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The present study was undertaken to test for the hypothesis that the rate of development in the capacity for photosynthetic electron transport per unit area (Jmax;A), and maximum carboxylase activity of Rubisco (Vcmax;A) is proportional to average integrated daily quantum flux density (Qint) in a mixed deciduous forest dominated by the shade‐intolerant species Populus tremula L., and the shade‐tolerant species Tilia cordata Mill. We distinguished between the age‐dependent changes in net assimilation rates due to modifications in leaf dry mass per unit area (MA), foliar nitrogen content per unit dry mass (NM), and fractional partitioning of foliar nitrogen in the proteins of photosynthetic electron transport (FB), Rubisco (FR) and in light‐harvesting chlorophyll‐protein complexes (Vcmax;AMANMFR; Jmax;AMANMFB). In both species, increases in Jmax;A and Vcmax;A during leaf development were primarily determined by nitrogen allocation to growing leaves, increases in leaf nitrogen partitioning in photosynthetic machinery, and increases in MA. Canopy differences in the rate of development of leaf photosynthetic capacity were mainly controlled by the rate of change in MA. There was only small within‐canopy variation in the initial rate of biomass accumulation per unit Qint (slope of MA versus leaf age relationship per unit Qint), suggesting that canopy differences in the rate of development of Jmax;A and Vcmax;A are directly proportional to Qint. Nevertheless, MA, nitrogen, Jmax;A and Vcmax;A of mature leaves were not proportional to Qint because of a finite MA in leaves immediately after bud‐burst (light‐independent component of MA). MA, leaf chlorophyll contents and chlorophyll : N ratio of mature leaves were best correlated with the integrated average quantum flux density during leaf development, suggesting that foliar photosynthetic apparatus, once developed, is not affected by day‐to‐day fluctuations in Qint. However, for the upper canopy leaves of P. tremula and for the entire canopy of T. cordata, there was a continuous decline in N contents per unit dry mass in mature non‐senescent leaves on the order of 15–20% for a change of leaf age from 40 to 120 d, possibly manifesting nitrogen reallocation to bud formation. The decline in N contents led to similar decreases in leaf photosynthetic capacity and foliar chlorophyll contents. These data demonstrate that light‐dependent variation in the rate of developmental changes in MA determines canopy differences in photosynthetic capacity, whereas foliar photosynthetic apparatus is essentially constant in fully developed leaves.  相似文献   

Patterns of physiological and architectural adaptation and acclimation to decreasing light availability were investigated along a light gradient for saplings of 12 common species of temperate deciduous trees in southeastern Ontario, Canada. Physiological adaptation and acclimation (shade tolerance physiology) were quantified at the leaf level by measuring leaf mass per unit area (LMA), dark respiration per unit leaf nitrogen, chlorophyll per unit leaf nitrogen and the chlorophyll a:b ratio for the newest fully expanded leaf on the leader. Architectural adaptation and acclimation (shade avoidance) were quantified by measuring branching intensity and side shoot:main shoot length ratios for the most recent three years of growth on the leader and selected side branches. Within species, increases in LMA, chlorophyll a:b ratio and respiration per unit nitrogen and decreases in chlorophyll per unit nitrogen indicated that shade tolerance physiology generally increased with decreasing canopy openness. Increases in the branching intensity and side shoot:main shoot ratios of the leader and side branches indicated that shade avoidance also increased with decreasing canopy openness for the majority of species; however, in some species, stem bending under deep shade resulted in lateral growth. Interspecific variation in shade tolerance physiology was minimal when species were compared under equal amounts of canopy openness. In contrast, interspecific variation in shade avoidance variables was relatively high under equal canopy openness, with saplings of shade tolerant canopy species exhibiting higher shade avoidance than saplings of shade tolerant understory species.  相似文献   

