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Campylobacter jejuni, a Gram-negative motile bacterium, is a leading cause of human gastrointestinal infections. Although the mechanism of C.jejuni-mediated enteritis appears to be multifactorial, flagella play complex roles in the virulence of this human pathogen. Cj0977 is a recently identified virulence factor in C. jejuni and is expressed by a σ28 promoter that controls late genes in the flagellar regulon. A Cj0977 mutant strain is fully motile but significantly reduced in the invasion of intestinal epithelial cells in vitro. Here, we report the crystal structure of the major structural domain of Cj0977, which reveals a homodimeric “hot-dog” fold architecture. Of note, the characteristic hot-dog fold has been found in various coenzyme A (CoA) compound binding proteins with numerous oligomeric states. Structural comparison with other known hot-dog fold proteins locates a putative binding site for an acyl-CoA compound in the Cj0977 protein. Structure-based site-directed mutagenesis followed by invasion assays indicates that key residues in the putative binding site are indeed essential for the Cj0977 virulence function, suggesting a possible function of Cj0977 as an acyl-CoA binding regulatory protein.  相似文献   

The X-ray crystal structure of recombinant PcISPS (isoprene synthase from gray poplar hybrid Populus × canescens) has been determined at 2.7 Å resolution, and the structure of its complex with three Mg2+ and the unreactive substrate analogue dimethylallyl-S-thiolodiphosphate has been determined at 2.8 Å resolution. Analysis of these structures suggests that the generation of isoprene from substrate dimethylallyl diphosphate occurs via a syn-periplanar elimination mechanism in which the diphosphate-leaving group serves as a general base. This chemical mechanism is responsible for the annual atmospheric emission of 100 Tg of isoprene by terrestrial plant life. Importantly, the PcISPS structure promises to guide future protein engineering studies, potentially leading to hydrocarbon fuels and products that do not rely on traditional petrochemical sources.  相似文献   

Chlorite dismutase (Cld) is a key enzyme of perchlorate and chlorate respiration. This heme-based protein reduces the toxic compound chlorite into the innocuous chloride anion in a very efficient way while producing molecular oxygen. A sequence comparison between Cld homologues shows a highly conserved family. The crystal structure of Azospira oryzae strain GR-1 Cld is reported to 2.1 Å resolution. The structure reveals a hexameric organization of the Cld, while each monomer exhibits a ferredoxin-like fold. The six subunits are organized in a ring structure with a maximal diameter of 9 nm and an inner diameter of 2 nm. The heme active-site pocket is solvent accessible both from the inside and the outside of the ring. Moreover, a second anion binding site that could accommodate the assumed reaction intermediate ClO‾ for further transformation has been identified near the active site.The environment of the heme cofactor was investigated with electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. Apart from the high-spin ferric signal of the five-coordinate resting-state enzyme, two low-spin signals were found corresponding to six-coordinate species. The current crystal structure confirms and complements a recently proposed catalytic mechanism that proceeds via a ferryl species and a ClO‾ anion. Our structural data exclude cooperativity between the iron centers.  相似文献   

