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Unfertilized eggs of sea urchins were treated with benzimidazole. They were fertilized after being kept in normal sea water for a certain period. It was found that the first cleavage occurred much earlier than in the control. The eggs had a tendency to cleave directly into 3 or 4 cells. Benzimidazole induced some visible changes in unfertilized eggs, which was considered to be the result of an insufficient activation. Benzimidazole was found to have the same effect as hypertonic solution has in Loeb's “double treatment” method for artificial parthenogenesis. When eggs activated with butyric acid were treated with benzimidazole instead of hypertonic solution, they cleaved in a high percentage.  相似文献   

Detection and localization of dynein in cleaving sea urchin eggs were attempted using antidynein serum (prepared against a tryptic fragment of dynein, Fragment A, of sea urchin sperm flagella) and fluorescein conjugated goat antiserum to rabbit γ-globulin. In both unfertilized and newly fertilized eggs, fluorescence was distributed rather uniformly within the cells but was absent from the nuclei. At prophase, intense fluorescence was observed on both sides of nucleus, suggesting accumulation of dynein in developing asters. From metaphase to anaphase, the whole mitotic apparatus (MA) was stained with the exceptions of the chromosomes and pole areas. Fluorescence then again became dispersed within the eggs. Throughout the mitotic process and cytokinesis, the egg cortex including the cleavage furrow was stained intensely, presumably reflecting the presence of dynein in this region. Similar distributions of fluorescence were obtained with the isolated MAs. Neither non-immune serum nor the antiserum to which Fragment A was absorbed stained the eggs. Little staining was obtained with the antiserum against starfish egg myosin. The results, together with the finding that the chromosome motion in the isolated MAs was completely inhibited by anti-dynein serum, but not with the anti-myosin serum, suggest an active role played by a tubulin-dynein system in mitosis.  相似文献   

Unfertilized eggs of sea urchins, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus and Pseudocentrotus depressus, were treated with 4–5% butyric acid-sea water for 40–60 sec so that they were activated partheno-genetically without visible cortical changes. When these insufficiently activated eggs were inseminated 90–120 min after butyric acid-treatment, they divided much earlier than the control eggs in the first cleavage cycle. In the present paper, it becomes clear that if eggs are put into m /2,000-m /16,000 DNP-sea water at 60 min after insufficient activation and 30 min later, returned to normal sea water and then inseminated, they still show acceleration of the first cleavage in the same degree as the eggs which are not treated with DNP, while if eggs are exposed to DNP for 30 min prior to the insufficient activation or within 60 min after the activation, they do not show any acceleration of the cleavage. From these results, it may be concluded that some preparations for cleavage acceleration which are arrested by DNP become ready in the eggs at an early period in the first cleavage cycle and these preparations cannot be cancelled by DNP-treatment once they have been completed.  相似文献   

1. The surface of the unfertilized sea urchin egg is folded and the folds are reversibly eliminated by exposing the egg to hypotonic sea water. If the plasma membrane is outside the layer of cortical granules, unfolding may explain why the membrane capacitance per unit area decreases (and does not increase) when a sea urchin egg is put into hypotonic sea water. 2. The degree of surface folding markedly increases after fertilization, which provides an explanation for the increase in membrane capacitance per unit area observed after fertilization. 3. The percentage reduction in membrane folding in fertilized eggs after immersion in hypotonic sea water is probably sufficient to explain the decrease in membrane capacitance per unit area observed in these conditions.  相似文献   