The effects of shading in combination with salinity treatments were studied in citrus trees on two rootstocks with contrasting salt tolerance to determine if shading could reduce the negative effects of salinity stress. Well-nourished 2-year-old 'Valencia' orange trees grafted on Cleopatra mandarin (Cleo, relatively salt tolerant) or Carrizo citrange (Carr, relatively salt sensitive), were grown either under a 50% shade cloth or left unshaded in full sunlight. Half the trees received no salinity treatment and half were salinized with 50 mM Cl- during two 9 week salinity periods in the spring and autumn interrupted by an 11 week rainy period. The shade treatment reduced midday leaf temperature and leaf-to-air vapour pressure deficit regardless of salinity treatments. In non-salinized trees, shade increased midday CO2 assimilation rate (A(CO2)) and stomatal conductance, but had no effect on leaf transpiration (E(lf)). Shade also increased leaf chlorophyll and photosynthetic water use efficiency (A(CO2)/E(lf)) in leaves on both rootstocks and increased total plant dry weight in Cleo. The salinity treatment reduced leaf growth and leaf gas exchange parameters. Shade decreased Cl- concentrations in leaves of salinized Carr trees, but had no effect on leaf or root Cl- of trees on Cleo. There were no significant differences in leaf gas exchange parameters of shaded and unshaded salinized plants but the growth reduction from salinity stress was actually greater for shaded than for unshaded trees. Shaded trees on both rootstocks had higher leaf Na+ than unshaded trees after the first salinity period, and this shade-induced elevated leaf Na+ persisted after the second salinity period in trees on Carr. Thus, shading did not alleviate the negative effects of salinity on growth and Na+ accumulation.  相似文献   

In Central European forestry the establishment of broad-leaved mixed forests is attaining increasing importance, but little information exists about gas exchange characteristics of some of the tree species involved, which are less abundant today. In an old-growth forest in Central Germany (Hainich, Thuringia), (i) I compared morphological and chemical leaf traits that are indicative of leaf gas exchange characteristics among eight co-existing species, and (ii) analysed photosynthetic parameters of saplings and adult trees (lower and upper canopy level) in four of these species (Acer pseudoplatanus L., Carpinus betulus L., Fraxinus excelsior L. and Tilia platyphyllos Scop.).Leaves from the upper canopy in the eight species studied varied significantly in their specific leaf area (12.9–19.4 m2 kg−1), stomatal density (125–313 stomata mm−2), leaf nitrogen concentration (95–157 mmol N m−2) and δ13C content (–27.81 to –25.85‰). F. excelsior and C. betulus were largely contrasting species, which suggests that the species, which were studied in more detail, include the widest difference in leaf gas exchange among the co-existing species. The saplings of the four selected species exhibited shade acclimated leaves with net photosynthesis rates at saturating irradiance (Amax) between 5.0 and 6.4 μmol m−2 s−1. In adult trees Amax of fully sunlit leaves was more variable and ranged from 10.5 (C. betulus) to 16.3 μmol m−2 s−1 (F. excelsior). However, less negative δ13C values in F. excelsior sun leaves point to a strong limitation in gas exchange. In the lower canopy of adult trees Amax of F. excelsior (12.0 μmol m−2 s−1) was also greater than that of A. pseudoplatanus, C. betulus and T. platyphyllos (5.0–5.6 μmol m−2 s−1). This can be explained by the small leaf area and the absence of shade leaves in mature F. excelsior trees. Thus, a considerable variation in leaf traits and gas exchange was found among the co-existing tree species. The results suggest that species-specific characteristics increase the spatial heterogeneity of canopy gas exchange and should be taken into account in the interpretation and prediction of gas flux from mixed stands.In der Forstwirtschaft Mitteleuropas gewinnt die Begründung von Laubmischwäldern zunehmend an Bedeutung, aber über Eigenschaften im Gasaustausch einiger beteiligter Baumarten, die heute nicht so häufig sind, ist wenig bekannt. In einem Altbestand in Mitteldeutschland (Hainich, Thüringen) habe ich (i) morphologische und chemische Eigenschaften von Sonnenblättern, die Hinweise auf Charakteristika im Blattgaswechsel geben, an acht koexistierenden Baumarten untersucht, und (ii) Photosyntheseparameter von juvenilen und adulten Bäumen (unteres und oberes Kronenniveau) von vier dieser Arten (Acer pseudoplatanus L., Carpinus betulus L., Fraxinus excelsior L. and Tilia platyphyllos Scop.) erhoben.Blätter aus dem oberen Kronenraum der acht untersuchten Arten variierten signifikant in der spezifischen Blattfläche (12.9–19.4 m2 kg−1), der Stomatadichte (125–313 Stomata mm−2), dem Blattstickstoffgehalt (95–157 mmol N m−2) und den δ13C-Werten (–27.81 bis –25.85‰). In diesem Kollektiv zeigten F. excelsior und C. betulus groβe Unterschiede, was darauf hindeutet, dass die Arten, die genauer untersucht wurden, die Spannweite an Gaswechseleigenschaften unter den koexistierenden Baumarten umfassen. Die Jungpflanzen der vier ausgewählten Arten besaßen Schattenblätter, deren Netto-Photosyntheserate bei hoher Lichtintensität (Amax) zwischen 5.0 and 6.4 μmol m−2 s−1 variierte. An Sonnenblättern von Altbäumen war Amax variabler und lag zwischen 10.5 (C. betulus) und 16.3 μmol m−2 s−1 (F. excelsior). Allerdings weisen hohe δ13C-Werte in Sonnenblättern von F. excelsior auf eine starke Limitierung des Gasaustauschs hin. Auch in der unteren Krone der Altbäume war Amax von F. excelsior (12.0 μmol m−2 s−1) höher als Amax von A. pseudoplatanus, C. betulus und T. platyphyllos (5.0–5.6 μmol m−2 s−1). Dies kann durch die geringe Blattfläche und die Abwesenheit von Schattenblättern in der Krone adulter Bäume von F. excelsior erklärt werden. Zwischen den koexistierenden Baumarten wurde somit in Bezug auf Blatteigenschaften und Photosyntheseparameter eine erhebliche Variation festgestellt. Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass artspezifische Eigenschaften die räumliche Heterogenität des Gaswechsels im Kronenraum erhöhen und bei der Interpretation und Vorhersage von Gasflüssen über Mischbeständen berücksichtigt werden sollten.  相似文献   

