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RNA editing in flowering plant mitochondria addresses several hundred specific C nucleotides in individual sequence contexts in mRNAs and tRNAs. Many of the in vivo steady state RNAs are edited at some sites but not at others. It is still unclear whether such incompletely edited RNAs can either be completed or are aborted. To learn more about the dynamics of the substrate recognition process, we investigated in vitro RNA editing at a locus in the atp4 mRNA where three editing sites are clustered within four nucleotides. A single cis-element of about 20 nucleotides serves in the recognition of at least two sites. Competition with this sequence element suppresses in vitro editing. Surprisingly, unedited and edited competitors are equally effective. Experiments with partially pre-edited substrates indicate that indeed the editing status of a substrate RNA does not affect the binding affinity of the specificity factor(s). RNA molecules in which all editing sites are substituted by either A or G still compete, confirming that editing site recognition can occur independently of the actual editing site. These results show that incompletely edited mRNAs can be substrates for further rounds of RNA editing, resolving a long debated question.  相似文献   

All mitochondrial tRNAs in kinetoplastid protozoa are encoded in the nucleus and imported from the cytosol. Incubation of two in vitro-transcribed tRNAs, tRNA(Ile)(UAU) and tRNA(Gln)(CUG), with isolated mitochondria from Leishmania tarentolae, in the absence of any added cytosolic fraction, resulted in a protease-sensitive, ATP-dependent importation, as measured by nuclease protection. Evidence that nuclease protection represents importation was obtained by the finding that Bacillus subtilis pre-tRNA(Asp) was protected from nuclease digestion and was also cleaved by an intramitochondrial RNase P-like activity to produce the mature tRNA. The presence of a membrane potential is not required for in vitro importation. A variety of small synthetic RNAs were also found to be efficiently imported in vitro. The data suggest that there is a structural requirement for importation of RNAs greater than approximately 17 nt, and that smaller RNAs are apparently nonspecifically imported. The signals for importation of folded RNAs have not been determined, but the specificity of the process was illustrated by the higher saturation level of importation of the mainly mitochondria-localized tRNA(Ile) as compared to the level of importation of the mainly cytosol-localized tRNA(Gln). Furthermore, exchanging the D-arm between the tRNA(Ile) and the tRNA(Gln) resulted in a reversal of the in vitro importation behavior and this could also be interpreted in terms of tertiary structure specificity.  相似文献   

A multiprotein, high molecular weight complex active in both U-insertion and U-deletion as judged by a pre-cleaved RNA editing assay was isolated from mitochondrial extracts of Leishmania tarentolae by the tandem affinity purification (TAP) procedure, using three different TAP-tagged proteins of the complex. This editing- or E-complex consists of at least three protein-containing components interacting via RNA: the RNA ligase-containing L-complex, a 3' TUTase (terminal uridylyltransferase) and two RNA-binding proteins, Ltp26 and Ltp28. Thirteen approximately stoichiometric components were identified by mass spectrometric analysis of the core L-complex: two RNA ligases; homologs of the four Trypanosoma brucei editing proteins; and seven novel polypeptides, among which were two with RNase III, one with an AP endo/exonuclease and one with nucleotidyltransferase motifs. Three proteins have no similarities beyond kinetoplastids.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanism of RNA editing in trypanosomatid mitochondria is an unsolved problem. We show that two classes of ribonucleoprotein complexes exist in a mitochondrial extract from Leishmania tarentolae and appear to be involved in RNA editing. The 'G' class of RNP complexes consists of 170-300 A particles which contain guide RNAs and proteins, show little terminal uridylyl transferase (TUTase) activity and exhibit an in vitro RNA editing-like activity. The 'T' class consists of approximately six RNP complexes, the endogenous RNA of which can be self-labeled with [alpha-32P]UTP. The most abundant T complex, T-IV, is visualized by electron microscopy as 80-140 A particles. This complex exhibits TUTase activity in the native gel and contains guide RNAs. Both G and T complexes are possibly involved with RNA editing in vivo. These results are a starting point for the analysis of the biochemistry of RNA editing.  相似文献   

