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Abstract— The influence of hypercapnia on the metabolism of glutamic acid, aspartic acid, glutamine and GABA in rat brain was studied using three different precursors. Acute hypercapnia induced a fall in the concentration of glutamic and aspartic acid, and a rise in the concentration of glutamine and GABA. Acute hypercapnia had a profound effect on the relative specific radioactivity of glutamine indicating that the excess glutamine, present in the brain in hypercapnia, was synthetized from glutamic acid in the compartment where it could become quickly labelled from butyric and glutamic acid, but not from glucose. This effect was maintained in chronic hypercapnia.  相似文献   

Abstract— [2-14C]Propionate injected into rats was metabolized into [14C]glucose and 14C-labelled aspartate, glutamate, glutamine and alanine. The results are consistent with the conversion of propionate into succinate and the oxidation of succinate into oxaloacetate, the precursor of labelled amino acids and the substrate for gluconeogenesis.
The ratio of the specific radioactivity of glutamine to glutamate was greater than 1 during the 30 min period in the brain, indicating that propionate taken up by the brain was metabolized mainly in the 'small glutamate compartment' in the brain. The results, therefore, support the previous conclusion (G aitonde , 1975) that the labelling of amino acids by [14C]propionate formed from [U-14C>]-threonine in thiamin-deficient rats was metabolized in the 'large glutamate compartment' of the brain.
The specific radioactivity ratio of glutamine to glutamate in the liver was less than 1 during the 10 min period but greater than 1 at 30min. These findings which gave evidence against metabolic compartments of glutamate in the liver, were interpreted as indicative of the entry of blood-borne [14C]glutamine synthesized in other tissues, e.g. brain. The labelling of amino acids when compared to that after injection of [U-14C]glucose showed that [2-14C]propionate was quantitatively a better source of amino acids in the liver. The concentration of some amino acids in the brain and liver was less in the adult than in the young rats, except for alanine and glutathione, where the liver content was more than double that in the adult.  相似文献   

—The development with age of the pattern of distribution of glucose carbon characteristic of the adult brain was studied in 7-, 13-, 19- and 24-day-old rats suckling from mothers maintained on a diet containing 4·5% lead acetate or on a normal diet. In normal rats the rapid and extensive conversion of glucose carbon into amino acids associated with the tricarboxylic acid cycle has been shown to develop in the cerebellum and the cerebral cortex during the same period as previously observed for the whole forebrain. A significant retardation was observed in both brain parts of rats suckling from mothers ingesting lead. In comparison with glutamate, aspartate and γ-aminobutyrate, the labelling of glutamine was particularly low. The concentration of glutamine was not affected in the forebrain, but it was elevated in the cerebellum. The age-dependent rise in the amounts of glutamate and aspartate was also retarded, but it would appear that the contribution of this effect to the depressed labelling of amino acids was small. There was no evidence of impaired entry of glucose into the brain from the blood. Although in comparison with undernourished animals, the growth retardation of the lead-treated rats is similar, several of the effects observed on the developing brain seem to be distinct.  相似文献   

—During anoxia induced by the administration of potassium cyanide, [U-14C]glucose was injected intraperitoneally into adult mice and they were decapitated at 5, 15 and 30 min after the injection. After freeze-drying in vacuo, differences in the uptake of radioactive carbon from [U-14C]glucose into free amino acids (glutamate + glutamine, aspartate + asparagine, GABA, alanine and glycine) in mouse cerebral neocortex, cerebellar hemisphere, caudate nucleus, thalamus, hypothalamus and medulla oblongata were investigated (by macroautoradiography and GLC separation) and compared with those obtained under normal conditions. (1) During anoxia, autoradiographical densities in the thalamus and medulla oblongata were higher than that in the cerebral neocortex and caudate nucleus. (2) Among specific radioactivities (d.p.m./μmol) of free amino acids, alanine gave the highest value during anoxia, except in the cerebellar hemisphere and hypothalamus at 5 min and the medulla oblongata at 30 min. (3) During anoxia, the specific radioactivities of alanine and glycine in each brain region did not significantly decrease at 15 and 30 min compared with those under normal conditions. During anoxia, the specific radioactivity of glutamate + glutamine in the cerebellar hemisphere and hypothalamus did not significantly decrease compared with the normal conditions, while that of GABA, aspartate + asparagine and glutamate + glutamine in the cerebral neocortex, caudate nucleus, thalamus and medulla oblongata showed an increase. (4) The percentage decrease of glutamate + glutamine and aspartate + asparagine at 5 and 15 min was highly significant in the cerebral neocortex and caudate nucleus.  相似文献   

