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Autoantibodies to thyroid peroxidase (TPO) are the hallmark of the humoral autoimmune response in human autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto's thyroiditis). The majority of TPO autoantibodies in individual patients' sera interact with a restricted immunodominant region on TPO. Although this region can be mapped, previous studies have failed to localize its position on the TPO molecule. We, therefore, used a footprinting approach that can localize a highly conformational, discontinuous epitope on a very large molecule. Extensive biotinylation ( approximately 15 biotins/molecule protein) of lysine residues on the surface of purified, native TPO resulted in loss of multiple tryptic cleavage sites, as determined by analysis of tryptic polypeptide fragments on reverse-phase HPLC. TPO was then complexed with a monoclonal human autoantibody Fab (TR1.9) before biotinylation. After dissociation from TR1.9, TPO was recovered by gel filtration. A trypsin site, previously observed to be lost after TPO biotinylation, was restored when biotinylation was performed on the TPO-TR1.9 complex. The epitope-protected lysine (K) was present in a 30-aa TPO fragment that, by N-terminal sequencing, was found to be K713. Altered recognition by TR1.9 of a TPO-myeloperoxidase chimeric molecule involving this region supported the epitope protection data. In conclusion, we provide the first identification of an amino acid residue (K713) comprising part of an epitope within the TPO immunodominant region. This focal residue localizes the facet on the large, highly complex TPO molecule that contains the immunodominant region and provides the basis for rational guided mutagenesis studies to more fully characterize this region.  相似文献   

The discontinuous immunodominant region (IDR) recognized by autoantibodies directed against the thyroperoxidase (TPO) molecule, a major autoantigen in autoimmune thyroid diseases, has not yet been completely localized. By using peptide phage-displayed technology, we identified three critical motifs, LXPEXD, QSYP, and EX(E/D)PPV, within selected mimotopes which interacted with the human recombinant anti-TPO autoantibody (aAb) T13, derived from an antibody phage-displayed library obtained from thyroid-infiltrating TPO-selected B cells of Graves' disease patients. Mimotope sequence alignment on the TPO molecule, together with the binding analysis of the T13 aAb on TPO mutants expressed by Chinese hamster ovary cells, demonstrated that regions 353-363, 377-386, and 713-720 from the myeloperoxidase-like domain and region 766-775 from the complement control protein-like domain are a part of the IDR recognized by the recombinant aAb T13. Furthermore, we demonstrated that these regions were involved in the binding to TPO of sera containing TPO-specific autoantibodies from patients suffering from Hashimoto's and Graves' autoimmune diseases. Identification of the IDR could lead to improved diagnosis of thyroid autoimmune diseases by engineering "mini-TPO" as a target autoantigen or designing therapeutic peptides able to block undesired autoimmune responses.  相似文献   

The iodinated protein was localized in thyroid tissue slices by using radioautography. In unfixed tissue, the labelled protein was localized in the colloid, whereas, in tissue that was fixed before the 125I addition, the label was within the follicular cell. This localizes thyroid peroxidase largely on the endoplasmic reticulum of the cell.  相似文献   

The 65 kDa C8-binding protein or homologous restriction factor (C8bp/HRF) protects cells from complement (C)-mediated lysis by binding to C8 and abrogating lytic channel formation. Human C8bp/HRF is shown here to be immunologically related to human C8 and C9 and to murine lymphocyte poreforming protein (PFP, perforin). Polyclonal antibodies raised against purified C8, C9 and perforin react with C8bp/HRF. The antigenic epitopes shared by these four proteins are limited to cysteine-rich or disultide bridge-masked domains. Only complement proteins or perforin that have been disulfide-reduced elicit the production of cross-reactive antibodies when used as immunogens. Analogously, only C8bp/HRF that has been disulfide-reduced reacts with these antibodies. These results suggest that C8bp/HRF may belong to the complement/perforin supergene family. The function of homologous domains shared by these four proteins remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Cytolytic lymphocytes are endowed with a pore-forming protein called perforin. Recently, a cytolytic domain was located in the first 34 residues of the perforin N-terminus. It has been proposed that the first 19 residues are composed of a 3-domain structure including a putative amphipathic beta-sheet and that the 19 residues are sufficient for cytolytic activity. This model has now been tested by synthesizing peptides covering different portions of the N-terminus, and testing their ability to lyse lipid vesicles or increase the conductance of lipid bilayers or plasma membranes. It was found that the putative beta-sheet is indispensable for lytic activity and that the first 19 residues of the N-terminus are required for optimal lytic activity but that shorter peptides, containing only 16 residues, can form pores in lipid bilayers and cell membranes. A putative amphipathic alpha-helix from the central portion of perforin, homologous to complement C9, is nonlytic to lipid vesicles, but it can form pores in lipid bilayers. Taken together, these results support the model that the perforin N-terminus is important in initial pore formation and that the putative alpha-helical domain may be involved in subsequent perforin polymerization into large pores.  相似文献   

