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DNA sequences of polyoma virus early deletion mutants.   总被引:8,自引:16,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
The DNA sequences of four "early" viable deletion mutants of polyoma virus have been determined. Two of these (dl-8 and dl-23) are mutants with deletions in the region of the genome that codes for parts of both large and middle T-antigens, and two (dl-6 and dl-28) are mutants with deletions around the viral origin of replication. The former mutants have altered transformation properties relative to wild-type virus, and dl-8 appears to be replication deficient (B. E. Griffin and C. Maddock, J. Virol. 31:645-656, 1979). Sequences are discussed in terms of the altered phenotypes observed for the various mutants, the DNA structures and protein sequences that are affected by the deletions, and how these might affect the biological properties of the mutants.  相似文献   

A small-plaque polyoma virus, MPC-1, was isolated from a mouse plasmacytoma. The DNA of this polyoma virus was cleaved with a restriction enzyme from Haemophilus influenzae (Hin d), and the molecular weights of the limit products were analyzed by electrophoresis and electron microscopy. The fragments produced by this enzyme have been ordered by analysis of partial digest products. A physical map of the polyoma virus genome was then constructed.  相似文献   

We have measured the genome sizes of simian virus 40 and polyoma virus and found them to be 5,010 +/- 125 base pairs and 5,080 +/- 125 base pairs, respectively.  相似文献   

Construction and analysis of viable deletion mutants of polyoma virus.   总被引:31,自引:16,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
Viable mutants of polyoma with small deletions ranging in size from 2 to 75 base pairs were obtained by infecting 3T3 cells with polyoma DNA that had been cleaved once with HaeII endonuclease or with DNase-Mn2+ digestion. The HaeII endonuclease-cleaved DNA yielded mutants with deletions at map position 72--73, whereas the mutants generated by DNase I-Mn2+ digestion had deletions either at map position 72--73 or within the map coordinates 92 and 99. Both groups of mutants appeared to grow as well as wild-type virus in 3T3 cells. The deletions at map position 72--73 did not alter the virus's ability to transform rat cells. Hence, the region just to the early side of the origin of DNA replication is not essential for vegetative growth or transformation. But the mutants with deletions in the region between map coordinates 92 and 99, a segment thought to code for polyoma large and middle T antigens (Hutchinson et al., Cell 15:65--77, 1978; Smart and Ito, Cell 15:1427--1437, 1978; Soeda et al., Cell 17:357--370, 1979), transformed rat cells at 0.2 to 0.05 the efficiency of wild-type virus.  相似文献   

DNA sequence alterations in Hr-t deletion mutants of polyoma virus.   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
We have investigated the DNA sequence alterations in several hr-t mutants of polyoma virus. These mutants are defective in one of the two known viral functions essential for transformation and are altered with respect to several minor T antigen species. The lesions in some of these mutants have been mapped previously by marker rescue experiments to Hpa II fragment 4 (Hpa II-4, 78.4--91.7 map units) in the proximal part of the early region of the viral DNA. Thirteen of sixteen hr-t mutants examined carry deletions 2 to 5 map units (100--250 bp) long in Hpa 11-4. Three mutants carry either point mutations or very small deletions/insertions. Eight of the deletion mutants were mapped closely with restriction enzymes. Seven of them have deletions located entirely within the Hae III subfragment A of Hpa II-4 (the Hae A subfragment, 78.4--85.2 map units), and one extends just beyond this subfragment, ending at 85.5 map units. The complete sequence of the wild-type Hae A subfragment was determined and compared with those of four deletion mutants, NG-18, A-8, 6B5 and B-2. The deletion in each of these mutants is out-of-phase: NG-18, 187 bp; A-8, 127 bp; 6B-5, 179 bp; B-2, 241 bp. All are expected to remove protein sequences in the C terminal part of the small t antigen.  相似文献   

A plaque morphology mutant (pm-522) of human papovavirus BK, which was rescued from a human papovavirus BK-induced hamster pineocytoma, was characterized and compared with a cloned wild-type virus (wt-501). Mutant pm-522 formed turbid plaques and grew more slowly than wt-501 in human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells. The immunofluorescence assay revealed that more HEK cells underwent abortive infection with pm-522 than with wt-501. Whereas wt-501 induced brain tumors and osteosarcomas, but no insulinomas, in hamsters, pm-522 induced brain tumors and insulinomas. The DNA of pm-522 was found by electrophoresis and electron microscopy to have a deletion (85 +/- 15 base pairs) and an insertion (40 +/- 10 base pairs) between map coordinates 0.708 and 0.725 from the endonuclease EcoRI cleavage site. These results demonstrate the presence of a viable deletion human papovarivus BK mutant capable of inducing insulinomas in hamsters.  相似文献   