By macroautoradiography and by GLC separation, differences in the uptake of radioactive carbon from [U-14C]glucose into free amino acids (glutamate + glutamine, aspartate + asparagine, GABA, alanine and glycine) in mouse cerebral neocortex, hippocampus, thalamus and hypothalamus were investigated. (1) The autoradiographical densities in the thalamus, cerebral neocortex and hippocampus measured with a microdensitometer were higher than that in the hypothalamus at 5 min after subcutaneous injection. At 180 min, densities in the cerebral neocortex, hippocampus and hypothalamus were higher than that in thalamus. (2) The free amino acid levels determined by GLC varied with each brain region. (3) The specific radioactivity (d.p.m./μmol) of alanine in each brain region was higher than that of the other amino acids at 5 min after the injection. The specific radioactivity of GABA in the brain regions was clearly higher than that of (glutamate + glutamine), (aspartate + asparagine) and glycine at 5 and 15 min. (4) The autoradiographical data were in good agreement with the chemical data at 5 min but were different at 180 min. (5) Variations in specific radioactivity of each free amino acid among brain regions at 5 min were influenced greatly by existing free amino acid concentrations in each region.  相似文献   

Abstract— Thiamine deficiency produced by administration of pyrithiamine to rats maintained on a thiamine-deficient diet resulted in a marked disturbance in amino acid and glucose levels of the brain. In the two pyrithiamine-treated groups of rats (Expt. A and Expt. B) there was a significant decrease in the levels of glutamate (23%, 9%) and aspartate (42%, 57%), and an increase in the levels of glycine (26%, 27%) in the brain, irrespective of whether the animals showed signs of paralysis (Expt. A) or not (Expt. B). as a result of thiamine deficiency. A significant decrease in the levels of γ-aminobutyrate (22%) and serine (28%) in the brain was also observed in those pyrithiamine-treated rats which showed signs of paralysis (Expt. A). Threonine content increased by 57% in Expt. A and 40% in Expt. B in the brain of pyrithiamine-treated rats, but these changes were not statistically significant. The utilization of [U-14C]glucose into amino acids decreased and accumulation of glucose and [U-14C]glucose increased significantly in the brain after injection of [U-14C]glucose to pyrithiamine-treated rats which showed abnormal neurological symptoms (Expt. A). The decrease in 14C-content of amino acids was due to decreased conversion of [U-14C]glucose into alanine, glutamate, glutamine, aspartate and γ-aminobutyrate. The flux of [14C]glutamate into glutamine and γ-aminobutyrate also decreased significantly only in the brain of animals paralysed on treatment with pyrithiamine. The decrease in the labelling of, amino acids was attributed to a decrease in the activities of pyruvate dehydrogenase and α-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase in the brain of pyrithiamine-treated rats. The measurement of specific radioactivity of glucose, glucose-6-phosphate and lactate also indicated a decrease in the activities of glycolytic enzymes in the brain of pyrithiamine-treated animals in Expt. A only. It was suggested that an alteration in the rate of oxidation in vivo of pyruvate in the brain of thiamine-deficient rats is controlled by the glycolytic enzymes, probably at the hexokinase level. The lack of neurotoxic effect and absence of significant decrease in the metabolism of [U-14C]glucose in the brain of pyrithiamine-treated animals in Expt. B were probably due to the fact that animals in Expt. B were older and weighed more than those in Expt. A, both at the start and the termination of the experiments.  相似文献   

