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Pine wilt disease (PWD) caused by the pine wood nematode is the most serious global threat to pine forests. Hazard ratings of trees and forests to pest attacks provide important information to efficiently identify current or future hazardous conditions. However, in spite of the importance of hazard ratings for managing PWD, there are few studies on hazard ratings in this system. In this study, we evaluated the hazard ratings of pine trees and pine stands to PWD by considering environmental factors at the level of the stand and the individual tree. Our results showed that trees with larger diameter at breast height (DBH) showed a higher risk rate than those with smaller DBH, indicating that large trees have an increased probability of exposure to vector beetles because they are tall and have a large crown volume. We also found that reduced tree vigour could be related to susceptibility to PWD. In pine stands, geographical factors showed a high correlation with the occurrence of PWD. PWD occurrence was rare at high altitudes, but was more common on steep and south-facing slopes. These patterns were consistently observed in the results from 2 computational approaches: self-organizing map (SOM) and random forest models. The combination of SOM and random forest was effective to extract ecological information from the dataset. The SOM efficiently characterized relations among variables, and the random forest model was effective at predicting ecological variables, including the hazard rating of trees to disturbances.  相似文献   

Abstract. We explore patterns of diversity of plant functional types (PFTs) in Mediterranean communities subjected to landscape‐scale fire disturbances in a mosaic of uncultivated and old fields stands. We use regenerative and growth form attributes to establish two sets of PFTs of perennial species living in shrublands and pine forests of NE Spain. We test the following hypotheses: 1. Fire frequency decreases regenerative PFTs diversity by negatively selecting attributes with low regenerative efficiency. 2. Fire history has more influence on regenerative than on growth form PFTs. 3. The lowest diversity of growth form PFTs will be in old fields without recent fires. We surveyed stands of different combinations of fire and land use histories. Fire history included areas without fires in the last twenty years (unburned), sites burned in 1982 (1‐burned), and sites burned in 1982 and 1994 (2‐burned). Land use histories considered terraced old fields, and uncultivated stands on stony soils. We analysed patterns of PFT abundance and diversity at the stand level, and across the landscape (among stands absolute deviations from sample medians of the relative cover of PFTs). At the stand level, fire had more influence on the diversity patterns of regenerative PFTs than on growth form PFTs. Fire decreased the diversity of regenerative PFTs, due to the elimination of the species without effective mechanisms to post‐fire regeneration. This effect was not observed across the landscape, but seeders showed more variation in stands with longer history without fire. Land use contributed to explain the diversity patterns of growth form PFT (i.e. the number of growth form PFTs was lower in uncultivated, unburned sites), but it did not influence regenerative PFTs diversity. Patterns of PFTs diversity reflect the response to ecological processes operating at the landscape level. Overall, regenerative and growth form PFTs appear to be more sensitive to the fire history than to the past land use.  相似文献   

Woody plant encroachment into grasslands has been globally widespread. The woody species invading grasslands represent a variety of contrasting plant functional groups and growth forms. Are some woody plant functional types (PFTs) better suited to invade grasslands than others? To what extent do local patterns of distribution and abundance of woody PFTs invading grasslands reflect intrinsic topoedaphic properties versus plant-induced changes in soil properties? We addressed these questions in the Southern Great Plains, United States at a subtropical grassland known to have been encroached upon by woody species over the past 50-100 years. A total of 20 woody species (9 tree-statured; 11 shrub-statured) were encountered along a transect extending from an upland into a playa basin. About half of the encroaching woody plants were potential N2-fixers (55% of species), but they contributed only 7% to 16 % of the total basal area. Most species and the PFTs they represent were ubiquitously distributed along the topoedaphic gradient, but with varying abundances. Overstory-understory comparisons suggest that while future species composition of these woody communities is likely to change, PFT composition is not. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) ordination and variance partitioning (Partial CCA) indicated that woody species and PFT composition in developing woody communities was primarily influenced by intrinsic landscape location variables (e.g., soil texture) and secondarily by plant-induced changes in soil organic carbon and total nitrogen content. The ubiquitous distribution of species and PFTs suggests that woody plants are generally well-suited to a broad range of grassland topoedaphic settings. However, here we only examined categorical and non-quantitative functional traits. Although intrinsic soil properties exerted more control over the floristics of grassland-to-woodland succession did plant modifications of soil carbon and nitrogen concentrations, the latter are likely to influence productivity and nutrient cycling and may, over longer time-frames, feed back to influence PFT distributions.  相似文献   

