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Centromeric alpha satellite DNA sequences are linked to the kinetochore CENP-B proteins and therefore may be involved in the centromeric function. The high heterogeneity of size of the alphoid blocks raises the question of whether small amount of alphoid DNA or "deletion" of this block may have a pathological significance in the human centromere. In the present study, we analysed the correlation between size variations of alphoid DNA and kinetochore sizes in human chromosome 21 by molecular cytogenetic and immunochemical techniques. FISH analyses of alpha satellite DNA sizes in chromosome 21 homologues correlated well with the variation of their physical size as determined by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). By contrast, the immunostaining study of the same homologous chromosomes with antikinetochore antibodies suggested that there is no positive correlation between the alpha satellite DNA block and kinetochore sizes. FISH analysis of chromosome 21-specific alphoid DNA and immunostaining of kinetochore extended interphase chromatin fibers indicate that centromeric kinetochore-specific proteins bind to restricted areas of centromeric DNA arrays. Thus, probably, restricted regions of centromeric DNA play an important role in kinetochore formation, centromeric function and abnormal chromosome segregation leading to non-disjunction.  相似文献   

Summary Linkage studies in families with presenile onset of Alzheimer's disease (AD) indicated the presence of a predisposing gene on the proximal long arm of chromosome 21. We mapped four new loci in the candidate AD region using somatic cell hybrids. For three of the four loci, several restriction fragment length polymorphisms were found; for one locus, a multiallelic (CA)n dinucleotide polymorphism was detected. Preliminary genetic mapping of the new polymorphic loci relative to the AD-linked loci was obtained in a reference pedigree. In addition, we used the (CA)n dinucleotide polymorphism to reconstruct the non-disjunction event in a Down syndrome (DS) patient whose mother died of familial AD.  相似文献   

Down syndrome (DS) is a major cause of mental retardation and heart disease. Although it is usually caused by the presence of an extra chromosome 21, a subset of the diagnostic features may be caused by the presence of only band 21q22. We now present evidence that significantly narrows the chromosomal region responsible for several of the phenotypic features of DS. We report a molecular and cytogenetic analysis of a three-generation family containing four individuals with clinical DS as manifested by the characteristic facial appearance, endocardial cushion defect, mental retardation, and probably dermatoglyphic changes. Autoradiograms of quantitative Southern blots of DNAs from two affected sisters, their carrier father, and a normal control were analyzed after hybridization with two to six unique DNA sequences regionally mapped on chromosome 21. These include cDNA probes for the genes for CuZn-superoxide dismutase (SOD1) mapping in 21q22.1 and for the amyloid precursor protein (APP) mapping in 21q11.2-21.05, in addition to six probes for single-copy sequences: D21S46 in 21q11.2-21.05, D21S47 and SF57 in 21q22.1-22.3, and D21S39, D21S42, and D21S43 in 21q22.3. All sequences located in 21q22.3 were present in three copies in the affected individuals, whereas those located proximal to this region were present in only two copies. In the carrier father, all DNA sequences were present in only two copies. Cytogenetic analysis of affected individuals employing R and G banding of prometaphase preparations combined with in situ hybridization revealed a translocation of the region from very distal 21q22.1 to 21qter to chromosome 4q. Except for a possible phenotypic contribution from the deletion of chromosome band 4q35, these data provide a molecular definition of the minimal region of chromosome 21 which, when duplicated, generates the facial features, heart defect, a component of the mental retardation, and probably several of the dermatoglyphic changes of DS. This region may include parts of bands 21q22.2 and 21q22.3, but it must exclude the genes S0D1 and APP and most of band 21q22.1, specifically the region defined by S0D1, SF57 and D21S47.  相似文献   

Summary A patient with the phenotype of trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) was found to have a normal karyotype in blood lymphocytes and fibroblasts. Assessment of the chromosome 21 markers SOD1, CBS, ETS2, D21S11, and BCEI showed partial trisomy by duplication of a chromosome segment carrying the SOD1, CBS, and ETS2 loci and flanked by the BCEI and D21S11 loci, which are not duplicated. This submicroscopic duplication at the interface of 21q21 and 21q22.1 reduces to about 2000–3000kb the critical segment the trisomy of which is responsible for the phenotype of trisomy 21.  相似文献   