Abstract— The incorporation of 14C into amino acids of the brain was determined at different times after injection of [U-14C]glucose and [U-14C]ribose to rats maintained on thiamine-supplemented and thiamine-deficient diets for 22 days.
The 14C-content of amino acids in the brain of thiamine-deficient rats decreased at times 2–10 min after injection of [U-14C]glucose. but it increased at 2 min and decreased at times 5–10 min after injection of [U-14C]ribose.
The results of labelling of amino acids indicated that the activities in vivo of the thiamine pyrophosphate requiring enzymes, pyruvate oxidase, a-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase and transketolase were similar in the two groups. It was suggested that the observed decrease in the labelling of amino acids was due to one or more of the following factors: (i) a decrease in the activities of glycolytic enzymes catalysing the conversion of glucose into triose phosphate; (ii) a decrease in the transport of substrate to the active site of the enzymes; or (iii) altered neurohistopathology of the brain.
Thiamine deficiency in rats showed a 5% decrease in glutamate ( P < 0–05), 46% decrease in threonine (P < 0001) and 16% increase in glycine ( P < 0–01) content of the brain.  相似文献   

Abstract— The uptake into brain and the incorporation into brain protein of intraperitoncally administered, labelled amino acids has been studied in myelinating rats during prolonged hyperphenylalaninaemia maintained by administration of p -chlorophenylalanine. Compared with controls, there was a 50% reduction in both uptake and incorporation into protein of leucine and a parallel reduction in the acid-soluble leucine pool. With glycine and lysine no such changes were observed. On the other hand, when each of the three amino acids was injected directly into the brain, the only significant differences observed between controls and hyperphenylalaninaemic animals were again with leucine, which showed an increased incorporation into protein and an increased specific activity in the otherwise reduced acid-soluble pool.
It is concluded that hyperphenylalaninaemia reduces the rate of transport of leucine into the brain and hence reduces the brain pool of leucine, but that any effects on protein synthesis are small. The validity of the model, and the implications of the findings, in relation to phenylketonuria, are discussed.  相似文献   

—Cortex slices of rat brain were incubated with glucose mixed-labelled with 3H and 14C in the 6-position and the 3H/14C ratios of lactate, acetate, citrate and acetylcholine were determined. The values obtained were: lactate 0·95, acetate 0·85, citrate 0·65 and acetylcholine 0·67 when expressed in relation to a glucose 3H/14C ratio of 1·00. When brain slices were incubated with [2-14C, 2-3H]acetate in the presence of unlabelled glucose, labelled acetylcholine was formed with a 3H/14C ratio not significantly different from the labelled substrate. The results indicate that citrate is a precursor to the acetyl moiety of acetylcholine.  相似文献   

