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Epigenetic regulation of the nuclear estrogen and androgen receptors, ER and AR, constitutes the molecular basis for the long-lasting effects of sex steroids on gene expression in cells. The effects prevail at hundreds of gene loci in the proximity of estrogen- and androgen-responsive elements and many more such loci through intra- and even inter-chromosomal level regulation. Such a memory system should be active in a flexible manner during the early development of vertebrates, and later replaced to establish more stable marks on genomic DNA. In mammals, DNA methylation is utilized as a very stable mark for silencing of the ERα and AR isoform expression during cancer cell and normal brain development. The factors affecting the DNA methylation of the ERα and AR genes in cells include estrogen and androgen. Since testosterone induces brain masculinization through its aromatization to estradiol in a narrow time window of the perinatal stage in rodents, the autoregulation of estrogen receptors, especially the predominant form of ERα, at the level of DNA methylation to set up the “cell memory” affecting the sexually differentiated status of brain function has been attracting increasing attention. The alternative usage of the androgen-AR system for brain masculinization and estrogenic regulation of AR expression in some species imply that the DNA methylation pattern of the AR gene can be established by closely related but different systems for sex steroid-induced phenomena, including brain masculinization.  相似文献   

In the ovarian follicle, anti-Müllerian hormone (Amh) mRNA is expressed in granulosa cells from primary to preovulatory stages but becomes restricted to cumulus cells following antrum formation. Anti-Müllerian hormone regulates follicle development by attenuating the effects of follicle stimulating hormone on follicle growth and inhibiting primordial follicle recruitment. To examine the role of the oocyte in regulating granulosa cell Amh expression in the mouse, isolated oocytes and granulosa cells were co-cultured and Amh mRNA levels were analysed by real-time RT-PCR. Expression in freshly isolated granulosa cells increased with preantral follicle development but was low in the cumulus and virtually absent in the mural granulosa cells of preovulatory follicles. When preantral granulosa cells were co-cultured with oocytes from early preantral, late preantral or preovulatory follicles, and when oocytes from preovulatory follicles were co-cultured with cumulus granulosa cells, Amh expression was increased at least 2-fold compared with granulosa cells cultured alone. With oocytes from preantral but not preovulatory follicles, this was a short-range effect only observed with granulosa cells in close apposition to oocytes. We conclude that stage-specific oocyte regulation of Amh expression may play a role in intra- and inter-follicular coordination of follicle development.  相似文献   

Although estrogen action is indispensable for normal bone growth in both genders, the roles of estrogen receptors (ERs) in mediating bone growth are not fully understood. The effects of ER inactivation on bone growth are sex and age dependent, and may differ between the axial and appendicular regions. In this study, the spatial and temporal expression of ERα and β in the tibial and spinal growth plates of the female and male rats during postnatal development was examined to explore the possible mechanisms. The level of mRNA was examined and compared with quantitative real-time PCR. The spatial location was determined by immunohistochemical analysis. The 1-, 4-, 7-, 12- and 16-week age stages correspond to early life, puberty and early adulthood after puberty, respectively. Gender- and region-specific differences in ERα and β expression were shown in the growth plates. Mainly nuclear staining of ERα and β immunoreactivity was demonstrated in the spinal and tibial growth plate chondrocytes for both genders. Moreover, our study indicated significant effect of gender on temporal ERα and β expression and of region on temporal ERα/ERβ expression ratio. However, spatial differences of region-related ERα and β expression were not observed. Gender-related spatial changes were detected only at 16 weeks of both spine and limb growth plates. ERα and β immunoreactivity was detected in the resting, proliferative and prehypertrophic chondrocytes in the early life stage and during puberty. After puberty, ERα expression was mainly located in the late proliferative and hypertrophic chondrocytes in female, whereas the expression still extended from the resting to hypertrophic chondrocytes in males. Gender- and region-specific expression patterns of ERα and β gene might be one possible reason for differences in sex- and region-related body growth phenotypes. Gender, age and region differences should be taken into consideration when the roles of ERs in the growth plate are investigated.  相似文献   

