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昆虫分类学发展早期将竹节虫归于直翅目,现多数学者认其为1个独立的目.有关竹节虫目的化石记录大都来源于中生代.本文详细回顾和综述了世界中生代竹节虫目昆虫化石研究简史,列出已发表的化石种类名录、分布及年代,描述了中生代不同地质时期竹节虫目化石的分类单元以及分布特点,初步分析了目前该类群研究中所存在的一些问题,并对今后的研究工作进行了展望.  相似文献   

截至目前,中国古昆虫学者先后共发表48篇关于中国同翅目昆虫化石的分类文章.共记载34科、117属、148种,分布于20省.本文通过图表统计了中国已记载的同翅目化石名录、地理分布及地质年代.初步总结中国同翅目昆虫化石的组成特征,分析化石分布不均的原因,并且提出同翅目昆虫化石研究中存在的问题,展望其研究前景.  相似文献   

1923年A.W.Grabau通过对山东省莱阳盆地莱阳组早白垩世昆虫化石的研究,命名了我国第1种鞘翅目化石昆虫(Proteroscarabaeus yeni).此后,中国昆虫化石分类学者先后发表了40余篇关于我国中生代鞘翅目化石昆虫的分类论著,共描述鉴定了182种,涉及35科,137属.这些化石分布于12个省,其中三叠纪11个种,侏罗纪68个种,白垩纪103个种.本文通过图表列举出我国已发现的中生代鞘翅目化石昆虫名录以及它们的分布和年代,总结了国内中生代甲虫化石当前的研究状况,并初步分析了研究中存在的一些问题.另外本文还介绍了国外学者对于中国古昆虫学者所建立的4个新科提出的不同意见.  相似文献   

长翅目昆虫在地史纪录上可以追溯到早二叠纪,是全变态昆虫中最原始的种类之一.截至目前,29篇关于中国长翅目昆虫化石分类的论著发表,共描述我国长翅目昆虫化石11科28属51种,这些化石分布于从三叠纪到白垩纪的不同地层中.本文通过图表提供了我国已发现的长翅目化石名录并介绍了其分布和年代,回顾了我国长翅目昆虫化石的研究进展,指出了一些分类存在的问题,简要慨述了长翅目中一些科的起源与演化以及长翅目与其它全变态昆虫的关系.我国长翅目化石种类丰富,但在基础分类、系统演化方面还缺乏系统的研究,因而许多工作甚至最基础的分类工作亟待开展.  相似文献   

自林启彬先生1978年命名了我国第一个古生代昆虫至今, 中国学者共发表20余篇分类学论著, 描述鉴定我国古生代昆虫共61种, 归属于9目(总目)。这些标本分布于西北、 西南、 华东等9省区, 其中石炭纪47种, 二叠纪14种。本文统计了我国已发现的古生代化石昆虫属种名录以及它们的分布和地质年代, 总结了国内古生代化石昆虫当前的研究状况和发展趋势, 并分析了研究中存在的问题。其中关于化石昆虫普遍存在的脉序差异问题需给予足够的重视, 高级阶元的建立应更加慎重。研究表明我国古生代昆虫已经高度分异, 古翅类、 新翅类均已出现, 且代表着有翅昆虫辐射演化的重要阶段。  相似文献   

皮蠹科化石主要发现于新生代波罗的海和多米尼加琥珀,以及中生代和新生代欧洲、北美等地的湖相遗迹化石中,近期在白垩纪缅甸琥珀中发现了大量皮蠹科化石。本文回顾了世界皮蠹科昆虫化石研究进展,统计了已发表的化石属种,探讨了皮蠹科昆虫化石分布的地质年代及地层,简要介绍了皮蠹科昆虫的分类系统,并提出了目前皮蠹科化石研究中有待解决的问题。  相似文献   

