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This paper develops a critical response to John Beatty’s recent (2006) engagement with Stephen Jay Gould’s claim that evolutionary history is contingent. Beatty identifies two senses of contingency in Gould’s work: an unpredictability sense and a causal dependence sense. He denies that Gould associates contingency with stochastic phenomena, such as drift. In reply to Beatty, this paper develops two main claims. The first is an interpretive claim: Gould really thinks of contingency has having to do with stochastic effects at the level of macroevolution, and in particular with unbiased species sorting. This notion of contingency as macro-level stochasticity incorporates both the causal dependence and the unpredictability senses of contingency. The second claim is more substantive: Recent attempts by other scientists to put Gould’s claim to the test fail to engage with the hypothesis that species sorting sometimes resembles a lottery. Gould’s claim that random sorting is a significant macroevolutionary phenomenon remains an intriguing and largely untested live hypothesis about evolution.  相似文献   

In the 1950s Charles Elton hypothesized that more diverse communities should be less susceptible to invasion by exotic species (biodiversity–invasibility hypothesis). The biodiversity–invasibility hypothesis postulates that species-rich communities are less vulnerable to invasion because vacant niches are less common and the intensity of interspecific competition is more severe. Field studies were conducted at two sites, a logged site and an unlogged site in Santa Rosa County, Florida, U.S.A, to test Elton’s hypothesis using cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica), a non-indigenous grass invading large areas of the Southeastern United States. The logged site was under 17-year-old loblolly pine prior to clear cutting. The unlogged site, a longleaf pine forest, was at the Blackwater River State Forest. Both the logged site and unlogged site showed no significant relationship between the rate of cogongrass spread and native plant species richness, functional richness, and cover of the invaded community. Increased species or functional richness may increase the use of resources; however, the extensive rhizome/root network possessed by cogongrass and its ability to thrive under shade may allow for its persistence in a diverse community. The results from both the logged and unlogged sites do not support the general hypothesis of Elton that invasion resistance and compositional stability increase with diversity. Biodiversity does not appear to be an important factor for cogongrass invasion in the southern United States. Extrinsic factors in this study prevent the ability to draw a defined causal relationship between native plant diversity and invasibility. Underlying reasons for why no relationship was observed may be simply due to the tremendous competitive ability of cogongrass or the narrow range of species richness, functional richness and cover observed in our study.  相似文献   

We investigate several versions of a simple game of sexual selection, to explore the role of secondary sexual characters (the “handicap paradox”) with the tools of signaling theory. Our models admit closed form solutions. They are very much inspired by Grafen’s (J Theor Biol 144:517–546, 1990a; J Theor Biol 144:473–516, 1990b) seminal companion papers. By merging and simplifying his two approaches, we identify a not so minor artifact in the seminal study. We propose an alternative model to start with Grafen’s sexual selection theory, with several similarities with Getty (Anim Behav 56:127–130, 1998).  相似文献   

