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本研究扩增了169号鼠兔属样本的cyt b序列,代表13个种11亚种及5个未分类单元,下载了66条分类地位确定而完整的Cyt b序列,包括25种及9个亚种。构建了Bayesian系统发育树,计算了遗传距离,开展了物种界定分析;对13个种4亚种及5个未分类单元174号完整头骨和外形的20个形态学量度数据开展了主成分分析、判别分析和T检验;对头骨和身体外部特征进行了比较研究。结果显示:鼠兔属包含5个亚属,分别是Ochotona, Conothoa, Pika, Lagotona 和一新亚属;5个亚属间的遗传距离在12.8%-16.0%之间;高黎贡鼠兔(Ochotona gaoligongensis)是灰颈鼠兔(O. forresti)的亚种;喜马拉雅鼠兔(O. himalayana)是灰鼠兔(O. roylei)的亚种;木里鼠兔(O. muliensis)是川西鼠兔(O. gloveri)的亚种;宁夏鼠兔(O. argentata)应为蒙古鼠兔(O. pallasi)的亚种;西伯利亚鼠兔(O. turuchanensis) 为高山鼠兔(O. alpina)的同物异名。藏鼠兔循化亚种(O. thibetana xunhuaensis)应提升为种:循化鼠兔(O. xunhuaensis);东北鼠兔长白山亚种(O. hyperborea coreana)应该提升为种:长白山鼠兔(O. coreana);藏鼠兔峨眉亚种(O. thibetana sacraria)应提升为种:峨眉鼠兔(O. sacraria); 藏鼠兔锡金亚种(O. thibetana sikimaria)应提升为种:锡金鼠兔(O. sikimaria)。通过分子系统学和形态学研究,发现了鼠兔属1 新亚属和5个新种。新亚属命名为异耳鼠兔亚属(Alienauroa subgen. n.),属模为黄龙鼠兔(O. huanglongensis sp. n.),成员包括黄龙鼠兔新种、峨眉鼠兔、循化鼠兔,以及在龙门山和大巴山发现的2个新种,共计5个种。新亚属的鉴定特征是:耳上前缘内侧有一个密被短毛的异耳屏(Congenial tragus);头骨扁平,颅面平直;眼小,眼眶长和眼眶宽均小于其他亚属;被毛粗长而无光泽;腹毛多为灰白色。5个新种分别发现于四川黄龙自然保护区、四川北部龙门山、四川北部大巴山、四川西部邛崃山、西藏雅鲁藏布江中游的朗县。我们分别将其命名为黄龙鼠兔(Ochotona huanglongensis sp. n.),扁颅鼠兔(Ochotona flatcalvariam sp.n.),大巴山鼠兔(Ochotona dabashanensis sp. n.),雅鲁藏布鼠兔(Ochotona yarlungensis sp. n.)和邛崃鼠兔(Ochotona qionglaiensis sp. n.)。黄龙鼠兔的鉴定特征是:门齿孔前段平行;脑颅扁平,颅高为颅全长的33.5%;耳大,平均20mm以上(不含耳基部的管),异耳屏三角形,但顶端圆形;毛长而粗糙,无光泽,背部毛长约20mm;腹面毛色以灰白为主;前后足背面灰白色,腹面黑灰色,指(趾)垫大,橘黄色,露出毛外,爪黄白色半透明。扁颅鼠兔的鉴定特征是:脑颅异常扁平,颅高约11mm,颅高仅为颅全长的31%;眼眶很小,平均6.7mm×5.6mm;个体小,体长140mm以下;体毛长而粗糙无光泽,背部毛长22mm;耳小,平均17mm左右,异耳屏阔圆型,相对较小;背毛沙黄色,腹毛黄白。大巴山鼠兔的鉴定特征是:异耳屏镰刀状;耳相对较小,均在17mm以下,和峨眉鼠兔、扁颅鼠兔差不多,比该亚属循化鼠兔和黄龙鼠兔小。颅高相对较大,颅面更隆突,颅高平均12.45mm, 眼眶相对较大,平均8.52mm×7.13mm。雅鲁藏布鼠兔的鉴定特征是:与黑唇鼠兔(O. curzoniae)和努布拉克鼠兔拉萨亚种(O. nubrica lhasaensis)有很近的亲缘关系;唇缘有很窄的深灰色圈,深灰色圈外侧为灰白色;前后足底部毛浓密,趾端毛多而长,趾垫和爪隐于毛中;个体中等,体长150mm左右,比黑唇鼠兔和努布拉克鼠兔拉萨亚种小得多;颅面较隆突,但与黑唇鼠兔相比,颅面相对平直;被毛黑褐色。邛崃鼠兔的鉴定特征是:大小及头骨和藏鼠兔很相似,但该种和藏鼠兔的显著不同是眶间宽狭窄,平均4.05mm(3.64-4.19mm),而藏鼠兔眶间宽一般超过4.2mm,平均为4.45mm;该种毛色为沙色带黄色调,毛粗长;藏鼠兔为黑褐色调,毛相对较短;邛崃鼠兔前后足背面为显著的草黄色,而藏鼠兔前后足背面黄白色。  相似文献   