济南地区直翅目昆虫群落多样性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
济南地区位于鲁中丘陵山区和黄河冲积平原交接地带 ,境内生境丰富多样。研究不同生境中直翅目昆虫群落的组成及多样性既有重要的理论意义又有现实的应用价值。近来对该地区直翅目昆虫的研究成果已有报道[2 ,3 ,6 ],但有关多样性的工作还少有研究。作者于 1 994年对本地区的直翅目昆虫做了较为全面的调查 ,应用生境型的概念[9,13],将直翅目昆虫分布的 1 3种生境划分为 5个生境型[2 ]。在此基础上本文着重研究了直翅目昆虫群落的多样性及环境等因素与群落多样性的关系。1 自然条件概况济南位于山东省中部 ,整个地势南高北低。南部为鲁中丘陵…  相似文献   

本文用聚类分析的方法对内蒙古锡林河流域的59种直翅目昆虫的分布规律及其16种生境进行了数值分析,并结合环境条件和实地调查分析了聚类结果。根据直翅目昆虫在不同生境中的分布特点,聚类图将16种生境划分为5个生境型和2个生境亚型;将59种直翅目昆虫划分为10个生境选择相似的生态种组。文中指出:植被类型和水分条件是影响该区直翅目昆虫分布的主要因素。植被组成和垂直结构的复杂程度是决定直翅目昆虫种类丰富度的重要因子。文中还指出了一些昆虫种的生态指示意义,并就草原开垦对昆虫区系的影响进行了讨论。  相似文献   

详细总结和回顾了世界鞘喙亚目化石研究简史,列出已发表的化石种类名录、分布及年代,不同地质年代发现的鞘喙亚目种类、数量、地理分布位置存在差异。简要介绍了鞘喙亚目分布特点,并提出鞘喙亚目昆虫化石研究中存在的问题,展望其研究前景。  相似文献   

魏文娟  任炳忠 《昆虫知识》2004,41(2):123-126
从研究材料、研究方法、染色体研究在昆虫分类上的应用 3个方面对我国昆虫尤其是直翅目昆虫的细胞分类学研究情况作了简要的概述 ,并着重论述了直翅目昆虫的核型及带型的研究现状 ,同时对我国直翅目昆虫分类学的发展前景进行了展望  相似文献   

1 全球气候变化研究新动向自 2 0世纪 80年代以来 ,全球气候变化研究至今仍方兴未艾。全球气温波动、大气中温室气体丰度变化、气候格局改变、气候带迁移和降水量增减 ,都影响到社会经济的发展和人类生活质量的提高。各国政府对全球气候变化的研究 ,如气候演变的过程、短期和长期气候变化的预测和自然灾害的防治都给予极大关注和财力支持[1] 。目前全球气候变化的研究正向两个方向发展。1.1 加大全球气候变化研究时间尺度 ,从研究当今气候发展到研究地质历史时期气候变化全球气候变化 ,如大气中CO2 浓度的变化、温度的升降和降水量的变…  相似文献   

There are many extant endemic plants in China, which were widely distributed in the North Hemisphere during Tertiary. The global cooling during the Tertiary caused a series of narrow distribution regions of the plants. Quaternary glaciation invaded most regions of North America and Eurasia where severe destruction was imposed onto vegetation. However, such destruction was lessened in China largely because of specific topographic and geographical and obviously, a number of other conditions accounted for an unusual refugee camp for the relics of plants in China, among which lots of endemic taxa exist. Recently, Chinese endemic species, such as Metaseqouia, Eucommia , have been employed to conduct multi-disciplinary comprehensive studies so as to analyze Tertiary climate changes quantitatively. Meanwhile, a rigorous method, i.e. climate analysis of endemic species (CAES) has come to maturation. This method is characteristic of some generality because it is supposed to be applicable to the endemic species in other regions of the world. CAES is involved in the following aspects: 1. Conduct multidisciplinary studies on living and fossil species of endemic plants and trace their evolutionary courses. 2. Compare fossil species with living one and clarify which is the nearest living relative (NLR) to fossil counterpart. 3. Fossils and their living counterparts (NLR) are supposed to have similar ecological requirements to meet their life cycles. 4. Investigate the geographic distribution of living and fossil plants within the same taxa and ascertain the dynamic changes of their distributions in geological age. 5. Analyze climate factors in the distribution of specific endemic taxa and obtain the data of climatic characters which are suitable for reconstruction of paleoclimate where fossil counterparts lived. 6. Further study the physio-ecology of living species and determinate paleoclimate where fossil counterparts lived. 7. Integrate analysis of the data from steps 4, 5 and 6, and quantitatively reconstruct the climate where fossil and living plants survive.  相似文献   

