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Juvenile Terebratalia transversa (Brachiopoda) metabolize carbohydrates in the anterior-most marginal mantle at a rate of 0.46 μM glucose/g/hr (in vitro incubation of mantle in C14-glucose in a carrying medium of 10-3 M non-radioactive glucose). The rate declines to 0.18μM glucose/g/hr in full-grown specimens. Carbohydrate metabolism in the marginal (anterior-most) mantle averages approximately 3.7 times greater than metabolism in (a portion of the ‘posterior’) mantle situated between the coelomic canals and the marginal mantle. This ratio remains constant in specimens of all sizes (i.e. an ontogenetic trend in the ratio is absent at p≤ 0.05). Organic acids are not detectable within the mantle (HPLC techniques) even after simulated anoxia (N2 bubbling during mantle incubation). Glucose metabolism in vitro declines in both the marginal and ‘posterior’ mantles during anoxia and the metabolic ratio between marginal/‘posterior’ mantles becomes 1/1. We found no difference (at p≤ 0.05) in mean metabolic activity or in sue-related metabolic trends among populations from depths ranging between mean sea level and 70 m. However, the activity within the ‘posterior’ mantle was more variable in specimens from 70 m than in those from shallower habitats (10 m - mean sea level). The size of the specimens analyzed was most variable in the groups obtained from the shallowest habitats and least variable at 70 m depth. Our results may help define the energetics of fossil as well as living brachiopod shell growth. Brachiopod shell growth is known to be very slow relative to that of bivalves and our results indicate that this is a result of the animals' slow metabolism. The inflation of the valves in T. transversa is, in part, a function of the high ratio of intermediary metabolism in the marginal vs‘posterior’ mantle (i.e. parallels the relative growth rates at the shell margin vs‘posterior’ areas). We found that the bivalve, Chlamys hastata, which is commonly associated with T. transversa, has a lower ratio of metabolic activities in the ventral/dorsal mantle areas than the brachiopod has in the anterior/posterior. The difference produces a flatter shell in the bivalve in accord with allometric principles. The higher metabolic rate in the marginal vs‘posterior’ brachiopod mantle and its more pronounced decline with anaerobiosis is reflected in the greater definition of growth increments in the outer shell layer. Our results do not support recent generalizations that correlate shell thickness of a wide variety of invertebrates inversely with metabolic rate. Growth rate as determined from width of shell growth increments is a better index of metabolic rate. Although the genetic basis of glucose metabolism is unknown, the observed metabolic variability is consistent with suggestions that populations of marine organisms living in stable offshore environments are genetically more variable but morphologically more uniform than populations from shallow water. Furthermore, our results support suggestions that bivalved molluscs and brachiopods are very different metabolically, but the data are neutral with respect to theories of competitive exclusion of the two taxa throughout geologic history.  相似文献   

The celomic system of the articulate brachiopod Hemithyris psittacea is composed of the perivisceral cavity, the canal system of the lophophore, and the periesophageal celom. We study the microscopic anatomy and ultrastructure of the periesophageal celom using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The periesophageal celom surrounds the esophagus, is isolated from the perivisceral cavity, and is divided by septa. The lining of the periesophageal celom includes two types of cells, epithelial cells and myoepithelial cells, both are monociliary. Some epithelial cells have long processes extending along the basal lamina, suggesting that these cells might function as podocytes. The myoepithelial cells have basal myofilaments and may be overlapped by the apical processes of the adjacent epithelial cells. The periesophageal celom forms protrusions that penetrate the extracellular matrix (ECM) of the body wall above the mouth and the ECM that surrounds the esophagus. The canals of the esophageal ECM form a complicated system. The celomic lining of the external circumferential canals consists of the epithelial cells and the podocyte‐like cells. The deepest canals lack a lumen; they are filled with the muscle cells surrounded by basal lamina. These branched canals might perform dual functions. First, they increase the surface area and might therefore facilitate ultrafiltration through the podocyte‐like cells. Second, the deepest canals form the thickened muscle wall of the esophagus and could be necessary for antiperistalsis of the gut. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The morphology of the mantle in free-swimming and metamorphosing larvae of the articulate brachiopod Terebratalia transversa has been examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The mantle begins to form approximately 2 days after fertilization and subsequently develops into a skirtlike lobe that encircles the middle region of the larval body. A simple epithelium covers both the outer surface of the mantle lobe and the inner side situated next to the pedicle lobe of the larva. During metamorphosis, the mantle lobe is everted over the anterior end of the larva. Thus, the epithelium covering the outer part of the mantle lobe in the larva subsequently becomes the inner epithelium of the juvenile mantle. Similarly, the inner epithelium of the larval mantle lobe represents the future outer epithelium of the juvenile mantle. In free-swimming larvae, the prospective outer mantle epithelium contains two types of cells, called "lobate" and "vesicular" cells. Lobate cells initially deposit a thin layer of amorphous material, and vesicular cells produce ovoid multigranular bodies. Following settlement at about 5 days postfertilization, the vesicular cells secrete an electron-dense sheet that constitutes the basal layer of the developing periostracum. Within several hours to a day thereafter, reversal of the mantle lobe is rapidly effected, apparently by contractions of the pedicle adjustor muscles.  相似文献   



