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Summary A procedure for the regeneration of cacao (Theobroma cacao) plants from staminode explants via somatic embryogenesis was developed. Rapidly growing calli were induced by culturing staminode explants on a DKW salts-based primary callus growth (PCG) medium supplemented with 20 g glucose per L, 9 μM 2,4-D, and thidiazuron (TDZ) at various concentrations. Calli were subcultured onto a WPM salts-based secondary callus growth medium supplemented with 20 g glucose per L, 9 μM 2,4-D, and 1.4 nM kinetin. Somatic embryos were formed from embryogenic calli following transfer to a hormone-free DKW salts-based embryo development medium containing sucrose. The concentration of TDZ used in PCG medium significantly affected the rate of callus growth, the frequency of embryogenesis, and the number of somatic embryos produced from each responsive explant. A TDZ concentration of 22.7 nM was found to be the optimal concentration for effective induction of somatic embryos from various cacao genotypes. Using this procedure, we recovered somatic embryos from all 19 tested cacao genotypes, representing three major genetic group types. However, among these genotypes, a wide range of variation was observed in both the frequency of embryogenesis, which ranged from 1 to 100%, and the average number of somatic embryos produced from each responsive explant, which ranged from 2 to 46. Two types of somatic embryos were identified on the basis of their visual appearance and growth behavior. A large number of cacao plants have been regenerated from somatic embryos and established in soil in a greenhouse. Plants showed morphological and growth characteristics similar to those of seed-derived plants. The described procedure may allow for the practical use of somatic embryogenesis for clonal propagation of elite cacao clones and other applications that require the production of a large number of plants from limited source materials.  相似文献   

We compared the influence of pollination intensity (PI) on fruit set and seed number per pod in two cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) clones, IFC5 (Forastero Lower-Amazon Amelonado), which is self-compatible and known to produce a high number of seeds per pod under open pollination, and SCA6 (Forastero Upper-Amazon), which is self-incompatible and known to produce a low number of seeds per pod under open pollination. With both clones, PI had a positive effect on fruit set, with the maximum rate requiring more than 150 pollen grains per pod. One-half of the maximum rate of fruit set was reached with 39 pollen grains per pod for SCA6, and 78 for IFC5. With SCA6, a significant positive effect of PI on seed number per pod was also observed, with maximum seed number requiring more than 200 pollen grains per pod. In contrast, seed numbers with IFC5 were approximately equal over the PI range 100–800 pollen grains per pod. Patterns of seed number per pod were compared after: (1) open insect pollination, (2) low-intensity hand pollination and (3) high-intensity hand pollination. The patterns obtained with IFC5 under open pollination showed a peak of 40–50 seeds per pod, whereas the distribution patterns were more even with SCA6. The pattern of seed number under open pollination was similar to that obtained with high-intensity hand pollination for IFC5, and with low-intensity hand pollination for SCA6. We concluded that the high number of seeds per pod observed with IFC5 under natural insect pollination may be explained by a high number of compatible self-pollen grains on the stigma and by a severe drop of low-pollinated flowers eliminating potential lowfilled fruits. With SCA6, however, the number of compatible pollen grains deposited on the stigma was probably low under open pollination, and the flowers required lower pollen quantities to set fruit, which resulted in a high frequency of low seed numbers per fruit. This difference in the capacity to set low-seeded fruits might be considered as an adaptive trait related to the mode of reproduction.  相似文献   

 Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers were used to evaluate genetic relationships within the Theobroma cacao species and to assess the organization of its genetic diversity. Genetic variability was estimated with 18 primers and 43 RFLP probes on 155 cocoa trees belonging to different morphological groups and coming from various geographic origins. The majority of the RFLP probes issued from low-copy DNA sequences. On the basis of on the genetic distance matrices, the two molecular methods gave related estimates of the genetic relationship between genotypes. Although an influence of cocoa morphological groups and geographical origins of trees was observed, a lack of gene differentiation characterized the T. cacao accessions studied. The continuous RFLP variability observed within the species may reflect the hybridization and introgressions between trees of different origins. Nevertheless, the Nacional type was detected to be genetically specific and different from well-known types such as Forastero, Criollo and Trinitario. Some of those genotypes were characterized by a low heterozygosity rate and may constitute the original Nacional pool. These results also provide information for the constitution of a cocoa tree core collection. Received: 10 June 1996/Accepted: 11 October 1996  相似文献   

