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Modulation of interactions among proteins is an important mechanism for regulating both the subcellular location and the function of proteins. An example of the importance of protein-protein interaction is the reversible association of eukaryotic initiation factor eIF4E with the eIF4E binding proteins 4E-BP1 and eIF4G. When bound to 4E-BP1, eIF4E cannot bind to eIF4G to form the active eIF4F complex, an event that is required for the binding of mRNA to the ribosome. Thus, association of eIF4E with 4E-BP1 represses mRNA translation by preventing the binding of mRNA to the ribosome. Previous studies have measured the amount of 4E-BP1 or eIF4G bound to eIF4E by either affinity chromatography or immunoprecipitation of eIF4E followed by Western blot analysis for quantitation of 4E-BP1 and eIF4G. Both of these techniques have significant limitations. In the present study, we describe a microtiter plate-based assay for quantitation of the amount of 4E-BP1 and eIF4G bound to eIF4E that obviates many of the limitations of the earlier approaches. It also has the advantage that absolute amounts of the individual proteins can be easily estimated. The approach should be applicable to the study of a wide variety of protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

A cap binding complex activity was purified from HeLa cells by a procedure which does not depend on the use of cap-affinity chromatography. The activity co-purified with a Mr 220000 polypeptide (p220), but not with elF4A. The active complex therefore differs from eIF4F, the complex purified by cap analog-affinity chromatography, in that it lacks the Mr 50000 subunit which is antigenically identical to elF4A. The activities of elF4F, CBP I and the eIF4A free complex purified here were compared in a fractionated system translating capped globin mRNA. Results indicate that the two complexes have similar activities and that they perform a function which cannot be provided by CBP I alone. Cap binding complex activity can be partly separated from eIF4A activity on sucrose gradients, thus eIF4A provides a function that is distinct from cap binding complex activity. The results indicate that eIF4A can be physically separated from the cap binding complex without affecting the ability of the remaining structure to function in an in vitro translation system. They suggest that the eIF4A-free complex may provide a function that is not a property of either CBP I or of eIF4A, but may be a property of p220.  相似文献   

The first high-level production of a binding-active odorant binding protein is described. The expression cassette polymerase chain reaction was used to generate a DNA fragment encoding the pheromone binding protein (PBP) of the male moth Antheraea polyphemus. Transformation of Escherichia coli cells with a vector containing this construct generated clones which, when induced with isopropyl beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside, produced the 14-kDa PBP in both the soluble fraction and in inclusion bodies. Purification of the soluble recombinant PBP by preparative isoelectric focusing and gel filtration gave > 95% homogeneous protein, which was immunoreactive with an anti-PBP antiserum and exhibited specific, pheromone-displaceable covalent modification by the photoaffinity label [3H]6E,11Z-hexadecadienyl diazoacetate. Recombinant PBP was indistinguishable from the insect-derived PBP, as determined by both native and denaturing gel electrophoresis, immunoreactivity, and photoaffinity labeling properties. Moreover, the insoluble inclusion body protein could be solubilized, refolded, and purified by the same procedures to give a recombinant PBP indistinguishable from the soluble PBP. Proton NMR spectra of the soluble and refolded protein provide further evidence that they possess the same folded structure.  相似文献   

Potyvirus RNA contains at the 5' end a covalently linked virus-encoded protein VPg, which is required for virus infectivity. This role has been attributed to VPg interaction with the eukaryotic translation initiation factor eIF4E, a cap-binding protein. We characterized the dissociation constants for the interaction of the potato virus Y VPg with different plant eIF4Es and its isoforms and mapped the eIF(iso)4E attachment region on VPg. VPg/eIF4E interaction results in the inhibition of cell-free protein synthesis, and we show that it stems from the liberation of the cap moiety from the complex with eIF4E. Since VPg does not attach the cap, it appears that VPg induces changes in the eIF4E structure, diminishing its affinity to the cap. We show here that the initiation complex scaffold protein eIF(iso)4G increases VPg interaction with eIF(iso)4E. These data together suggest similar cap and VPg interactions with eIF4E and characterize VPg as a novel eIF4E-binding protein, which inhibits host protein synthesis at a very early stage of the initiation complex formation through the inhibition of cap attachment to the initiation factor eIF4E.  相似文献   