Net photosynthesis and transpiration of seedlings from shade tolerant, moderately tolerant and intolerant tree species were measured in ambient carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations ranging from 312 to 734 ppm. The species used, Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. (tolerant), Quercus alba L., Q. rubra L., Liriodendron tulipifera L. (moderately tolerant), Liquidambar styraciflua L. and Pinus taeda L. (intolerant), are found co-occurring in the mixed pine-hardwood forests of the Piedmont region of the southeastern United States. When seedlings were grown in shaded conditions, photosynthetic CO2 efficiency was significantly different in all species with the highest efficiency in the most shade tolerant species, Fagus grandifolia , and progressively lower efficiencies in moderately tolerant and intolerant species. Photosynthetic CO2 efficiency was defined as the rate of increase in net photosynthesis with increase in ambient CO2 concentration. When plants which had grown in a high light environment were tested, the moderately tolerant and intolerant deciduous species had the highest photosynthetic CO2 efficiencies but this capacity was reduced when these species grew in low light. The lowest CO2 efficiency and apparent quantum yield occurred in Pinus taeda in all cases. Water use efficiency was higher for all species in enriched CO2 environments but transpiration rate and leaf conductance were not affected by CO2 concentration. High photosynthetic CO2 efficiency may be advantageous for maintaining a positive carbon balance in the low light environment under a forest canopy.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the degree of carbon autonomy for fruit development, the carbon source-sink relationship in fruit-bearing branchlets of mature deciduous forest trees was manipulated in situ. The tests included half and complete defoliation, girdling or the combination of both treatments, which were applied on fruiting branchlets by using a canopy crane. Concentrations of non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) were analysed in different branchlet tissues and fruits, to identify situations of carbon imbalances induced by the treatments. NSC concentrations of branchlets were generally lower under treatments resulting in decreased fruit growth. All three investigated species (Carpinus betulus, Fagus sylvatica and Tilia platyphyllos) exhibited complete carbon autonomy of fruiting at the level of whole, undisturbed branchlets, since neither a decrease of total infructescence biomass, nor of individual fruit mass occurred on girdled, un-defoliated branchlets. On girdled, 100% defoliated branchlets, fruit biomass relative to controls decreased by approximately 50% in Carpinus and Tilia, but by almost 80% in Fagus, which can be explained by different proportions of photosynthetically active infructescence tissues among the species. In contrast to the other two species, Tilia branchlets did not import carbon to compensate for assimilate loss after defoliation.  相似文献   