Walter’s two-layer hypothesis revisited: back to the roots!   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Walter (Jahrb Wiss Bot 87:750–860, 1939) proposed a two-layer hypothesis, an equilibrium explanation for coexistence of savanna trees and grasses. This hypothesis relies on vertical niche partitioning and assumed that grasses are more water-use efficient than trees and use subsurface water while trees also have access to deeper water sources. Thus, in open savannas, grasses were predicted to predominate because of their water use efficiency and access to subsurface water. This hypothesis has been a prominent part of the savanna literature since first proposed. We review the literature on Walter’s hypothesis and reconsider his original intentions. Walter intended this hypothesis to be restricted to dry savannas. In his opinion, mesic and humid savannas were controlled by biotic factors and disturbances. We surveyed the global savanna literature for records of vertical niche partitioning by grasses and trees. We find that, within the scope of Walter’s original intentions, this hypothesis works remarkably well, and in some cases is appropriate for deserts as well as for dry temperate systems and even some mesic savannas.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe body mass index (BMI) is based on the original concept that body weight increases as a function of height squared. As an indicator of obesity the modern BMI assumption postulates that adiposity also increases as a function of height in states of positive energy balance.ObjectiveTo evaluate the BMI concept across different adiposity magnitudes, in both children and adults.MethodsWe studied 975 individuals who underwent anthropometric evaluation: 474 children and 501 adults. Tetrapolar bioimpedance analysis was used to assess body fat and lean mass.ResultsBMI significantly correlated with percentage of body fat (%BF; children: r = 0.893; adults: r = 0.878) and with total fat mass (children: r = 0.967; adults: r = 0.953). In children, body weight, fat mass, %BF and waist circumference progressively increased as a function of height squared. In adults body weight increased as a function of height squared, but %BF actually decreased with increasing height both in men (r = −0.406; p < 0.001) and women (r = −0.413; p < 0.001). Most of the BMI variance in adults was explained by a positive correlation of total lean mass with height squared (r2 = 0.709), and by a negative correlation of BMI with total fat mass (r = −0.193).ConclusionsBody weight increases as a function of height squared. However, adiposity progressively increases as a function of height only in children. BMI is not an ideal indicator of obesity in adults since it is significantly influenced by the lean mass, even in obese individuals.  相似文献   

According to the obstetric history of Yevpatoria residents of postreproductive age, the parameters of the differential fertility as components of the natural selection (index Crow) in Slavic (Russian and Ukrainian) and non-Slavic individuals have been calculated. It is shown that, in the studied population, in one generation, the index of total selection decreased from 0.3 to 0.32 by reducing the value I m. For Slavic females, the average number of pregnancies is 5.26, while the number of offspring is 1.75, and the index of total selection equals 0.31. For non-Slavic women, these ratings were 4.84, 2.09, and 0.46. In non-Slavic women, natural reproductive losses occur more frequently than in Slavic women, which may be associated with inbreeding, the level of which is usually higher in members of the Muslim faith. The average number of adverse pregnancy outcomes in the non-Slavic families is 0.759, while for Slavic families, it is 0.503. Reproductive problems were observed in 36.4% of Slavic families and 44.8% of non-Slavic families. The index of total selection in non-Slavs (0.46) is 1.5 times higher than in Slavs (0.31). The difference is due to the selection component, coupled with differential fertility (0.36 and 0.23, respectively). Interethnic differences in the rate of natural increase can change the ethnic and denominational composition of the city, leading to an increase in the Muslim component.  相似文献   

On the basis of 1212 questionnaires filled up by women of postreproductive age living in five districts of the Republic of Tatarstan (Arsky, Atninsky, Kukmorsky, Buinsky, and Drozhzhanovsky), the basic reproductive characteristics and Crow??s index and its components have been calculated. The rural population is characterized by expanded reproduction with a mean sibship size of 2.68; in district administrative centers, there is only simple reproduction. Crow??s index and its components for the rural Tatar population are I m = 0.026, I f = 0.172, I tot = 0.202. Graphic analysis of the mutual positions of some populations studied has been carried out.  相似文献   


Sample elevations corrected for tectonic uplift and assessed relative to local modeled sea levels provide a new perspective on paleoenvironmental history at Cobbler’s Reef, Barbados. Previously, 14C-dated surface samples of fragmented Acropora palmata plotted above paleo sea level based on their present (uplifted) elevations, suggesting supratidal rubble deposited during a period of extreme storms (4500–3000 cal BP), precipitating reef demise. At several sites, however, A. palmata persisted, existing until ~370 cal BP. Uplift-corrected A. palmata sample elevations lie below the western Atlantic sea-level curve, and ~2 m below ICE-6G-modeled paleo sea level, under slow rates of sea-level rise, negating the possibility that Cobbler’s Reef is a supratidal storm ridge. Most sites show limited age ranges from corals likely damaged/killed on the reef crest, not the mixed ages of rubble ridges, strongly suggesting the reef framework died off in stages over 6500 yr. Reef crest death assemblages invoke multiple paleohistoric causes, from ubiquitous hurricanes to anthropogenic impacts. Comparison of death assemblage ages to dated regional paleotempestological sequences, proxy-based paleotemperatures, recorded hurricanes, tsunamis, European settlement, deforestation, and resulting turbidity, reveals many possible factors inimical to the survival of A. palmata along Cobbler’s Reef.


