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A defective interfering RNA that contains a mosaic of a plant virus genome   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
A symptom-modulating RNA associated with tomato bushy stunt virus (TBSV) was investigated with respect to physical and biological properties. Linear RNA of approximately 396 nucleotides was packaged in viral coat protein and was dependent on TBSV for replication. Coinoculation of the small RNA with TBSV resulted in the attenuation of TBSV-induced symptoms and depression of virus synthesis in whole plants. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed that the symptom-modulating RNA was derived from 5', 3', and internal segments of the TBSV genome. The identification of this symptom-modulating RNA as a co-linear deletion mutant of the helper virus genome establishes it as the first definitive defective interfering RNA (DI RNA) to be identified in association with a plant virus.  相似文献   

Ascoviruses (family Ascoviridae) are double-stranded DNA viruses with circular genomes that attack lepidopterans, where they produce large, enveloped virions, 150 by 400 nm, and cause a chronic, fatal disease with a cytopathology resembling that of apoptosis. After infection, host cell DNA is degraded, the nucleus fragments, and the cell then cleaves into large virion-containing vesicles. These vesicles and virions circulate in the hemolymph, where they are acquired by parasitic wasps during oviposition and subsequently transmitted to new hosts. To develop a better understanding of ascovirus biology, we sequenced the genome of the type species Spodoptera frugiperda ascovirus 1a (SfAV-1a). The genome consisted of 156,922 bp, with a G+C ratio of 49.2%, and contained 123 putative open reading frames coding for a variety of enzymes and virion structural proteins, of which tentative functions were assigned to 44. Among the most interesting enzymes, due to their potential role in apoptosis and viral vesicle formation, were a caspase, a cathepsin B, several kinases, E3 ubiquitin ligases, and especially several enzymes involved in lipid metabolism, including a fatty acid elongase, a sphingomyelinase, a phosphate acyltransferase, and a patatin-like phospholipase. Comparison of SfAV-1a proteins with those of other viruses showed that 10% were orthologs of Chilo iridescent virus proteins, the highest correspondence with any virus, providing further evidence that ascoviruses evolved from a lepidopteran iridovirus. The SfAV-1a genome sequence will facilitate the determination of how ascoviruses manipulate apoptosis to generate the novel virion-containing vesicles characteristic of these viruses and enable study of their origin and evolution.  相似文献   

The sequence data (H. Okamoto et al., Hepatol. Res. 10:1-16, 1998) of a newly discovered single-stranded DNA virus, TT virus (TTV), showed that it did not have the terminal structure typical of a parvovirus. Elucidation of the complete genome structure was necessary to understand the nature of TTV. We obtained a 1.0-kb amplified product from serum samples of four TTV carriers by an inverted, nested long PCR targeted for nucleotides (nt) 3025 to 3739 and 1 to 216 of TTV. The sequence of a clone obtained from serum sample TA278 was compared with those registered in GenBank. The complete circular TTV genome contained a novel sequence of 113 nt (nt 3740 to 3852 [=0]) in between the known 3'- and 5'-end arms, forming a 117-nt GC-rich stretch (GC content, 90.6% at nt 3736 to 3852). We found a 36-nt stretch (nt 3816 to 3851) with an 80.6% similarity to chicken anemia virus (CAV) (nt 2237 to 2272 of M55918), a vertebrate circovirus. A putative SP-1 site was located at nt 3834 to 3839, followed by a TATA box at nt 85 to 90, the first initiation codon of a putative VP2 at nt 107 to 109, the termination codon of a putative VP1 at nt 2899 to 2901, and a poly(A) signal at nt 3073 to 3078. The arrangement was similar to that of CAV. Furthermore, several AP-2 and ATF/CREB binding sites and an NF-kappaB site were arranged around the GC-rich region in both TTV and CAV. The data suggested that TTV is circular and similar to CAV in its genomic organization, implying that TTV is the first human circovirus.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that the simian virus 40 genome contains a single MAR (matrix association region) that maps within a large T-antigen coding region (nucleotides 4071 to 4377). This region contains topoisomerase II cleavage sites, exhibits sequence similarity with cellular MARs, and recognizes the same evolutionarily conserved, abundant nuclear binding sites seen by cellular MARs.  相似文献   

