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The determination and analysis of complete genome sequences has led to the suggestion that horizontal gene transfer may be much more extensive than previously appreciated. Many of these studies, however, rely on evidence that could be generated by forces other than gene transfer including selection, variable evolutionary rates, and biased sampling.  相似文献   

The family Bombycidae (sensu Minet, 1994) is a diverse group of species belonging to the superfamily Bombycoidea. It is an economically important group of moth species, containing well‐known silk‐producing insects, as well as many pests of agriculture and forestry. The morphology‐based hypothesis of Minet (1994) on the composition of Bombycidae is in conflict with subsequent phylogenetic hypotheses for the superfamily based on nuclear genes. In this paper, the complete mitochondrial genomes of nine species of Bombycidae are presented for the first time. Based on these genomes, four dataset partitions and three gblocks parameter settings, phylogenetic relationships among Bombycidae were reconstructed using maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference methods. Bombycidae was confirmed as a polyphyletic group, with the traditional subfamilies Prismostictinae and Oberthueriinae forming a single well‐supported clade that is distant to Bombycinae. The phylogenetic relationships within Bombycoidea were supported as ((((Bombycinae, Sphingidae), Saturniidae), (Prismostictinae, Oberthueriinae)), Eupterotidae).  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial (mt) genome was determined for three species of discoglossid frogs (Amphibia:Anura:Discoglossidae), representing three of the four recognized genera: Alytes obstetricans, Bombina orientalis, and Discoglossus galganoi. The organization and size of these newly determined mt genomes are similar to those previously reported for other vertebrates. Phylogenetic analyses (maximum likelihood, Bayesian inference, minimum evolution, and maximum parsimony) of mt protein-coding genes at the amino acid level were performed in combination with already published mt genome sequence data of three species of Neobatrachia, one of Pipoidea, and four of Caudata. Phylogenetic analyses based on the deduced amino acid sequences of all mt protein-coding genes arrived at the same topology. The monophyly of Discoglossidae is strongly supported. Within the Discoglossidae, Alytes is consistently recovered as sister group of Discoglossus, to the exclusion of Bombina. The three species representing Neobatrachia exhibited extremely long branches irrespective of the phylogenetic inference method used, and hence their relative position with respect to Discoglossidae and Xenopus may be artefactual due to a severe long branch attraction effect. To further investigate the phylogenetic intrarelationships of discoglossids, nucleotide sequences of four nuclear protein-coding genes (CXCR4, RAG1, RAG2, and Rhodopsin) with sequences available for the three discoglossid genera and Xenopus were retrieved from GenBank, and together with a concatenated nucleotide sequence data set containing all mt protein-coding genes except ND6 were subjected to separate and combined phylogenetic analyses. In all cases, a sister group relationship between Alytes and Discoglossus was recovered with high statistical support.  相似文献   

Efforts have been made to investigate the phylogeny of the family Bovidae; however, the relationships within this group still remain controversial. To further our understanding of the relationships, we sequenced the mitochondrial genome of the Himalayan goral, Naemorhedus goral, an IUCN Redlist near threatened conservation dependent species. Then we conducted molecular phylogenetic relationships of the Bovidae based on Bayesian and Maximum Likelihood methods. The results indicate that the basal divergence within the Bovidae is between the Bovinae and a strongly supported clade of the remaining Bovidae species. The two Neotragus species (the suni and pygmy antelope) clustered with the impala, Aepyceros melampus (Aepycerotinae), and together they formed the most basal of the non-Bovinae. All the genera of the Antilopinae clustered together except Neotragus, which suggested that the Antilopinae was a paraphyletic subfamily. The present study confirmed a close relationship between the genera Capricornis and Naemorhedus while supporting their designation as separate genera and suggested that the Capricornis-Naemorhedus-Ovibos clade (serows, gorals, and the muskox) should be placed in the Caprinae. Bison, Bos, and Tragelaphus (bison & cattle and kudus and nyalas) were paraphyletic. The very close relationship between Bison and Bos suggested that Bos and Bison should be integrated into a single Bos genus. Saiga and Pantholops (the Chiru or Tibetan Antelope), unique genera which have sometimes been lumped together, were placed in different groups: Saiga within the Antilopinae and Pantholops at the base of the Caprinae. Our results also supported a new taxonomy which places the three species of Hemitragus into three monospecific genera: the genus Hemitragus is restricted to the Himalayan tahr, and two new genera are created: Arabitragus for the Arabian tahr and Nilgiritragus for the Nilgiri tahr.  相似文献   