One of the earliest steps in translation initiation is recognition of the mRNA cap structure (m7GpppX) by the initiation factor eIF4E. Studies of interactions between purified eIF4E and its binding partners provide important information for understanding mechanisms underlying translational control in normal and cancer cells. Numerous impediments of the available methods used for eIF4E purification led us to develop a novel methodology for obtaining fractions of eIF4E free from undesired by-products. Herein we report methods for bacterial expression of eIF4E tagged with mutant dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) followed by isolation and purification of the DHFR–eIF4E protein by using affinity and anion exchange chromatography. Fluorescence quenching experiments indicated the cap-analog, 7MeGTP, bound to DHFR–eIF4E and eIF4E with a dissociation constant (Kd) of 6 ± 5 and 10 ± 3 nM, respectively. Recombinant eIF4E and DHFR–eIF4E were both shown to significantly enhance in vitro translation in dose dependent manner by 75% at 0.5 μM. Nevertheless increased concentrations of eIF4E and DHFR–eIF4E significantly inhibited translation in a dose dependent manner by a maximum at 2 μM of 60% and 90%, respectively. Thus, we have demonstrated that we have developed an expression system for fully functional recombinant eIF4E. We have also shown that the fusion protein DHFR–eIF4E is functional and thus may be useful for cell based affinity tag studies with fluorescently labeled trimethoprim analogs.  相似文献   

We have used an antibody that specifically recognizes eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF4E) when it is phosphorylated at Ser(207) to characterize eIF4E phosphorylation in the nervous system of APLYSIA: The level of phosphorylated eIF4E, but not the level of total eIF4E, was significantly correlated with the basal rate of translation measured from different animals. Serotonin (5-HT), a transmitter that regulates the rate of translation in APLYSIA: neurons, had mixed effects on eIF4E phosphorylation. 5-HT decreased eIF4E phosphorylation in sensory cell clusters through activation of protein kinase C. 5-HT increased eIF4E phosphorylation in the whole pleural ganglia. In the APLYSIA: nervous system, eIF4E phosphorylation correlated with phosphorylation of the p38 MAP kinase, but not the p42 MAP kinase (ERK). Furthermore, an inhibitor of the p38 MAP kinase significantly decreased basal eIF4E phosphorylation, but an inhibitor of the MAP or ERK kinase (MEK) did not. Despite the correlation of eIF4E phosphorylation with the basal rate of translation, inhibition of eIF4E phosphorylation by an inhibitor of the p38 MAP kinase did not significantly decrease the rate of translation.  相似文献   

Two molecular forms of juvenile hormone binding proteins were identified in the larval hemolymph of Bombyx mori by photoaffinity labeling. One form having an Mr of 33 kDa was present constantly in the hemolymph of the third to the fifth instar larvae while the other form having an Mr of 35 kDa was detected in the hemolymph until in the early fifth instar larvae but not in the prewandering larvae and prepupae. A 33 kDa binding protein was purified by hydrophobic interaction chromatography, gel filtration, and native PAGE. Antiserum against 33 kDa binding protein cross-reacted with 35 kDa binding protein on Western blots, suggesting that these binding proteins shared the same epitopes. From the results of saturation binding assays, it was inferred that 33 and 35 kDa binding proteins had a similar binding affinity for JH 1. It was revealed that one of these binding proteins, 35 kDa binding protein, was produced in the fat body in a stage-specific manner: fat body of the early fifth instar larvae synthesized both 33 and 35 kDa binding proteins while that of prewandering larvae synthesized only 33 kDa binding protein. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The emerging roles of translation factor eIF4E in the nucleus   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The emerging field of nuclear eIF research has yielded many surprises and led to the dissolution of some dogmatic/ideological viewpoints of the place of translation in the regulation of gene expression. Eukaryotic initiation factors (eIFs) are classically defined by their cytoplasmic location and ability to regulate the initiation phase of protein synthesis. For instance, in the cytoplasm, the m7G cap-binding protein eIF4E plays a distinct role in cap-dependent translation initiation. Disruption of eIF4E's regulatory function drastically effects cell growth and may lead to oncogenic transformation. A growing number of studies indicate that many eIFs, including a substantial fraction of eIF4E, are found in the nucleus. Indeed, nuclear eIF4E participates in a variety of important RNA-processing events including the nucleocytoplasmic transport of specific, growth regulatory mRNAs. Although unexpected, it is possible that some eIFs regulate protein synthesis within the nucleus. This review will focus on the novel, nuclear functions of eIF4E and how they contribute to eIF4E's growth-activating and oncogenic properties. Both the cytoplasmic and nuclear functions of eIF4E appear to be dependent on its intrinsic ability to bind to the 5' m7G cap of mRNA. For example, Promyelocytic Leukemia Protein (PML) potentially acts as a negative regulator of nuclear eIF4E function by decreasing eIF4E's affinity for the m7G cap. Therefore, eIF4E protein is flexible enough to utilize a common biochemical activity, such as m7G cap binding, to participate in divergent processes in different cellular compartments.  相似文献   

