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The enzymatic extracts from seven species of microalgae (Pediastrum duplex, Dactylococcopsis fascicularis, Halochlorococcum porphyrae, Oltmannsiellopsis unicellularis, Achnanthes longipes, Navicula sp. and Amphora coffeaeformis) collected from three habitats (freshwater, tidal pool, and coastal benthic) at Jeju Island in Korea were investigated for their antioxidant activity. Of the extracts tested, the AMG 300 L (an exo 1, 4-α-d-glucosidase) extract of P. duplex, the Viscozyme extract of Navicula sp., and the Celluclast extract of A. longipes provided the most potential as antioxidants. Meanwhile, the Termamyl extract of P. duplex in an H2O2 scavenging assay exhibited an approximate 60% scavenging effect. In this study, we report that the DNA damage inhibitory effects of P. duplex (Termamyl extract) and D. fascicularis (Kojizyme extract) were nearly 80% and 69% respectively at a concentration of 100 μg/ml. Thus, it is suggested that the microalgae tested in this study yield promising DNA damage inhibitory properties on mouse lymphoma L 5178 cells that are treated with H2O2. Therefore, microalgae such as P. duplex may be an excellent source of naturally occurring antioxidant compounds with potent DNA damage inhibition potential.  相似文献   

Summary. An immunocytochemical investigation of the expression of 1, 6, 2/3, 2 and subunits was performed on rat cerebellum granule cells in culture by the two photon microscopy technique.The first four subunits appear to be expressed abundantly in these cells, whereas the one seems to be expressed at a lower level. Another major difference in the distribution of these subunits is that whereas 6, 2/3 and 2 appear only on plasma membranes 1 and are present mainly in the cell bodies cytoplasm. Still another difference was found in that the presence of 2 on neurites is polarized, preferentially labelling neurites with the appearance of dendrites. The subunits 6 and 2/3 appear to label all types of neurites, with 2/3 being by far the most heavily expressed subunit type. A final distinct characteristic is that 6 and, even more, 2 appear to accumulate in the cytoplasmic domains immediately below the cone of emergence of neurites. This suggests a conspicuous transport of such subunits from the site of synthesis in the cell body to the site of final expression in the neurites (dendrites and axon terminals).  相似文献   

Akagi S  Ohmori S 《Amino acids》2004,26(2):169-174
Summary. Carbon sources for D-lactate and enzyme activities related to D-lactate formation were investigated using cell-free homogenates of Octopus vulgaris tentacle tissue. The results are as follows: a) The best precursor for D-lactate formation was threonine and second best precursors were glycine and fructose-1,6-bisphosphate. Threonine and glycine served as precursors only in presence of glutathione. b) Both amino acids were precursors for methylglyoxal from which D-lactate was synthesized. Alanine, cysteine and serine were not precursors. We present a metabolic map for D-lactate formation in octopus in order to explain these experimental results.  相似文献   

Effects of exogenous H2O2 application on vinblastine (VBL) and its precursors, vindoline (VIN), catharanthine (CAT) and α-3′,4′-anhydrovinblastine (AVBL), were measured in Catharanthus roseus seedlings in order to explore possible correlation of VBL formation with oxidative stress. VBL accumulation has previously been shown to be regulated by an in vitro H2O2-dependent peroxidase (POD)-like synthase. Experimental exposure of plants to different concentrations of H2O2 showed that endogenous H2O2 and alkaloid concentrations in leaves were positively elevated. The time-course variations of alkaloid concentrations and redox state, reflected by the concentrations of H2O2, ascorbic acid (AA), oxidative product of glutathione (GSSG) and POD activity, were significantly altered due to H2O2 application. The further correlation analysis between alkaloids and redox status indicated that VBL production was tightly correlated with redox status. These results provide a new link between VBL metabolisms and redox state in C. roseus.  相似文献   

