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In order to explore microevolutionary trends in bacteria and archaea, we constructed a data set of 41 alignable tight genome clusters (ATGCs). We show that the ratio of the medians of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitution rates (dN/dS) that is used as a measure of the purifying selection pressure on protein sequences is a stable characteristic of the ATGCs. In agreement with previous findings, parasitic bacteria, notwithstanding the sometimes dramatic genome shrinkage caused by gene loss, are typically subjected to relatively weak purifying selection, presumably owing to relatively small effective population sizes and frequent bottlenecks. However, no evidence of genome streamlining caused by strong selective pressure was found in any of the ATGCs. On the contrary, a significant positive correlation between the genome size, as well as gene size, and selective pressure was observed, although a variety of free-living prokaryotes with very close selective pressures span nearly the entire range of genome sizes. In addition, we examined the connections between the sequence evolution rate and other genomic features. Although gene order changes much faster than protein sequences during the evolution of prokaryotes, a strong positive correlation was observed between the “rearrangement distance” and the amino acid distance, suggesting that at least some of the events leading to genome rearrangement are subjected to the same type of selective constraints as the evolution of amino acid sequences.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Following an extensive search for orthologous genes between the complete genomes from archaea and bacteria, the spatial association of the orthologs has been investigated in terms of synteny, the conservation of the order of neighboring genes. However, the relationships between the relative locations of remote orthologs over entire genomes have not been shown. RESULTS: Comprehensive comparisons between the locations of orthologs on nineteen archaeal and bacterial genomes are presented by the location to location correspondence based on the gene-location distance. When the two genomes are rotated such that a pair of orthologs with the shortest distance is set in the same angle, a statistically significant number of orthologs maintain their relative locations between the genomes. Even by the short distances at the 5% significance level, the rotations are restricted within a narrow range, suggesting an intrinsic angle for realizing similar locations between the orthologs in each genome pair. Furthermore, the rotations in the restricted range agree with the replication origin and terminus sites for the analyzed genomes where such sites are known. The relationship between location-maintained orthologs and gene function is also discussed.  相似文献   

Denitrifying genes in bacterial and Archaeal genomes   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Denitrification, the reduction of nitrate or nitrite to nitrous oxide or dinitrogen, is the major mechanism by which fixed nitrogen returns to the atmosphere from soil and water. Although the denitrifying ability has been found in microorganisms belonging to numerous groups of bacteria and Archaea, the genes encoding the denitrifying reductases have been studied in only few species. Recent investigations have led to the identification of new classes of denitrifying reductases, indicating a more complex genetic basis of this process than previously recognized. The increasing number of genome sequencing projects has opened a new way to study the genetics of the denitrifying process in bacteria and Archaea. In this review, we summarized the current knowledge on denitrifying genes and compared their genetic organizations by using new sequences resulting from the analysis of finished and unfinished microbial genomes with a special attention paid to the clustering of genes encoding different classes of reductases. In addition, some evolutionary relationships between the structural genes are presented.  相似文献   



Laterally transferred genes have often been identified on the basis of compositional features that distinguish them from ancestral genes in the genome. These genes are usually A+T-rich, arguing either that there is a bias towards acquiring genes from donor organisms having low G+C contents or that genes acquired from organisms of similar genomic base compositions go undetected in these analyses.  相似文献   



Two key genes of the translational apparatus, elongation factor-1 alpha (EF-1α) and elongation factor-like (EFL) have an almost mutually exclusive distribution in eukaryotes. In the green plant lineage, the Chlorophyta encode EFL except Acetabularia where EF-1α is found, and the Streptophyta possess EF-1α except Mesostigma, which has EFL. These results raise questions about evolutionary patterns of gain and loss of EF-1α and EFL. A previous study launched the hypothesis that EF-1α was the primitive state and that EFL was gained once in the ancestor of the green plants, followed by differential loss of EF-1α or EFL in the principal clades of the Viridiplantae. In order to gain more insight in the distribution of EF-1α and EFL in green plants and test this hypothesis we screened the presence of the genes in a large sample of green algae and analyzed their gain-loss dynamics in a maximum likelihood framework using continuous-time Markov models.  相似文献   

