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AIM: To determine whether batch solar disinfection (SODIS) can be used to inactivate oocysts of Cryptosporidium parvum and cysts of Giardia muris in experimentally contaminated water. METHODS AND RESULTS: Suspensions of oocysts and cysts were exposed to simulated global solar irradiation of 830 W m(-2) for different exposure times at a constant temperature of 40 degrees C. Infectivity tests were carried out using CD-1 suckling mice in the Cryptosporidium experiments and newly weaned CD-1 mice in the Giardia experiments. Exposure times of > or =10 h (total optical dose c. 30 kJ) rendered C. parvum oocysts noninfective. Giardia muris cysts were rendered completely noninfective within 4 h (total optical dose >12 kJ). Scanning electron microscopy and viability (4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole/propidium iodide fluorogenic dyes and excystation) studies on oocysts of C. parvum suggest that inactivation is caused by damage to the oocyst wall. CONCLUSIONS: Results show that cysts of G. muris and oocysts of C. parvum are rendered completely noninfective after batch SODIS exposures of 4 and 10 h (respectively) and is also likely to be effective against waterborne cysts of Giardia lamblia. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: These results demonstrate that SODIS is an appropriate household water treatment technology for use as an emergency intervention in aftermath of natural or man-made disasters against not only bacterial but also protozoan pathogens.  相似文献   

Aims:  To determine the impact of natural sunlight in disinfecting water contaminated with cysts of Giardia duodenalis and Entamoeba histolytica/dispar using plastic containers.
Methods and Results:  Known quantities of Giardia duodenalis and Entamoeba histolytica/dispar cysts in sterile water were exposed to the sun. Containers were made of polyethylene terephthalate, eight painted black on one side, one not painted and another cut open at the top and the last was a high density polypropylene container. Viability testing was performed using vital and fluorescent dyes. The same assays were conducted under cloudy conditions. Thermal control tests were also performed using heat without ultra violet light from the sun. Results show that 99·9% of parasites was inactivated when water temperatures reached 56°C after sunlight exposure.
Conclusion:  Both solar radiation and heat produced by the sun have a synergistic effect in killing cysts of Giardia duodenalis and Entamoeba histolytica/dispar when temperatures rise above 50°C, with complete death at 56°C, using painted 2-l PET containers.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  Solar disinfection system using PET containers painted black on one side can be used to disinfect water against Giardia duodenalis and Entamoeba histolytica/dispar using natural sunlight.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of different trough types on the water consumption and drinking behaviour of pasture-based beef heifers. Two trials were implemented with 32 beef heifers to test two different types of water troughs, namely a rectangular concrete trough (RC) and a round polyvinyl chloride water tank (PVC). In Trial 1, both troughs were simultaneously available to groups of four animals within eight paddocks. In Trial 2, the animals were distributed in pairs throughout 16 paddocks and, in a crossover design, were exposed to one type of trough at a time. In both trials, estimated water intake was per four animals. Number of drinking bouts, time spent drinking and amount of water intake from the RC and PVC trough were recorded in both trials. Data were statistically analysed by analysis of variance. In Trial 1, group and trough effect were in the model. In Trial 2, stage, pair and trough were tested. In Trial 1, where both types of troughs were available, animals had a higher number of drinking bouts (3.32 v. 0.57 ± 0.09; P < 0.01), longer drinking periods (144.21 v. 22.81 ± 7.3 s; P < 0.01) and greater intake (160.21 v. 23.76 ± 13.06 l; P < 0.01) from the PVC water tank, compared to the RC trough. In Trial 2, all groups drank more often (5.10 v. 3.28 ± 0.32; P < 0.001), for longer periods (167.23 v. 115.23 ± 15.61 s; P < 0.02) and with higher intake (141.36 v. 118.47 ± 5.01 l; P < 0.02) from the PVC than from the RC trough. Thus, heifers not only prefer, but also drink more from a PVC water tank in comparison to a RC trough.  相似文献   