A retrospective study on seasonal variations in the characteristics of cow’s milk and temperature–humidity index (THI) relationship was conducted on bulk milk data collected from 2003 to 2009. The THI relationship study was carried out on 508 613 bulk milk data items recorded in 3328 dairy farms form the Lombardy region, Italy. Temperature and relative humidity data from 40 weather stations were used to calculate THI. Milk characteristics data referred to somatic cell count (SCC), total bacterial count (TBC), fat percentage (FA%) and protein percentage (PR%). Annual, seasonal and monthly variations in milk composition were evaluated on 656 064 data items recorded in 3727 dairy farms. The model highlighted a significant association between the year, season and month, and the parameters analysed (SCC, TBC, FA%, PR%). The summer season emerged as the most critical season. Of the summer months, July presented the most critical conditions for TBC, FA% and PR%, (52 054±183 655, 3.73%±0.35% and 3.30%±0.15%, respectively), and August presented higher values of SCC (369 503±228 377). Each milk record was linked to THI data calculated at the nearest weather station. The analysis demonstrated a positive correlation between THI and SCC and TBC, and indicated a significant change in the slope at 57.3 and 72.8 maximum THI, respectively. The model demonstrated a negative correlation between THI and FA% and PR% and provided breakpoints in the pattern at 50.2 and 65.2 maximum THI, respectively. The results of this study indicate the presence of critical climatic thresholds for bulk tank milk composition in dairy cows. Such indications could facilitate the adoption of heat management strategies, which may ensure the health and production of dairy cows and limit related economic losses.  相似文献   

Judging physical attractiveness involves sight, touch, sound and smells. Where visual judgments are concerned, attentional processes may have evolved to prioritize sex-typical traits that reflect cues signaling direct or indirect (i.e. genetic) benefits. Behavioral techniques that measure response times or eye movements provide a powerful test of this assumption by directly assessing how attractiveness influences the deployment of attention. We used eye-tracking to characterize women’s visual attention to men’s back-posed bodies, which varied in overall fat and muscle distribution, while they judged the potential of each model for a short- or long-term relationship. We hypothesized that when judging male bodily attractiveness women would focus more on the upper body musculature of all somatotypes, as it is a signal of metabolic health, immunocompetence and underlying endocrine function. Results showed that mesomorphs (muscular men) received the highest attractiveness ratings, followed by ectomorphs (lean men) and endomorphs (heavily-set men). For eye movements, attention was evenly distributed to the upper and lower back of both ectomorphs and mesomorphs. In contrast, for endomorphs the lower back, including the waist, captured more attention over the viewing period. These patterns in visual attention were evident in the first second of viewing, suggesting that body composition is identified early in viewing and guides attention to body regions that provide salient biological information during judgments of men’s bodily attractiveness.  相似文献   

The paper treats several ontological questions about certain nineteenth-century and contemporary medical and scientific conceptualizations of hereditary relation. In particular, it considers the account of mid-nineteenth century psychiatric thought given by Foucault in Psychiatric Power: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1973–1974 and Abnormal: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1974–1975. There, Foucault argues that a fantastical conceptual prop, the ‘metabody,’ as he terms it, was implicitly supposed by that period’s psychiatric medicine as a putative ground for psychiatric pathology. After presenting the heart of Foucault’s thought on the ‘metabody,’ the paper investigates the possibility that a contemporary version of a ‘metabody’ may operate today as a conceptual analog of the nineteenth-century psychiatric theory and practice that Foucault began to expose in the texts examined here. It speculates that we might identify a contemporary genetic version of a ‘metabody’ in a particular current conception of the gene as replicator, an item marked by an ambiguous temporal ontology.  相似文献   



This short commentary examines the factors that led to Food and Drug Administration’s approval of the first plant-derived biologic.


