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Micro-CT provides a means of nondestructively investigating the internal structure of organisms with high spatial resolution and it has been applied to address a number of palaeontological problems that would be undesirable by destructive means. This approach has been applied successfully to characterize the cranial anatomy of Shuyu, a 428 million-year-old galeaspid (jawless stem-gnathostome) from the Silurian of Changxing, Zhejiang Province, China. Here, we use the synchrotron X-ray tomographic microscopy (SRXTM) to further describe the circulatory system of the head of Shuyu. Our results indicate that the circulatory system of galeaspids exhibits a mosaic of primitive vertebrate and derived gnathostome characters, including a number of derived gnathostome characters that are absent from osteostracans — the group conventionally interpreted as the sister lineage of jawed vertebrates. Our study provides a rich source of information that can be used to infer and reconstruct the early evolutionary history of the vertebrate cardiovascular system.  相似文献   

Trilobites dominate the Emu Bay Shale (EBS) assemblage (Cambrian Series 2, Stage 4, South Australia) in terms of numbers, with Estaingia bilobata Pocock 1964 being extremely abundant, and the larger Redlichia takooensis Lu 1950 , being common. Many specimens within the EBS represent complete moulted exoskeletons, which is unusual for Cambrian fossil deposits. The abundance of complete moults provides an excellent record that has allowed the recognition of various recurrent moult configurations for both species, enabling the inference of movement sequences required to produce such arrangements. Moult configurations of E. bilobata are characterized by slight displacement of the joined rostral plate and librigenae, often accompanied by detachment of the cranidium, suggesting ecdysis was achieved by anterior withdrawal via opening of the cephalic sutures. Moulting in R. takooensis often followed the same method, but configurations show greater displacement of cephalic sclerites, suggesting more vigorous movement by the animal during moulting. Both species also show rare examples of Salter's configuration, with the entire cephalon anteriorly inverted, and several other unusual configurations. These results indicate that moulting in trilobites was a more variable process than originally thought. In contrast, other Cambrian Konservat‐Lagerstätten with an abundance of trilobites (e.g. Wheeler Shale, USA, and Mount Stephen Trilobite Beds, Canada) show larger numbers of ‘axial shields’ and isolated sclerites, often interpreted as disarticulated exuviae. This points to a higher level of disturbance from factors, such as animal activity, depositional processes or water movement, compared to that of the EBS, where quiescent conditions and intermittent seafloor anoxia contributed to an unparalleled trilobite moulting record.  相似文献   

Cortactin and WASP activate Arp2/3-mediated actin filament nucleation and branching. However, different mechanisms underlie activation by the two proteins, which rely on distinct actin-binding modules and modes of binding to actin filaments. It is generally thought that cortactin binds to "mother" actin filaments, while WASP donates actin monomers to Arp2/3-generated "daughter" filament branches. Interestingly, cortactin also binds WASP in addition to F-actin and the Arp2/3 complex. However, the structural basis for the role of cortactin in filament branching remains unknown, making interpretation difficult. Here, electron microscopy and 3D reconstruction were carried out on F-actin decorated with the actin-binding repeating domain of cortactin, revealing conspicuous density on F-actin attributable to cortactin that is located on a consensus-binding site on subdomain-1 of actin subunits. Strikingly, the binding of cortactin widens the gap between the two long-pitch filament strands. Although other proteins have been found to alter the structure of the filament, the cortactin-induced conformational change appears unique. The results are consistent with a mechanism whereby alterations of the F-actin structure may facilitate recruitment of the Arp2/3 complex to the "mother" filament in the cortex of cells. In addition, cortactin may act as a structural adapter protein, stabilizing nascent filament branches while mediating the simultaneous recruitment of Arp2/3 and WASP.  相似文献   