Abstract Multiple antibiotic-resistant Shigella dysenteriae type 1 isolates from a recent epidemic in West Bengal (India) showed identical plasmid patterns. All isolates were resistant to ampicillin (Am), chloramphenicol (Cm), tetracycline (Tc), streptomycin (Sm) and trimethoprim (Tp) and contained 6 plasmids, ranging from 2.5–120 kb. The Am resistance determinant was located on the 120 kb plasmid. This plasmid was unstable when the S. dysenteriae strains were grown above 37°C. The Bangladesh strains of S. dysenteriae type 1 showed identical plasmid patterns, except that many isolates were Am-sensitive and lacked the 120 kb plasmid. In strains from both Bangladesh and West Bengal, predominantly group-B plasmids conferred resistance to Cm and Tc. Comparisons of Eco R1 fragments generated from the total plasmid DNA content of each strain support the view that the plasmids present in the S. dysenteriae type 1 strains isolated from all recent epidemics in India and Bangladesh were identical.  相似文献   

As humic substances left in treated water tend to form trihalomethans during chlorination, their removal in water treatment processes is a significant concern for drinking water supplies. One of the removal technologies, the biofilm reactor is studied for the microbial decomposition of aquatic fulvic acid (AFA). The AFA is characterized by elemental analysis, UV-Vis, 13C-NMR, and IR spectroscopic methods. The spectroscopic and elemental investigation was capable of characterizing the microbial decomposition of AFA. Biologically treated fulvic acid was in a more oxidized state; its spectra displayed a higher degree of condensation of aromatic constituents than influent fulvic acid. Microbial degradation of AFA was more active in the low molecular weight fractions and intensively occurred in the aliphatic fraction.Abbreviations A the absorbance at wavelength - specific absorptivities - AFAs aquatic fulvic acids - AHS aquatic humic substances - COD chemical oxygen demand - Da dalton - DO dissolved oxygen - E4/E6ratio a ratio between absorbance at 465 and 665 nm - FA fulvic acid - IR infrared - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - TOC total organic carbon - UV-Vis ultraviolet-visible  相似文献   

AIMS: Freshwater fish has been found to be the reservoir of Laribacter hongkongensis, a recently discovered bacterium associated with community-acquired gastroenteritis. However, little is known about the ecology of this bacterium in the aquatic environment. We carried out a surveillance study to investigate the presence of L. hongkongensis in water and freshwater fish from 10 drinking water reservoirs in Hong Kong. METHODS AND RESULTS: Using membrane filtration, L. hongkongensis was isolated from the waters of six reservoirs, with numbers ranging from 1 to 12 CFU l(-1). Higher recovery rates were observed in summer and during days of higher water and ambient temperatures. Of 27 freshwater fish collected from the reservoirs, L. hongkongensis was recovered from the intestines of two fish, a Goldfish and a Nile tilapia. Overall, 35 different pulsed-field gel electrophoresis patterns are found among the 59 isolates recovered from water and the two isolates from freshwater fish. CONCLUSIONS: The present report represents the first to demonstrate the presence of L. hongkongensis in natural water environments. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Although it is unlikely that treated, drinking water is an important source of L. hongkongensis-associated gastroenteritis, one should be aware of the possibility of other contaminated water as a source of human infection.  相似文献   