Primary agametic-asexual reproduction mechanisms such as budding and fission are present in all non-bilaterian and many bilaterian animal taxa and are likely to be metazoan ground pattern characters. Cnidarians display highly organized and regulated budding processes. In contrast, budding in poriferans was thought to be less specific and related to the general ability of this group to reorganize their tissues. Here we test the hypothesis of morphological pattern formation during sponge budding.


We investigated the budding process in Tethya wilhelma (Demospongiae) by applying 3D morphometrics to high resolution synchrotron radiation-based x-ray microtomography (SR-μCT) image data. We followed the morphogenesis of characteristic body structures and identified distinct morphological states which indeed reveal characteristic spatiotemporal morphological patterns in sponge bud development. We discovered the distribution of skeletal elements, canal system and sponge tissue to be based on a sequential series of distinct morphological states. Based on morphometric data we defined four typical bud stages. Once they have reached the final stage buds are released as fully functional juvenile sponges which are morphologically and functionally equivalent to adult specimens.


Our results demonstrate that budding in demosponges is considerably more highly organized and regulated than previously assumed. Morphological pattern formation in asexual reproduction with underlying genetic regulation seems to have evolved early in metazoans and was likely part of the developmental program of the last common ancestor of all Metazoa (LCAM).  相似文献   

The fine structure of the shell and underlying mantle in young juveniles of the articulate brachiopod Terebratalia transversa has been examined by electron microscopy. The first shell produced by the mantle consists of a nonhinged protegulum that lacks concentric growth lines. The protegulum is secreted within a day after larval metamorphosis and typically measures 140-150 micron long. A thin organic periostracum constitutes the outer layer of the protegulum, and finely granular shell material occurs beneath the periostracum. Protegula resist digestion in sodium hypochlorite and are refractory to sectioning, suggesting that the subperiostracal portion of the primordial shell is mineralized. The juvenile shell at 4 days postmetamorphosis possesses incomplete sockets and rudimentary teeth that consist of nonfibrous material. The secondary layer occuring in the inner part of the juvenile shell contains imbricated fibers, whereas the outer portion of the shell comprises a bipartite periostracum and an underlying primary layer of nonfibrous shell. Deposition of the periostracum takes place within a slot that is situated between the so-called lobate and vesicular cells of the outer mantle lobe. Vesicular cells deposit the basal layer of the periostracum, while lobate cells contribute materials to the overlying periostracal superstructure. Cells with numerous tonofibrils and hemidesmosomes differentiate in the outer mantle epithelium at sites of muscle attachments, and unbranched punctae that surround mantle caeca develop throughout the subperiostracal portion of the shell. Three weeks after metamorphosis, the juvenile shell averages about 320 micron in length and is similar in ultrastructure to the shells secreted by adult articulates.  相似文献   