Essential genes, indispensable genes for an organism’s survival, encode functions that are considered a foundation of life. Based on those experimentally determined for 10 bacteria, we find that essential genes are more preferentially situated at the leading strand than at the lagging strand, for all the 10 genomes studied, confirming previous findings based on either smaller datasets or putatively assigned ones by homology search. Furthermore, we find that rather than all essential genes, only those with the COG functional category of information storage and process (J, K and L), and subcategories D (cell cycle control), M (cell wall biogenesis), O (posttranslational modification), C (energy production and conversion), G (carbohydrate transport and metabolism), E (amino acid transport and metabolism) and F (nucleotide transport and metabolism) are preferentially situated at the leading strand. In contrast, the strand-bias for essential genes in other COG functional subcategories is not statistically significant. These results suggest that the remarkable strand-bias of the distribution of essential genes is mainly relevant to the aforementioned functionalities, which, therefore, likely play a key role in shaping the gene strand-bias in bacterial genomes.  相似文献   

Two adjacent saline, meromictic lakes in Saskatchewan host different populations of phototrophic bacteria. Deadmoose Lake hosts a population of Lamprocystis roseopersicina (Chromatiaceae) while in Waldsea Lake a population of a Chlorobium species (Chlorobiaceae) is dominant. Differences in light quantity, light quality, temperature, pH and Lamprocystis' capacity for photoorganoheterotrophic growth explain why different genera of phototrophic bacteria are found within the two lakes. These phototrophic bacteria make a significant contribution to total photosynthetic productivity, fixing 14.3 and 32 g C m-2 year -1 in Deadmoose and Waldsea Lake respectively.  相似文献   

Gain and loss of multiple genes during the evolution of Helicobacter pylori   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sequence diversity and gene content distinguish most isolates of Helicobacter pylori. Even greater sequence differences differentiate distinct populations of H. pylori from different continents, but it was not clear whether these populations also differ in gene content. To address this question, we tested 56 globally representative strains of H. pylori and four strains of Helicobacter acinonychis with whole genome microarrays. Of the weighted average of 1,531 genes present in the two sequenced genomes, 25% are absent in at least one strain of H. pylori and 21% were absent or variable in H. acinonychis. We extrapolate that the core genome present in all isolates of H. pylori contains 1,111 genes. Variable genes tend to be small and possess unusual GC content; many of them have probably been imported by horizontal gene transfer. Phylogenetic trees based on the microarray data differ from those based on sequences of seven genes from the core genome. These discrepancies are due to homoplasies resulting from independent gene loss by deletion or recombination in multiple strains, which distort phylogenetic patterns. The patterns of these discrepancies versus population structure allow a reconstruction of the timing of the acquisition of variable genes within this species. Variable genes that are located within the cag pathogenicity island were apparently first acquired en bloc after speciation. In contrast, most other variable genes are of unknown function or encode restriction/modification enzymes, transposases, or outer membrane proteins. These seem to have been acquired prior to speciation of H. pylori and were subsequently lost by convergent evolution within individual strains. Thus, the use of microarrays can reveal patterns of gene gain or loss when examined within a phylogenetic context that is based on sequences of core genes.  相似文献   

As an increasing number of plant genome sequences become available, it is clear that gene content varies between individuals, and the challenge arises to predict the gene content of a species. However, genome comparison is often confounded by variation in assembly and annotation. Differentiating between true gene absence and variation in assembly or annotation is essential for the accurate identification of conserved and variable genes in a species. Here, we present the de novo assembly of the B. napus cultivar Tapidor and comparison with an improved assembly of the Brassica napus cultivar Darmor‐bzh. Both cultivars were annotated using the same method to allow comparison of gene content. We identified genes unique to each cultivar and differentiate these from artefacts due to variation in the assembly and annotation. We demonstrate that using a common annotation pipeline can result in different gene predictions, even for closely related cultivars, and repeat regions which collapse during assembly impact whole genome comparison. After accounting for differences in assembly and annotation, we demonstrate that the genome of Darmor‐bzh contains a greater number of genes than the genome of Tapidor. Our results are the first step towards comparison of the true differences between B. napus genomes and highlight the potential sources of error in future production of a B. napus pangenome.  相似文献   



The correct taxonomic assignment of bacterial genomes is a primary and challenging task. With the availability of whole genome sequences, the gene content based approaches appear promising in inferring the bacterial taxonomy. The complete genome sequencing of a bacterial genome often reveals a substantial number of unique genes present only in that genome which can be used for its taxonomic classification.