Multi-taxon surveys were conducted in species-rich, lowland palaeotropical and neotropical forested landscapes in Sumatra, Indonesia and Mato Grosso, Brazil. Gradient-directed transects (gradsects) were sampled across a range of forested land use mosaics, using a uniform protocol to simultaneously record vegetation (vascular plant species, plant functional types (PFTs) and vegetation structure), vertebrates (birds, mammals) and invertebrates (termites), in addition to measuring site and soil properties, including carbon stocks. At both sites similar correlations were detected between major components of structure (mean canopy height, woody basal area and litter depth) and the diversities of plant species and PFTs. A plant species to PFT ratio [spp.:PFTs] was the best overall predictor of animal diversity, especially termite species richness in Sumatra. To a notable extent vegetation structure also correlated with animal diversity. These surrogates demonstrate generic links between habitat structural elements, carbon stocks and biodiversity. They may also offer practical low-cost indicators for rapid assessment in tropical forest landscapes.  相似文献   

The study of plant functional types (PFTs) has been widely emphasized when analysing plant community changes in relation to variations in climate and disturbance regime. In this study, we search for PFTs of woody species near forest–grassland boundaries in South Brazil where, due to climate, forests tend to expand over grassland but are being restricted by frequent fires. We aimed at answering the questions: (i) which plant functional types of forest woody species can establish in adjacent grassland subject to fire disturbance and (ii) which plant functional types of forest and grassland woody species are related to short-term community dynamics in frequently burned grassland. Traits were assessed in woody plants in 156 plots (6.75 m2) arranged in 12 transects across forest–grassland boundaries with different fire history in their grassland part. The analysis used a recursive algorithm to search for traits and PFTs maximally associated to spatial distance from forest limit in one analysis, and elapsed time since last fire in another. As a result, nine PFTs of forest woody species were identified that best described community patterns associated to distance from forest. Resprouting ability characterized forest plants able to colonize grasslands. PFT diversity was higher in border plots than inside forest or grassland. Four PFTs of forest and grassland woody species best described woody species community patterns in the grassland associated to elapsed time since fire. Taller individuals of single-stemmed shrubs predominated in late post-fire recovery (3–4 years), while shorter multi-stemmed shrubs in recently burned areas (3 months to 1 year). PFTs of forest trees occurred in border plots or, as established adults, in grassland, remaining unaffected by fire. We conclude that easily measurable structural plant traits, such as those used in our study, are sufficient to evaluate post-fire community dynamics. Forest PFTs in burned grassland are restricted to those with resprouting ability to survive recurrent fire events. Establishment success is highest on protected sites with lesser or low-intensity fire.  相似文献   

Old growth red pine forests (Pinus resinosa) cover less than 1% of their original range in North America and are essential for maintaining biodiversity at stand and landscape scales. Despite this, the largest remaining old-growth red pine forest in the world, the Wolf Lake Forest Reserve, is currently threatened by mining claims in Northern Ontario and has been receiving considerable media and public attention in recent months. We provide a timely review of how large old growth red pine forests maintain biodiversity at several taxonomic levels (with a focus on trees and plants) through heterogeneous partitioning of limiting resources such as light and nitrogen, formation of complex habitats through increased accumulation of coarse woody debris, and the maintenance of natural disturbance-driven succession. These processes shape the overstory community, allowing for the regeneration of pines, coexistence of early-mid successional shade intolerant species and cross-ecotonal establishment of late successional tree species in response to regional warming over the past three decades. Using Wolf Lake as a case study, we review legislation and policy complexities around this issue and provide scientific arguments for the preservation of this forest. We invoke recent insights into the ecological role of refugia, the development of criteria for assessing endangered ecosystems, and the challenges of conservation in the face of climate change and disturbance regimes. These forests are ecologically important and provide a scientifically irreplaceable system for assessing baseline ecosystem function, processes and services. As the largest remaining old-growth red pine forest in the world, Wolf Lake Forest Reserve deserves intensive study, monitoring and full protection from future development.  相似文献   

