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Of 700 animal feed samples, 32 (4.5%) harbored Salmonella. The highest percentage of contamination was found in sheep feed and local protein. A total of 17 Salmonella serotypes were identified. The most frequent serotypes were Salmonella meleagridis. S. bornum, S. montevideo, and S. drypool. S. bornum was isolated for the first time in Iraq and from both local feed and its ingredients. The common somatic group found was that of Salmonella group C; then came groups E, G, B, and D. Three serotypes (S. enteritidis, S. california, and S. muenchen) seemed to form a link of infection among feed, food, patients, and carriers.  相似文献   

A total of 230 Salmonella strains were screened for enterobactin and aerobactin production, sensitivity to bacteriocins and resistance to antibiotics. All the isolates produced the phenolate siderophore enterobactin. Amongst these, 74 strains, most belonging to S. enteritidis, were sensitive to colicin B. Only 26 isolates, all belonging to S. wien, produced an additional iron chelator, i.e. the siderophore aerobactin, and 22 out of these were sensitive to cloacin DF13. Analysis of iron repressible outer membrane proteins and plasmid profiles in S. wien strains showed that the expression of a 74-kDa iron-repressible outer membrane protein and the presence of large plasmids were associated with multiple antibiotic resistance, aerobactin production and sensitivity to cloacin DF13. The incidence of aerobactin-producing strains among S. wien isolates was higher during years 1974-1985; the epidemiological implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

The Penicillium roqueforti group has recently been split into three species, P. roqueforti, Penicillium carneum, and Penicillium paneum, on the basis of differences in ribosomal DNA sequences and secondary metabolite profiles. We reevaluated the taxonomic identity of 52 livestock feed isolates from Sweden, previously identified by morphology as P. roqueforti, by comparing the sequences of the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region. Identities were confirmed with random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis and secondary metabolite profiles. Of these isolates, 48 were P. roqueforti, 2 were P. paneum, and 2 were Penicillium expansum. No P. carneum isolates were found. The three species produce different mycotoxins, but no obvious relationship between mold and animal disease was detected, based on medical records. P. roqueforti appears to dominate in silage, but the ecological and toxicological importance of P. carneum and P. paneum as feed spoilage fungi is not clear. This is the first report of P. expansum in silage.  相似文献   

A PCR procedure has been developed for routine analysis of viable Salmonella spp. in feed samples. The objective was to develop a simple PCR-compatible enrichment procedure to enable DNA amplification without any sample pretreatment such as DNA extraction or cell lysis. PCR inhibition by 14 different feed samples and natural background flora was circumvented by the use of the DNA polymerase Tth. This DNA polymerase was found to exhibit a high level of resistance to PCR inhibitors present in these feed samples compared to DyNAzyme II, FastStart Taq, Platinum Taq, Pwo, rTth, Taq, and Tfl. The specificity of the Tth assay was confirmed by testing 101 Salmonella and 43 non-Salmonella strains isolated from feed and food samples. A sample preparation method based on culture enrichment in buffered peptone water and DNA amplification with Tth DNA polymerase was developed. The probability of detecting small numbers of salmonellae in feed, in the presence of natural background flora, was accurately determined and found to follow a logistic regression model. From this model, the probability of detecting 1 CFU per 25 g of feed in artificially contaminated soy samples was calculated and found to be 0.81. The PCR protocol was evaluated on 155 naturally contaminated feed samples and compared to an established culture-based method, NMKL-71. Eight percent of the samples were positive by PCR, compared with 3% with the conventional method. The reasons for the differences in sensitivity are discussed. Use of this method in the routine analysis of animal feed samples would improve safety in the food chain.  相似文献   

Ribonucleic acid (RNA) isolated by four distinct methods and from a variety of Salmonella typhimurium strains lacked intact 23S ribosomal RNA (rRNA). On sucrose gradients which minimize aggregation, the vast majority of S. typhimurium rRNA sedimented as a 16S peak with a 14S shoulder. RNA from this region of the gradient was resolved into three discrete bands by electrophoresis in formamide. Two very minor S. typhimurium RNA peaks were resolved at 21S and 10S on sucrose gradients, and each peak formed discrete bands in electrophoresis. It is concluded that if S. typhimurium does possess an intact 23S rRNA species, this species is extremely "labile." The absence of isolatable S. typhimurium 23S rRNA possibly reflected in vivo processing of the rRNA before isolation. Under certain conditions, S. typhimurium rRNA formed discrete aggregates which sedimented similarly to intact Escherichia coli 23S rRNA.  相似文献   

D evriese , L.A. 1984. A simplified system for biotyping Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from different animal species. Journal of Applied Bacteriology 56 , 215–220.
A biotyping system for Staphylococcus aureus strains is proposed which is a simplified version of biotyping procedures described in the literature. It differentiates Staph. aureus strains from man and animals into host-specific ecovars and biotypes which are not host-specific. With the help of tests for βhaemolysin, staphylokinase, coagulation of bovine plasma and the crystal-violet reaction, the origin of many but not all Staph. aureus strains can be determined: 604 of 809 strains from man. poultry, cattle, pigs, goats, rabbits and foods could be alloted to four ecovars which are typically associated with man, poultry, sheep and goats and cattle. The other strains belonged to five non-host specific biotypes.  相似文献   

