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Competitive abilities of introduced and native grasses   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Bakker  Jonathan  Wilson  Scott 《Plant Ecology》2001,157(2):119-127
Differencesin competitive ability may explain the maintenance of existing plantpopulationsand the invasion of new areas by plant species. We used field experiments toexamine the competitive responses of Agropyron cristatum(L.) Gaertn., an introduced C3 grass, and Boutelouagracilis (HBK.) Lag., a native C4 grass, and thecompetitive effects of Agropyron-dominated vegetation andsuccessional prairie. We also tested whether the outcome of competitiveinteractions varied with water availability. In each vegetation type,transplants of each species were grown under two levels of competition(presenceor absence of neighboring vegetation) and three levels of water availability(high, medium, or low). Transplant survival, growth, and biomass allocationpatterns were measured. Water availability had no effect on the measuredvariables, suggesting that both species were limited by another resource.Growthrates were affected more by competition, while survival and root: shoot ratiowere affected more by transplant species identity. In the successional prairie,neighboring vegetation suppressed the growth of Agropyrontransplants less than that of Bouteloua transplants,suggesting that Agropyron has a stronger ability to resistcompetitive suppression in that vegetation type. The spread ofAgropyron into surrounding vegetation may relate to itsability to resist competitive suppression. In theAgropyron-dominated vegetation, neighboring vegetationsuppressed the growth of both species by the same extent. However, competitionaccounted for more variation in transplant growth inAgropyron-dominated vegetation than in successionalprairie, suggesting that Agropyron has strong competitiveeffects which hinder plant growth and prevent other species from establishinginAgropyron fields.  相似文献   

Summary Within the first few weeks after seedling emergence, Agropyron desertorum, a more competitive tussock grass, had a much higher mean relative growth rate (RGR) than Agropyron spicatum, a very similar, but less competitive species. However, beyond the early seedling stage, the two grasses had a remarkably similar whole-plant RGR in hydroponic culture and aboveground RGR in glasshouse soil, if root temperatures were above approximately 12°C. At soil temperatures between 5 and 12°C, A. desertorum exhibited a 66% greater aboveground RGR than A. spicatum (P<0.05). Both species responded similarly to warming soil temperatures. In the field, however, tiller growth rates were generally similar. Neither species showed marked tiller elongation until a couple of weeks after snowmelt, by which time soil temperatures, at least to a depth of 10 cm, were above 12°C for a significant portion of the day. Aboveground biomass accumulation over a three-year period indicated that both grasses had similar potential growth rates whereas Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana, a common neighbor planted in the same plots, had a much greater potential growth rate. The greater competitive ability of adult A. desertorum, as compared to A. spicatum, cannot be attributed to appreciable differences in potential growth rates.  相似文献   

Although the tussock growth form of caespitose graminoids is widespread, the effect of this growth form on light interception and carbon gain of tillers has received little attention. Daily incident photosynthetic photon flux density (PFDinc) and carbon gain in monospecific stands of tussock grasses were compared with those of a hypothetical distribution with the equivalent tiller density per total ground area, but evenly distributed rather than clumped in tussocks. This was computed for two tussock grasses Pseudoroegneria spicata (Pursh) A. Löve (bluebunch wheatgrass) and Agropyron desertorum (Fisch, ex Link) Schult. (creasted wheatgrass) at different plant densities. Daily PFDinc and net photosynthesis (A) were greater if tillers were distributed uniformly rather than clumped in tussocks, except when the density of tussocks was so great as to approach a uniform canopy. When tussock density per ground area was low, much of the difference between tussock and uniform tiller densities in PFDinc and A was due to shading within the tussocks; up to 50–60% of the potential carbon gain was lost in A. desertorum due to shading within tussocks. In a matrix of tussocks, the light field for establishing seedlings was very heterogeneous; potential A ranged from 7 to 96% relative to an isolated seedling. The mean of daily PFDinc and A for seedlings in a tussock stand were nearly identical to the values in corresponding stands of uniform tiller distributions. It is hypothesized that the loss of A resulting from clumping tillers into tussocks is offset by benefits of protecting sequestered belowground resources from invasion by seedlings of competitors.  相似文献   

Summary The spatial arrangement of tiller replacement was assessed on grazed and ungrazed tussocks of Agropyron desertorum (Fisch. ex Link) Schult. for three annual cycles. Frequency distributions of the number of replacement tillers per single progenitor were also determined. Tiller replacement was usually greater on the perimeter of tussocks than within the core, with or without grazing. Replacement was inversely related to grazing intensity, both on the perimeter and within the core of tussocks. Heights of replacement tillers on the perimeter or within the core seldom differed. Furthermore, grazing seldom affected the number of replacement tillers per progenitor. Greater tillering on the perimeter than within the core indicates that the tussocks were expanding. Apparently, grazing neither enhances tussock expansion and subsequent disintegration, nor does it necessarily lead to patches of tillers (multiple tillering per progenitor) within tussocks of A. desertorum.  相似文献   

