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The effects of membrane fouling reducers (MFRs) (the cationic polyelectrolyte (CPE) and FeCI3) on membrane fouling were studied in a lab-scale jet loop submerged membrane bioreactor (JL-SMBR) system. The optimum dosages of MFRs (CPE dosage = 20 mg g−1MLSS, FeCI3 dosage = 14 mg g−1MLSS) were continuously fed to JL-SMBR system. The soluble and bound EPS concentrations as well as MLSS concentration in the mixed liquor of JL-SMBR were not changed substantially by the addition of MFRs. However, significant differences were observed in particle size and relative hydrophobicity. Filtration tests were performed by using different membrane types (polycarbonate (PC) and nitrocellulose mixed ester (ME)) and various pore sizes (0.45-0.22-0.1 μm). The steady state fluxes (Jss) of membranes increased at all membranes after MFRs addition to JL-SMBR. The filtration results showed that MFRs addition was an effective approach in terms of improvement in filtration performance for both membrane types.  相似文献   

Wu B  Yi S  Fane AG 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(3):2511-2516
Biomass characteristics and membrane performances in the MBRs operated at a high flux of 30 L/m2 h under different SRTs (10, 30 days, and infinity) were monitored. Results showed that more serious cake-fouling happened in the SRT-infinity MBR, which correlated with the activated sludge characteristics such as smaller floc size and greater EPS amount. DGGE analysis indicated that the microbial community shifted in different ways under various SRTs, which also influenced EPS productions in the MBRs. Different microbial communities were developed on the membrane surfaces at various operating stages and SRTs. Possibly, the activated sludge characteristics (such as MLSS concentration, EPS properties) and hydrodynamic conditions influenced by the SRTs were associated with cake layer development and membrane fouling propensity. Insight into the EPS characteristics and deposition behaviors of bacterial flocs will be crucial to explore appropriate biofouling control strategies in MBRs.  相似文献   

A membrane bioreactor filled with carriers instead of activated sludge named a moving bed membrane bioreactor (MBMBR) was investigated to minimize the effect of suspended solids on membrane fouling. The MBMBR and a conventional membrane bioreactor (CMBR) were operated in parallel for about two months. Unexpectedly, the rate of membrane fouling in MBMBR was about three times of that in CMBR. MBMBR showed a higher cake layer resistance than CMBR due to plenty of filamentous bacteria inhabited in suspended solids in MBMBR. Protein and polysaccharide contents of soluble EPS in MBMBR were obviously larger than those in CMBR. It could be speculated that the overgrowth of filamentous bacteria in MBMBR resulted in severe cake layer and induced a large quantity of EPS, which deteriorated the membrane fouling.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2014,49(12):2241-2248
Membrane bioreactors (MBR) technology for wastewater offers many advantages over conventional technologies such as high effluent quality, less footprint and others. The main disadvantage of membrane bioreactors (MBR) is related to membrane fouling, which is mainly caused by extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) and soluble microbial products (SMP). This research studied EPS and SMP dynamics at different heights of a submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor (SAMBR). The SAMBR was operated under two organic loading rates (OLR) (0.79 and 1.56 kg/m3 d) and was fed with synthetic wastewater with glucose as the carbon source. The results showed percentages of chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal above 95% and the highest COD removal rates were observed at the bottom of the reactor (>83%) for both OLR. The EPS showed a stratification with highest quantities in the supernatant. For the SMP the highest concentration was in the bottom of SAMBR where utilization predominated associated products whereas in the SAMBR supernatant predominated biomass associated products. The OLR change led to a significant increase in SMP accumulation but not in EPS. These facts showed that EPS and SMP dynamic in the SAMBR seemed to be mainly influenced by biological activity, total suspended solids concentration and substrate composition.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of solids retention time (SRT) on membrane fouling and the characteristics of biomacromolecules. Four identical laboratory-scale membrane bioreactors (MBRs) were operated with SRTs for 10, 20, 40 and 80 days. The results indicated that membrane fouling occurred faster and more readily under short SRTs. Fouling resistance was the primary source of filtration resistance. The modified fouling index (MFI) results suggested that the more ready fouling at short SRTs could be attributed to higher concentrations of soluble microbial products (SMP). Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra indicated that the SRT had a weak influence on the functional groups of the total extracellular polymeric substances (TEPS) and SMP. However, the MBR under a short SRT had more low-molecular-weight (MW) compounds (<1 kDa) and fewer high-MW compounds (>100 kDa). Aromatic protein and tryptophan protein-like substances were the dominant groups in the TEPS and SMP, respectively.  相似文献   

