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HnRNP proteins have been implicated in most stages of cellular mRNA metabolism, including processing, nucleocytoplasmic transport, stability, and localization. Several hnRNP proteins are also known to participate in key early developmental decisions. In order to facilitate functional studies of these pre-mRNA- and mRNA-binding proteins in a vertebrate organism amenable to developmental studies and experimental manipulation, we identified and purified the major hnRNP proteins and isolated the hnRNP complex from Xenopus laevis oocytes and somatic cells. Using affinity chromatography and immunological methods, we isolated a family of >15 abundant single-stranded nucleic acid-binding proteins, which range in apparent molecular weight from approximately 20 kDa to >150 kDa, and with isoelectric points from <5 to >8. Monoclonal antibodies revealed that a subset of these proteins are major hnRNP proteins in both oocytes and somatic cells in culture, and include proteins related to human hnRNP A2/B1/B2 and hnRNP K. UV crosslinking in living cells demonstrated that these proteins bind poly(A)+ RNA in vivo. Immunopurification using a monoclonal antibodyto X. aevishnRNPA2 resulted in the isolation of RNP complexes that contain a specific subset of single-stranded nucleic acid-binding proteins. The protein composition of complexes isolated from somatic cells and from oocyte germinal vesicles was similar, suggesting that the overall properties and functions of hnRNP proteins in these two cell types are comparable. These findings, together with the novel probes generated here, will also facilitate studies of the function of vertebrate RNA-binding proteins using the well characterized X. laevis oocyte and early embryo as experimental systems.  相似文献   

Messenger RNA injected Xenopus oocytes exhibit a differential capacity for translation. mRNAs translated in the free cytoplasm are translated efficiently whereas mRNAs translated on the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) membrane are translated inefficiently. If mRNA injected oocytes are injected additionally with proteins isolated from the RER, enhanced translation of RER-bound mRNAs is observed. When examined by sucrose gradient centrifugation and RNA dot blots, most of the injected RER-bound mRNA sediments less than or equal to the 80 S monosome. The RER proteins recruit these preinitiated mRNAs onto polysomes as evidenced by a shift in sedimentation to the polysome region of a sucrose gradient. When examined by immunoblotting, the RER proteins are shown to contain a protein which reacts specifically with an antibody directed against docking protein (SRP-receptor protein). However, this putative docking protein does not appear to be the protein which actually recruits the preinitiated mRNAs onto polysomes.  相似文献   

T Pieler  V A Erdmann 《FEBS letters》1983,157(2):283-287
Mature oocytes of Xenopus laevis contain a 7 S RNP particle consisting of two components, ribosomal 5 S RNA and a protein of Mr approximately 45000. The structure of the free 5 S rRNA and the 7 S RNP complex has been studied by diethylpyrocarbonate modification of adenines. A74, A77, A90, A100, A101 and A103 of the 5 S rRNA are protected upon association of the protein.  相似文献   

Xenopus laevis oocytes have been used to determine the intracellular localization of components of Ro ribonucleoprotein particles (Ro RNPs) and to study the assembly of these RNA-protein complexes. Microinjection of the protein components of human Ro RNPs, i.e., La, Ro60, and Ro52, in X. laevis oocytes showed that all three proteins are able to enter the nucleus, albeit with different efficiencies. In contrast, the RNA components of human Ro RNPs (the Y RNAs) accumulate in the X. laevis cytoplasm upon injection. Localization studies performed at low temperatures indicated that both nuclear import of Ro RNP proteins and nuclear export of Y RNAs are mediated by active transport mechanisms. Immunoprecipitation experiments using monospecific anti-La and anti-Ro60 antibodies showed that the X. laevis La and Ro60 homologues were cross-reactive with the respective antibodies and that both X. laevis proteins were able to interact with human Y1 RNA. Further analyses indicated that: (a) association of X. laevis La and Ro60 with Y RNAs most likely takes place in the nucleus; (b) once formed, Ro RNPs are rapidly exported out of the nucleus; and (c) the association with La is lost during or shortly after nuclear export.  相似文献   

