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The locations and habitat features of freshwater holding areas and the timing of fall migration are undocumented for Gulf sturgeon in the Pascagoula River drainage, Mississippi. Our objectives were to identify and characterize holding areas for Gulf sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi), document their summer and fall movement patterns, and determine migration cues. To do this we captured, radio‐tagged, and monitored movement of Gulf sturgeon in the Pascagoula River drainage and analyzed these data using geographic information systems. From May to November Gulf sturgeon congregate in a holding area in the lower portion of the Pascagoula River and Big Black Creek [river kilometers (rkm) 57–68] and near Cumbest Bluff (rkm 40), before they return to the Gulf of Mexico. While in the holding area, Gulf sturgeon were typically found in deep locations, either in or downstream from river bends. As found in other rivers, Gulf sturgeon in the Pascagoula River showed little movement within the holding area and often stayed within a single river bend; although we observed local movements by some individuals (under 10 rkm). In the Pascagoula River, Gulf sturgeon initiated their migration out of fresh water from late‐September to mid‐October, coincident with shorter day length, falling water temperature (mean = 23.7°C, range 21–26°C), and elevated river flow. Our work demonstrates that the lower Pascagoula River serves as a vital area for Gulf sturgeon.  相似文献   

Mississippi Kites (Ictinia mississippiensis) are trans‐equatorial, long‐distance migrants that breed in North America and overwinter in South America. Information about their migration routes and winter distribution in the Neotropics is mostly anecdotal. By compiling records of Mississippi Kites in South America from the literature and previously unpublished observations (1904–2010), we identified 96 locality records (a location where a flock or individual was recorded) and 146 independent records of flocks (observations of flocks irrespective of year, location, or time of year). Our locality records included 38 (39%) during southbound migration (1 September–30 November), 18 (19%) during northbound migration (15 February–30 April), 38 (39%) during austral summer (1 December–14 February), and two (3%) during austral winter (1 May–31 August). Most Mississippi Kites (84, 88%) were observed between the 11°S and 32°S latitudinal band in central South America. Of our independent records of flocks, 133 (92%) were observed between 11°S and 32°S, 12 (7%) between 11°N and 10°S, and a lone vagrant (1%) between 33°S and 43°S. Our data suggest that Mississippi Kites are common and widespread in the austral summer between 11°S and 32°S in central South America. On the basis of the number of locality records (N = 52, 54%) and number of flocks of Mississippi Kites observed between 22°S and 32°S (N = 61, 42%), the Chaco forest appears to be the main wintering grounds for the species. However, additional monitoring is needed to further test this hypothesis. A large portion of Chaco habitat is now under cultivation, and how this habitat transformation might influence the annual cycle of Mississippi Kites is unknown.  相似文献   

Bacteriological effects of hydraulically dredging polluted bottom sediment in the navigation channel of the Upper Mississippi River (river mile 827.5 [about 1,332 km] to 828.1 [about 1,333 km]) were investigated. Bottom sediment in the dredging site contained high total coliform densities (about 6,800 most-probable-number total coliform index per g [dry weight] and 3,800 membrane filter total coliforms per g [dry weight]), and fecal coliforms comprised an average 32% of each total coliform count. Total coliform and fecal coliform densities in water samples taken immediately below the dredge discharge pipe were each approximately four times corresponding upstream values; fecal streptococcus densities were approximately 50 times corresponding upstream values. Correlation analysis indicated that mean turbidity values downstream to the dredging operation were directly and significantly (r greater than 0.94) related to corresponding total coliform, fecal coliform, and fecal streptococcus densities. Salmonellae and shigellae were not recovered from either upstream or downstream water samples. Turbidity and indicator bacteria levels had returned to predredge values within less than 2 km below the dredge spoil discharge area at the prevailing current velocity (about 0.15 m/s).  相似文献   

The distribution of fibronectin in situ in the sea urchin embryo was examined by using indirect immunofluorescence with an antibody raised against human plasma fibronectin. Fibronectin was detected on the surfaces of primary mesenchyme cells in the mid-mesenchyme blastula stage, when these cells are migratory. However, it was not detected on these cells at the early mesenchyme blastula or early gastrula stages. Also, it was not detected in the blastocoel nor on the basal surface of the blastular wall. The migration of the primary mesenchyme cells is therefore correlated with a stage-dependent occurrence of cell surface-associated fibronectin.  相似文献   