Viable mutants of polyoma virus have been isolated which have deletions in defined parts of the early region of the genome. One class of mutants has deletions (less than 1% of viral genome length) located between 71.5 and 73.5 on the physical map of polyoma virus DNA, near the origin of replication. These mutants appear to grow and to transform cells in a manner indistinguishable from wild-type virus. A second type of mutant with deletions (about 2% of viral genome length) located between about 88 and 94.5 units on the physical map of polyoma virus DNA have altered transformation properties. One of the latter (which maps between 88 and 91.5 units) also has altered growth characteristics, whereas another (which maps between 91.5 and 94.5 units) resembles wild-type virus in its growth properties. The regions with deleted sequences have been defined by cleaving mutant DNAs with restriction endonucleases and analyzing pyrimidine tracts.  相似文献   

The distribution of two of the polyoma virus early proteins (the large and middle T-antigens) in lytically infected mouse cells and transformed rat cells has been investigated by indirect immunofluorescence and immuno-electron microscopy using well-characterised monoclonal antibodies. By these techniques, the viral large T-antigen was found almost exclusively in the nucleus, sometimes in association with nuclear pores, but never in the nucleolus. In lytically infected, but not transformed cells, fluorescence was detected in discrete areas ('hot spots') within the nucleus and, in a minor population of lytically infected cells, cytoplasmic immunoreactive material was observed. The viral middle T-antigen was found in association with most cytoplasmic membranes and in the majority of cells mainly in the endoplasmic reticulum. Only a fraction of the staining was observed in the plasma membrane and no staining in the nucleoplasm was observed. The data suggest that the site of action of the major transforming activity of polyoma virus need not be at the plasma membrane. Functions associated with the viral antigens are discussed in terms of their subcellular distributions within cells.  相似文献   

The mechanism of cellular src (c-src) transduction by a transformation-defective deletion mutant, td109, of Rous sarcoma virus was studied by sequence analysis of the recombinational junctions in three td109-derived recovered sarcoma viruses (rASVs). Our results show that two rASVs have been generated by recombination between td109 and c-src at the region between exons 1 and 2 defined previously. Significant homology between td109 and c-src sequences was present at the sites of recombination. The viral and c-src sequence junction of the third rASV was formed by splicing a cryptic donor site at the 5' region of env of td109 to exon 1 of c-src. Various lengths of c-src internal intron 1 sequences were incorporated into all three rASV genomes, which resulted from activation of potential splice donor and acceptor sites. The incorporated intron 1 sequences were absent in the c-src mRNA, excluding its being the precursor for recombination with td109 and implying that initial recombinations most likely took place at the DNA level. A potential splice acceptor site within the incorporated intron 1 sequences in two rASVs was activated and was used for the src mRNA synthesis in infected cells. The normal env mRNA splice acceptor site was used for src mRNA synthesis for the third rASV.  相似文献   

The LEW.1LM1 inbred rat strain, which has been derived from a (LEW×LEW.1W) F2 hybrid, carries a major histocompatibility (RT1) haplotype which is distinct from that of the LEW strain (RT1 1) in that certainRT1.C region-determined class I antigens are not expressed. Here we show that this phenotypic defect is due to genomic deletion of about 100 kb of theRT1.C region. Certain deleted DNA fragments have been cloned from the wild-type DNA into the EMBL4 vector. Five clones have been characterized and are shown to possess different restriction maps and to each carry a single stretch of class I cross-hybridizing sequences. Probes derived from the non-class I coding part of two clones detect fragments which are present in the wild-type but absent from thelm1 mutant. The type of deletion described here in the rat is discussed in the context ofH-2D/Q deletions in the mouse.  相似文献   

Several attenuated strains of pseudorabies virus contain genomes that carry a deletion in their short unique (Us) component. The sizes of the deletions are different in the various attenuated strains; the deletions may include part of one of the inverted repeats as well as part of the Us region of the genome. In most cases, the deletion includes the gene encoding the glycoprotein gI. The attenuated strains with a deletion in their S component have a common history of having been cultivated in chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEF). We show here that passage of wild-type virus in CEF promotes the emergence of populations of virions with a deletion in their S component. The emergence of these mutants is the result of their growth advantage over the wild type and is related to the lack of expression of gI, as shown by the following. (i) The Norden strain (which has a deletion in the Us) was marker rescued to restore an intact Us. The nonrescued Norden strain had a growth advantage over the rescued Norden strain in CEF. (ii) Passage of wild-type (gI+) virus in CEF but not in rabbit kidney or pig kidney cells resulted invariably in the emergence of virions whose genomes had a deletion in the S component. (iii) Passage of a gI- mutant in CEF did not result in the emergence of such virions. The emergence of virions with a deletion in their S component thus appears to be linked to gI expression. We conclude that gI is deleterious to the growth of pseudorabies virus in CEF and that this effect is cell type specific.  相似文献   

Two hybrid gene constructs consisting of wild-type and mutant polyoma regulatory regions fused to a bacterial reporter gene were inserted in the mouse germline. Both transgenes were expressed in a large number of different organs. However, marker gene expression controlled by the polyoma wild-type regulatory region was not detectable in the early embryo and remained low throughout the life of the animal while expression controlled by the polyoma F9-1 mutation was detectable in blastocysts and was significantly higher at later stages of development. The F9-1 hybrid gene was also amplifiable when large T-antigen was supplied in trans to mice or to kidney cells derived from these transgenic mice. Amplification resulted in the appearance of several hundred copies of episomal transgenes and a marked increase of marker gene RNA and protein. Our results suggest that the F9-1 mutation does not alter the target spectrum of gene expression in vivo but does create a more efficient enhancer element in the polyoma early control region. Transgene amplification based upon use of the polyoma regulatory elements may be a means of increasing expression of genes in transgenic mice.  相似文献   