In the Namur-Dinant Basin (Belgium), the last Atrypida and Pentamerida originate from the top of the Upper Palmatolepis rhenana Zone (Late Frasnian). Within this biozone, their representatives belong to the genera Costatrypa, Desquamatia (Desquamatia), Radiatrypa, Spinatrypa (Spinatrypa), Spinatrypina (Spinatrypina?), Spinatrypina (Exatrypa), Waiotrypa, Iowatrypa and Metabolipa. No representative of these orders occurs within the Palmatolepis linguiformis Zone. The disappearance of the last pentamerids, mostly confined to reefal ecosystems, is clearly related to the end of the edification of the carbonate mounds; it precedes shortly the atrypid one. This event, resulting from a transgressive episode, which induces a progressive and dramatic deterioration of the oxygenation conditions, takes place firstly in the most distal zones of the Namur-Dinant Basin (southern border of the Dinant Synclinorium; Lower P. rhenana Zone). It is only recorded within the Upper P. rhenana Zone in the Philippeville Anticlinorium, the Vesdre area, and the northern flank of the Dinant Synclinorium. It would seem that the terebratulids were absent during the Famennian in this basin, probably due to inappropriate facies. Among the 13 species described or briefly discussed (Palmatolepis hassi to Upper P. rhenana zones), Pseudoatrypa godefroidi nov. sp. and Spinatrypina (Exatrypa) marmoris nov. sp. are proposed as new.  相似文献   

A previously unknown type of ontogeny is discussed that unites features of two different types of loop development: the ancient dielasmoid type, which is typical of Upper Paleozoic terebratulids, and the angustothyridid type, which is typical of the Lower Mesozoic terebratulids. A new superfamily, Compositelasmatoidea, and a new family, Compositelasmatidae, with its type genus Compositelasma gen. nov., are established based on their unique ontogenetic changes.  相似文献   

Living specimens of Terebratulina retusa from the Firth of Lorn, Scotland, were surgically damaged by drilling 2 mm diameter holes or narrow slits one cm long in the anterior portion of one valve, by bevelling the anterior margin of both valves, or by amputation of the anterior third of one valve. These injuries to the shell and mantle simulated the type of repaired shell damage seen in Paleozoic species, i.e., scalloped, divoted, cleft, and embayed valves. Less than ten percent of the 200 damaged specimens survived until the 25th week after surgery. Specimens of T. retusa showed the ability to repair drill holes, slits, and bevelled anterior shell regions, but not the most severe damage, i.e., amputations of the anterior third of one valve. Shell‐repair was initiated in the fourth week after surgery by the development of a membrane across the wound. The development of caeca in the new shell layer secreted to plug the drill holes became apparent by the eighth week. The punctate pattern was complete in the new, translucent shell material of bevelled and drilled specimens by the 25th week following surgery. Failure of any specimens to survive amputation of the anterior portion of a valve for more than seven weeks after surgery, and the absence of initiation of the repair process, suggests that terebratulids do not have the tolerance for, nor the ability to repair, the severe injuries (embayed valves) which were sustained and mended by extinct strophomenids.  相似文献   

Studies of the ultrastructure of representative articulate and inarticulate pedicles show that there are similarities in secretory activity between pedicle epithelia of both classes and the outer mantle epithelium of the inarticulates. Rootlet epithelial cells of the articulate pedicle produce small vesicles which pass to the junction between rootlet and substrate and probably play a part in the breakdown of the substrate. Scanning electron microscopy shows that dissolution of a bivalve shell acting as a substrate often follows the boundary of a single nacre tablet, and transmission electron microscopy shows that the rootlet extends its infiltration along the conchiolin walls. The inarticulate pedicle ending is modified to collect adherent sand grains.  相似文献   