Light requirements and functional strategies of plants to cope with light heterogeneity in the field have a strong influence on community structure and dynamics. Shade intolerant plants often show a shade avoidance strategy involving a phytochrome‐mediated stem elongation in response to changes in red : far red ratio, while shade‐tolerant plants typically harvest light very efficiently. We measured plant size, stem diameter, internode and leaf lengths in randomly chosen saplings of 11 woody species differing in their shade tolerance in both a secondary forest and an old‐growth temperate evergreen rainforest in southern Chile. We also recorded the irradiance spectrum and the diffuse and direct light availabilities at each sampling point. Significant differences were found for the mean light environment of the saplings of each species, which also differed in basal stem diameter, internode length and leaf length, but not in plant height. Both plant slenderness (plant height/stem diameter) and mean internode length increased with increasing light availability, but no relationship was found between any of these two traits and red : far red ratio. The change in plant slenderness with light availability was of lesser magnitude with increasing shade tolerance of the species, while internode change with light availability increased with increasing shade tolerance of the species. Shade tolerators afford higher costs (thicker stems and plants), which render more biomechanically robust plants, and respond more to the light environment in a trait strongly influencing light interception (internode length) than shade intolerant species. By contrast, less shade‐tolerant plants afforded higher risks with a plastic response to escape from the understorey by making thinner plants that were biomechanically weaker and poorer light interceptors. Thus, species differing in their shade tolerances do differ in their plastic responses to light. Our results contribute to explain plant coexistence in heterogeneous light environments by improving our mechanistic understanding of species responses to light.  相似文献   

Processes involved in leaf photosynthetic acclimation to light and throughout the growing season were investigated in two hardwood species (Acer saccharum and Betula alleghaniensis), which differed in their level of shade-tolerance. For both species, variation in traits related to (i) leaf morphology (LMA, leaf mass:area ratio), (ii) leaf N content (NA, leaf nitrogen content on an area basis and NM, N concentration in leaf dry mass), (iii) leaf N partitioning among photosynthetic functions (Pr, N allocated to Rubisco, and Pb, N allocated to bioenergetics), and (iv) leaf photosynthetic capacity (Vcmax, maximal carboxylation rates, and Jmax, maximal light-driven electron flow) were assessed at three different times during the growing season (early, mid- and late summer) and under four contrasting light regimes (40, 17, 6 and 2% of full sunlight). For both species, light-driven variation in most traits was greater than their seasonally driven variation. Furthermore, results showed for both species the pre-eminence of LMA changes in the light-driven acclimation of NA. Importance of NM to variation in NA was restricted to seasonal acclimation, especially for the less shade-tolerant species, B. alleghaniensis. Similarly, for both species, light-driven acclimation of leaf photosynthetic capacities was tightly related to variation in NA, which was related to LMA changes. However, variation in Pr and Pb better explained seasonally driven variation in Vcmax and Jmax, specifically under lower light levels, where NA was low. Thus, the great variability observed for leaf activity in response to contrasting light environments was related to efficient morphological adjustments, regardless of species level of shade-tolerance. Finally, physiological adjustments were mainly involved in fine-scale changes observed during seasonally driven acclimation of leaves, when LMA was constrained to a slight range of variation.  相似文献   

