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Extracellular nucleotides and purinergic receptors participate in numerous cellular processes during viral infection. Despite their positive role in the immune response, purinergic signals can also favor the infection of cells by viruses and the pathogeny of viral diseases. Here, we highlight the multiple ambiguous roles of purinergic receptors in viral infections.  相似文献   

Innate immunity is critical for the control of virus infection and operates to restrict viral susceptibility and direct antiviral immunity for protection from acute or chronic viral-associated diseases including cancer. RIG-I like receptors (RLRs) are cytosolic RNA helicases that function as pathogen recognition receptors to detect RNA pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) of virus infection. The RLRs include RIG-I, MDA5, and LGP2. They function to recognize and bind to PAMP motifs within viral RNA in a process that directs the RLR to trigger downstream signaling cascades that induce innate immunity that controls viral replication and spread. Products of RLR signaling also serve to modulate the adaptive immune response to infection. Recent studies have additionally connected RLRs to signaling cascades that impart inflammatory and apoptotic responses to virus infection. Viral evasion of RLR signaling supports viral outgrowth and pathogenesis, including the onset of viral-associated cancer.  相似文献   

Uematsu S  Akira S 《Uirusu》2004,54(2):145-151
The immune system has been divided into innate and adaptive component, each of which has different roles and functions in defending the organism against foreign agents, such as bacteria and viruses. An important advance in our understanding of early events in microbial recognition and subsequent development of immune responses was the identification of Toll-like receptors (TLRs) as key molecules of the innate immune systems. The family of TLRs in vertebrates detects conserved structures found in a broad range of pathogens and triggers innate immune responses. At present, 11 members of the TLR family have been identified. A subset of TLRs recognize viral components and induce antiviral responses by producing type I interferons. Recent accumulating evidence has clarified signaling pathways triggered by TLRs in viral infection.  相似文献   

Viruses have evolved complex and dynamic interactions with their host cell. In recent years we have gained insight into the expanding roles for host lipids in the virus life cycle. In particular, viruses target lipid signaling, synthesis, and metabolism to remodel their host cells into an optimal environment for their replication. This review highlights examples from different viruses that illustrate the importance of these diverse virus-lipid interactions.  相似文献   



Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by the production of high-titer IgG autoantibodies directed against nuclear autoantigens. Type I interferon (IFN-I) has been shown to play a pathogenic role in this disease. In the current study, we characterized the role of the IFNAR2 chain of the type I IFN (IFN-I) receptor in the targeting of nucleic acid-associated autoantigens and in B-cell expression of the nucleic acid-sensing Toll-like receptors (TLRs), TLR7 and TLR9, in the pristane model of lupus.  相似文献   

The differentiation, homeostatic proliferation and effector functions of different immune cells are controlled, to a large extent, by cytokines. Viruses often cause immune response dysfunctions by causing defects in the cytokine networks. The defects are often manifested by altered cytokine secretion and/or responsiveness to the cytokine. Among these cytokines, Interleukin-21 (IL-21) is a relatively recently discovered cytokine, which is mainly produced by CD4(+) T cells in the body, and exerts multiple and pleiotropic effects on various immune cells. Recent studies have shown that the cytokine is indispensable for controlling chronic viral infections. This review summarizes current knowledges concerning the biological effects of this cytokine on different components of the immune system. We also discuss how it contributes toward mounting efficient antiviral immunity and controlling chronic viral infections, especially HIV-1. The IL-1 cytokine represents a novel therapeutic agent for virus-infected patients as well as an adjuvant in antiviral vaccination strategies.  相似文献   

Abrogation of tolerance to a chronic viral infection   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This study documents failure of peripheral tolerance mechanisms in a chronic viral infection and shows that T cell tolerance to a viral Ag seen as self from fetal life can be broken despite the presence of this Ag in extrathymic tissues. Congenital infection of mice with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) results in T cell tolerance to the virus. Such mice become carriers for life harboring virus in many tissues including the thymus and exhibit no LCMV-specific CTL responses. Our previous studies have documented the curing of this congenitally acquired chronic infection after adoptive transfer of CD8+ T cells from LCMV-immune mice and the presence of host-derived, LCMV-specific CTL in these "cured" carriers. In this study we have examined the mechanism by which these carriers acquired T cell competence and show that these CTL differentiated from the bone marrow after elimination of viral Ag from the thymus. These results demonstrate that even when a chronic infection has been established in utero, the adult thymus retains the ability to restore immunocompetence to the host and to provide protection against reinfection. Surprisingly, these LCMV specific CTL were acquired at a time when infectious virus and intracellular viral Ag, although cleared from the thymus, were readily detectable in organs such as the kidney, testes, and brain. In fact, active viral replication in peripheral tissues was ongoing when these mice acquired new virus-specific T cells. These results show that clearance of virus form the thymus was sufficient to abrogate tolerance to a congenitally acquired chronic infection and that Ag in peripheral tissues did not tolerize newly developing T cells. These findings suggest that mechanisms that operate on immature cells within the thymus to silence self-reactive T cells are effective in induction of tolerance to viruses, but mechanisms of tolerizing mature T cells are likely to breakdown. This has implications for virus-induced autoimmunity and for treatment of chronic infections.  相似文献   

Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) are important mediators of antiviral immunity through their ability to produce large amounts of type I interferons (IFNs) on viral infection. This function of pDCs is linked to their expression of Toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7) and TLR9, which sense viral nucleic acids within the early endosomes. Exclusion of self nucleic acids from TLR-containing early endosomes normally prevents pDC responses to them. However, in some autoimmune diseases, self nucleic acids can be modified by host factors and gain entrance to pDC endosomes, where they activate TLR signalling. Several pDC receptors negatively regulate type I IFN responses by pDCs during viral infection and for normal homeostasis.  相似文献   

The hallmarks of the immune response to viral infections are the expansion of antigen-specific CD8(+) cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) after they encounter antigen-presenting cells in the lymphoid tissues and their subsequent redistribution to nonlymphoid tissues to deal with the pathogen. Control mechanisms exist within CTL activation pathways to prevent inappropriate CTL responses against disseminating infections with a broad distribution of pathogen in host tissues. This is demonstrated during overwhelming infection with the noncytolytic murine lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, in which clonal exhaustion (anergy and/or deletion) of CTLs prevents immune-mediated pathology but allows persistence of the virus. The mechanism by which the immune system determines whether or not to mount a full response to such infections is unknown. Here we present data showing that the initial encounter of specific CTLs with infected cells in lymphoid tissues is critical for this decision. Whether the course of the viral infection is acute or persistent for life primarily depends on the degree and kinetics of CTL exhaustion in infected lymphoid tissues. Virus-driven CTL expansion in lymphoid tissues resulted in the migration of large quantities of CTLs to nonlymphoid tissues, where they persisted at stable levels. Surprisingly, although virus-specific CTLs were rapidly clonally exhausted in lymphoid tissues under conditions of chronic infection, a substantial number of them migrated to nonlymphoid tissues, where they retained an effector phenotype for a long time. However, these cells were unable to control the infection and progressively lost their antiviral capacities (cytotoxicity and cytokine secretion) in a hierarchical manner before their eventual physical elimination. These results illustrate the differential tissue-specific regulation of antiviral T-cell responses during chronic infections and may help us to understand the dynamic relationship between antigen and T-cell populations in many persistent infections in humans.  相似文献   

The function of the C5a receptors, C5ar (encoded by C5ar) and C5l2 (encoded by Gpr77), especially of C5l2, which was originally termed a 'default receptor', remains a controversial topic. Here we investigated the role of each receptor in the setting of cecal ligation and puncture-induced sepsis by using antibody-induced blockade of C5a receptors and knockout mice. In 'mid-grade' sepsis (30-40% survival), blockade or absence of either C5ar or C5l2 greatly improved survival and attenuated the buildup of proinflammatory mediators in plasma. In vivo appearance or in vitro release of high mobility group box 1 protein (HMGB1) required C5l2 but not C5ar. In 'high-grade' sepsis (100% lethality), the only protective condition was the combined blockade of C5l2 and C5ar. These data suggest that C5ar and C5l2 contribute synergistically to the harmful consequences in sepsis and that C5l2 is required for the release of HMGB1. Thus, contrary to earlier speculation, C5l2 is a functional receptor rather than merely a default receptor.  相似文献   

Zhang YY  Summers J 《Journal of virology》2000,74(11):5257-5265
The dynamic state of infection of 11 ducks with the duck hepatitis B virus was investigated. Chronic infections were established in newly hatched ducklings by inoculation with a mixture of wild-type virus and a mutant virus with a partial replication defect. As expected, the wild-type virus was rapidly enriched in the virus population during the spread of infection. Enrichment thereafter was correlated with normal growth of the liver, with the average mutant-to-wild-type ratio stabilizing for at least 2 months beyond the time at which the liver mass stabilized. Using experimentally determined growth rates for the mutant and wild-type viruses, we estimated that after the spread of infection, competition between the two virus strains was limited by the amount of replication required to infect new hepatocytes in the growing livers. The results suggest that, in a chronically infected liver, the selection of variants with a replication rate advantage is inefficient and that the emergence of such variants would depend on induced liver cell turnover, such as that occurring during chronic hepatitis.  相似文献   

Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS) is strongly associated with KS herpes virus infection, and inflammation plays an important role in this disease. We have shown that human KS biopsy-derived SLK cells, which are of endothelial origin and form KS-like tumors in nude mice, express the viral RNA pattern recognition receptors Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3), retinoic acid-inducible gene-I (RIG-I), and melanoma-differentiation-associated gene 5 (MDA5). Furthermore, SLK cells have enhanced release of IL-6, IL-8 (CXCL8), RANTES (CCL5), and IP-10 (CXCL10) proteins in response to the synthetic viral RNA analog poly(I:C). SiRNA knockdowns demonstrated that TLR3 mediates this inflammatory response to poly(I:C) in SLK cells. Furthermore, knockdown of the RNA receptor RIG-I resulted in enhanced chemokine release, in a TLR3 pathway-dependent manner. Thus, exposure of KS cells to viral RNA ligands can result in a TLR3-mediated increase in the secretion of inflammatory proteins associated with KS cell growth that may contribute to disease.  相似文献   

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