浙江饮用水源地浮游动物群落特征及环境响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2010年1月至2011年10月,对浙江省16个饮用水源地(H1—H8为河网型,K1—K8为水库型)的浮游动物群落进行季节调查。共记录浮游动物优势种(属)21种(轮虫8种、枝角类5种、剑水蚤5种和哲水蚤3种),各类群第一优势种分别为针簇多肢轮虫(Polyarthra trigla)、长额象鼻溞(Bosmina longirostris)、粗壮温剑水蚤(Thermocyclops dybowskii)和汤匙华哲水蚤(Sinocalanus dorrii)。2年间,河网和水库浮游动物平均密度分别为345.2 L-1和199.4 L-1,生物量分别为0.667 mg/L和0.421mg/L。各类群密度百分比例均以轮虫和桡足类无节幼体为主,甲壳动物以剑水蚤为主。经逐步回归分析表明,浮游动物群落密度(生物量)与河网水质因子(P0.01)之间相关性比水库(P0.05)更密切,总磷和氨氮分别入选了河网和水库所有有效的回归方程中。通径分析和决策系统分析表明,河网的总磷和叶绿素a含量对浮游动物群落变动具有正效应,溶解氧具有负效应;总磷含量是影响河网群落变动的最重要因子,叶绿素a含量则是影响群落增长最主要的限制因子。河网剑水蚤、无节幼体和轮虫群落的密度(生物量)与水体综合营养指数TLIc密度(TLIc生物量)之间有显著的线性回归关系(P0.001),无节幼体密度构成了TLIc密度变动的限制因子,轮虫生物量成为TLIc生物量变动的限制因子,而剑水蚤是一类最重要、稳定的水质指示群落,这对于筛选浮游动物群落的一些拓展性监测指标具有重要的参考作用。  相似文献   

The chenopod Beta macrocarpa Guss (wild Swiss chard) is known for its salt tolerance, but the mechanisms involved are still debated. In order to elucidate the processes involved, we grew wild Swiss chard exposed to three salinity levels (0, 100 and 200 mm NaCl) for 45 days, and determined several physiological parameters at the end of this time. All plants survived despite reductions in growth, photosynthesis and stomatal conductance in plants exposed to salinity (100 and 200 mm NaCl). As expected, the negative effects of salinity were more pronounced at 200 mm than at 100 mm NaCl: (i) leaf apoplastic water content was maintained or increased despite a significant reduction in leaf water potential, revealing the halophytic character of B. macrocarpa; (ii) osmotic adjustment occurred, which presumably enhanced the driving force for water extraction from soil, and avoided toxic build up of Na+ and Cl in the mesophyll apoplast of leaves. Osmotic adjustment mainly occurred through accumulation of inorganic ions and to a lesser extent soluble sugars; proline was not implicated in osmotic adjustment. Overall, two important mechanisms of salt tolerance in B. macrocarpa were identified: osmotic and apoplastic water adjustment.  相似文献   

Type I procollagen was purified from the medium of cultured human fibroblasts incubated with 14C-labeled amino acids, the NH2-terminal propeptides were cleaved with procollagen N-proteinase, and the resulting pC-collagen was isolated by gel filtration chromatography. pC-collagen did not assemble into fibrils or large aggregates even at concentrations of 0.5 mg.ml-1 at 34 degrees C in a physiological buffer. However, cleavage of pC-collagen to collagen with purified C-proteinase (Hojima, Y., (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 15996-16003) generated fibrils that were visible by eye and that were large enough to be separated from solution by centrifugation at 13,000 x g for 4 min. With high concentrations of enzyme, the pC-collagen was completely cleaved in 1 h, and turbidity was near maximal in 3 h, but collagen continued to be incorporated in fibrils for over 10 h. Because the pC-collagen was uniformly labeled with 14C-aminoacids, the concentration of soluble collagen and, therefore, the critical concentration of polymerization were determined directly. The critical concentration was independent of the initial pC-collagen concentration and of the rate of cleavage. The critical concentration decreased with temperature between 29 and 41 degrees C and was 0.12 +/- 0.06 (S.E.) microgram.ml-1 at 41 degrees C. The thermodynamic parameters of assembly were essentially independent of temperature in the range 29 to 41 degrees C. The process was endothermic with a delta H value of +56 kcal.mol-1, but entropy driven with a delta S value of +220 cal.K-1.mol-1. The Gibbs energy change for polymerization was -13 kcal.mol-1 at 37 degrees C. The data demonstrate, for the first time, that type I collagen fibril formation de novo is a classical example of an entropy-driven self-assembly process similar to the polymerization of actin, flagella, and tobacco mosaic virus protein.  相似文献   

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