GFP转基因鼠在医学实验中应用较广,由于这种鼠全身所有的细胞都带荧光,可取这种鼠的细胞在体外做各种处理,然后回输照射鼠,可以在照射鼠体内跟踪这些细胞的转化与分布,因此荧光鼠有着广泛的用途.我们在只有荧光雄鼠的情况下,繁殖了荧光鼠后代.由于荧光鼠全身是黑毛,为了更好地区别杂交后的子代是否是荧光鼠,我们用白色的杂交鼠与荧光雄鼠杂交,结果所生的子代全部是黑毛,经过回交,得到的荧光鼠后代,外周血中GFP阳性细胞百分比达到了95.8%,达到了做照射鼠治疗的研究要求,现报道如下.  相似文献   

黄河鼠兔Ochotona huangensis(Matschie,1907)的分类研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
黄河鼠兔(Ochotona huangensis)由Matschie(1907)发表,长期以来国内外学者意见纷纭,有人将它归入藏鼠兔(O.thibetana),有的则作为达乌尔鼠兔(O.daurica)的同物异名。经查对地模及邻近地模产地的标本,并与其相似种进行了仔细的对比,认为黄河鼠兔不同于藏鼠兔、甘肃鼠兔、达乌尔鼠兔,而是一有效物种。  相似文献   

盲鼠蚤属一新种及无窦盲鼠蚤雄蚤的发现(蚤目:细蚤科)   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
记述盲鼠蚤属Typhlomyopsyllus Li et Huang,1980一新种,刘氏盲鼠蚤Typhlomyopsyllus liui sp.nov.及无窦盲鼠蚤T.esinus Liu,Shi et Liu,1985的雄蚤,前者模式标本采自鄂西南五峰县后河自然保护区与湘西北石门县壶瓶山自然保护区两省交界处的猪尾鼠Typhlomys cinereus体上。  相似文献   

努布拉鼠兔(Ochotona nubrica Thomas,1922)的分类订正   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
努布拉鼠兔(Ochotona nubrica)的分类地位迄今未能得到合理解决,曾被列为草原鼠兔(O.pusilla)、灰鼠兔(O.roylei)或藏鼠兔(O.thibetana)的同物异名。作者根据原始文献、地模标本及邻近地模产地的标本与有关的鼠兔种类进行对比研究,证实了努布拉鼠兔既不同于藏鼠兔,也不同于灰鼠兔,而是一个有效物种。  相似文献   

中国大陆白腹鼠属的分支系统发育研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
运用Hennig的分支系统学原理和方法,对分布于中国大陆的白腹鼠属7个种的部分外部及头骨形态学特征进行性状数据分析,结合应用Paup和Hennig 86两种分支系统学软件对它们之间的系统发育关系进行研究.结果表明:安氏白腹鼠N.andersoni和川西白腹鼠N.excelsior亲缘关系较近,二者聚在一起,组成了Musser(1981)的安氏白腹鼠种组N.andersoni-Division;另外刺毛鼠N.fulvescens和褐尾鼠N.cremoriuenter的亲缘关系最近,二者先聚在一起,再与社鼠N.confucianus聚在一起,形成了安氏白腹鼠种组的姐妹群;而梵鼠N.brahma是上述5种白腹鼠组成类群的姐妹群,灰腹鼠N.eha则与前6种白腹鼠组成类群互为姐妹群.  相似文献   

介绍一种新型的实验动物—高原鼠兔   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鼠兔属动物的早期人工饲养开始于Dice对科罗拉多鼠兔(Ochotona priceps saratilis)的试养,室内繁殖未成功,直至1969年Puget从阿富汗喀布尔地区,捕获野生的阿富汗鼠兔(O. rufescens rufescens),并在人工饲养下繁殖成功。日本1974年引进作为基础对其进行实验动物化培育,供医学生物学研究用,目前已成为法、美和日本等国的实验动物。 高原鼠兔(O. curzoniac)的人工饲养始于60年代,由于鼠兔繁殖生物学因素的影响,  相似文献   

草原栖息高原鼠兔的社会行为   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
绪言 我们对行为进化的认识是通过比较两个栖息环境完全相反而形态相似、相互关联的鼠兔种而得到提高的。这里,我们提出了青藏高原高原鼠兔(Ochotona Curzoniae)社会行为的第一手详尽资料,然后用该种的社会行为与已作过深入研究的北美鼠兔(O.Princeps)加以比较。这两种鼠兔在许多方面都是进行比较研究的理想对象:它们的形态特征相似,然而栖息地却明显不同。  相似文献   

