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Prion sorption to soil is thought to play an important role in the transmission of scrapie and chronic wasting disease (CWD) via the environment. Sorption of PrP to soil and soil minerals is influenced by the strain and species of PrP(Sc) and by soil characteristics. However, the ability of soil-bound prions to convert PrP(c) to PrP(Sc) under these wide-ranging conditions remains poorly understood. We developed a semiquantitative protein misfolding cyclic amplification (PMCA) protocol to evaluate replication efficiency of soil-bound prions. Binding of the hyper (HY) strain of transmissible mink encephalopathy (TME) (hamster) prions to a silty clay loam soil yielded a greater-than-1-log decrease in PMCA replication efficiency with a corresponding 1.3-log reduction in titer. The increased binding of PrP(Sc) to soil over time corresponded with a decrease in PMCA replication efficiency. The PMCA efficiency of bound prions varied with soil type, where prions bound to clay and organic surfaces exhibited significantly lower replication efficiencies while prions bound to sand exhibited no apparent difference in replication efficiency compared to unbound controls. PMCA results from hamster and CWD agent-infected elk prions yielded similar findings. Given that PrP(Sc) adsorption affinity varies with soil type, the overall balance between prion adsorption affinity and replication efficiency for the dominant soil types of an area may be a significant determinant in the environmental transmission of prion diseases.  相似文献   

The effect of bulk and engineered nanoparticle (NP) Ag, Au, Cu, Si, and C at 250 and 750 mg/L on zucchini biomass, transpiration, and element content was determined. The pH of bulk and NP solutions prior to plant growth frequently differed. Nanoparticle Cu solution pH was significantly higher than bulk Cu, whereas for Ag and C, the NPs had significantly lower pH. Plants were unaffected by Au, regardless of particle size or concentration. NP Ag reduced plant biomass and transpiration by 49-91% compared to equivalent bulk Ag. NP Si at 750 mg/L reduced plant growth and transpiration by 30-51% relative to bulk Si. Bulk and NP Cu were phytotoxic but much of the effect was alleviated by humic acid. The shoot Ag and Cu content did not differ based on particle size or concentration. The accumulation of bulk Au was greater than the NP, but humic acid increased the accumulation of NP and bulk Au by 5.6-fold and 80%, respectively. The uptake of NP Si was 5.6-6.5-fold greater than observed with the bulk element. These findings show that the NPs may have unique phytotoxicity or accumulation patterns and that solution properties can significantly impact particle fate and effects.  相似文献   

The time for 50% loss of napropamide following incorporation into a sandy loam soil in the field varied from about 130 days when applied in spring or early summer to over 200 days when applied later in the year. When left on the soil surface, up to 75% of the applied dose was lost during the first 28 days after application in June or July, whereas losses following application in November, December or January represented less than 25% of the amounts applied. These losses following surface application were closely correlated with the amounts of incoming solar radiation. First-order half-lives for degradation in nine soils incubated moist at 20°C in the laboratory varied from 72 to 150 days. They were positively correlated with the extent of herbicide adsorption by the soils and with their clay content, and negatively correlated with soil pH. Phytotoxicity to wheat and barley in the same soils in glasshouse experiments was inversely related to their organic matter content and to the extent of herbicide adsorption. Wheat was more tolerant of the herbicide than was barley. The results are discussed in terms of possible carryover problems with napropamide in some crop rotations.  相似文献   

稻麦秸秆集中沟埋还田对麦田土壤物理性状的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过5.5a的大田定位试验,将上季秸秆全量沟埋还田,设置秸秆沟埋还田深度为20、40 cm以及免耕秸秆不还田(对照)3个处理。研究秸秆沟埋还田对麦田土壤水势、温度的影响以及长期秸秆沟埋还田方式下,沟埋还田20 cm处理各埋草沟土壤容重、总孔隙度的变化。结果表明:秸秆沟埋还田具有降低土壤容重,增加土壤总孔隙度的作用,随着还田时间的增加,这种作用逐渐降低。当降雨量较大(26.6 mm)时,沟埋还田各处理水势值在短时间内上升的较快,而对照则相对较慢;当降雨量较小(10 mm)时,沟埋还田40 cm处理水势值上升速度大于沟埋还田20 cm,对照处理最慢;降雨过后的12d内,沟埋还田各处理水势值下降速度较对照更快;连续40d各处理土壤水势日均值大小为对照沟埋还田40 cm沟埋还田20 cm。土壤0—15 cm温度日较差大小为沟埋还田20 cm对照沟埋还田40 cm,土壤20 cm处日较差对照最大;沟埋还田20 cm处理0—15 cm以及沟埋还田40 cm处理0—20 cm土壤日均温高于对照,沟埋还田20 cm处理20 cm处土壤日均温与对照较为接近。在沿江稻麦轮作地区,秸秆集中沟埋还田具有较好的改善土壤物理性质的作用。  相似文献   