A submerged membrane bioreactor (MBR) with a working volume of 1.4 L and a hollow fiber microfiltration membrane was used to treat a contaminated raw water supply at a short hydraulic retention time (HRT) of approximately 1 h. Filtration flux tests were conducted regularly on the membrane to determine various fouling resistances, and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were employed to characterize the biofouling development and sludge cake formation on the membrane. The experimental results demonstrate that the MBR is highly effective in drinking water treatment for the removal of organic pollutants, ammonia, and UV absorbance. During the MBR operation, the fouling materials were not uniformly distributed on the entire surface of all of the membrane fibers. The membrane was covered partially by a static sludge cake that could not be removed by the shear force of aeration, and partially by a thin sludge film that was frequently washed away by aeration turbulence. The filtration resistance coefficients were 308.4 x 10(11) m(-1) on average for the sludge cake, 32.5 x 10(11) m(-1) on average for the dynamic sludge film, and increased from 10.5 x 10(11) to 59.7 x 10(11) m(-1) for the membrane pore fouling after 10 weeks of MBR operation at a filtration flux of 0.5 m3/m2 x d. Polysaccharides and other biopolymers were found to accumulate on the membrane, and hence decreased membrane permeability. More important, the adsorption of biopolymers on the membrane modified its surface property and led to easier biomass attachment and tighter sludge cake deposition, which resulted in a progressive sludge cake growth and serious membrane fouling. The sludge cake coverage on the membrane can be minimized by the separation, with adequate space, of the membrane filters, to which sufficient aeration turbulence can then be applied.  相似文献   

Tian Y  Chen L  Zhang S  Cao C  Zhang S 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(19):8820-8827
Two submerged membrane bioreactors were operated for a period of 3 months to study the filtration behavior of normal sludge and bulking sludge. Comparison of sludge morphology and bound extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) from the two systems was made to elucidate the different filtration characteristics. Experimental results showed that the membrane fouling behavior induced by bulking sludge was more severe than normal sludge. Concomitantly, the adsorption tests and atomic force microscopy observation confirmed that the EPS properties played an important role in membrane adsorption, eventually causing the different fouling behavior. Correlations between image analysis information and diluted sludge volume index (DSVI) have been identified. The combinations of EFLI/FAI (the ratio between extended filamentous lengths and floc area), from factor and floc elongation related parameters (aspect ratio or roundness) were the preferred input candidates in autoregressive exogenous model to describe the filamentous bulking phenomena, which aided in predicting membrane fouling.  相似文献   

The use of membrane sequencing batch reactors, operated at HRT of 8, 16 and 24 h, was considered for the treatment of a synthetic petroleum wastewater. Increase in HRT resulted in statistically significant decrease in MLSS. Removal efficiencies higher than 97% were found for the three model hydrocarbon pollutants at all HRTs, with air stripping making a small contribution to overall removal. Particle size distribution (PSD) and microscopic analysis showed reduction in the protozoan populations in the activated sludge with decreasing HRT. PSD analysis also showed a higher proportion of larger and smaller sized particles at the lowest HRT. The rate of membrane fouling was found to increase with decreasing HRT; SMP, especially carbohydrate SMP, and mixed liquor apparent viscosity also showed a pronounced increase with decreasing HRT, whereas the concentration of EPS and its components decreased. FTIR analysis identified organic compounds as the main component of membrane pore fouling.  相似文献   

Wu B  Yi S  Fane AG 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(13):6808-6814
Microbial community developments and biomass characteristics (concentration, particle size, extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), and membrane fouling propensity) were compared when three MBRs were fed with the synthetic wastewater at different organic loadings. Results showed that the bacterial communities dynamically shifted in different ways and the EPS displayed dissimilar profiles under various organic loadings, which were associated with the ratios of food to microorganism and dissolved oxygen levels in the MBRs. The membrane fouling tendency of biomass in the low-loading MBR (0.57 g COD/L day) was insignificantly different from that in the medium-loading MBR (1.14 g COD/L day), which was apparently lower than that in the high-loading MBR (2.28 g COD/L day). The membrane fouling propensity of biomass was strongly correlated with their bound EPS contents, indicating cake layer fouling (i.e., deposition of microbial flocs) was predominant in membrane fouling at a high flux of 30 L/m2 h.  相似文献   

Lin H  Liao BQ  Chen J  Gao W  Wang L  Wang F  Lu X 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(3):2373-2379
A laboratory-scale submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor (SAnMBR) treating thermomechanical pulping whitewater was operated for over 7 months to investigate and compare the characteristics of cake sludge and bulk sludge during stable state operation period. Serial analysis showed that cake sludge had a smaller particle size distribution (PSD), much higher specific filtration resistance (1.34 × 1014 m/kg), 1.5 times higher bound EPS and significantly different microbial community as compared with bulk sludge. Further analysis indicated that small flocs, bound EPS and inorganic materials play important role in cake formation process. The formed cake layer was found to have a heterogeneous structure. The results obtained in this study indicated that cake formation process started from attachment of small flocs and/or specific bacterial clusters which colonize the surface of the membrane and provide enhanced conditions that allow for cake formation to progress.  相似文献   