Mycoplasmavirus MVL2 is a nonlytic enveloped virion containing DNA. This DNA has been shown to be a double-stranded circular superhelical molecule of 11.8 kilobase pairs (7.8 X 10(6) daltons). The superhelix density is greater than that of phi X174 RFI but less than that of PM2 phage DNA. A physical map of the MVL2 genome has been obtained using restriction endonucleases.  相似文献   

Nucleic acid was extracted from purified hepatitis A virus, radiolabeled with 125I, and shown to consist of single-stranded RNA which sediments at 35S and contains sequences of polyadenylic acid. These findings are consistent with hepatitis A virus being a member of the genus Enterovirus within the family Picornaviridae.  相似文献   

We constructed a physical map of Kilham rat virus strains 171 DNA by analyzing the sizes and locations of restriction endonuclease-generated fragments of the replicative-form viral DNA synthesized in vitro. BglI, KpnI, BamHI, SmaI, XhoI, and XorII did not appear to have any cleavage sites, whereas 11 other enzymes cleaved the genome at one to eight sites, and AluI generated more than 12 distinct fragments. The 30 restriction sites that were mapped were distributed randomly in the viral genome. A comparison of the restriction fragments of in vivo- and in vitro-replicated replicative-form DNAs showed that these DNAs were identical except in the size or configuration of the terminal fragments.  相似文献   

【背景】Mycoplasma gallinaceum (MGC)是禽源支原体的一种,仅在南非、英国等地发生,我国鲜有报道。【目的】从患呼吸道病的孔雀气管中分离到一株支原体,命名为Peacock20181011,确定其分类、致病性和基因组特征。【方法】利用微生物学常规方法,结合分子生物学检测和基因组序列,对其进行鉴定;通过对Special pathogenic free(SPF)鸡、鸡胚的致病性研究和最小抑菌浓度(minimal inhibitory concentration,MIC)测定,确定其致病性和药敏性。【结果】通过对分离菌的培养、纯化、形态学和染色观察,结合生化试验和16SrRNA基因测序证实,该菌为一株新的MGC,与模式菌株NCTC10183的16S rRNA基因相似性高达99.86%,系统发育树显示该菌与MGC属同一分支;人工感染实验表明该菌对SPF鸡无致病性,但可造成SPF鸡胚发育迟缓,爪部蜷缩;MIC结果显示该菌对单硫酸卡那霉素和氟苯尼考等敏感。基因组序列表明,该菌基因组长度为1 183 913 bp,(G+C)mol%含量为28.7%,含有898个Coding sequences (CDS),拥有4个拷贝的16S rRNA基因和6个质粒,预测有20个毒力因子基因和2个耐药基因。【结论】明确了MGC在我国的存在,丰富了中国禽源支原体的种类,为支原体病的防控提供了依据。  相似文献   

Double-stranded, full-length linear DNA was synthesized in vitro by using single-stranded linear DNA as a self-priming template from the parvovirus Kilham rat virus and Escherichia coli DNA polymerase "large fragment" as the polymerizing enzyme. To ascertain the order of the synthesis of the cleavage fragments and to assess the accuracy of the in vitro synthesis, restriction endonuclease cleavage sites with known recognition sequences were mapped on the DNA. Comparing the cleavage pattern of the synthesized DNA with that of double-stranded viral DNA isolated from infected cells confirms that the in vitro synthesis produces a faithful copy of the viral single-stranded genome. Electron micrographs of the in vitro product reveal it to be a double-stranded linear molecule.  相似文献   