Summary The annual replacement of tillers of Agropyron desertorum (Fisch. ex Link) Schult., a grazing-tolerant, Eurasian tussock grass, was examined in the field following cattle grazing. Heavy grazing before internode (culm) elongation seldom affected tiller replacement. Heavy grazing during or after internode elongation, which elevates apical meristems, increased overwinter mortality of fall-produced tillers and reduced the number and heights of these replacement tillers. Unexpectedly, tussocks grazed twice within the spring growing season tended to have lower overwinter tiller mortality, greater tiller replacement, and larger replacement tillers than tussocks grazed only once in late spring. These responses of twice-grazed tussocks, however, were still less than those of ungrazed tussocks or tussocks grazed moderately in early spring. The presence of ungrazed tillers on partially grazed tussoks did not increase the replacement of associated grazed tillers relative to tillers on uniformly grazed plants. This result indicates that resource sharing among tillers, if present, is short-lived or ecologically unimportant in this species. Although A. desertorum is considered grazing-tolerant, tiller replacement on heavily grazed tussocks, particularly those grazed during or after internode elongation when apical meristems were removed, was usually inadequate for tussock maintenance. These observations at the tiller (ramet) level of organization in individual tussocks (genet) may explain the often noted reduction in stand (population) longevity with consistent heavy grazing.  相似文献   

Summary Previous studies have shown that plant carbon isotope composition varies when plants experience differences in water and nutrient availability. However, none have addressed the effect of root interactions, including competition for these soil resources, on carbon isotope ratios. We studied the effect of interspecific root interactions on the productivity and carbon isotope ratios of two Great Basin tussock grass species (Agropyron desertorum and Pseudoroegneria spicata). We compared grasses grown in mixture with sagebrush (Artemisia tridentara) to grasses in similar mixtures but where root interactions with sagebrush were limited by fiberglass partitions. During both years of the study, tussocks growing in competition with sagebrush produced tissue with more negative 13C values than grasses experiencing limited root interaction with sagebrush. The magnitude of this difference (0.5 to 0.9%) is similar to that found in other studies when soil fertility and moisture availability were altered.  相似文献   

Introduced African grasses are invading Neotropical savannas and displacing the native herbaceous community. This work, which is part of a program to understand the success of the African grasses, specifically investigates whether introduced and native grasses differ in their water relations. The water relations of the native Trachypogon plumosus and the successful invader Hyparrhenia rufa were studied in the field during two consecutive years in the seasonal savannas of Venezuela. The two C4 grasses differed clearly in their responses to water stress. H. rufa consistently had higher stomatal conductance, transpiration rate, leaf water and osmotic potential and osmotic adjustment than the native T. plumosus. Also, leaf senescence occurred much earlier during the dry season in H. rufa. Both grasses showed a combination of water stress evasion and tolerance mechanisms such as stomatal sensitivity to atmospheric or soil water stress, decreased transpiring area and osmotic adjustment. Evasion mechanisms are more conspicuous in H. rufa whereas T. plumosus is more drought tolerant and uses water more conservatively. The evasion mechanisms and oportunistic use of water by H. rufa, characteristic of invading species, contribute to, but only partially explain, the success of this grass in the Neotropical savannas where it displaces native plants from sites with better water and nutrient status. Conversely, the higher water stress tolerance of t. plumosus is consistent with its capacity to resist invasion by alien grasses on shallow soils and sites with poorer nutrient and water status.  相似文献   

Drought response of a native and introduced Hawaiian grass   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The alien grass, Pennisetum setaceum, dominates many of the lowland arid regions that once supported native Heteropogon contortus grassland on the island of Hawaii. Response to drought in a glasshouse was compared between these C4 grasses to test if success as an invader is related to drought tolerance or plasticity for traits that confer drought tolerance. Pennisetum produced 51% more total biomass, allocated 49% more biomass to leaves, and had higher net photosynthetic rates (P n) on a leaf area basis than Heteropogon. Plants of both species under drought produced less total biomass and increased their allocation to roots compared to well-watered plants, but there was no difference between the two species in the magnitude of these responses. The decline in P n with decreasing leaf water potential (1) was greater for Pennisetum compared to Heteropogon. Plasticity in the response of P n to 1, osmotic potentials, and the water potentials at turgor loss in response to drought were not different between the two species. Stomata were more responsive to w in Heteropogon than in Pennisetum and for well-watered plants compared to droughted plants. Plasticity for the stomatal response to w, however, was not different between the species. There was no evidence that the alien, Pennisetum, had greater plasticity for traits related to drought tolerance compared to the native, Heteropogon. Higher P n and greater biomass allocation to leaves resulted in greater growth for Pennisetum compared to Heteropogon and may explain the success of Pennisetum as an invader of lowland arid zones on Hawaii.  相似文献   