Wright, A. D. 1992 04 15: Shell structure and affinities of the enigmatic Lower Ordovician articulate brachiopod Lycophoria Lahusen. 1886. Lethaia . Vol. 25, pp. 125–129. Oslo. ISSN 0024–1164.
The enigmatic Baltoscandian Lower Ordovician brachiopod Lycophoriu has a combination of morphological characters that makes it difficult to place taxonomically. The more recent assignments of the genus have been with the Porambonitacea, the Triplesiacea and the Orthacea. A basic character in articulate brachiopods is the differentiation of the secondary shell into either stacked fibres or laminar sheets. The hitherto unknown shell structure in Lycophoria has been examined under the electron microscope and is shown to be fibrous, which is taken as ruling out any close affinity with the lamellar shelled Triplesiacea. Despite superficial similarities, features of the shell interior are not compatible with the pentameride Porambonitacea and although there are differences from the typical orthacean, these are no greater than those of the accepted orthid Producrorrhis. Lycophoria , in the monotypic family Lycophoriidae, is accordingly best regarded as a specialized offshoot of the basic orthacean stock. * Shell microstructure, Lycophoridae, Orrhacea, Porambonitacea, Triplesiacea, Lower Ordovician, Baltoscandia .  相似文献   

Large mature individuals of the brachiopod Coptothyris adamsi Davidson, 1871 were found in the fouling of a pier in Koz’mina Bight (Nakhodka Bay, Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan) in September 2006. The population density of the brachiopod in the fouling reached 100 specimens/m2 and greatly exceeded the density of this species in benthic communities (4 specimens/m2). This is the first record of a brachiopod on anthropogenic substrates in the Far-Eastern seas of Russia. It is of particular interest because (1) C. adamsi is listed in the Red Book of Russia and (2) construction of an international oil terminal is planned for Koz’mina Bight. The brachiopod population can be used to monitor environmental conditions during the construction and further functioning of the oil terminal in Koz’mina Bight.  相似文献   

Pleurothyrella knodi, known only from Bolivia and Argentina, is recorded from Guinea-Bissau (West Africa). It represents a new and sure point of the faunistic Malvinokaffric Realm extension during the Early Devonian.  相似文献   

Nuclear and mtDNA sequences from selected short-looped terebratuloid (terebratulacean) articulate brachiopods yield congruent and genetically independent phylogenetic reconstructions by parsimony, neighbour-joining and maximum likelihood methods, suggesting that both sources of data are reliable guides to brachiopod species phylogeny. The present-day genealogical relationships and geographical distributions of the tested terebratuloid brachiopods are consistent with a tethyan dispersal and subsequent radiation. Concordance of nuclear and mitochondrial gene phylogenies reinforces previous indications that articulate brachiopods, inarticulate brachiopods, phoronids and ectoprocts cluster with other organisms generally regarded as protostomes. Since ontogeny and morphology in brachiopods, ectoprocts and phoronids depart in important respects from those features supposedly diagnostic of protostomes, this demonstrates that the operational definition of protostomy by the usual ontological characters must be misleading or unreliable. New, molecular, operational definitions are proposed to replace the traditional criteria for the recognition of protostomes and deuterostomes, and the clade-based terms ''Protostomoza'' and ''Deuterostomozoa'' are proposed to replace the existing term ''Protostomia'' and ''Deuterostomia''.  相似文献   

Strophomenid brachiopods belonging to the generaLeptaena andLepidoleptaena are described from the uppermost Llandovery — Ludlow succession of Gotland, Sweden. In Gotland,Lepidoleptaena comprises the single speciesL. poulseni, andLeptaena includes four species:L. rhomboidalis, L. sperion, L. depressa andL. parvirugata n. sp.L. depressa shows a considerable amount of morphological variation, which is recognised in the two new subspeciesLeptaena depressa visbyensis n. ssp. from the Llandoverian — Wenlockian Visby Formation, andL. depressa lata n. ssp. from the mid-Wenlockian Slite Group. The distribution of the different species is largely substrate-dependent, withLeptaena rhomboidalis andLepidoleptaena poulseni adapted to high-energy environments with firm substrates, whereas the remaining species preferred fine-grained substrates in low-energy environments.   相似文献   