1. Plasma membranes of comparable yield and purity were isolated from the livers of various animal species belonging to phylogenetic groups from Amphibia to Mammalia. 2. Calcium transport activity was observed in all liver plasma membranes examined. 3. No phylogenetic pattern of expression of the liver plasma membrane calcium transport system was observed, with the order of activity being: guinea pig greater than rabbit greater than frog greater than chicken = hamster greater than rat = budgerigar = turtle greater than beef cattle greater than mouse = duck. 4. Calcium transport activity was only 9.7 and 8.7% of adult frog levels in plasma membranes isolated from the livers of tadpoles without and with limbs, respectively. 5. Liver plasma membrane calcium transport activity was 25% higher in adult chickens than in day-old chicks. 6. A possible role for thyroid hormone in the development of the liver plasma membrane calcium transport system is discussed.  相似文献   

Temperature dependence of transfer was examined with ten R plasmids originating from clinical isolates of Salmonella. Six of the plasmids were thermosensitive upon transfer, five of which were originally harbored in S. typhimurium and the remaining one in S. derby. One of these plasmids, pNR502, which conferred resistance to kanamycin, streptomycin (Sm) and tetracycline (Tc) on its host was stably maintained both in Salmonella and Escherichia coli at either 30, 37, or 43 C. Another plasmid, pNR516, which was resistant to chloramphenicol, sulfathiazole, Sm and Tc, was slightly unstable only at 43 C. The remaining four plasmids, pNR503, pNR510, pNR512 and pNR514, conferred resistance to Sm and Tc. Of these plasmids, the former two were stably maintained at both 30 and 37 C, but were unstable at 43 C. The latter two were slightly unstable at the lower temperatures and considerably unstable at 43 C. Kinetics of the transfer of the plasmid pNR503 revealed that the efficiency of transfer of the plasmid between E. coli strains was affected not only by the temperature of the conjugation but also by the preincubation temperature of the donor culture before the conjugation.  相似文献   

Isolates of the most commonly observed salmonella serovars in Norwegian fish feed factories from 1998 to 2000 (Salmonella enterica serovar Agona, S. enterica serovar Montevideo, S. enterica serovar Senftenberg, and S. enterica serovar Kentucky) were studied by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and plasmid profile analysis and compared to isolates of the same serovars from fish feed ingredients, humans, and other sources (a total of 112 isolates). Within each serovar, a variety of distinct PFGE types (with similarity levels less than 90%) were observed in the feed ingredients and other sources, while only two distinct types of each serovar were identified in the factories. The combined results of PFGE and plasmid analyses showed that each factory harbored only a few S. enterica clones. Some of these clones persisted for at least 3 years in the factories, indicating that there was long-lasting contamination probably due to inadequate decontamination procedures.  相似文献   

A total of 865 Salmonella isolates from wastewaters and sewage-contaminated natural waters were tested for antimicrobial resistance by using NR10 medium and incubation at 43 degrees C. Of the strains, 12.7% were resistant to one or more of the compounds tested, and 30% transferred resistance to an Escherichia coli recipient. The highest minimal inhibitory concentrations were ca. 1,000 micrograms/ml. Transfer frequencies ranged from 10(-3) to 10(-7).  相似文献   



Multidrug resistance in Salmonella enteritidis isolates is a public health problem worldwide; the present study, therefore, was designed for antimicrobial-resistance determination in this strain.


Salmonella strains isolated from poultry samples by biochemical positive and negative tests were subjected to PCR and identified as Salmonella enteritidis. For detection and identification of Salmonella enteritidis isolates, sdfI gene-specific primers were used.


We found that 100% of isolates were resistant to ampicillin, 90% were resistant to cephalothin and streptomycin, 70% were resistant to cefotaxime, and 60% were resistant to kanamycin and gentamicin.


Salmonella enteritidis isolates had antimicrobial resistance to mentioned antibiotics. Key Words: Antibiotic Resistance, PCR, Poultry, Salmonella enteritidis  相似文献   

M Miyahara  Y Kudoh    K Mise 《Applied microbiology》1990,56(7):2248-2250
Specific restriction endonucleases were detected in three serotypes of Salmonella spp. isolated from humans in Japan from 1970 to 1987: an isoschizomer of AvaII endonuclease at a frequency of 0.91 in Salmonella infantis, an isoschizomer of KpnI at a frequency of 0.34 in Salmonella thompson, and an isoschizomer of StyI at a frequency of 0.30 in Salmonella blockley. Of interest is that restriction endonuclease-producing S. thompson was detected at high frequencies in the 1970s but at low frequencies in the 1980s.  相似文献   

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