 The objective of this study was to determine if pond permanence and vertebrate predation (by fish and waterfowl) affect invertebrate community structure in the mudflat habitat of floodplain ponds. Invertebrate communities were studied for 1 year in four Mississippi River floodplain ponds with different hydroperiods. Pond 1 experienced five dry periods, pond 2 experienced four, pond 3 dried once, and standing water remained in pond 4 for the entire year. Vertebrate predator exclusion treatments (all access, no access, small-fish access and cage controls) were placed in all ponds. As pond duration increased, predatory invertebrate richness and abundance increased while overall invertebrate richness and abundance decreased. With the exception of the cladoceran Diaphanosoma, all commonly encountered taxa were strongly affected by pond permanence in terms of abundance, biomass and, generally, individual biomass. Taxa were nearly early divided between those that were more abundant in less permanent ponds and those that were more abundant in longer-duration ponds. Invertebrate taxa richness, abundance, and total biomass were lower in the all-access treatment than in the treatments that restricted predator access, and these effects were stronger in the more permanent ponds. In general, there were no significant differences in responses to the treatments with small-fish access and no access. These results support models that predict relatively weak effects of predation in frequently disturbed habitats. Received: 30 May 1995 / Accepted: 21 June 1996  相似文献   

郑鹏  王波  王前 《广西植物》2020,40(9):1349-1356
沙棘(Hippophae rhamnoides)是一种具有药用价值的植物,沙棘果油具有抗氧化、抗炎症及抗肿瘤等多种药理作用。为了探讨沙棘果油对H2O2造成氧化性损伤的细胞生长的影响及其抗氧化性,该研究选择H2O2对RAW264.7细胞氧化损伤模型,通过DPPH(1,1-二苯基-2-三硝基苯肼)自由基清除实验检测沙棘果油体外抗氧化能力,用[3-(4,5-二甲基噻唑-2)2,5-二苯基四氮唑溴盐]MTT法和流式细胞仪检测超氧化物阴离子荧光探针(DHE)信号,分别检测不同浓度沙棘果油对H2O2损伤细胞的存活率和超氧化物阴离子水平。结果表明:(1)在DPPH自由基清除实验中,当沙棘果油浓度小于4.9%时,沙棘果油的抗氧化能力大于维生素C。(2)通过MTT法发现,浓度为3.125%的沙棘果油对H2O2损伤细胞的存活率显著升高(P<0.01)。(3)从DHE检测发现,在同一检测时间点,随着沙棘果油浓度增加,DHE阳性细...  相似文献   

Constructed Crevasses and Land Gain in the Mississippi River Delta   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Extensive land loss, which is mostly wetland loss, has taken place during this century in the Mississippi River delta and other river deltas. Our purpose was to evaluate the effectiveness of constructing “artificial” crevasses, or cuts in the natural levee, made by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in the Delta National Wildlife Refuge (DNWR) to slow or reverse this type of land loss. Land growth of the crevasses was determined from aerial photographs and was related to crevasse-site characteristics. The newly constructed crevasses create emergent wetlands after 2 years of subaqueous growth at about 4.7 ha/year and an average cost of $21,377 per crevasse. The present total cost per hectare declines with age as new land builds, and it will equal $48 per hectare if all the open water in the receiving ponds fills in. At these rates, the net land loss rates in the DNWR measured from 1958 to 1978 would be compensated for by the building of 63 crevasses, 24 of which are already in place.  相似文献   

Topographic diversity is an important component of environmental heterogeneity. Topographic diversity within the Upper Mississippi River floodplain has been degraded because of modifications for navigation improvement. Efforts aimed at restoring topographic diversity in the Upper Mississippi River floodplain have been extensive but have not focused on reversing the effects of forest loss and degradation. We investigated habitat features associated with Cerulean Warbler (Setophaga cerulea) locations both within and outside of river floodplains and hypothesized this species would select topographically diverse habitats. Both topographic diversity and the distance to the upland forest/floodplain forest interface were useful predictors of Cerulean Warbler presence. We conclude that incorporation of topographic diversity into floodplain forest restoration planning would likely benefit Cerulean Warblers and the other species with similar habitat requirements. Incorporating topographic diversity into floodplain forest conservation planning will be challenging on major rivers that serve multiple purposes.  相似文献   

