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2 ′,3 ′-dideoxycytidine (ddC) is a nucleoside analog that has been shown to produce a delayed toxicity which may be due to the depletion of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). In order to gain further understanding of the events involved in mitochondrial toxicity, two different CEM cell lines were selected for resistance to the delayed ddC toxicity.  相似文献   

M Meuth  H Green 《Cell》1974,3(4):367-374
Sublines with altered ribonucleotide reductase have been isolated from the mouse fibroblast line 3T6 by selection for resistance to arabinosyl cytosine and the deoxynucleosides of adenine, thymidine, and guanine. The alterations in enzyme activity are of two kinds: (a) 4–10 fold higher levels of enzyme activity per unit of cell protein; (b) partial desensitization of the enzyme to the allosteric negative effector dATP. The combination of these two alterations keeps the reductase activity of extracts of these deoxynucleoside-resistant clones at wild type levels even in the presence of high concentrations of the deoxynucleotides. The alterations of reductase activity are stable over long periods of cultivation in the absence of deoxynucleosides, and are presumably due to mutation. Despite these changes, the reductase activity is still regulated during growth, since it is much lower in resting than in growing cells.  相似文献   

The guanine nucleoside analog araG is selectively toxic to T-lymphoblasts and has recently shown promise in treatment of lymphoid malignancies of T-cell origin. The molecular mechanism of this tissue-selective cytotoxicity is, however, yet unclear. AraG is phosphorylated, and thereby pharmacologically activated, by the mitochondrial deoxguanosine kinase and the cytosolic/nuclear deoxycytidine kinase. We have recently shown that araG is predominantly incorporated into mitochondrial DNA of cancer cell lines, which suggests a role of mitochondria as its pharmacological target. In the present study, we have generated araG-resistant CEM T-lymphoblast cell lines and show that araG resistance may occur by two separate molecular mechanisms that can occur sequentially. The first mechanism is associated with a decrease of araG incorporation into mitochondrial DNA, and the second event is associated with loss of dCK activity.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to evaluate adaptations in hepatic mitochondrial protein mass, function and efficiency in a rat model of high-fat diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance that displays several correlates to human obesity. Adult male rats were fed a high-fat diet for 7 weeks. Mitochondrial state 3 and state 4 respiratory capacities were measured in liver homogenate and isolated mitochondria by using nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, flavin adenine dinucleotide and lipid substrates. Mitochondrial efficiency was evaluated by measuring proton leak kinetics. Mitochondrial mass was assessed by ultrastructural observations and citrate synthase (CS) activity measurements. Mitochondrial oxidative damage and antioxidant defence were also considered by measuring lipid peroxidation, aconitase and superoxide dismutase (SOD) specific activity. Whole body metabolic characteristics were obtained by measuring 24-h oxygen consumption (VO2), carbon dioxide production (VCO2), respiratory quotient (RQ) and nonprotein respiratory quotient (NPRQ), using indirect calorimetry with urinary nitrogen analysis. Whole body glucose homeostasis was assessed by measuring plasma insulin and glucose levels after a glucose load. Adult rats fed a high-fat diet for 7 weeks, exhibit not only obesity, insulin resistance and hepatic steatosis, but also reduced respiratory capacity and increased oxidative stress in liver mitochondria. Our present results indicate that alterations in the mitochondrial compartment induced by a high-fat diet are associated with the development of insulin resistance and ectopic fat storage in the liver. Our results thus fit in with the emerging idea that mitochondrial dysfunction can led to the development of metabolic diseases, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.  相似文献   

Despite the notable efficacy of oxaliplatin in the treatment of colorectal cancers, the metastatic tumours ultimately become resistant to the drug. This study investigated whether the oxaliplatin-resistant cells display different behaviour to this drug versus the sensitive cells and if this difference may be further exploited into the clinical treatments improvement. In order to establish a stable cell line resistant to oxaliplatin, a human colorectal cancer cell line (Colo320) was exposed to increasing doses of the drug up to the clinically relevant plasma concentration. Four cell groups with different levels of chemoresistance were subjected to additional doses of oxaliplatin, and their cytotoxicity, apoptosis and DNA damage production were assessed. Cells selected for resistance to oxaliplatin reacted differently to the application of additional doses of the drug, displaying lower toxicity and cellular death and fewer DNA cross-links formation, in accordance with the extent of the oxaliplatin pretreatments. As the cross-links formation by oxaliplatin being the main cause for cytotoxicity of this drug and a correlation between cytotoxicity and clinical outcome being shown repeatedly, we consider that the evaluation of oxaliplatin-induced cytotoxicity, apoptosis and DNA damage could be a valuable tool to assess the tumour cells sensitivity and thus to predict the response to chemotherapy.  相似文献   