A stable 100-kD complex from mitochondria of Leishmania tarentolae containing two RNA-binding proteins, Ltp26 and Ltp28, was identified by cross-linking to unpaired 4-thiouridine nucleotides in a partially duplex RNA substrate. The genes were cloned and expressed and the complex was reconstituted from recombinant proteins in the absence of RNA or additional factors. The Ltp26 and Ltp28 proteins are homologs of gBP27 and gBP29 from Crithidia fasciculata and gBP25 and gBP21 from Trypanosoma brucei, respectively. The purified Ltp26/Ltp28 complex, the individual recombinant proteins, and the reconstituted complex are each capable of catalyzing the annealing of complementary RNAs, as was previously shown for gBP21 from T. brucei. A high-molecular-weight RNP complex consisting of the Ltp26/Ltp28 complex and several 55-60-kD proteins together with guide RNA could be purified from mitochondrial extract of L. tarentolae transfected with Ltp28-TAP. This complex also interacted in a less stable manner with the RNA ligase-containing L-complex and with the 3' TUTase. The Ltp26/Ltp28 RNP complex is a candidate for catalyzing the annealing of guide RNA and pre-edited mRNA in the initial step of RNA editing.  相似文献   

The coding sequence within several mitochondrial mRNAs of the trypanosomatid protozoa is created through editing by the precise insertion and deletion of U nucleotides. The biochemical characterisation of the editing reaction in the Leishmania genus of the trypanosomatids has been hindered by the lack of a direct in vitro assay. We describe here the first direct assay for the detection of guide RNA-directed editing mediated by a mitochondrial extract prepared from two independent isolates of Leishmania tarentolae. The assay enabled the editing activity within a L. tarentolae mitochondrial extract to be significantly enriched and will facilitate the characterisation of the editing reaction. The results suggest that the difficulty in establishing an assay for the L. tarentolae reaction was not simply a result of the catalytic machinery being limiting but rather reflected the presence of constraints on both the guide RNA and mRNA sequences.  相似文献   

A rapid and simple method which allowed for a parallel isolation of cytochrome c reductase (cytochrome bc(1) ) and cytochrome c oxidase from kinetoplast-mitochondria of Leishmania tarentolae was developed. The method involved the lysis of kinetoplasts with dodecyl maltoside in the presence of 260 mM NaCl, followed by purification of bc(1) complexes on DEAE-sepharose CL-6B. The oxidase which was found in the flow-through fractions of the first chromatographic step was diluted and then repurified on a similar DEAE-sepharose column. The investigated properties of the isolated cytochrome c oxidase and reductase, such as their absolute and difference spectrum absorption maxima, heme content, specific activity, and subunit composition, confirm the usefulness of this method for obtaining highly active preparations of the enzymes.  相似文献   

N R Sturm  D A Maslov  B Blum  L Simpson 《Cell》1992,70(3):469-476
We have analyzed the generation of unexpected patterns of RNA editing, i.e., those not following a strict 3' to 5' progression, which occur in junction regions between fully edited and preedited sequences. Evidence is presented that these patterns are generated by misediting due to specific events of misguiding. Misediting can occur through the interaction of inappropriate gRNAs with mRNAs or appropriate gRNAs in an incorrect fashion. Four possible mechanisms for the generation of misedited sequences are presented. Chimeric molecules have been detected in steady-state mitochondrial RNAs that are composed of misguiding gRNAs covalently linked to mRNAs at misediting sites by the 3' oligo(U) tail. We propose that misediting within junction regions can be corrected by appropriately acting gRNAs.  相似文献   

N R Sturm  L Simpson 《Cell》1990,61(5):879-884
Guide RNAs (gRNAs) for the editing of sites 1-8 of COIII mRNA and an "unexpected" partially edited COIII mRNA are encoded in the variable regions of specific kinetoplast DNA minicircles. The gRNAs can form 37 and 44 nucleotide perfect hybrids (allowing for G-U base pairs) with edited mRNAs. The gRNAs were detected on Northern blots and shown to have unique 5' ends situated close to the beginning of the potential base pairing with the edited mRNAs. We suggest that kinetoplast DNA minicircle molecules in general may encode gRNAs for editing of cryptogene mRNAs by a mechanism similar to that previously proposed for editing by maxicircle-encoded gRNAs.  相似文献   

