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Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology - This work proposes a novel tissue-scale mechanobiological model of bone remodeling to study bone’s adaptation to distinct loading conditions. The...  相似文献   

There is a steadily growing body of experimental data describing the diffusion of acetylcholine in the neuromuscular junction and the subsequent miniature endplate currents produced at the postsynaptic membrane. To gain further insights into the structural features governing synaptic transmission, we have performed calculations using a simplified finite element model of the neuromuscular junction. The diffusing acetylcholine molecules are modeled as a continuum, whose spatial and temporal distribution is governed by the force-free diffusion equation. The finite element method was adopted because of its flexibility in modeling irregular geometries and complex boundary conditions. The resulting simulations are shown to be in accord with experiment and other simulations.  相似文献   

Numerical studies on fluid-structure interaction have primarily relied on decoupling the solid and fluid sub-domains with the interactions treated as external boundary conditions on the individual sub-domains. The finite element applications for the fluid-structure interactions can be divided into iterative algorithms and sequential algorithms. In this paper, a new computational methodology for the analysis of tissue-fluid interaction problems is presented. The whole computational domain is treated as a single biphasic continuum, and the same space and time discretisation is carried out for the sub-domains using a penalty-based finite element model. This procedure does not require the explicit modelling of additional boundary conditions or interface elements. The developed biphasic interface finite element model is used in analysing blood flow through normal and stenotic arteries. The increase in fluid flow velocity when passing through a stenosed artery and the drop in pressure at the region are captured using this method.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a distributed parameters deterministic model for treatment of brain tumors using Galerkin finite element method. The dynamic model comprises system of three coupled reaction-diffusion models, involving the tumor cells, the normal tissues and the drug concentration. An optimal control problem is formulated with the goal of minimizing the tumor cell density and reducing the side effects of the drug. A distributed parameters method based on the application of variational calculus is used on an integral-Hamiltonian, which is then used to obtain an optimal coupled system of forward state equations and backward co-state equations. The Galerkin finite element method is used to realistically represent the brain structure as well as to facilitate computation. Finally a three-dimensional test case is considered and partitioned into a set of spherical finite elements, using tri-linear basis functions, except for the elements affected by singularities of polar and azimuthal angles, as well as the origin.  相似文献   

Several finite element models have been developed for estimating the mechanical response of joint internal structures, where direct or indirect in vivo measurement is difficult or impossible. The quality of the predictions made by those models is largely dependent on the quality of the experimental data (e.g. load/displacement) used to drive them. Also numerical problems have been described in the literature when using implicit finite element techniques to simulate problems that involve contacts and large displacements. In this study, a unique strategy was developed combining high accuracy in vivo three-dimensional kinematics and a lower limb finite element model based on explicit finite element techniques. The method presents an analytical technique applied to a dynamic loading condition (impact during hopping on one leg). The validation of the lower limb model focused on the response of the whole model and the knee joint in particular to the imposed 3D femoral in vivo kinematics and ground reaction forces. The approach outlined in this study introduces a generic tool for the study of in vivo knee joint behavior.  相似文献   

Nonomura M 《PloS one》2012,7(4):e33501
A model of multicellular systems with several types of cells is developed from the phase field model. The model is presented as a set of partial differential equations of the field variables, each of which expresses the shape of one cell. The dynamics of each cell is based on the criteria for minimizing the surface area and retaining a certain volume. The effects of cell adhesion and excluded volume are also taken into account. The proposed model can be used to find the position of the membrane and/or the cortex of each cell without the need to adopt extra variables. This model is suitable for numerical simulations of a system having a large number of cells. The two-dimensional results of cell division, cell adhesion, rearrangement of a cell cluster, chemotaxis, and cell sorting as well as the three-dimensional results of cell clusters on the substrate are presented.  相似文献   