In this study, we have proposed a comprehensive method which uses the taxon-specific genes for the correct taxonomic assignment of existing and new bacterial genomes. The taxon-specific genes identified at each taxonomic rank have been successfully used for the taxonomic classification of 2,342 genomes present in the NCBI genomes, 36 newly sequenced genomes, and 17 genomes for which the complete taxonomy is not yet known. This approach has been implemented for the development of a tool ‘Microtaxi’ which can be used for the taxonomic assignment of complete bacterial genomes.


The taxon-specific gene based approach provides an alternate valuable methodology to carry out the taxonomic classification of newly sequenced or existing bacterial genomes.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1542-0) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

We have developed three strategies to discriminate among the three types of tRNA genes with anticodon CAT (tRNA(Ile), elongator tRNA(Met) and initiator tRNA(fMet)) in bacterial genomes. With these strategies, we have classified the tRNA genes from 234 bacterial and several organellar genomes. These sequences, in an aligned or unaligned format, may be used for the identification and annotation of tRNA (CAT) genes in other genomes. The first strategy is based on the position of the problem sequences in a phenogram (a tree-like network), the second on the minimum average number of differences against the tRNA sequences of the three types and the third on the search for the highest score value against the profiles of the three types of tRNA genes. The species with the maximum number of tRNA(fMet) and tRNA(Met) was Photobacterium profundum, whereas the genome of one Escherichia coli strain presented the maximum number of tRNA(Ile) (CAT) genes. This last tRNA gene and tilS, encoding an RNA-modifying enzyme, are not essential in bacteria. The acquisition of a tRNA(Ile) (TAT) gene by Mycoplasma mobile has led to the loss of both the tRNA(Ile) (CAT) and the tilS genes. The new tRNA has appropriated the function of decoding AUA codons.  相似文献   

Summary The nematode,Caenorhabditis elegans, has a six-member gene family encoding vitellogenins, the yolk protein precursors. These genes are expressed exclusively in the intestine of the adult hermaphrodite. Here we report the cloning of all five members of the homologous gene family from anotherCaenorhabditis species,Caenorhabditis briggsae. Nucleotide sequence analysis of these genes reveals they are about 85% identical to theC. elegans genes in the coding regions. Oveerall similarity is much reduced in noncoding and flanking regions. However, two repeated heptamers, previously identified in the upstream regions of theC. elegans genes, are largely conserved in both location and sequence inC. briggsae. Conservation of certain of these heptamers suggests that proteins bound at these positions may be especially important to promoter function and/or regulation. Comparative sequence analysis also suggests the possibility that the first 70 bases of the vitellogenin mRNAs can be folded into stable secondary structures. Almost all base differences between the two species occur in sequences predicted to be unpaired, suggesting that the ability to form intrastrand base pairs has been selected duringCaenorhabditis evolution.  相似文献   

Polysialic acid (PSA) is a developmentally regulated carbohydrate attached to the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM). PSA is involved in dynamic processes like cell migration, neurite outgrowth and neuronal plasticity. In mammals, polysialylation of NCAM is catalyzed independently by two polysialyltransferases, STX (ST8Sia II) and PST (ST8Sia IV), with STX mainly acting during early development and PST at later stages and into adulthood. Here, we functionally characterize zebrafish Stx and Pst homolog genes during fish development and evaluate their catalytic affinity for NCAM in vitro. Both genes have the typical gene architecture and share conserved synteny with their mammalian homologues. Expression analysis, gene-targeted knockdown experiments and in vitro catalytic assays indicate that zebrafish Stx is the principal--if not unique--polysialyltransferase performing NCAM-PSA modifications in both developing and adult fish. The knockdown of Stx exclusively affects PSA synthesis, producing defects in axonal growth and guidance. Zebrafish Pst is in principle capable of synthesizing PSA, however, our data argue against a fundamental function of the enzyme during development. Our findings reveal an important divergence of Stx and Pst enzymes in vertebrates, which is also characterized by a differential gene loss and rapid evolution of Pst genes within the bony-fish class.  相似文献   