Enzymes that use distinct active site structures to perform identical reactions are known as analogous enzymes. The isolation of analogous enzymes suggests the existence of multiple enzyme structural pathways that can catalyze the same chemical reaction. A fundamental question concerning analogous enzymes is whether their distinct active-site structures would confer the same or different kinetic constraints to the chemical reaction, particularly with respect to the control of enzyme turnover. Here, we address this question with the analogous enzymes of bacterial TrmD and its eukaryotic and archaeal counterpart Trm5. TrmD and Trm5 catalyze methyl transfer to synthesize the m1G37 base at the 3′ position adjacent to the tRNA anticodon, using S-adenosyl methionine (AdoMet) as the methyl donor. TrmD features a trefoil-knot active-site structure whereas Trm5 features the Rossmann fold. Pre-steady-state analysis revealed that product synthesis by TrmD proceeds linearly with time, whereas that by Trm5 exhibits a rapid burst followed by a slower and linear increase with time. The burst kinetics of Trm5 suggests that product release is the rate-limiting step of the catalytic cycle, consistent with the observation of higher enzyme affinity to the products of tRNA and AdoMet. In contrast, the lack of burst kinetics of TrmD suggests that its turnover is controlled by a step required for product synthesis. Although TrmD exists as a homodimer, it showed half-of-the-sites reactivity for tRNA binding and product synthesis. The kinetic differences between TrmD and Trm5 are parallel with those between the two classes of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, which use distinct active site structures to catalyze tRNA aminoacylation. This parallel suggests that the findings have a fundamental importance for enzymes that catalyze both methyl and aminoacyl transfer to tRNA in the decoding process.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of geranylgeranyl reductase (GGR) from Sulfolobus acidocaldarius was determined in order to elucidate the molecular mechanism of the catalytic reaction. The enzyme is a flavoprotein and is involved in saturation of the double bonds on the isoprenoid moiety of archaeal membranes. The structure determined in this study belongs to the p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase family in the glutathione reductase superfamily. GGR functions as a monomer and is divided into the FAD-binding, catalytic and C-terminal domains. The catalytic domain has a large cavity surrounded by a characteristic YxWxFPx7-8GxG motif and by the isoalloxazine ring of an FAD molecule. The cavity holds a lipid molecule, which is probably derived from Escherichia coli cells used for over-expression. One of the two forms of the structure clarifies the presence of an anion pocket holding a pyrophosphate molecule, which might anchor the phosphate head of the natural ligands. Mutational analysis supports the suggestion that the three aromatic residues of the YxWxFPx7-8GxG motif hold the ligand in the appropriate position for reduction. Cys47, which is widely conserved in GGRs, is located at the si-side of the isoalloxazine ring of FAD and is shown by mutational analysis to be involved in catalysis. The catalytic cycle, including the FAD reducing factor binding site, is proposed on the basis of the detailed analysis of the structure.  相似文献   

In protein synthesis, threonyl-tRNA synthetase (ThrRS) must recognize threonine (Thr) from the 20 kinds of amino acids and the cognate tRNAThr from different tRNAs in order to generate Thr-tRNAThr. In general, an organism possesses one kind of gene corresponding to ThrRS. However, it has been recently found that some organisms have two different genes for ThrRS in the genome, suggesting that their proteins ThrRS-1 and ThrRS-2 function separately and complement each other in the threonylation of tRNAThr, one for catalysis and the other for trans-editing of misacylated Ser-tRNAThr. In order to clarify their three-dimensional structures, we performed X-ray analyses of two putatively assigned ThrRSs from Aeropyrum pernix (ApThrRS-1 and ApThrRS-2). These proteins were overexpressed in Escherichia coli, purified, and crystallized. The crystal structure of ApThrRS-1 has been successfully determined at 2.3 Å resolution. ApThrRS-1 is a dimeric enzyme composed of two identical subunits, each containing two domains for the catalytic reaction and for anticodon binding. The essential editing domain is completely missing as expected. These structural features reveal that ThrRS-1 catalyzes only the aminoacylation of the cognate tRNA, suggesting the necessity of the second enzyme ThrRS-2 for trans-editing. Since the N-terminal sequence of ApThrRS-2 is similar to the sequence of the editing domain of ThrRS from Pyrococcus abyssi, ApThrRS-2 has been expected to catalyze deaminoacylation of a misacylated serine moiety at the CCA terminus.  相似文献   