Proper folding of the (Gly‐Xaa‐Yaa)n sequence of animal collagens requires adjacent N‐ or C‐terminal noncollagenous trimerization domains which often contain coiled‐coil or beta sheet structure. Collagen‐like proteins have been found recently in a number of bacteria, but little is known about their folding mechanism. The Scl2 collagen‐like protein from Streptococcus pyogenes has an N‐terminal globular domain, designated Vsp, adjacent to its triple‐helix domain. The Vsp domain is required for proper refolding of the Scl2 protein in vitro. Here, recombinant Vsp domain alone is shown to form trimers with a significant α‐helix content and to have a thermal stability of Tm = 45°C. Examination of a new construct shows that the Vsp domain facilitates efficient in vitro refolding only when it is located N‐terminal to the triple‐helix domain but not when C‐terminal to the triple‐helix domain. Fusion of the Vsp domain N‐terminal to a heterologous (Gly‐Xaa‐Yaa)n sequence from Clostridium perfringens led to correct folding and refolding of this triple‐helix, which was unable to fold into a triple‐helical, soluble protein on its own. These results suggest that placement of a functional trimerization module adjacent to a heterologous Gly‐Xaa‐Yaa repeating sequence can lead to proper folding in some cases but also shows specificity in the relative location of the trimerization and triple‐helix domains. This information about their modular nature can be used in the production of novel types of bacterial collagen for biomaterial applications.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody (30.1.2) to hog thyroid peroxidase was produced, purified, and characterized. The IgG of 30.1.2 formed an immune complex with the peroxidase in a 1:2 or 1:1 molar ratio depending on the IgG to antigen ratio in the incubation mixture. Immune complex formation did not inhibit the peroxidase activity, which was actually activated 2-fold in the 1:1 complex. Studies of the binding of the conjugate of the IgG or its Fab' with horseradish peroxidase to untreated and acetone-treated thyroid microsomes showed that the IgG conjugate could bind to only a very small portion of the total binding sites (thyroid peroxidase) present in untreated microsomes even after prolonged incubation. The binding of the Fab' conjugate to untreated microsomes, on the other hand, increased as the incubation time was increased, reaching 40% of the total sites after 20 h of incubation. These findings indicated that thyroid peroxidase is localized on the inner surface of the microsomal membranes and that the Fab' conjugate, but not the IgG conjugate, can slowly penetrate through the membrane barrier to reach the peroxidase. Immunohistochemical experiments using the Fab' conjugate as a probe revealed that most thyroid peroxidase in the thyroid gland is located in the endoplasmic reticulum and perinuclear cisternae of the follicular cell, although a small amount could occasionally be detected in the apical membrane including microvilli. In contrast to previous reports, no thyroid peroxidase could be found in other cellular structures such as Golgi apparatus and apical vesicles by the immunohistochemical technique employed.  相似文献   

We obtained cDNA chimeras between Na/glucose cotransporter (SGLT1) and the homologous Na(+)/myo-inositol cotransporter (SMIT) by creating random chimeras in plasmids. Of 12 chimeras, two were functional when expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes but, upon sequencing, only one of them (C1) produced an actual chimeric protein. In C1, the first 69 amino acids of SGLT1 were replaced by the corresponding 50 amino acids of SMIT. C1 transports the same sugars as does SGLT1. C1's affinity for all sugar substrates was systematically increased by a factor of 3.3+/-0.4 but the V(max) was diminished by a factor of 15-40. In contrast, the cotransport affinity for Na(+) was unchanged. The surface expression of C1 was one seventh that of SGLT1, which explains part of the reduced V(max) and implies a significant reduction in turnover rate. N-terminal truncated constructs of SGLT1 cDNA showed that deleting amino acids 2-14 does not affect cotransporter activity, but that the pentapeptide T(14)RPVET(19) is important for normal levels of SGLT1 current. The main result of a kinetic analysis of the systematic increase in apparent affinity for sugars, together with the intact Na apparent affinity, suggests enhanced access to the sugar binding site in C1.  相似文献   