During protein biosynthesis, ribosomes are believed to go through a cycle of conformational transitions. We have identified some of the most variable regions of the E. coli 70S ribosome and its subunits, by means of cryo-electron microscopy and three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction. Conformational changes in the smaller 30S subunit are mainly associated with the functionally important domains of the subunit, such as the neck and the platform, as seen by comparison of heat-activated, non-activated and 50S-bound states. In the larger 50S subunit the most variable regions are the L7/L12 stalk, central protuberance and the L1-protein, as observed in various tRNA-70S ribosome complexes. Difference maps calculated between 3D maps of ribosomes help pinpoint the location of ribosomal regions that are most strongly affected by conformational transitions. These results throw direct light on the dynamic behavior of the ribosome and help in understanding the role of these flexible domains in the translation process.  相似文献   

The world-famous ‘Orsten’ Konservat-Lagerstätte has yielded detailed information about Cambrian arthropods and their morphology. Internal organs or soft tissues have, however, rarely been reported, an obvious palaeobiological drawback. In this study, we employed synchrotron radiation X-ray tomographic microscopy (SRXTM) to study microscopic ‘Orsten’ arthropods from the Cambrian of Sweden: Skara minuta and two phosphatocopine species, Hesslandona sp. and Hesslandona trituberculata. This exceptionally high-resolution technique reveals internal organs or soft tissues that allow detailed comparison with equivalent structures in extant crustaceans and functional inferences to be made. The S. minuta specimen shows the digestive system and muscles that extend to the extremities. The slanting anterior portion of the head and anterior position of the mouth with a straight oesophagus suggest a primarily brushing and scraping way of feeding. The prominent head appendage muscles indicate muscle strength and good capacity for food manipulation. In the phosphatocopines the bulbous labrum is one of the most prominent morphological structures of the body. All specimens analysed reveal pairs of muscle bundles within the labrum. Based on comparisons with extant crustacean relatives, these muscles would fulfil the function of moving the labrum up and down in order to open the buccal cavity. The results of this pilot study demonstrate that there is still much to be learned about the ‘Orsten’ taxa.  相似文献   

The microtubule system of melanophores of the angelfish, Pterophyllum scalare, has been studied using antibodies prepared against purified porcine brain tubulin in indirect immunofluorescence microscopy. Melanophores were freed from the surrounding tissue components of isolated scales by mild enzymatic digestion and then allowed to settle on a glass cover slip. In both the dispersed and the aggregated states large numbers of fluorescent fibers are seen. The number and the astral arrangement of these fibers, which run from the central region to the periphery of the cell, are striking. The system of fluorescent fibers is replaced by diffuse fluorescence of moderate intensity after cold treatment, but is restored after rewarming the cells. Differences in the immunofluorescence profiles between cells with dispersed and aggregated pigment are discussed in relation to electron microscopic data available for this system.  相似文献   