The proteomic profile of hypothalamus, a key organ of CNS, is explored here by employing two widely used MS techniques, i.e. HPLC/ESI‐ion trap and HPLC/ESI‐quadrupole‐TOF MS. Strong cation exchange is used for the fractionation of peptides and protein search engine MASCOT is employed for data query. One hundred and thirty six proteins with 10 973 peptides were identified by HPLC/ESI‐ion trap MS, while 140 proteins with 32 183 peptides were characterized by HPLC/ESI‐quadrupole‐TOF MS. Among the total 198 proteins identified in both experiments, 78 proteins were common in both sets of conditions. The rest of the 120 proteins were identified distinctly in both MS strategies, i.e. 58 unique proteins were found using the quadrupole‐TOF while 62 were found with the HPLC/ESI‐ion trap. Moreover, these proteins were classified into groups based on their functions performed in the body. Results presented here identified some important signal and cellular defense proteins inevitable for survival in stressed conditions. Additionally, it is also shown that any single MS strategy is not reliable for good results due to loss of data depending on sensitivity of the instrument used.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) is indigenous to the Amazon region of South America, and it is well known that the Peruvian Amazon harbours a large number of diverse cocoa populations. A small fraction of the diversity has been collected and maintained as an ex-situ germplasm repository in Peru. However, incorrect labelling of accessions and lack of information on genetic diversity have hindered efficient conservation and use of this germplasm. This study targeted assessment of genetic diversity and population structure in a managed and a semi-natural population. METHODS: Using a capillary electrophoresis genotyping system, 105 cocoa accessions collected from the Huallaga and Ucayali valleys of Peru were fingerprinted. Based on 15 loci SSR profiles, genetic identity was examined for each accession and duplicates identified, population structure assessed and genetic diversity analysed in these two populations. KEY RESULTS: Ten synonymous mislabelled groups were identified among the 105 accessions. The germplasm group in the Huallaga valley was clearly separated from the group in Ucayali valley by the Bayesian assignment test. The Huallaga group has lower genetic diversity, both in terms of allelic richness and of gene diversity, than the Ucayali group. Analysis of molecular variance suggested genetic substructure in the Ucayali group. Significant spatial correlation between genetic distance and geographical distances was detected in the Ucayali group by Mantel tests. CONCLUSIONS: These results substantiate the hypothesis that the Peruvian Amazon hosts a high level of cocoa genetic diversity, and the diversity has a spatial structure. The introduction of exotic seed populations into the Peruvian Amazon is changing the cocoa germplasm spectrum in this region. The spatial structure of cocoa diversity recorded here highlights the need for additional collecting and conservation measures for natural and semi-natural cocoa populations.  相似文献   

The black pod disease caused by Phytophthora megakarya is responsible for 80% of the cocoa production loss in Cameroon. To assess the resistance of cocoa plants against this pathogen, necrotic lesions, phenolic content and qualitative alteration of phenolics were conducted in ICS84 and ICS95 clones (two Trinitario introduced from Trinidad) and their hybrids (families F30 and F25) derived from reciprocal cross breeding between these two parental clones after inoculation. The existence of strong hybrid vigour has been shown. Ninety percentage of the hybrid's genotypes manifested a positive heterosis effect for the development of lesion size. This suggests the existence of hybrid vigour with a genetic additive effect. F3086, F2509, F2552 and F2586 hybrids were characterized by localized lesions. Those hybrids genotypes can be considered as elite clones. In relation to analysis of total phenolics and lesion size, no maternal effect was detected in the transmission of these characters. A significant and negative correlation (r = −0.683) (P < 0.01) has been observed between necrosis evolution and phenolics accumulation. The values of the heritability of lesion size and the total phenolic content in offsprings did not permit to show the maternal effect. Qualitative analyses of phenolics showed high flavonones content in cocoa leaves. Qualitative analyses of phenolics in ICS84, ICS95 clones and their hybrids showed a modification of the phenolics profiles, notably concerning apigenin and luteolin derivatives due to the inoculation. These compounds, along with others that were not identified, could have a role in the reaction and mechanism of defence of cocoa against P. megakarya.  相似文献   