Soils of the Appalachian region of the United States are acidic and deficient in P. North Carolina phosphate rock (PR), a highly substituted fluoroapatite, should be quite reactive in these soils, allowing it to serve both as a source of P and a potential ameliorant of soil acidity. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the influence of PR dissolution on soil chemical properties and wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Hart) seedling root elongation. Ten treatments including nine rates of PR (0, 12.5, 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, and 1600 mg P kg-1) and a CaCO3 (1000 mg kg-1) control were mixed with two acidic soils, moistened to a level corresponding to 33 kPa moisture tension and incubated for 30 days. Pregerminated wheat seedlings were grown for three days in the PR treated soils and the CaCO3 control. Root length was significantly (P<0.05) increased both by PR treatments and CaCO3, indicating that PR dissolution was ameliorating soil acidity. The PR treatments increased soil pH, exchangeable Ca, and soil solution Ca while lowering exchangeable Al and 0.01 M CaCl2 extractable soil Al. Root growth in PR treatments was best described by an exponential equation (P<0.01) containing 0.01 M CaCl2 extractable Al. The PR dissolution did not reduce total soil solution Al, but did release Al complexing anions into soil solution, which along with increased pH, shifted Al speciation from toxic to nontoxic forms. These results suggest that North Carolina PR should contribute to amelioration of soil acidity in acidic, low CEC soils of the Appalachian region.  相似文献   

Plant and Soil - Understanding the effect of wheat genotype on soil properties will be crucial in breeding towards more sustainable wheat production and increased yield. We examined the...  相似文献   

The study evaluates the impact of sewage sludge on OECD - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and vegetable soil phytotoxicity, measured using three test species: Lepidium sativum, Sinapis alba and Sorghum saccharatum, and total and TEQ PCDD/PCDF (toxic equivalency polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/polychlorinated dibenzofurans) soil concentration, measured using HRGC/HRMS - High Resolution Gas Chromatography/High Resolution Mass Spectrometry. It also evaluates the effect of zucchini and cucumber cultivation during 5-weeks period on mitigating these parameters. The application of 3, 9 and 18 t/ha of sewage sludge gradually increases the phytotoxicity of both OECD and vegetable soil. In the case of OECD soil, the highest roots growth inhibitions were observed for S. alba (73%, 86% and 87%, respectively) and the lowest for S. saccharatum (7%, 59% and 70%), while in vegetable soil inhibitions were averagely 25% lower. Sludge application also led to a 38% (3 t/ha), 169% (9 t/ha) and 506% (18 t/ha) increase in PCDD/PCDF concentration, and the TEQs were augmented by 15%, 159% and 251%. Both soil phytotoxicity and total and TEQ PCDD/PCDF concentrations were diminished as a result of zucchini and cucumber cultivation. The maximum reduction of soil phytotoxicity (83%) was observed as an effect of cucumber cultivation, while zucchini was 11% less effective. Zucchini, in turn, was more efficient in PCDD/PCDF removal (37% reduction), followed by cucumber (24%). Such differences were not observed in the case of TEQ reductions (68% and 66% for zucchini and cucumber cultivation, respectively).  相似文献   

生物炭对不同土壤化学性质、小麦和糜子产量的影响   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
陈心想  何绪生  耿增超  张雯  高海英 《生态学报》2013,33(20):6534-6542
以小麦和糜子为供试作物,利用室外盆栽试验,研究了不同添加量生物炭与矿质肥配施对两种不同土壤化学性质及小麦和糜子产量的影响。生物炭当季用量设5个水平:B0 (0 t/hm2)、B5 (5 t/hm2)、B10 (10 t/hm2)、B15 (15 t/hm2)和B20 (20 t/hm2),氮磷钾肥均作基肥施用。结果表明:1.与对照相比,施用生物炭可以显著增加新积土糜子季土壤pH值,其他处理随生物炭用量的增加虽有增加趋势但差异不显著;显著增加新积土土壤阳离子交换量,增幅为1.5 %—58.2 %;显著增加两种土壤有机碳含量,增幅为31.1 %—272.2 %;2.两种土壤的矿质态氮含量、新积土土壤有效磷和速效钾含量随生物炭用量的增加而显著提高,氮磷钾增幅分别为6.0 %—112.8 %、3.8 %—38.5 %和6.1 %—47.2 %;3.生物炭可显著提高塿土上作物氮吸收量,而作物磷、钾吸收量虽有增加,但差异不显著。生物炭对小麦和糜子的增产效应尚不稳定,在试验最高用量时甚至产生轻微抑制作用。总之,施用生物炭在一定程度上可以改善土壤化学性质,提高土壤有效养分含量,但生物炭对土壤和作物的影响与土壤、作物类型及土壤肥力密切相关。  相似文献   