Pine wilt disease (PWD) has caused significant Masson pine mortality in the Three Gorges reservoir region in central China. In this study, five uniform Masson pine stand types infected by PWD were selected and surveyed on slopes and aspects with similar environmental conditions. In sites that had been infected, soil bulk density was reduced, and the difference among the groups was statistically significant (< 0.05) at the 0–10 cm and 10–20 cm soil layers, but not at 20–40 cm. Other soil water‐related physical properties, excluding noncapillary porosity, significantly differed among the groups in all soil layers. Additionally, the values of available phosphorus, sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium were higher in the invaded stands, but the total nitrogen and organic matter contents were lower. Masson pine does not become reestablished following PWD‐induced mortality but is instead replaced by broad‐leaved tree species. Among the 19 examined environmental variables, five were found to be significantly related with the ordination of plant community structure: Masson pine stumps (MPS), K+, capillary water holding capacity (CWHC), capillary porosity (CP), and soil water content (SWC). Among these factors, the plant community structure was principally related to MPS and K+. The findings of this study show that the outbreak of PWD has impacted Masson pine forest soil properties and altered forest community composition. The disease is negatively related with the presence of Masson pine and positively associated with that of broad‐leaved tree species.  相似文献   

The role of forest plantations in biodiversity conservation has gained more attention in recent years. However, most work on evaluating the diversity of forest plantations focuses only on one spatial scale; thus, we examined the effects of sampling scale on diversity in forest plantations. We designed a hierarchical sampling strategy to collect data on woody species diversity in planted pine (Pinus tabuliformis Carr.), planted larch (Larix principis-rupprechtii Mayr.), and natural secondary deciduous broadleaf forests in a mountainous region of Beijing, China. Additive diversity partition analysis showed that, compared to natural forests, the planted pine forests had a different woody species diversity partitioning pattern at multi-scales (except the Simpson diversity in the regeneration layer), while the larch plantations did not show multi-scale diversity partitioning patterns that were obviously different from those in the natural secondary broadleaf forest. Compare to the natural secondary broadleaf forests, the effects of planted pine forests on woody species diversity are dependent on the sampling scale and layers selected for analysis. Diversity in the planted larch forest, however, was not significantly different from that in the natural forest for all diversity components at all sampling levels. Our work demonstrated that the species selected for afforestation and the sampling scales selected for data analysis alter the conclusions on the levels of diversity supported by plantations. We suggest that a wide range of scales should be considered in the evaluation of the role of forest plantations on biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Four plant functional types (PFTs) were used to compare the vegetation structure of an alien-invaded Acacia nilotica savanna with one of negligible invasions. Heights, canopy covers and species richness of three native PFTs (woody plants, grasses and herbs) and one alien PFT (woody plants) were measured in 14, 1-m2 quadrats sampled in a stratified-random pattern in a 400-m2 plot demarcated in each savanna. In the uninvaded plot, mean heights of native PFTs were stratified. In the invaded plot, the mean height of aliens extended into the native woody stratum with the lower range of native woody PFT heights reduced to the grass stratum. Discriminant analysis of canopy covers and species richness of the four PFTs revealed significant differences in composition between plots with the alien PFT being the most important variable correlated with these differences. Univariate analysis confirmed the dominance of alien woody plants in the invaded plot but also showed significant reductions in the canopy covers and species richness of native herbs and grasses compared to those in the uninvaded plot. These results suggest that PFTs can rapidly measure small-scale, spatial differences in the physiognomy, composition and species richness of A. nilotica savannas when invaded by alien woody plants.  相似文献   

