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Integral membrane proteins pose a major challenge for protein-structure prediction because only approximately 100 high-resolution structures are available currently, thereby impeding the development of rules or empirical potentials to predict the packing of transmembrane alpha-helices. However, when an intermediate-resolution electron microscopy (EM) map is available, it can be used to provide restraints which, in combination with a suitable computational protocol, make structure prediction feasible. In this work we present such a protocol, which proceeds in three stages: 1), generation of an ensemble of alpha-helices by flexible fitting into each of the density rods in the low-resolution EM map, spanning a range of rotational angles around the main helical axes and translational shifts along the density rods; 2), fast optimization of side chains and scoring of the resulting conformations; and 3), refinement of the lowest-scoring conformations with internal coordinate mechanics, by optimizing the van der Waals, electrostatics, hydrogen bonding, torsional, and solvation energy contributions. In addition, our method implements a penalty term through a so-called tethering map, derived from the EM map, which restrains the positions of the alpha-helices. The protocol was validated on three test cases: GpA, KcsA, and MscL.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic membrane proteins, many of which are key players in various biological processes, constitute more than half of the drug targets and represent important candidates for structural studies. In contrast to their physiological significance, only very limited number of eukaryotic membrane protein structures have been obtained due to the technical challenges in the generation of recombinant proteins. In this review, we examine the major recombinant expression systems for eukaryotic membrane proteins and compare their relative advantages and disadvantages. We also attempted to summarize the recent technical strategies in the advancement of eukaryotic membrane protein purification and crystallization.  相似文献   

Jun Gao  Zhijun Li 《Biopolymers》2009,91(7):547-556
Studying inter‐residue interactions provides insight into the folding and stability of both soluble and membrane proteins and is essential for developing computational tools for protein structure prediction. As the first step, various approaches for elucidating such interactions within protein structures have been proposed and proven useful. Since different approaches may grasp different aspects of protein structural folds, it is of interest to systematically compare them. In this work, we applied four approaches for determining inter‐residue interactions to the analysis of three distinct structure datasets of helical membrane proteins and compared their correlation to the three individual quality measures of structures in these datasets. These datasets included one of 35 structures of rhodopsin receptors and bacterial rhodopsins determined at various resolutions, one derived from the HOMEP benchmark dataset previously reported, and one comprising of 139 homology models. It was found that the correlation between the average number of inter‐residue interactions obtained by applying the four approaches and the available structure quality measures varied quite significantly among them. The best correlation was achieved by the approach focusing exclusively on favorable inter‐residue interactions. These results provide interesting insight for the development of objective quality measure for the structure prediction of helical membrane proteins. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 91: 547–556, 2009. This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The “Published Online” date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com  相似文献   

In electron crystallography, membrane protein structure is determined from two-dimensional crystals where the protein is embedded in a membrane. Once large and well-ordered 2D crystals are grown, one of the bottlenecks in electron crystallography is the collection of image data to directly provide experimental phases to high resolution. Here, we describe an approach to bypass this bottleneck, eliminating the need for high-resolution imaging. We use the strengths of electron crystallography in rapidly obtaining accurate experimental phase information from low-resolution images and accurate high-resolution amplitude information from electron diffraction. The low-resolution experimental phases were used for the placement of α helix fragments and extended to high resolution using phases from the fragments. Phases were further improved by density modifications followed by fragment expansion and structure refinement against the high-resolution diffraction data. Using this approach, structures of three membrane proteins were determined rapidly and accurately to atomic resolution without high-resolution image data.  相似文献   

Although nearly half of today's major pharmaceutical drugs target human integral membrane proteins (hIMPs), only 30 hIMP structures are currently available in the Protein Data Bank, largely owing to inefficiencies in protein production. Here we describe a strategy for the rapid structure determination of hIMPs, using solution NMR spectroscopy with systematically labeled proteins produced via cell-free expression. We report new backbone structures of six hIMPs, solved in only 18 months from 15 initial targets. Application of our protocols to an additional 135 hIMPs with molecular weight <30 kDa yielded 38 hIMPs suitable for structural characterization by solution NMR spectroscopy without additional optimization.  相似文献   

As an alternative to X-ray crystallography, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy in solution can be used for three-dimensional structure determination of small membrane proteins, preferably proteins with beta-barrel fold. This paper reviews recent achievements as well as limiting factors encountered in solution NMR studies of membrane proteins. Our particular interest has been focused on supplementing structure determination with data on the solvation of the proteins in the mixed micelles with detergents that are used to reconstitute membrane proteins for the NMR experiments. For the Escherichia coli outer membrane protein X (OmpX) in dihexanoylphosphatidylcholine (DHPC) micelles, such studies showed that the central part of the protein is covered with a fluid monolayer of lipid molecules, which seems to mimic quite faithfully the embedding of the protein in the lipid phase of the biological membrane. The implication is that the micellar systems used in this instance for the NMR studies of the membrane protein should also be suitable for further investigations of functional interactions with other proteins or low-molecular weight ligands.  相似文献   