Cis-acting RNA signals are required for replication of positive-strand viruses such as the picornaviruses. Although these generally have been mapped to the 5' and/or 3' termini of the viral genome, RNAs derived from human rhinovirus type 14 are unable to replicate unless they contain an internal cis-acting replication element (cre) located within the genome segment encoding the capsid proteins. Here, we show that the essential cre sequence is 83-96 nt in length and located between nt 2318-2413 of the genome. Using dicistronic RNAs in which translation of the P1 and P2-P3 segments of the polyprotein were functionally dissociated, we further demonstrate that translation of the cre sequence is not required for RNA replication. Thus, although it is located within a protein-coding segment of the genome, the cre functions as an RNA entity. Computer folds suggested that cre sequences could form a stable structure in either positive- or minus-strand RNA. However, an analysis of mutant RNAs containing multiple covariant and non-covariant nucleotide substitutions within these putative structures demonstrated that only the predicted positive-strand structure is essential for efficient RNA replication. The absence of detectable minus-strand synthesis from RNAs that lack the cre suggests that the cre is required for initiation of minus-strand RNA synthesis. Since a lethal 3' noncoding region mutation could be partially rescued by a compensating mutation within the cre, the cre appears to participate in a long-range RNA-RNA interaction required for this process. These data provide novel insight into the mechanisms of replication of a positive-strand RNA virus, as they define the involvement of an internally located RNA structure in the recognition of viral RNA by the viral replicase complex. Since internally located RNA replication signals have been shown to exist in several other positive-strand RNA virus families, these observations are potentially relevant to a wide array of related viruses.  相似文献   

D S Ray  K Kook 《Gene》1978,4(2):109-119
The transposable genetic element Tn3, which carries an ampicillin (Ap) resistance determinant, has been translocated from a ColE1-Apr plasmid, RSF2124, to the genome of the filamentous single-stranded DNA phage M13. The site orientation of the inserted element has been determined for one such phage, M13::Tn3-15. The insertion is within the intergenic space separating genes 2 and 4 and containing both the viral strand and complementary strand origins. The lengths of both the filamentous phage and the duplex replicative form (RF) DNA are 1.7--1.8 times those of M13 phage and replicative form DNA. Both plaque formation and transduction of sensitive cells to ampicillin resistance by M13::Tn3-15 are sensitive to purified antibodies to the M13 major coat protein.  相似文献   

Faba bean necrotic yellows virus (FBNYV) belongs to the nanoviruses, plant viruses whose genome consists of multiple circular single-stranded DNA components. Eleven distinct DNAs, 5 of which encode different replication initiator (Rep) proteins, have been identified in two FBNYV isolates. Origin-specific DNA cleavage and nucleotidyl transfer activities were shown for Rep1 and Rep2 proteins in vitro, and their essential tyrosine residues that catalyze these reactions were identified by site-directed mutagenesis. In addition, we showed that Rep1 and Rep2 proteins hydrolyze ATP, and by changing the key lysine residue in the proteins' nucleoside triphosphate binding sites, demonstrated that this ATPase activity is essential for multiplication of virus DNA in vivo. Each of the five FBNYV Rep proteins initiated replication of the DNA molecule by which it was encoded, but only Rep2 was able to initiate replication of all the six other genome components. Furthermore, of the five rep components, only the Rep2-encoding DNA was always detected in 55 FBNYV samples from eight countries. These data provide experimental evidence for a master replication protein encoded by a multicomponent single-stranded DNA virus.  相似文献   

Linear double-stranded (ds)DNA, obtained by excision of the cloned A and B components of tomato golden mosaic virus (TGMV) from recombinant plasmids, was found to infect plants and to elicit symptoms identical to those obtained with TGMV or TGMV DNA. Progeny virus isolated from plants infected with cloned DNA was infective and indistinguishable from TGMV on the basis of (a) its circular single-stranded (ss)DNA genome, (b) its capsid polypeptide, (c) its particle morphology and (d) serological identity. Southern blot analysis of DNA extracted from cells infected with cloned DNA, or TGMV DNA, revealed the same intracellular ss and dsDNA species, represented in both A and B components, except for a subgenomic, possibly defective, DNA, which was not detected in infections with cloned DNA. Infection with cloned DNA was achieved when cloned A and B components were both present, but not with either cloned A or B components separately. TGMV is the first DNA virus for which unequivocal proof of a bipartite genome has been obtained.  相似文献   