Methods for the ecological-geographical analysis of the Manchurian Natural Area are discussed to perform estimation of the contemporary state, monitoring, and conservation of the biodiversity of Korean pine broad-leaved forests. The models used for conservation of the mountain Korean pine broad-leaved forests in the transboundary areas of Russia, China, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), and the Republic of Korea should be based on the coordinated management of national resources. Estimating the ecological potential of Korean pine broad-leaved forests and the state and role played by forest ecosystems in the contemporary structure of the vegetation cover of the Manchurian Natural Area is significant for a more successful management of forests and scientifically grounded distribution of the nature reserves to conserve biodiversity. The united ecological-geographical system taking into account the regional peculiarities of forests can serve as a key in the development of the conservation of the biome.  相似文献   

The pine wood nematode (PWN) Bursaphelenchus xylophilus is the causal agent of pine wilt disease (PWD), a xylem restricting disease of pine trees. PWN, a native of North America where it very rarely kills native pine trees, has spread internationally killing host trees in China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Portugal, with isolated incursions into Spain. Based on the locations where tree mortality has been recorded, it appears that pine trees growing in hot, dry conditions are more susceptible to pine wilt disease. This paper describes the ETpN model, an evapo-transpiration model (previously developed by Forest Research), which has been modified to incorporate the presence of PWN inside a tree and which predicts the regions of Europe that are likely to succumb to PWD. ETpN acts independently of the vector beetle (Monochamus spp.), predicting the likelihood of PWD on the assumption that a tree in a particular region has already been infested by the pine wood nematode. Different regions across Europe are included to investigate and demonstrate how different climates affect PWD incidence significantly. Simplified, “lite” and latency models have been developed to allow a non-specialist user to determine respectively the risk of PWD at a particular location and the likelihood of delays (latency) in expression of wilt symptoms.  相似文献   

Aim There is increasing concern regarding sustainable management and restoration of planted forests, particularly in the Mediterranean Basin where pine species have been widely used. The aim of this study was to analyse the environmental and structural characteristics of Mediterranean planted pine forests in relation to natural pine forests. Specifically, we assessed recruitment and woody species richness along climatic, structural and perturbation gradients to aid in developing restoration guidelines. Location Continental Spain. Methods We conducted a multivariate comparison of ecological characteristics in planted and natural stands of main Iberian native pine species (Pinus halepensis, Pinus pinea, Pinus pinaster, Pinus nigra and Pinus sylvestris). We fitted species‐specific statistical models of recruitment and woody species richness and analysed the response of natural and planted stands along ecological gradients. Results Planted pine forests occurred on average on poorer soils and experienced higher anthropic disturbance rates (fire frequency and anthropic mortality) than natural pine forests. Planted pine forests had lower regeneration and diversity levels than natural pine forests, and these differences were more pronounced in mountain pine stands. The largest differences in recruitment – chiefly oak seedling abundance – and species richness between planted and natural stands occurred at low‐medium values of annual precipitation, stand tree density, distance to Quercus forests and fire frequency, whereas differences usually disappeared in the upper part of the gradients. Main conclusions Structural characteristics and patterns of recruitment and species richness differ in pine planted forests compared to natural pine ecosystems in the Mediterranean, especially for mountain pines. However, management options exist that would reduce differences between these forest types, where restoration towards more natural conditions is feasible. To increase recruitment and diversity, vertical and horizontal heterogeneity could be promoted by thinning in high‐density and homogeneous stands, while enrichment planting would be desirable in mesic and medium‐density planted forests.  相似文献   

Abstract. The development of secondary Pinus densiflora (Japanese red pine) forests after pine wilt disease was studied through phytosociological analysis, estimation of forest structure before disease and size-structure, tree ring and stem analyses. Following the end of the disease, the growth of previously suppressed small oak trees was accelerated. This is quite different from the development of forests following fire, which starts with the establishment of pine seedlings. Pine wilt disease shifted the dominance of secondary forests from Pinus densiflora to Quercus serrata oak forest. In pine forests, disturbance by fire is important for forest maintenance. In contrast, disturbance by pine wilt disease leads to an acceleration of succession from pine forest to oak forest.  相似文献   