Mechanics of cranial sutures using the finite element method   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To investigate how cranial suture morphology and the arrangement of sutural collagen fibres respond to compressive and tensile loads, an idealised bone–suture–bone complex was analysed using a two-dimensional finite element model. Three suture morphologies were simulated with an increasing interdigitation index (I.I.): butt-ended, moderate interdigitated, and complex interdigitated. The collagen matrix within all sutures was modelled as an isotropic material, and as an orthotropic material in the interdigitated sutures with fibre alignment as reported in studies of miniature pigs. Static uniform compressive or tensile loading was applied to the complex. In interdigitated sutures with isotropic material properties, the orientation of the maximum (tensile) principal stresses within the suture matched the collagen fibre orientation observed in compressed and tensed sutures of miniature pigs. This suggests that randomly arranged sutural collagen fibres could optimise to an orientation most appropriate to withstand the predominant type of loading. A compression-resistant fibre arrangement imparted the highest suture strain energy relative to the isotropic and tension-resistant arrangements, indicating that this configuration maximises energy storage. A comparison across the different suture morphologies indicated that bone strain energy generally decreased with a decrease in I.I., irrespective of the sutural fibre arrangement. However, high bone stress at the interdigitation apices shifted to the limbs of the suture with an increase in I.I. These combined findings highlight the importance of suture morphology and anisotropy as properties having a significant influence on sutural mechanics.  相似文献   

Characterizing the biomechanical behavior of sutures in the human craniofacial skeleton (CFS) is essential to understand the global impact of these articulations on load transmission, but is challenging due to the complexity of their interdigitated morphology, the multidirectional loading they are exposed to and the lack of well-defined suture material properties. This study aimed to quantify the impact of morphological features, direction of loading and suture material properties on the mechanical behavior of sutures and surrounding bone in the CFS. Thirty-six idealized finite element (FE) models were developed. One additional specimen-specific FE model was developed based on the morphology obtained from a µCT scan to represent the morphological complexity inherent in CFS sutures. Outcome variables of strain energy (SE) and von Mises stress (σvm) were evaluated to characterize the sutures’ biomechanical behavior. Loading direction was found to impact the relationship between SE and interdigitation index and yielded varied patterns of σvm in both the suture and surrounding bone. Adding bone connectivity reduced suture strain energy and altered the σvm distribution. Incorporating transversely isotropic material properties was found to reduce SE, but had little impact on stress patterns. High-resolution µCT scanning of the suture revealed a complex morphology with areas of high and low interdigitations. The specimen specific suture model results were reflective of SE absorption and σvm distribution patterns consistent with the simplified FE results. Suture mechanical behavior is impacted by morphologic factors (interdigitation and connectivity), which may be optimized for regional loading within the CFS.  相似文献   

Computational models are effective tools to study cardiac mechanics under normal and pathological conditions. They can be used to gain insight into the physiology of the heart under these conditions while they are adaptable to computer assisted patient-specific clinical diagnosis and therapeutic procedures. Realistic cardiac mechanics models incorporate tissue active/passive response in conjunction with hyperelasticity and anisotropy. Conventional formulation of such models leads to mathematically-complex problems usually solved by custom-developed non-linear finite element (FE) codes. With a few exceptions, such codes are not available to the research community. This article describes a computational cardiac mechanics model developed such that it can be implemented using off-the-shelf FE solvers while tissue pathologies can be introduced in the model in a straight-forward manner. The model takes into account myocardial hyperelasticity, anisotropy, and active contraction forces. It follows a composite tissue modeling approach where the cardiac tissue is decomposed into two major parts: background and myofibers. The latter is modelled as rebars under initial stresses mimicking the contraction forces. The model was applied in silico to study the mechanics of infarcted left ventricle (LV) of a canine. End-systolic strain components, ejection fraction, and stress distribution attained using this LV model were compared quantitatively and qualitatively to corresponding data obtained from measurements as well as to other corresponding LV mechanics models. This comparison showed very good agreement.  相似文献   