Sun FY  Wang XM  Li XY 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(7):4718-4725
A membrane bioreactor (MBR) and an activated sludge process (ASP) were operated side by side to evaluate the change of sludge supernatant characteristics and the evolution of the sludge fouling propensity. The MBR sludge had a higher organic concentration and more biopolymer clusters (BPC) in the supernatant compared with ASP. BPC increased in both concentration and size in the MBR. The results show that the change in the liquid-phase property had a profound effect on the sludge fouling propensity. MBR operation transformed typical activated sludge to MBR sludge with a higher fouling propensity. Distinct from the ASP, membrane filtration retained soluble microbial products (SMP) within the MBR, and the vast membrane surface provided a unique environment for the transformation of SMP to large size BPC, leading to further sludge deposition on the membrane surface. Thus, membrane filtration is the crucial cause of the inevitable fouling problem in submerged MBRs.  相似文献   

Fouling in submerged membrane bioreactors (MBRs) was studied under different operating conditions and with varying biomass characteristics. Fouling rates were determined using a flux-step method for seven biomass conditions with mixed liquor solids concentrations ranging from 4.3 to 13.5 g x l(-1), six permeate fluxes (5.5, 11.0, 16.5, 22.0, 27.5, and 33.0 l x m(-2) x h(-1)), and three membrane airflow velocities (0.07, 0.10, and 0.13 m x s(-1)). Statistical analysis was used to specify the degree of influence of each of the biomass characteristics (solids concentration, dewaterability, viscosity, particle size distribution, concentrations of protein and carbohydrate in the soluble microbial products, SMP, and extracellular polymer substances, EPS), the permeate flux and the membrane aeration velocity on the membrane fouling rate. Among all these variables, only the permeate flux, the solids concentration (correlated to the viscosity and the dewaterability), the carbohydrate concentration in the EPS, and the membrane aeration velocity were found to affect the fouling rate. The permeate flux had the greatest effect. A transitional permeate flux was observed between 16.5 and 33 l x m(-2) x h(-1), below which no significant fouling was observed regardless of the biomass characteristics, the permeate flux, and the membrane aeration velocity.  相似文献   

The impact of sludge retention time (SRT) on the biofouling of a membrane bioreactor (MBR) by extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) was investigated. The MBR was operated at 60 and 20 d SRT. The gel layer (recovered through optimized membrane autopsy methods) and the cake layer were analyzed for their content and profile of EPS proteins and polysaccharides. The change to a shorter SRT led to decreased membrane filterability, concomitant with a higher expression of EPS proteins in the cake layer, which were identified as being mainly related with biosynthesis and stress functions. The gel layer was more substantial in internal fibers, with polysaccharides being the major component in this layer. With the decrease in SRT (and filterability decrease), the overall polysaccharide content and sugar variety increased. In conclusion, SRT impacted not only on the quantity but also the composition of EPS molecules, and both were shown to be important in biofouling.  相似文献   

Lab-scale membrane bioreactors (MBRs) were investigated at 12, 18, and 25?°C to identify the correlation between quorum sensing (QS) and biofouling at different temperatures. The lower the reactor temperature, the more severe the membrane biofouling measured in terms of the transmembrane pressure (TMP) during filtration. More extracellular polymeric substances (EPSs) that cause biofouling were produced at 18?°C than at 25?°C, particularly polysaccharides, closely associated with QS via the production of N-acyl homoserine lactone (AHL). However, at 12?°C, AHL production decreased, but the release of EPSs due to deflocculation increased the soluble EPS concentration. To confirm the temperature effect related to QS, bacteria producing AHL were isolated from MBR sludge and identified as Aeromonas sp., Leclercia sp., and Enterobacter sp. through a 16S rDNA sequencing analysis. Batch assays at 18 and 25?°C showed that there was a positive correlation between QS through AHL and biofilm formation in that temperature range.  相似文献   

Biofouling, the combined effect of microorganism and biopolymer accumulation, significantly reduces the process efficiency of membrane bioreactors (MBRs). Here, four biofilm components, alpha-polysaccharides, beta-polysaccharides, proteins and microorganisms, were quantified in MBRs. The biomass of each component was positively correlated with the transmembrane pressure increase in MBRs. Proteins were the most abundant biopolymer in biofilms and showed the fastest rate of increase. The spatial distribution and co-localization analysis of the biofouling components indicated at least 60% of the extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) components were associated with the microbial cells when the transmembrane pressure (TMP) entered the jump phase, suggesting that the EPS components were either secreted by the biofilm cells or that the deposition of these components facilitated biofilm formation. It is suggested that biofilm formation and the accumulation of EPS are intrinsically coupled, resulting in biofouling and loss of system performance. Therefore, strategies that control biofilm formation on membranes may result in a significant improvement of MBR performance.  相似文献   