We propose a new method for single-particle reconstruction, which should be generally applicable to structure determination for membrane proteins. After reconstitution into a small spherical vesicle, a membrane protein takes a particular orientation relative to the membrane normal, and its position in the projected image of the vesicle directly defines two of its three Euler angles of orientation. The spherical constraint imposed by the vesicle effectively reduces the dimensionality of the alignment search from 5 to 3 and simplifies the detection of the particle. Projection images of particles in vesicles collectively take all possible orientations and therefore cover the whole Fourier space. Analysis of images of vesicles in ice showed that the vesicle density is well described by a simple model for membrane electron scattering density. In fitting this model we found that osmotically swollen vesicles remain nearly spherical through the freezing process. These results satisfy the basic experimental requirements for spherical reconstruction. A computer simulation of particles in vesicles showed that this method provides good estimates of the two Euler angles and thus may improve single-particle reconstruction and extend it to smaller membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Structural studies of integral membrane proteins typically rely upon detergent micelles as faithful mimics of the native lipid bilayer. Therefore, membrane protein structure determination would be greatly facilitated by biophysical techniques that are capable of evaluating and assessing the fold and oligomeric state of these proteins solubilized in detergent micelles. In this study, an approach to the characterization of detergent-solubilized integral membrane proteins is presented. Eight Thermotoga maritima membrane proteins were screened for solubility in 11 detergents, and the resulting soluble protein-detergent complexes were characterized with small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, and chemical cross-linking to evaluate the homogeneity, oligomeric state, radius of gyration, and overall fold. A new application of SAXS is presented, which does not require density matching, and NMR methods, typically used to evaluate soluble proteins, are successfully applied to detergent-solubilized membrane proteins. Although detergents with longer alkyl chains solubilized the most proteins, further characterization indicates that some of these protein-detergent complexes are not well suited for NMR structure determination due to conformational exchange and protein oligomerization. These results emphasize the need to screen several different detergents and to characterize the protein-detergent complex in order to pursue structural studies. Finally, the physical characterization of the protein-detergent complexes indicates optimal solution conditions for further structural studies for three of the eight overexpressed membrane proteins.  相似文献   

We have developed an all-atom free-energy force field (PFF01) for protein tertiary structure prediction. PFF01 is based on physical interactions and was parameterized using experimental structures of a family of proteins believed to span a wide variety of possible folds. It contains empirical, although sequence-independent terms for hydrogen bonding. Its solvent-accessible surface area solvent model was first fit to transfer energies of small peptides. The parameters of the solvent model were then further optimized to stabilize the native structure of a single protein, the autonomously folding villin headpiece, against competing low-energy decoys. Here we validate the force field for five nonhomologous helical proteins with 20-60 amino acids. For each protein, decoys with 2-3 A backbone root mean-square deviation and correct experimental Cbeta-Cbeta distance constraints emerge as those with the lowest energy.  相似文献   

The packing of helices spanning lipid bilayers is crucial for the stability and function of alpha-helical membrane proteins. Using a modified Voronoi procedure, we calculated packing densities for helix-helix contacts in membrane spanning domains. Our results show that the transmembrane helices of protein channels and transporters are significantly more loosely packed compared with helices in globular proteins. The observed packing deficiencies of these membrane proteins are also reflected by a higher amount of cavities at functionally important sites. The cavities positioned along the gated pores of membrane channels and transporters are noticeably lined by polar amino acids that should be exposed to the aqueous medium when the protein is in the open state. In contrast, nonpolar amino acids surround the cavities in those protein regions where large rearrangements are supposed to take place, as near the hinge regions of transporters or at restriction sites of protein channels. We presume that the observed deficiencies of helix-helix packing are essential for the helical mobility that sustains the function of many membrane protein channels and transporters.  相似文献   

The use of multiple isomorphous replacement in protein electron crystallography for phase determination has been systematically studied only for purple membrane, even though the use of heavy atoms or heavy atom clusters has been used on many occasions in electron microscopy for locating domains or subunits in protein assemblies. The background behind the structure determination of bacteriorhodopsin, the protein component of purple membranes, is summarized and an evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of using isomorphous replacement in electron crystallography is discussed.  相似文献   

The rate at which X-ray structures of membrane proteins are solved is on a par with that of soluble proteins in the late 1970s. There are still many obstacles facing the membrane protein structural community. Recently, there have been several technical achievements in the field that have started to dramatically accelerate structural studies. Here, we summarize these so-called ‘tricks-of-the-trade’ and include case studies of several mammalian transporters.  相似文献   