Summary A mark-recapture study was carried out in sympatric populations of Lacerta agilis and Lacerta vivipara in the Netherlands from 1976 to 1982. In most years the age structure of both populations was pyramidal. For both species life expectation of females was higher and on average they did live longer. Hence the sex ratio for adults deviated significantly from 1.0 in favour of females. Maximum age for Lacerta vivipara was 8 years (female) and for Lacerta agilis 12 years (male). The density of both species fluctuated around 100/ha. The biomass of Lacerta agilis was twice that of Lacerta vivipara. In Lacerta vivipara the 3rd and 4th calendar year class supplied 78% of total net reproduction; in Lacerta agilis the 4th, 5th, and 6th calendar year classes supplied 68%. In both populations the population replacement rate was 2. Population turnover time was 4.83 years for Lacerta agilis and 2.81 for Lacerta vivipara. The life history strategy of the Lacerta vivipara population is compared with six other European Lacertavivipara populations.  相似文献   

Summary P concentrations at several soil profile depths and for various plant parts were monitored over most of one year in adjacent native semidesert shrub and cultivated crested wheatgrass ecosystems. When multiplied by appropriate soil bulk densities and phytomass values, it was possible to calculate P mineralomasses in these two ecotessera. Knowledge of new to old growth ratios allowed estimation of P turnover. Although there was greater P in the vegetation of the native stand, the tissues lived longer and decomposed less rapidly than those in the grass stand that has been established in a portion of the original shrub dominated semidesert. The grass stand showed higher net primary productivity and had a much higher fraction of phytomass that is consumable by livestock. There was thus, at least a five-fold greater turnover of P in the tilled and seeded system. The introduced grasses are also withdrewing more P from the soil reserves. Whether nutrient export from the systems could lead to long-term declines in productivity will require further monitoring and experimental effort.  相似文献   

Non-timber forest products (NTFP) represent culturally and economically important resources for millions of people worldwide. Although many NTFP are harvested from disturbed habitats and therefore subject to multiple pressures, few quantitative studies have addressed this issue. Similarly few NTFP studies have assessed seasonal variation in demographic rates even though this can confound harvest effects. In Hawaiȁ8i, the wild-gathered ferns, Microlepia strigosa and Sphenomeris chinensis, represent highly important cultural resources but declining populations have led to conservation concerns. Both ferns are harvested from disturbed, alien-dominated forests and contemporary Hawaiian gathering practices often consist of harvest and concurrent weeding of alien invasive species. We assessed the effects of concurrent frond-harvest and alien species weeding on frond structure, density, and rates of production by comparing experimentally harvested vs. control plots, and documented relationships between frond demographic patterns and precipitation. Gathering practices had no impact on frond density of either species or on most other demographic parameters over the short term. Exceptions included a significant decrease in the density of the longest S. chinensis fronds and a significant decrease in M. strigosa frond production when fronds were gathered without alien weeding. However, seasonal and annual changes in frond density and production occurred across all plots of both species and were significantly correlated with precipitation. The relatively low harvest effects for both species are likely due to several factors including short frond longevity and the strict criteria used by gatherers to select harvestable fronds. The potential for sustainable harvest in the context of alien-dominated forests is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary We examined demographic effects of familiarity and relatedness in the bank vole Clethrionomys glareolus (Schreber) in four 0.5-ha enclosures in Central Finland. In two enclosures were mature voles which had overwintered together and some of their mature off-spring (hereafter referred to as Friends), and in the other two individuals of the same species captured from different localities near the study area (Strangers). The experiment lasted from June to September. The populations of Friends reached densities twice as high as those of Strangers with a significantly higher rate of recruitment and survival of the young. This may have been due to mutual familiarity decreasing antagonism towards the juveniles. The conflicting results obtained from studies of Clethrionomys and Microtus are discussed. We believe that these genera represent behavioural adaptations to different habitats and ways of life. Most behavioural population regulation hypotheses are based on studies of Microtus. We conclude that these results should be applied with great caution to other rodent genera.  相似文献   

