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Plant and Soil - The functioning of soil microbial communities is co-determined by plant community composition and environmental factors. Decreased precipitation predicted in the Mediterranean area...  相似文献   

Environmental temperature can alter the composition, diversity, and function of ectothermic vertebrate gut microbial communities, which may result in negative consequences for host physiology, or conversely, increase phenotypic plasticity and persistence in harsh conditions. The magnitude of either of these effects will depend on the length of time animals are exposed to extreme temperatures, and how quickly the composition and function of the gut microbiota can respond to temperature change. However, the temporal effects of temperature on gut microbiota are currently unknown. Here, we investigated the length of time required for increased temperature to alter the composition of gut bacterial communities in tadpoles of two frog species, the green frog, Lithobates clamitans, and its congener, the globally invasive American bullfrog, L. catesbeianus. We also explored the potential functional consequences of these changes by comparing predicted metagenomic profiles across temperature treatments at the last experimental time point. Bullfrog‐associated microbial communities were more plastic than those of the green frog. Specifically, bullfrog communities were altered by increased temperature within hours, while green frog communities took multiple days to exhibit significant changes. Further, over ten times more bullfrog bacterial functional pathways were temperature‐dependent compared to the green frog. These results support our hypothesis that bullfrog gut microbial communities would respond more rapidly to temperature change, potentially bolstering their ability to exploit novel environments. More broadly, we have revealed that even short‐term increases in environmental temperature, expected to occur frequently under global climate change, can alter the gut microbiota of ectothermic vertebrates.  相似文献   

The effects of climate change on tropical forests may have global consequences due to the forests’ high biodiversity and major role in the global carbon cycle. In this study, we document the effects of experimental warming on the abundance and composition of a tropical forest floor herbaceous plant community in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico. This study was conducted within Tropical Responses to Altered Climate Experiment (TRACE) plots, which use infrared heaters under free‐air, open‐field conditions, to warm understory vegetation and soils + 4°C above nearby control plots. Hurricanes Irma and María damaged the heating infrastructure in the second year of warming, therefore, the study included one pretreatment year, one year of warming, and one year of hurricane response with no warming. We measured percent leaf cover of individual herbaceous species, fern population dynamics, and species richness and diversity within three warmed and three control plots. Results showed that one year of experimental warming did not significantly affect the cover of individual herbaceous species, fern population dynamics, species richness, or species diversity. In contrast, herbaceous cover increased from 20% to 70%, bare ground decreased from 70% to 6%, and species composition shifted pre to posthurricane. The negligible effects of warming may have been due to the short duration of the warming treatment or an understory that is somewhat resistant to higher temperatures. Our results suggest that climate extremes that are predicted to increase with climate change, such as hurricanes and droughts, may cause more abrupt changes in tropical forest understories than longer‐term sustained warming.  相似文献   

Throughout the annual cycle, demands on competing physiological systems change, and animals must allocate resources to maximize fitness. Immune function is one such system and is important for survival. Yet detailed empirical data tracking immune function over the entire annual cycle are lacking for most wild animals. We measured constitutive immune indices once a month for a year on captive red knots (Calidris canutus). We also examined temperature as an environmental contributor to immune variation by manipulating ambient temperature to vary energy expenditure. To identify relationships among immune indices, we performed principal-component analysis. We found significant repeatability in immune indices over the annual cycle and covariation of immune indices within and among individuals. This covariation suggests immune strategies as individual traits among individuals and the use of different immune strategies during different annual-cycle stages within individuals. Over the annual cycle, both higher-cost phagocyte-based immunity and lower-cost lymphocyte-based immunity were high during mass change, but there was a clear shift toward lower-cost lymphocyte-based immunity during peak molt. Experimental manipulation of temperature had little effect on annual variation in immune function. This suggests that other environmental factors, such as food availability and disease, should also be examined in the future.  相似文献   