In 2012, the first plant-derived protein pharmaceutical (biologic) was approved for commercial use in humans. The product, a recombinant form of human β-glucocerebrosidase marketed as ELELYSO, was developed by Protalix Biotherapeutics (Carmiel, Israel). The foresight to select this particular therapeutic product for development, flawless production pipeline, and serendipity seem to provide the key in explaining how ELELYSO became the first plant-derived biologic to achieve approval by Food and Drug Administration.


While the circumstances that enabled Protalix and its scientists to become the first to arrive at this historic milestone are perhaps unique, it is anticipated that more biologics will follow suit in winning regulatory endorsement.

Echolocation is energetically costly for resting bats, but previous experiments suggested echolocation to come at no costs for flying bats. Yet, previous studies did not investigate the relationship between echolocation, flight speed, aerial manoeuvres and metabolism. We re-evaluated the 'no-cost' hypothesis, by quantifying the echolocation pulse rate, the number of aerial manoeuvres (landings and U-turns), and the costs of transport in the 5-g insectivorous bat Rhogeessa io (Vespertilionidae). On average, bats (n = 15) travelled at 1.76 ± 0.36 m s?1 and performed 11.2 ± 6.1 U-turns and 2.8 ± 2.9 ground landings when flying in an octagonal flight cage. Bats made more U-turns with decreasing wing loading (body weight divided by wing area). At flight, bats emitted 19.7 ± 2.7 echolocation pulses s?1 (range 15.3-25.8 pulses s?1), and metabolic rate averaged 2.84 ± 0.95 ml CO? min?1, which was more than 16 times higher than at rest. Bats did not echolocate while not engaged in flight. Costs of transport were not related to the rate of echolocation pulse emission or the number of U-turns, but increased with increasing number of landings; probably as a consequence of slower travel speed when staying briefly on ground. Metabolic power of flight was lower than predicted for R. io under the assumption that energetic costs of echolocation call production is additive to the aerodynamic costs of flight. Results of our experiment are consistent with the notion that echolocation does not add large energetic costs to the aerodynamic power requirements of flight in bats.  相似文献   

The acalyptrate fly superfamily Opomyzoidea, as currently recognized, is a poorly-known group of 14 families. The composition of this group and relationships among included families have been controversial. Furthermore, the delimitation of two opomyzoid families, Aulacigastridae and Periscelididae, has been unstable with respect to placement of the genera Stenomicra, Cyamops, and Planinasus. To test the monophyly of Opomyzoidea, previously proposed relationships between families, and the position of the three problematic genera, we sequenced over 3300 bp of nucleotide sequence data from the 28S ribosomal DNA and CAD (rudimentary) genes from 29 taxa representing all opomyzoid families, as well as 13 outgroup taxa. Relationships recovered differed between analyses, and only branches supporting well-established monophyletic families were recovered with high support, with a few exceptions. Opomyzoidea and its included subgroup, Asteioinea, were found to be non-monophyletic. Stenomicra, Cyamops, and Planinasus group consistently with Aulacigastridae, contrary to recent classifications. Xenasteiidae and Australimyzidae, two small, monogeneric families placed in separate superfamilies, were strongly supported as sister groups.  相似文献   

While world records of tree heights were set by American, Australian and Asian tree species, Africa seemed to play no role here. In our study we show that Entandrophragma excelsum (Meliaceae) found in a remote valley at Kilimanjaro has to be included in the list of the world’s superlative trees. Estimating tree age from growth rates monitored by high resolution dendrometry indicates that tall individuals may reach more than 470 years of age. A unique combination of anatomical peculiarities and favorable site conditions might explain their enormous size. The late date of this discovery of Africa’s tallest trees may be due to the comparably low study efforts at Kilimanjaro compared with other biodiversity hotspots. Since only a few square kilometers of this habitat of Entandrophragma are left, Kilimanjaro (and Africa) is about to lose not only a unique biogeographical archive with highly diverse vegetation, but also its tallest trees. The inclusion of these valleys into the immediately neighboring Kilimanjaro National Park would be an excellent and urgent possibility of protection.  相似文献   

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