The taxonomic and phylogenetic relationships within the genus Artemisia s.l. (Asteraceae) are controversial, and it has been considered 1 to 8 different genera. This work re-investigated the phylogenetic relationships in Artemisia using nuclear ribosomal (ITS) and chloroplast psbA-trnH DNA sequences using three sections of Artemisia, Dracunculus, and Serphidium. Three phylogenetic trees were conducted separately on the basis of ITS, psbA-trnH and combined sequences using maximum parsimony. The results showed that the three sections were clearly separated from each other, and that the heterogamous Dracunculus and Artemisia are closely related to each other than either to homogamous Serphidium. This may suggest the taxonomic importance of capitulum morphology in Artemisia s.l. Our data also cast doubt on the use of cytogenetic similarity e.g., basic chromosome number in grouping Serphidium and Artemisia s.s. Furthermore, AMOVA analysis showed a higher level of ITS (55.29%) and combined ITS+cppsbA-trnH (55.63%) variations among sections. This provides further evidence for separation of these three sections and supports the phylogenetic results. The higher ITS nucleotide differences detected in Artemisia (30.4737) compared to very low value in Dracunculus (2.3333) and Serphidium (1.23077) may propose that the Artemisia comprises of several incipient sections. This supports the previous suggestion that Artemisia is a complex group.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among Syndermata have been extensively debated, mainly because the sister-group of the Acanthocephala has not yet been clearly identified from analyses of morphological and molecular data. Here we conduct phylogenetic analyses on samples from the 4 classes of Acanthocephala (Archiacanthocephala, Eoacanthocephala, Polyacanthocephala, and Palaeacanthocephala) and the 3 Rotifera classes (Bdelloidea, Monogononta, and Seisonidea). We do so using small-subunit (SSU) and large-subunit (LSU) ribosomal DNA and cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox 1) sequences. These nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences were obtained for 27 acanthocephalans, 9 rotifers, and representatives of 6 phyla that were used as outgroups. Maximum parsimony (MP), maximum likelihood (ML), and Bayesian analyses were conducted on the nuclear rDNA(SSU+LSU) and the combined sequence dataset(SSU+LSU+cox 1 genes). Phylogenetic analyses of the combined rDNA and cox 1 data uniformly provided strong support for a clade including rotifers plus acanthocephalans (Syndermata). Strong support was also found for monophyly of Acanthocephala in analyses of the combined dataset or rDNA sequences alone. Within the Acanthocephala the monophyletic grouping of the representatives of each class was strongly supported. Our results depicted Archiacanthocephala as the sister-group to the remaining acanthocephalans. Analyses of the combined dataset recovered a sister-group relationship between Acanthocephala and Bdelloidea by parsimony, likelihood, and Bayesian methods. Support for this clade was generally strong. Alternative topologies that depicted a different rotifer sister-group of Acanthocephala (or monophyly of Rotifera) were significantly worse. In this paraphyletic assemblage of rotifers, the relative positions of Seisonidea and Monogononta to the clade Bdelloidea+Acanthocephala were inconsistent among trees based on different inference methods. These results indicate that Bdelloidea is the free-living sister-group to acanthocephalans, which should prove key for comparative investigations of the morphological, molecular, and ecological changes accompanying the evolution of parasitism.  相似文献   