Abstract— Ninhydrin decarboxylation experiments were carried out on the labelled amino acids produced following intraventricular injection of either γ-hydroxy-[1-14C]butyric acid (GHB) or [1-14C] succinate. The loss of isotope (as 14CO2) was similar for both substances. The [1-14C]GHB metabolites lost 75% of the label and the [1-14C] succinate metabolites lost 68%. This observation gives support to the hypothesis that the rat brain has the enzymatic capacity to metabolize [1-14C]GHB to succinate and to amino acids that have the isotope in the carboxylic acid group adjacent to the a-amino group. These results also indicate that the label from [1-14C]GHB does not enter the Krebs cycle as acetate. The specific activity ratio of radiolabelled glutamine to glutamic acid was determined in order to evaluate which of the two major metabolic compartments preferentially metabolize GHB. It was found that for [1-14C]GHB this ratio was 4.20 ± 0.18 (S.E. for n = 7) and for [l-14C]succinate this ratio was 7.71 (average of two trials, 7.74 and 7.69). These results suggest that the compartment thought to be associated with glial cells and synaptosomal structures is largely responsible for the metabolism of GHB. Metabolism as it might relate to the neuropharmacological action of GHB is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract— Contents (μmol/g wet wt.) of 35 free amino acids and related compounds were measured in biopsies of human brain from ten patients. Brain specimens were frozen in liquid nitrogen within 10 sec of their removal at neurosurgery; thus, the values found should approximate those which occur in living brain.
Levels in free pools of biopsied cerebral cortex of most of the amino acids that are constituents of proteins were only 20-50 per cent of those found in autopsied cortex. The content of cystine and ethanolamine was much lower in biopsied than in autopsied cortex. Concentrations of GABA in biopsied cortex were only 20 per cent as high as those found in autopsied cortex, and levels of γ-aminobutyryl dipeptides were also significantly lower in biopsied cortex. Amounts of cystathionine in biopsied cortex varied markedly, but averaged much higher than in autopsied cortex; a single biopsy specimen of cerebellar grey matter had a cystathionine content 36-fold greater than the mean found in autopsied cerebellum.
Appreciable variability in contents among cortical biopsies was found for glycerophosphoethanolamine, phosphoethanolamine, ethanolamine, taurine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glutamine, and GABA, as well as for cystathionine. Whether this variability occurred between different subjects, or between different cortical areas, was not clear, although the former possibility was suggested by findings in multiple cortical biopsies from one patient.  相似文献   

Abstract— The effects of acute and long-term exposure to CS2 on oxidation and phosphorylation processes in brain mitochondria of rats were studied. Although rats developed different symptoms of poisoning, depending on the type of exposure, the brain mitochondria of both groups of animals exhibited the same types of disturbances in oxidative phosphorylation. The main characteristic of these disturbances was the uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation indicated by lower respiratory control indices due to stimulation of oxidation of respiratory substrates by mitochondria in the metabolic state 4. This effect was accompanied by a decreased P:O ratio and a lower ATP-Pi exchange rate. An inhibitory effect of CS2 on the energy transfer processes is also suggested.
The observed changes in oxidative phosphorylation were more distinct in the case of acute poisoning, with a longer period of an uninterrupted exposure enabling a more complete tissue saturation with CS2, than in the case of long-term exposure with shorter periods of intoxication within the day.  相似文献   

—The metabolism of free amino acids: γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), glutamine, glycine and glutathione has been studied. The labelling of these free amino acids in normal and in myelin-deficient brains of Jimpy mice was followed after intraperitoneal injection of 14C-labelled glucose precursor. The quantitative distribution of these amino acids in the two kinds of mouse brain has been compared. A higher level of GABA and a faster labelling of the amino acids in Jimpy than in normal mouse brain was observed.  相似文献   

  • 1 Slices of mouse brain were incubated with [U-14C]alanine, valine, leucine, phenylalanine, proline, histidine, lysine, arginine or aspartic acid, and the extent of metabolism was estimated by analyses utilizing paper chromatography of the tissue extracts and with an amino acid analyser.
  • 2 The metabolism of Ala and Asp was high; of Leu and Pro, moderate; and of Lys, Arg and Phe, low; the metabolism of Val and His was not significant. The time-course of metabolism in most cases showed varying rates, indicating heterogeneous metabolic compartments for the amino acids.
  • 3 Production of CO2 was high from Asp, moderate from Ala, and low from Leu; the other amino acids were not oxidized to CO2 to any significant extent. A large portion of the metabolized label was trapped in the form of Glu or Asp.
  • 4 Metabolism increased with increasing concentration of amino acid to some extent and was largely inhibited by omission of glucose, by anaerobic conditions, or by cyanide. Although these conditions also inhibit uptake, the time-course and extent of inhibition uptake and metabolism were different.
  • 5 With Asp, Ala and Phe, metabolism was lowest in slices from pons-medulla; the brain area exhibiting the highest metabolism differed for each amino acid. The metabolism of Asp was lower in brain samples from newborn than in those from adults; the metabolism of Leu was higher in slices from newborn brain.
  • 6 The results indicate that the majority of the amino acids can be metabolized in brain tissue and that the metabolic rates are influenced by a number of factors, among them the level of amino acids and the level of available energy.