鼠痘是由鼠痘病毒引的实验小鼠的一种烈性传染病,分为急性和慢性两型,但大部分为隐性感染。鼠痘的病理组织学特点是,出现皮疹,肝脏、脾脏、肠道、淋巴结、肾脏等出现程度不同的灶性坏死,在这些损伤部位的上皮细胞和内皮细胞出现境界清楚、周围有晕、成群存在、嗜酸性胞浆内包涵体.利用鼠痘抗体,通过免疫酶组织化学染色,可以对组织内鼠痘病毒进行定位诊断。电镜下,在肝脏等组织内可观察到鼠痘病毒颗粒。  相似文献   

高原鼠兔种群年龄结构和动态   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
梁杰荣  戚根贤 《兽类学报》1989,9(3):228-230
我们于1974—1982年,在青海省海北高寒草甸生态系统定位站,对高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzon-iae)的种群年龄结构和动态进行了一些研究,现简报如下:1.各年龄组的季节变化 根据1978年采集的814个标本,按照施银柱等(1978)在《灭鼠和鼠类生物学研究报告》第三集中介绍的方法,参考室内饲养的资料,将鼠兔分为5个年龄组:幼体1组、幼体2组、亚成体组、成体组和老体组(图1)。结果表明:4月,种群由成体和老体组成,分别为87.7%和12.3%,说明鼠  相似文献   

Twelve polymorphic microsatellite loci were developed for Rhamnus alaternus using an enriched-library approach. We detected 69 alleles in 49 individuals genotyped (mean number of alleles per locus was 4.79) in two different populations. The values of observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.045 to 0.963 and 0.089 to 0.873 respectively. Levels of polymorphism and the exclusionary power of the developed markers render them readily applicable for studies of contemporary pollen and seed gene flow through parentage analyses.  相似文献   

在野外观察和查阅大量标本的基础上,认为Rhamnus ussuriensis J. Vass.应作为Rh. davurica Pall.的异名。  相似文献   

We present the inhibitory properties of the R. pompana anthocyanin fraction (RPAF) and its major constituents on alpha-glucosidase (AG), pancreatic lipase (PL), HMG-CoA reductase, and ornithine decarboxylase (ODC). The effect of RPAF was also evaluated in ICR male mice subjected to oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and hypercaloric/atherogenic diet for 30 days. RP-HPLC/MS profiling revealed that RPAF contained five major anthocyanins and induced slight inhibition on PL and HMG-CoA reductase (IC50, 245–338 μg mL−1) whereas strong activity on AG and ODC (IC50, 130–133 μg mL−1) was observed. Kinetic studies and molecular docking with pelargonidin-3-O-rutinoside (P3R) on ODC, revealed changes in Km (0.9514–0.9746 mM) and Vmax (1.96–2.32 μmol mg−1 min−1) suggesting mixed inhibition and molecular interaction with two active sites of ODC. P3R showed antiproliferative activity (IC50, 46.5 μM) and decreased polyamine accumulation in DLD-1 cells. The results of OGTT confirmed that RPAF regulates postprandial glucose levels in diabetic animals which experienced a significant glucose depletion (30 %; p<0.001) from 30 to 120 min post-treatment. Prolonged supplementation of RPAF caused significant decrease (p<0.001) in plasma glucose, total cholesterol, LDL-c and triglycerides as well as significant increase (p<0.001) of HDL-c compared with normoglycemic untreated animals.  相似文献   

A. Mingo 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(1):181-189

A factorial experiment was conducted in order to test whether the ranking of competitive ability at seedling stage is affected by different resource availability and competition asymmetry levels. Seedlings of three Mediterranean species (Rhamnus alaternus, Ampelodesmos mauritanicus and Cistus incanus) were grown at two competition intensities with different water and nutrient levels. Plants responses were expressed as mortality, biomass production and plant architecture. Data were also analysed by an index of competitive response intensity. A clear ranking of competitive response was observed, with Rhamnus > Ampelodesmos > Cistus. Competition was affected both by water and nutrient availability, but none of these factors modified competitive ranking. Seedling competition behaviour appeared to be related to species successional roles.  相似文献   