The cardiac glycoside, ouabain, normally kills HeLa cells at concentrations of about 10−7 m or greater. By treating a population of HeLa cells with increasingly higher concentrations of the drug, a variant population was obtained of HeLa cells capable of growing in medium containing 10−4 M ouabain. Inhibition of volume regulation of cells subjected to hypotonic shock was used as a measure of inhibition of active transport of Na across the plasma membrane. In that way dose-response curves for the rapid effects of ouabain and other inhibitors of active Na transport were obtained with both the original, ouabain-sensitive (OS) and the variant, ouabain-resistant (OR) cells. Three other cardiac glycosides (digoxin, digitoxin and hellebrin) and two aglycones (digitoxigenin and strophanthidjn) were found to be equally as effective as ouabain in inhibiting volume regulation of the OS cells; the concentration which produced half-maximum inhibition, I(max/2), was about 6 × 10−7 M in each case. Similar inhibition of the OR population by ouabain was observed only when the concentration exceeded 10−4 m [I(max/2)∼2.5 × 10−4 m], and the other steroid compounds had no effect on the variant cells at the highest concentrations tested (∼2 × 10−5 m). OR and OS cells differed also in their sensitivities to the cardioactive erythrophleum alkaloid, coumingine; I(max/2) for OS and OR cells was 5 × 10−8 m and 6 × 10−7 M, respectively. These results, in addition to results of ouabain binding experiments and measurements of the rates of reversal of inhibition of volume regulation, suggest that a major reason for the differential sensitivities of the two phenotypes to these drugs is different affinities of their sodium pumps for inhibitors of active transport.  相似文献   

The simultaneous development of resistance to the cytotoxic effects of several classes of natural product anticancer drugs, after exposure to only one of these agents, is referred to as multiple drug resistance (MDR). At least two distinct mechanisms for MDR have been postulated: that associated with P-glycoprotein and that thought to be due to an alteration in DNA topoisomerase II activity (at-MDR). We describe studies with two sublines of human leukemic CCRF-CEM cells approximately 50-fold resistant (CEM/VM-1) and approximately 140-fold resistant (CEM/VM-1-5) to VM-26, a drug known to interfere with DNA topoisomerase II activity. Each of these lines is cross-resistant to other drugs known to affect topoisomerase II but not cross-resistant to vinblastine, an inhibitor of mitotic spindle formation. We found little difference in the amount of immunoreactive DNA topoisomerase II in 1.0 M NaCl nuclear extracts of the two resistant and parental cell lines. However, topoisomerase II in nuclear extracts of the resistant sublines is altered in both catalytic activity (unknotting) of and DNA cleavage by this enzyme. Also, the rate at which catenation occurs is 20-30-fold slower with the CEM/VM-1-5 preparations. The effect of VM-26 on both strand passing and DNA cleavage is inversely related to the degree of primary resistance of each cell line. Our data support the hypothesis that at-MDR is due to an alteration in topoisomerase II or in a factor modulating its activity.  相似文献   