Abstract— Changes in morphology and in transformations of [U-14C]glucose and [1-14C]acetate into amino acids of the brain cortex were followed on the Sth, 10th and 21st days after production of mechanical lesions and compared with control tissue. In the experimental tissue, proliferation of astroglia and reduction of the number of neurons had taken place. On the 10th day, accumulation of mitochondria and of some gliofilaments in the cytoplasm of astroglia was observed. On the 21st day, the gliofilaments occupied a substantial portion of the astroglial cytoplasm and the mitochondria were reduced in number and compressed to the cell membrane. Incorporation of 14C from acetate into amino acids was substantially increased on the 10th day (up to 240% with respect to controls) and normalized again on the 21st day. Incorporation of [14C]glucose into amino acids decreased somewhat during the experimental period. It has been proposed that the proliferation of astrocytes and their ultrastructural changes may account for the increased transformation of [14C]acetate into amino acids, in particular into glutamine which is formed from the small glutamate pool.  相似文献   

Abstract— [U-14C]Ribose was given by subcutaneous injection to young rats aged 2–56 days. During the first week after birth 14C in the brain was found mainly combined in glucose, fructose and sedoheptulose which contained 46–57 per cent of the 14C in the acid soluble metabolites in the rat brain. In contrast, during the critical period (10–15 days after birth) the 14C in the free sugars decreased from 24 to 3 per cent, while the 14C content of amino acids in the brain increased from 11 to 44 per cent of the total perchloric acid-soluble 14C. The increase in labelling of amino acids during the critical period was attributed to increased glycolysis and increased oxidation of pyruvate. The relative specific radioactivity of y -aminobutyrate and aspartate in the rat brain at 28 days after birth was equal to or greater than the relative specific radioactivity of glutamate. Assuming that the increase in amino acid content following the cessation of cell proliferation in the brain is located mainly in cell processes (cytoplasm of axons, dendrites, glial processes and nerve terminals), tentative values were estimated for the pool sizes of glutamate, glutamine, aspartate and y -amino butyrate.  相似文献   

Abstract— Contents (μmol/g wet wt.) of 34 free amino acids and related compounds were measured in grey matter from three areas of cerebral cortex, from the cerebellum, and from the caudate nucleus in unanaesthetized cats with classical cerveau isolé preparations. Brain specimens were frozen in liquid nitrogen within 10 s of removal; thus, the values found were expected to approximate those which occur in living cat brain. Levels of most of the compounds measured were lower than those previously reported for the cat. In the case of GABA, alanine, and ethanolamine, the lower values found seemed attributable to the rapid freezing of brain tissue, and may more closely approximate levels occurring in living cat brain. On the other hand, the relatively low levels of aspartic and glutamic acids found may have resulted from use of the cerveau isolé preparation. Little difference in levels of amino compounds was found among the three cerebral cortical areas examined. However, there were significant differences in the contents of a number of amino acids between cerebral cortex and the cerebellum or caudate nucleus. These differences resembled those previously observed in autopsied human brain. The content of GABA was two-fold higher in biopsied cat cortex than in biopsied human cortex, whereas the content of cystathionine was only 10 per cent of that in human cortex. Homocarnosine and α-(γ-aminobutyryl)-lysine, two GABA-containing dipeptides found in relatively large amounts in human brain, were not detectable in cat brain. Living cat brain contained two amino acids not previously reported for this species:putreanine and ɛ- N -methyllysine.  相似文献   

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