Previous work has implicated glycerol‐3‐phosphate (G3P) as a mobile inducer of systemic immunity in plants. We tested the hypothesis that the exogenous application of glycerol as a foliar spray might enhance the disease resistance of Theobroma cacao through the modulation of endogenous G3P levels. We found that exogenous application of glycerol to cacao leaves over a period of 4 days increased the endogenous level of G3P and decreased the level of oleic acid (18:1). Reactive oxygen species (ROS) were produced (a marker of defence activation) and the expression of many pathogenesis‐related genes was induced. Notably, the effects of glycerol application on G3P and 18:1 fatty acid content, and gene expression levels, in cacao leaves were dosage dependent. A 100 mm glycerol spray application was sufficient to stimulate the defence response without causing any observable damage, and resulted in a significantly decreased lesion formation by the cacao pathogen Phytophthora capsici; however, a 500 mm glycerol treatment led to chlorosis and cell death. The effects of glycerol treatment on the level of 18:1 and ROS were constrained to the locally treated leaves without affecting distal tissues. The mechanism of the glycerol‐mediated defence response in cacao and its potential use as part of a sustainable farming system are discussed.  相似文献   

Dried saliva spot sampling is a minimally invasive technique for the spatial mapping of salivary protein distribution in the oral cavity. In conjunction with untargeted nano‐flow liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (nanoLC–MS/MS) analysis, DSS is used to compare the proteomes secreted by unstimulated parotid and submandibular/sublingual salivary glands. Two hundred and twenty proteins show a statistically significant association with parotid gland secretion, while 30 proteins are at least tenfold more abundant in the submandibular/sublingual glands. Protein identifications and label‐free quantifications are highly reproducible across the paired glands on three consecutive days, enabling to establish the core proteome of glandular secretions categorized into eight salivary protein groups according to their biological functions. The data suggest that the relative contributions of the salivary glands fine‐tune the biological activity of human saliva via medium‐abundant proteins. A number of biomarker candidates for Sjögren's syndrome are observed among the gland‐specifically expressed proteins, which indicates that glandular origin is an important factor to consider in salivary biomarker discovery.  相似文献   

This article describes two field trials carried out at La Lola, Costa Rica, to assess control measures against frosty pod rot of cocoa (Theobroma cacao) caused by Moniliophthora (Crinipellis) roreri. In the first, factorial, trial the control agents were applied using motorised mistblowers (MMs) and hydraulic sprayers fitted with a narrow angle cone nozzle. There was an interaction between agents and application methods; together with previous application data for the most active fungicide (copper hydroxide), these trials indicate that best yields are achieved with sprays that maximise deposits on pods. We describe the droplet size spectra produced by a Stihl SR400 MM under a range of conditions because this has become the standard method of fungicide application in this series of trials at La Lola. The factor that had the largest effect on droplet size spectrum was the presence or the absence of a detachable baffle plate in front of the air‐shear nozzle. In both trials described here, MMs were fitted with baffle plates, a formulation pump and restrictor transmitting 550 mL min?1 to deliver an estimated equivalent of 190 L ha?1. Copper hydroxide as prophylactic applications at 1500 g a.i. ha?1 have, to date, shown the most consistent (but incomplete) improvement in healthy pod yield. Use of copper fungicides may be cost effective when farm‐gate cocoa prices exceed approximately $1.25 kg?1. In these trials, isolates of the hyperparasitic fungi Clonostachys byssicola and Trichoderma asperellum and two off‐patent triazole fungicides (bitertanol and triadimenol) made no significant improvement to healthy yields. The systemic oxathiin fungicide flutolanil, at a dosage of 300 g a.i. ha?1, appears to protect pods substantially at early stages but gives proportionately less control of M. roreri than copper at later stages of pod development.  相似文献   