During the initial stages of fertilization envelope elevation in eggs of Strongylocentrotus pur puratus and S. droebachiensis a large concavity of the egg cortex was observed in the light microscope. This concavity corresponded in shape and size with the elevating fertilization envelope. However, after the vitelline layers of eggs were disrupted and the eggs inseminated, the concavity failed to develop although the eggs were fertilized and developed normally. We propose that the concavity is formed owing to increased hydrostatic pressure within the perivitelline space. To further support this hypothesis we measured total egg protein secreted during fertilization, and found that 98% was retained within the perivitelline space. Furthermore, 80% of the total protein was contributed by the hyaline layer. Presumably, colloidal osmotic pressure and/or hydration of fertilization product, trapped beneath the fertilization envelope, is responsible for increased hydrostatic pressure within the perivitelline space, and therefore promotes not only fertilization envelope elevation, but the cortical concavity as well.  相似文献   

A drop of ferrofluid injected into the center of a dividing sea urchin egg is deformed into the shape of an hourglass when the cleavage furrow advances. The force applied to the drop is determined from the deformation of the drop and the interfacial tension between the ferrofluid and the protoplasm. The interfacial tension is determined from the deformation of a spherical drop in the protoplasm when a magnetic field is applied, and the force applied to the drop, which is estimated from the deformation by magnetic field of a similar drop in 2 per cent aqueous solution of Triton X-100 and the interfacial tension between the ferrofluid and this solution.
The force applied to the drop in the dividing egg increases during an early stage of cleavage and decreases during a later stage. The force attained a maximum of 9 × 10−3 dyne in an egg of Temnopleurus toreumaticus which pinched the drop into two when it divided. Smaller maximum forces, 3.9 × 10−3 dyne in the eggs of Temno-pleurus toreumaticus and 2.0 × 10−3 dyne in the eggs of Clypeaster japonicus (mean values), were obtained when the furrowing was arrested by the drop. The magnitude of the maximum tension developed in the contractile element located in the furrow cortex is discussed.  相似文献   

The authors wish to correct an error in the paper "The behavior of the nucleic acids during the early development of the sea urchin egg (Arbacia)" (J. Gen. Physiol., 1947–48, 31, 203). Owing to an oversight, the figures for the amounts of various P fractions in a single Arbacia egg have been erroneously expressed in γ x 10–3 units (Tables I and II, page 205; the last two lines of page 206). The figures should have been expressed in γ x 10–5 units. Thus, the fertilized Arbacia egg contains an average of 20 γ x 10–5 ribonucleic acid P and 0.7 to 1 γ x 10–5 desoxyribonucleic acid P.  相似文献   

Although the fertilization-wave in the sea urchin egg is generally considered to propagate over the egg surface, there has been no definite evidence to show the site of propagation. The possibility that the wave passes through the endoplasm, not over the egg surface, has not been denied.
A drop of paraffin was injected into an egg, so that the endoplasm was divided into 2 parts by the paraffin drop, the 2 parts being connected only by the egg cortex. When spermatozoa were added to one side of the egg, the fertilization membrane was formed first on this part of the egg and then on the opposite part. This indicates that the egg surface or the egg cortex is the site of propagation of the fertilization-wave and the endoplasm has no direct influence on the propagation.  相似文献   

Eggs of Pseudocentrotus depressus were activated artificially by Loeb's "double treatment method". 50 min after activation, a number of asters were produced in the eggs. It was confirmed by electron microscopy that centrioles with a typical fine structure were present in artificially induced asters.
An unfertilized egg of Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus was divided into 2 halves, nucleated and non-nucleated, by centrifugation on a sucrose bed. Each half was activated by the same method as mentioned above. Several asters were produced in both halves after a certain period of incubation. The presence of bodies considered to be centrioles were demonstrated in the asters in both nucleated and non-nucleated halves.
The results add probability to the view that the centrioles are produced de novo in artificially activated eggs and fragments.  相似文献   

Changes in the distribution of pericentriolar material, which was called “clusters of granular material”, in a previous paper were observed during mitosis of the sea urchin egg by electron microscopy using thick sections. At prophase, small clusters in an early stage of formation were observed near the nucleus. At prometaphase, the clusters appeared to aggregate loosely at the poles of the spindle. They formed large masses at metaphase, while at late anaphase they became reduced in size and formed an array at right angles to the spindle axis. Some clusters still remained near the karyomeres at telophase and then became closely associated with the daughter nucleus. The clusters were closely associated with the astral microtubules and spindle microtubules at prophase and prometaphase, respectively. The granular material is suggested to be a nucleating site of microtubule assembly during mitosis.  相似文献   