The binding of ZnO nanoparticles (NPs) and caffeic acid (CFA) was investigated using fluorescence quenching, UV/vis absorption spectrscopy, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and dynamic light scattering (DLS) at different temperatures. The study results indicated fluorescence quenching between ZnO NPs and CFA rationalized in terms of a static quenching mechanism or the formation of non‐fluorescent CFA–ZnO. From fluorescence quenching spectral analysis, the binding constant (Ka), number of binding sites (n) and thermodynamic properties were determined. Values of the quenching (KSV) and binding (Ka) constants decrease with increasing temperature and the number of binding sites n = 2. The thermodynamic parameters determined using Van't Hoff equation indicated that binding occurs spontaneously involving the hydrogen bond, and van der Waal's forces played a major role in the reaction of ZnO NPs with CFA. The FTIR, TEM and DLS measurements also indicated differences in the structure, morphology and size of CFA, ZnO NPs and their corresponding CFA–ZnO. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Increasing human and industrial activities lead to heavy metal pollution. Heavy metal chromium (Cr) is considered to be a serious environmental contaminant for the biota. Phytotoxic effects of Cr were studied in wheat plants. Growth parameters were largely inhibited as a result of disturbances in the plant cell metabolism in response to Cr toxicity. Chromium toxicity led to decline in a number of active reaction centres of PSII, rate of electron transport, and change in PSII heterogeneity. Chromium did not cause any change in heterogeneity of the reducing side. A significant change in antenna size heterogeneity of PSII occurred in response to Cr toxicity. Chromium seems to have extensive effects on the light harvesting complex of PSII.  相似文献   

Field and controlled environment studies were conducted to examine the effects of plant stress during growth on the subsequent phytotoxicity of residues ofBrassica napus andBrassica campestris. High temperatures (30°C compared to 15°C day temperature) and short days (8 hours light compared to 16 hours light) increased the phytotoxicity of residues as measured by a wheat bioassay. Low levels of nutrient supply during growth also increased the toxicity of Brassica residues. The effect of water stress was less clear; severe moisture stress resulted in less phytotoxicity than mild water stress. The two species showed some differences in wheat phytotoxicity following applied plant stress and the field experiments suggested there was a potential for greater toxicity from summer grown residues.  相似文献   

Classhouse and laboratory studies were conducted to investigate the effect of microorganisms on the activity of water-soluble phytotoxins from Brassica residues, and on the persistence of the phytotoxins. Warm temperatures (20–24°C) and long incubation periods (20 to 40 days) were conductive to reduced phytotoxicity while low temperatures (0–4°C, regardless of incubation time), or short incubation time (regardless of temperature) resulted in levels of phytotoxicity similar to that found without incubation. The removal of microbial populations by micro-filtration resulted in the maintenance of phytotoxicity, regardless of the incubation conditions. The quantity of residues or extracts from residues used in a pot experiment and the soil type (sand or clay soil) determined the degree of phytotoxicity. Generally, the greater the quantity of residues or extracts, the greater the toxicity, with residues being more toxic than extracts from the same rate of residue. These observations agree with the general literature that the level of toxicity is determined by the quantity of residue present, and the rate of decline in the toxicity of water-soluble toxins is dependent on the microbial populations present, and their level of activity.  相似文献   

Pierret  A.  Moran  C.J.  Pankhurst  C.E. 《Plant and Soil》1999,211(1):51-58
Under certain soil conditions, e.g. hardsetting clay B-horizons of South-Eastern Australia, wheat plants do not perform as well as would be expected given measurements of bulk soil attributes. In such soils, measurement indicates that a large proportion (80%) of roots are preferentially located in the soil within 1 mm of macropores. This paper addresses the question of whether there are biological and soil chemical effects concomitant with this observed spatial relationship. The properties of soil manually dissected from the 1–3 mm wide region surrounding macropores, the macropore sheath, were compared to those that are measured in a conventional manner on the bulk soil. Field specimens of two different soil materials were dissected to examine biological differentiation. To ascertain whether the macropore sheath soil differs from rhizosphere soil, wheat was grown in structured and repacked cores under laboratory conditions. The macropore sheath soil contained more microbial biomass per unit mass than both the bulk soil and the rhizosphere. The bacterial population in the macropore sheath was able to utilise a wider range of carbon substrates and to a greater extent than the bacterial population in the corresponding bulk soil. These differences between the macropore sheath and bulk soil were almost non-existent in the repacked cores. Evidence for larger numbers of propagules of the broad host range fungus Pythium in the macropore sheath soil were also obtained. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Lead (Pb) is an environmental pollutant extremely toxic to plants and other living organisms including humans. To assess Pb phytotoxicity, experiments focusing on germination of wheat seeds were germinated in a solution containing Pb (NO(3))(2) (0.05; 0.1; 0.5; 1g/L) during 6 days. Lead accumulation in seedlings was positively correlated with the external concentrations, and negatively correlated with morphological parameters of plant growth. Lead increased lipid peroxidation, enhanced soluble protein concentrations and induced a significant accumulation of proline in roots. Esterase activity was enhanced in the presence of lead, whereas α-amylase activity was significantly inhibited. Antioxidant enzymes activities, such as, ascorbate peroxidase, peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione S-transferase were generally significantly increased in the presence of lead in a dose-dependent manner. The present results thus provide a model system to screen for natural compounds able to counteract the deleterious effects of lead.  相似文献   