Most birds use at least two modes of locomotion: flying and walking (terrestrial locomotion). Whereas the wings and tail are used for flying, the legs are mainly used for walking. The role of other body segments remains, however, poorly understood. In this study, we examine the kinematics of the head, the trunk, and the legs during terrestrial locomotion in the quail (Coturnix coturnix). Despite the trunk representing about 70% of the total body mass, its function in locomotion has received little scientific interest to date. This prompted us to focus on its role in terrestrial locomotion. We used high-speed video fluoroscopic recordings of quails walking at voluntary speeds on a trackway. Dorso-ventral and lateral views of the motion of the skeletal elements were recorded successively and reconstructed in three dimensions using a novel method based on the temporal synchronisation of both views. An analysis of the trajectories of the body parts and their coordination showed that the trunk plays an important role during walking. Moreover, two sub-systems participate in the gait kinematics: (i) the integrated 3D motion of the trunk and thighs allows for the adjustment of the path of the centre of mass; (ii) the motion of distal limbs transforms the alternating forward motion of the feet into a continuous forward motion at the knee and thus assures propulsion. Finally, head bobbing appears qualitatively synchronised to the movements of the trunk. An important role for the thigh muscles in generating the 3D motion of the trunk is suggested by an analysis of the pelvic anatomy.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the spermatids in late stages of the differentiation, which appeared in the testis of early pupa of the silkworm Bombyx mori Linné, was studied in the electron imcroscope, being fixed in buffered (pH 8.2) 2.5% osmium tetroxide or 3% potassium permanganate.The clear band differentiates into elaborated elements consisting of an array of at least 12 membranes which run loosely winding along the major axis of the spermatid. The elaborated clear band, i. e., clear band derivatives, may be an apparatus to facilitate the activity of spermatozoa, since they are present along the full length of the remarkably elongated premature spermatozoa.It has been revealed that the clear band derivatives possess a highly ordered, fine structure which is seen to be of a paracrystalline nature. The periodic pattern has first occurred along the long axis of the clear band derivatives. After such structure is decomposed into an apparently homogeneous material, a characteristic periodic pattern occurs again crossed the major axis of the clear band derivatives, the significance of such ultrastructural changes remaining obscure.The tubular structure appears through the head part of the developing spermatids, revealing even in an apical region where the nucleus is not visible, and it appears enlarged at the base of the nucleus, but no more visible in the tail piece. In the stages when the clear band becomes progressively specialized, the tubular structure appears attached to the nucleus, although it situated at the peripheral part of the cell in a more early stage of the differentiation. The tubule is incompletely separated into two layers by a dense septum projected from the tubular wall, suggesting that such structure provides the tubule with a relatively large interior surface for metabolic reactions.This study was supported by Grant GM-8327-04 from the United States Public Health Service.  相似文献   

Summary Testes of the pond snail, Cipangopaludina malleata Reeve, were fixed in 1% osmium tetroxide, 3% permanganate, or 4% formaldehyde followed by 1% osmium tetroxide, each being buffered to pH 7.2 with Veronal-acetate or Sörensen's phosphate buffer. On the other hand, testes fixed with 4% formaldehyde adjusted to pH 7.2 with 0.075 M Na-cacodylate were incubated in Novikoff-Goldfischer medium for demonstrating thiamine pyrophosphatase, uridine or inosine diphosphatase, uridine monophosphatase or adenosine triphosphatase. The specimens incubated were postfixed in 1% osmium tetroxide buffered to pH 7.2 with Veronal-acetate buffer. Thin sections of the epoxy Epon resin-embedded tissue were stained either singly with saturated aqueous uranyl acetate or doubly with saturated aqueous uranyl acetate followed by lead citrate.In a concentric lamellar structure consisting of the granular endoplasmic reticulum in the cytoplasm of early atypical spermatids, disappearance of ribosomes attached to the outer surface of cisternae seems to have initiated at the central part of the structure, and the cisterna-attached ribosomes seem to participate in the formation of dense granules appearing in the vesicles representing the endoplasmic reticulum of atypical spermatids.The Golgi apparatus of the atypical spermatids in the advanced stages of development is composed of at least three different layers, the central part consisting of an amorphous material, the following lamellar and vesicular elements, and the peripheral fine vesicles.It has been assumed that the mechanism by which the nucleic acid, especially DNA is converted into the polysaccharide might be attributed to the function of the Golgi apparatus, because the transformation of dense granules into less dense granules as well as diphosphatase activities have been detected within the Golgi apparatus.This study was supported by Grant GM-8327-06 from the United States Public Health Service.  相似文献   

Summary The dense bodies appearing in the cytoplasm of spermatids during early spermiogenesis of the grasshopper, Acrida lata, correspond to the chromatoid bodies of light microscopy, since they are composed of RNP. So far as the present material is concerned, the chromatoid bodies contribute to the formation of the centriole adjunct, because both structures consist of similar components and the former appear attached closely to the latter until the latter is completely formed. It has been tentatively suggested that the function of the centriole adjunct is to provide nutritive materials for the developing axial tail filament bundle.  相似文献   