The softshell turtles (Trionychidae) are one of the most widely distributed reptile groups in the world, and fossils have been found on all continents except Antarctica. The phylogenetic relationships among members of this group have been previously studied; however, disagreements regarding its taxonomy, its phylogeography and divergence times are still poorly understood as well. Here, we present a comprehensive mitogenomic study of softshell turtles. We sequenced the complete mitochondrial genomes of 10 softshell turtles, in addition to the GenBank sequence of Dogania subplana, Lissemys punctata, Trionyx triunguis, which cover all extant genera within Trionychidae except for Cyclanorbis and Cycloderma. These data were combined with other mitogenomes of turtles for phylogenetic analyses. Divergence time calibration and ancestral reconstruction were calculated using BEAST and RASP software, respectively. Our phylogenetic analyses indicate that Trionychidae is the sister taxon of Carettochelyidae, and support the monophyly of Trionychinae and Cyclanorbinae, which is consistent with morphological data and molecular analysis. Our phylogenetic analyses have established a sister taxon relationship between the Asian Rafetus and the Asian Palea + Pelodiscus + Dogania + Nilssonia + Amyda, whereas a previous study grouped the Asian Rafetus with the American Apalone. The results of divergence time estimates and area ancestral reconstruction show that extant Trionychidae originated in Asia at around 108 million years ago (MA), and radiations mainly occurred during two warm periods, namely Late Cretaceous–Early Eocene and Oligocene. By combining the estimated divergence time and the reconstructed ancestral area of softshell turtles, we determined that the dispersal of softshell turtles out of Asia may have taken three routes. Furthermore, the times of dispersal seem to be in agreement with the time of the India–Asia collision and opening of the Bering Strait, which provide evidence for the accuracy of our estimation of divergence time. Overall, the mitogenomes of this group were used to explore the origin and dispersal route of Trionychidae and have provided new insights on the evolution of this group.  相似文献   



Mustelidae, as the largest and most-diverse family of order Carnivora, comprises eight subfamilies. Phylogenetic relationships among these Mustelidae subfamilies remain argumentative subjects in recent years. One of the main reasons is that the mustelids represent a typical example of rapid evolutionary radiation and recent speciation event. Prior investigation has been concentrated on the application of different mitochondrial (mt) sequence and nuclear protein-coding data, herein we employ 17 nuclear non-coding loci (>15 kb), in conjunction with mt complete genome data (>16 kb), to clarify these enigmatic problems.  相似文献   

The macaques, genus Macaca, represent one of the most successful radiations within the Order Primates, with a geographical distribution that ranks second in size only to that of humans among extant primates. Although the number of macaque species recognized depends on the classification scheme used, most authors currently follow the classifications of either Fooden or Delson, both of whom recognize 19 extant macaque species. These two classifications differ in their placement of macaque species into more inclusive taxa (i.e., species groups). While researchers have attempted to use mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) to resolve these phylogenetic relationships, different studies have generated conflicting conclusions. Consequently, we screened nuclear DNA sequences of a large number of macaques to determine if such data provide greater insight into the phylogenetic relationships among macaques. The data generated from the comparison of two (noncoding) introns within the natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 1 (NRAMP1) gene generally agree with the classification scheme of Delson. However, the data also support several novel observations. Specifically, the NRAMP1 data demonstrate that M. silenus and M. nemestrina lack nuclear genetic variation, while M. assamensis and M. radiata exhibit the greatest amount of genetic variation. In addition, these data suggest that M. fascicularis may not be as "primitive" (with respect to other members of the fascicularis group) as the mtDNA based data suggest.  相似文献   

Species of Saccharomyces, Arxiozyma, Eremothecium, Hanseniaspora (anamorph Kloeckera), Kazachstania, Kluyveromyces, Pachytichospora, Saccharomycodes, Tetrapisispora, Torulaspora, and Zygosaccharomyces, as well as three related anamorphic species assigned to Candida (C. castellii, C. glabrata, C. humilis), were phylogenetically analyzed from divergence in genes of the rDNA repeat (18S, 26S, ITS), single copy nuclear genes (translation elongation factor 1alpha, actin-1, RNA polymerase II) and mitochondrially encoded genes (small-subunit rDNA, cytochrome oxidase II). Single-gene phylogenies were congruent for well-supported terminal lineages but deeper branches were not well resolved. Analysis of combined gene sequences resolved the 75 species compared into 14 clades, many of which differ from currently circumscribed genera.  相似文献   

