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The iron-transporting serum glycoprotein, transferrin, is necessary for the cell proliferation, morphogenesis, and differentiation of mouse embryonic teeth and kidneys in organ culture. The stimulatory effect of transferrin is mediated by the binding of transferrin to its specific cell-surface receptor and by receptor-mediated endocytosis. Since, in both teeth and kidneys, the requirement for and responsiveness to transferrin depend on the developmental stage of the organ, we studied the binding of transferrin at various stages of tooth and kidney development by incubating tissues with 125I-labeled transferrin. The amount of bound transferrin was determined by measuring the tissue-incorporated radioactivity, and the binding sites were localized by autoradiography. During tooth development in vitro, the requirement for exogenous transferrin is lost as the teeth proceed from the early cap stage to the bell stage. The level of transferrin binding was found to decrease simultaneously, and in bell-stage teeth, the transferrin receptors were concentrated in the areas of most active cell proliferation. In kidneys, the number of transferrin receptors was highest at the stage during which the undifferentiated kidney mesenchyme becomes responsive to transferrin. These receptors were located in both the ureter epithelium and the metanephric mesenchyme, and they dramatically decreased in number with advancing kidney differentiation. The results of the present study indicate that, during the embryonic development of teeth and kidneys, the amount and localization of transferrin binding are correlated with cell proliferation. The number of transferrin receptors is highest during the developmental stages when cell proliferation is most active, and decreases with advancing differentiation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Growth factors and tooth development   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of various growth factors on tooth development were studied in organ cultures of mouse embryonic tooth germs. Transferrin was shown to be a necessary growth factor for early tooth morphogenesis. Transferrin was required for the development of bud- and early cap-staged teeth, and it was shown to be the only serum protein that was needed by early cap-staged teeth in organ culture. Promotion of tooth morphogenesis and dental cell differentiation was shown to be based on the stimulation of cell proliferation. The roles of polypeptide growth factors in tooth development were studied by adding these factors to the transferrin-containing chemically-defined culture medium which supports early tooth morphogenesis and cell differentiation. Fibroblast growth factor or platelet-derived growth factor did not affect cell proliferation or morphogenesis of tooth germs in culture. On the contrary, epidermal growth factor (EGF) stimulated cell proliferation in tooth explants, but at the same time inhibited tooth morphogenesis and dental cell differentiation. Autoradiographic localization of proliferating cells revealed that dental tissues responded to EGF with different proliferation rates. The responsiveness to EGF was stage-dependent, early cap-staged teeth were sensitive to EGF but late cap-staged and bell-staged teeth developed normally in the presence of EGF in the culture medium. The presence and distribution of receptors for both transferrin and EGF were studied in mouse embryonic teeth at various developmental stages by incubating freshly-separated tooth germs with 125Iodine-labeled transferrin or EGF, and then processing the tissues for autoradiography.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Transferrin is required for early tooth morphogenesis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract. The role of circulating molecules during early tooth morphogenesis was studied in organ cultures of mouse embryonic molar-tooth germs. Special attention was focused on the effect of transferrin and insulin, which are necessary for the growth of most cells in culture. The requirement of serum factors for tooth morphogenesis was shown to diminish as the developmental stage advances from the bud stage in day-13 embryos to the cap stage at day 15. The day-15 teeth underwent morphogenesis and cell differentiation in unsupplemented basal culture medium, but the addition of transferrin (50 μg/ml) was necessary for the morphogenesis of day-14 tooth germs. We demonstrated, by using transferrin-depleted serum, that transferrin is also necessary for the morphogenesis of day-13 tooth germs. However, some still-unidentified serum components are also required for the morphogenesis of the bud-stage day-13 teeth. These factors apparently do not include insulin, since it was shown to inhibit tooth development. Analysis of the DNA content of tooth germs cultured in various culture media showed that the ability of transferrin to sup port tooth morphogenesis correlated with a stimulation of growth. The results support our earlier suggestions that transferrin functions as a fetal growth factor. The availability of the transferrin-containing chemically defined medium facilitates studies on the roles of other growth factors during tooth development.  相似文献   