Critical stages in the recruitment process of Rhamnus alaternus L   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Rhamnus alaternus is a Mediterranean shrub commonly used in reforestation programs. Although several aspects of its reproductive biology have been studied, little is known about the importance of the different recruitment stages in the overall regeneration process of this species, which limits its proper use in Mediterranean forests and shrubland management. The aim of the present work was to quantify the importance of the different recruitment stages in the regeneration process of R. alaternus. METHODS: Two populations of Rhamnus alaternus on the island of Mallorca that differ in climatic conditions, type of habitat and sex ratio were studied. The importance of seed production, seed dispersal and predation, seedling emergence and seedling survival for the regeneration of this species were quantified. KEY RESULTS: In both populations, fruit set and fruit removal by animals were not critical stages, since almost half of the flowers became mature fruits and 90% of those were dispersed. Most seeds were deposited under female conspecifics (86 and 47%, at Lloret and Esporles, respectively), and very few were found in open inter-spaces (1 and 5%). Post-dispersal seed predation (mostly by ants and rodents) was very high in both populations. Seedling emergence took place during autumn and early winter and it ranged from 31 to 68% depending upon year and microhabitat. The majority of emerged seedlings died during the first year, mainly due to desiccation; such mortality was influenced by rainfall and differed among microhabitats (varying from 67 to 100%). The general spatial distribution of seed rain was concordant with the seedling emergence and survival pattern in both populations. CONCLUSIONS: The recruitment of Rhamnus alaternus appeared to be mainly limited by seed and seedling survival, regardless of the type of habitat in which the species is found.  相似文献   

Here, hypotheses about stem and root xylem structure and function were assessed by analyzing xylem in nine chaparral Rhamnaceae species. Traits characterizing xylem transport efficiency and safety, mechanical strength and storage were analyzed using linear regression, principal components analysis and phylogenetic independent contrasts (PICs). Stems showed a strong, positive correlation between xylem mechanical strength (xylem density and modulus of rupture) and xylem transport safety (resistance to cavitation and estimated vessel implosion resistance), and this was supported by PICs. Like stems, greater root cavitation resistance was correlated with greater vessel implosion resistance; however, unlike stems, root cavitation resistance was not correlated with xylem density and modulus of rupture. Also different from stems, roots displayed a trade-off between xylem transport safety from cavitation and xylem transport efficiency. Both stems and roots showed a trade-off between xylem transport safety and xylem storage of water and nutrients, respectively. Stems and roots differ in xylem structural and functional relationships, associated with differences in their local environment (air vs soil) and their primary functions.  相似文献   

The invasive shrub Rhamnus cathartica L. (common buckthorn) dominates the understory of many temperate forests of eastern North America. Common buckthorn outcompetes native understory species for light, forming monospecific stands that suppress plant and animal diversity. Removing common buckthorn is a common management priority within its invasive range. In recent years, forestry mowing has become popular in removing common buckthorn. This control method removes a midstory of common buckthorn, increasing light availability to the lower understory (which could favor buckthorn regeneration) and creating a layer of mulch on the forest floor (which could suppress buckthorn regeneration). Here we investigate whether and how increased light availability and increased ground cover (mulch) resulting from forestry mowing affects buckthorn regeneration from the seed bank. We evaluated buckthorn germination, survival, and early growth in response to a factorial combination of shading treatments and buckthorn mulch depth treatments in an oak forest in Minnesota, U.S.A. Increased light availability increased buckthorn seedling survival and growth, whereas increased mulch depth did not significantly affect the number of buckthorn establishing from seed over one growing season and winter. Thus, removing buckthorn by forestry mowing (or any other method) is likely to facilitate buckthorn reestablishment by increasing light availability at the ground.  相似文献   

Shifts in plant‐community composition following habitat degradation and species invasions can alter ecosystem structure and performance of ecosystem services. In temperate North American woodlands, invasion by aggressive Eurasian shrubs has produced dense thickets with depauperate understory vegetation and increased rates of litter decomposition and nutrient cycling, attributes that could impair storage of carbon as soil organic matter (SOM). It is important to know if such impairment has occurred and, if so, the extent to which restoration can return this service. We used an oak‐woodland restoration chronosequence in northeastern Illinois to contrast structural and functional attributes of unrestored areas dominated by Rhamnus cathartica (common buckthorn) with areas that had undergone buckthorn removal and ongoing, active management for less than 1 to 14 years. With increasing age, restored areas had higher understory plant diversity and cover (p < 0.0001 and 0.005, respectively) and higher litter mass (p = 0.018). These structural differences were associated with some evidence of reduced soil erosion (p = 0.027–0.135) but greater soil CO2 efflux (p = 0.020–0.033). Total particulate organic matter (POM) in the soil increased with restoration age, which was driven by increases in the slow‐turnover, mineral‐associated SOM fraction. However, variance was high and relationships were only weakly significant (p = 0.082 and 0.083 for total POM and mineral‐associated SOM, respectively). Our results suggest that, in addition to better documented biodiversity benefits, beneficial changes to ecosystem properties and processes may also occur with active, long‐term restoration of degraded woodlands.  相似文献   

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