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Although many laboratory studies of intra-specific competition have been conducted with Ae. aegypti, there have been few studies in natural environments and none that examined density dependence in natural containers at normal field densities. Additionally, current mathematical models that predict Ae. aegypti population dynamics lack empirically-based functions for density-dependence. We performed field experiments in Tapachula, Mexico, where dengue is a significant public health concern. Twenty-one containers with natural food and water that already contained larvae were collected from local houses. Each container was divided in half and the naturally occurring larvae were apportioned in a manner that resulted in one side of the container (high density) having four times the density of the second side (low density). Larvae were counted and pupae were removed daily. Once adults emerged, wing span was measured to estimate body size. Density had a significant impact on larval survival, adult body size, and the time taken to transition from 4(th) instar to pupation. Increased density decreased larval survival by 20% and decreased wing length by an average of 0.19 mm. These results provide a starting point for a better understanding of density dependence in field populations of Ae. aegypti.  相似文献   

1. Little is known about the dynamics of pathogen (microparasite) infection in wildlife populations, and less still about sources of variation in the risk of infection. Here we present the first detailed analysis of such variation. 2. Cowpox virus is an endemic sublethal pathogen circulating in populations of wild rodents. Cowpox prevalence was monitored longitudinally for 2 years, in populations of field voles exhibiting multiannual cycles of density in Kielder Forest, UK. 3. The probability that available susceptible animals seroconverted in a given trap session was significantly positively related to host density with a 3-month time lag. 4. Males were significantly more likely to seroconvert than females. 5. Despite most infection being found in young animals (because transmission rates were generally high) mature individuals were more likely to seroconvert than immature ones, suggesting that behavioural or physiological changes associated with maturity contribute to variation in infection risk. 6. Hence, these analyses confirm that there is a delayed numerical response of cowpox infection to vole density, supporting the hypothesis that endemic pathogens may play some part in shaping vole cycles.  相似文献   

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis technique was undertaken in Aedes albopictus populations from three states in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Minas Gerais (MG) and Pernambuco (PE), to estimate the level of genetic variability and levels of genetic exchange between populations. Allele and genotype frequencies were measured on 47 RAPD loci. Average observed heterozigosity (Ho) ranged from 0.282 in MG to 0.355 in Casa Forte (PE) population. Genetic distances estimates indicated that RJ and MG were more genetically similar than populations from PE. Genetic variation observed in local Brazilian populations was attributed to genetic drift associated with restricted gene flow in recently established populations.  相似文献   

The Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus (Skuse), is a known vector of dengue in South America and Southeast Asia. It is naturally superinfected with two strains of Wolbachia endosymbiont that are able to induce cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI). In this paper, we report the strength of CI expression in crosses involving field-caught males. CI expression was found to be very strong in all crosses between field males and laboratory-reared uninfected or wAlbA infected young females. In addition, crossing experiments with laboratory colonies showed that aged super-infected males could express strong CI when mated with young uninfected or wAlbA infected females. These results provide additional evidence that the CI properties of Wolbachia infecting Aedes albopictus are well suited for applied strategies that seek to utilise Wolbachia for host population modification.  相似文献   

Female Aedes albopictus mosquitoes from natural populations of different geographical regions of Thailand were collected and allowed to oviposit to determine relative Wolbachia A and Wolbachia B densities of their offspring (F1) by using real-time quantitative PCR (RTQ-PCR). An important aspect of this work is that all Aedes albopictus mosquitoes were collected from the field. Twenty-seven offspring were from diverse areas of Thailand (Songkhla, Konkaen, Chantaburi, and Kanchanaburi). The range of relative Wolbachia A density in F, mosquitoes was from 0.007 to 1250.78 (bacteria-to-host ratio), whereas relative Wolbachia B densities ranged from 0 to 348.2 (bacteria-to-host ratio). These data are in contrast to those from a previous study that showed a very low amount (less than 0.10) of both relative Wolbachia density types for laboratory strains. The percent transmission of Wolbachia density from mother to each individual offspring cannot be predicted and was not related to the sex of the F1. Obtaining confirmation for variations and unpredictable Wolbachia transmission load raises some concerns about using Wolbachia as a gene-driving system in nature for population replacement if Wolbachia density is involved in cytoplasmic incompatibility in this mosquito.  相似文献   