Trypanosomes use RNA editing to produce most functional mitochondrial messenger RNA. Precise insertion and deletion of hundreds of uridines is necessary to make full-length cytochrome c oxidase III (COXIII) mRNA. We show that COXIII mRNA can be alternatively edited by a mechanism using an alternative guide RNA to make a stable mRNA. This alternatively edited mRNA is translated to produce a unique protein that fractionates with mitochondrial membranes and colocalizes with mitochondrial proteins in situ. Alternative RNA editing represents a previously unknown mechanism generating protein diversity and, as such, represents an important function for RNA editing.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c oxidase (EC is an enzyme which is composed of subunits derived from both the mitochondrial and the nuclear genomes. To determine whether or not the expression of these two genomes is co-ordinated at the mRNA level, we have examined the steady-state levels of mRNAs coding for cytochrome c oxidase subunit III (mitochondrially encoded) and subunit VIc (nuclear-encoded) in rat tissues. This was compared with the tissue concentration of the holoenzyme, which was estimated by measuring cytochrome c oxidase enzyme activity. The tissues (heart, brain, liver, kidney, soleus muscle and superficial white vastus muscle) possessed a 13-fold range of enzyme activity, which was highest in heart and lowest in the superficial vastus muscle. Specific subunit mRNA levels were quantified by using slot-blot hybridization of cDNA probes to total tissue RNA. The highest values for subunit III and Vlc mRNA tissue contents were found in kidney, followed by liver and heart (40-60% of that of kidney). The white vastus muscle contained the lowest subunit mRNA level (15% of that of kidney). Although some variability was apparent within each tissue, a parallel pattern of mRNA expression of the nuclear- and mitochondrially encoded subunits was observed. Differences between muscle (heart, vastus and soleus) and non-muscle tissues were noted in the relationship between mRNA and protein levels of expression. Thus, although this suggests that tissue-specific regulatory processes operate, the steady-state expression of subunit III and subunit Vlc mRNAs appears to be co-ordinately regulated.  相似文献   

A soluble red band fraction was obtained from Leishmania tarentolae cells by sucrose gradient sedimentation of a Triton X-100 lysate. Spectral analysis indicated that cytochrome b was present in the red band: the reduced minus oxidized difference spectra revealed absorption maxima at 562,527, and 431 nm at room temperature and 562, 530, and 422 nm at 77K. In addition, a 28-kDa protein was identified in this fraction which retained heme-associated peroxidase activity even after denaturation on SDS-polyacrylamide gels. The amino acid composition of this protein showed a strong similarity to cytochrome c1 of both bovine and yeast.  相似文献   

Incubation of soluble complex III isolated from either yeast or beef heart mitochondria with 25-100 nmol of [14C]dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD)/nmol of cytochrome b followed by centrifugation through 10% sucrose or precipitation with trichloroacetic acid did not result in any changes in the appearance of the subunits of either complex. The [14C]DCCD was bound to cytochrome b and phospholipids in the yeast complex and with similar kinetics to both cytochrome b and subunit VIII (Mr = 4000-8000) plus phospholipids of the beef complex. Subunit VIII of the beef complex was partially extracted with chloroform:methanol; however, no subunit of this mobility was present in the yeast complex. Incubation of the beef complex in phosphate buffer for short times resulted in a doubling of the [14C]DCCD bound to cytochrome b relative to that to subunit VIII. Preincubation of both complexes with venturicidin prior to treatment with DCCD resulted in a 50% decrease in the binding of [14C]DCCD to cytochrome b. Reisolation of the beef complex III by precipitation with (NH4)2SO4 after incubation with [14C]DCCD resulted in the formation of a new band with an apparent molecular weight of 39,000 even in the zero time control. The [14C]DCCD was bound to subunit VIII and the core proteins but not to cytochrome b at all times, suggesting that precipitation with (NH)2SO4 in the presence of DCCD causes cross-linking of the subunits of complex III.  相似文献   

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