Pollen grains are tiny structures vital for sexual reproduction and consequently seed and fruit production in angiosperms, and a source of many allergenic components responsible for deleterious implications for health worldwide. Current pollen research is mainly focused on unraveling the molecular mechanisms underlying the pollen germination and tube formation passing from the quiescent stage. In this context, an in‐depth proteome analysis of the pollens from Ricinus communis at three different stages—that is, mature, hydrated, and in vitro germinated—is performed. This analysis results in the identification of 1950 proteins, including 1773, 1313, and 858, from mature, hydrated, and germinated pollens, respectively. Based on label‐free quantification, 164 proteins are found to be significantly differentially abundant from mature to hydrated pollens, 40 proteins from hydrated to germinated, and 57 proteins from mature to germinated pollens, respectively. Most of the differentially abundant proteins are related to protein, carbohydrate, and energy metabolism and signaling. Besides other functional classes, a reasonable number of the proteins are predicted to be allergenic proteins, previously undiscovered. This is the first in‐deep proteome analysis of the R. communis pollens and, to the best of our knowledge, one of the most complete proteome dataset identified from the pollens of any plant species, thus providing a reference proteome for researchers interested in pollen biology.  相似文献   

Seeds of genetically modified (GM) peas (Pisum sativum L.) expressing the gene for α‐amylase inhibitor‐1 (αAI1) from the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Tendergreen) exhibit resistance to the pea weevil (Bruchus pisorum). A proteomic analysis was carried out to compare seeds from GM pea lines expressing the bean αAI1 protein and the corresponding αAI1‐free segregating lines and non‐GM parental line to identify unintended alterations to the proteome of GM peas due to the introduction of the gene for αAI1. Proteomic analysis showed that in addition to the presence of αAI1, 33 other proteins were differentially accumulated in the αAI1‐expressing GM lines compared with their non‐GM parental line and these were grouped into five expression classes. Among these 33 proteins, only three were found to be associated with the expression of αAI1 in the GM pea lines. The accumulation of the remaining 30 proteins appears to be associated with Agrobacterium‐mediated transformation events. Sixteen proteins were identified after MALDI‐TOF‐TOF analysis. About 56% of the identified proteins with altered accumulation in the GM pea were storage proteins including legumin, vicilin or convicilin, phaseolin, cupin and valosin‐containing protein. Two proteins were uniquely expressed in the αAI1‐expressing GM lines and one new protein was present in both the αAI1‐expressing GM lines and their αAI1‐free segregating lines, suggesting that both transgenesis and transformation events led to demonstrable changes in the proteomes of the GM lines tested.  相似文献   

Biomarkers are widely used in clinical diagnosis, prognosis and therapy monitoring. Here, we developed a protocol for the efficient and selective enrichment of small and low concentrated biomarkers from human serum, involving a 95% effective depletion of high‐abundant serum proteins by partial denaturation and enrichment of low‐abundant biomarkers by size exclusion chromatography. The recovery of low‐abundance biomarkers was above 97%. Using this protocol, we quantified the tumour markers DcR3 and growth/differentiation factor (GDF)15 from 100 μl human serum by isotope dilution mass spectrometry, using 15N metabolically labelled and concatamerized fingerprint peptides for the both proteins. Analysis of three different fingerprint peptides for each protein by liquid chromatography electrospray ionization mass spectrometry resulted in comparable concentrations in three healthy human serum samples (DcR3: 27.23 ± 2.49 fmol/ml; GDF15: 98.11 ± 0.49 fmol/ml). In contrast, serum levels were significantly elevated in tumour patients for DcR3 (116.94 ± 57.37 fmol/ml) and GDF15 (164.44 ± 79.31 fmol/ml). Obtained data were in good agreement with ELISA and qPCR measurements, as well as with literature data. In summary, our protocol allows the reliable quantification of biomarkers, shows a higher resolution at low biomarker concentrations than antibody‐based strategies, and offers the possibility of multiplexing. Our proof‐of‐principle studies in patient sera encourage the future analysis of the prognostic value of DcR3 and GDF15 for colon cancer patients in larger patient cohorts.  相似文献   