Mathematical human body models (HBMs) are important research tools that are used to study the human response in car crash situations. Development of automotive safety systems requires the implementation of active muscle response in HBM, as novel safety systems also interact with vehicle occupants in the pre-crash phase. In this study, active muscle response was implemented using feedback control of a nonlinear muscle model in the right upper extremity of a finite element (FE) HBM. Hill-type line muscle elements were added, and the active and passive properties were assessed. Volunteer tests with low impact loading resulting in elbow flexion motions were performed. Simulations of posture maintenance in a gravity field and the volunteer tests were successfully conducted. It was concluded that feedback control of a nonlinear musculoskeletal model can be used to obtain posture maintenance and human-like reflexive responses in an FE HBM.  相似文献   

Mathematical human body models (HBMs) are important research tools that are used to study the human response in car crash situations. Development of automotive safety systems requires the implementation of active muscle response in HBM, as novel safety systems also interact with vehicle occupants in the pre-crash phase. In this study, active muscle response was implemented using feedback control of a nonlinear muscle model in the right upper extremity of a finite element (FE) HBM. Hill-type line muscle elements were added, and the active and passive properties were assessed. Volunteer tests with low impact loading resulting in elbow flexion motions were performed. Simulations of posture maintenance in a gravity field and the volunteer tests were successfully conducted. It was concluded that feedback control of a nonlinear musculoskeletal model can be used to obtain posture maintenance and human-like reflexive responses in an FE HBM.  相似文献   

Human teeth with substantial coronal defects are subject to reconstruction by means of post-and-core restorations. Typically, such a restoration comprises a slightly cylindrical post onto which an abutment of varying shape, depending on the designated restoration, is attached. As clinical results are not satisfactory to date, a new post-and-core design which makes use of positive locking (rather than relying on chemical bonding agents for retention in the residual root) was proposed. Using proprietary burs, an inversely conical hole is machined into the root, into which the prefabricated post-and-core restoration is inserted. This part can be spread at the bottom to match the cavity's undercut form, resulting in a positive lock which can only be separated by destruction of root, restoration or both. Another key feature of this system is a ring/groove geometry which is able to absorb the wedging forces created by said spreading and the stress of loading of the restoration which arises from mascatory forces. To assess the properties, especially in terms of the stress imposed on the remaining tooth at highest possible loading, both finite element simulations and in vitro failure tests were performed and the findings compared. The results suggest that the parameters of the finite element simulations are in good agreement with reality. As calculated and measured force levels immediately before failure of the restoration are high, the introduced new geometry has significant advantages over the classical restoration.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop a three-dimensional finite element model of the craniofacial skeleton using a dry human skull. The model consisted of 2918 nodes and 1776 solid elements, and was used to investigate the biomechanical effect of a distally directed orthopaedic force on the craniofacial complex. The force was applied at the level of the maxillary first molar. The results indicated that in response to the force system applied: the nasomaxillary complex displaces in a backward and downward direction and rotates in clockwise sense; the nasomaxillary complex, including the zygomatic bone, experiences high stress levels in comparison with those at the remaining bones; the stress distribution in the maxillary basal bone area is relatively uniform; and the stress distribution across the opposing surface of the bony margins of the sutures is non-uniform.  相似文献   

Finite element analysis is a powerful tool for predicting the mechanical behaviour of complex biological structures like bones, but to be confident in the results of an analysis, the model should be validated against experimental data. In such validation experiments, the strains in the loaded bones are usually measured with strain gauges glued to the bone surface, but the use of strain gauges on bone can be difficult and provides only very limited data regarding surface strain distributions. This study applies the full-field strain measurement technique of digital speckle pattern interferometry to measure strains in a loaded human mandible and compares the results with the predictions of voxel-based finite element models of the same specimen. It is found that this novel strain measurement technique yields consistent, reliable measurements. Further, strains predicted by the finite element analysis correspond well with the experimental data. These results not only confirm the usefulness of this technique for future validation studies in the field of bone mechanics, but also show that the modelling approach used in this study is able to predict the experimental results very accurately.  相似文献   