Polyinosinic acid has been known to adopt the four-stranded helical structure but its basic unit, inosine tetrad (I tetrad), has not been determined at the atomic level. Here we report the crystal structure of an RNA quadruplex containing an I tetrad at 1.4 A resolution. The I tetrad has one cyclic hydrogen bond N1...O6 with the bond length of 2.7 A. A water bridge is observed in the minor groove side of the base tetrad. Even though it is sandwiched by guanine tetrads (G tetrads), the I tetrad is buckled towards the 3' side of the tetrad plane, which results from the different interaction strength with K ions on two sides of the tetrad plane. Comparison with both G tetrad and adenine tetrad indicates that lack of NH2 in the C2 position makes the I tetrad prone to buckle for interactions with ligands. Two U*(G-G-G-G) base pentads are observed at the junction of the 5' termini of two quadruplexes. The uridine residue in the base pentad is engaged in two hydrogen bonding interactions (N2(G)-H...O2(U) and O2'(G)-H...O4(U)) and a water-mediated interaction (N3(G) and N3(U)) with the G tetrad. We also discuss the roles of amino group in purine tetrads and the inter-quadruplex interactions in RNA molecules. These quadruplexes may interact with each other by stacking, groove binding and intercalation.  相似文献   

In Gram-negative bacteria, type I protein secretion systems and tripartite drug efflux pumps have a periplasmic membrane fusion protein (MFP) as an essential component. MFPs bridge the outer membrane factor and an inner membrane transporter, although the oligomeric state of MFPs remains unclear. The most characterized MFP AcrA connects the outer membrane factor TolC and the resistance-nodulation-division-type efflux transporter AcrB, which is a major multidrug efflux pump in Escherichia coli. MacA is the periplasmic MFP in the MacAB-TolC pump, where MacB was characterized as a macrolide-specific ATP-binding-cassette-type efflux transporter. Here, we report the crystal structure of E. coli MacA and the experimentally phased map of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans MacA, which reveal a domain orientation of MacA different from that of AcrA. Notably, a hexameric assembly of MacA was found in both crystals, exhibiting a funnel-like structure with a central channel and a conical mouth. The hexameric MacA assembly was further confirmed by electron microscopy and functional studies in vitro and in vivo. The hexameric structure of MacA provides insight into the oligomeric state in the functional complex of the drug efflux pump and type I secretion system.  相似文献   

The conserved cytidine residue at position 56 of tRNA contributes to the maintenance of the L-shaped tertiary structure. aTrm56 catalyzes the 2′-O-methylation of the cytidine residue in archaeal tRNA, using S-adenosyl-L-methionine. Based on the amino acid sequence, aTrm56 is the most distant member of the SpoU family. Here, we determined the crystal structure of Pyrococcus horikoshii aTrm56 complexed with S-adenosyl-L-methionine at 2.48 Å resolution. aTrm56 consists of the SPOUT domain, which contains the characteristic deep trefoil knot, and a unique C-terminal β-hairpin. aTrm56 forms a dimer. The S-adenosyl-L-methionine binding and dimerization of aTrm56 were similar to those of the other SpoU members. A structure-based sequence alignment revealed that aTrm56 conserves only motif II, among the four signature motifs. However, an essential Arg16 residue is located at a novel position within motif I. Biochemical assays showed that aTrm56 prefers the L-shaped tRNA to the λ form as its substrate.  相似文献   