There are many extant endemic plants in China, which were widelydistributed in the North Hemisphere during Tertiary. The global cooling during the Tertiary caused a series of narrow distribution regions of the plants. Quaternary glaciation invaded most regions of North America and Eurasia where severe destruction was imposed onto vegetation. However, such destruction was lessened in China largely because of specific topographic and geographical and obviously, a number of other conditions accounted for an unusual refugee camp for the relics of plants in China, among which lots of endemic taxa exist. Recently, Chinese endemic species, such as Metaseqouia, Eucommia, have been employed to conduct multi-disciplinary comprehensive studies so as to analyze Tertiary climate changes quantitatively. Meanwhile, a rigorous method, i.e. climate analysis of endemic species (CAES) has come to maturation. This method is characteristic of some generality because it is supposed to be applicable to the endemic species in other regions of the world. CAES is involved in the following aspects: 1. Conduct multidisciplinary studies on living and fossil species of endemic plants and trace their evolutionary courses. 2. Compare fossil species with living one and clarify which is the nearest living relative (NLR) to fossil counterpart. 3. Fossils and their living counterparts (NLR) are supposed to have similar ecological requirements to meet their life cycles. 4. Investigate the geographic distribution of living and fossil plants within the same taxa and ascertain the dynamic changes of their distributions in geological age. 5. Analyze climate factors in the distribution of specific endemic taxa and obtain the data of climatic characters which are suitable for reconstruction of paleoclimate where fossil counterparts lived. 6. Further study the physio-ecology of living species and determinate paleoclimate where fossil counterparts lived. 7. Integrate analysis of the data from steps 4, 5 and 6, and quantitatively reconstruct the climate where fossil and living plants survive.  相似文献   

The order Osmundales is a unique fern taxon with extensive fossil records in geological past. Diverse osmundalean fossils have been reported from China, ranging in age from the Late Palaeozoic to the Cenozoic. Most of them are based on leaf impressions/compressions, but permineralized rhizomes are also well documented. In this study, we provide a systematic overview on fossil osmundalean ferns in China with special references on diversity variations, distribution patterns, and evolutionary implications. Fossil evidence indicates that this fern lineage first appeared in the Late Palaeozoic in China. The Late Triassic to Middle Jurassic interval was the radiation stage. From the Late Jurassic onward, fossil diversity declined rapidly. Cenozoic osmundalean taxa are represented by the relict species of Osmunda. Geographically, osmundalean fossils are found from both the Northern and Southern phytoprovinces of China, though variations are documented for geographical ranges. The Chinese fossil records cover almost all important stages for the macroevolution of the Osmundales, and contribute to further understanding of evolutionary processes of this peculiar fern lineage.  相似文献   

中国蜚蠊目昆虫化石研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
蜚蠊目昆虫最早出现于中石炭世维斯发早期,是历史渊源最长的昆虫之一.Grabau在20世纪初首次开始对我国蜚蠊目昆虫化石进行研究.到目前为止,中国古昆虫学者先后共发表36篇关于我国蜚蠊目昆虫化石的分类著作,描述鉴定了10科51属169种蜚蠊化石.本文通过列表统计中国已发表定名的蜚蠊化石,分析并探讨了中国蜚蠊化石的特征、存在的问题、研究现状及前景.  相似文献   