Human homologue of Drosophila ariadne (HHARI) is a RING-IBR-RING domain protein identified through its ability to bind the human ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, UbcH7. We now demonstrate that HHARI also interacts with the eukaryotic mRNA cap binding protein, translation initiation factor 4E homologous protein (4EHP), via the N-terminal RING1 finger of HHARI. HHARI, 4EHP and UbcH7 do not form a stable heterotrimeric complex as 4EHP cannot immunoprecipitate UbcH7 even in the presence of HHARI. Overexpression of 4EHP and HHARI in mammalian cells leads to polyubiquitylation of 4EHP. By contrast, HHARI does not promote its own autoubiquitylation. Thus, by promoting the ubiquitin-mediated degradation of 4EHP, HHARI may have a role in both protein degradation and protein translation.  相似文献   

Four mutants of the human cap binding protein (hCBP), in which Trp-102, Glu-103, Asp-104 or Glu-105 was changed to the aliphatic Leu or Ala, were prepared, and their cap binding abilities were examined. Cap binding abilities of two mutants. W102L (Trp-102→Leu) and E105A (Glu-105→Ala), were significantly decreased in comparison with the wild-type hCBP. This result suggest that Trp-102 and Glu-105 are both necessary for the cap binding, and the most probable binding mode with the m7G of cap structure is the combination of the stacking by Trp-102 and the hydrogen-bond pairing by Glu-105, as was already proposed from the model studies.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 (eIF2) has key functions in the initiation step of protein synthesis. eIF2 guides the initiator tRNA to the ribosome, participates in scanning of the mRNA molecule, supports selection of the start codon, and modulates the translation of mRNAs in response to stress. eIF2 comprises a heterotrimeric complex whose assembly depends on the ATP-grasp protein Cdc123. Mutations of the eIF2γ subunit that compromise eIF2 complex formation cause severe neurological disease in humans. To this date, however, details about the assembly mechanism, step order, and the individual functions of eIF2 subunits remain unclear. Here, we quantified assembly intermediates and studied the behavior of various binding site mutants in budding yeast. Based on these data, we present a model in which a Cdc123-mediated conformational change in eIF2γ exposes binding sites for eIF2α and eIF2β subunits. Contrary to an earlier hypothesis, we found that the associations of eIF2α and eIF2β with the γ-subunit are independent of each other, but the resulting heterodimers are nonfunctional and fail to bind the guanosine exchange factor eIF2B. In addition, levels of eIF2α influence the rate of eIF2 assembly. By binding to eIF2γ, eIF2α displaces Cdc123 and thereby completes the assembly process. Experiments in human cell culture indicate that the mechanism of eIF2 assembly is conserved between yeast and humans. This study sheds light on an essential step in eukaryotic translation initiation, the dysfunction of which is linked to human disease.  相似文献   

Background information. The translational inhibitor protein 4E‐BP1 [eIF4E (eukaryotic initiation factor 4E)‐binding protein 1] regulates the availability of polypeptide chain initiation factor eIF4E for protein synthesis. Initiation factor eIF4E binds the 5′ cap structure present on all cellular mRNAs. Its ability to associate with initiation factors eIF4G and eIF4A, forming the eIF4F complex, brings the mRNA to the 43S complex during the initiation of translation. Binding of eIF4E to eIF4G is inhibited in a competitive manner by 4E‐BP1. Phosphorylation of 4E‐BP1 decreases the affinity of this protein for eIF4E, thus favouring the binding of eIF4G and enhancing translation. We have previously shown that induction or activation of the tumour suppressor protein p53 rapidly leads to 4E‐BP1 dephosphorylation, resulting in sequestration of eIF4E, decreased formation of the eIF4F complex and inhibition of protein synthesis. Results. We now report that activation of p53 also results in modification of 4E‐BP1 to a truncated form. Unlike full‐length 4E‐BP1, which is reversibly phosphorylated at multiple sites, the truncated protein is almost completely unphosphorylated. Moreover, the latter interacts with eIF4E in preference to full‐length 4E‐BP1. Inhibitor studies indicate that the p53‐induced cleavage of 4E‐BP1 is mediated by the proteasome and is blocked by conditions that inhibit the dephosphorylation of full‐length 4E‐BP1. Measurements of the turnover of 4E‐BP1 indicate that the truncated form is much more stable than the full‐length protein. Conclusions. The results suggest a model in which proteasome activity gives rise to a stable, hypophosphorylated and truncated form of 4E‐BP1, which may exert a long‐term inhibitory effect on the availability of eIF4E, thus contributing to the inhibition of protein synthesis and the growth‐inhibitory and pro‐apoptotic effects of p53.  相似文献   