Three important parameters of biodiversity in first generation Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) forests on sandy soils have been evaluated: herbal layer diversity, natural regeneration and stand structure. The study took place in the Belgian Campine region, where the original oak–birch forest, degraded to heathlands in the course of time, were finally replaced by monocultures of Scots pine. These first generation pine forests are characterized by a low biodiversity. In maturing stands of this type, however, a spontaneous increase of biodiversity is noticed. Herbal species richness is very limited in all age classes. Different natural regeneration patterns are found. Referring to stand structure, the lengthening of the rotation favours the ingrowth of several hardwood species. As a consequence, the homogenous Scots pine stands are gradually and spontaneously transformed into heterogeneous mixed stands, featuring a noticeable increase in biodiversity. Selected human interventions may further increase biodiversity. The fundamental management principles are discussed: avoidance of major disturbances, lengthening of the rotation period, use of native tree species and natural regeneration, protection of microbiotopes and permanent monitoring.  相似文献   

Deadwood is widely recognized to be an important issue for biodiversity conservation in forest ecosystems. Establishing guidelines for its management requires a better understanding of relationships between woody debris characteristics and associated species assemblages. Although deadwood diameter has been identified as an important factor predicting occurrence of many saproxylic species, the boundary between small and large diameter has not yet been precisely defined. In commercial forests, it is also of critical importance to know which diameter is large enough to host the beetle species associated with large logs in order to ensure cost-effectiveness of biodiversity conservation measures. We investigated the differences in saproxylic beetle assemblages among four different diameter classes of downed woody oak and maritime pine debris, in France. Beetles were sampled using in situ emergence traps. The diameter of deadwood pieces ranged from 1 to 40 cm. No patterns of nestedness associated with the gradient of diameter size were identified for either tree species. More indicator saproxylic species were observed in large logs and branches than in small logs. A clear distinction appeared in assemblage composition around the 5-cm diameter threshold whereas no similar pattern occurred around the 10 cm value, i.e. the classical threshold used in forestry to distinguish fine woody debris from coarse woody debris. For both tree species, the mean body length of beetles increased with the diameter of deadwood suggesting that the quantity of available resources per piece may constitute a limiting factor for large beetle species. This study confirms that not only large deadwood pieces are relevant for saproxylic biodiversity conservation but also the smallest pieces. Therefore, forest managers would be well advised to maintain a high diversity of deadwoods to maintain saproxylic biodiversity.  相似文献   

The current study tested the assumption that floristic and functional diversity patterns are negatively related to soil nitrogen content. We analyzed 20 plots with soil N-contents ranging from 0.63% to 1.06% in a deciduous forest near Munich (Germany). To describe species adaptation strategies to different nitrogen availabilities, we used a plant functional type (PFT) approach. Each identified PFT represents one realized adaptation strategy to the current environment. These were correlated, next to plant species richness and evenness, to soil nitrogen contents. We found that N-efficient species were typical for low soil nitrogen contents, while N-requiring species occur at high N-contents. In contrast to our initial hypotheses, floristic and functional diversity measures (number of PFTs) were positively related to nitrogen content in the soil. Every functional group has its own adaptation to the prevailing environmental conditions; in consequence, these functional groups can co-exist but do not out-compete one another. The increased number of functional groups at high N-contents leads to increased species richness. Hence, for explaining diversity patterns we need to consider species groups representing different adaptations to the current environmental conditions. Such co-existing ecological strategies may even overcome the importance of competition in their effect on biodiversity.  相似文献   

Abstract. Throughout the Mediterranean region, vegetation dynamics are affected by human activities which are either ‘stresses’ or ‘disturbances’, depending on their frequency, intensity and spatial distribution. To minimize or reduce anthropogenic degradation caused by land use and other disturbances, it is necessary to understand and predict the various responses of plant communities to disturbances. In particular, detailed but integrative approaches are required to assimilate large databases on vegetation and to make them directly useful for managers and restorers. We describe two case studies undertaken to evaluate the effects of logging or overgrazing on plant species diversity in pine forests of southern France and steppe ecosystems of southern Tunisia. Both studies employed the same methodology to identify plant functional traits (morphological, life history and regeneration traits) associated with community response to disturbance. The results of these analyses allowed us to develop state and transition models that could be used to plan and predict ecosystem trajectories, assess ongoing degradation processes and monitor community and ecosystem responses to management and restoration practices. We discuss the relevance and the use of plant functional types (PFTs) as tools for ecosystem management and planning and for monitoring restoration in southern Europe, northern Africa and elsewhere. Using this approach it is possible to improve management strategies for the conservation, restoration and sustainable exploitation of biodiversity and of ecosystems.  相似文献   