The influence of neonatal handling on behavior and immune function was assessed in Orange-winged Amazon parrots (Amazona amazonica). Chicks (n=11) were gently handled daily from 25 days of age until 38 days post-fledging, while control chicks (n=9) were not handled. At 10 days post-fledging ( approximately 66 days of age), chicks were given tests to evaluate tameness (e.g., willingness to perch on an offered finger). They were then restrained for 10 min, either by being held while perching (handled group) or, because they would not perch, by being restrained in a towel (nonhandled group). Serum corticosterone levels were measured and immune status was assessed by: the delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) response to phytohemagglutinin-P (PH-P) injection; the humoral response to a killed Newcastle disease virus (NDV) challenge; and heterophil:lymphocyte ratio (H:L). Handled chicks were tamer by all measures of tameness. DTH was greater in nonhandled chicks (P相似文献   

We know very little about physiological constraints on the evolution of life-history traits in general, and, in particular, about physiological and molecular adjustments that accompany the evolution of variation in lifespan. Identifying mechanisms that underlie adaptive variation in lifespan should provide insight into the evolution of trade-offs between lifespan and other life-history traits. Telomeres, the DNA caps at the ends of linear chromosomes, usually shorten as animals age, but whether telomere rate of change is associated with lifespan is unknown. We measured telomere length in erythrocytes from five bird species with markedly different lifespans. Species with shorter lifespans lost more telomeric repeats with age than species with longer lifespans. A similar correlation is seen in mammals. Furthermore, telomeres did not shorten with age in Leach's storm-petrels, an extremely long-lived bird, but actually lengthened. This novel finding suggests that regulation of telomere length is associated not only with cellular replicative lifespan, but also with organismal lifespan, and that very long-lived organisms have escaped entirely any telomeric constraint on cellular replicative lifespan.  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that neonatal handling influences development of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) control of corticosterone. In addition, corticosterone influences memory consolidation processes in contextual fear conditioning. Therefore, neonatal handling may affect hippocampal-dependent memory processes present in contextual fear conditioning by influencing the development of HPA control of corticosterone. To investigate the effects of neonatal handling on early learning, rat pups were either handled (15-min removal from home cage) on the first 15 days after birth or left undisturbed in their home cage. Handled rats and nonhandled rats were fear conditioned at 18, 21, or 30 days of age and then tested at two time points--24 h following conditioning and at postnatal day 45. Subsequently, at approximately postnatal day 60, rats were exposed to restraint stress and corticosterone levels were assessed during restraint and recovery. Handled and nonhandled rats did not differ significantly in their freezing response immediately following footshock on the conditioning day. However, when tested for contextual fear conditioning at 24 h following conditioning and at postnatal day 45, handled rats showed more freezing behavior than nonhandled rats. When exposed to restraint stress, handled rats had a more rapid return of corticosterone to basal levels than nonhandled rats. These results indicate that neonatal handling enhances developmentally early memory processes involved in contextual fear conditioning and confirms previously reported effects of neonatal handling on HPA control of corticosterone.  相似文献   

Tetraploid citrus rootstocks are more tolerant to salt stress than diploid   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Citrus trees are subject to several abiotic constraints such as salinity. Providing new rootstocks more tolerant is thus a requirement. In this article, we investigated salt stress tolerance of three tetraploid rootstock genotypes when compared to their respective diploid rootstocks (Poncirus trifoliata, Carrizo citrange, Cleopatra mandarin). Plant growth, leaf fall and ion contents were investigated. At the end of the experiment, leaf fall was observed only for diploid Poncirus trifoliata plants as well as chlorosis symptoms for Poncirus trifoliata and Carrizo citrange diploid plants. The diploid Cleopatra mandarin plants growth rate was not affected by salt stress and has even been increased for tetraploid Cleopatra mandarin. Ion contents investigation has shown lower accumulations of chloride ions in leaves of the tetraploid plants when compared to diploid plants. Our results suggest that citrus tetraploid rootstocks are more tolerant to salt stress than their corresponding diploid. To cite this article: B. Saleh et al., C. R. Biologies 331 (2008).  相似文献   