Triadica (Euphorbiaceae) is a small genus endemic to East Asia and Southeast Asia, consisting of three species differentially adapted to heterogeneous habitats. To date, the phylogenetic relationships of this genus have not been resolved, and there has been no evidence for interspecific hybridization in Triadica. In this study, we sequenced the nrITS regions, two nuclear genes and a chloroplast gene to reconstruct the molecular phylogeny of Triadica and to test the hypothesis of natural hybridization between Triadica sebifera and Triadica cochinchinensis, and between T. sebifera and Tridica rotundifolia. Phylogenetic analysis showed that T. sebifera diverged first within this genus, and T. cochinchinensis and T. rotundifolia were sister species. Both of the two putative hybrids show chromatogram additivity at each of the two nuclear genes, providing convincing evidence for natural hybridization between T. sebifera and T. cochinchinensis, and between T. sebifera and T. rotundifolia. The chloroplast gene sequences of both hybrids were identical with that of T. sebifera, suggesting that T. sebifera was the maternal parent of the two hybrids. This is the first report of natural hybridization in Triadica, and the hybrids identified in this study should be a good starting point for further hybridization-based breeding in T. sebifera.  相似文献   

Parsimony and maximum likelihood analyses of combinedtrnL (UAA) 5 exon —trnF (GAA) andrps4 exon cpDNA, and 18S nrDNA sequences of 60 arthrodontous moss taxa indicate strong support for the monophyly of a clade containing theSplachnineae, Orthotrichineae, and diplolepideous alternate sub-orders. A clade including theSplachnineae, Meesiaceae andLeptobryum (Bryaceae) is similarly well supported and forms the sister group to a clade comprising theOrthotrichineae and the other diplolepideous alternate mosses. Within this latter clade a number of well supported lineages are identified, but relationships among these remain poorly resolved. These analyses indicate that the Splachnaceous and Orthotrichaceous peristomes have been independently derived from an ancestral perfect bryoid peristome.  相似文献   

A phylogeny of gekkotan lizards was derived from C- mos nuclear DNA sequence data. Forty-one currently recognized genera, representing all major gekkotan lineages, were included in the study. A total of 378 bp of partial C- mos gene sequences was obtained and aligned. Maximum parsimony (MP) and maximum likelihood (ML) trees were generated based on unweighted analysis using P AUP *; similar tree topologies were recovered by both methods. The Eublepharidae were monophyletic and its relationship to other major clades was poorly resolved. The Pygopodidae of Kluge (1987) was monophyletic, but relationships within this group differed from those retrieved by previous analyses. The Diplodactylini + padded carphodactylines were the sister group of pygopods + padless carphodactylines. The Gekkonidae were monophyletic, but we found no evidence in support of the Teratoscincinae, as Teratoscincus was embedded well within the gekkonids. Both MP and ML analyses supported the basal position of Sphaerodactylus within the gekkonids, in contrast to morphologically based hypotheses. We propose a new higher order classification of the Gekkota that reflect these results. Five gekkotan families: Eublepharidae, Gekkonidae, Pygopodidae, Diplodactylidae, and Carphodactylidae are recognized. The higher order status of the sphaerodactyls will require more intensive sampling of this group. Our results support the hypothesis that the early cladogenesis of the Gekkota was associated with the split of Eastern Gondwanaland from Western Gondwanaland. Divergences among living genera in the Eublepharidae and the Eastern Gondwanan lineages (Diplodactylidae, Pygopodidae and Carphodactylidae) may be older than those in the Gekkonidae.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 83 , 353–368.  相似文献   