Jurkat leukemic T cells are highly sensitive to the extrinsic pathways of apoptosis induced via the death receptor Fas or tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand as well as to the intrinsic/mitochondrial pathways of death induced by VP-16 or staurosporin. We report here that clonal Jurkat cell lines selected for resistance to Fas-induced apoptosis were cross-resistant to VP-16 or staurosporin. Each of the apoptotic pathways was blocked at an apical phase, where common regulators of apoptosis have not yet been defined. The Fas pathway was blocked at the level of caspase-8, whereas the intrinsic pathway was blocked at the mitochondria. No processing or activity of caspases was detected in resistant cells in response to either Fas-cross-linking or VP-16 treatment. Also, no apoptosis-associated alterations in the mitochondrial inner membrane, outer membrane, or matrix were detected in resistant Jurkat cells treated with VP-16. Thus, no changes in permeability transition, loss in inner membrane cardiolipin, generation of reactive oxygen species, or release of cytochrome c were observed in resistant cells treated with VP-16. Further, unlike purified mitochondria from wild type cells, those obtained from resistant cells did not release cytochrome c or apoptosis-inducing factor in response to recombinant Bax or truncated Bid. These results identify a defect in mitochondria ability to release intermembrane proteins in response to Bid or Bax as a mechanism of resistance to chemotherapeuetic drugs. Further, the selection of VP-16-resistant mitochondria via elimination of Fas-susceptible cells may suggest the existence of a shared regulatory component between the extrinsic and intrinsic pathways of apoptosis.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial genome of animals encodes a few subcomponents of the respiratory chain complexes I, III and IV, whereas nuclear DNA encodes the overwhelming majority, both in quantitative and qualitative terms, of mitochondrial proteins. Complete depletion of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) can be achieved by culturing cells in the presence of inhibitors of mtDNA replication or mitochondrial protein synthesis, giving rise to mutant cells (ϱ∘ cells) which carry morphological near-to-intact mitochondria with respiratory defects. Such cells can be used to study the impact of mitochondrial respiration on apoptosis. ϱ∘ cells do not undergo cell death in response to determined stimuli, yet they conserve their potential to undergo full-blown apoptosis in many experimental systems. This indicates that mtDNA and associated functions (in particular mitochondrial respiration) are irrelevant to apoptosis execution. However, the finding that mtDNA-deficient mitochondria can undergo apoptosis does not argue against the involvement of mitochondria in the apoptotic process, since mitochondria from ϱ∘ cells conserve most of their functions including those involved in the execution of the death programme: permeability transition and release of one or several intermembrane proteins causing nuclear apoptosis. Supported by ARC, ANRS, CNRS, FRM, Fondation de France, INSERM, NATO, Ligue contre le Cancer Ministère de la Recherche et de l'Industrie (France), and Sidaction (to GK). SAS receives a fellowship from the Spanish Government (Ministerio de Ciencia y Educación).  相似文献   

Although antiviral nucleoside analog therapy successfully delays progression of HIV infection to AIDS, these drugs cause unwelcome side-effects by inducing mitochondrial toxicity. We and others have demonstrated that the mitochondrial polymerase, DNA polymerase gamma (pol gamma), participates in mitochondrial toxicity by incorporating these chain-terminating antiviral nucleotide analogs into DNA. Here, we explore the role of three highly conserved amino acid residues in the active site of human pol gamma that modulate selection of nucleotide analogs as substrates for incorporation. Sequence alignments, crystal structures and mutagenesis studies of family A DNA polymerases led us to change Tyr951 and Tyr955 in polymerase motif B to Phe and Ala, and Glu895 in polymerase motif A was changed to Ala. The mutant polymerases were tested for their ability to incorporate natural nucleotides and the five antiviral nucleoside analogs currently approved for antiviral therapy: AZT, ddC, D4T, 3TC and carbovir. Steady-state kinetic analysis of the pol gamma derivatives with the normal and antiviral nucleotides demonstrated that Tyr951 is largely responsible for the ability of pol gamma to incorporate dideoxynucleotides and D4T-MP. Mutation of Tyr951 to Phe renders the enzyme resistant to dideoxynucleotides and D4T-TP without compromising the activity of the polymerase. Alteration of Glu895 and Tyr955 to Ala had the largest effect on overall polymerase activity with normal nucleotides, producing dramatic increases in K(m(dNTP)) and large decreases in k(cat). Mutation of Tyr955 in pol gamma causes the degenerative disease progressive external ophthalmoplegia in humans, and we show that this residue partially accounts for the ability of pol gamma to incorporate D4T-MP and carbovir. Alteration of Glu895 to Ala slightly increased discrimination against dideoxynucleotides and D4T-TP. The mechanisms by which pol gamma selects certain nucleotide analogs are discussed.  相似文献   

Mouse LA9 cell lines were selected for increased resistance to either HQNO or myxothiazol, inhibitors of electron transport which bind to the mitochondrial cytochrome b protein. Two phenotypically distinguishable HQNO-resistant mutants were recovered while the myxothiazol-resistant isolates had a common phenotype. All three mutant phenotypes were transmitted cytoplasmically in cybrid crosses. Biochemical studies further established that for all three mutant types, resistance at the cellular level was paralleled by an increase in inhibitor resistance of mitochondrial succinate-cytochrome c oxidoreductase, the respiratory complex containing cytochrome b. As with the previously described mitochondrial antimycin-resistant mutant, the initial biochemical and genetic studies indicated that these mutations occur within the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. This conclusion was strongly supported by the results of mtDNA restriction fragment analyses in which it was found that one HQNO-resistant mutant had undergone a small insertion or duplication in the apocytochrome b gene. Finally, all four mitochondrial cytochrome b mutants have been analyzed in both cell plating studies and succinate-cytochrome c oxidoreductase assays to determine the pattern of cross-resistance to inhibitors of cytochrome b other than the one used for selection.  相似文献   