Telomerase is an enzyme that is essential for the replication and maintenance of chromosomal termini. It is a ribonucleoprotein consisting of a catalytic subunit, one or more associated proteins, and an integral RNA subunit that serves as a template for the synthesisof telomeric repeats. We identified a Tetrahymena telomerase RNA-protein complex by an electrophoretic mobility shift assay, using telomerase partially purified from whole cell extracts and radiolabeled, in vitro transcribed wild-type Tetrahymena telomerase RNA. Complex formation was specific as unlabeled Tetra-hymena telomerase RNA, but not Escherichia coli ribo-somal RNAs, competitively inhibited complex formation. Binding required concentrations of MgCl2of at least 10 mM and occurred over a wide range of potassium glutamate concentrations (20-220 mM). The RNA-protein complex was optimally reconstituted with a 30 degrees C preincubation for 相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)-protein complexes (nucleoids) from Xenopus laevis oocytes were purified either on rate-zonal sucrose or isopyknic metrizamide gradients. From electron microscopic studies and staphylococcal nuclease digestion experiments mtDNA appears to be packaged into regular beaded structures. Protein electrophoretic analysis and M banding results show that mtDNA is associated with the membrane structures and also with few specific proteins including one acid-soluble polypeptide of 28 kD.  相似文献   

The protein synthesis initiation factor 2 (eIF2) from Xenopus laevis oocytes has been extensively purified and characterized. Depending upon the purification scheme, eIF2 containing three subunits (alpha, beta and gamma) with Mr of 160,000, or two subunits (alpha and gamma) with Mr 90,000 can be obtained. The key step for obtaining the three subunit factor is the addition of 30 mM benzamidine to the initial homogenization, since this compound protects the highly sensitive beta subunit from proteolytic degradation. Subunit alpha of the oocyte eIF2 can be phosphorylated by the specific kinase from rabbit reticulocytes, whereas subunit beta is phosphorylated by oocyte casein kinase II. The oocyte eIF2 has a KD of 7.2 X 10(-8) M for GDP and 3.8 X 10(-6) M for GTP. The purified three subunit eIF2 has 0.4 mol of GDP bound/mol of factor. The crude preparations of eIF2 are not affected by Mg2+ in their exchange of guanine nucleotides or in the formation of ternary complexes with GTP and methionyl-tRNA, but these reactions are strongly inhibited by Mg2+ when the highly purified preparations are used.  相似文献   

ClC chloride channels are important in diverse physiological functions such as transepithelial transport, cell volume regulation, excitability, and acidification of intracellular organelles. We have investigated the expression of CLC-7 in oocytes from Xenopus laevis with the two electrode voltage clamp technique and Western blot analysis. Using a specific antibody against CLC-7, we found an approximately 80 kDa protein in oocytes, previously injected with CLC-7-cRNA. In voltage clamp experiments on ClC-7-cRNA-injected oocytes, no current changes were detected at normal pH (7.4). However, acidification of the Ringer solution to pH values between 6 and 4 revealed strong currents which reversed at about -15 mV (30 mV positive to the normal resting potential) and showed strong outward rectification. We therefore suggest that ClC-7 in oocytes is a functional chloride current at acidic pH. Since ClC-7 is also found in neuronal tissues and was upregulated in a rat pain model, we suggest a role of CLC-7 also for nociception and pain.  相似文献   