The first embryonic lower mouse molar was used as a model system to investigate the effects of two retinoids, retinoic acid (RA) and a synthetic analogue, Ch55, on morphogenesis and cytodifferentiations in vitro. Exogenous retinoids were indispensable for morphogenesis of bud, cap and bell-stage molars in serum-free, chemically-defined, culture media. Transferrin and RA or transferrin and Ch55 acted synergistically in promoting morphogenesis from bud and cap-stage explants. Transferrin, per se, had no morphogenetic effect. Epithelial histogenesis, odontoblast functional differentiation and ameloblast polarization always occurred in RA-depleted explants. Comparison of the distributions of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation between explants cultured in the absence or presence of RA revealed that RA could modify the patterns of cell proliferation in the inner dental epithelium and dental mesenchyme. Inner dental epithelium cell proliferation is regulated by the dental mesenchyme through basement membrane-mediated interactions, and tooth morphogenesis is controlled by the dental mesenchyme. Laminin is a target molecule of retinoid action. Using a monospecific antibody, we immunolocalized laminin and/or structurally-related molecules sharing the laminin B chain in the embryonic dental mesenchyme and in the dental basement membrane and showed that RA could promote the synthesis or secretion of these molecules. Based on previous in situ hybridization data, it was speculated that CRABPs might regulate the effects of RA on embryonic dental cell proliferation. The fact that Ch55, a retinoid which does not bind to CRABPs, is 100 times more potent than RA in promoting tooth morphogenesis in vitro seems to rule out this hypothesis. On the other hand, the stage-specific inhibition of tooth morphogenesis by excess RA is consistent with the hypothesis that CRABPs might protect embryonic tissues against potentially teratogenic concentrations of free retinoids.  相似文献   

Although local epithelial-mesenchymal tissue interactions which are presumably mediated by extracellular matrix molecules are important regulators of tooth morphogenesis and differentiation, our studies have indicated that these developmental processes also depend on circulating molecules. The iron-carrying serum protein transferrin is necessary for the early morphogenesis of mouse tooth in organ culture (A-M. Partanen, I. Thesleff, and P. Ekblom, 1984, Differentiation 27, 59-66). In the present study we have examined the effects of other growth factors on mouse tooth germs grown in a chemically defined medium containing transferrin. Fibroblast growth factor and platelet derived growth factor had no detectable effects but epidermal growth factor (EGF) inhibited dramatically the morphogenesis of teeth, and prevented odontoblast and ameloblast cell differentiation. EGF stimulated cell proliferation in the explants measured as [3H]thymidine incorporation in DNA. However, when the distribution of dividing cells was visualized in autoradiographs, it was observed that cell proliferation was stimulated in the dental epithelium but was inhibited in the dental mesenchyme. The inhibition of cell proliferation in the dental mesenchyme apparently caused the inhibition of morphogenesis. We do not know whether the dental epithelium or mesenchyme was the primary target for the action of EGF in the inhibition of morphogenesis. It is, however, apparent that the response of the dental mesenchymal cells to EGF (inhibition of proliferation) is regulated by their local environment, since EGF enhanced proliferation when these cells were disaggregated and cultured as monolayers. This indicates that the organ culture system where the various embryonic cell lineages are maintained in their original environment corresponds better to the in vivo situation when the roles of exogenous growth factors during development are examined.  相似文献   