The development of a three-dimensional finite element model of a posteriorly plated canine cervical spine (C3-C6) including contact nonlinearities is described. The model was created from axial CT scans and the material properties were derived from the literature. The model demonstrated sufficient accuracy from the results of a mesh convergence test. Significant steps were taken toward establishing model validation by comparison of plate surface strains with a posteriorly plated canine cervical spine under three-point bending. This model was developed to better characterize the contact pressures at the various interfaces under average physiologic canine loading. The analysis showed that the screw-plate interfaces had the highest values of all the mechanical parameters evaluated.  相似文献   

Striving towards an in depth understanding of stimulus transformation in arthropod tactile hairs, we studied the mechanical events associated with tactile stimulation. A finite element model was developed taking a tarsal tactile hair of the spider Cupiennius salei as an example. Considering hair diameter, wall thickness, and curvature, the hair is subdivided into six regions each with its specific mechanical properties. When the hair is touched from above with a flat surface oriented parallel to the tarsus the point of stimulus contact moves towards the hair base with increasing load and hair deflection. Thereby the effective lever arm is reduced protecting the hair against breaking near its base. At the same time the mechanical working range of the hair increases implying higher mechanical sensitivity for small deflections (about 5x10(-5) N/degrees) than for large deflections (about 1x10(-4) N/degrees). The major stresses within the hair shaft are axial stresses due to bending. The position of stress maxima moves along the shaft with the movement of the stimulus contact point. Remarkably, the amplitude of this maximum (about 1x10(5) N/m2) hardly changes with increasing loading force due to the way the hair shaft is deflected by the stimulus.  相似文献   

Extravascular bioartificial pancreas based on hollow fiber seems to be a promising treatment of diabetes mellitus. However, solutes mass-transport limitations in such a device could explain its lack of success. To determine critical device parameters, we have developed a novel tridimensional model based on finite element method for glucose, insulin, and oxygen diffusion around an islet of Langerhans encapsulated in a hollow-fiber section. A glucose ramp stimulation was applied outside the fiber and diffused to the islet. Concomitantly, a stationary oxygen partial pressure was applied outside the fiber, and determined local oxygen partial pressure on the islet environment. An insulin secretion model stimulated by a glucose concentration ramp and corrected by the local oxygen partial pressure was also implemented. Insulin secretion by the islet was thus computed as a response to glucose signal. The model predictions notably showed that the fiber radius had to be small enough to favor a fast response for insulin secretion and to ensure a maximal oxygen partial pressure in the islet environment. Besides the effect of fiber radius, a better islet oxygenation could be achieved by adjustments on the islet density, i.e., on the fiber length dedicated to a single islet. These hints should allow the future proposal of an optimal design for an implantable bioartificial pancreas.  相似文献   

Finite element modelling of musculoskeletal systems, with geometrical structures constructed from computed tomography (CT) scans, is a useful and powerful tool for biomechanical studies. The use of CT scans from living human subjects, however, is still limited. Accurate reconstruction of thin cortical bone structures from CT scans of living human subjects is especially problematic, due to low CT resolution that results from mandatory low radiation doses and/or involuntary movements of the subject. In this study, a new method for mapping cortical thickness is described. Using the method, cortical thickness measurements of a coxal (pelvis) bone obtained from CT scans of a cadaver were mapped to the coxal geometry as obtained through CT scans of a live human subject, resulting in accurate cortical thickness while maintaining geometric fidelity of the live subject. The mapping procedure includes shape-preserving parameterisation, mesh movement and interpolation of thickness using a search algorithm. The methodology is applicable to modelling of other bones where accurate cortical thickness is needed and for which such data exist.  相似文献   

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