The Upper Mississippi River is characterized by a series of locks and dams, shallow impoundments, and thousands of river channelization structures that facilitate commercial navigation between Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Cairo, Illinois. Agriculture and urban development over the past 200 years have degraded water quality and increased the rate of sediment and nutrient delivery to surface waters. River enhancement has become an important management tool employed to address causes and effects of surface water degradation and river modification in the Upper Mississippi River Basin. We report information on individual river enhancement projects and contrast project densities, goals, activities, monitoring, and cost between commercially non‐navigated and navigated rivers (Non‐navigated and Navigated Rivers, respectively). The total number of river enhancement projects collected during this effort was 62,108. Cost of all projects reporting spending between 1972 and 2006 was about US$1.6 billion. Water quality management was the most cited project goal within the basin. Other important goals in Navigated Rivers included in‐stream habitat improvement and flow modification. Most projects collected for Non‐navigated Rivers and their watersheds originated from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the USDA were important sources for projects in Navigated Rivers. Collaborative efforts between agencies that implement projects in Non‐navigated and Navigated Rivers may be needed to more effectively address river impairment. However, the current state of data sources tracking river enhancement projects deters efficient and broad‐scale integration.  相似文献   

Seasonal influences and the role of floodplain forest as source or sink of organic matter is relatively unknown for 3arge, temperate rivers. Discharge and fine-particulate (FPOC), dissolved (DOC), and total organic carbon concentrations (TOC) were measured during five sampling periods from November, 1984, to August, 1985, above and below the floodplain-forested area (1054 ha) of Burlington Island in navigation Pool 19, upper Mississippi River. Sampling coincided with autumnal leaf fall of the floodplain forest, peak flood and falling spring flood, and low-flow conditions prior to and during phytoplankton bloom. Greatest TOC transport occurred during peak flood (8.84 × 106 Kg/day) and leaf fall (7.79 × 106 Kg/day). Peak flood transport was dominated by FPOC associated with flushing of material from upland areas. Transport during autumnal leaf fall was predominantly DOC attributed to litter leaching. Seasonal DOC loads generally increased downstream except during the phytoplankton bloom when a decrease was associated with increased microbial metabolic activity. Downstream decline in FPOC and increasing DOC loads during peak flood characterized the mechanism of deposition and processing of FPOC on the floodplain. FPOC concentration was significantly correlated to discharge and DOC concentrations were higher than FPOC except for peak flood. Significant downstream changes in TOC load suggests the importance of riparian vegetation as an influence on organic matter transport in large rivers.  相似文献   

The Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS) is a large and diverse river system that changes character along its 1,200 mile network of rivers and canals and 2.6 million acres of floodplain. It supports more than 30 million people in its watershed, a significant commercial waterway, more than a million acres of “floodplain” agriculture and about one-half million acres of river-floodplain managed for fish, wildlife, and recreation. Large-scale geomorphology and climate patterns largely determine the hydrologic characteristics of a nested hierarchy of UMRS river reaches. The human impacts above are also important drivers determining hydrologic characteristics within the hierarchy. Understanding the relationship among physical and chemical processes and ecological responses is critical to implement an adaptive management framework for UMRS ecosystem sustainability. Historic or contemporary data from 42 locations were used to examine changes in UMRS hydrology and to demonstrate the utility of a multiple reference condition analysis for river restoration. A multivariate mathematical framework was used to show how river stage hydrology can be characterized by the variability, predictability, seasonality, and rate of change. Large-scale “geomorphic reaches” have distinct hydrologic characteristics and response to development throughout the UMRS region, but within navigation pool hydrology is similar among all impounded reaches regardless of geomorphic reach. Reaches with hydrologic characteristics similar to historic reference conditions should be examined to determine whether those characteristics support desired management objectives. Water levels can be managed, within limits to support navigation and agriculture, to more closely resemble natural hydrology for the benefit of a variety of species, habitats, and ecological processes.  相似文献   

During 1993 the Upper Mississippi River System experienced floods of exceptional magnitude and duration, especially at its more downstream reaches. The flood had widespread effects on the vegetation. Submerged species such as Potamogeton pectinatus significantly decreased in abundance, especially at sites with more severe flooding. However, many species were able to regenerate in 1994 from seeds or storage organs. Emergent species such as Scirpus fluviatilis were similarly affected, but in the upstream reaches were able to regrow in the autumn following the flood and at many sites showed exceptionally high productivity in the following year, probably due to nutrient-rich sediment deposition by the flood. Many tree species were very severely impacted, although Acer saccharinum and Populus deltoides have shown some seedling regeneration on newly deposited sediment beneath stands of mature trees, which would have out-shaded the seedlings if they had not been killed by the flood.  相似文献   