In zebra finches, the vocal organ (syrinx) is larger in males than in females. Specific details about the mechanisms responsible for this dimorphism are not known, but may involve sex differences in steroid hormone action early in post-hatching development. The distribution of androgen receptor (AR), aromatase (AROM), estrogen receptor (ER), and estrogen receptor (ER) mRNAs was examined at post-hatching days 3, 10 and 17. A low level of AR was equivalently expressed in the syrinx muscles of both sexes at all three ages. We detected no specific expression of AROM or ER mRNAs. In contrast, ER mRNA was detected in chondrocytes of the forming bone. The density of this expression increased with age as the chondrocytes hypertrophied, but did not differ between the sexes. Taken together, these data suggest that estrogens may act on cartilage/bone, and androgens may act on muscle fibers in early post-hatching development to influence syrinx morphology. However, the lack of a sex difference in steroid receptor mRNA expression in the syrinx suggests that, similar to the forebrain regions that control song, the interaction of androgens and estrogens with their receptors is not sufficient to induce full sexual differentiation of this organ.  相似文献   

Background: The biological functions of estrogens extend beyond the female and male reproductive tract, affecting the cardiovascular and renal systems. Traditional views on the role of postmenopausal hormone therapy (HT) in protecting against heart disease, which were challenged by clinical end point studies that found adverse effects of combined HT, are now being replaced by more differentiated concepts suggesting a beneficial role of early and unopposed HT that does not include a progestin.Objective: We reviewed recent insights, concepts, and research results on the biology of both estrogen receptor (ER) subtypes, ERα and ERβ, in cardiac and vascular tissues. Knowledge of these ER subtypes is crucial to understanding gender and estrogen effects and to developing novel, exciting strategies that may have a profound clinical impact.Methods: This review focuses on in vivo studies and includes data presented at the August 2007 meeting of the American Physiological Society as well as data from a search of the MEDLINE and Ovid databases from January 1986 to November 2007. Search results were restricted to English-language publications, using the following search terms: estrogen, estrogen receptor α, estrogen receptor β, estrogen receptor α agonist, estrogen receptor α antagonist, estrogen receptor β agonist, estrogen receptor β antagonist, PPT, DPN, heart, vasculature, ERKO mice, BERKO mice, transgenic mice, and knockout mice.Results: Genetic mouse models and pharmacologic studies that employed selective as well as nonselective ER agonists support the concept that both ER subtypes confer protective effects in experimental models of human heart disease, including hypertension, cardiac hypertrophy, and chronic heart failure.Conclusions: Genetic models and novel ligands hold the promise of further improving our understanding of estrogen action in multiple tissues and organs. These efforts will ultimately enhance the safety and efficacy of HT and may also result in new applications for synthetic female sex hormone analogues.  相似文献   


The localization and distribution of estrogen receptors (ERα) and progesterone receptors (PR-B) in the cervix and vagina of sexually mature bovines during the follicular and luteal phases of the sexual cycle were studied using immunohistocehmistry. The estrous cycle stage of 23 Holstein bovines was assessed by gross and histological appearance of ovaries and blood steroid hormone values. Tissue samples from cervix and vagina were fixed in 10% formaldehyde for routine histological processing. Nuclear staining for ERα and PR-B was observed in the epithelial cells of the surface epithelium, stromal cells and smooth muscle cells. Generally, in the cervix, ERα immunoreactivity was more intense in the epithelial and smooth muscle cells during the follicular phase and in the epithelial cells during the luteal phase (p < 0.05). PR-B immunoreactivity was more intense in the epithelial and smooth muscle cells than in the superficial and deep stromal cells during the follicular and luteal phases (p < 0.05). In the vagina, ERα and PR-B immunoreactivities were more intense in the epithelial cells than in the connective tissue cells and smooth muscle cells during the follicular and luteal phases (p < 0.05). These results indicated that the frequency and intensity of ERα and PR-B immunoreactivity in the cervix and vagina of bovines varied according to the cervical and vaginal cell types and the phases of the sexual cycle.  相似文献   

Estrogen signaling is considered to play an important role in spermatogenesis, spermiogenesis and male fertility. Estrogens can act via the two nuclear estrogen receptors ESR1 (ERα) and ESR2 (ERβ) or via the intracellular G-protein-coupled estrogen receptor 1 (GPER, formerly GPR30). Several reports on the localization and expression of all three receptors in the human testis have been published but are controversial particularly in case of ERα. Contrary to previous studies, we decided therefore to evaluate expression of all three receptors in the testis by a number of different methods and in comparison with MCF-7 cells. Using qPCR, we could show that mRNA expression of ERα is considerably lower and expression of ERβ and GPER much higher in the testis than in MCF-7 cells. RT-PCR after laser-assisted microdissection of tubular and interstitial compartments from normal and Sertoli cell only syndrome testes plus in situ hybridization and immunohistochemical analyses of the same samples demonstrated that there is very low expression of ERα in germ cells and in single interstitial cells, very high expression of ERβ in germ cells and Sertoli cells and high expression of GPER in interstitial cells and less in Sertoli cells.  相似文献   