As the oocytes of Xenopus laevis grow and develop they accumulate vast stores of mRNA for use during early embryogenesis. The stored mRNA is stabilized and may be prevented from being translated in oocytes by the binding of a defined set of oocyte-specific proteins to form messenger RNP (mRNP) particles. A key event in the interaction of protein with mRNA is the phosphorylation of those few polypeptides that bind directly to all classes of polyadenylated mRNA. In this study we show that the phosphorylating enzyme (protein kinase), in addition to its target phosphoproteins, is an integral component of the mRNP particles. This association extends through various stages in the formation and use of the mRNP particles. Examination of material from oocytes of an early developmental stage (early stage 1), when the level of accumulated mRNA is low, reveals an excess of protein particles free of RNA, sedimenting at 6-18 S, and containing protein kinase activity and mRNA-binding phosphoproteins. At stages of maximum rate of mRNA accumulation (stages 1 and 2), the phosphoproteins and kinase are found primarily in individual mRNP particles that sediment at 40-80 S. As ribosomes become abundant (stages 2 and 3), the mRNP particles tend to interact with ribosomal subunits, at least in vitro, to form blocked translation initiation complexes that sediment at 80-110 S. These results are compared with observation on stored mRNP in other developmental systems.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic nucleolus contains a large number of small RNA molecules that, in the form of small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein complexes (snoRNPs), are involved in the processing and modification of pre-rRNA. One of the snoRNPs that has been shown to possess enzymatic activity is the RNase MRP. RNase MRP is an endoribonuclease involved in the formation of the 5' end of 5.8S rRNA. In this study the association of the hPop1 protein with the RNase MRP complex was investigated. The hPop1 protein seems not to be directly bound to the RNA component, but requires nt 1-86 and 116-176 of the MRP RNA to associate with the RNase MRP complex via protein-protein interactions. UV crosslinking followed by ribonuclease treatment and immunoprecipitation with anti-Th/To antibodies revealed three human proteins of about 20, 25, and 40 kDa that can associate with the RNase MRP complex. The 20- and 25-kDa proteins appear to bind to stem-loop I of the MRP RNA whereas the 40-kDa protein requires the central part of the MRP RNA (nt 86-176) for association with the RNase MRP complex. In addition, we show that the human RNase P proteins Rpp30 and Rpp38 are also associated with the RNase MRP complex. Expression of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus- (VSV) tagged versions of these proteins in HeLa cells followed by anti-VSV immunoprecipitation resulted in coprecipitation of both RNase P and RNase MRP complexes. Furthermore, UV crosslinking followed by anti-Th/To and anti-Rpp38 immunoprecipitation revealed that the 40-kDa protein we detected in UV crosslinking is probably identical to Rpp38.  相似文献   

Export of proteins from oocytes of Xenopus laevis.   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
A Colman  J Morser 《Cell》1979,17(3):517-526
When human lymphoblastoid mRNA was microinjected into X. laevis oocytes, titers of interferon rapidly reached a maximum inside the oocyte while accumulation of interferon continued in the incubation medium for at least 45 hr. If interferon protein was injected into oocytes it was rapidly inactivated. Significantly, newly synthesized interferon but not injected interferon was found to be membrane-associated. Further experiments involving the co-injection of mRNAs coding for secretory proteins (guinea pig milk proteins and human interferon) and nonsecretory proteins (rabbit globin) revealed that only the secretory proteins were exported from the oocyte. Moreover, different proteins were exported at different rates. A distinct subclass of newly synthesized oocyte proteins of unknown function also accumulated in the incubation medium. Since the information encoded in the messenger RNAs of secretory proteins is sufficient to specify synthesis, compartmentation and secretion of these proteins, the oocyte may provide a complete system for the analysis of the secretory process.  相似文献   

Studies of the conformational properties of the yeast 5 S RNA-protein complex were initiated in an attempt to understand loss of ability of its individual protein and RNA components to reassociate. The 5 S RNA-L1a protein complex from 60 S ribosomal subunits of Saccharomyces cerevisiae could be dissociated by high concentrations of magnesium. The degree of dissociation could be monitored by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The complex was completely dissociated at about 390 mM magnesium, but was stable at 4 degrees C in 25 mM EDTA up to 48 h. The overall conformation of the complex was monitored using tritium exchange. The tritium exchange behavior was dramatically changed as the complex was dissociated. To determine contribution of each component to the observed overall change reflected in the tritium exchange behavior, ethidium bromide (EtBr) and bis-anilinonaphthalene-sulfonic acid fluorescence were used to monitor the RNA and the protein moiety, respectively. Upon dissociation of the complex, the fluorescence intensity resulting from EtBr binding to RNA decreased, whereas the intensity due to bis-anilinonaphthalene-sulfonic acid binding to the protein increased. Turbidity was observed during dissociation of the complex. These results indicate that disruption of interactions between the 5 S RNA and protein L1a resulted in an exposure of solvent-accessible apolar regions in the protein molecule. Such exposure led to insolubility of protein and irreversibility in interaction between individual components. Properties of the separated components also suggest that special conditions may be required for these components to associate during ribosomal assembly.  相似文献   