The genus Scrophularia L. (Scrophulariaceae) comprises 200?C300 species, of which approximately 19 are distributed in North America and the Greater Antilles. To investigate phylogenetic and biogeographic relationships of the New World species, two intergenic spacers (trnQ-rps16 and psbA-trnH) of chloroplast DNA and nuclear ribosomal ITS were sequenced. Phylogenetic analyses revealed three distinct New World clades that correspond to their geographical distribution and are corroborated by morphological characters. Phylogenetic inference indicates the eastern American S. marilandica L. as sister to all Antillean species; for colonization of the Caribbean archipelago, a late Miocene dispersal event from the North American mainland is assumed. There is evidence for a hybrid origin of the most widespread North American species, S. lanceolata Pursh. The results further suggest that S. nodosa L. is sister to all New World and three Japanese species of Scrophularia. The latter form an Eastern Asian?CEastern North American (EA-ENA) disjunction with six New World species. We propose an eastern Asian origin for the New World taxa of Scrophularia. Divergence times estimated using a relaxed molecular clock model suggest one or more Miocene migration events from eastern Asia to the New World via the Bering Land Bridge followed by diversification in North America.  相似文献   

Understanding of the systematics and evolution of the Brassicaceae has advanced greatly in recent years. In particular, molecular techniques offer a way to address issues of homoplasy that had limited morphology-based research. In this study, we used sequence data from chloroplast, mitochondrial, and nuclear genomes to construct the phylogeny of Brassicaceae. We adopted maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian methods to illustrate the relationships of 71 species belonging to 51 genera. Results from trnS(GCU)-trnG(UUC), nad7 second intron, and pistillata (PI) first intron analyses supported the delimitation of Lineages I–III and agreed with previous findings from phyA, ITS, and ndhF analyses. The results indicated that Pachypterygium should be placed in the tribe Isatideae. The position of Leiospora agreed with speculation based on morphology. Furthermore, Conringia planisiliqua together with Orychophragmus violaceus can be recognized as a new tribe as proposed by previous studies. Finally, this study also supported the recently recognized new tribes Dontostemoneae and Erysimeae.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic interrelationships in the enlarged order Ericales were investigated by jackknife analysis of a combination of DNA sequences from the plastid genes rbcL, ndhF, atpB, and the mitochondrial genes atp1 and matR. Several well-supported groups were identified, but neither a combination of all gene sequences nor any one alone fully resolved the relationships between all major clades in Ericales. All investigated families except Theaceae were found to be monophyletic. Four families, Marcgraviaceae, Balsaminaceae, Pellicieraceae, and Tetrameristaceae form a monophyletic group that is the sister of the remaining families. On the next higher level, Fouquieriaceae and Polemoniaceae form a clade that is sister to the majority of families that form a group with eight supported clades between which the interrelationships are unresolved: Theaceae-Ternstroemioideae with Ficalhoa, Sladenia, and Pentaphylacaceae; Theaceae-Theoideae; Ebenaceae and Lissocarpaceae; Symplocaceae; Maesaceae, Theophrastaceae, Primulaceae, and Myrsinaceae; Styracaceae and Diapensiaceae; Lecythidaceae and Sapotaceae; Actinidiaceae, Roridulaceae, Sarraceniaceae, Clethraceae, Cyrillaceae, and Ericaceae.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among higher clades of pulmonate gastropods are reconstructed based on a data set including one nuclear marker (complete ribosomal 18S) and two mitochondrial markers (partial ribosomal 16S and Cytochrome oxidase I) for a total of 96 species. Sequences for 66 of these species are new to science, with a special emphasis on sampling the Ellobiidae, Onchidiidae, and Veronicellidae. Important results include the monophyly of Systellommatophora (Onchidiidae and Veronicellidae) as well as the monophyly of Ellobiidae (including Trimusculus, Otina, and Smeagol). Relationships within Ellobiidae, Onchidiidae, and Veronicellidae are evaluated here for the first time using molecular data. Present results are compared with those from the recent literature, and the current knowledge of phylogenetic relationships among pulmonate gastropods is reviewed: despite many efforts, deep nodes are still uncertain. Identification uncertainties about early fossils of pulmonates are reviewed. Impacts of those phylogenetic and fossil record uncertainties on our understanding of the macro-evolutionary history of pulmonates, especially transitions between aquatic and terrestrial habitats, are discussed.  相似文献   