In the course of pilot trials of biotechnologies for the enhancement of oil recovery in formation waters of the Gangxi bed of the Dagang oil field (China), microbiological processes were investigated. The biotechnologies are based on injection into the petroleum reservoir of different oxygen sources (H2O2 solution or a water-air mixture) with nitrogen and phosphorus salts. The injection of water-air mixture with nitrogen and phosphorus salts resulted in an increase in the number of aerobic and anaerobic organotrophic bacteria, rates of sulfate reduction and methanogenesis in formation water and also the content of CO2 (from 4.8–12 to 15–23.2%) and methane (from 86–88 to 91.8%) in the gas. The preferential consumption of isotopically light bicarbonate by methanogens resulted in a higher content of the light 12C in methane; the δ13C/CH4 value changed from ?45.1…?48.3 to ?50.7…?59.3‰. At the same time, mineral carbonates of the formation water became isotopically heavier; the δ13C/Σcarbonates value increased from 3.4…4.0 to 5.4…9.6‰. Growth of hydrocarbon-oxidizing bacteria was accompanied by production of biosurfactants and decreased interfacial tension of formation water. Injection of H2O2 solution resulted in the activation of aerobic processes and in suppression of both sulfate reduction and methanogenesis. Methane content in the gas decreased from 86–88 to 75.7–79.8%, probably due to its consumption by methanotrophs. Due to consumption of isotopically light methane, the residual methane carbon became heavier, with the δ13C/CH4 values from ?39.0 to ?44.3‰. At the same time, mineral carbonates of the formation water became isotopically considerably lighter; the δ13C/Σcarbonates value decreased from 5.4…9.6 to ?1.4…2.7‰. The additional amount of oil recovered during the trial of both variants of biotechnological treatment was 3819 t.  相似文献   

Hu X  Jiang M  Zhang A  Lu J 《Planta》2005,223(1):57-68
The histochemical and cytochemical localization of abscisic acid (ABA)-induced H2O2 production in leaves of maize (Zea mays L.) plants were examined, using 3,3-diaminobenzidine (DAB) and CeCl3 staining, respectively, and the relationship between ABA-induced H2O2 production and ABA-induced subcellular activities of antioxidant enzymes was studied. H2O2 generated in response to ABA treatment was detected within 0.5 h in major veins of the leaves and maximized at about 2–4 h. In mesophyll and bundle sheath cells, ABA-induced H2O2 accumulation was observed only in apoplast, and the greatest accumulation occurred in the walls of mesophyll cells facing large intercellular spaces. Meanwhile, ABA treatment led to a significant increase in the activities of the leaf chloroplastic and cytosolic antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and glutathione reductase (GR), and pretreatment with the NADPH oxidase inhibitor diphenyleneiodonium (DPI), the O 2 scavenger Tiron and the H2O2 scavenger dimethylthiourea (DMTU) almost completely arrested the increase in the activities of these antioxidant enzymes. Our results indicate that the accumulation of apoplastic H2O2 is involved in the induction of the chloroplastic and cytosolic antioxidant enzymes. Moreover, an oxidative stress induced by paraquat (PQ), which generates O 2 and then H2O2 in chloroplasts, also up-regulated the activities of the chloroplastic and cytosolic antioxidant enzymes, and the up-regulation was blocked by the pretreatment with Tiron and DMTU. These data suggest that H2O2 produced at a specific cellular site could coordinate the activities of antioxidant enzymes in different subcellular compartments.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS), namely superoxide radical (O2 ) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) are generated when plant tissues endure a variety of environmental stresses, including light stress. The extremely short life times of ROS makes the study of their production in planta very difficult. The use of ROS-specific tracer dyes, 3-3′ diaminobenzidine and nitroblue tetrazolium, together with high-resolution imaging provides the opportunity to identify sites of photooxidative stress response by ROS accumulation. This technique was applied to grapevine during the first 7 days after transfer from in vitro to ex vitro under an irradiance 4-fold higher than in vitro. ROS accumulation was detected in the first days of analysis, which gradually decreased to levels comparable to greenhouse leaves. O2 was uniformly distributed while H2O2 accumulated preferentially in veins, wounds and stomatal guard and surrounding cells. To evaluate the role of H2O2 in stomatal functioning and its crosstalk with abscisic acid (ABA) we focused on the percentage of coloured structures, stomatal aperture and ABA concentration. We propose that the high H2O2 level triggered by increased light is responsible for the activation of a signalling pathway over stomatal cells, in a process apparently irrespective of ABA regulation prior to root protrusion. This could explain the gain of function of a low yet consistent percentage of stomatal cells, essential for plant survival during the ontogenic period in analysis.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that extended-term cultures of human lymphocytes could be used as a complement to cell lines based on transformed cells when testing the genotoxicity of chemicals. To investigate whether the pattern of induced DNA damage and its subsequent repair differs significantly between cultures based on different blood donors, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)-induced DNA damage was measured in cultures from four different subjects using the comet assay. The DNA damage was significantly increased in all cultures after 10 min exposure to 0.25 mmol/L H2O2, and there was a significant decrease in the H2O2-induced DNA damage in all cultures after 30 min of DNA repair. The level of damage varied between the different donors, especially after the repair. Using PCR and DNA sequencing, exon 5 of the p53 gene was sequenced in the lymphocytes from the donors with the lowest and highest residual damage. No such mutation was found. Mouse lymphoma L5178Y cells carrying the p53 mutation in exon 5 were included as a reference. These cells were found to be less sensitive toward the H2O2-induced DNA damage, and they were also found to have a rather low DNA repair capacity. The demonstrated variation in H2O2-induced DNA damage and DNA repair capacity between the cultures from the different subjects may be important from a risk assessment perspective, but is obviously not of decisive importance when it comes to the development of a routine assay for genotoxicity.  相似文献   