The new and vibrant field of optogenetics was founded by the seminal discovery of channelrhodopsin, the first light-gated cation channel. Despite the numerous applications that have revolutionised neurophysiology, the functional mechanism is far from understood on the molecular level. An arsenal of biophysical techniques has been established in the last decades of research on microbial rhodopsins. However, application of these techniques is hampered by the duration and the complexity of the photoreaction of channelrhodopsin compared with other microbial rhodopsins. A particular interest in resolving the molecular mechanism lies in the structural changes that lead to channel opening and closure. Here, we review the current structural and mechanistic knowledge that has been accomplished by integrating the static structure provided by X-ray crystallography and electron microscopy with time-resolved spectroscopic and electrophysiological techniques. The dynamical reactions of the chromophore are effectively coupled to structural changes of the protein, as shown by ultrafast spectroscopy. The hierarchical sequence of structural changes in the protein backbone that spans the time range from 10− 12 s to 10− 3 s prepares the channel to open and, consequently, cations can pass. Proton transfer reactions that are associated with channel gating have been resolved. In particular, glutamate 253 and aspartic acid 156 were identified as proton acceptor and donor to the retinal Schiff base. The reprotonation of the latter is the critical determinant for channel closure. The proton pathway that eventually leads to proton pumping is also discussed. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Retinal Proteins — You can teach an old dog new tricks.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of GcnA, an N-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminidase from Streptococcus gordonii, was solved by multiple wavelength anomalous dispersion phasing using crystals of selenomethionine-substituted protein. GcnA is a homodimer with subunits each comprised of three domains. The structure of the C-terminal α-helical domain has not been observed previously and forms a large dimerisation interface. The fold of the N-terminal domain is observed in all structurally related glycosidases although its function is unknown. The central domain has a canonical (β/α)8 TIM-barrel fold which harbours the active site. The primary sequence and structure of this central domain identifies the enzyme as a family 20 glycosidase. Key residues implicated in catalysis have different conformations in two different crystal forms, which probably represent active and inactive conformations of the enzyme. The catalytic mechanism for this class of glycoside hydrolase, where the substrate rather than the enzyme provides the cleavage-inducing nucleophile, has been confirmed by the structure of GcnA complexed with a putative reaction intermediate analogue, N-acetyl-β-d-glucosamine-thiazoline. The catalytic mechanism is discussed in light of these and other family 20 structures.  相似文献   

The neuronal protein FE65 functions in brain development and amyloid precursor protein (APP) signaling through its interaction with the mammalian enabled (Mena) protein and APP, respectively. The recognition of short polyproline sequences in Mena by the FE65 WW domain has a central role in axon guidance and neuronal positioning in the developing brain. We have determined the crystal structures of the human FE65 WW domain (residues 253-289) in the apo form and bound to the peptides PPPPPPLPP and PPPPPPPPPL, which correspond to human Mena residues 313-321 and 347-356, respectively. The FE65 WW domain contains two parallel ligand-binding grooves, XP (formed by residues Y269 and W280) and XP2 (formed by Y269 and W271). Both Mena peptides adopt a polyproline helical II conformation and bind to the WW domain in a forward (N-C) orientation through selection of the PPPPP motif by the XP and XP2 grooves. This mode of ligand recognition is strikingly similar to polyproline interaction with SH3 domains. Importantly, comparison of the FE65 WW structures in the apo and liganded forms shows that the XP2 groove is formed by an induced-fit mechanism that involves movements of the W271 and Y269 side-chains upon ligand binding. These structures elucidate the molecular determinants underlying polyproline ligand selection by the FE65 WW domain and provide a framework for the design of small molecules that would interfere with FE65 WW-ligand interaction and modulate neuronal development and APP signaling.  相似文献   

Glutathione peroxidases (GPXs) are a group of enzymes that regulate the levels of reactive oxygen species in cells and tissues, and protect them against oxidative damage. Contrary to most of their counterparts in animal cells, the higher plant GPX homologues identified so far possess cysteine instead of selenocysteine in their active site. Interestingly, the plant GPXs are not dependent on glutathione but rather on thioredoxin as their in vitro electron donor. We have determined the crystal structures of the reduced and oxidized form of Populus trichocarpaxdeltoides GPX5 (PtGPX5), using a selenomethionine derivative. PtGPX5 exhibits an overall structure similar to that of the known animal GPXs. PtGPX5 crystallized in the assumed physiological dimeric form, displaying a pseudo ten-stranded beta sheet core. Comparison of both redox structures indicates that a drastic conformational change is necessary to bring the two distant cysteine residues together to form an intramolecular disulfide bond. In addition, a computer model of a complex of PtGPX5 and its in vitro recycling partner thioredoxin h1 is proposed on the basis of the crystal packing of the oxidized form enzyme. A possible role of PtGPX5 as a heavy-metal sink is also discussed.  相似文献   

