的原生质体细胞为活细胞;在RM培养基中再生效果最好,再生率为(0.103±0.025)%。研究结果可以为卵孢小奥德蘑育种与食用菌原生质体制备再生提供研究基础。  相似文献   

A new triple fluorescent staining method was developed to evaluate frozen-thawed dog spermatozoa. This method was used to compare functional parameters of canine spermatozoa cryopreserved using 2 different freezing-thawing protocols. One ejaculate from each of 10 dogs was split into 2 aliquots and processed using the Andersen method or the CLONE method. Semen samples were evaluated immediately after thawing and after 3 h of incubation at 37 degrees C. Plasma membrane integrity and acrosomal status of the spermatozoa were evaluated simultaneously by flow cytometry using a combination of 3 fluorescent dyes: Carboxy-SNARF-1 (SNARF), to identify the live spermatozoa; propidium iodide (PI), which only stains dead cells or cells with damaged membranes; and fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated Pisum sativum agglutinin (PSA), which binds to the acrosomal content of spermatozoa with damaged plasma and outer acrosomal membranes. The accuracy of this new staining method in quantifying the proportions of live and dead spermatozoa by flow cytometry was evaluated by comparing it with the staining technique using carboxyfluorescein diacetate and propidium iodide (CFDA-PI), which yielded high correlation coefficients. The triple-stained sperm samples were also analyzed by epifluorescence microscopy, and both methods proved to be highly correlated. Post-thaw progressive motility and plasma membrane integrity were similar for the 2 freezing procedures, but the proportion of damaged acrosomes after thawing was lower using the Andersen method and the spermatozoa had a higher thermoresistance. This new triple staining method for assessing canine sperm viability and acrosomal integrity provides an efficient procedure for evaluating frozen-thawed dog semen samples either by flow cytometry or fluorescence microscopy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Previous reports have demonstrated accurate DNA fragment sizing of linear DNA fragments, from 564 to approximately 4 x 10(5) bp, in a flow system. B-phycoerythrin (B-PE), commonly used in conventional cytometric applications that require high-sensitivity, was the first fluorophore detected in flow at the single-molecule level. METHODS: Dilute solutions of stained DNA fragments or B-PE were analyzed in a simplified, compact flow system, with enhanced performance and lower cost, utilizing a solid-state laser and a single-photon sensing avalanche photodiode detector (SSAPD). Extensive data processing and display software, developed specifically for the photon-counting data stream, extracts correlated height, width, and area features from bursts of photons due to discrete molecules passing through the sensing region in the flow channel. RESULTS: DNA fragment sizing in flow has now been demonstrated for SYTOX-orange-stained fragments ranging in size over 3.4 orders of magnitude, from 125 to 5 x 10(5) bp. For Lambda bacteriophage DNA (lambda DNA; 48.5 kbp) a CV of 1.2 % has been achieved. Analysis of a femtomolar B-PE solution demonstrates that the bursts of photons from individual molecules can be baseline-resolved with 0.5 mW of laser power at a signal to noise ratio (SNR) of approximately 30, with approximately 100 photons detected from each molecule. CONCLUSIONS: A compact, low-power, high-sensitivity system detects DNA fragments as small as 125 bp or individual B-PE molecules in a flowing liquid stream. Demonstrated linearity, sensitivity, and resolution indicate that <1.0 mW of laser power is optimal, permitting further miniaturization of the system and additional cost reduction. Comprehensive analytical software exploits the standard cytometric paradigm of multiple 2D graphs and gating to extract features from classes of individually analyzed biomolecules. This complete system is thus poised to engage high-sensitivity applications not amenable to conventional flow cytometric instrumentation.  相似文献   

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