Previous work suggests that red environmental noise can lead to the spurious appearance of delayed density dependence (DDD) in unstructured populations regulated only by direct density dependence. We analysed the effect of noise reddening on the pattern of spurious DDD in several variants of the density-dependent age-structured population model. We found patterns of spurious DDD in structured populations with either density-dependent fertility or density-dependent survival of the first age class, inconsistent with predictions from unstructured population models. Moreover, we found that nonspurious negative DDD always emerges in populations with deterministic chaotic dynamics, regardless of population structure or the type of environmental noise. The effect of noise reddening in generating spurious DDD is often negligible in the chaotic region of population deterministic dynamics. Our findings suggest that differences in species' life histories may exhibit different patterns of spurious DDD (owing to noise reddening) than predicted by unstructured models.  相似文献   

Summary Delayed density dependence, and the cycles in insect populations that it can generate, are often investigated using time-series analysis. Recently, several authors have raised concerns about the validity of using time-series analysis to detect density dependence. One particular concern is the suggestion that exogenous driving variables, such as cyclic weather patterns, can lead to the spurious detection of density dependence in natural populations.
Using non-biological data (the electricity bills of one of the authors), we show how easy it is to be misled by the results of time-series analysis. We then present 16 years' data on the gall-forming sawfly, Euura lasiolepis (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae), and show that cycles in weather, specifically winter precipitation, lead to the spurious detection of density dependence in time-series analysis. We conclude that time-series analysis cannot stand alone as a method for inferring the action of density dependence, and urge further investigation of the effects of apparent cycles in abiotic forces on insect populations.  相似文献   

登革Ⅱ型病毒在白纹伊蚊体内分布的研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
利用蚊虫连续石蜡切片免疫组织化学技术,对登革Ⅱ型病毒(DEN-2)感染白纹伊蚊Aedes albopictus后的散播时间、程度及组织器官的感染顺序进行监测,以了解DEN-2在媒介白纹伊蚊体内的分布规律。结果表明:大剂量感染登革Ⅱ型病毒后,在蚊虫消化道的主要部位以及大多数组织器官包括神经及内分泌系统在内,如涎腺、脑、神经节等亦检测到病毒抗原。登革Ⅱ型病毒一旦感染并逸出中肠会迅速侵染其它组织。从各组织感染率的高低推断,病毒逸出中肠后通过血淋巴传播到其它组织的顺序通常为:前肠、涎腺、咽部神经节、脑及食管下神经节、后肠及复眼的小眼等。  相似文献   

The invasive mosquito Aedes albopictus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae) has become widespread in Italy during the past decade. Also Italy has foci of canine filariasis caused by Dirofilaria (Spirurida: Onchocercidae), due to subcutaneous D. repens Railliet & Henry as well as the dog heartworm D. immitis (Leidy) transmitted by various vector mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae). In 2002, at Fiumicino, west of Rome (Lazio Region), 17% of dogs were found to have D. repens microfilariae in peripheral blood. To evaluate the role of Ae. albopictus as a vector of Dirofilaria in this area, female mosquitoes were collected daily, June-October 2002, landing on dog or human bait in a rural house at Focene. Mosquitoes were maintained at 27 degrees C and 70% RH for 6 days, to allow development or purging of filaria larvae, then identified and frozen for subsequent molecular assay with filaria-specific ribosomal S2-S16 primers. To distinguish specimens harbouring infective L3 Dirofilaria larvae, DNA was extracted separately from the mosquito abdomen and head-thorax. Dirofilaria species were identified by sequencing, confirmed by polymerase chain reaction of positive specimens using primers specific for D. immitis and D. repens. Dirofilaria DNA was detected in 3/154 (2%) of Ae. albopictus females examined: D. repens DNA in head-thorax and abdomen of one collected 27th July; D. immitis in the abdomen of one collected 24th September; DNA of both D. immitis and D. repens in the head-thorax of one collected 11th October 2002. Thus Ae. albopictus is a potential vector of both Dirofilarias in Italy, representing risks for veterinary and human health.  相似文献   