Alginate production by Azotobacter vinelandii growing in chemostat cultures was evaluated under different O2 transfer rates (OTR). As a result of modifying the culture’s agitation rate from 300 to 500 rpm, the OTR increased from 9 to 15.1 mmol l−1 h−1 and a slight variation in the alginate production (1.7–2.2 g l−1) was observed. At a constant growth rate (0.1 h−1), the mean molecular mass of the alginate was strongly influenced by changes in the OTR, varying from 860 to 1,690 kDa. These results support a possible relationship between alginate polymerization-depolymerization process and the O2 uptake rate.  相似文献   

The influence of reduced sulfur compounds (including stored S0) on H2 evolution/consumption reactions in the purple sulfur bacterium, Thiocapsa roseopersicina BBS, was studied using mutants containing only one of the three known [NiFe] hydrogenase enzymes: Hox, Hup or Hyn. The observed effects depended on the kind of hydrogenase involved. The mutant harbouring Hox hydrogenase was able to use S2O32−, SO32−, S2− and S0 as electron donors for light-dependent H2 production. Dark H2 evolution from organic substrates via Hox hydrogenase was inhibited by S0. Under light conditions, endogenous H2 uptake by Hox or Hup hydrogenases was suppressed by S compounds. СО2-dependent H2 uptake by Hox hydrogenase in the light required the additional presence of S compounds, unlike the Hup-mediated process. Dark H2 consumption via Hyn hydrogenase was connected to utilization of S0 as an electron acceptor and resulted in the accumulation of H2S. In wild type BBS, with high levels of stored S0, dark H2 production from organic substrates was significantly lower, but H2S accumulation significantly higher, than in the mutant GB1121(Hox+). There is a possibility that H2 produced via Hox hydrogenase is consumed by Hyn hydrogenase to reduce S0.  相似文献   