化石植物中文名的现状、问题与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
化石植物的中文名, 即化石植物学名的中文译名, 在古植物学、植物演化生物学专业领域和科学普及等方面起着重要的作用。然而, 长期以来对化石植物中文名重视程度不够且拟订时缺乏统一的标准, 导致各种文本中化石植物的中文名比较混乱, 不利于古植物学知识的传播及科学普及。本文通过统计中文古植物学综合性文献和教材中的化石植物中文名, 梳理出化石植物中文名拟订方面出现的一些包括同物异中文名、中文名重名、音译拗口和存在生僻字的使用等常见问题。针对这些问题, 本文提出应尽快制定出一套规范统一的化石植物中文名拟定方案, 编写和出版化石植物拉汉词典及相应网络查询系统等, 从而统一和规范化石植物的中文名, 同时也可为化石动物中文名的拟订方案提供相关参考。  相似文献   

浙江普陀山岛晚更新世的两种木化石   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道普陀山岛飞沙岙晚更新世湖泊相沉积地层中发现的槐树属Sophora japonica和枫杨属Pterocarya stenopteta化石。在其邻近层位还发现Euryale ferox;Nelumbo nucifera;Scleria oryzoides;Patamogeton distinctus;Eleochatris plantagineifomis和昆虫化石Chysomelideae,。  相似文献   

Acoustic emissions of animals serve communicative purposes and most often contain species-specific and individual information exploitable to listeners, rendering bioacoustics a valuable tool for biodiversity monitoring. Recording bioacoustic signals allows reproducible species identification. There is a great need for increased use and further development of automated animal sound recording and identification to improve monitoring efficiency and accuracy for the benefit of conservation. Greece, with its high number of endemic species, represents a hotspot for European Biodiversity, including Orthopteran insects. Songs of many Orthoptera might be employed for the inventorying and monitoring of individual species and communities. We assessed the regional spatio-temporal composition of Orthoptera species at the Hymettos near Athens, which is a Natura 2000 site under constant threat due to the surrounding megacity. Within the framework of the EU Life Plus funded AmiBio project, we documented the Orthopteran species’ habitat characteristics, their co-occurrence and phenology. We found, in total, 20 species with seven to ten Orthoptera at locations characterised by diverse vegetation patterns of perennial herbs and bushes. For the purposes of implementation of an automated remote monitoring scheme, we identified sampling sites with high Orthopteran diversity, allowing the monitoring of all singing Orthoptera within single localities. By analysing sound depositories and adding recordings from new sample individuals, we established a song library as prerequisites for future automatic song detection. Based on our results, acoustic recording units have been placed at remote sites at the Hymettos. We discuss recommendations for further studies to fully employ the potential of automated acoustic monitoring of Orthoptera. A reliable assessment of singing Orthoptera needs recording units covering ultrasound. Due to high attenuation and absorbance by the vegetation, particularly of the high frequencies characterising Orthopteran songs, positioning of microphones at sites is critical: the microphone sensor network has to be an order of magnitude denser than for monitoring birds.  相似文献   

The subfamily Rosoideae Focke (Rosaceae) has a good fossil record in the Northern Hemisphere, but these fossil records are confined mainly to a few genera, whereas the majority, in particular those with herbaceous members, are still under‐represented. In this study, we describe new fruit fossils of Rosoideae, including Fragaria achenes and Rubus endocarps, from the late Pliocene of northwestern Yunnan, Southwest China. These fossils add new accounts to the fossil archive of Rosoideae and provide the first fossil record of Fragaria in East Asia. The new fossil findings provide a historical backdrop for the modern diversity and distribution of the subfamily in northwestern Yunnan, a topographically complex area accommodating a high diversity for many plant groups. Our Rubus fossils, in combination with other nearby coeval occurrences of the genus, suggest that Rubus was already establishing its modern diversity in northwestern Yunnan during the late Pliocene. This finding enriches our knowledge of the post‐Neogene diversification of flowering plants in northwestern Yunnan, which is thought to be largely driven by dramatic mountain uplifts and environmental complications associated with the southeastern extension of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

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