The iron-carrying serum protein transferrin is required for the proliferation and differentiation of embryonic tissues in culture. We studied the expression and role of transferrin receptors in two model systems using a monoclonal antibody against the transferrin receptor of mice. The addition of 20-100 micrograms/ml antibody to a chemically defined culture medium containing transferrin (10 micrograms/ml) inhibited morphogenesis and cell proliferation in kidneys and teeth. However, the antibody did not inhibit development when iron was delivered to the cells by a lipophilic iron chelator i.e., by-passing the receptor-mediated pathway. Hence, the binding of the receptor antibody to the receptor apparently did not affect cell proliferation, and the antibody was not toxic to the tissues. Our results suggest that the antibody to the transferrin receptor inhibits development by blocking the normal endocytotic route of iron delivery. Cells derived from embryonic kidneys and teeth expressed the transferrin receptor when cultured as monolayers. However, using immunofluorescent techniques, we were unable to detect the receptor in frozen tissue sections. It is possible that the seeding of cells in monolayer cultures affects the expression of the transferrin receptor, since it is known that all types of cells require transferrin for continued proliferation in culture. Organ-cultured kidney mesenchymal cells are not initially responsive to transferrin, but they acquire responsiveness as a consequence of an inductive tissue interaction. Although it remains unknown as to whether the acquisition of transferrin responsiveness is directly related to the expression of transferrin receptors, our results suggest that transferrin and its receptors play a role in embryonic morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Transferrin and Transferrin Receptor Function in Brain Barrier Systems   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
1. Iron (Fe) is an essential component of virtually all types of cells and organisms. In plasma and interstitial fluids, Fe is carried by transferrin. Iron-containing transferrin has a high affinity for the transferrin receptor, which is present on all cells with a requirement for Fe. The degree of expression of transferrin receptors on most types of cells is determined by the level of Fe supply and their rate of proliferation.2. The brain, like other organs, requires Fe for metabolic processes and suffers from disturbed function when a Fe deficiency or excess occurs. Hence, the transport of Fe across brain barrier systems must be regulated. The interaction between transferrin and transferrin receptor appears to serve this function in the blood–brain, blood–CSF, and cellular–plasmalemma barriers. Transferrin is present in blood plasma and brain extracellular fluids, and the transferrin receptor is present on brain capillary endothelial cells, choroid plexus epithelial cells, neurons, and probably also glial cells.3. The rate of Fe transport from plasma to brain is developmentally regulated, peaking in the first few weeks of postnatal life in the rat, after which it decreases rapidly to low values. Two mechanisms for Fe transport across the blood–brain barrier have been proposed. One is that the Fe–transferrin complex is transported intact across the capillary wall by receptor-mediated transcytosis. In the second, Fe transport is the result of receptor-mediated endocytosis of Fe–transferrin by capillary endothelial cells, followed by release of Fe from transferrin within the cell, recycling of transferrin to the blood, and transport of Fe into the brain. Current evidence indicates that although some transcytosis of transferrin does occur, the amount is quantitatively insufficient to account for the rate of Fe transport, and the majority of Fe transport probably occurs by the second of the above mechanisms.4. An additional route of Fe and transferrin transport from the blood to the brain is via the blood–CSF barrier and from the CSF into the brain. Iron-containing transferrin is transported through the blood–CSF barrier by a mechanism that appears to be regulated by developmental stage and iron status. The transfer of transferrin from blood to CSF is higher than that of albumin, which may be due to the presence of transferrin receptors on choroid plexus epithelial cells so that transferrin can be transported across the cells by a receptor-mediated process as well as by nonselective mechanisms.5. Transferrin receptors have been detected in neurons in vivo and in cultured glial cells. Transferrin is present in the brain interstitial fluid, and it is generally assumed that Fe which transverses the blood–brain barrier is rapidly bound by brain transferrin and can then be taken up by receptor-mediated endocytosis in brain cells. The uptake of transferrin-bound Fe by neurons and glial cells is probably regulated by the number of transferrin receptors present on cells, which changes during development and in conditions with an altered iron status.6. This review focuses on the information available on the functions of transferrin and transferrin receptor with respect to Fe transport across the blood–brain and blood–CSF barriers and the cell membranes of neurons and glial cells.  相似文献   