Summary We used a mouse-human somatic cell hybrid to construct a chromosome 21-enriched library in phage vector EMBL4. In all, 35 phage clones containing human inserts were identified by differential screening with total human and mouse DNA. Whole recombinant phages were regionally mapped on chromosome 21 by Southern blot analysis using competitive hybridisation conditions to block repetitive sequences. Ten phage clones mapped proximal to a translocation breakpoint in band 21q21.2, while 25 mapped distal to this point. Three of the phage clones identify restriction fragment length polymorphisms. Polymorphic chromosome 21 markers may be useful in the genetic analysis of Alzheimer's dementia and Down syndrome.  相似文献   

Summary A possible cause of non-disjunction of chromosome 21 in Down Syndromes has been cytogenetically evaluated by examining the parents by Ag-staining technique. In all the cases studied so far, the contributing parents have active ribosomal cistrons on both chromosomes 21 i.e. both chromosomes are stained positively by silver staining. These results show that the active NORs might play an essential role in meiotic non-disjunction. Furthermore, the preliminary results demonstrate that the acrocentric associations of homologous and non-homologous nature involving chromosome 21 are the most frequent in the contributing parent which may further indicate the role of multiple cellular factors affecting the associations in promoting the non-disjunction in addition to active NORs. The possible mechanisms regarding the non-disjunction of chromosome 21 have been described.Presented at the 34th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics, Norfolk, VA, USA  相似文献   

Gardiner K  Davisson M 《Genome biology》2000,1(2):reviews000-9
The recent completion of the DNA sequence of human chromosome 21 has provided the first look at the 225 genes that are candidates for involvement in Down syndrome (trisomy 21). A broad functional classification of these genes, their expression data and evolutionary conservation, and comparison with the gene content of the major mouse models of Down syndrome, suggest how the chromosome sequence may help in understanding the complex Down syndrome phenotype.  相似文献   

Summary The lymphocyte chromosomes of trisomy 21 Down syndrome patients and their parents in a random series of 374 families were analyzed, the objective being the identification of parental mosaicism. The numbers of parents in whom at least two trisomy 21 cells were detected were seven mothers and three fathers, a frequency of 2.7% of families. Confirmation of mosaicism was by identification of parental transmission of the extra chromosome to the progeny, by repeat chromosome analysis, and/or by the presence of more than one affected child. If to these are added six others in whom only one trisomic cell was detected, but with no other supporting evidence, the frequency could be as high as 4.3%. Differences in parental age at the birth of Down syndrome progeny may be accounted for by differences in frequencies of mosaicism in germ cells and somatic tissue. Mosaicism was found more frequently in the mothers than in the fathers, but more data are required for confirmation of a real difference.  相似文献   

Summary In a series of 374 families with Down syndrome progeny, structural chromosome rearrangements were detected in the parents of six children with regular trisomy. The aberrations were reciprocal translocations and inversions. In all three informative families, the parent who transmitted the extra chromosome was not the one with the structural rearrangement. Among the three non-informative families there was one in which both parents carried different reciprocal translocations. In two other families a chromosome aberration was detected: a triple X mother and a father with a Philadelphia chromosome. Omitting the four parents with possible biased asccrtainment, 0.4% had a chromosome rearrangement. When the parents with constitutional chromosome aberrations and those with mosaicism, described previously, are combined, the frequency of chromosomally abnormal parents lies between 1.9% and 3.2%. When correlated with parental transmission of the extra chromosome, mosaicism rather than structural rearrangements appears to be of ctiologic significance.  相似文献   

Z Cetin  S Yakut  E Mihci  AE Manguoglu  S Berker  I Keser  G Luleci 《Gene》2012,507(2):159-164
Pure partial trisomy of chromosome 21 is a rare event. The patients with this aberration are very important for setting up precise karyotype-phenotype correlations particularly in Down syndrome phenotype. We present here a patient with Down syndrome with a de novo derivative chromosome 21. Karyotype of the patient was designated as 46,XY,der(21)(p13)dup(21)(q11.2q21.3)dup(21)(q22.2q22.3) with regard to cytogenetic, FISH and array-CGH analyses. Non-continuous monosomic, disomic and trisomic chromosomal segments through the derivative chromosome 21 were detected by array-CGH analysis. STR analyses revealed maternal origin of the de novo derivative chromosome 21. The dual-specificity tyrosine (Y)-phosphorylation regulated kinase 1A (DYRK1A) and Down Syndrome Critical Region 1 (DSCR1) genes that are located in Down syndrome critical region, are supposed to be responsible for most of the clinical findings of Down syndrome. However, our patient is the first patient with Down syndrome whose clinical findings were provided in detail, with a de novo derivative chromosome 21 resulting from multiple chromosome breaks excluding DYRK1A and DSCR1 gene regions.  相似文献   