Caspases are cysteine proteases involved in the signalling cascades of programmed cell death in which caspase-3 plays a central role, since it propagates death signals from intrinsic and extrinsic stimuli to downstream targets. The atomic resolution (1.06 Angstroms) crystal structure of the caspase-3 DEVD-cmk complex reveals the structural basis for substrate selectivity in the S4 pocket. A low-barrier hydrogen bond is observed between the side-chains of the P4 inhibitor aspartic acid and Asp179 of the N-terminal tail of the symmetry related p12 subunit. Site-directed mutagenesis of Asp179 confirmed the significance of this residue in substrate recognition. In the 1.06 Angstroms crystal structure, a radiation damage induced rearrangement of the inhibitor methylketone moiety was observed. The carbon atom that in a substrate would represent the scissile peptide bond carbonyl carbon clearly shows a tetrahedral coordination and resembles the postulated tetrahedral intermediate of the acylation reaction.  相似文献   

Summary The early spermatid nuclei of the grasshopper, Acrida lata, have been observed electron microscopically. The irregularly compact chromatin mass appears closely attached to the nuclear envelope. This mass migrates subsequently into a more central portion. It seems to participate in the formation of the nucleolus as a nucleolar organizer. At the time when the chromatin mass and frequently the nucleolus undergo involution, clusters of peculiar granular bodies 130 m in average diameter and 200 A wide filamentous elements among the bodies make their appearance in the nucleoplasm. The particles constituting the granular bodies are composed of DNA, but their matrix consists of RNA. The term microkaryosome is proposed for such granular body, because it is similar in chemical components to karyosome, but the former is smaller in size than the latter. It is suggested that the microkaryosome may be related with the paracrystalline formation of nucleoprotein.  相似文献   

Summary The first indication of differentiation of the Jensen's ring has been detected in an early stage of spermiogenesis of Felis catus Linné when the pair of centrioles takes up a position immediately beneath the plasma membrane. The chromatoid bodies appear in the early spermatid cytoplasm through the nuclear pore complex. In a more advanced stage, such bodies have been found in association with the striated columns, the distal centriole or the proximal part of flagellum and the Jensen's ring. As the spermiogenesis proceeds, the bodies have decreased their size and density, and finally disappear in mature spermatozoa. The chromatoid bodies seem, therefore, to share with the centriole the capacity to form the connecting piece. As a consequence of disorganization of triplet microtubules of the centriole, a noticeable material appears in the center of lumen of the centriole to be identifiable as a distinct precursor of the central pair of axonemal complex. Microtubules are first developed as the sheath of principal piece of the sperm flagellum, originating from the plasma membrane surrounding the axonemal complex.  相似文献   

Summary Testes of Bombyx mori Linné were fixed in buffered (pH 8.2) 1% OsO4 or 3 % KMnO4 and thin sections of the tissue, embedded in methacrylate or epoxy Epon resin, were studied under the electron or light microscope.At the late stage of differentiation of the spermatid, the nucleus shows an elongated conical contour, being composed of fine fibrillar elements. These fibrillar elements fixed in OsO4 measure 100 to 130 Å in diameter, while those fixed with KMnO4 are approximately 70 Å in diameter.It has been found for the first time in the spermiogenesis of the silkworm that two bands and a tubular structure develop in close proximity to one another and attached to the plasma membrane of the spermatid. The two bands fixed in OsO4 are electron dense, but in the material fixed with KMnO4, one of them, situated within the cell body, is as dense as that fixed in OsO4, while the other, outside the cell body, is much less dense. These apparently novel apparatuses develop from the caudal nuclear region along the elongating spermatid, but the dense band intertwines with the acrosome in the apical region of the nucleus along the major axis of spermatid, while the tubular structure and the clear band reach far into the nutritive cell where the dense band and acre-some are not visible.A possible relationship between the tubular structure and the nutritive cell has been discussed.This study was supported by Grant GM-8327-03 from the United States Public Health Service.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the developing middle piece of the silkworm spermatid was studied in the electron microscope.The formation of Nebenkern and its metamorphosis are characteristic, for a given species of animal, and different from those of other species.Microtubules, with a wall approximately 50 Å thick and a lumen 110 Å in diameter, have been found in the developing middle piece; these are in close relationship with the differentiation of the axial tail filaments and of the Nebenkern derivatives.When the middle piece has reached a certain degree of maturity, a peripheral cytoplasmic layer of the middle piece is separated by the outer membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum, and later sloughed off from its trunk. The naked middle piece is subsequently covered by a mantle provided with 12–18 projections which develop descending from the proximal head part of the late spermatid.The clear band developing along the surface of the middle piece is a characteristic, complex structure which seems to represent an apparatus for pinocytosis or exosmosis.This study was supported by Grant GM-8327-04 from the United States Public Health Service.  相似文献   