Global warming is diurnally asymmetric, leading to a less cold, rather than warmer, climate. We investigated the effects of asymmetric experimental warming on plant phenology by testing the hypothesis that daytime warming is more effective in advancing bud break than night‐time warming. Bud break was monitored daily in Picea mariana seedlings belonging to 20 provenances from Eastern Canada and subjected to daytime and night‐time warming in growth chambers at temperatures varying between 8 and 16 °C. The higher advancements of bud break and shorter times required to complete the phenological phases occurred with daytime warming. Seedlings responded to night‐time warming, but still with less advancement of bud break than under daytime warming. No advancement was observed when night‐time warming was associated with a daytime cooling. The effect of the treatments was uniform across provenances. Our observations realized under controlled conditions allowed to experimentally demonstrate that bud break can advance under night‐time warming, but to a lesser extent than under daytime warming. Prediction models using daily timescales could neglect the diverging influence of asymmetric warming and should be recalibrated for higher temporal resolutions.  相似文献   

Members of the Bcl-2 family proteins are best known for their roles in apoptosis regulation. In this issue of Developmental Cell, Popgeorgiev et al. (2011) have uncovered a new, nonapoptotic role for a Bcl-2 homolog during early embryogenesis in zebrafish.  相似文献   

Blood prolactin (PRL) variations have been linked to temperature and osmotic changes in several species. The latter factors are here explored to better understand blood PRL responses frequently induced during physical exercise. Since body heat generated by exercise can lead to marked body fluid shifts, it was postulated that PRL changes observed during exercise could be associated with variations in body temperature and/or blood osmolality (OSM). A wide range (38.5-40.5 degrees C) of rectal temperatures (Tr; used here to appreciate core temperatures) were theoretically selected and randomly assigned as targets to male runners. Measured by thermistor probe, target Tr were obtained by a combination of factors: (a) increases heat production by treadmill running, and (b) decreases heat losses by appropriate clothing (decreases evaporation) in warmed (decreases radiation) and hypoventilated (decreases convection) laboratory conditions. For each subject, target Tr was attained not prior to 30 min after initiation of running, and had to be maintained for at least 10 min, for a mean (+/- SD) running time of 52.6 +/- 10.0 min. In a first protocol, hypohydration was provoked in 26 runners (23.9 +/- 4.7 years) by total restriction of water intake. In a second protocol (10 different runners: 22.3 +/- 3.3 years), euhydration was maintained by water intake (20 ml/kg body weight). Venous blood was sampled at rest before and immediately after the run. PRL was assayed by RIA; OSM was measured by freezing point depression; sodium was analyzed by flame photometry. At rest, before the heat-producing exercise, mean PRL values were 9.4 +/- 3.4 ng/ml for both eu/hypohydrated groups.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Iron (Fe) and aluminum (Al) have been implicated in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). In this study, we examined neuronal and glial cells to clarify which contributes most to metal accumulation after internalization through the transferrin-independent iron uptake (Tf-IU) systems in primary neuronal and glial predominant (NP and GP) cells from rat cerebral cortex, which affect the accumulation of transition metals in a variety of cultured cells. Al more significantly upregulated the Tf-IU activity in GP cells than in NP cells. GP cells were more resistant to Fe and Al exposure than NP cells. However, a chemiluminescence analysis specific for reactive oxygen species (ROS) showed that ROS levels in Fe- or Al-loaded NP cells were twice as high as in Fe- or Al-loaded GP cells. Northern blot analysis and gel retardation assay showed that the Al and Fe exposure taken up by the cells suppress Tf receptor mRNA expression to a greater extent in GP than NP cells, indicating that Al and Fe more markedly accumulate in glial than in neuronal cells. These results suggest that glial cells rather than neuronal cells contribute to the metal accumulation and are more resistant to oxidative stress caused by metals than neuronal cells. The present study may help to explain the pathogenesis of neurodegeneration in AD disorders caused by metal-generated oxidative stress.  相似文献   