Kaoru Kitajima 《Oecologia》1994,98(3-4):419-428
Among 13 tropical tree species on Barro Colorado Island, species with high seedling mortality rates during the first year in shade had higher reltive growth rates (RGR) from germination to 2 months in both sun (23% full sun) and shade [2%, with and without lowered red: far red (R:FR) ratio] than shade tolerant species. Species with higher RGR in sun also had higher RGR in shade. These interspecific trends could be explained by differences in morphological traits and allocation paterns among species. Within each light regime, seedlings of shade-intolerant species had lower root: shoot ratios, higher leaf mass per unit area, and higher leaf area ratios (LAR) than shade tolerant species. In contrast, leaf gas exchange characteristics, or acclimation potential in these traits, had no relationship with seedling mortality rates in shade. In both shade tolerant and intolerant species, light saturated photosynthesis rates, dark respiration, and light compensation points were higher for sungrown seedlings than for shade-grown seedlings. Differences in R:FR ratio in shade did not affect gas exchange, allocation patterns, or growth rates of any species. Survival of young tree seedlings in shade did not depend on higher net photosynthesis or biomass accumulation rates in shade. Rather, species with higher RGR died faster in shade than species with lower RGR. This trend could be explained if survival depends on morphological characteristics likely to enhance defense against herbivores and pathogens, such as dense and tough leaves, a well-established root system, and high wood density. High construction costs for these traits, and low LAR as a consequence of these traits, should result in lower rates of whole-plant carbon gain and RGR for shade tolerant species than shade-intolerant species in shade as well as in sun.  相似文献   

The growth and survival of coniferous and broad-leaved trees were followed over a 5-yr period in a temperate old-growth mixed forest in Japan, and dynamic features of the forest were studied in relation to the life history of the dominants, the coniferous Abies homolepis and the broad-leaved Fagus crenata. During this period, the gap formation rate was 31m2 ha?1yr?1, the mortality of trees > 2m high was 1.7%/yr, and the rate of loss in basal area 1.4%/yr. These values were much higher than the recruitment, 0.3%/yr, and the total growth of surviving and new trees, 0.6%/yr, owing to the inhibition of regeneration by understorey dwarf bamboo (Sasa borealis). A transition matrix model based on DBH size classes predicts that the basal area of the forest will decrease by 14% in 50 yr, but that the DBH distribution of trees > 10 cm diameter will change little. Equilibrium DBH distributions assuming recruitment being equal to mortality, were quite different between broad-leaved and coniferous trees, reflecting different survivorship curves of the two dominants. The composition and structure of the forest may change depending on the pattern and frequency of disturbances, or episodic events, notably the synchronous death of Sasa borealis.  相似文献   

The differences in pigment levels, photosynthetic activity and the chlorophyll fluorescence decrease ratio R Fd (as indicator of photosynthetic rates) of green sun and shade leaves of three broadleaf trees (Platanus acerifolia Willd., Populus alba L., Tilia cordata Mill.) were compared. Sun leaves were characterized by higher levels of total chlorophylls a + b and total carotenoids x + c as well as higher values for the weight ratio chlorophyll (Chl) a/b (sun leaves 3.23–3.45; shade leaves: 2.74–2.81), and lower values for the ratio chlorophylls to carotenoids (a + b)/(x + c) (with 4.44–4.70 in sun leaves and 5.04–5.72 in shade leaves). Sun leaves exhibited higher photosynthetic rates P N on a leaf area basis (mean of 9.1–10.1 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1) and Chl basis, which correlated well with the higher values of stomatal conductance G s (range 105–180 mmol m−2 s−1), as compared to shade leaves (G s range 25–77 mmol m−2 s−1; P N: 3.2–3.7 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1). The higher photosynthetic rates could also be detected via imaging the Chl fluorescence decrease ratio R Fd, which possessed higher values in sun leaves (2.8–3.0) as compared to shade leaves (1.4–1.8). In addition, via R Fd images it was shown that the photosynthetic activity of the leaves of all trees exhibits a large heterogeneity across the leaf area, and in general to a higher extent in sun leaves than in shade leaves.  相似文献   

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