The female and male gametophytes are critical components of the angiosperm life cycle and are essential for the reproductive process. The gametophytes share many essential cellular processes with each other and with the sporophyte generation. As a consequence, these processes can only be analyzed genetically in the gametophyte generation. Here, we report the characterization of the gametophytic factor 1 (gfa1) mutant. The gfa1 mutation exhibits reduced transmission through both the female and male gametophytes. Reduced transmission through the female gametophyte is due to an effect on female gametophyte development. By contrast, development of the pollen grain is not affected in gfa1; rather, reduced transmission is likely due to an effect on pollen tube growth. We have identified multiple T-DNA-insertion alleles of gfa1 in a gene encoding a protein with high similarity to Snu114/U5-116 kD proteins from yeast and animals required for normal pre-mRNA splicing. Consistent with its predicted function, the GFA1 gene (At1g06220) is expressed throughout the plant. Together, these data suggest that GFA1 functions in mRNA splicing during the plant life cycle. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Exploiting the selective affinity of Achatinin-H towards 9-O-acetylneuraminic acid(α2-6)GalNAc, we have demonstrated the presence of 9-O-acetylated sialoglycoproteins (Neu5,9Ac2-GPs) on hematopoietic cells of children suffering from acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), indicative of defective sialylation associated with this disease. The carbohydrate epitope of Neu5,9Ac2-GPsALL was confirmed by using several synthetic sialic acid analogues. They are functionally active signaling molecules as demonstrated by their role in mediating lymphoproliferative responses and consequential increased production of IFN-γ due to specific stimulation of Neu5,9Ac2-GPs on PBMCALL with Achatinin-H. Cells devoid of 9-O-acetylations (9-O-AcSA) revealed decreased nitric oxide production as compared to 9-O-AcSA+ cells on exposure to IFN-γ. Under this condition, a decrease in viability of 9-O-AcSA cells as compared to 9-O-AcSA+ cells was also observed which was reflected from increased caspase 3 activity and apoptosis suggesting the protective role of this glycotope. These Neu5,9Ac2-GPs are also capable of inducing disease-specific anti-Neu5,9Ac2-GPs antibodies in ALL children. Additionally, we have observed that disease-specific anti-Neu5,9Ac2-GPs have altered glycosylation profile, and they are incapable of exerting a few Fc-glycosylation-sensitive effector functions. These observations hint toward a disbalanced homeostasis, thereby enabling the cancer cells to escape host defense. Taken together, it may be hypothesized that Neu5,9Ac2-GPs and their antibodies play a prominent role in promoting the survival of lymphoblasts in ALL.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis and catabolism of lysine in Penicillium chrysogenum is of great interest because these pathways provide 2-aminoadipic acid, a precursor of the tripeptide δ-L-2-aminoadipyl-L-cysteinyl-D-valine that is an intermediate in penicillin biosynthesis. In vivo conversion of labelled L-lysine into two different intermediates was demonstrated by HPLC analysis of the intracellular amino acid pool. L-lysine is catabolized to 2-aminoadipic acid by an ω-aminotransferase and to saccharopine by a lysine-2-ketoglutarate reductase. In lysine-containing medium both activities were expressed at high levels, but the ω-aminotransferase activity, in particular, decreased sharply when ammonium was used as the nitrogen source. The ω-aminotransferase was partially purified, and found to accept L-lysine, L-ornithine and, to a lesser extent, N-acetyl-L-lysine as amino-group donors. 2-Ketoglutarate, 2-ketoadipate and, to a lesser extent, pyruvate served as amino group acceptors. This pattern suggests that this enzyme, previously designated as a lysine-6-aminotransferase, is actually an ω-aminotransferase. When 2-ketoadipate is used as substrate, the reaction product is 2-aminoadipic acid, which contributes to the pool of this intermediate available for penicillin biosynthesis. The N-terminal end of the purified 45-kDa ω-aminotransferase was sequenced and was found to be similar to the corresponding segment of the OAT1 protein of Emericella (Aspergillus) nidulans. This information was used to clone the gene encoding this enzyme.  相似文献   

Lotus japonicus, like several other legumes, biosynthesizes the cyanogenic α–hydroxynitrile glucosides lotaustralin and linamarin. Upon tissue disruption these compounds are hydrolysed by a specific β–glucosidase, resulting in the release of hydrogen cyanide. Lotus japonicus also produces the non‐cyanogenic γ‐ and β–hydroxynitrile glucosides rhodiocyanoside A and D using a biosynthetic pathway that branches off from lotaustralin biosynthesis. We previously established that BGD2 is the only β–glucosidase responsible for cyanogenesis in leaves. Here we show that the paralogous BGD4 has the dominant physiological role in rhodiocyanoside degradation. Structural modelling, site‐directed mutagenesis and activity assays establish that a glycine residue (G211) in the aglycone binding site of BGD2 is essential for its ability to hydrolyse the endogenous cyanogenic glucosides. The corresponding valine (V211) in BGD4 narrows the active site pocket, resulting in the exclusion of non‐flat substrates such as lotaustralin and linamarin, but not of the more planar rhodiocyanosides. Rhodiocyanosides and the BGD4 gene only occur in L. japonicus and a few closely related species associated with the Lotus corniculatus clade within the Lotus genus. This suggests the evolutionary scenario that substrate specialization for rhodiocyanosides evolved from a promiscuous activity of a progenitor cyanogenic β–glucosidase, resembling BGD2, and required no more than a single amino acid substitution.  相似文献   

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