Adamian L  Liang J 《Proteins》2006,63(1):1-5
Analysis of a database of structures of membrane proteins shows that membrane proteins composed of 10 or more transmembrane (TM) helices often contain buried helices that are inaccessible to phospholipids. We introduce a method for identifying TM helices that are least phospholipid accessible and for prediction of fully buried TM helices in membrane proteins from sequence information alone. Our method is based on the calculation of residue lipophilicity and evolutionary conservation. Given that the number of buried helices in a membrane protein is known, our method achieves an accuracy of 78% and a Matthew's correlation coefficient of 0.68. A server for this tool (RANTS) is available online at http://gila.bioengr.uic.edu/lab/.  相似文献   

Cholesterol is an integral component of mammalian membranes. It has been shown to modulate membrane fluidity and dynamics and alter integral membrane protein function. However, understanding the molecular mechanisms of how cholesterol impacts protein function is complicated by limited and conflicting structural data. Because of the nature of the crystallization and cryo-EM structure determination, it is difficult to distinguish between specific and biologically relevant interactions and a nonspecific association. The only widely recognized search algorithm for cholesterol-integral-membrane-protein interaction sites is sequence based, i.e., searching for the so-called "Cholesterol Recognition/interaction Amino acid Consensus" motif. Although these motifs are present in numerous integral membrane proteins, there is inconclusive evidence to support their necessity or sufficiency for cholesterol binding. Here, we leverage the increasing number of experimental cholesterol-integral-membrane-protein structures to systematically analyze putative interaction sites based on their spatial arrangement and evolutionary conservation. This analysis creates three-dimensional representations of general cholesterol interaction sites that form clusters across multiple integral membrane protein classes. We also classify cholesterol-integral-membrane-protein interaction sites as either likely-specific or nonspecific. Information gleaned from our characterization will eventually enable a structure-based approach to predict and design cholesterol-integral-membrane-protein interaction sites.  相似文献   

Microtubules are polar filaments built from αβ-tubulin heterodimers that exhibit a range of architectures in vitro and in vivo. Tubulin heterodimers are arranged helically in the microtubule wall but many physiologically relevant architectures exhibit a break in helical symmetry known as the seam. Noisy 2D cryo-electron microscopy projection images of pseudo-helical microtubules therefore depict distinct but highly similar views owing to the high structural similarity of α- and β-tubulin. The determination of the αβ-tubulin register and seam location during image processing is essential for alignment accuracy that enables determination of biologically relevant structures. Here we present a pipeline designed for image processing and high-resolution reconstruction of cryo-electron microscopy microtubule datasets, based in the popular and user-friendly RELION image-processing package, Microtubule RELION-based Pipeline (MiRP). The pipeline uses a combination of supervised classification and prior knowledge about geometric lattice constraints in microtubules to accurately determine microtubule architecture and seam location. The presented method is fast and semi-automated, producing near-atomic resolution reconstructions with test datasets that contain a range of microtubule architectures and binding proteins.  相似文献   

The use of blue native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (BN-PAGE) has been reported in the literature to retain both water-soluble and membrane protein complexes in their native hetero-oligomeric state and to determine the molecular weight of membrane proteins. However, membrane proteins show abnormal mobility when compared with water-soluble markers. Although one could use membrane proteins as markers or apply a conversion factor to the observed molecular weight to account for the bound Coomassie blue dye, when one just wants to assess homo-oligomeric size, these methods appear to be too time-consuming or might not be generally applicable. Here, during detergent screening studies to identify the best detergent for achieving a monodisperse sample, we observed that under certain conditions membrane proteins tend to form ladders of increasing oligomeric size. Although the ladders themselves contain no indication of which band represents the correct oligomeric size, they provide a scale that can be compared with a single band, representing the native homo-oligomeric size, obtained in other conditions of the screen. We show that this approach works for three membrane proteins: CorA (42 kDa), aquaporin Z (25 kDa), and small hydrophobic (SH) protein from respiratory syncytial virus (8 kDa). In addition, polydispersity results and identification of the most suitable detergent correlate optimally not only with size exclusion chromatography (SEC) but also with results from sedimentation velocity and equilibrium experiments. Because it involves minute quantities of sample and detergent, this method can be used in high-throughput approaches as a low-cost technique.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a novel approach to membrane protein secondary structure prediction based on the statistical stepwise discriminant analysis method. A new aspect of our approach is the possibility to derive physical-chemical properties that may affect the formation of membrane protein secondary structure. The certain physical-chemical properties of protein chains can be used to clarify the formation of the secondary structure types under consideration. Another aspect of our approach is that the results of multiple sequence alignment, or the other kinds of sequence alignment, are not used in the frame of the method. Using our approach, we predicted the formation of three main secondary structure types (alpha-helix, beta-structure and coil) with high accuracy, that is Q(3) = 76%. Predicting the formation of alpha-helix and non-alpha-helix states we reached the accuracy which was measured as Q(2) = 86%. Also we have identified certain protein chain properties that affect the formation of membrane protein secondary structure. These protein properties include hydrophobic properties of amino acid residues, presence of Gly, Ala and Val amino acids, and the location of protein chain end.  相似文献   

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