When populations of native predators are subsidized by numerically dominant introduced species, the structure of food webs can be greatly altered. Surprisingly little is known, however, about the general factors that influence whether or not native predators consume introduced species. To learn more about this issue, we examined how native pit-building ant lions (Myrmeleon) are affected by Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) invasions in coastal southern California. Compared to areas without L. humile, invaded areas contained few native ant species and were deficient in medium-sized and large bodied native ants. Based on these differences, we predicted that Argentine ants would negatively affect ant lion larvae. Contrary to this expectation, observational surveys and laboratory growth rate experiments revealed that Myrmeleon were heavier, had longer mandibles, and grew more quickly when their main ant prey were Argentine ants rather than native ants. Moreover, a field transplant experiment indicated that growth rates and pupal weights were not statistically different for larval ant lions reared in invaded areas compared to those reared in uninvaded areas. Argentine ants were also highly susceptible to capture by larval Myrmeleon. The species-level traits that presumably make Argentine ant workers susceptible to capture by larval ant lions—small size and high activity levels—appear to be the same characteristics that make them unsuitable prey for vertebrate predators, such as horned lizards. These results underscore the difficulties in predicting whether or not numerically dominant introduced species serve as prey for native predators.  相似文献   

Seed size is a widely accepted measure of seed quality, because many earlier studies have shown that large seeds have high seedling survival, growth and establishment. We tested whether ovule loss increases size of the remaining seeds and whether such size increase affects seedling establishment. We removed all except one flower from inflorescences of Primula veris L. (Primulaceae), a perennial hemicryptophyte herb, at a late stage of flowering. Flower removal (FR) increased seed size by 33% compared to the control plants. We then divided the seeds within each treatment to small, middle-sized and large seeds and carried out a sowing experiment in the field. Within each experimental group, seedling establishment was positively associated with seed size. However, despite size differences, seeds from the FR and control groups had the same seedling establishment probability. Seeds from FR plants had a higher seedling emergence in May than those from control plants, but the number of seedlings alive per sowing plot in the late summer was the same in both experimental groups. Increase in seed mass after partial FR thus did not enhance seedling performance, although seed size variation due to other causes was positively correlated with seedling establishment. Further studies are needed to show whether plastic changes of seed size are usually adaptive or not.  相似文献   

When invasive woody plants become dominant, they present an extreme challenge for restoration of native plant communities. Invasive Morella faya (fire tree) forms extensive, nearly monospecific stands in wet and mesic forests on the Island of Hawai’i. We used logging, girdling, and selective girdling over time (incremental girdling) to kill stands of M. faya at different rates, with the objective of identifying a method that best promotes native forest re-establishment. We hypothesized that rapid canopy opening by logging would lead to establishment of fast-growing, non-native invaders, but that slower death of M. faya by girdling or incremental girdling would increase the establishment by native plants adapted to partial shade conditions. After applying the M. faya treatments, seed banks, seed rain, and plant recruitment were monitored over 3 years. Different plant communities developed in response to the treatments. Increased light and nitrogen availability in the logged treatment were associated with invasion by non-native species. Native species, including the dominant native forest tree, (Metrosideros polymorpha) and tree fern (Cibotium glaucum), established most frequently in the girdle and incremental girdle treatments, but short-lived non-native species were more abundant than native species. A diverse native forest is unlikely to develop following any of the treatments due to seed limitation for many native species, but girdling and incremental girdling promoted natural establishment of major components of native Hawaiian forest. Girdling may be an effective general strategy for reestablishing native vegetation in areas dominated by woody plant invaders.  相似文献   

The ability of plant communities to recover after non-native species invasion will depend upon the nature of their soil seed bank and seed rain characteristics. This study assessed changes in the soil seed bank and seed rain associated with the invasion of the non-native shrub Cytisus scoparius in subalpine vegetation. Soil seed bank and seed rain composition, density and richness were investigated at three areas of different stages of invasion: (i) recent (8–10 years), (ii) mature (15–16 years) and (iii) long-term (25 years). There were few changes in seed bank composition or richness regardless of invasion stage. By contrast, the seed rain composition, richness and density was substantially different within long-invaded areas. Very few seeds were able to colonise the dense barrier characteristic of larger, more mature C. scoparius stands. Some prominent herbs from the native vegetation were under-represented or absent from the seed bank, both in invaded and uninvaded areas. Laboratory germination experiments demonstrated that most native species germinate easily, which may imply a transient seed bank, rather than a persistent one. The majority of herbaceous and shrub species were capable of resprouting vegetatively. Therefore, regeneration appeared more reliant on the bud and tuber bank than a persistent soil seed bank. The dominance of graminoid species and C. scoparius rather than other herbaceous, shrub or tree species suggests that the regenerating vegetation will be dominated by grass species and/or C. scoparius. Hence, in areas where long-invaded C.␣scoparius stands are present the recovery of native subalpine vegetation maybe difficult. Recovery may only be possible through wind dispersal from the surrounding intact vegetation or through actively reseeding the area. This study highlights the importance of early intervention in invasive species management.  相似文献   