Estrogen replacement therapy could play a role in the reduction of injury associated with cerebral ischemia in vivo, which could be, at least partially, a consequence of estrogen influence of glutamate buffering by astrocytes during hypoxia/ischemia. Estrogen exerts biological effects through interaction with its two receptors: estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) and estrogen receptor beta (ERβ), which are both expressed in astrocytes. This study explored effects of hypoxia and glucose deprivation (HGD), alone or followed by 1 h recovery, on ERα and ERβ expression in primary rat astrocyte cultures following 1 h exposure to: a) 5 % CO(2) in air (control group-CG); b) 2 % O(2)/5 % CO(2) in N(2) with glucose deprivation (HGD group-HGDG); or c) the HGDG protocol followed by 1 h CG protocol (recovery group-RG). ERα mRNA expression decreased in HGDG. At the protein level, full-length ERα (67 kDa) and three ERα-immunoreactive protein bands (63, 60 and 52 kDa) were detected. A significant decrease in the 52 kDa band was seen in HGDG, while a significant decrease in expression of the full length ERα was seen in the RG. ERβ mRNA and protein expression (a 54 kDa single band) did not change. The observed decrease in ERα protein may limit estrogen-mediated signalling in astrocytes during hypoxia and recovery.  相似文献   

Estrogen receptor (ER) biology reflects the actions of estrogens through the two receptors, ERα and ERβ, although little is known regarding the preference for formation of ER homo- vs. heterodimers, and how this is affected by the level of ligand occupancy and preferential ligand affinity for one of the ER subtypes. In this report, we use a split optical reporter-protein complementation system to demonstrate the physical interaction between ERα and ERβ in response to different ER ligands in cells and, for the first time, by in vivo imaging in living animals. The genetically encoded reporter vectors constructed with the ligand-binding domains of ERα and ERβ, fused to split firefly or Renilla luciferase (Fluc or hRluc) fragments, were used for this study. This molecular proteomic technique was used to detect ERα/ERα or ERβ/ERβ homodimerization, or ERα/ERβ heterodimerization induced by ER subtype-selective and nonselective ligands, and selective ER modulators (SERM), as well as in dimers in which one mutant monomer was unable to bind estradiol. The SERM-bound ERα and ERβ form the strongest dimers, and subtype-preferential homodimerization was seen with ERα-selective ligands (methyl piperidino pyrazole/propyl pyrazole triol) and the ERβ-selective ligands (diarylpropionitrile/tetrahydrochrysene/genistein). We also demonstrated that a single ligand-bound monomer can form homo- or heterodimers with an apo-monomer. Xenografts of human embryonic kidney 293T cells imaged in living mice by bioluminescence showed real-time ligand induction of ERα/ERβ heterodimerization and reversal of dimerization upon ligand withdrawal. The results from this study demonstrate the value of the split luciferase-based complementation system for studying ER-subtype interactions in cells and for evaluating them in living animals by noninvasive imaging. They also probe what combinations of ERα and ERβ dimers might be the mediators of the effects of different types of ER ligands given at different doses.  相似文献   

Yu EJ  Kim SH  Heo K  Ou CY  Stallcup MR  Kim JH 《Nucleic acids research》2011,39(16):6932-6943
Estrogen receptor α (ERα) plays critical roles in development and progression of breast cancer. Because ERα activity is strictly dependent upon the interaction with coregulators, coregulators are also believed to contribute to breast tumorigenesis. Cell Cycle and Apoptosis Regulator 1 (CCAR1) is an important co-activator for estrogen-induced gene expression and estrogen-dependent growth of breast cancer cells. Here, we identified Deleted in Breast Cancer 1 (DBC1) as a CCAR1 binding protein. DBC1 was recently shown to function as a negative regulator of the NAD-dependent protein deacetylase SIRT1. DBC1 associates directly with ERα and cooperates synergistically with CCAR1 to enhance ERα function. DBC1 is required for estrogen-induced expression of a subset of ERα target genes as well as breast cancer cell proliferation and for estrogen-induced recruitment of ERα to the target promoters in a gene-specific manner. The mechanism of DBC1 action involves inhibition of SIRT1 interaction with ERα and of SIRT1-mediated deacetylation of ERα. SIRT1 also represses the co-activator synergy between DBC1 and CCAR1 by binding to DBC1 and disrupting its interaction with CCAR1. Our results indicate that DBC1 and SIRT1 play reciprocal roles as major regulators of ERα activity, by regulating DNA binding by ERα and by regulating co-activator synergy.  相似文献   