Pneumolysin, a membrane-damaging toxin, is known to activate the classical complement pathway. We have shown that 1 microgram ml-1 of pneumolysin can activate complement, which is a much lower level than observed previously. We have identified two distinct regions of pneumolysin which show homology with a contiguous sequence within acute-phase proteins, including human C-reactive protein (CRP). Site-directed mutagenesis of the pneumolysin gene was used to change residues common to pneumolysin and CRP. Some of the modified toxins had a reduced ability both to activate complement and bind antibody. We suggest that the ability of pneumolysin to activate complement is related to its ability to bind the Fc portion of immunoglobulin G.  相似文献   

M Levine  G M Rubin  R Tjian 《Cell》1984,38(3):667-673
Several human DNA sequences were isolated by virtue of homology to a highly conserved region that has been identified in a number of homeotic genes in Drosophila. Structural analysis of the human DNAs indicate that two separate and distinct regions sharing a high degree of homology with the homeo box sequences of Drosophila are separated by only 5 kb in the human genome. Sequence determination of these regions reveals that both human DNA sequences contain a region capable of coding 61 amino acids, which shares greater than 90% homology with the peptide sequences specified by the homeo box domain of Drosophila homeotic genes, Antennapedia, fushi tarazu, and Ultrabithorax. By contrast, the human DNA sequences lying outside of the 190 nucleotide homeo box region share virtually no sequence homology, either with the flanking sequences of the other human clones or with flanking regions of the known Drosophila homeotic genes.  相似文献   

Disulphide bonds in proteins are known to play diverse roles ranging from folding to structure to function. Thorough knowledge of the conservation status and structural state of the disulphide bonds will help in understanding of the differences in homologous proteins. Here we present a database for the analysis of conservation and conformation of disulphide bonds in SCOP structural families. This database has a wide range of applications including mapping of disulphide bond mutation patterns, identification of disulphide bonds important for folding and stabilization, modeling of protein tertiary structures and in protein engineering. The database can be accessed at: http://bioinformatics.univ-reunion.fr/analycys/.  相似文献   

The 192-kDa protein HX, a major component of serum that specifically binds to zymosan particles, was prepared from the plasma of the hagfish (Eptatretus burgeri) by ion-exchange chromatography and gel filtration. HX, present at a concentration of 0.8 mg/ml in the original plasma, was composed of two distinct subunits of 115 kDa and 77 kDa, respectively, which were linked by disulfide bonds. The protein had the same electrophoretic mobility as beta-globulin. Digestion by trypsin resulted in a specific cleavage of the 115-kDa subunit and a change in its immunoelectrophoretic mobility in the anodal direction, leaving the 77-kDa subunit intact. Treatment with SDS and urea resulted in the splitting of the 115-kDa subunits into 68-kDa and 45-kDa components, but this splitting was inhibited by pretreatment with methylamine, suggesting the presence of a thiol ester bond in the 115-kDa subunit. The amino acid composition of HX revealed a striking resemblance to that of human C3. We conclude, therefore, that the 192-kDa protein isolated in this study is analogous to C3, which plays a key role in the mammalian C system.  相似文献   

Anti-Smith (anti-Sm) autoantibodies are directed to proteins in the small-nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP) family and are considered specific for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in both humans and mice. We previously established that NOD.c3c4 mice, carrying B6 and B10 congenic segments from chromosomes 3 to 4 on an nonobese diabetic (NOD) background, and NOD.Idd9R28 mice, carrying a B10 segment on c4 alone, developed significant penetrance of anti-Sm antibody production. Here we determine autoantibody incidence in additional NOD.Idd9 congenic strains and use a congenic mapping approach to narrow the interval necessary for enhanced autoantibody production to a ∼5.6-Mb region containing insulin-dependent diabetes (Idd)9.3. The Idd9.3 interval contains the candidate molecule cluster of differentiation (CD)137, which is a member of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor superfamily, functions as an inducible costimulator of T cells, and controls T–B interactions. The NOD and B10 CD137 alleles have sequence polymorphisms and different functional effects on T cells; the NOD CD137 allele mediates weaker T cell proliferative responses and decreased interleukin (IL)-2 production after CD137-mediated costimulation. Our work establishes CD137 as a candidate gene for control of autoantibody production in NOD.Idd9.3 congenic mice.  相似文献   