Orliac, M. J., Antoine, P. ‐O., Ducrocq, S. (2010). Phylogenetic relationships of the Suidae (Mammalia, Cetartiodactyla): new insights on the relationships within Suoidea. —Zoologica Scripta, 39, 315–330. In most analyses, both molecular and morphological phylogenies of the Cetartiodactyla support the monophyly of Suoidea. However, the evolutionary history of this superfamily remains poorly known primarily due to long‐lasting debates about the taxonomic content and relationships of the suoid families and subfamilies. Despite their crucial position in the reconstruction of the phylogeny of Cetartiodactyla, Suoidea themselves have received little attention in those phylogenies, and no extensive analysis of the group has been performed so far. We therefore examine the phylogeny of the Suidae through the first phylogenetic analysis of Suoidea, including recent and fossil representatives of all four putative families. The results support the monophyly of the traditional suid subfamilies and indicate the Sanitheriidae as sister taxon to the Suidae clade. The evolutionary history within Suidae reveals its complexity, with major convergences involving important morphological structures such as the auditory region or the upper male canine. Divergent signals gathered from either dental or cranio‐mandibular features are responsible for two long‐lasting unresolved issues within Suoidea: the question of the relationships between ‘Old World’ and ‘New World’ peccaries remaining unsolved, as well as the position and familial status of the mid‐Tertiary tayassuid Perchoerus.  相似文献   

Among the commelinid monocots, phylogenetic relationships involving Juncaceae and Cyperaceae have been difficult to resolve because of parallel and convergent evolution of morphological features. Using comparative sequencing of the chloroplast gene rbcL, hypotheses of relationships between these two families were tested. Sequences from 13 taxa were obtained for this study and analyzed using parsimony with 15 previously published sequences. Results of this analysis suggest that two genera of Juncaceae, Oxychloë and Prionium, are not closely related to the other genera of this family. Further, Cyperaceae appear to be more closely related to Juncaceae than to Poaceae, with which Cyperaceae are sometimes classified. In fact, Cyperaceae appear to be derived from within Juncaceae. The progenitor-derivative relationship of Juncaceae and Cyperaceae suggested by this study reveals an additional example of paraphyletic families which presents a series of taxonomic dilemmas.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of rabbitfishes (the family Siganidae), ecologically important components as primary consumers in coral reef communities, were studied using mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and nuclear ITS1 (internal transcribed spacer 1) sequence analyses. The analyses of 19 out of 22 species known in the Western Pacific region revealed that siganids are genetically clustered into three major clades, which are characterized by some morphological and ecological traits. Between closely related species, such as Siganus guttatus-S. lineatus and S. virgatus-S. doliatus, and also between two morphs recognized in S. corallinus, small but discernible genetic differentiation was found, implying that the components of each pair are incipient species. On the other hand, between some species, such as S. fuscescens-S. canaliculatus and S. unimaculatus-S.vulpinus, individuals of the components of each pair were found to construct a genetic mosaic, suggesting that the components are genetic color morphs within a single biological species, respectively. Moreover, evidence from morphological characters, mtDNA, and nuclear DNA gave an inconsistent picture of identity and relationships for several individuals. They were regarded as hybrids or individuals with hybrid origin. Such instances were observed not only between closely related species, such as S. guttatus-S. lineatus, S. virgatus-S. doliatus, and two morphs (incipient species) in S. corallinus, respectively, but also between distantly related ones, such as S. corallinus-S. puellus. In fact, more than half of the species examined (11/20, when treating the two morphs in S. corallinus as independent species) were involved in hybridization. These suggest that hybridization is much more prevalent in marine fishes than previously assumed, and may have some relevance to their diversification.  相似文献   

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