Total plasma iron turnover in man is about 36 mg/day. Transferrin is the iron transport protein of plasma, which can bind 2 atoms of iron per protein molecule, and which interacts with various cell types to provide them with the iron required for their metabolic and proliferative processes. All tissues contain transferrin receptors on their plasma membrane surfaces, which interact preferentially with diferric transferrin. In erythroid cells as well as certain laboratory cell lines, the removal of iron from transferrin apparently proceeds via the receptor-mediated endocytosis process. Transferrin and its receptor are recycled to the cell surface, whereas the iron remains in the cell. The mode of iron uptake in the hepatocyte, the main iron storage tissue, is less certain. The release of iron by hepatocytes, as well as by the reticuloendothelial cells, apparently proceeds nonspecifically. All tissues contain the iron storage protein ferritin, which stores iron in the ferric state, though iron must be in the ferrous state to enter and exit the ferritin molecule. Cellular cytosol also contains a small-molecular-weight ferrous iron pool, which may interact with protoporphyrin to form heme, and which apparently is the form of iron exported by hepatocytes and macrophages. In plasma, the ferrous iron is converted into the ferric form via the action of ceruloplasmin.  相似文献   

The mechanism of iron uptake from transferrin by the rat placenta in culture has been studied. Transferrin endocytosis preceded iron accumulation by the cells. Both transferrin internalisation and iron uptake were inhibited by low temperature. Transferrin endocytosis was less susceptible to the effects of metabolic inhibitors such as sodium fluoroacetate, potassium cyanide, 2,4, dinitrophenol or carbonylcyanide M-chlorophenyl hydrazone (CCCP) than was iron uptake. Iron accumulation was decreased if the cells were incubated in the presence of weak bases such as chloroquine or ammonium chloride. These results suggest that, following internalisation, the vesicles containing the transferrin and iron became acidified, and that this acidification was a necessary prerequisite for the accumulation of iron by the cell. Further, the results indicate that the intravesicular pH was maintained at the expense of metabolic energy, suggesting that a pump may be involved. The importance of the permeability properties of the vesicle membrane in the iron uptake process was investigated by incubating the cells with labelled transferrin and iron in the presence of different cation and anion ionophores. Irrespective of the normal cation that the ionophores carried, all inhibited iron uptake without altering transferrin levels. In contrast, phloridzin, a Cl- transport inhibitor, did not affect either the levels of transferrin within the cells or the amount of iron accumulated.  相似文献   

Transferrin promotes development of mouse embryos through the two-cell block in vitro. Uptake of transferrin into blastocysts was shown to occur by both receptor-mediated and nonspecific pathways, but neither pathway was used to a detectable extent by embryos before the eight-cell stage. Conversely, the dialysis of culture medium, non-permissive for development through the two-cell block, against a solution of transferrin rendered it capable of supporting development. It was therefore concluded that transferrin exerts its supportive effect on development in vitro via its chelating effects.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which the duodenal mucosa absorbs iron are unknown. Insorption into absorptive cells of luminal iron bound to transferrin via receptor-mediated endocytosis has been hypothesized, but transferrin and transferrin receptor are absent in apical microvillous brush borders of small bowel biopsies taken from fasted patients and normal volunteers. We hypothesized that a normal iron-containing diet might induce the transient appearance of transferrin and transferrin receptor in apical brush borders of small intestinal absorptive cells in a normal mouse that was provided iron-containing chow until the moment of sacrifice. Light and electron microscopic immunolocalization of transferrin and transferrin receptor in proximal small intestinal absorptive cells was limited to basolateral membranes and coated pits of cells predominantly in the crypts and basal regions of the villi. Transferrin and transferrin receptor were not detected in apical microvillous brush border membranes of these enterocytes. In parallel immunolocalization protocols designed to show the ability to immunodetect other antigens at these locations, maltase and proteoglycan were demonstrated in apical microvillous brush border membranes and in basolateral membranes, respectively, in absorptive cells of small intestinal villous tip, base, and crypt regions. Furthermore, transferrin and transferrin receptor were immunolocalized in hepatocyte sinusoidal microvillus membranes. We conclude that food does not induce the appearance of immunodetectable transferrin and transferrin receptor in the apical microvilli of small intestinal absorptive cells and, therefore, that these iron transport proteins are not involved in the apical microvillous membrane transport of luminal dietary iron.  相似文献   