The genetic characterization of a nucleocapsid (N) protein mutant of the coronavirus mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) is described. The mutant, Albany 4 (Alb4), is both temperature sensitive and thermolabile. Analysis of the progeny of a mixed infection showed that the defective Alb4 allele is recessive to wild type, and its gene product is diffusible. The N protein of Alb4 was found to be smaller than its wild-type counterpart, and sequence analysis of the Alb4 N gene revealed that it contains an internal deletion of 87 nucleotides, producing an in-frame deletion of 29 amino acids. All of these properties of Alb4 made it ideal for use as a recipient in a targeted RNA recombination experiment in which the deletion in Alb4 was repaired by recombination with synthetic RNA7, the smallest MHV subgenomic mRNA. Progeny from a cotransfection of Alb4 genomic RNA and synthetic RNA7 were selected for thermal stability. Polymerase chain reaction analysis of candidate recombinants showed that they had regained the material that is deleted in the Alb4 mutant. They also had acquired a five-nucleotide insertion in the 3' untranslated region, which had been incorporated into the synthetic RNA7 as a molecular tag. The presence of the tag was directly verified, as well, by sequencing the genomic RNA of purified recombinant viruses. This provided a clear genetic proof that the Alb4 phenotype was due to the observed deletion in the N gene. In addition, these results demonstrated that it is possible to obtain stable, independently replicating progeny from recombination between coronavirus genomic RNA and a tailored, synthetic RNA species.  相似文献   

F Birg  R Dulbecco  M Fried    R Kamen 《Journal of virology》1979,29(2):633-648
Polyoma virus-transformed rat cell lines were isolated as colonies growing in agar after infection of F2408 cells with low multiplicities of wild-type virus. Viral DNA present in the transformed cells was analyzed by fractionating the cellular DNA on agarose gels before and after digestion with various restriction endonucleases, followed by detection of the DNA fragments containing viral sequences using the procedure described by Southern (E. Southern, J. Mol. Biol., 98:503--515, 1975). Five lines, independently derived, were studied in detail. All five lines, when examined after a minimum number of passages in culture, contained both free and apparently integrated viral DNA. The free polyoma DNA in three of the lines was indistinguishable, by restriction enzyme analysis, from wild-type viral DNA, whereas the two other lines also contained smaller free DNA molecules which lacked parts of the wild-type genome. The integrated DNA in the five lines studies existed as head-to-tail tandem repeats of unit-length polyoma DNA covalently attached to nonviral DNA. The same five polyoma-transformed rat lines were examined after further passage in culture. Free viral DNA was then either undetectable or greatly reduced in amounts, whereas the high-molecular-weight, integrated units persisted after passage of the cells. The subclones, derived from one of the five lines selected for detailed analysis, showed some variations in the quantity and size of the free viral DNA as well as minor alterations in the pattern of the apparently integrated sequences.  相似文献   

F8dl is a simian virus 40 early-region deletion mutant that lacks the simian virus 40 DNA sequences between 0.168 and 0.424 map units. Despite this large deletion, cloned F8dl DNA transforms Fisher rat F111 cells and BALB/3T3 clone A31 mouse cells as efficiently as does cloned simian virus 40 wild-type DNA. These results indicate that less than 40% of the large T-antigen-coding sequence is required for efficient transformation.  相似文献   

Cells doubly infected with two mutants of the Schmidt-Ruppin strain of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV), ts68, which is temperature sensitive for cell transformation (srcts), and a deletion mutant, N8, which is deficient in the envelope glycoprotein (env-), produced a recombinant which carried the defects of both parents. The frequency of formation of such a recombinant was exceptionally high and made up 45 to 55% of the progeny carrying the srcts marker. By contrast, the reciprocal recombinant, which is wild type in transformation (srcts) and contains the subgroup A envelope glycoprotein (envA), was almost undetectable. This remarkable difference in the frequency of the formation of the two possible recombinants suggests that a unique mechanism may be involved in the genetic interaction of the two virus genomes, one of which has a large deletion. When an RNA-dependent DNA polymerase-negative variant of the N8 (N8alpha) was crinants also became deficient in the polymerase. Cells infected by the srctsenv- recombinant were morphologically normal at the nonpermissive temperature (41 degrees C) and susceptible to all subgroups of RSV. The rate by which the wild-type RSV transformed the recombinant-preinfected cells was indistinguishable from that of transformation of uninfected chicken cells by the same wild-type virus. This indicates that no detectable interference exists at postpenetration stages between the preinfected and superinfecting virus genomes and confirms that the expression of the transformed state is dominant over the suppressed state.  相似文献   

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