Derivation of a formula for determination of proportion of paternal trisomy 21 is presented. The formula can be applied for the literature data on sex ratio in the cases of paternal and maternal origin of the extra chromosome in the populations where direct studies of its origin can not be performed.  相似文献   

These are the first studies on the origin of nondisjunction of trisomy 21 in the USSR. Parental contribution was established in 84 of 140 families observed. In 66% cases the nondisjunction took place in oogenesis and in 34% cases - in spermatogenesis. Among the children, who inherited the additional chromosome from father, boys predominate. Compilative work on all the data available concerning the origin of the 21 nondisjunction has been performed; the factors favouring nondisjunction in I and II mitotic divisions in female meiosis, both genetical and age-dependent, have been considered. The great importance of the disturbances taking place in spermatogenesis for etiology is emphasized. It is proved that somatic hyperploidy does not serve as an indicator of predisposition for chromosome nondisjunction in meiosis.  相似文献   

To generate new chromosome 21 markers in a region that is critical for the pathogenesis of Down syndrome (D21S55-MX1), we used pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) to isolate a 600-kb NruI DNA fragment from the WA17 hybrid cell line, which has retained chromosome 21 as the only human material. This fragment, which contains the oncogene ETS2, was used to construct a partial genomic library. Among the 14 unique sequences that were isolated, 3 were polymorphic markers and contained sequences that are conserved in mammals. Five of these markers mapped on the ETS2-containing NruI fragment and allowed us to define an 800-kb high-resolution PFGE map.  相似文献   

Summary Among ten families with de novo 21/21 translocation Down syndrome (tDS), four were informative, according to the studies of structural variants of chromosome 21, about the origin of the aberrant chromosome. In three of these, the translocation originated in the paternal and in one in the maternal gametogenesis. The parents with meiotic failure were compared with 20 control individuals (10 males and 10 females). There were no significant differences between them in the association coefficient of chromosome 21 and in the frequency of 21–21 associations. Similar results were obtained previously with the entire sample of tDS parents. The results obtained, unless they reflect too small a sample, suggest that the origin of the aberrant chromosome is not related to an increased chromosome 21 association tendency. It could be supposed that in the case of an apparent 21/21 translocation, the 21q isochromosome, morphologically indistinguishable from the Robertsonian translocation, is in question. The Ag-NoR negative acrocentrics in the tDS parents reappeared in the probands confirming the heritability of that nucleolus organizer regions (NOR) trait.  相似文献   

Alphoid DNA is a family of tandemly repeated simple sequences found mainly at the centromeres of the chromosomes of many primates. This paper describes the structure of the alphoid DNA at the centromere of the human Y chromosome. We have used pulsedfield gradient gel electrophoresis, cosmid cloning and DNA sequencing to determine the organization of the alphoid DNA on each of the Y chromosomes present in two somatic cell hybrids. In each case there is a single major block of alphoid DNA. This is approximately 470,000 bases (475 kb) long on one chromosome and approximately 575 kb long on the other. Apart from the size difference, the structures of the two blocks and the surrounding sequences are very similar. However, one restriction enzyme, AvaII, detects two clusters of sites within one block but does not cleave the other. The alphoid DNA within each block is organized into tandemly repeating units, most of which are about 5.7 kb long. A few variant units present on one chromosome are about 6.0 kb long. These variants, like the AvaII site variants, are clustered. The 5.7 kb and 6.0 kb units themselves consist of tandemly repeating 170 base-pair subunits. The 6.0 kb unit has two more of these subunits than the 5.7 kb unit. Our results provide a basis for further structural analysis of the human Y chromosome centromeric region, and suggest that long-range structural polymorphisms of tandemly repeated sequence families may be frequent.  相似文献   

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