The effect of soil strength on the yield of wheat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although it is well-known that high soil strength is a constraint to root and shoot growth, it is not clear to what extent soil strength is the main physical stress that limits crop growth and yield. This is partly because it is difficult to separate the effects of soil drying and high soil strength, which tend to occur together. The aim of this paper is to test the hypothesis that for two different soil types, yield is closely related to soil strength irrespective of difference in soil water status and soil structure. Winter (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Hereward) and spring wheat (cv. Paragon) were grown in the field on two soils, which had very different physical characteristics. One was loamy sand and the other sandy clay loam; compaction and loosening treatments were applied in a fully factorial design to both. Crop growth and yield, carbon isotope discrimination, soil strength, water status, soil structure and hydraulic properties were measured. The results showed that irrespective of differences in soil type, structure and water status, soil strength gave a good prediction of crop yield. Comparison with previous data led to the conclusion that, irrespective of whether it was due to drying or compaction (poor soil management), soil strength appeared to be an important stress that limits crop productivity.  相似文献   

The effect of soil compaction on wheat during early tillering   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  

Experiments on soil drenching with fungicides against take-all in wheat   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In short term pot experiments benomyl, iprodione and KWG 0599 applied as soil drenches in several types of soil significantly suppressed take-all symptoms from inoculum placed just below wheat seeds planted 1×5 cm deep, and in sand but not other soils when seeds were 5 cm deep. Benomyl was, however, effective against inoculum below seed planted 5 cm deep in a loam-sand mixture when the drench contained an alcohol ethoxylate surfactant. Computer simulations of fungicide distributions in the soils correlated well with disease control observations. In long term outdoor pot experiments two drenches with benomyl (without surfactant) controlled disease significantly for at least 3 months against inoculum placed 15 cm deep. The significance of these results for the practical control of take-all by fungicides is discussed.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to investigate the influences of 0, 5, 10, 15 Mg ha–1 of wheat (Triticum aestivum) straw, composted sugarcane bagasse residue and farmyard manure on soil physical properties and yield of winter wheat. The experimental design was a split plot with four replicates. The considered physical properties, 1 year after organic matter addition, included aggregate stability, infiltration rate, water retention curve and dry bulk density. Wheat yield and chemical characteristics of wheat grains were measured. Application of organic materials significantly increased wheat yield and increased aggregate stability, infiltration rate, water retained at less than –100 kPa, and decreased soil bulk density. The effectiveness of different organic materials, farmyard manure, composted bagasse and wheat straw, on improving the soil physical properties was similar. Wheat grain and stubble yield progressively increased as the rate of the organic materials increased. The effectiveness of composted bagasse, farmyard manure and wheat straw on improving wheat grain yield was 22, 14 and 3%, and wheat stubble yield was 26, 17 and 4% over the control.  相似文献   

Zinc plays a very important role in various biological activities of the body. Multifaceted role of zinc is also known in testes development, spermatogenesis, capacitation and has effect on spermatozoa motility. On the other hand, the growing industry of nanotechnology has created reasonable interest of the risk assessment for nanoparticles. The aim of this study was to evaluate in vitro effect of zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles on rabbit spermatozoa. Fresh semen was collected from sexually mature New Zealand rabbits. Experimental groups were prepared by diluting semen with ZnO nanoparticles in seven different concentrations (6–391 mg/mL). The experimental groups were compared with control group. Semen was assessed using computer assisted semen analysis (CASA) at intervals of 0, 1, 2 and 3 h of incubation. The mitochondrial toxicity assay (MTT) assay was used to determine cell viability. The results of monitored motility parameters in experimental groups showed a decreasing trend during whole experiment. Significant decrease (P < 0.001) of motility and progressive motility was observed after 3 h of incubation in samples cultured with higher ZnO nanoparticles in comparison to the control group. After 3 h of incubation, viability of rabbit spermatozoa showed slightly increased values in group with the lowest concentration of ZnO nanoparticles, but in other groups viability showed non-significant decrease compared to control. Similar tendency was detected for spermatozoa membrane integrity. These original data show the negative dose–dependent effect of ZnO nanoparticles on spermatozoa motility and viability parameters.  相似文献   

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