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1. The diet of the invasive freshwater jellyfish, Craspedacusta sowerbyi (Lankester), was assessed by analysing its stomach contents. 2. The medusae ingested various zooplankton and benthic prey in the 0.1–3.0 mm size range. The selectivity indices for prey showed that larger zooplankton (0.4–1.4 mm) and active prey such as copepods were preferred; small potential prey, and the loricate rotifer Keratella cochlearis in particular, were almost never consumed. Measurements suggest that spacing between the tentacle branches could determine prey selection. Another possibility is that some prey are too small or slow to activate nematocysts after collision with the predator. Prey > 1.4 mm can probably escape or are otherwise too large to be handled. 3. The medusae of Craspedacusta medusae stayed in deep water during daytime and migrated upwards at night. The greatest number of prey in freshwater jellyfish stomachs was detected at night. 4. Calculation of consumption rates, based on mean stomach contents and digestion times of 4–5 h, showed that, on average, one medusa takes 190 zooplankton prey day??1 at a mean prey density of about 100 L??1. At the observed medusae density of 1 m??3, the cropping rate was about 0.2 zooplankton prey L??1 day??1.  相似文献   

陶莎  姚俊杰 《动物学杂志》2019,54(4):581-588
2017年10月中旬,在贵州省福泉县一个池塘中发现了桃花水母,经分子鉴定确认为索氏桃花水母(Craspedacusta sowerbyi)。研究了其生长发育的情况,建立了拟合优度线性相关函数,并观察了雄性索氏桃花水母精巢外形发育过程。结果表明,福泉的索氏桃花水母雌雄异体,雌性触手细长,伸向上方;雄性触手短粗,垂向下方。缘膜宽度、口径宽度、触手数量与伞径相关函数的相关系数r均大于0.75,说明3个指标与伞径之间均存在极强正相关关系。福泉的索氏桃花水母雄性个体性腺4个,淡绿色,成熟雄性个体精巢呈囊状、三角囊状、长三角囊状,4个精巢的发育不同步。研究表明,当伞径小于12 mm时,福泉的索氏桃花水母处于生长发育期,缘膜、口径宽度、触手数量、雄性精巢4个性状随之增长而变化,当伞径大于等于12 mm时,个体处于成熟期,上述4个性状相对稳定,变化不大。本文对于性腺作为桃花水母分类指标的有效性做了探讨。  相似文献   

Boothroyd  Ian K.G.  Etheredge  M. Kay  Green  John D. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,469(1-3):23-32
Solar ultraviolet radiation both degrades and alters the quality of natural organic matter as well as organic pollutants in surface waters. Still, it is only recently that this indirect influence of photochemical processes on aquatic organisms (e.g. bacteria) has received attention. We experimentally studied the photochemical degradation of three PAHs; anthracene, phenanthrene and naphthalene, in water. Anthracene and phenanthrene were rapidly photodegraded (half-lives of 1 and 20.4 hours, respectively), while the photochemical half-life of naphthalene exceeded 100 hours. Hence photodegradation is most likely a less important removal mechanism for the latter compound. The influence of humic substance additions (0–25 mg C l–1) on degradation rates was also assessed, and while photodegradation of anthracene was not affected by these additions, phenanthrene photodegradation slowed down considerably at the higher humic substance concentrations. These differential responses of anthracene and phenanthrene can at least partially be explained by differences in the spectral absorbance of the two compounds. In contrast, ionic strength did not have any appreciable effect on the estimated photodegradation rates of either compound. The influence of PAHs on growth of aquatic bacteria was assessed in dilution cultures with and without exposure to PAHs and simulated solar UV radiation. Separately, neither PAHs nor simulated solar UV radiation had any effect on bacterial growth. However, when combined, a marked inhibition of bacterial growth could be observed in water obtained from a clearwater lake. This could be due to the formation of toxic photodegradation products such as quinones (detected in our incubations) or other reactive species that affect bacteria negatively. Hence, in addition to influencing the fate and persistence of PAHs in aquatic systems, solar radiation and natural organic matter and regulate the toxicity of these compounds to indigenous micro-organisms.  相似文献   

What causes motor neurons to project into the periphery is not well understood. We here show that forced expression of the homeodomain protein Phox2b, shown previously to be necessary and sufficient for branchio-visceromotor neuron development, and of its paralogue Phox2a imposes a branchiomotor-like axonal phenotype in the spinal cord. Many Phox2-transfected neurons, whose axons would normally stay within the confines of the neural tube, now project into the periphery. Once outside the neural tube, a fraction of the ectopic axons join the spinal accessory nerve, a branchiomotor nerve which, as shown here, does not develop in the absence of Phox2b. Explant studies show that the axons of Phox2-transfected neurons need attractive cues to leave the neural tube and that their outgrowth is promoted by tissues, to which branchio-visceromotor fibers normally grow. Hence, Phox2 expression is a key step in determining the peripheral axonal phenotype and thus the decision to stay within the neural tube or to project out of it.  相似文献   

The direct-developing sea urchin species Heliocidaris erythrogramma has a radically modified ontogeny. Along with gains of novel features, its entire ectoderm has been reorganized, resulting in the apparent absence of a differentiated oral ectoderm, a major module present in the pluteus of indirect-developing species, such as H. tuberculata. The restoration of an obvious oral ectoderm in H. erythrogrammaxH. tuberculata hybrids, indicates the action of dominant regulatory factors from the H. tuberculata genome. We sought candidate regulatory genes based on the prediction that they should include genes that govern development of the oral ectoderm in the pluteus, but play different roles in H. erythrogramma. Such genes may have a large effect in the evolution of development. Goosecoid (Gsc), Msx, and the sea urchin Abd-B-like gene (Hox11/13b) are present and expressed in both species and the hybrid embryos. Both Gsc and Msx are oral ectoderm specific in H. tuberculata, and show novel and distinct expression patterns in H. erythrogramma. Gsc assumes a novel ectodermal pattern and Msx shifts to a novel and largely mesodermal pattern. Both Gsc and Msx show a restoration of oral ectoderm expression in hybrids. Hox11/13b is not expressed in oral ectoderm in H. tuberculata, but is conserved in posterior spatial expression among H. tuberculata, H. erythrogramma and hybrids, serving as a control. Competitive RT-PCR shows that Gsc, Msx, and Hox11/13b are under different quantitative and temporal controls in the Heliocidaris species and the hybrids. The implications for the involvement of these genes in the rapid evolution of a direct developing larva are discussed.  相似文献   

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