Brachiopod phylogeny is still a controversial subject. Analyses using nuclear 18SrRNA and mitochondrial 12SrDNA sequences place them within the protostomes but some recent interpretations of morphological data support a relationship with deuterostomes. In order to investigate brachiopod affinities within the metazoa further, we compared the gene arrangement on the brachiopod mitochondrial genome with several metazoan taxa. The complete (15 451 bp) mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence of the articulate brachiopod Terebratulina retusa was determined from two overlapping long polymerase chain reaction products. All the genes are encoded on the same strand and gene order comparisons showed that.only one major rearrangement is required to interconvert the T. retusa and Katharina tunicata (Mollusca: Polvplacophora) mitochondrial genomes. The partial mtDNA sequence of the prosobranch mollusc Littorina saxatilis shows complete congruence with the T. rehtusa gene arrangement with regard to the ribosomal and protein coding genes. This high similarity in gene arrangement is the first to be reported within the protostomes. Sequence analyses of mitochondrial protein coding genes also support a close relationship of the brachiopod with molluscs and annelids, thus supporting the clade Lophotrochozoa. Though being highly informative, sequence analyses of the mitochondrial protein coding genes failed to resolve the branching order within the lophotrochozoa.  相似文献   

Extremely variable pedicle morphology is described in a large sample of the Recent articulate brachiopod Terebratulina septentrionalis (Couthouy) from off the coast of Nova Scotia. The majority of these specimens were attached to the shells of living or dead scaphopods by a dense network of pedicle rootlets. Other brachiopods had been lying on the sea-floor anchored solely by the weight of sediment enmeshed within the bush-like network of pedicle rootlets. Some brachiopod larvae had settled on the exposed pedicle rootlets of adults, presumably because of the scarcity of other suitable substrate. Such a mode of life is thought 'to indicate that these brachiopods could survive a further reduction in the available substrate and it is suggested that, should such conditions persist, changes in hard-part morphology would enable descendants of the species to adopt a predominantly free-lying mode of life. Likely morphological adaptions are suggested, based on examples from the fossil record. This evolutionary trend, from attached to free-lying and perhaps vice versa, has occurred many times in the history of the Phylum Brachiopoda, and it is suggested that the mode of life of this T. septentrionalis population provides an important insight into at least one of the possible evolutionary pathways which bring about such transformations.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic reconstructions using parsimony, maximum likelihood (ML), and Bayesian relaxed molecular clock analyses of ~2850 nucleotides of nuclear‐encoded small and large subunit ribosomal DNAs (SSU and LSU rDNAs) from 14 long‐looped (terebratelloid) ingroup and four short‐looped (terebratulidine) outgroup brachiopod taxa, together with ML analyses of ~663 nucleotides of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (cox1) from 12 terebratelloid taxa, show that deep divergence separates taxa endemic to waters in the vicinity of New Zealand from those with a Magellanic distribution around South America and Antarctica. This deep divergence also separates Magellanic Terebratella dorsata from New Zealand Terebratella sanguinea, showing that they are not congeneric. Instead, they belong to separate ‘Magellanic’ (MAG) and ‘New Zealand’ (NZ) clades that first diverged about 82 Mya (95% highest posterior density, 48–120 Mya), correlating with separation between the NZ and Antarctic tectonic plates. Sequence analyses also reveal (1) that the Antarctic endemic taxa Magellania fragilis and Magellania joubini are not congeneric with Magellania venosa, suggesting that their previous placement in Aerothyris should be restored, and (2) that divergence between Antarctic and NZ species of the terebratulide Liothyrella occurred much later than plate separation, perhaps because of continuing gene flow caused by long‐lived larvae. The topology of the rDNA and cox1 gene trees implies that radial ornament of the shell (‘ribbing’) has been gained (and/or lost) independently within the MAG and NZ clades. Radial ribs are widespread in articulate brachiopods throughout the Phanerozoic, but no comparisons of brachiopod rib morphology and morphogenesis have been published. Our comparisons of transverse shell mid‐sections in the scanning electron microscope reveal no obvious evidence of differences in morphology between independently gained ribs. We also consider several ways in which ribs may affect fitness, including effects on hydrodynamics. Only scanty and inconclusive evidence is available, but we suggest that effects (if any) are likely to be of small magnitude; adaptive value of brachiopod shell ribs remains to be demonstrated. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 162 , 631–645.  相似文献   

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