Florida faces the challenge of repeated introduction and autochthonous transmission of arboviruses transmitted by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. Empirically-based predictive models of the spatial distribution of these species would aid surveillance and vector control efforts. To predict the occurrence and abundance of these species, we fit a mixed-effects zero-inflated negative binomial regression to a mosquito surveillance dataset with records from more than 200,000 trap days, representative of 53% of the land area and ranging from 2004 to 2018 in Florida. We found an asymmetrical competitive interaction between adult populations of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus for the sampled sites. Wind speed was negatively associated with the occurrence and abundance of both vectors. Our model predictions show high accuracy (72.9% to 94.5%) in validation tests leaving out a random 10% subset of sites and data since 2017, suggesting a potential for predicting the distribution of the two Aedes vectors.  相似文献   

Since 1997, Aedes albopictus has colonised and then rapidly invaded the city of Rome (Italy) and its peripheral areas. Presently, the control of this mosquito in Italy relies mainly on larvicidal treatment of street storm sewer catch basins with the organophosphate temephos. We have therefore obtained baseline data on the susceptibility to temephos of the Roman Ae. albopictus population by laboratory bioassays on F1 fourth-instar larvae following standard WHO protocols. Estimated lethal concentrations were 0.014 mg/l (LC50) and 0.022 mg/l (LC90) indicating a lack of resistance to this compound. The persistence of temephos in sewer catch basins was evaluated by follow-up of catch basins treated with a dose of 1.5 mg of active ingredient. Mosquito larvae were recovered in 10% and 50% of the treated basins at 9 and 18 days posttreatment, respectively. In order to understand the relative contribution of this larval habitat to adult populations, we conducted a survey in the Zoo of Rome to estimate the larval density of mosquitoes breeding in sewer catch basins. A complete census of a 16.5 ha area mapped 243 catch basins, but only 25 (10.3%) contained water; of the latter 8 (32.0%) hosted mosquito larvae. All positive catch basins contained larvae of Culex pipiens, which were associated with Culiseta longiareolata and/or Ae. albopictus in 6 and 3 cases, respectively. A longitudinal survey of one catch basin over 4 months showed that the mean larval density of Ae. albopictus was markedly lower than that of Cx pipiens and Cs. Iongiareolata, ranging between 0 and 1.3 larvae/dip as compared to 0-33.2 and 0-22.7 larvae/dip, respectively. However, adult densities of Ae. albopictus in this area estimated during the same period with 20 ovitraps showed consistently high values (proportion of positive ovitraps around 100%). These preliminary observations suggest that whenever alternative larval biotopes other than sewer catch basins are widely available, they might be more productive and/or preferred substrates to catch basins for Ae. albopictus breeding.  相似文献   

1. Density dependence is the effect of density on population growth. Density dependence is an aggregate term for a suite of complex interactions between animals and their environment. 2. Mechanistic studies of density dependence in mosquito ecology are sparse, and the role of environmental factors is poorly understood. 3. Two empirical study designs were compared to consider the interaction between nutritional availability and density in Aedes aegypti. First, larvae were fed per capita. Second, larvae were fed a fixed amount of food unadjusted for the number of individuals; therefore, at higher densities, individuals received less per capita. 4. Survivorship, wing length, and development rate were lower at high densities when larvae were fed a fixed, unadjusted amount of food. The opposite was observed when food was adjusted per capita, suggesting that high densities may be beneficial for larval development when per capita nutrition is held constant 5. These results demonstrate that negative associations between Ae. aegypti larval density and larval development are a manifestation of decreased per capita nutrient uptake at high densities. 6. Population regulation is a proportional response to environmental variability in Ae. aegypti. Increased survivorship at high densities when larvae were fed per capita demonstrates that nutritional availability is not the only mechanism of density dependence in mosquitoes. Further studies should characterise density dependence in mosquitoes by using mechanistic study designs across diverse environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus is a vector of major human diseases. From 1979 established populations were found in the Mediterranean Region. The first record of Ae. albopictus in Italy goes back to 1990 and at present it is permanently established in several provinces of central and northern Italy. Ae. albopictus was detected for the first time in Sardinia in 1995, and a new record was reported in 1997. After these two isolated episodes, the "tiger-mosquito" was considered apparently eradicated. At the end of September 2006, two natural breeding populations including adults of Ae. albopictus were recorded in two different localities of South-Sardinia: in the botanical garden of downtown Cagliari and in a private garden of a small village, Teulada, on the south-western coast of Sardinia. The origin of this new introduction of Ae. albopictus in Sardinia is still unclear. In both cases the species has been found in artificial containers in densely populated areas.  相似文献   