Phenol-extracted DNA from mycoplasma virus L2 was able to transfect Acholeplasma laidlawii in the presence of polyethylene glycol. Transfection was sensitive to DNase and was most efficient with 36% (wt/vol) polyethylene glycol 8000 and cells in logarithmic growth. Virus production by the transfected cells was similar to that of the cells infected by intact virus. L2 DNA transfected A. laidlawii with a single-hit dose-response curve, reaching saturation at high DNA concentrations. Optimum transfection frequencies were about 10(-7) transfectants per L2 DNA molecule and 10(-4) transfectants per CFU. When DNA was present in saturating amounts, the number of transfectants increased linearly with the number of CFU present in the transfection mixture, suggesting that DNA uptake does not occur by a mechanism involving cell fusion. The cleavage of the superhelical mycoplasma virus L2 genome with restriction endonucleases that cleave the DNA molecule once reduced the transfection frequency. Host cell modification and restriction of transfecting L2 DNA were similar to those for infecting L2 virions.  相似文献   

Advances in metagenomics have revealed the ubiquity of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) phage belonging to the subfamily Gokushovirinae in the oceans; however, the abundance and ecological roles of this group are unknown. Here, we quantify gokushoviruses through adaptation of the polony method, in which viral template DNA is immobilized in a gel, amplified by PCR, and subsequently detected by hybridization. Primers and probes for this assay were designed based on PCR amplicon diversity of gokushovirus major capsid protein gene sequences from a depth profile in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea sampled in September 2015. At ≥95% identity, these 87 gokushovirus sequences formed 14 discrete clusters with the largest clades showing distinct depth distributions. The application of the polony method enabled the first quantification of gokushoviruses in any environment. The gokushoviruses were most abundant in the upper 40 m of the stratified water column, with a subsurface peak in abundance of 1.26 × 105 viruses ml−1. These findings suggest that discrete gokushovirus genotypes infect bacterial hosts that differentially partition in the water column. Since the designed primers and probe are conserved across marine ecosystems, this polony method can be applied broadly for the quantification of gokushoviruses throughout the global oceans.  相似文献   

J D Bahk  H Sakai  T Komano 《Gene》1988,65(1):93-99
Using the plaque assay system for screening the single-strand (ss) initiation determinant (ssi) sequences, we have found that 119-bp region in pACYC184, a derivative of the plasmid P15A of Escherichia coli, can direct such ss DNA initiation. This region is located downstream from the P15A origin of replication and conserves consensus sequences of the ssi signals found in the other plasmids. Signals for ss DNA initiation are defined as nucleotide sequences present on ss DNA templates and required for priming DNA synthesis. The direction of chain elongation in DNA synthesis is opposite to that of the leading strand. In this region, we found a potential stem-and-loop structure. The 119-bp DNA segment of plasmid pACYC184 cloned in f1R199 filamentous phage could direct rifampicin-resistant conversion of the ss DNA to the double-stranded replicative form.  相似文献   

In contrast to mycoplasma virus L1 and L2 circular DNA, mycoplasma virus L3 linear DNA is not biologically active in polyethylene glycol-mediated transfection. Electroporation of Acholeplasma laidlawii, however, leads to plaque formation after incubation with L3 DNA. The efficiency of electroporation-mediated transfection is 1/10 that of polyethylene glycol-mediated transfection as estimated with L1 DNA. Trypsin treatment of cells before DNA addition increases the efficiency of DNA uptake.  相似文献   

B Westley  F E May 《Gene》1984,28(2):221-227
Sequences related to the mouse mammary tumour virus (MuMTV) DNA were isolated from a genomic library of human DNA by screening under conditions of relaxed stringency. It is estimated that there are in the order of 50 MuMTV-like sequences per haploid genome and that the homology between the different human sequences and MuMTV varies by 15%.  相似文献   

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