Satoshi Fukuchi  Ken Nishikawa 《DNA research》2004,11(4):219-31, 311-313
Genome annotation produces a considerable number of putative proteins lacking sequence similarity to known proteins. These are referred to as "orphans." The proportion of orphan genes varies among genomes, and is independent of genome size. In the present study, we show that the proportion of orphan genes roughly correlates with the isolation index of organisms (IIO), an indicator introduced in the present study, which represents the degree of isolation of a given genome as measured by sequence similarity. However, there are outlier genomes with respect to the linear correlation, consisting of those genomes that may contain excess amounts of orphan genes. Comparisons of genome sequences among closely related strains revealed that some of the annotated genes are not conserved, suggesting that they are ORFs occurring by chance. Exclusion of these non-conserved ORFs within closely related genomes improved the correlation between the proportion of orphan genes and the IIO values. Assuming that the correlation holds in general, this relationship was used to estimate the number of "authentic" orphan genes in a genome. Using this definition of authentic orphan genes, the anomalies arising from over-assignments, e.g., the percentages of structural annotations, were corrected for 16 genomes, including those of five archaea.  相似文献   

Nobusato A  Uchiyama I  Ohashi S  Kobayashi I 《Gene》2000,259(1-2):99-108
The complete genome sequences of two closely related organisms--two Helicobacter pylori strains--have recently become available. Comparison of these genomes at single base pair level has suggested the presence of a mechanism for bacterial gene mobility--insertion with long target duplications. This mechanism is formally similar to classical transposon insertion, but the duplication is much longer, often in the range of 100bp. Restriction and/or modification enzyme genes are often within or adjacent to the insertion. A similar process may have mediated insertion of the cag(+) pathogenicity island in H. pylori. A similar structure was identified in comparisons between Neisseria meningitidis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae genomes. We hypothesize that this mechanism, as well as two other types of polymorphism linked with restriction-modification genes (insertion accompanied by target deletion and a tripartite structure composed of substitution/inversion/deletion), have resulted from attack by restriction enzymes on the chromosome.  相似文献   

Evolution of bacterial genomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This review examines evolution of bacterial genomes with an emphasis on RNA based life, the transition to functional DNA and small evolving genomes (possibly plasmids) that led to larger, functional bacterial genomes.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the molecular basis of the regulation of interferon-inducible genes, we isolated the promoter region of two such genes coding for the (2'-5')oligo(adenylate) synthetase and a 56-kDa protein (IFI-56K). The regions surrounding the cap site were sequenced and compared with the sequences of vertebrate and viral DNA present in the Genbank data bank. Small DNA segments were found in both genes which are homologous to part of the promoter region of other genes, such as those of interferon-beta, tumor necrosis factor beta, interleukin-2 and its receptor. Since these homologies were found located in functionally important regions of these genes, we tested whether their inducers also enhance the (2'-5')oligo(adenylate) synthetase and IFI-56K gene expression. We found that poly(rI).poly(rC) and interleukin-1, activators of the interferon-beta gene and of T lymphocytes respectively, are both able to enhance IFI-56K mRNA accumulation in all cell lines tested. Cycloheximide even superinduces this gene when added together with poly(rI).poly(rC) and interleukin-1 (but not when added with interferon). We showed that these inductions are direct and not mediated by interferon produced by cells in response to poly(rI).poly(rC) or interleukin-1. The promoter sequence analyses have thus led to the discovery of unexpected inducers, i.e. an interferon inducer such as poly(rI).poly(rC) is also able to directly induce a gene that is under the control of interferon.  相似文献   

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