About two thirds of breast cancers in women are hormone-dependent and require estrogen for growth, its effects being mainly mediated through estrogen receptor α (ERα). Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3) and arachidonic acid (AA, 20:4n-6) have opposite effects on carcinogenesis, with DHA suppressing and AA promoting tumor growth both in vitro and in vivo. However, the mechanism is not clear. Here, we examined whether the effect is mediated through changes in ERα distribution. MCF-7 cells, an ERα-positive human breast cancer cell line, was cultured in estrogen-free medium containing 0, 10 or 60 μM DHA or AA, then were stimulated with estradiol. DHA supplementation resulted in down-regulation of ERα expression (particularly in the extranuclear fraction), a reduction in phosphorylated MAPK, a decrease in cyclin D1 levels and an inhibition in cell viability. In contrast, AA had no such effects. The DHA-induced decrease in ERα expression resulted from proteasome-dependent degradation and not from decreased ERα mRNA expression. We propose that breast cancer cell proliferation is inhibited by DHA through proteasome-dependent degradation of ERα, reduced cyclin D1 expression and inhibition of MAPK signaling.  相似文献   

Informative capacity analysis of immunohistochemistry (IHC) and flow cytometry (FCM) in the assessment of estrogen receptor α (ERα) expression in breast cancer tissue was performed. Similar frequencies of expression were shown by both methods: 27% of ERα-negative and 73% ERα-positive cases. However, IHC evaluation detected low levels in only 20% of ERα-positive cases, whereas low levels of ERα detected by FCM were 2 times more often (48%). Moreover, FCM revealed positive expression (23–60%) in 33% of IHC ERα-negative cases. Among IHC ER-positive cases, zero ERα expression was detected by FCM in 12.5%. The approaches to minimize errors in routine clinical determination of the estrogen receptor status were proposed.  相似文献   

During human pregnancy, the production of 17-beta-estradiol (E2) rises steadily to eighty fold at term, and placenta has been found to specifically bind estrogens. We have recently demonstrated the expression of estrogen receptor alpha (ER-alpha) protein in human placenta and its localization in villous cytotrophoblast (CT), vascular pericytes, and amniotic fibroblasts. In vitro, E2 stimulated development of large syncytiotrophoblast (ST) aggregates. In the present study we utilized ER-beta affinity purified polyclonal (N19:sc6820) and ER-alpha monoclonal (clone h-151) antibodies. Western blot analysis revealed a single ~52 kDa ER-beta band in chorionic villi (CV) protein extracts. In CV, strong cytoplasmic ER-beta immunoreactivity was confined to ST. Dual color immunohistochemistry revealed asymmetric segregation of ER-alpha in dividing villous CT cells. Prior to separation, the cell nuclei more distant from ST exhibited high ER-alpha, while cell nuclei associated with ST showed diminution of ER-alpha and appearance of ER-beta. In trophoblast cultures, development of ST aggregates was associated with diminution of ER-alpha and appearance of ER-beta immunoreactivity. ER-beta was also detected in endothelial cells, amniotic epithelial cells and fibroblasts, extravillous trophoblast (nuclear and cytoplasmic) and decidual cells (cytoplasmic only). In addition, CFK-E12 (E12) and CWK-F12 (F12) monoclonal antibodies, which recognize ~64 kDa ER-beta with hormone binding domain, showed nuclear-specific reactivity with villous ST, extravillous trophoblast, and amniotic epithelium and fibroblasts. Western blot analysis indicated abundant expression of a ~64 kDa ER-beta variant in trophoblast cultures, significantly higher when compared to the chorionic villi and freshly isolated trophoblast cell protein extracts. This is the first report on ER-beta expression in human placenta and cultured trophoblast. Our data indicate that during trophoblast differentiation, the ER-alpha is associated with a less, and ER-beta with the more differentiated state. Enhanced expression of ~64 kDa ER-beta variant in trophoblast cultures suggests a unique role of ER-beta hormone binding domain in the regulation of trophoblast differentiation. Our data also indicate that asymmetric segregation of ER-alpha may play a role in asymmetric division of estrogen-dependent cells.  相似文献   

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