Iron delivery during proliferation and differentiation of kidney tubules   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Proliferation during kidney development can be stimulated with an iron chelator, ferric pyridoxal isonicotinoyl hydrazone (FePIH). Neither the starting products nor the intermediary in FePIH synthesis stimulated proliferation. Thus, the growth-promoting effects of FePIH are due to the iron ion. Some other low molecular weight, saturated iron chelators such as glycyl-histidyl-lysine acetate, nitrilotriacetic acid, ascorbate, citrate, and unchelated ferrous sulfate could not support as high a degree of proliferation as FePIH or transferrin. FePIH delivered just slightly less radioactive iron into the trichloroacetic acid-precipitable fraction than transferrin. The octanol/saline partition coefficients of radioactive iron in solution with transferrin, nitrilotriacetic acid, or chloride were all less than 0.06. Thus, these compounds cannot efficiently traverse the lipid membrane. On the other hand, Fe3+ carried by PIH had a partition coefficient of 0.96. Hence, FePIH can stimulate proliferation because it can carry iron through the lipid membrane. Transferrin is not lipophilic but it delivers iron by receptor-mediated endocytosis.  相似文献   

Defects in iron absorption and utilization lead to iron deficiency and anemia. While iron transport by transferrin receptor-mediated endocytosis is well understood, it is not completely clear how iron is transported from the endosome to the mitochondria where heme is synthesized. We undertook a positional cloning project to identify the causative mutation for the hemoglobin-deficit (hbd) mouse mutant, which suffers from a microcytic, hypochromic anemia apparently due to defective iron transport in the endocytosis cycle. As shown by previous studies, reticulocyte iron accumulation in homozygous hbd/hbd mice is deficient despite normal binding of transferrin to its receptor and normal transferrin uptake in the cell. We have identified a strong candidate gene for hbd, Sec15l1, a homologue to yeast SEC15, which encodes a key protein in vesicle docking. The hbd mice have an exon deletion in Sec15l1, which is the first known mutation of a SEC gene homologue in mammals.  相似文献   

Transferrin and ferritin endocytosis and exocytosis by guinea-pig reticulocytes were studied using incubation with pronase at 4 degrees C to distinguish internalized and membrane-bound protein. Internalization of both transferrin and ferritin occurred in a time- and temperature-dependent fashion. Transferrin endocytosis was more rapid than that of ferritin. Transferrin binding to receptors was not altered, but transferrin endocytosis was decreased in the presence of ferritin. Iron accumulation from transferrin was inhibited by ferritin to a greater extent than could be accounted for by the decreased rate of endocytosis. In pulse-chase experiments, almost all of the transferrin was released intact from reticulocytes, but only about 50% of the total internalized ferritin was released, of which 85% was intact. The endocytosis of transferrin by rabbit reticulocytes was 2- to 2.5-times faster than guinea-pig reticulocytes. These data suggest that ferritin and transferrin are internalized by receptor-mediated endocytosis, possibly involving the same coated pits and vesicles, but that the proteins are recycled only partly in common.  相似文献   

Three malignant hematopoietic cell lines were used in studies on cellular iron metabolism. Our results show that iron-carrying transferrin became bound to specific dimeric cell surface receptors. Iron accumulated within the cell with time, whereas intact transferrin was released back to the medium. Chloroquine and NH4Cl, known as pH-raising agents in vesicles of the lysosomal system, inhibited iron accumulation and transferrin binding in a dose-dependent manner. This suggests that the acid pH in endosomes leads to the cleavage of the iron-transferrin bonds. Transferrin degradation was not found, which leads us to suggest a process of ‘acid flushing’ for the dissociation of iron from transferrin without the involvement of endosome-lysosome fusion. Taken together, the data agree with the concept of receptor-mediated endocytosis, as described for many macromolecules. Iron was stored in ferritin in the cell types tested. Only a minor part (less than 15%) of the iron was bound in hemoglobin in the K-562 cell line. The relationship between iron stores and exogenously added iron in heme synthesis was investigated using a double labelling (55Fe/59Fe) technique. The results showed that exogenous iron was preferentially used before the iron stored in ferritin. The results are discussed in relation to various hypotheses on cellular iron uptake and transport.  相似文献   