The effects of different hydraulic retention time (HRT) on (RS)-MCPP utilisation was investigated by decreasing the feed flow rate in an anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR). Results showed an average COD removal efficiency of 91.4%, 96.9% and 94.4% when the reactor was operated at HRT 3, 7 and 17 d, respectively. However, when the HRT was reduced to 1d, the COD removal efficiency declined to just only 60%, confirming the AnMBR is stable to a large transient hydraulic shock loads. The (RS)-MCPP removal efficiency fluctuated from 6% to 39% at HRT 3 d, however when it was increased to 7 and 17 d, the removal efficiency increased to an average of 60% and 74.5%. In addition, (RS)-MCPP specific utilisation rates (SUR) were dependent on the HRT and gradually improved from 18 to 43 μg mg VSS(-1) d(-1) as flow rate increased.  相似文献   

Li J  Yang F  Liu Y  Song H  Li D  Cheng F 《Bioresource technology》2012,103(1):43-47
In MBR, severe membrane fouling is often observed in the initial phase in which biomass is yet fully acclimated and stabilized in terms of microbial community structure and biomass characteristics. The focus of this study was to investigate the microbial community development and its influence on biomass characteristics and membrane fouling during start-up of a hybrid anoxic-oxic MBR. PCR-DGGE analysis indicated that the microbial community shifted in start-up period when a severe membrane fouling was observed. Small particle size, high fractal dimension (DF) and high EPS production, which were closely associated with microbial community, were found to be the major contributors to the severe fouling. Microbial community development was most likely the ultimate factor responsible for the severe membrane fouling.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of internal recycling time mode and hydraulic retention time (HRT) on nutrient removal in the sequencing anoxic/anaerobic membrane bioreactor process. Denitrification and phosphorus release were reciprocally dependent on the anoxic/anaerobic time ratio (Ax/An). As Ax/An increased, nitrogen removal rate increased but phosphorus removal rate decreased. The increasing Ax/An provided the longer denitrification period so that the organic substrate were consumed more for denitrification rather than phosphorus release in the limited condition of readily biodegradable substrate. Decreasing HRT increased both nitrogen and phosphorus removal efficiency because as HRT decreased, food-to-microorganism loading ratio increased and thus enhanced the biological capacity and activity of denitrifying bacteria. This could be verified from the observation mixed liquor suspended solids concentration and specific denitrification rate. The change of Ax/An and HRT affected phosphorus removal more than nitrogen removal due to the limitation of favourable carbon source for phosphorus accumulating organisms.  相似文献   

This study aimed at unfolding the role and mechanisms of chemically enhanced cleaning-in-place (CIP) regimes in fouling control of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) made flat sheet (FS) membrane bio-reactors (MBRs). The trans-membrane pressure (TMP) was successfully maintained below 10 kPa using a daily CIP regime consisting of 100 to 600 mg l?1 of NaOCl and cake layer resistance control was shown to be critical for effective high-flux MBR operation. In contrast, in the control unit without the CIP, the TMP exceeded 35 kPa at a flux of 40 LMH. The extracellular polymeric substances associated with proteins (EPSprotein) were also controlled effectively with a daily application of the CIP to the fouled membrane. Moreover, the CIP prompted a thinner and looser bio-cake layer on the membrane surface, suggesting that in situ CIP can be a favorable method to control FS membrane fouling at high-flux MBR operation.  相似文献   

Yang XL  Song HL  Chen M  Cheng B 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(20):9490-9496
The effect of polymeric ferric chloride (PFC) addition on phosphorus removal and membrane fouling were investigated in an anoxic/oxic submerged membrane bioreactor. The total phosphorus concentration in effluent averaged at 0.26 mg/L with PFC addition of 10-15 mg/L, while the rate of membrane fouling increased 1.6 times over the control MBR (without PFC addition). Three-dimensional excitation-emission matrix fluorescence spectroscopy and Gel Filtration Chromatography analysis indicated that soluble microbial byproduct-like materials and large molecules (M(W)>100 kDa) were one of the main contributors of biofouling. Fourier transform infrared spectrum confirmed that the major components of the cake layer were proteins and polysaccharides materials. Scanning electron microscopy demonstrated that membrane surfaces were covered with compact gel layer formed by organic substances and Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis indicated that ferric metals were the most important inorganic pollutants. Consequently, soluble organic substances and dose of PFC should be controlled to minimize membrane fouling.  相似文献   

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