Two independent Chinese hamster ovary cell lines have been isolated in cell culture which exhibit resistance to the cytotoxic effects of fluorocitrate. Although the oxidation of citrate by wild type cell suspensions was markedly inhibited by 1 mM fluorocitrate drug-resistant cells oxidized citrate at approximately normal rates in the presence of the drug. The aconitase activity from the resistant cells was less sensitive to the inhibitory action of fluorocitrate in vitro and showed altered heat stability properties when tested in heat inactivation experiments at 3 different temperatures. These results are consistent with the view that the resistant cell lines contain a structural gene mutation.  相似文献   

Mitochondria carry many copies of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), but mt-alleles quickly segregate during mitotic growth through unknown mechanisms. Consequently, all mtDNA copies are often genetically homogeneous within each individual ("homoplasmic"). Our previous study suggested that tandem multimers ("concatemers") formed mainly by the Mhr1p (a yeast nuclear gene-encoded mtDNA-recombination protein)-dependent pathway are required for mtDNA partitioning into buds with concomitant monomerization. The transmission of a few randomly selected clones (as concatemers) of mtDNA into buds is a possible mechanism to establish homoplasmy. The current study provides evidence for this hypothesis as follows: the overexpression of MHR1 accelerates mt-allele-segregation in growing heteroplasmic zygotes, and mhr1-1 (recombination-deficient) causes its delay. The mt-allele-segregation rate correlates with the abundance of concatemers, which depends on Mhr1p. In G1-arrested cells, concatemeric mtDNA was labeled by [14C]thymidine at a much higher density than monomers, indicating concatemers as the immediate products of mtDNA replication, most likely in a rolling circle mode. After releasing the G1 arrest in the absence of [14C]thymidine, the monomers as the major species in growing buds of dividing cells bear a similar density of 14C as the concatemers in the mother cells, indicating that the concatemers in mother cells are the precursors of the monomers in buds.  相似文献   

A new improved method that reproducibly measures small perturbations of mitochondrial DNA in populations of cells has been developed. It is based on first obtaining a cell count and then analyzing three aliquots of cells: one for total DNA per cell by fluorometry, one for total protein per cell and one for the amount of mitochondrial DNA per microgram of total cell DNA. To quantitate mitochondrial DNA, 0, 1, 2, and 3 nanograms of mouse mtDNA purified from a plasmid are added as internal standard DNA to four 1.0-microgram samples of purified total cell DNA containing an unknown amount of mitochondrial DNA (a sample set). Three sample sets are electrophoresed in an agarose gel devoid of ethidium bromide. Following Southern transfer to nitrocellulose and hybridization to purified 32P-labeled mouse mitochondrial DNA, an autoradiogram is prepared for use as a template to locate the mitochondrial DNA bands. These bands are cut out of the nitrocellulose filters, and their 32P-content is determined using a liquid scintillation counter. For each sample set, the counts per minute is plotted against the amount of mitochondrial DNA added. The plot is linear and the negative average of the values for the three intercepts on the x-axis yields the amount of nanograms of mitochondrial DNA per microgram of total cell DNA. The method is highly reproducible with a standard deviation of approximately 9 percent. The advantages of using this method over others that have been reported are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Restriction analysis of mitochondrial (mt) DNA from 3-month-old callus cultures of the cytoplasmic male sterile rice, V41A, which contains S2 or wild abortive cytoplasm, and its fertile maintainer, V41B, showed the same BamHI restriction profiles as mtDNA from the corresponding leaf material. Similarly, mtDNA of rice (var. Taipei 309) from leaves, a 2-month-old cell suspension (T3MS2/A), a totipotent suspension (T3MS) and a 19-month-old suspension, which had lost its protoplast regeneration ability (LB3), showed indistinguishable BamHI restriction profiles. However, clear differences in mtDNA restriction profiles were observed between LB3 and a 30-month-old suspension culture of Taipei 309 (LB1), which appeared to reflect substantial changes in the relative abundance of specific DNA sequences. Hybridisation of a maizecoxII gene probe to blots of restricted mtDNA confirmed that, while the relative abundance of certain mtDNA sequences was preserved during long-term tissue culture of rice, major changes in abundance were observed with other sequences.  相似文献   

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