Summary The mechanism of iron uptake by avian erythroid cells was investigated using cells from 7 and 15-day chicken embryos, and chicken serum transferrin and conalbumin (ovotransferrin) labelled with125I and59Fe. Endocytosis of the protein was determined by incubation of the cells with Pronase at 4°C to distinguish internalized from surface-bound protein.Iron was taken up by the cells by receptor-mediated endocytosis of transferrin or conalbumin. The receptors had the same affinity for serum transferrin and conalbumin. Endocytosis of diferric transferrin and conalbumin and exocytosis of apo-protein occurred at the same rates, indicating that iron donation to the cells occurred during the process of intracellular cycling of the protein. The recycling time was approximately 4 min. The rate of endocytosis of diferric protein varied with incubation temperature and at each temperature the rate of endocytosis was sufficient to account for the iron accumulated by the cells. These results and experiments with a variety of inhibitors confirmed the role of endocytosis in iron uptake.The mean cell volumes, receptor numbers and iron uptake rates of 7-day embryo cells were approximately twice those of 15-day embryo cells but the protein recycling times were approximately the same. Hence, the level of transferrin receptors is probably the main determinant of the rate of iron uptake during development of chicken erythroid cells.Transferrins from a variety of mammalian species were unable to donate iron to the chicken cells, but toad (Bufo marinus) transferrin could do so at a slow rate. The mechanism of iron uptake by developing chicken erythroid cells appears to be similar to that described for mammalian cells, although receptor numbers and iron uptake rates are lower than those reported for mammalian cells at a similar stage of development.Abbreviations BSS Hanks balanced salt solution - PBS phosphate buffered saline - MCV mean corpuscular volume - CCCP carbonyl cyanide-M-chlorophenyl hydrazone  相似文献   

The mechanism of iron uptake and the changes which occur during cellular development of muscle cells were investigated using primary cultures of chick embryo breast muscle. Replicating presumptive myoblasts were examined in exponential growth and after growth had plateaued. These were compared to the terminally differentiated cell type, the myotube. All cells, regardless of the state of growth or differentiation, had specific receptors for transferrin. Presumptive myoblasts in exponential growth had more transferrin receptors (3.78 +/- 0.24 X 10(10) receptors/micrograms DNA) than when division had ceased (1.70 +/- 0.14 X 10(10) receptors/micrograms DNA), while myotubes had 3.80 +/- 0.26 X 10(10) receptors/micrograms DNA. Iron uptake occurred by receptor-mediated endocytosis of transferrin. While iron was accumulated by the cells, apotransferrin was released in an undegraded form. There was a close correlation between the molar rates of endocytosis of transferrin and iron. Maximum rates of iron uptake were significantly higher in myotubes than in presumptive myoblasts in either exponential growth or after growth had plateaued. There were two rates of exocytosis of transferrin, implying the existence of two intracellular pathways for transferrin. These experiments demonstrate that iron uptake by muscle cells in culture occurs by receptor-mediated endocytosis of transferrin and that transferrin receptor numbers and the kinetics of transferrin and iron uptake vary with development of the cells.  相似文献   