Trotlines were used to capture pallid sturgeon in the free‐flowing Mississippi River, which extends from the Gulf of Mexico to the mouth of the Missouri River. Trotlines were baited with worms, and set overnight usually along the channel border. The pectoral fin rays of 165 pallid sturgeon caught in the Mississippi River were aged; 118 were from the lower Mississippi River (LMR) between the Gulf and mouth of the Ohio River, and 47 were from the middle Mississippi River (MMR) between the mouths of the Ohio and Missouri rivers. Initial agreement within ±1 year between two readers ranged from 53% for the LMR specimens, which were read first, to 84% for the MMR. Final age was agreed upon by both readers. For LMR pallid sturgeon, final age estimates ranged from 3 to 21 years with a mean (±SD) of 11.0 ± 4.7. For MMR pallid sturgeon, final age estimates ranged from 5 to 14 years with a mean of 9.5 ± 2.1. Seven pallid sturgeon marked with coded wire tags (CWT), indicating hatchery origin, were collected in the MMR. Age estimates for CWT fish were 7–8 years representing 1997 stocked fish, and 11–12 years representing 1992 progeny stocked in 1994. Von Bertalanffy growth equations for length indicated that pallid sturgeon in the MMR had higher growth rates for a given age than pallid sturgeon in the LMR. However, there were no significant differences (anova , P > 0.5) in the length–weight relationships between reaches. In the LMR, pallid sturgeon fully recruited to trotlines at age 11 and instantaneous total mortality (Z; slope of catch curve) was estimated at −0.12 (n = 10 year classes, r2 = 0.55, P = 0.01). Of the 118 sectioned rays from the LMR, 28 could not be reliably aged (only one section from the MMR could not be aged). Therefore, age was predicted from length using the von Bertalanffy equation. The catch curve was re‐calculated using the predicted ages of the 28 pallid sturgeon in the LMR resulting in Z = −0.07. In the MMR, pallid sturgeon fully recruited to trotlines at age 9 and Z was estimated at −0.36 (n = 6 year classes, r2 = 0.67, P = 0.04), which was significantly higher (anova , P = 0.04) than the LMR estimate. Higher mortality in the MMR may be due to habitat limitations compared to a larger, more diverse channel in the LMR, and incidental take of larger, older individuals during commercial harvesting of shovelnose sturgeon. Commercial take of shovelnose does not occur in the LMR except in the northern portion of the reach. Considering the presence of pallid sturgeon with CWT, recruitment of older individuals in the MMR may have been influenced by stocking a decade earlier. Management strategies for this endangered species should consider the differences in mortality rates among reaches, the impacts of commercial fishing on recovery of pallid sturgeon in the MMR, and the long‐term effects of hatchery fish now recruiting into the free‐flowing Mississippi River.  相似文献   

Effective deer management requires managers to distinguish between the density-dependent influence of harvest and local environmental factors. The Batture region of the Lower Mississippi River Valley comprises land adjacent to the river that is not protected by the levee system, and is therefore subject to seasonal flooding with potential to influence the morphology and demographics of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Using harvest records of 42,954 females and 3,588 males from 61 Batture properties in Mississippi and Louisiana, we created linear regression models of deer body development and recruitment indices to compare the influence of seasonal flooding, harvest rate, growing season weather, and agronomic forage availability during 1988–2016. Overall, deer in the Batture appeared to be more influenced by extrinsic factors than by harvest. Seasonal flooding appeared in every model and generally had stronger effects than weather or harvest variables. Flooding from 1 to 2 years prior, regardless of season, was correlated with greater female body mass, lactation rates, and antler mass of trophy males, possibly reflecting silt deposition effects on soil fertility and promotion of new understory forages. Conversely, current-year flooding effects were invariably negative, implying direct effects of displacement. Summer flooding was concentrated during late gestation and peak parturition periods, and exhibited the potential to reduce fall lactation rates by 18%. Harvest rates correlated negatively with female body mass and had no correlation with lactation or antler mass. We detected contrasting long-term trends of decreasing body mass and increasing harvest rate that may reflect deteriorating habitat. Similar to flooding, increased temperatures and rainfall had negative effects for the current year, whereas increased temperatures had positive effects when occurring in the previous year. Surprisingly, annual variation in the amount of soybeans planted appeared in one model only, exhibiting a small positive effect on antler mass. We hypothesize that extensive planting of soybeans in levee-protected lands just outside the Batture maintained substantial soybean availability despite variation in the amount planted. Given the dominating influence of flooding and weather on deer physical and reproductive parameters in the Batture, these extrinsic variables should be incorporated into the interpretation of harvest data. The common practice of curtailing harvest, particularly female harvest, following years with extensive flooding is likely counterproductive unless intensive flooding occurs during summer. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Almeida  P.R.  Quintella  B.R.  Dias  N.M. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,483(1-3):1-8
The available spawning habitat for the anadromous sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus L., population that enters the River Mondego has been drastically reduced in the last 20 years. The installation of a fish passage in the first impassable dam, the Açude-Ponte, would enable sea lamprey to recolonise the 34.6-km river stretch between the Açude-Ponte and Raiva dams. In order to assess the suitability of the upstream river stretches for this species, 10 radio-tagged sea lamprey were released upstream of the Açude-Ponte dam and tracked continuously throughout the entire migratory path. Lamprey were unable to pass over intact weirs that had been built for recreational purposes. Sea lamprey movements were more frequent during dusk and night than other periods. Increased river discharge at night, resulting from the operation of the Raiva power station, stimulated lamprey movements but reduced ground speeds recorded. After reaching a certain location, some of the animals maintained their position for several weeks, before undergoing a new movement. Two of the main tributaries of this river stretch were used by some sea lamprey, indicating that the animals were able to find these historical spawning grounds.  相似文献   