HypA is one of the auxiliary proteins involved in the maturation of [NiFe] hydrogenases. By an unknown mechanism, HypA functions as a metallochaperone in the insertion of the Ni atom into hydrogenases. We have determined the crystal structures of HypA from Thermococcus kodakaraensis KOD1 in both monomeric and dimeric states. The structure of the HypA monomer consists of Ni- and Zn-binding domains. The relative arrangement of the two metal-binding domains has been shown to be associated with local conformations of the conserved Ni-binding motif, suggesting a communication between the Ni- and Zn-binding sites. The HypA dimer has been shown to be stabilized by unexpected domain swapping through archaea-specific linker helices. In addition, the hexameric structure of HypA is formed in the crystal packing. Several hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions stabilize the hexamer interface. These findings suggest the functional diversity of HypA proteins.  相似文献   

The key steps in the degradation pathway of chlorophylls are the ring-opening reaction catalyzed by pheophorbide a oxygenase and sequential reduction by red chlorophyll catabolite reductase (RCCR). During these steps, chlorophyll catabolites lose their color and phototoxicity. RCCR catalyzes the ferredoxin-dependent reduction of the C20/C1 double bond of red chlorophyll catabolite. RCCR appears to be evolutionarily related to the ferredoxin-dependent bilin reductase (FDBR) family, which synthesizes a variety of phytobilin pigments, on the basis of sequence similarity, ferredoxin dependency, and the common tetrapyrrole skeleton of their substrates. The evidence, however, is not robust; the identity between RCCR and FDBR HY2 from Arabidopsis thaliana is only 15%, and the oligomeric states of these enzymes are different. Here, we report the crystal structure of A. thaliana RCCR at 2.4 Å resolution. RCCR forms a homodimer, in which each subunit folds in an α/β/α sandwich. The tertiary structure of RCCR is similar to those of FDBRs, strongly supporting that these enzymes evolved from a common ancestor. The two subunits are related by noncrystallographic 2-fold symmetry in which the α-helices near the edge of the β-sheet unique in RCCR participate in intersubunit interaction. The putative RCC-binding site, which was derived by superimposing RCCR onto biliverdin-bound forms of FDBRs, forms an open pocket surrounded by conserved residues among RCCRs. Glu154 and Asp291 of A. thaliana RCCR, which stand opposite each other in the pocket, likely are involved in substrate binding and/or catalysis.  相似文献   

DEAD-box RNA helicases of the bacterial DbpA subfamily are localized to their biological substrate when a carboxy-terminal RNA recognition motif domain binds tightly and specifically to a segment of 23S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) that includes hairpin 92 of the peptidyl transferase center. A complex between a fragment of 23S rRNA and the RNA binding domain (RBD) of the Bacillus subtilis DbpA protein YxiN was crystallized and its structure was determined to 2.9 Å resolution, revealing an RNA recognition mode that differs from those observed with other RNA recognition motifs. The RBD is bound between two RNA strands at a three-way junction. Multiple phosphates of the RNA backbone interact with an electropositive band generated by lysines of the RBD. Nucleotides of the single-stranded loop of hairpin 92 interact with the RBD, including the guanosine base of G2553, which forms three hydrogen bonds with the peptide backbone. A G2553U mutation reduces the RNA binding affinity by 2 orders of magnitude, confirming that G2553 is a sequence specificity determinant in RNA binding. Binding of the RBD to 23S rRNA in the late stages of ribosome subunit maturation would position the ATP-binding duplex destabilization fragment of the protein for interaction with rRNA in the peptidyl transferase cleft of the subunit, allowing it to “melt out” unstable secondary structures and allow proper folding.  相似文献   

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