All eukaryotic cellular mRNAs contain a 5' m(7)GpppN cap. In addition to conferring stability to the mRNA, the cap is required for pre-mRNA splicing, nuclear export and translation by providing an anchor point for protein binding. In translation, the interaction between the cap and the eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF4E) is important in the recruitment of the mRNAs to the ribosome. Human 4EHP (h4EHP) is a homologue of eIF4E. Like eIF4E it is able to bind the cap but it appears to play a different cellular role, possibly being involved in the fine-tuning of protein expression levels. Here we use X-ray crystallography and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) to investigate further the binding of cap analogues and peptides to h4EHP. m(7)GTP binds to 4EHP 200-fold more weakly than it does to eIF4E with the guanine base sandwiched by a tyrosine and a tryptophan instead of two tryptophan residues as seen in eIF4E. The tyrosine resides on a loop that is longer in h4EHP than in eIF4E. The consequent conformational difference between the proteins allows the tyrosine to mimic the six-membered ring of the tryptophan in eIF4E and adopt an orientation that is similar to that seen for equivalent residues in other non-homologous cap-binding proteins. In the absence of ligand the binding site is incompletely formed with one of the aromatic residues being disordered and the side-chain of the other adopting a novel conformation. A peptide derived from the eIF4E inhibitory protein, 4E-BP1 binds h4EHP 100-fold less strongly than eIF4E but in a similar manner. Overall the data, combined with sequence analyses of 4EHP from evolutionary diverse species, strongly support the hypothesis that 4EHP plays a physiological role utilizing both cap-binding and protein-binding functions but which is distinct from eIF4E.  相似文献   

Decapping by Dcp1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a key step in mRNA degradation. However, the cap also binds the eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF) complex 4F and its associated proteins. Characterisation of the relationship between decapping and interactions involving eIF4F is an essential step towards understanding polysome disassembly and mRNA decay. Three types of observation suggest how changes in the functional status of eIF4F modulate mRNA stability in vivo. First, partial disruption of the interaction between eIF4E and eIF4G, caused by mutations in eIF4E or the presence of the yeast 4E-binding protein p20, stabilised mRNAs. The interactions of eIF4G and p20 with eIF4E may therefore act to modulate the decapping process. Since we also show that the in vitro decapping rate is not directly affected by the nature of the body of the mRNA, this suggests that changes in eIF4F structure could play a role in triggering decapping during mRNA decay. Second, these effects were seen in the absence of extreme changes in global translation rates in the cell, and are therefore relevant to normal mRNA turnover. Third, a truncated form of eIF4E (Delta196) had a reduced capacity to inhibit Dcp1-mediated decapping in vitro, yet did not change cellular mRNA half-lives. Thus, the accessibility of the cap to Dcp1 in vivo is not simply controlled by competition with eIF4E, but is subject to switching between molecular states with different levels of access.  相似文献   

A novel fluorescent photoactive probe 7-azido-4-methylcoumarin (AzMC) has been characterized for use in photoaffinity labeling of the substrate binding site of human phenol sulfotransferase (SULT1A1 or P-PST-1). For the photoaffinity labeling experiments, SULT1A1 cDNA was expressed in Escherichia coli as a fusion protein to maltose binding protein (MBP) and purified to apparent homogeneity over an amylose column. The maltose moiety was removed by Factor Xa cleavage. Both MBSULT1A1 and SULT1A1 were efficiently photolabeled with AzMC. This labeling was concentration dependent. In the absence of light, AzMC competitively inhibited the sulfation of 4MU catalyzed by SULT1A1 (Ki = 0.47 +/- 0.05 mM). Moreover, enzyme activity toward 2-naphthol was inactivated in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. SULT1A1 inactivation by AzMC was protected by substrate but was not protected by cosubstrate. These results indicate that photoaffinity labeling with AzMC is highly suitable for the identification of the substrate binding site of SULT1A1. Further studies are aimed at identifying which amino acids modified by AzMC are localized in the binding site.  相似文献   

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