Summary Testes of the Japanese crayfish, Cambaroides japonicus, were fixed in buffered (pH 7.4) 4% formaldehyde followed by buffered (pH 7.4) 1% osmium tetroxide, and thin sections of the epoxy Epon resin-embedded tissue were studied with the electron microscope. Spermatozoa from vasa deferentia and spermatids from the testis were examined in smear preparations and thick sections by an ordinary light microscope, employing the Feulgen nuclear technique, fast green or periodic acid-Schiff reagent. On the other hand, testes fixed with buffered (pH 7.4) 4% formaldehyde were incubated in Novikoff and Goldfischer's medium or in Mölbert and coworkers' mixture for demonstrating thiamine pyrophosphatase (TPPase) or alkaline phosphatase, and observed in the electron microscope.The microtubules 220 Å to 310 Å in diameter appearing in the nuclear process seem to represent some unit structure of chromosomes in this species. The microtubules are composed of the tubular subunits which are disposed twisted along the peripheral part of major axis of the microtubules. Such tubular subunits are approximately 20 Å thick in wall and 10 Å wide in lumen. The acrosome in a helmet-like shape has been found to have a hornlike process at its proximal part, though the function of such process remains unsettled in the present study. With incubation in disodiumphenylphosphate, no final product is deposited in any part of the premature spermatozoa. The convoluted membrane as well as the invagination of nuclear envelope are revealed to be specific sites for TPPase activity, and such finding suggests that TPPase may act as an intermediary in formation of nuclear processes of the crayfish sperm.This study was supported by Grant GM-8327-05 from the United States Public Health Service.Scientist from the Laboratory of Electron Microscopy, Department of Biology, Kyung Pook National University, Taegu, Korea.  相似文献   

Summary The development of nuclei and cytoplasmic microtubules was studied in the maturing spermatids of the grasshopper, Acrida lata, fixed with glutaraldehyde-potassium bichromate-osmium tetroxide and embedded in epoxy Epon-resin. Utilization of microkaryosomes for the formation of paracrystalline nucleoprotein is suggested by the fact that they are no longer visible in the advanced spermatid nuclei showing the paracrystalline structure. The cytoplasmic microtubules approximately 220 Å in diameter develop in close association with a linear material similar in density to the nuclear envelope. Only a single layer of the double-layered nuclear envelope is visible during the development of microtubules. Although cytoplasmic microtubules are assumed to have several physiological functions, such apparatus seem to be related to the polymerization of nucleoproteins as well, since the depolymerization of nucleoproteins occurs simultaneously along with the disappearance of cytoplasmic microtubules.  相似文献   

When plated onto a substrate, cells spread. Many cell types, including smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts, spread more effectively on stiffer substrates, and a simple empirical relationship has been determined that relates a cell's spread area to the substrate stiffness. In addition, some crawling cells when plated onto a stiff substrate will not migrate onto soft substrate, a process called “durotaxis”. Here we show that the resistive force predicted previously for dynamic adhesion molecules can account for both of these mechanosensory effects.  相似文献   

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