M le Maire  H Denis 《Biochimie》1987,69(5):485-493
When incubated with ATP and a labeled amino acid, the 42S particles from early oocytes of Xenopus laevis and Tinca tinca incorporate radioactivity into tRNA and into a high molecular mass material which can be identified as protein. This incorporation is totally independent of ribosomes of cytosolic, mitochondrial or bacterial origin. The incorporated amino acids are linked to a broad spectrum of proteins by covalent bonds. Simple treatments such as incubation in buffer or addition of synthetic polyribonucleotides can inhibit the protein-labeling activity of the particles without affecting their tRNA aminoacylation activity. The former activity corresponds either to an amino acid polymerization reaction or to a protein-modifying reaction of a novel type. No involvement of mRNA in this process has been demonstrated. The alleged amino acid polymerization activity of the 42S particles could be a consequence of the conditions provided to aminoacyl tRNA by the tRNA-binding sites of the particles. These conditions are likely to allow the peptidyl transfer reaction to take place, although at a much lower rate than in the ribosome.  相似文献   

It is known that the 40s ribosomal protein S6 undergoes a dramatic increase in its level of phosphorylation during Xenopus oocyte meiotic maturation in response to progesterone stimulation. During prophase arrest, the majority of S6 has 0 moles phosphate per mole protein; this increases to 4-5 moles phosphate per mole protein by the time of germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD). Our in vitro and in vivo studies indicate that the accumulation of phosphate on S6 is the net result of a 4-5-fold increase in S6 kinase activity and a 30-50% decrease in the rate of dephosphorylation and/or turnover of phosphate groups on S6 in maturing oocytes. In addition, the level of phosphorylation of S6 on 80s monosomes injected into non-hormone-stimulated oocytes was unexpectedly high. This indicates that the S6 kinase/phosphatase ratio in prophase arrested oocytes is higher than anticipated from previous studies. This observation implies that the majority of the oocyte ribosomes may be sequestered from any S6 kinase during meiotic prophase. Furthermore, these observations suggest that a portion of the increased accumulation of phosphate on S6 may be the result of increased accessibility of the ribosomes to S6 kinase during oocyte meiotic maturation.  相似文献   

Polyadenylic acid-containing RNA in Xenopus laevis oocytes   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
The quantity of poly(A)-containing RNA is measured in Xenopus laevis oocytes as a function of developmental stage. The amount of poly(A)-containing RNA per oocyte, 0.7 to 1.0% of the total RNA, remains relatively constant from early vitellogenesis until ovulation. It is largely present in the cytoplasm of the oocyte in the form of a ribonucleoprotein complex. The poly(A) sequence is approximately 100 bases in length and is attached to molecules of heterogeneous sedimentation coefficients.  相似文献   

The 4 and 5 S RNA containing 42 S ribonucleoprotein (RNP) particles characteristic of previtellogenic and white oocytes cannot be detected in full-grown oocytes. When full-grown oocyte RNPs are separated on sucrose gradients 4 and 5 S RNA cannot be detected in the 42 S region. However, not all of the 5 S RNA stored during early oogenesis is incorporated into ribosomes at later stages. A substantial pool (20% of the total) of 5 S RNA remains in a non-ribosome-bound fraction sedimenting at about 7 S in full-grown oocytes.  相似文献   

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