Pinewood nematode (PWN), Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, is the causative agent of pine wilt disease (PWD) of pine trees and is transmitted by cerambycid beetles belonging to the genus Monochamus. PWN is believed to have been introduced into Japan from North America at the beginning of the 20th century. In this article, we first provide an outline of the PWD system and the range expansion of PWN in Japan and then review the literature, focusing on the virulence of PWN. Virulence is a heritable trait in PWN, with high virulence being closely related to a high rate of reproduction and within-tree dispersal. When two PWN isolates with different virulence levels are inoculated into pine seedlings, the more virulent nematodes always dominate in dead seedlings. In a laboratory setting, many more virulent nematodes board the insect vectors than avirulent ones. The age at which vectors transmit the most abundant PWNs to pine twigs changes during the course of a PWD epidemic. However, the relation between virulence and transmission of PWN remains as yet relatively unknown. Such information would enable ecologists to predict the evolution of the PWD system. In this review we also compare ecological traits between the PWN and the avirulent congener, B. mucronatus.  相似文献   

Forestry is obliged to record as well as maintain and/or enhance biological diversity in forests due to national and international agreements. Accordingly, it is necessary to work out methodological approaches for the assessment of biodiversity in forests. In the study presented here, we focus on the total plant species pool (563 vascular plant and bryophyte species) of pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forests in NE Germany to identify indicators for plant species richness. We distinguished several groups like “herb”, “grass-like”, “woody”, “endangered”, and “exotic species”, for which we detected indicators for low (class #1), intermediate (class #2), and high (class #3) species numbers. From a total of 84 species, which were identified by a three-step procedure, most indicators were found for class #3. Only few indicators have been revealed for intermediate species numbers, i.e. class #2. With help of Ellenberg’s ecological indicator values and information on the main occurrence in Central European vegetation types and plant communities, respectively, we characterized the indicator species ecologically. The ecological site preferences of the indicator species in general reflect the fact that species richness is highest in base-rich, light, and anthropogenically disturbed pine forests. On the contrary, species-poor forests were revealed by indicators, which mainly occur on acidic sites. It is concluded that a considerable set of indicators for species richness can help facilitate biodiversity assessments in forestry and ecosystem restoration practice. Electronic Supplementary Material  The online version of this article (doi: ) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The pinewood nematode (PWN), Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, has been thought to be the only causal agent of pine wilt disease (PWD), however, since bacteria have been suggested to play a role in PWD, it is important to know the diversity of the microbial community associated to it. This study aimed to assess the microbial community associated with B. xylophilus and with other nematodes isolated from pine trees, Pinus pinaster, with PWD from three different affected forest areas in Portugal. One hundred and twenty three bacteria strains were isolated from PWN and other nematodes collected from 14 P. pinaster. The bacteria strains were identified by comparative analysis of the 16S rRNA gene partial sequence. All except one gram-positive strain (Actinobacteria) belonged to the gram-negative Beta and Gammaproteobacteria. Most isolates belonged to the genus Pseudomonas, Burkholderia and to the family Enterobacteriaceae. Species isolated in higher percentage were Pseudomonas lutea, Yersinia intermedia and Burkholderia tuberum. The major bacterial population associated to the nematodes differed according to the forest area and none of the isolated bacterial species was found in all different forest areas. For each of the sampled areas, 60 to 100% of the isolates produced siderophores and at least 40% produced lipases. The ability to produce siderophores and lipases by most isolates enables these bacteria to have a role in plant physiological response. This research showed a high diversity of the microbial community associated with B. xylophilus and other nematodes isolated from P. pinaster with PWD.  相似文献   

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