The internalization of some oomycete and fungal pathogen effectors into host plant cells has been reported to be blocked by proteins that bind to the effectors' cell entry receptor, phosphatidylinositol‐3‐phosphate (PI3P). This finding suggested a novel strategy for disease control by engineering plants to secrete PI3P‐binding proteins. In this study, we tested this strategy using the chocolate tree Theobroma cacao. Transient expression and secretion of four different PI3P‐binding proteins in detached leaves of T. cacao greatly reduced infection by two oomycete pathogens, Phytophthora tropicalis and Phytophthora palmivora, which cause black pod disease. Lesion size and pathogen growth were reduced by up to 85%. Resistance was not conferred by proteins lacking a secretory leader, by proteins with mutations in their PI3P‐binding site, or by a secreted PI4P‐binding protein. Stably transformed, transgenic T. cacao plants expressing two different PI3P‐binding proteins showed substantially enhanced resistance to both P. tropicalis and P. palmivora, as well as to the fungal pathogen Colletotrichum theobromicola. These results demonstrate that secretion of PI3P‐binding proteins is an effective way to increase disease resistance in T. cacao, and potentially in other plants, against a broad spectrum of pathogens.  相似文献   

The recessive lethal character Luteus-Pa, expressed as a yellowing of leaves of young seedlings and followed by death approximately 60 d after emergence, presents a 3:1 segregation in crosses and/or selfpollinated plants. We evaluated quantitatively the fluorescence emission of chlorophyll (Chl), gas exchange, and chemical composition of normal and recessive homozygous cacao seedlings of the cross Pa 121×Pa 169. The characteristics of Chl fluorescence kinetics were studied in stages B2, B3, C, D, and E of leaf development, corresponding to plant ages of 9 to 12, 13 to 15, 16 to 20, 21 to 30, and >30 d, respectively. Gas exchanges were measured in mature leaves of both seedlings. In regular intervals of 3 d beginning at 33 d after emergence, the seedlings were separated into roots, stems, leaves, and cotyledons to determine the contents of saccharides (SAC) and free amino acids (FAA) and variation of the leaf Chl content. The Chl distribution in complexes of the photosynthetic apparatus was analysed by SDS-PAGE in mature leaves of both normal and recessive 32-d-old seedlings. There were variations in Chl fluorescence, gas exchanges and chemical composition of different parts of both types of seedlings. However, no significant differences were found in the Chl distribution through photosynthetic complexes of 32-d-old normal and recessive homozygous seedlings. After that period a decrease in the Chl concentration was observed in the recessive seedlings, and only minimum fluorescence (F0) was found. The F0 values were higher in the recessive seedlings than in the normal ones. The net photosynthetic rate of mature leaves was negative in agreement with low conductance, transpiration rate, and high internal CO2 concentration. These factors might have contributed to a depletion in SAC in different plant parts. Although F0 partially reflects the Chl concentration in leaf tissue, the increase in its value was probably due to a damage in reaction centres of photosystem 2. Therefore, the growth and development of recessive homozygous seedlings depended exclusively on cotyledon reserves, the depletion of which leads to death.  相似文献   

Advances in liquid chromatography‐mass spectrometry have facilitated the incorporation of proteomic studies to many biology experimental workflows. Data‐independent acquisition platforms, such as sequential window acquisition of all theoretical mass spectra (SWATH‐MS), offer several advantages for label‐free quantitative assessment of complex proteomes over data‐dependent acquisition (DDA) approaches. However, SWATH data interpretation requires spectral libraries as a detailed reference resource. The guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) is an excellent experimental model for translation to many aspects of human physiology and disease, yet there is limited experimental information regarding its proteome. To overcome this knowledge gap, a comprehensive spectral library of the guinea pig proteome is generated. Homogenates and tryptic digests are prepared from 16 tissues and subjected to >200 DDA runs. Analysis of >250 000 peptide‐spectrum matches resulted in a library of 73 594 peptides from 7666 proteins. Library validation is provided by i) analyzing externally derived SWATH files ( https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jprot.2018.03.023 ) and comparing peptide intensity quantifications; ii) merging of externally derived data to the base library. This furnishes the research community with a comprehensive proteomic resource that will facilitate future molecular‐phenotypic studies using (re‐engaging) the guinea pig as an experimental model of relevance to human biology. The spectral library and raw data are freely accessible in the MassIVE repository (MSV000083199).  相似文献   

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