S Kambhampati  K S Rai 《Génome》1991,34(2):288-292
A survey of restriction fragment polymorphism in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of 17 populations of the mosquito Aedes albopictus was undertaken. The mtDNA size was estimated to be about 17.5 kbp. The level of polymorphism was low, with over 99% of the fragments being shared in common among the 17 populations. Three populations, Mauritius, Singapore, and Hong Kong, contained individuals with both the ancestral and novel mtDNA haplotypes. We conclude that the low level of mtDNA polymorphism in A. albopictus is a result of recent range expansion and that the mixture of haplotypes is a likely result of human-aided gene flow among populations.  相似文献   

白纹伊蚊溴氰菊酯抗性和敏感品系羧酸酯酶性质比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对白纹伊蚊Aedes albopictus溴氰菊酯抗性品系和敏感品系羧酸酯酶的生物化学性质进行了比较。白纹伊蚊抗性品系和敏感品系羧酸酯酶随底物浓度(α-乙酸萘酯或β-乙酸萘酯)的变化比活力变化趋势一致,但抗性品系对这2种底物的比活力均高于敏感品系,抗性品系羧酸酯酶的米氏常数和最大反应速度与敏感品系有显著差异。胆碱酯酶抑制剂测定结果表明,抗性品系羧酸酯酶对敌敌畏和磷酸三苯酯的敏感性高于敏感品系,对残杀威的敏感性低于敏感品系。2个品系羧酸酯酶对脱叶磷的敏感性差异不大。说明羧酸酯酶可能与白纹伊蚊对溴氰菊酯抗性有关。  相似文献   

Pietrobelli M 《Parassitologia》2008,50(1-2):113-115
To assess the role of Aedes albopictus in transmission of filarial nematodes of veterinary importance, researches were carried out in different geographical areas. In Italy a first research was performed to study the susceptibility of Ae. albopictus to Dirofilaria repens, D. immitis and Setaria labiatopapillosa. The development of L3 larvae was longer than in other species of mosquitoes but Ae. albopictus could be a suitable vector of filariae. To understand the role of Ae. albopictus in the natural transmission of Dirofilaria and to assess the risk for animal and human health, in 2000, 2001 and 2002 another study was carried out in the town of Padua. A total of 2,534 Ae. albopictus were caught on human-attracted mosquitoes. Specific primers and sequencing identified filarial DNA as D. immitis; Ae. albopictus was proved a natural vector of D. immitis. Similar results were confirmed in Central Italy also for D. repens. The presence of Ae. albopictus increased the probability of transmission of canine and human dirofilariosis in urban environment and it could change the epidemiology of dirofilariosis, in particular for what concern the time of biting and the risk season. These aspects must be considered to outline a correct prophylaxis.  相似文献   

Estimating density dependence in time-series of age-structured populations   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
For a life history with age at maturity alpha, and stochasticity and density dependence in adult recruitment and mortality, we derive a linearized autoregressive equation with time-lags of from 1 to alpha years. Contrary to current interpretations, the coefficients for different time-lags in the autoregressive dynamics do not simply measure delayed density dependence, but also depend on life-history parameters. We define a new measure of total density dependence in a life history, D, as the negative elasticity of population growth rate per generation with respect to change in population size, D = - partial differential lnlambda(T)/partial differential lnN, where lambda is the asymptotic multiplicative growth rate per year, T is the generation time and N is adult population size. We show that D can be estimated from the sum of the autoregression coefficients. We estimated D in populations of six avian species for which life-history data and unusually long time-series of complete population censuses were available. Estimates of D were in the order of 1 or higher, indicating strong, statistically significant density dependence in four of the six species.  相似文献   

Detection of delayed density dependence in an orchid population   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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