L J Chen  C Ford  Z Nikolov 《Gene》1991,99(1):121-126
We have constructed and purified by affinity chromatography three beta-galactosidase (beta Gal) fusion proteins (BSB133, BSBCD8, and BGA134) containing amino acid (aa) sequences from Aspergillus glucoamylase (GA). BSB133, containing the C-terminal 133 aa of GA (aa 484-616), adhered to native starch granules with a much higher affinity (Kad = 18 ml/g starch) than a beta Gal control (Kad = 0.9 ml/g starch). Two other fusion proteins, BSBCD8 and BGA134, similar in size to BSB133, adhered to starch with a relatively low affinity (Kad = 7 ml/g starch, and Kad = 4 ml/g starch, respectively). BSBCD8 differs from BSB133 by a truncation of 8 aa at the C terminus. BGA134 contains 134 aa from an overlapping region of GA (aa 380-513). These results confirm the presence of a strong starch-binding region (SBR) included in the C-terminal 133 aa of GA and indicate that the SBR can confer starch-binding activity on a fusion protein produced in Escherichia coli. In the presence of crude soluble cell extracts, the fusion proteins adsorbed by native starch granules with an affinity similar to that of the purified enzymes. BSB133 that had been adsorbed by starch from crude extracts could be eluted at a high level of purity, similar to that achieved by affinity chromatography. These results suggest that it may be feasible to use native starch as an adsorbent for the recovery and purification of recombinant fusion proteins containing the SBR. Starch has many favorable qualities for this application: it is inexpensive, stable, nontoxic, and easy to recover by centrifugation.  相似文献   

An immunodominant region on baculovirus-produced parvovirus B19 VP2 capsids was localized between amino acids 259 and 426 by mapping the binding sites of a panel of monoclonal antibodies which recognize determinants on the particles. The binding sites of three monoclonal antibodies were fine-mapped within this antigenic domain. Six VP2-specific monoclonal antibodies recognized determinants common to both the empty capsids and native parvovirus. The defined antigenic region is most probably exposed on the native B19 virion and corresponds to part of the threefold spike on the surface of canine parvovirus particles.  相似文献   

Summary The extracellular, acidic pathogenesis-related protein, PR-4, was purified to homogeneity from leaves of Nicotiana tabacum infected with tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and characterized by partial amino acid sequencing. Complementary DNA clones encoding PR-4 were isolated using an oligonucleotide probe based on the sequence of one of the peptides. The deduced PR-4 protein sequence was found to be related to a family of proteins including hevein and Win-1, which have an amino-terminal lectin domain and a carboxy-terminal domain of unknown function. PR-4 is homologous to the carboxy-terminus of these proteins but does not contain the lectin domain. Thus, the organization of the PR-4 family of proteins is similar to that of the plant chitinase family, in that both contain structural subclasses characterized by the presence or absence of an amino-terminal lectin domain. This observation is consistent with the proposal that the DNA encoding the lectin domain may be capable of transposing to form new genes encoding proteins of more complex, multi-domain structure. The expression of PR-4 mRNA was found to increase dramatically in response to TMV infection and the time course of RNA accumulation was similar to that of other PR proteins.  相似文献   

A region of human interleukin-2 (IL-2) which was predicted to be a contact point with its receptor was used to locate a homologous region in the envelope protein of human T-lymphotropic retrovirus (HTLV-III). This homologous six amino acid peptide from the carboxy (C)-terminus of the HTLV-III envelope protein was found to inhibit the biological activity of human IL-2 in a murine spleen cell proliferation assay. When conjugated to a carrier protein, this peptide inhibited the binding of radiolabelled IL-2 to its receptor. The biological activity of the peptide was antagonized by a six amino acid peptide fragment of the IL-2 receptor which was predicted to be the contact point on the receptor that corresponded to the binding region of IL-2. The HTLV-III peptide also inhibited the binding of radiolabelled IL-2 to polyclonal anti-IL-2 antiserum. These data support the previous assignment of contact points between IL-2 and its receptor. They also suggest two possible mechanisms of immunosuppression during acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). One involves direct competition of the envelope protein or its fragments with IL-2 for binding to the IL-2 receptor. The other involves antibodies to the envelope protein which crossreact with and neutralize IL-2.  相似文献   

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