A commercial colony of Bombus terrestris (L.) was introduced to Japan in 1992 for crop pollination in greenhouses. Since then wild colonies have developed and spread in some regions. In the present study, we measured the spatial distribution and temporal change in abundance of B. terrestris in the Chitose River Basin, Hokkaido, Japan to elucidate the relation of greenhouses to the bees distribution and to evaluate its potential effects on native bumblebees. Bumblebees were collected with window traps in windbreak forests roughly 1, 2, 4, and 6 km NNW and SSE of a large greenhouse. The peak catch of B. terrestris queens occurred in early June, suggesting that they had successfully hibernated in the field. The distributions of B. terrestris and the native B. ardens were mutually exclusive, while the native B. hypocrita appeared at all sites. Catches of B. terrestris were restricted to within 4 km of the nearest greenhouse, suggesting that the invasion was still in the initial phase in this area. The reduction in abundance of the native bumblebees in the sites of high B. terrestris abundance suggests the presence of interspecies competition between B. terrestris and the native bumblebees during the early part of the colony activity, although such reduction in B. ardens can be explained by habitat suitability.  相似文献   

The potential speed at which the range of an introduced species expands in its optimal environment can be predicted by using the gamma model proposed by Yamamura (Popul Ecol 46:87–101, 2004). In this paper we first clarify the difference between the gamma model and Einstein’s Brownian motion model. We then apply the model to the ragweed beetle, Ophraella communa LeSage that rapidly expanded its distribution in Japan after it was first found in 1996. The parameters of the model are estimated by conducting a field experiment. The species’ net reproductive rate is examined in the laboratory. By combining these estimates, we estimate the potential speed of range expansion to be 82 km per generation and 329 km per year, while the observed speed is estimated to be 77 km per year, the observed speed being considerably slower than the potential speed. This discrepancy may be due to the low reproductive rate caused by mortality in the actual field. The applicability of the gamma model to the econometric data is also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Demography parameters of the cereal rust mite Abacarus hystrix (Nalepa) on quack grass were studied to investigate its potential capacity of population increase in conditions of initially low density. The experiment was maintained under laboratory conditions at a constant temperature of 19.5-20.5 degrees C and 94 +/- 1% RH. Life-history data were used to calculate duration of developmental stages, survival of adults and rates of population increase. A new method of estimation of age-dependent fecundity is proposed. On average, eggs required 7.98 (n = 33, 95% CI: 7.68-8.21) days to develop into adults. Life expectancy of females was longer than that of males (9.72 and 5.41 days, respectively). The mean sex ratio, expressed as the proportion of females, was 0.80 (n = 122, CI: 0.71-0.86). The reproductive output for females was age-dependent and daily egg production reached a peak (3.83 eggs/day, CI: 2.50-5.15) on the 5th day, and then decreased steeply. The net reproductive rate (R0) was 10.12 female progeny per female per generation, the generation time (T) was 11.31 days, the intrinsic rate of increase (r) was 0.20 female progeny per female per day, and the finite rate of increase (lambda) was 1.23 female progeny per day. These estimates showed that A. hystrix has a great potential capacity for rapid population increase when colonising new hosts and its density is low. Therefore, we conclude that the population of the cereal rust mite on quack grass may rapidly build up to very high densities and can be a reservoir population, which may easily disperse and infest other, including cultivated, grasses.  相似文献   

The impact of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on plant ecosystems has been intensively reported. In this research, we explored the difference between native and introduced AMF in promoting the growth of dominant and subordinate plant species. In glasshouse experiments, dominants and subordinates from subtropical grasslands were colonized by native AMF or introduced AMF, Glomus versiforme. The biomass revealed that mycorrhizal dependencies (MD) on the native AMF of the dominants were much higher than those of the subordinates, while MD on the introduced AMF changed following the replacement of native AMF with introduced AMF. A close relationship between biomass promotion and increase in phosphorus uptake was observed, indicating the important role of AMF-enhanced nutrient acquisition by roots. Our results show that plant community structures are partly determined by MD on native AMF, and could be modified by introducing exogenous AMF species.  相似文献   

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