We have shown earlier that epidermal growth factor (EGF) inhibits morphogenesis and cell differentiation in mouse embryonic teeth in organ culture. This inhibition depends on the stage of tooth development so that only teeth at early developmental stages respond to EGF (A-M. Partanen, P. Ekblom, and I. Thesleff (1985) Dev. Biol. 111, 84-94). We have now studied the quantity and pattern of EGF binding in teeth at various stages of development by incubating the dissected tooth germs with 125I-labeled EGF. Although the quantity of 125I-EGF binding per microgram DNA stays at the same level, localization of 125I-EGF binding by autoradiography reveals that the distribution of binding sites changes dramatically. In bud stage the epithelial tooth bud that is intruding into the underlying mesenchyme has binding sites for EGF, but the condensation of dental mesenchymal cells around the bud does not bind EGF. At the cap stage of development the dental mesenchyme binds EGF, but the dental epithelium shows no binding. This indicates that the dental mesenchyme is the primary target tissue for the inhibitory effect of EGF on tooth morphogenesis during early cap stage. During advanced morphogenesis the binding sites of EGF disappear also from the dental papilla mesenchyme, but the dental follicle which consists of condensed mesenchymal cells surrounding the tooth germ, binds EGF abundantly. We have also studied EGF binding during the development of other embryonic organs, kidney, salivary gland, lung, and skin, which are all formed by mesenchymal and epithelial components. The patterns of EGF binding in various tissues suggest that EGF may have a role in the organogenesis of epitheliomesenchymal organs as a stimulator of epithelial proliferation during initial epithelial bud formation and branching morphogenesis. The results of this study indicate that EGF stimulates or maintains proliferation of undifferentiated cells during embryonic development and that the expression of EGF receptors in different organs is not related to the age of the embryo, but is specific to the developmental stage of each organ.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to clarify the role of iron, transferrin, an iron-binding protein in vertebrate plasma, and transferrin receptors in cell proliferation. Transferrin, which is indispensable for most cells growing in tissue culture, is frequently referred to as a "growth factor". Proliferating cells express high numbers of transferrin receptors, and the binding of transferrin to their receptors that is needed for cells to initiate and maintain their DNA synthesis is sometimes regarded as analogous to other growth factor-receptor interactions. Although numerous previous experiments strongly indicate that the only function of transferrin in supporting cell proliferation is supplying cells with iron, they did not completely rule out some direct or signaling role transferrin receptors could play in cell proliferation. To address this issue, we exploited transferrin-receptor-deficient mutant Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells (McGraw, T. E., Greenfield, L., and Maxfield, F. R., 1987, J. Cell. Biol. 105, 207-214) in which various aspects of iron and transferrin metabolism in relation to their capacity to proliferate were investigated. Variant cells neither specifically bind transferrin nor do their extracts contain any detectable functional transferrin receptors, yet they proliferate and synthesize DNA with rates comparable to those observed with parent CHO cells. Desferrioxamine, an iron chelating agent, inhibits growth and DNA synthesis of both variant and control CHO cells. This inhibition can be fully alleviated, in both cell types, by ferric pyridoxal isonicotinoyl hydrazone, which can supply cells with a utilizable form of iron by a pathway not requiring transferrin and their receptors. Studies of 59Fe uptake and 125I-transferrin binding revealed that parent cells can take up iron by at least three mechanisms: from transferrin by receptor-dependent and -independent (nonspecific, nonsaturable, not requiring acidification) pathways and from inorganic iron salts (initially present in the medium as FeSO4). Although variant CHO cells are unable to acquire transferrin iron via the receptor pathway, two remaining mechanisms provide these cells with sufficient amounts of iron for DNA synthesis and cell proliferation. In conclusion, although transferrin receptors are dispensable in terms of their absolute requirement for proliferating cells, a supply of iron is still needed for their DNA synthesis. Transferrin-receptor-deficient CHO cells may be a useful model for investigating receptor-independent iron uptake from transferrin and nontransferrin iron sources.  相似文献   

The uptake of iron from transferrin by isolated rat hepatocytes varies in parallel with plasma membrane NADH:ferricyanide oxidoreductase activity, is inhibited by ferricyanide, ferric, and ferrous iron chelators, divalent transition metal cations, and depends on calcium ions. Iron uptake does not depend on endosomal acidification or endocytosis of transferrin. The results are compatible with a model in which iron, at transferrin concentrations above that needed to saturate the transferrin receptor, is taken up from transferrin predominantly by mechanisms located to or contiguous with the plasma membrane. The process involves labilization and reduction of transferrin-bound iron by cooperative proton and electron fluxes. A model which combines the plasma membrane mechanism and the receptor-mediated endocytosis mechanism is presented.  相似文献   

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