During development of eggs of the sea urchins, Pseudocenrotus depressus and Anthocidaris crassispina , the glycogen level is maintained from the time of fertilization to the swimming blastula stage and then decreases rapidly in the early gastrula stage. During development of eggs of Clypeaster japonicus. Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus and Mespilia globulus the glycogen content decreases slowly from the time of fertilization to the mesenchyme blastula stage, and then more rapidly during gastrulation. The amounts of glycogen mobilized in the embryos from the time of fertilization to the morula stage correspond to 67% of the amount of O2 consumed in Mespilia eggs, 62% in Clypeaster eggs, 30% in Hemicentrotus eggs and 0–4% in Anthocidaris and Pseudocentrotus eggs. The main energy source in early development seems to differ in different species. When eggs and embryos were incubated with [14C]glucose for 10min, considarable 14C-radioactivity accumulated in the glycogen fraction. The rate of [14C]glucose incorporation into glycogen increased gradually during the first 6 hr after fertilization (up to the morula stage), decreases during the next 4 hr (up to the early blastula stage), and then increased again.  相似文献   

Formation and behavior of the pinosomes at the surface of the oocyte during oogenesis in the 4 species of sea urchins, Anthocidaris crassispina, Temnopleurus toreumaticus, Mespilia globulus and Pseudocentrotus depressus, were studied. The plasma membrane of the oocyte is almost smooth at the early stage of oogenesis, although a small number of cytoplasmic processes appear on it, facing the germinal epithelium. At the beginning of vitellogenetic stage many processes appear on the whole surface of the oocyte. Near the base of the fully grown process, the pinosome designated as the α-pinosome is formed. The α-pinosome may play a part in maturation of the yolk granule. The processes shorten as a whole at the time of the breakdown of the germinal vesicle. Formation of the pinosome designated as the β-pinosome begins just before vitellogenetic stage and continues during this stage. The β-pinosome may be directly concerned with the formation of cortical granules.  相似文献   

Living embryos of the annual cyprinodont fish Nothobranchius guentheri were observed under the microscope. Detailed records were made of the time of cell division, disappearance of the nucleus and of the position of each cell within the blastoderm up to and including the sixth cleavage. Combination of these data revealed the presence of a mitotic gradient, a cell division gradient and a gradient of cell cycle duration in the 8-cell, 16-cell and 32-cell stage. Comparison of the variabilities in the duration of the interphase and mitosis reveals that differences between sister cell intercleavage times in the 8-, 16- and 32-cell stage are, for the most part, due to the variability in the duration of the mitotic process. It is concluded that the DNA-division cycle is composed of at least two parallel series of events. We found the random transition model of cell cycle control, originally based on the analysis of intermitotic times of mammalian cells in tissue culture, helpful also in analysing intercleavage time variability in embryonic cells.  相似文献   

In the eggs of the newt, Cynops (Triturus) pyrrhogaster, change in stiffness of the cortex was measured in various regions at the time of the cleavage. Measurements were performed by Mitchison and Swann's cell elastimeter method with a modification, in which two fine pipettes were attached to the surface of one egg at the same time, in order to compare the rigidity of two regions. The stiffness of the cortex changed very little before the start of the first cleavage. However, just before the appearance of the first cleavage furrow, the stiffness increased rapidly at the animal pole region, which later returned to the former level. As the cleavage furrow progressed, a wave of high stiffness travelled meridionally as a belt along the surface from the animal pole region toward the vegetal region. At second cleavage, the cycle of change in stiffness was repeated.  相似文献   

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