One of the fundamental principles of the life-history theory is that parents need to balance their resources between current and future offspring. Deserting the dependent young is a radical life-history decision that saves resources for future reproduction but that may cause the current brood to fail. Despite the importance of desertion for reproductive success, and thus fitness, the neuroendocrine mechanisms of brood desertion are largely unknown. We investigated two candidate hormones that may influence brood desertion in the Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrinus: prolactin ('parental hormone') and corticosterone ('stress hormone'). Kentish plovers exhibit an unusually diverse mating and parental care system: brood desertion occurs naturally since either parent (the male or the female) may desert the brood after the chicks hatch and mate with a new partner shortly after. We measured the hormone levels of parents at hatching using the standard capture and restraint protocol. We subsequently followed the broods to determine whether a parent deserted the chicks. We found no evidence that either baseline or stress-induced prolactin levels of male or female parents predicted brood desertion. Although stress-induced corticosterone levels were generally higher in females compared with males, individual corticosterone levels did not explain the probability of brood desertion. We suggest that, in this species, low prolactin levels do not trigger brood desertion. In general, we propose that the prolactin stress response does not reflect overall parental investment in a species where different parts of the breeding cycle are characterized by contrasting individual investment strategies.  相似文献   

Aizenman CD  Pratt KG 《Neuron》2008,58(5):651-653
TNFalpha has been proposed to underlie synaptic scaling, but the mechanism and functional significance of this remain unclear. In this issue of Neuron, Cingolani et al. demonstrate that TNFalpha can mediate scaling through the regulation of beta3 integrins. Kaneko et al. show that TNFalpha-dependent synaptic scaling plays an important role in visual cortical plasticity.  相似文献   

Philasterides dicentrarchi is a ciliate that causes high mortalities in cultured turbot, Psetta maxima (L.). This pathogen displays high phagocytic activity and after entering the body it multiplies and feeds on host cells and tissue components. In previous studies, we found that complement, activated through the classical pathway, is a potent killer of P. dicentrarchi. Here, we compared the killing activity of turbot leucocytes and humoral factors against two virulent isolates of P. dicentrarchi, in order to determine the importance of leucocytes in the defence against this pathogen. Components of P. dicentrarchi (ciliary and membrane) stimulated turbot leucocytes, and increased the respiratory burst, degranulation and the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines. We tested the susceptibility of ciliates to reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, by incubating them with different oxidative systems (H2O2, Fe/ascorbate, which induces lipid peroxidation, an O2? donor (XOD/HX), an NO donor (SNAP) and an ONOO? donor (SIN-1)), for 24 h. Both isolates were susceptible to high concentrations of H2O2, Fe/ascorbate, XOD/HX, and SIN-1 but were resistant to incubation with SNAP. Leucocytes became strongly activated when they were in contact with or were phagocytosed by the ciliate. Incubation of P. dicentrarchi with a combination of fresh serum and specific antibodies killed most of the ciliates, but the addition of leucocytes to ciliate cultures did not increase the toxicity to the ciliates. On the contrary, the number of ciliates increased when leucocytes were added to the culture because the ciliates fed on them. Despite being activated, leucocytes did not produce sufficiently high concentrations of toxic substances to kill the parasite. The most virulent isolate was that which induced greatest activation of leucocytes but was least susceptible to complement. We concluded that humoral factors such as complement (activated through the classical pathway) are critical for fish defence against P. dicentrarchi and that cellular responses appear to play a minor role, if any, in defence against this ciliate.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of drought stress on the ultrastructure of chloroplasts in rice plants. After the seedlings were grown in a glasshouse for 1 month, they were treated for drought stress using two methods. One drought treatment was imposed by reducing the water supply to the plants for 1 month. The other was imposed by withholding water for 2 weeks to examine the withering process of leaves by drought stress. The ultrastructural changes of chloroplasts in bundle sheath cells were more prominent than those in mesophyll cells under both drought stress treatments. Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rubisco) content in bundle sheath chloroplasts reduced more dramatically than in mesophyll chloroplasts by drought stress. Although a slight swelling of thylakoids was sometimes observed in bundle sheath chloroplasts in moderate stress for 1 month, the thylakoids were less affected by drought stress than chloroplast envelope. These results suggest that chloroplasts in bundle sheath cells were more sensitive to drought stress than those in mesophyll cells and the thylakoids were less damaged by drought stress compared with chloroplast envelope.  相似文献   

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