We postulate that intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) on type I alveolar epithelial cells (AEC) facilitates phagocytic activity of alveolar macrophages (AM) in the alveolus. When wild-type and ICAM-1-deficient mice were inoculated intratracheally with FITC-labeled microspheres, AM phagocytosis of beads (after 1 and 4 h) was significantly reduced in ICAM-1-/- mice compared with controls. To focus on ICAM-1-mediated interactions specifically involving AM and AEC, rat AM were placed in culture with rat AEC treated with neutralizing anti-ICAM-1 F(ab')(2) fragments. Blocking ICAM-1 significantly decreased the AM phagocytosis of beads. Planar chemotaxis of AM over the surface of AEC was also significantly impaired by neutralization of AEC ICAM-1. ICAM-1 in rat AEC is associated with the actin cytoskeleton. Planar chemotaxis of AM was also significantly reduced by pretreatment of the AEC monolayer with cytochalasin B to disrupt the actin cytoskeleton. These studies indicate that ICAM-1 on the AEC surface promotes mobility of AM in the alveolus and is critically important for the efficient phagocytosis of particulates by AM.  相似文献   

Gut contents of shovelnose and pallid sturgeon from the lower and middle Mississippi River were obtained by colonic flushing, a safe and easily implemented alternative to gastric lavage. Diets of both species were dominated numerically by immature Trichoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Diptera. Primary prey, based on volume, for shovelnose sturgeon were Trichoptera, and for pallid sturgeon were various fishes. Geographic and seasonal nuances in diet were observed for both species, but the general dichotomy of shovelnose sturgeon as browser on invertebrates and pallid sturgeon as predator on fishes did not change. Data indicate that both species require hard substrates for feeding. Data demonstrate that colonic flushing is an effective technique for describing diet and inferring ecological and behavioral information about sturgeon.  相似文献   

The Upper Mississippi River system has been modified with locks, dams, dikes, bank revetments, channel modifications, and dredging to provide a nine-foot navigation channel. These activities have changed the river's characteristics. The historical changes in the hydrologic, hydraulic, and geomorphic characteristics were assessed and related to navigational development and maintenance activities in the Upper Mississippi River system. The hydrologic, hydraulic, and geomorphic features studied include river discharges, stages, sediment transport, river position, river surface area, island surface area, and river bed elevation. Water and sediment transport effects on dredging were also estimated. It was found that the general position of the Upper Mississippi River system has remained essentially unchanged in the last 150 years except for specific man-made developments in the river basin. The stage, velocity, sediment transport, and river and island areas were altered by development of the 2.75-m navigation system. Dredging requirements are strongly related to mean annual water discharge. Years in which water discharges were great were generally the years during which large volumes of sediment needed to be dredged from the channel. The backwater areas are experiencing some deposition. With implementation of erosion-control measures in major tributaries and upland areas, better confinement of disposed dredged materials, and better maintenance practices, the sedimentation and pertinent problems in the main channel, as well as in the backwater areas, may be reduced with time.  相似文献   

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